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tv   Keiser Report  RT  January 25, 2022 5:30pm-6:01pm EST

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all right, ah, can't understand united states history and the role that slavery play is already a very formal institution. by the time united states became a nation, it actually defined the nation. the rise of capitalism was clearly on the backs of flight. and it's laid down. if you had investigated lynchings, any great extent, you can't believe that really in the country and the country still's advance in brick. i'm from the south. everybody know, know what their failure to some extent, i would argue that we're still fighting. the civil war in the south is winning it's an open secret that private military companies have been playing a role in our conflicts world wide. u. s. government doesn't track the number of contractors and uses in places iraq or afghanistan, the united states army and the military and general is so reliance on the private
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sector. i would call that dependency, but we don't know who's the on the ground presence of these companies overseas. we just don't out west and private military companies can in their turn use so called subcontractors from countries with trouble pass. oh, the chances are quite good that they had also been child diligence processes. i was it just as i drove professional, joe is he's with the whole 141. if i said that with, with no flaw, minimum own, if you want. sure. which way to be merciless killing machines. now they fight and die in other people's was people carol, lot one or a dead soldier or dead marine shows up in this country and then we start asking yourself, why did they die water? what were they fighting for?
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nobody bothers down to about the contractors in ah hi max kaiser, welcome to the kaiser report. hours in l zante el salvador, bitcoin beach hyper bitcoin, a zation. the countries made became legal tender. it's one of the fastest growing countries in the world now. and things happen in a good way when you go all the way bitcoin, right? we see hyper between ization here in fact, at this hotel, right over across the street, we see they're offering a 75 percent discount for anybody who buys their coffee using bitcoin. and we saw recently for the whole central american region, the 5 nations of central america of trade block there. what we saw is that in the
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past year there tourism numbers are up 5 percent. whereas all the other countries are down close to like 40 percent in terms of the traffic number. so it's sucking in the talent, the tourist and the trade right down tourist and trade the 3 days are gonna contribute to record breaking growth again next year. as i think we'll see, we, i know for a fact we'll see more countries adopting bitcoin as legal tender. right. and of course, one thing you also see in terms of discounts is massive discounts happening in the stock market. as we see a lot of volatility there and one sector that we have seen a big crash is in the kind of fraud market max. and i have been warning you here. oh is, i think we started 2 years ago when the horseback boom started when we're going to get into what a spac is. but when we said that these were, would all go to 0. well,
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they're getting closer to there. some of them are, they're down over 50 percent, on average. some of them are down up to a 607080 percent. so the headline and the wall street journal, it reads this back ship is sinking. investors want their money back. one of the pandemic, hardest streets as cooling down, as the hype surrounding a blank check, companies gives way to reality. are we the introduction to what a spac is? just so you know, as we get into this discussion specs, sometimes called blank check. firms begin as shell companies, they raise money from investors, then less than a stock exchange. their sole purpose is to hunt for a private company to merge with and take public. because the company going public is merging with an existing publicly traded entity. it can make business
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projections and skirt some of the other regulations associated with i. pos, after regulators approve the deal, the company going public replaced as the spac in the stock market. so when they're special purpose acquisition corp, horseback phenomenon came near, started roughly 22 years ago. as we reported the blank check or money raises blank check companies it's, it's not new. it was prevalent in the 1920s, a lead to the crash of $929.00. it's her, as we often say in the show, there are the various frauds on wall street are limited. there's only maybe 4 or 5 basic frauds are the blank check company is one of them. it comes back every few years and it's brandon slightly differently and it's a different cast of characters. but the basic fraud, the basic basil is the same and but the result is a 100 percent guarantee to be the same. all of these bags are worthless and we told you that 2 and a half years ago, right. of course,
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the famous british artist hogarth, also a did a lot of a change down in the city of london during the south sea bubble. and you see there's a one famous one, there with a guy with a broker. as back of that age, in an outside with a billboard saying, you know, we invest in my company, it's a blank check company. essentially. we're still, once we get the money, we'll figure out what we're going to do with the money. it's the 3rd, the hysteria, and the mania at that time was one of the most famous bubbles of world history crash. the economy destroyed a lot of our wealth in the south sea bubble in that collapse. but at the same thing, it has been going on for 100. the years wrote in again as a result of too much printed money to which funny money too much her garbage money fear. money out there. and to put it in the context of el salvador, they're, they're escaping this nightmare with, with big coin. max has always said,
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of course, here on kaiser report, they always rename their frauds. they just, it's the same fraud over and over in the crypto sector. it was called the initial coin offering, which of course sounds to the, the champs who put their money into that it sounded like initial public offering those queens. and those are investors lost everything. these investors are down big time and i'll show some of the data that the wall street journal lays out for you. specs have been around for decades. well, as i pointed out, hundreds of years, in fact, their predecessors were new, known as blind pools and associated with pennies stock fraud in the 1980, but raised more than $80000000000.20 topping the amount raised and all other years combined. last year they raised over a 160000000000 accomplishing that feed again. as max point out, this is all the free money. everybody has free money and if feels like your mindset,
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remember the, the fed, the treasury, the government wants to change your mindset and they want to change your mind. that when you're locked down at home, thinking like you, they don't want you to be worried that maybe the economy. maybe this isn't great for the economy. they want you to speculate, they want you to be maniac, and they want you to lose all your money to them. you know, a couple of points. first of all, as we've been saying here, this is the same old fraud repackaged in a new name and branded in a new way. and it was obvious for us and others to identify there's an obvious fraud and it would be a multi $1000000000.00 wipe out. so the question then becomes, where are the regulators? where's the fcc? and that's a really good question. um, it's almost as if they are part of the scam. jerry counselor, is that true? i think so. certainly a of the s c c o says they're concerned about normal investors and ordinary
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investors and they've been focusing a lot of their time on the crypto sector. but what a, in terms of this back model is the model itself that is almost guaranteed to fail. and you know, who doesn't fail, you know, always makes money despite the collapse and the stock price, as remember, i said there, most them are down the whole sectors down over 50 percent in the past year. so there's tens of billions of dollars of retail capital taken lost, stolen proof into the ether. a no pun intended, there. oh, i knew it was good for something. so here is a quote about who doesn't lose some companies that went public this way. have under shot business projections they made to attract investors, triggering stock price declines that have rippled, others tied to the space, no pun intended, their either. regulators have increased scrutiny of sparks,
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worried that amateur investors are losing money at the expense of insiders who are protected even if shares drop like insiders are totally protected. also, anyone who has an account at a brokerage account, when you sign on to that new account form, you're obligating yourself to arbitration by a panel of brokers and bankers if you have a dispute and try to get your money back. and this is why almost it's impossible for anyone who's been the victim of fraud on wall street to get any of their money back because they sign away their right to sue when they open up those new accounts . then in the case of the spec, on the way that it's constructed in the confidence of the spark in the barn and the prospectors say, in the fine print that the risk is astronomically high, you're probably will lose everything but don't from looking for us because we've for carved out and exemption for any of liability in this at all. and the,
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the r c c r y y. i mean it's a government agency it's, it's funded by taxpayer money. and so i, i could go down to the local mafia join and give my money to the mafia. don, who's going to go break some legs and corrupt the fish market or the pizza mark in or something i could do that, or i could give it a gary gansler who's a mobster. he's a gangster, he's a paid leg breaker. that's all he does. he said it was breakable. so the problem, the issue is like, you know, look at the, the huge burden placed on legitimate companies. it just seems weird that in, at the moment they refused to authorize us, you know, spot price based e t f on bitcoin. but they have a futures one which is far more sophisticated and kind of
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complicated than no ordinary retail investor should really be playing around in the futures market, especially in the structure of that sort of e t f. where it guaranteed to lose just like the oil e t f, which does not, in fact track the price of oil. and it's always been going down down down. you're always losing money. and so i, you know, the fact that these sort of spikes there were just a bakeries, a $180000000000.00. and one year just seems crazy that this can happen whereby like legitimate companies are, have a huge financial burden placed on top of them in terms of going the legitimate route. those images of all the garbage strewn from the cargo palm trains in los angeles being looted, it looks like venezuelan street, with all the boulevards littering the streets. you know, for some the fed and the treasury and gary gansler will write
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a blank check for billions of dollars because you are a friend of dare against are your for your friend of goldman sachs are literally right. you check for a $1000000000.00 in the form of an interest free, forgivable loan for a $1000000000.00. and you can go put it into, you know, chinchilla farms in alaska that are raising soap worms to make plastic new to, to jobs or something. it doesn't matter what they put on the prospectus, they could literally wipe there on the prospectus and raise a hundreds of billions of dollars, doesn't matter, but, but up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up. we always mentioned the boss yet quote, where by under it becomes a way of life for the people at the top and it trickles down essentially and becomes the, the only business model. so the business model, everybody who has sitting at home doing nothing, not working, not creating any wealth. they know that when they're receiving thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars, month after month from the government, they know instinctively inside that there's a fraud involved here that this is a plunder model that somebody's paying for them to be receiving these vast huge
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quantities of money so you think it's normalized? you think it's okay, you think just like when you invest in the positive scheme of made off who is well connected. and he had engineered the nasdaq and he knew what he was stealing from somebody, but you wanted in on it and asked the model that everybody thinks they're in. and they think like, well, if you know this is our business model and i want in on it then that's why i'm going to invest in these facts. so everybody's involved. yeah. and the president has normalized senility. so you just have a lot of people bumping into walls and mumbling and drilling a low self, and thinking that's the same thing as being coherent and well functioning adults. so it looks like it just aeronautics from coast to coast. all right, we're going to take a break and when we come back, much more towing year way. ah,
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for is your media reflection of reality? in the world transformed what will make you feel safe for isolation? community? are you going the right way? where are you being with? what is true, what is faith in the world corrupted you need to descend, have join us in the depths or remain in the shallows.
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ah, welcome back to the kaiser report, i max kaiser time now to turn to pay on chico and sean stone. the filmmakers behind the new found the paradigm of money, the documentary about the corruption of wall street. i'm in this phone. so no, we print pete and shaun. welcome. thanks. thanks. ashley to be here. all right, so peter, an antique of the paradigm of money, it's been described as the big short on steroids. what's the premise of the documentary? why did you make it? what story hasn't been told yet you're limited because we want to demonstrate that there's a 2 tier system, one for the insiders on wall street, and one for the people on main street. and the way the system has worked since the inception. so reserves this system since 1913, which is supposed to be a propagating stable interest rates 0 currencies, just say 13 at 2021. the,
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the value of the british star has been decreased. 90 percent interested in between $1.21. so the federal reserve, by way of policy, has failed the country in the world since its inception. and most people don't understand how it works for low injury policies act is inflation. and is that anyone who's working or text anchor, john, you know, one of the problems here is not so much that the system is corrupt, but that the mainstream media as done a good job in glorifying corruption and the average american doesn't see any problem with corruption when they are politicians, like nancy pelosi and others, are openly trading on insight information and manipulating stock prices. the public has accepted this as normal. so what, how do you get over that? how do you get over the normalization of corruption? this is sort of the problem of it at the end of empire is an end the monetary since
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the, sorry, empire that has exist. and you know, america continuing in a long tradition of, of this type of insider game. right. and it's interesting that now we part of what inspired the documentary was from my mind's going back to the occupy wall street movement, right? being of being a kid coming out of out of college and seeing how these things affects our reality . i think that as we see more and more that the, the nature of this empire affects everyday life. whether it's are, you know, inflation know, well, prices, you know, the ability for people just to feel disempower and as far as going forth with you know, wages where we've seen real wages not increasing over the past 3040 years, the physical economy collapsing. right. issues like this that we can all point to in major cities. i think this is the only way to actually start to motivate people to do things like by wall street, which in many ways gave breath and movement to
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a lot of young people like myself to hopefully become more socially conscious and aware in terms of how we move forward, but it, it is, it takes a collective will to actually make changes. we know, right. i'm just curious where that leadership to kind of inspire that collective will, would come from. because right now i don't see anybody in politics in america who's expressing that type of desire for a more equitable system and a p. let's get into some of the specific. so you do a good job in this film kind of breaking down some of the scams. i know i i'm in the film, i talk about my naked short selling and things like this. what, what was it for you? what were a couple of what was the stand out kind of embezzlement that, that stuck out in your mind. this was in surgery when you get a call you, as soon it was a market major producer and they get to buy it sells the short along the
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derivative in the auction market on a 2nd. the 2nd basis, then they confirmed on the market using their own money, making hundreds of millions of dollars using illegal insider information. so order flow so far is legal, but to use that information for your to your benefit is insider trading. i think it's one of the biggest lead frauds in the history is mark, because in surgery, he leaves the, the 4 person there's just trying to track or on fidelity or, or charles schwab. they don't have a completely real game and not in their favor. because a lot of people do stuff with a lot of money, but the people that make the most money were the hedge funds in the insider traders because there was a me over so $100000000.00 when they were treated against any of the other things you have things with people like goldman sachs who in the 2000 a housing markets, they shortens the market where they sold it to their class long. they got $500000000.00,
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but they profited over $1500000.00. and then recently there were cost moving the gold and silver market from 28 to to 16. they were $592000000.00. but you know, they made a trade. so it's basically the cost of doing business. nobody goes to jail, they just ping fi as they continue. we do this a over and over again. i think it's a 2000 a if you remember, the regulators are captured in there were, as you see, you know, watch a form that you have a mouse ponzi scheme. there were 6 subset of complaints. nobody did anything. and the by the in the bottom line, it just continue to let it happen when they stop it. it's just the regulators are asleep, it's an inside job, and it needs to be corrected and the congress has been asleep in regards to this matter. so shawn pete was talking about city l capital there for a 2nd and game stop and all the shenanigans that was going on and they got caught trading on inside information of course that els also famous firing. former said
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chairman ben bernanke to be a partner and the connection between the hedge fund industry and the central banks is one that's not particularly healthy, and they keep interest rates artificially low to make it easier for these hedge funds to borrow money, to round speculate, and if they make a mistake, they get bell down like long term capital management was colossally wrong on their bats. but alan greenspan, who was the chairman of the fed, at that time lowered rates substantially to bail out his friends in the hedge fund industry. so systemically the country runs on fraud, if you remove fraud, there would be very little left in america this they could redo mount rushmore and replace the current foreheads with bernie made off a member, naggie, charles pansy, and one other guy. you know what i'm saying? like america in a we've been line, eyes and crux in the movie industry for years with mafia movies, the godfather,
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movies the, you know, america loves worshipping tony soprano. right. so tony montana, tony montana. so i mean this is america. if you got rid of the fraud, john, there'd be nothing left. there would be nothing left a, it's an interesting, it's an interesting concept for a country that was as built at with the ethos. right? the, the, the ethos of sort of justice, right? frontier, even if it was frontier justice right, there has always been this notion of even we've been reviewed the vigilante right in the sense because we, we appreciate the idea of justice and i think it's in our, it's in our blood in our bones and ways you know this idea that you know, we can, we can actually have a just society now it's become clear over time that it's flawed and it's not, it's, and it's more we become more and more aware of the injustice right as we go through time. so i think this is coming to a moment where in a, in a sense, you know, how do you go on as a, as a society rec, nice,
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and you have an oligarchy. recognizing that a handful of people have as much wealth as half the planet of the middle. the one percent america has more than the entire middle class of america. i mean, these types of inequalities, this is this, you know, you go back to like babylon and rome, right? i mean, the british empire that you have to go back to empires to, to understand the nature of this inequality. and i think that at one level, yes, we got there because of a certain glorification of wealth. gordon. gecko green is good that my dad wrote obviously. and was person you know, personified, that time period in that? yes, that, that kind of there was an excitement around it, but i think now we're in the generation, the next generations that we are now where i am millennials and others are recognizing the consequences of the action. and that's where i think we're going to be to many more accountability going forward. i just think it's inevitable because you can't continue to have some semblance of a republic, a democracy. with this type of extreme inequality, i bring up
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a good point there. so the millennials are reaping the whirlwind wrought by the boomers. the boomers are really responsible for this heinous market corruption and the millennials are and the zimmer's are going to have to are, are holding the bag. we talk about the paradigm of money is the name of the film. it is a need to change the paradigm and then suggest the title suggests that the paradigm is wrong and needs to change. you guys are, are left holding the bag. what, how do you change it? you know, i think you need to change the system. you need an asset class, you know, as a sample. so to switch you to do it for a minute, because this is new technology. i mean, the current research really know dashes in facebook, in google, which is the market. your message has a whole new scarcity. this. this technology is on america
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was $65.00 and there was no more the value of that money which stay strong. so, you know, in the world where everything is turned into technology will have to be digital books and digital are, are you everything is digital, you're doing your business and on, on a digital platform now i have watching which you're probably good at transactions are real estate financial ledgers, corporate contract it early was going on to luxury. you have to look at the 40 of technology in the, on the planet. so that's something that needs to be studied in. and i think it provides a very big advantage because it's like having your own central way that's fully centralized. the only watching that is fully centralized. so you're central way that the only person to host to that is you,
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you can borrow against it. you can eliminate the banking system, it gives people in the world. freedom gives every person or level a chance to participate. it gives every human being a chance to transfer money for literally nothing a network which runs up on top of it. there's a lot of things to this new technology. i think it's brilliant and the paradigm needs to change to a physical economy. like when used to have because when they used to partner you build it, you built a farm you for crops and then the other person would bill barney for it. but while she doesn't produce anything, there's nothing there because they produce nothing or a middle man. they just, they just transfer well from one entity to another and they act as middleman, and they just cipher money off the top. and many times it's,
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it's done with the imagine they did shorting slightly, xerox in my car. i was selling it to a 100 different people, cash and i, we have one car. that's what they're doing us basically with making sure it's counted right, of course with because you're separating the state from money 1st time in history that's ever been done. so that state and effect gets defunded. so are we prepared in this new paradigm of not having a functioning state as, as of that concept is known now for several 100 years, john, i don't think there were there yet to, and i think this because of the state as go back to we the people what we have in our constitution, so it has to be re conceived and there is a huge process going forward to bring it back more to local, even to directorate appear. but i don't think that state is going to disappear any time soon. okay. wait, we got to wrap it up there. so fell as thanks so much bring on the kaiser report. you got it. thank you, and that's going to do this additional. the kaiser bar was me. max kaiser and stacy . i would like to thank our guest date on chico and chance down with the paradigm
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of money, which you can find online at the paradigm of money fell dot com until next time bio with it's still large enough to satisfy the ambitions of jeff bezos. you know, it's got its tentacles in so many aspects of the economy. there's nothing that amazon isn't trying to get into the step by step. the amazon empire has extended its group on the world that walks by conduct and quacks like a dog gets a dog. so amazon looks like monopoly trades like a monopoly makes money like monopoly behaves like monopoly. amazon essentially controls the market place. it's not really a market, it's a private arena, a world where a single company controls the distribution of one day, the products and the infrastructure of our economy is loose. the will,
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according to amazon. ah, a, the president of croatia said his country with withdraw. troops of nato in eastern europe. if there's a conflict between russia and ukraine, it comes as a west crying so pissed, military presence in the region over a legit plans by moscow to invade its neighbor. us as delivered, a 3rd batch of military 8th ukraine. monday's bowling over sending troops to eastern european washington has 8500 troops. already almost done by the pentagon says more could be added a solution to pursue.


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