tv News RT January 26, 2022 1:00pm-1:31pm EST
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ah, ah ah, art c v u s. games that's formal response to russia's request for security guarantees. the american envoy within the past hour left the foreign ministry building here in moscow. having delivered that document all to a head i would prefer to be led by law. the law will he now was a british prime minister barak. busy johnson's political life seemingly hung by a thread with a government inquiry into dawning street, locked on violations, expected to be released at some stage today. separate police probes armed away.
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mm hm. and argentina agrees to share its data on the russian scott neck. v covert vaccine. with the world health organization raising hopes that they could soon finally be approved with 247 use live from moscow. this is art. see, you know neil here in the studio with you today. hello and welcome to the program. we begin with breaking news that russian foreign ministry has confirmed love. it's received a written response from the united states on moscow's request for security guarantees . the u. s. and buster to russia delivered that document in the past hour. and right now a secretary of state anthony blinking is giving a briefing on the matter, although so far he's given i believe no specifics on what the document actually at
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contains will escrow live now to our senior correspondents and mariah garcia who joins me in the she do the talk a little bit more about this. so the, the deadline was wednesday that would hear more from the us about these guarantees that russia wants russia wanted to response to a believe 8 of them are. so what's known and how does this tied to the ukraine crisis morale, whether we, we've been listening to anthony lincoln, he's, he's speaking now and he has described what has happened. they've said that yes, they have delivered on paper them counter proposal is it seems counter proposals rather than a discussion of rushes proposal to the russian foreign ministry in moscow. master sullivan delivered our written response in moscow. all told it sets out a serious diplomatic pat. ford should russia choose?
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it said i can move delivered, includes concerns of the united states and our allies and partners about russia's actions that undermine security. a principle and pragmatic evaluation of the concerns that russia has raised and our own proposals for areas where we may be able to find common ground. but from, from the perspective of, to publish what he has said during this past conference, i will, it doesn't, it doesn't sound good. it doesn't sound very hopeful for potential negotiations because russia was very direct when it's offered. it's proposal that said these are read lines for us, so new native troops in, in ukraine. as a result, i don't want to create another of our neighbors are joining for nato already. 5 of russia's neighbors are members of nato, out of the 14 countries that will succeed rather countries that brought russia borders with, and they don't want on nato infrastructure given closer to russia,
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anthony blinking has come out and said, these things, ours is non negotiable. nato's always been about open doors and if at a more nations want to jordan, if nathan wants to accept them, that is what is going to happen, which is where i'm coming from. what i said doesn't sound very hopeful. he also said that there is an avenue full, full negotiation, but the, the way he said it may raise eyebrows in moscow i, i lost count of how many times you accused rushes. behavior being destabilizing destructive and aggressive during, during his speech during his keynote per well presentation. question answer session that is now being held. nevertheless, he also said that nato's part build up of troops in eastern europe will continue. they will now form a quick reaction force, which, which will number in the 10s of tens of thousands which is bound to hacker. moscow, even more given a given the security concern is that russia has voiced,
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and that is a nato build up. that was over the years on its border. he also again emphasized at length and the for the consequences for the russian economy. how the united states will punish russia for any potential actions, aggressive actions as they put the russia undertakes. she maintains that this with russian build up is ongoing, directly russia build up in, in russia, i should mention on russian territory. whereas we're seeing a nato build of american troops in the thousands being redirected to eastern europe, closer and closer to russia. it, he also said that the, the, or it is up to the rationale to, to step back to deescalate and to begin to discuss these proposals. which by the way, remain secret. for now, he, he did make anthony blinking
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a good point that the sometimes negotiations of diplomacy need little law confidentiality privacy in order to succeed. so people can be behind the closed doors in these meetings. so people can be more franken and direct with each other. the united states has asked brush a document not to publish the details of whatever it is that is in this american counter proposal. but what moscow had been demanding were, were legally binding guarantees on some matters, which he mentioned that doesn't appear to us. well hope we, we just heard just before, oh, we began our talk. we heard a journalist that say, look at why you, why are you playing with russia? why are you playing along with putin? this is obviously an effort to waste time. why would they need something that's on paper and well, this journalist seeming, he hasn't heard anything that brushes said over the past year. well, over the past decade. and that is that marshall new law. the trusts
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a verbal guarantees from the united states, former nato. and that is because they feel they still feel cheated by all the promises that reagan, the margaret thatcher, that her west german officials are all manner of native officials made back in the 90 and in the eighty's to, to russia, to gorbachev's. that is that native woods fan, a one inch the state department head then said one inch to the east. obviously, those guarantees verbal guarantees were broken. and russia doesn't want that to happen again. which is why it's now demands everything in writing. they want in writing american counter proposals, so that in the future, the story, the story doesn't change. nevertheless, the replies that russia has received, ah, we don't know the full, full text. but from what we have heard. russia's major points them is major demand
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security demands at have been and seems rejected. gra, thanks very much for taking us through. that's our ticks in your correspond murat, gusty earth. alright. sus murat, going through what was delivered to moscow. what's been spoken about by the u. s. let's get the european angle and all this cross to ortiz, say you're a correspond peter over in berlin. you're korean crisis. a massive security concern along across the continent. peter, isn't it? can you give us the latest in terms of, of international developments to this well, in response to the handing over of that response from the united states to the security proposals from russia, we are currently awaiting another press conference. this time coming from brussels and coming from the nato secretary general yen stalsen berg. now he said that he would also be handing over. they would also be written proposals,
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written responses to russia, from nato, and were expecting to well hear what he has to say. very, very shortly. what will be interesting will be in relation to, to how unified a response is from nathan. because on wednesday we heard again from another member of the alliance, this time bulgaria saying that they would not take part in any operation that involved them. having to end to ukraine, both of them having to take part in any military operations resulting from a conflict between russia and ukraine, bulgaria, following on from croatia that made that announcement or the creation president. anyway, made that announcement on tuesday on wednesday. could you pet called the bulgarian prime minister said the bulgarian troops will not take part in any conflict in ukraine. he did point out that the, the only risk to his country said he wouldn't allow any troops to tape all day. the
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only risk came in the form of energy insecurity, which is of course, one of the big worries when it comes, the european countries of the whole crisis concerning ukraine, the tensions around russia, nate, so and key f elsewhere across europe. what we have seen is germany, which is a country which is repeatedly said they will not give weapons to ukraine. they've, under a loss of pressure from the united kingdom, from the baltic states from poland in particular on all wednesday morning, the deputy polish foreign minister, scathing against berlin about their refusal to said weapons to craig with germany on weapons. they said they were going to send $4000.00 helmets to ukraine. that's been responded to by vitale clips go the mayor of kiev saying that kevin actually asked for 100000 helmets and that that'd be an insult from the german defense ministry to send. so few to go back
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a little bit and to show me what anthony blinking, the u. s. secretary of state said there is a lot of when with regards to weapons, we've seen lot fear, estonia and slovakia and lithuania, all sending weapons to to ukraine. some of those had to get the robust stamp from the united states to have of course, also said more javelin missiles from, from their stockpiles just this week into ukraine as well as well as putting on stuff by those 8 and a half 1000 soldiers that anthony blank and did mention as well that are on stand by on high alert in the u. s. prepared to be sent over to, to europe. should they be, should they be needed? should the situation as far as the u. s. is concerned, warrant that being said over another statement that come out just recently as well on wednesday regarding the situation is a statement of solidarity from the b u council president that shall michelle. he
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was speaking alongside the leader of the vakio. he said that a threat against ukraine is a threat again year a fand, a speech that he was giving. they're really at the moment waiting to see what the nato side of going to say what the nato secretary general is going to say. but at the moment, just what you to see, what the reaction is going to be to those proposals. so the response to those proposals being, being handed back to russia by the united states are, you are correspond, peter, all of our bring this through all the thanks peter. the british prime minister is on the ropes with an inquiry into so called party gate locked on violations about to be released bars. johnson faced the fury of n p 's and a common showed on earlier with calls for his immediate resignation. i would prefer to be led by law than ally, or will he now has a legally proving parliament,
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misleading the house. decorating with dodgy cash partying. while the public suffered every moment he stays, his dragging under the agony for families who is reminded of the sacrifices they meet. when will the prime minister top horn and go every day, the prime minister from scandal to scandal. and meanwhile, his government has written a full point, 3000000000 pounds to fraudsters, instead of writing of loans to ford says, why when the prime minister write his resignation to the queen? well, it was indeed a very heated prime minister's questions this afternoon. as the primary subarus johnson clings on, refusing to resign, it comes as we still are awaiting the very much long awaited stu, gray investigation report. it's still yet to be published as the weight gets longer and longer though many people have taken to social media saying the anticipation is more exciting than waiting for christmas. even though many of these pretty uses are
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saying to we really need a report to confirm that forrest johnson and his colleagues were breaking the law at the height of the pandemic. meanwhile, the leader of the opposition, he's calling on bars johnson to go saying that the prime minister ly twice misleading parliament about these parties. on the 1st of december, the promised to told this house in relation to partition locked down. all guidance was followed completely in number 10. on the 8th of december, the prime minister told this house, i have been repeatedly assured since these allegations emerge, the walls no party. so since acknowledges the minister of quote applies to him when he now resign. oh, it's the people, at least 16 alleged gatherings in downing street parties have imagined come to light report is expected to make conclusions on at least some of them. now what we do know is that includes the 20th of may 2020, where by allegedly
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a 100 people were invited to the downing street party to make the most out of the wonderful lovely weather and also bring your own booze. in april of 2021, apparently 2 parties were held on the very same night where one attendee was even sent to the nearby shops at top up on the food stamp to return with it in a suit case. now, quite crucially, that party i was on the night before prince phillips funeral, and since then, downing street has apologized directly to the queen. now more recently an allegation comes with birds johnson and his birthday party on june the 19th, apparently there were 30 people endorse where the prime minister was present with some cake and staff saying, happy birthday. now, many people say the prime minister has indeed been caught red handed with all of this, but boris johnson has repeatedly said that he didn't know he was breaking any of the rules while some of bars johnson support to says some of these parties. and
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indeed, the birthday party was not premeditated. people came and presented him to the cake on his birthday. the saying happy birthday was there for about 10 minutes. it was not a pre meditated organized party in that sense. he was innocent ambush, rotate well as we still await the su gray investigation and have findings. some people do say that it will confirm at least some of breaches. in fact, summer saying there must be enough evidence to suggest at least an element of criminality. considering the metropolitan police have now launched an investigation . interestingly though, when it comes to the su gray findings, they will be sent directly to the prime minister. and then it will be up to him to make a statement to the house of commons. so some people are saying will we see the full findings will that be made public or will the prime minister choose to redact some of that information? what we do know though, is once that rapport lands on doris johnson's table, he'll have just a few hours before he has to make it publicly known and release it. and as every
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minute goes by now, the calls for him to resign and for him to go, i'm guessing louder and louder. the british government also under fire over ever growing and h s. waiting times which can some times of fatal results in september last year. 27 year old norman barker was taken to amy in the city of lincoln with chest pains . he died outside the emergency unit. after being told he'd have to wait 4 hours to see a medic, i spoke to his mother. now tommy and a kit chest pains, they said they'd bang for an ambulance, but they got told there was going to be a chill out why i was actually told this to sit down, but there was no way to say that people was standing outside normally, hot you know, given a wink night leave allow part to, well, i was still got my given my whole symptoms and i'm only wasn't able to spell it.
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and i need to be told we have to wait for was a come across to a, in a wait, teach down in your stop they in before another. it's just come to you. that is, you know, i'm not the one that just a lot of lunch because of my su atkin speaking to our tea according to a nationwide study. meanwhile, more than 40 percent of u. k. hospitals fail to meet the 4 hour waiting time target. so far this year is $6000.00 patients have had to wait more than 12 hours and the patients waiting more than 5 hours are considered a far greater risk of death cases. similar to norman barkers reportedly on the rise as covert puts ordinary services on hold. and the diseases 1st year or more than 53000 people had their cancer treatment delayed, for example, over the same period and more than 4000 access dance were recorded. not related to cobit, we spoke to joy deep grover, non emergency medicine specialist about the situation,
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the last 6 to 8 months. so within the united kingdom, as in many other countries, i'm sure other has been around 10 to 20 percent. oh, hospital and sees related only 2 good patients, which has meant that there is no slow processing of patients list of visibility or bits for people who come in mid problem other than corporate, which leads that people are spending much longer in the emergency augments before the and good will. oh, so this is a problem and if you look at the end it is in a data last to last year and they were about 80 to 90 percent of patients who came to the emergency department is less than 4 hours. and the last 6 to 8 months that has dropped significantly from 90 percent to 65 to 70 percent. so that's
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a significant problem to all of which is his arguments in the united kingdom officer argentina has agreed to share its data on the russian sputnik v. cobit shots with the world health organization man that has raised hopes that the vaccine could gain emergency approval from the w h. o, with a team of experts to, to visit russia next month. earlier in january, no, russian italian study was released on spot lengthy. the researchers conducted a comparison with the pfizer shot and found that sputnik is roughly twice as effective against the army. kron strain were and delighted to welcome live on to the program. now he'll the gun to hurtle. professor of vaccines and immune therapy at the for star institute in the u. s. hello to you. i understand that you've looked at the findings of this set russian, italian study and sputnik v. what are your conclusions?
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does sputnik have the edge when tackling on micron? so i looked at the paper and the data of promising, let's say p a call via the numbers of individuals that the tested book quite small . what the paper shows is, says put nick, me, the antibodies that i used by this vaccine cross read this on the cross. there is a loss and activity, but there is still was innovative activity that hopefully provide protection. and that is actually better than what the c, c, m, or navy, or the, again, the numbers are small. so the studies need to be repeated this much larger numbers . certainly promising though. but no, ma'am, go ahead look promising. what i found, especially promising was the very last drop of the paper where you made shows to kinetics on the antibody response and the new design
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a big scenes that falls up quite rapidly. so after 6 months, there are significantly lower levels of anti bodies than you have shortly after the explanation. my with these responses seem to be more sustained. and that's a very important, i think. ok. sputnik as we mentioned has not been approved by w h o. cut this study, do you think help speed up the process? you have for us to get my layer and see what the hold up is as a rule. but w h o was, is simply evidence of safety advocacy documentation on production procedures and so on. i don't think these kinds of data insurance, but i don't know why it hasn't happened yet. as far as you're comfortable to answer the, the next question dr. most western countries have refused to recognize the sputnik vaccine. is that mainly done to medical reasons or politics?
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i think the cindy has to do with the fact that everyone is stating for don regio to approve would agree. i don't think there hasn't been that reason. i have not had a sense from talking to my colleagues on the think of the price that anyone is against me. it's simply you have made on maxine approved in the same as your uh like they, they use us towards any car unless you are in a big scenes and would need the ones that has the approvals and goes to su. ready through the approval processes in these countries, i'm sure again, it just looking at some of the main lines coming from this russian italian report. it said the booster vaccine. sputnik light is effective when mixed with many other leading vaccines in terms of promising findings. how do you, how do you think about that? i think it's important for basically, if you look at the immune system,
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it responds to enter trend. and frankly, it doesn't really care all that much. anderson is given by nostrils. i think i've seen our nevuk seen a protein maxine a life virus. it simply does its job and it expands. so suppose degree is expected to expand the response that was induced by an m hour and a big scene, or the no response that was induced by a natural infection. that is to be expected, and that is holding up. the sputnik manufacturer say the pandemic can be type of faster if rival vaccine producers work together in the research. can you see that happening? i, i mean, you already are working. you're. there's already called the re calibration between us jones and nick fi and i'm very happy about it. i think these collaborations should expand. i think we should also help developing countries to improve their own menu manufacturing capacity. do i think that the am hour in
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a boxing companies that are going to collaborate with us as a nicole, a j. j? i'm not sure to be perfectly honest, but i would certainly welcome your thoughts on your time for coming in the program today as well. hilda conner told professor vaccines and immunotherapy of the vista institute in the u. s. thank you. thank you so much for having me. good bye. now if countries across europe are lifting colbert restrictions, despite near record case numbers, there's plenty of confusion over the plans with the w. h. o europe chief thing the constrain could spell the end game for the pandemic. while other officials point to heightened risks are to charlotte to ben ski reports and i from paris. well, a year ago, people were living in fear of cosy, but here we are today in despite there are recorded new numbers of cases in europe . it seems that the concerns of european governments are melting away. take folks,
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for example, where a year ago, 20000 cases a day precipitated a 3rd national lockdown. 500000 cases a day at the moment. and what does the government do to respond to that? well, it's easing the restrictions from next week that comes at a time when there is still intense pressure on hospital staff and capacity. and despite that, those restrictions will start easing form that next week it's pretty mind boggling . but france isn't the only country doing that. austria to pulling suit in announcing on wednesday the from next week, unvaccinated to be under their own specific type knocked down, will be able to go back out the streets freely. although film was able to access restaurants and bars because they are unvaccinated. and there is this question about whether this is a more of a will to continue these types of what people described as being to communion restrictions or whether government just simply aren't giving into this. there is
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now re, you've political, who sees what you're saying restrictions now it's too much and in fact, the restrictions are impossible, pretty much for the police to monitor some also say the restrictions i easing as a result of vaccination levels being quite high course you up the average now is it's 70 percent, and there are also restrictions easing in denmark and in england in the u. k. but all of this comes amidst a warning from the world health organization that this pandemic is far from over. and the idea it said this narrative that this is now a mild disease, is simply wrong. the w h o saying that actually health services are still inundated . he, casey, and you were, remains the at the center of this pandemic. so is the light at the end of the tunnel. what we've been here before with the easing restrictions and then been put back to square one. but the reality is it does seem,
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is it code 19 now is going to linger like a bad smell and a bad smell, we simply going to have to get used to. now a deeper dive into all of his, our stories are just a click away on our t dot tom. well, this fresh content lively debate. to be fun there, my friend on with with bring you the very latest every out the day. this is all, he's now snow from everyone here with
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the now we know you do this is he is this fear in your fast you're falling off the end and the other side of it came from and you're back home. so i would like to envision that does it also the universe, if you live in, it's just like that your one direction you want me to, i'm from the other side. is the us still large enough to satisfy the ambitions of jeff bezos? you know, it's got its tentacles in so many aspects of the economy. there's nothing that amazon is i'm trying to get into to step by step. the amazon empire has extended its group on the world that walks like a duck and quacks like a dog gets a dog. so amazon looks like monopoly trades like a monopoly, makes money like monopoly behaves like monopoly. amazon essentially controls the market place. it's not really a market as a private arena, a world where a single company controls the distribution of all day,
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the products and the infrastructure of our economy. is this the world according to amazon? various cancel down through here, calling this the larry over here. so you're camps are always a little nicer than this. this is evidence of absolute poverty despair, and people in our city and other cities all across america are living like this. we're at the original eden village and then opened up in 2018. and right now there's 31 homes on the property. it's a little over 4 acres with 31 homes and a community center. unfortunately, a lot of people don't make it out of edition more homelessness alive and i'm just really happy. it made it her dad you with.
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