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tv   Going Underground  RT  January 26, 2022 2:30pm-3:00pm EST

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close to 8 years, cost to the 70s is a conviction under the of the more serious offense. this is the very male articles, jesse that he's run, i suspect it isn't that he's right than it. it was plainly been incorrect. sentencing, likely it failed. i don't think it's a particularly alarming present though. i do think it does raise questions about the the degree of protection that very young children have in the law that that, that isn't as much distinction between children. the 13 and i was 13 as one mike single though there are defences that can be run, indicates voted children which may be some reticence. ok, linda. the judge also that the scribe, the girl is highly vulnerable. it should questions be asked of social services or her family doesn't look like she's been, i don't know, let down by society the best way to put it. well, i don't know all the details, so i don't know make it to profound
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a comment. but i am surprised that her that it was possible for the full, i 13 year old girl to presumably purport to be an adult. and you know, that's i am, i am sure that it can happen and something does need to be done. and it doesn't look as though what it does. it looks as though she put herself in that position, but it does not sound as if we're, we're putting too much effort too much emphasis on the actual victim. instead of saying, well, hold on a minute, this 20 year old. you know, whether or not there, there's something i know there has to be some responsibility here. their house absolutely. completely. but i mean, the, the platform that they were on is not one that i would personally just want to
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visit for a moment that both of them chose to be on that. there is a responsibility. and especially on here more. he's an adult. he should have known, or even had an inkling though he was having a relationship with a child and under age it'll, it's against the law and whatever, whatever. or the fact that she was on kinda doesn't give him a reason or an excuse to have a sexual relationship with bill. there's been many other case of children groomed by abusers are on social media. how wide spread, do you know what the problem is? and do you think that tech giants, they're taking it seriously enough? well, the question here is, how do we prevent the sort of thing? and there are any number of different social homes that can occur from cyber bullying. told spectrum of different
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a section on the other types of abuse. and ideally, we want to have a form of aged gating that would prevent younger children from being exposed to these homes. i'm much of a blame here falls, not only on the social media platforms themselves, but on governments. i mean, it is not impossible to introduce regulation. this is being done in australia as we speak in order to prevent the sort of anonymous, an identical to identified on social media which protects people identity such that they don't take responsibility. bought ado on social media, be online bullying b l type of racial abuse or whatever. if we were to introduce aging or, or take away. 1 a level of a, not an an intimate liberty. so that the service provider, how hard is that to do bill? well, we're going to juice. it's a week, a mandated by law for these companies to operate in his gentry. and we can mandate i just as australia has done that,
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the service provider needs to do checks to ensure they know who they are dealing with what age they are or whatever that information doesn't necessarily need to be given out publicly. you can retain a level of anonymity, but if you embark on a level of abuse, you can be held your guilt because your identity is known. also, if you're in tender or you're, i saw the black pool because you know, the other people present on that level had had their age checked, it will prevent you unwittingly, being connected to somebody who is under age. i mean, we don't let our children drive or drink or smoke until they're over an age to be able to take the risks responsibly. and we shouldn't be doing that with social media. whether it has been shown a great deal of hall. i'm going to add robert the last word to you. do you think the law has failed to keep up with the global problem? and it is one of the global issues of online grooming of children.
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the sending an argument for that section. and it has been in place since 2003, the intimate was very different and very small the place back then there is something to be said for that. what i think has wound people up and possibly possibly wrongly in this case is that this is someone commit to making the lesser offense. mister crane is convicted of a much more serious defense. now a better question of whether that lesser offence should exist. clean, you probably should, i think that does need to be recognition that it's at least theoretically possible . someone might make a mistake by that recognition that it's rare. it's not common for someone speaking basis about master offense. but i mean, i think he probably does need to exist. i tend to agree with there actually, i think the answer is more likely to be regulation though i have some suspicions about how easy that will be to enforce regulation of attack sign in the sort of instance rather than chinese law. that's my main thing. reaction ok, well it's
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a very, very difficult situation to read about this story on. thank you all for coming on and sharing your views on it, even though we don't know the exact ins and ice, but thank you. equality law, especially as linda bellis, privacy activists, and technology expert billing you on barrister robert parking many, thanks, jewel. okay, let's stay in the u. k. they, british prime ministers on the ropes with an inquiry into so call party, gave locked on violations about to be released. or miss johnson faced the fury of n pays. and a common show don earlier with calls for his immediate resignation. i would prefer to be led by law than ally. i will. he now has a legally proving parliament, misleading the house, decorating with dodgy cash party. and while the public suffered, every moment he stays, his dragging over the agony for families who is reminded of the sacrifices they
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meet. when will the prime minister corp horn and go every day, the prime minister in that case from scandal to scandal. and meanwhile, his government has written a full point, 3000000000 pounds to fraudsters, instead of writing of loans to ford says, why when the prime minister write his resignation to the queen? well, it was indeed a very heated prime minister's questions this afternoon. as the primary subarus johnson clings on refusing to resign, it comes as we still are waiting to very much long awaited su, gray investigation report. it's still yet to be published as the weight gets longer and longer though many people have taken to social media saying the anticipation is more exciting than waiting for christmas. even though many of these pretty uses are saying to, we really need a report to confirm the parish. johnson and his colleagues were breaking the law at the height of the pandemic. meanwhile, the leader of the opposition,
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he's calling on bars johnson to go saying the prime minister life twice, misleading parliament about these parties. on the 1st of december, the promised to told this house in relation to partition locked down. all guidance was followed completely in number 10. on the 8th of december, the prime minister told this house, i have been repeatedly assured since these allegations emerge, the walls no party. so since acknowledges the minister of quote replies to him, when he now resign a lease 16 alleged gatherings in downing street parties have imagined come to light report is expected to make conclusions on at least some of them. now what we do know is that includes the 20th of may 2020, where by allegedly a 100 people were invited to the downing street party to make the most out of the wonderful lovely weather and also bring your own booze. in april of 2021,
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apparently 2 parties were held on the very same night where one attendee was even sent to the nearby shops at top up on the food stamp. she returned with it in a suit case. now, quite crucially, that party i was on the night before prince phillips funeral, and since then, downing street has apologized directly to the queen. now, more recently, an allegation comes with birds. johnson on his birthday party on june the 19th. apparently there were 30 people endorse where the prime minister was present with some cake and staff saying, happy birthday. now many people say the prime minister has indeed been caught red handed with all of this. but boris johnson has repeatedly said that he didn't know he was breaking any of the rules while some of bars johnson support to says some of these parties. and indeed the birthday party was not premeditated. people came and presented him to the cake on his birthday. the saying happy birthday was there for about 10 minutes. it was not a pre meditated organized party in that sense. he was innocent ambush will take as
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well as we still await the su gray investigation and have finding some people do say that it will confirm at least some of breaches. in fact, summer saying that must be enough evidence to suggest at least an element of criminality. considering the metropolitan police have now launched an investigation . interestingly though, when it comes to the su gray findings, they will be sent directly to the prime minister. and then it will be up to him to make a statement to the house of commons. so some people are saying will we see the full findings will that be made public or will the prime minister choose to redact some of that information? what we do know though, is once that report lance on doris johnson's table, he'll have just a few hours before he has to make it publicly known and release it. and as every minute goes by now, the calls for him to resign and for him to go, i'm guessing louder and louder. now the british government also under fire over
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ever growing and h as waiting times, which can sometimes a fatal results in september last year 27 year old norman barker was taken to a, in the, in the city of lincoln with chest pains. he died outside the emergency unit after being told he'd have to wait 4 hours to see a medic. i spoke to his mother a, thow tommy and chit chest pains, they said they'd running for an ambulance, but they got told there was going to be a chill out. like i was actually told this to sit down, but there was no way to say that people was standing outside normally, hot, you know, given a wing 9 label output to, well, i was stuck up my given my home symptoms and i'm only wasn't able to spell it and i need to be told we have to wait for was a come across to a, in a hallway teacher down in your stuff they in before another. it's just come to you . that is, you know, i'm not the one that foster mom on, you know,
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people go off for lunch because of su atkins, speaking to r t. according to a nationwide study, more than 40 percent of u. k. hospitals failed to meet the 4 hour waiting time target. so far this year is $6000.00 patients of how to wait more than 12 hours. and they any patients waiting more than 5 hours. they are considered for greater risk of death or cases. similar to norman barkers are reportedly on the rise as co red pants. ordinary services on hold in that is he's his 1st year. more than 53000 people have their cancer at treatment delayed over the same period more than 4000 excess deaths were recorded. not related to covert. we spoke to joy tape, grover, non emergency medicine specialist, the by the situation the last 6 to 8 months. so within the united kingdom, as in many other countries, i'm sure other has been around 10 to 20 percent. oh,
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hospital and see that it only took patients which has meant that there is no slow processing of visions, less of it. believe your best for people who come in with problem other than corporate, which to lead people are spending much longer in the emergency meds before they can go to the hospital. oh, so here's a problem and if you look at the in it is in detail on last to last year and they were about 15 to 90 percent of patients who came to the emergency hotman's didn't less than 4 hours. and the last 6 to 8 months that has dropped significantly from 90 percent to 65 to 70 percent. so that's a significant problem to all interested apartments in the united kingdom office. and moving on, our hospital in the us city of boston house refused to give a life saving heart transplant to a patient because of his refusal to get vaccinated against covert. his family says
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it's a violation of his rights. he is it extremely high risk of sudden death? we are literally in a corner right now. this is extremely time sensitive. when being pressured to choose a shot that could kill him. this is not just a political issue. people need to have a choice. deejay ferguson is a 31 year old father of 2 on his reportedly suffering end stage heart failure. the family say it wants to move him to another hospital, but he can't be transported to to his condition. the hospital has defended it stumps, saying the covert vaccine is one of many requirements for all transplant recipients . our health care system requires several ctc recommended vaccines, including the coven, 19 vaccine and lifestyle behaviors for transplant candidates to create both the best chance for a successful operation and to optimize the patient survival of to transplantation.
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given that their immune system is drastically suppressed. well let's head state side now and speak to john dombrowski, ceo of the washington pain center and friend of the program. john, good to see you. do you think the hospital did the right thing by denying the patient a heart transfer? well, this is for ethical questions and if the patient does not want to move in that direction, but truly needs care and then the physician and the patient should talk to one another and move forward. you have to show that for whatever reason. this is gonna be, was vaccine is gonna extend this patient's life. we've done with many patients who are new transplant with a kidney transplant lung transplant before cohen and there's never been requirement for vaccination ever to, to move forward with a successful life saving form of therapy. so we're walking into the unknown here really well, perhaps walking piano, but also we need to look at what is the rest of the globe doing with the pandemic. if you'll get den weren't the danes united kingdom, ireland check republic,
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they've all stopped this. they've all started open up and re, re examine what they're doing with respect to the cobra status. so perhaps your united states rosabelle learn more and maybe reconsider what we're doing for the one particular patients or others. and what implications then, does this have for medical ethics that you touched upon on human rights? i would suggest, right, i mean, so in ethics one, we have to, you know, respect the patient, what they want. now truly, if the patient is really bad, heart disease but has bad behaviors and things like that in terms of smoking and diet and exercise, he doesn't do well then clearly, you know, those organs are very limited, so we're not gonna give it to that one individual play changes, lifestyle behavior but clearly this is not the case. he sounds compliant with respect to his you know, other issues or early to his heart disease. don't one thing seems to be the sticking point seems as code vaccination there were on really sure this is really going to extend his life. his family members,
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they've been pretty active on social media on defending their son's decision not to get vaccinated, and seeing that they vaccine could damage his heart, unquote, to kill him from a medical point of view. is there any truth in not, not about the individual sad medical records i would, i would say, but in terms of the fact that having a vaccine like this could lead to, to fatal consequences for some well, we are seeing that it's funny, the journal, the american medical association just came out just yesterday and it did stark about a huge rise of people with mount paradise as an inflammation of the heart just in young individual. so there seems to be, and this is going on that we've seen a rise of heart attacks or things like that. and we seen this and obviously the young children that have no risk for heart disease whatsoever. so it causes to ask questions, which is good, what we do and you know, in medical, in what we do in medicine. but we need to come up with answers at run. sure that
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maybe you should take a step back and make this not the right direction. again, you have to prove to me that the risk versus benefit, you know, are in the patients favor include or not, or perhaps as a question, this patient still needs care. there must be big ramifications of this one way or the other. do you think many other hospitals would use this as a precedent and deny treatment to the i'm fascinated. we are seeing that now you're right in the united states. and again, whether it's a transplant or something like that. but i've seen this in the state of colorado, they've come up with this. so again, patients to advocate for themselves in terms of you, we need to understand in order for me to take any kind of medical treatment, i need to understand the risk and the benefits. so far we really unsure about the risk, and we're really unsure about the benefit. so perhaps we need to take a step back, listen to the patients who has to say and maybe medical as we do. we've been in this for 2 years now with the vaccine has been out for one year, at least. so we should really get some more information, but hopefully we can move forward,
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take care of these patients. because time is of the essence. let's do transplant and maybe talk about the vaccine later because he may not make it to tomorrow. yeah . save his life and then to the the details. john, thank you john. don barsky, see you of the washington pain center life and our team. thank you so much. ah, no countries across europe, they're lifting coded restrictions, despite your record case numbers. there's plenty of confusion as well over the plans with the w. h. o. europe chief seeing the army control could spell the end game for the pandemic. while other officials point to heightened risks are t. charlotte dubin ski reports from pars. well, a year ago, people were living in fear of cosy, but here we are today. and despite there are recorded new numbers of cases in europe, it seems that the concerns of european governments are melting away. take faults, for example, where down 500000 cases a day at the moment. and what does the government do to respond to that?
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well, it's easing the restrictions from next week that comes at the time when there is still intense pressure on hospital staff and capacity. and despite that, those restrictions will start easing form that next week it's pretty mind boggling . but france isn't the only country doing that. austria to following suit in announcing on wednesday the from next week, unvaccinated to be under the specific type of walk down will be able to go back out the streets freely. although film was able to access restaurants and bars because they are unvaccinated. and there is this question about whether this is a more of a will to these types of what people described as being to co noon restrictions or whether government's just simply giving into this. there is now ready of political who sees auster saying restrictions now it's too much and in fact, the restrictions are impossible pretty much for the police to monitor some also say
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the restrictions are easing as a result of vaccination levels being quite high cost you of the average now is it's 70 percent, and there are also restrictions easing in denmark and in england in the u. k. but all of this comes amidst a warning from the world health organization that this pandemic is far from over. and the idea it said this narrative that this is now a mild disease, is simply wrong. the w h o saying that actually health services are still inundated with new cases and you are remains the epi center of this pan demick. so is the light at the end of the tunnel. what we've been here before with the easing restrictions and then being put back to square one. but the reality is it does seem, is it co big 19 now he's going to linger. ringback like a bad smell and a bad smell, we're simply going to have to get used to argentine has agreed to share its data on
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the russian. sputnik ve cobra child with the world health organization. and that's raised hopes that the vaccine could gain emergency approval. finally, from the w h o, with a team of experts to, to visit russia next month. earlier in january, a russian italian study was released on sputnik ve. the researchers conducted a comparison with the pfizer shot and found that sputnik is significantly more effective against the on the constant. i spoke with elegant myrtle, a professor of vaccines on and you know, therapy in the us. she thinks the results of the study promising. so i looked at the paper and the data all promising. what the paper shows is says foot nick b. yeah. antibodies that i used by this vaccine cross reg is on the cross. there is a loss in activity, but this though, is it that hopefully provide protection. i found,
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especially for almost in was the very last drop of the paper. there you, it shows that kinetics on the antibody response and as be new is our navy seems that for some, quite rapidly. so after 6 months there are significantly lower levels of antibodies . then you have shortly after the explanation, my, we split neatly these responses seems to be more sustained. i think we should also help developing countries to improve their own menu manufacturing capacity. do i think that m our innate looked st companies, fives and mo, done are going to collaborate this footnote. i was just j. j. i'm not sure to be perfectly honest, but i would say finally, if you've ever been told to mind your language, it was probably because you were swearing. but now it could happen even when you use where it's widely deemed inoffensive,
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especially at the university of washington's new language style guide gets its way called anything lame recently? well, the vote please. so on that wait said get you. the problematic word was put on the rate up by the university of washington. blame a bill is implied. this weird is offensive, even when it's used in slang for own cool, because it's using a disability in a negative way. minority offensive in various contexts implies a less than attitude towards the community being disco mantra, the cultural appropriation. many people in the fullest and hindu community hold the same as highly spiritual and religious experience, and it is not to be used with nonchalance webmaster races. the words may have been chosen to emphasize the concepts of a free master, that is no work and a slave to follow the master's boards and every word or an offensive slur. it takes
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an expert to tell a difference. nowadays. history tells us one thing that the ancient greeks and the latin language gave us most roots to our language today. and to start trying to change this phases of years later is just crazy and unnecessary. i think we should respect language for what it is and not trying to adapt language to suit a particular political rhetoric. it is a form of censorship. this is a small body of people with a very strange view of the world who feel that although they might not be affected by certain words, other people might be so yes, censorship is definitely a good description of this. it is this strange fraction who feel they are right and
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only they are right. i feel that we need to be very careful, abides expanding this work situation. well, a deeper dive into that, or indeed, all of this our stories, as always, just a click away, an r t dot com, you'll find fresh content lively debate there as well by for not seen 3 a lines have been drawn and positions made clear after 2 weeks of high level talks, russia and nato, we main poles apart on how to define pan european security moving forward. moscow is presented, it's vision in writing while washington falls back on our cape cold war. felicia with james all down through here. name pauleen is the larry over here. so your
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camps are always a little nicer than this. this is evidence of absolute poverty, despair. people in our city and other cities all across america are living like this. we're at the original eden village and then opened up in 2018. and right now there's 31 homes on the property. it's a little over 4 acres with 31 homes and a community center. unfortunately, a lot of people don't make it out of edition more homelessness, like, i'm just really happy. it made it. oh, dad you with me. and, ah, ah, it's an open secret that private military companies have been playing a role in om conflicts, world wide, u. s. government doesn't track the number of contractors and uses in places iraq or
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afghanistan, the united states army. and the military in general is so reliance on the private sector. i would call that dependency, but we don't know who's the on the ground license of these companies overseas. lead stone out to western private military companies can in their turn, use so called sub contractors from countries with trouble pass. the chances are quite good that they had also been charles soldiers prices. i was a char. i was, as i drove professional joe. if he's with the whole wouldn't work orders would if i said that looked with no food, no minimum own if you want. sure. which way to be merciless killing machines. now they fight and die in other people's was people carol lot. when a dead soldier or dead marine shows up in this country, we start asking ourselves,
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why did they die? why, what were they fighting for nobody bothers sounds about good contractors in. oh, when i was sure seemed wrong when i was just don't hold any new world. yes, to shape out. this thing becomes the advocate and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. join me every thursday on the alex simon, sure. and i'll be speaking to guess in the world of politics, sport, business, i'm sure business. i'll see you then.
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awe with breaking news and artsy, b. u. s. gives its formal response to russia's request for security guarantees. and made fears of a conflict in ukraine also ahead with countries across europe, ease their kobe restriction, and this, this by near a record infection rates. while health officials give mic signals on the rent on please, i'll make comments for brain. and i would prefer to be led by law law. how will he now has on british prime minister boris johnson's political life, seemingly hanging by a thread with a government in.


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