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tv   News  RT  January 27, 2022 3:00am-3:31am EST

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[000:00:00;00] with a fancy the fanatic one, but also a half of defense and deterrence. the u. s. and nato mixed talk of diplomacy with threats after they submit a written response to russia. security red line failings refusing to visit earth because of russia's alleged invasion plans. the western media appears to lose the plot of ukraine publishing a host of absurd and inaccurate stories about the truck. news we speak to a talk to you as the vaccine expert. he explains why sputnik vate is better than pfizer, when it comes to attacking the only constraint. i would prefer to be alive, la la, la la, will he now?
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when will the prime minister talk on your british permanence? the boys johnson's political life seemingly hangs by a thread of government inquiring to down the street locked down violations expected to be released any day. now the separate police probe is also under with great. have you with us, this is our t international, the united states and nato, given that written responses to russia's demand for security guarantees. the u. s. ambassador handed over the document in moscow on wednesday evening, but so far the exact contents haven't been disclosed. surely after the u. s. secretary of state antony blinking stress diplomacy was the only way forward. we're open to dialogue. we prefer diplomacy and we're prepared to move forward. where there is the possibility of communication cooperation,
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$8500.00 us service members currently station in europe. we don't, those forces don't have to be activated for deployment. almost keller, cases, the west of whipping up hysteria over alleged russian plans to invade ukraine. in response, russia claims it's actually nato that's expanding eastwards by placing troops near his borders last month. moscow sent nato a list of red lines. they included ukraine and ga, not joining nato. russia also demanded that the alliance scaled back the forces near its frontiers and the u. s. nuclear weapons be removed from europe. you can take a look at the map here that shows how nato has expanded over the last 30 years. despite all the talk of diplomacy coming from the u. s. 60 state, nato chief installs and beg stroke, a more inflexible posture. russia should refrain from course of force postering, aggressor, rhetoric and malign activities directed against alice and all the nations. we are of course,
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respect and not compromise on the right of any nation to apply for membership or, and that sir cor principal for european and security. it's just recently that russia has said that patients either has run out the now they are making demands because they, they aren't being heard. all of russia's security concerns, a multitude of them judge for yourself. for example, 20 years ago, russia had only one, a neighbor that was a member of nato. now it's 5 with ukraine, and ga, potentially ascending in the future. that would be 7, almost half of russia's neighbors would be members of nato. and what that means, this is russia's concern, is that native infrastructure that is measles bases rockets would move closer and closer to russia. potentially hypersonic nissan, american hypersonic missiles, big station in you, craig, which is just a few minutes flight time from moscow,
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which for russia is completely unacceptable. that is where they have to order the red light. and they said, all these, all these proposals to the united states and add to native americans have asked the russian side not to share the documents, their response with the press. we have heard the previous weeks, most of russia's proposals being shot down in public by there is a members who officials from, from native, from the united states, from europe. that is, that nato won't promise not to expand further towards, towards russia. that it won't promise, nor to station troops closer and closer to russia, that it, it will, you know, it refuses any negotiations. a compromise over potential nato expansion says of russia's concern so far had seems, haven't been heard or are being entirely ignored. in the meantime,
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there is discord within 9 toes ranks over whether or not to deploy more troops. bulgaria insists it's a loyal nato ally, but says that he won't commit units to ukraine. the creation president said that his country would not get involved in any potential war in ukraine, though he was late to contradict the vice prime minister. yes, karen can i, so from a foreign minister of austria, whether nato will arrive at a unified position. i think this cracks have been around, at least since 2002, 2003 when we them saw the preparation for the the iraq war. and i would say, what was the case this iraq could turn even harsh in the case of your claim. i think that need to ship to very alert about its real fitness to, to confront another crisis. it has been not even 6 months ever since the district mand us defeat in cowboy. the whole nature presence was dismantled within
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a few hours by some gary or laurie is coming from the hindu kush mountains. so the biggest military lives was defeated there in a very humiliating way. then never was any serious maneuver critique why if it was fun from no lessons learned. while washington stresses the need for diplomacy is the only way out of the crisis. some journalists in america are striking, a more belligerent nodes, just buying time till they replaced to invade ukraine, making you jump through hoops like and delivering written responses to questions that you, vance, at time and time again. in the past. meanwhile, that the stabilizing ukraine from within the economy's crumbling, you're spending hundreds of millions of dollars showing them up. what point do you stop playing rushes game and take preemptive action? now, we can walk and chew gum at the same time, and that's very much what we've been doing. so we've been clear to russia that there are 2 paths, diplomatic one, but also
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a passive defense and deterrence. and while some journalists are in war mongering mode, others seem to last a level together when it comes to ukraine with western media outlets pumping out some absurd stories peppered with falsehoods. ski taylor explains. they say you should be coo and a crisis on last your the media, in which case, why when you can become it's sarah collins, so public instead. and never mind the cremmit back to the european bickering old by didn't miss night cream just after warning about world war 3. after all, will never on the stumble goes on his head. the media pundits one. we'll skip the boulder the better, the more outlandish, the better. like this random women and kids, they found just hanging out a window holding a gun. i have never hunted in my life. i bought this carbon after listening to some soldiers discussing the best rifle to get if it comes to it, then we'll fight for key. if we'll fight to protect our city, i don't see any sense in the rush and starting
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a war and leaving cave alone. it's strange because usually the major pro gun control, i guess it doesn't count of washes of the target. well, the, how bad the crisis is, the media says that housewives have flipped back rags for rifles. the thing is marianna juggler is in fact a simple ukrainian woman from the territorial defense forces. her uniform is british, another fake story about militants whom western propaganda turns into anti russian freedom fighters. again, just like guns fake, he's as great when it's directed against the russians. i guess there's only a certain number of undercover housewives in ukraine. so the meat is happy to look elsewhere specifically at a map. and it's noticed that the quickest way from moscow to key f as a fire churn noble making at the lowest logical invasion route. also making russians pretty much the only willing visitors that since well 1986 the risk of
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a war for the spreading radiation seems minimal, but one object in the zone is particularly vulnerable. a new $1700000000.00, stainless steel, all over the destroyed reactor. it was completed in 2016 to prevent the spread of highly radioactive dust. yes, on route to zalinski office, the press things that putin's troops might just topple a giant radiation containing structure that we've more than 29000 tons. you know, some like texas eyes and toxic exposure before the real fighting stops. talking about the real fighting. have you read the mirror recently? no. oh, wow. see you. i can see hooton's terrifying arsenal of high tech support. while these include, i warn you, the positively far raising power tupa dogs. i agree. it really doesn't look like that dog in the articles photo signed up for regular sky diving. and that's because he didn't and thought photo is all they such an rescue dog. not one of the kremlin
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tin canines fabricated by the mirror. but if the ukrainians a dose surrender at the sight of a flailing dog and a harness while the robot tanks and flying kalashnikov are ready as back up the still firing ai ecological rifle with its own brain is still of the prototype stage . and a pit recently it's an om show. it can identify targets and pulled the trigger with all the need for a human shooter. said puritans dragging out the very latest innovations the special occasion. the thing is, the a kalashnikov rifle has actually been around since 2017 the thing yet, the mera fide its entire back jackson department at themes. but never mind all this, because the most disappointing thing about this entire process is that puts his plan blocked the world, will put a stop to travel, highly of old, extra terrestrials probably regard warfare as something the only primitive civilizations engagement. so the ukraine situation means we're unlikely to get an
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invitation to join the federation for the time being, quite frankly, who can blame the media driving to aliens and told us, because once they finish driving, this wild population to a nervous breakdown, they'll need some new leaders for all of the walking panic and dispatch that they've got a cookie. because things amused just in from ukraine police have arrested a soldier suspected of carrying out a must shooting in the city of nap or 5 people died in the atrocity. the shooting happened around 4 am local time, it took place in the offices of a company that makes military missiles. the police say the suspects shot dead for other soldiers, and one civilian at this point is not clear what his motives were. the gunman fled the same with an assault rifle. no one was during the rest. as in tina is us the world health organization to speed the approval process of the
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russian sputnik v vaccine and sharing states on the job with the w. h. i, a team of experts from the organization is due to visit russia next month. once more, i rush in italian study released by the russian direct investment fund earlier in the month found spending these to be significantly more effective against only tron and the american find the shop providing a tough response against the latest among those samples 74.2 percent of sputnik the vaccinated sarah were able to neutralize on the con versus 56.9 percent suffice vaccinated. so i looked at the paper and the data promising. what the paper shows is that's what makes the yet you bought it and used by this vaccine cross rate, this arm across there is a loss and activities, but they still residual with that will hopefully provide protection. i found
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especially promise in was the very last graph of the paper. there you, it shows that kinetics on the antibody response and as the new design a vaccine set for some quite rapidly. so after 6 months there are significantly lower levels of antibodies. then you have shortly after the explanation, my with these responses seems to be more sustain. i think we should also help developing countries to improve their own menu manufacturing capacity. do i think that m, our native sync companies files that are going to collaborate? is food re astrazeneca j. i'm not sure. but i would say a hospital in the us city of boston has refused to give a life saving heart transplant to a patient. his family say it's because of his refusal to be vaccinated against covert. the man's wife says it's
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a violation of his rights. he is it extremely high risk of sudden death? we are literally in a corner right now. this is extremely time sensitive. we're being pressured to choose a shot that could kill him. this is not just a political issue. people need to have a choice. d. j. ferguson is a 31 year old father of 2 and his reportedly suffering and stage heart failure. the family says that he wants to move him to another hospital, but he can't be transported due to his condition. hospital itself has defended the stance, saying that the kobe vaccine is one of many requirements for all transplant recipients . stim requires several, c, d. c recommended vaccines, including the coven, 19 vaccine and lifestyle behaviors for transplant candidates to create both the best chance for a successful operation and to optimize the patient survival off to transplantation . given that their immune system is drastically suppressed. we spoke with john don brown's casea of the washington pain center. he says, refusing to get the champ,
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isn't grounds enough for a transplant, but in ethics, you know, one, we have to, we know, respect to patient what they want. now truly, if the patient is really bad, heart disease but has bad behaviors and things like that in terms of smoking and diet and exercise, he doesn't do well then clearly, you know, those organs are very limited. so we're not going to give it to that one individual toy changes you'll lifestyle behavior mcclure. this is not the case. he sounds compliant with respect to his. um you know, other issues are early to his heart disease. the one thing seems to be the sticking point seems as code vaccination we've done with many patients who are need transplant with kidney are transplant long. transplants before coven, and there's never been requirement for vaccination ever. well, these are ethical questions and if the patient does not want to move in that direction, but truly needs care and then the physician and the patient should talk to one another and move forward. so we should want to get more information, but hopefully we can move forward, take care of these patients. because time is of the essence. let's do a transplant and maybe talk about the vaccine later because he may not make it to
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tomorrow. next thing with all tail of mon usefully, after the short rec ah ah, now the norwood earth is he is
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a sphere. he will fast you're far off and and i'm a dell aside when he came home and you're back home. so i would like to envision that to you, does it actually address if you live in? it's just like that your one direction to return from the other side. ah ah, welcome back. the british prime minister political life hangs in the balance with an inquiry into circle party gate lockdown, violations about to be released as rampant speculation. the report could spark a vote of no confidence embarrass johnson. he said the rather than pays in a commons show down already with calls for his immediate resignation. i would prefer to be led by law than ally. i will he now resign. every moment he stays,
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his dragging over the agony for families who reminded of the sacrifices they made. when will the prime minister ca horn and go? well, it was indeed a very heated prime ministers questions. as the primary subarus johnson clings on, refusing to resign, it comes as we still are awaiting the very much long awaited su, gray investigation report. it's still yet to be published as the weight gets longer and longer, though many people have taken to social media saying the anticipation is more exciting than waiting for christmas. meanwhile, the leader of the opposition, he's calling on borrowers johnson to go saying that the prime minister ly twice misleading parliament about these parties. on the 1st of december, the promised to told this house in relation to parties during locked down. all guidance was followed completely in number 10. on the 8th of december, the prime minister told this house, i have been repeatedly assured since these allegations emerge,
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the walls no party. so since acknowledges the minister of quote replies to him, what he now resign? oh, people, at least 16 alleged gatherings in downing street parties have emerge and come to light. the report is expected to make conclusions on at least some of them. now what we do know is that increase the 20th of may 2020, where by allegedly a 100 people were invited to the downing street party to make the most out of the wonderful lovely weather and also bring your own views. in april of 2021, apparently, to parties were held on the very same night where one attendee was even sent to the nearby shops at top up on the food stamps, to return with it in a suit case. now, quite crucially, that party i was on the night before prince phillips funeral, and since then, downing street has apologized directly to the queen. now, more recently,
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an allegation comes with birth johnson. i'm his birthday party. on june the 19th, apparently there were 30 people in doors where the prime minister was present with some cake and stuff, sang, happy birthday. now many people say the prime minister has indeed been caught red handed with all of this, but bar it's johnson has repeatedly said that he didn't know he was breaking any of the rules while some of bars johnson support says some of these parties, and indeed the birthday party was not premeditated. people came in presented in the case on his birthday. they saying happy birthday was there for about 10 minutes. it was not a pre meditated organized party in that sense. he was an ascent ambush for the cake . interestingly though, when it comes to the su gray findings, they will be sent directly to the prime minister. and then it will be up to him to make a statement to the house of commons. so some people are saying, will we see the full findings? will that be made public or will the prime minister choose to redact some of that information on
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a 20 year old. busy student from the united kingdom has avoided prison time despite being convicted of raping a 12 year old girl after his arrest last year. yeah, she, yas joshua, moscow confessed to 3 counts of rape and spent 7 months in custody. he was later released on bail incentive to 200 hours of unpaid work, explaining the light sentence that just said she believed the man was not aware of the victim's real age. there is no suggestion of any p defile tendencies at all, what instead, there is a young man who is relatively immature and possibly naive. the judge also concerned despite being pretty t. the victim was on a dating up and behaved in a sexually suggestive manner. lose the yeah.
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me with the okay. and we also wanted to discuss this controversial case with the panel of guests. i am the amused by the story. am i and i'm actually deeply offended by it that there's a 20, well 20 year old man cannot recognize somebody who is significantly, actually, you know, not an adult, not even an adult, not, not a 15 year old, but somebody is 12. so that's just pretty sick making to me. it should be the case if everyone can form. so the recommended approach on all of the social media platforms that will be nobody present under the age of 13. and that actually,
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you know, will be honest about their age and vote for certain graduations above, but i don't think it says, particularly alarming preston though, i do think it does raise questions about the, the degree of protection that very young children have in the law. and that, that, that there isn't as much distinction between children, the 13 and i was 13 as one mike single though there are defences that can be run in case of all the children platform that they were on is not one than i would personally just wanted to visit for a moment that both of them chose to be on there. there is a responsibility and especially on him more, he's an adult. he should have known, or even had an inkling though he was having a relationship with a child under age it'll, it's against the law and whatever, whatever, or the fact that she was on tinder doesn't give him
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a reason or an excuse to have a sexual relationship with her, if you embark on a level of abuse, you can be held george out because your identity is known also, if your gender or your us are the blackboard because you know, the other people present on that level had had their age checked, it will prevent you unwittingly, being connected to somebody who is under a, i mean, we don't let our children drive or drink or smoke until they're over the age to be able to take the risks responsibly. and we shouldn't be doing that with social media, whether it has been shown the great deal of home going to be at it. would you rather today which nothing to national was grateful for your company. if you can find the spare moment, why not check out more new stories that are all available just to click away and don't come
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with chance all down through here, calling us larry over here. so your camps are always a little nicer than this. this is evidence of absolute poverty despair, and people in our city and other cities all across america are living like this. where at the original lead and village that opened up in 2018 right now. there's 31 homes on the property. it's a little over 4 acres with 31 homes and a community center. unfortunately, a lot of people don't make it out of edition more homelessness and i'm just really happy. it made it. her dad you with me in. oh, oh oh, is your media
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a reflection of reality? in the world transformed what will make you feel safer? high selection, whole community. are you going the right way or are you being led somewhere? direct. what is true? walk this way. in a world corrupted, you need to descend a join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. ah, it's an open secret that private military companies have been playing a role in armed conflicts. world wide. u. s. government doesn't track the number of contractors and uses in places iraq or afghanistan,
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the united states army and the military and general is so reliance on the private sector. i would call that dependency, but we don't know who's the on the ground presence of these companies overseas. we just don't out west and private military companies can in their turn, views, so cool subcontractors from countries with trouble pass. the chances are quite good that they had also been child diligence processes. i was a child, as well as my job professional job is with the whole 141. if i said that looked with no flaw, minimum own wall, which i mean to be merciless killing machines. now they fight and die in other people's was people carol, lot one or a dead soldier or dead moraine shows up in this country and then we start asking yourself, why did they die? why do what were they fighting for? nobody bothers down to about that contractors
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in there may, may, we should all be mayor. may, we should all be angry because of what's going on. right. can't understand united states history and the role that slavery play is already a very formal institution. by the time united states became a nation, it actually defined the nation, the rise of capitalism clearly on the backs of flight and the slave down, if you the investigative lynchings, any great extent. you can't believe that country still stands. i'm from the south. everybody know, know what they're saying. to some extent, i would argue that we're still fighting the civil war and the south is winning.
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when i would show the wrong one, i just don't know. i mean, you have to shape out the same because of the african and engagement. it was the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look so common ground. ah, this is boom, bought one business. you know, you can't afford to miss bread. you board and i'm rachel blevins in washington and coming up the federal reserve has announced his plan to raise raise and dial back
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on his balance sheet in the coming month. well discussed with former congressman and noticed that critics dr. von paul, and as it needs to be shipped, flores and global volatility continues to rise. global markets are reacting on wednesday. we'll bring you a full forecast of what to effect. and we're 10 to driving on the border of ukraine . the u. s. is threatening to level thanks against russia in the event of an invasion. later on, we'll fill you in on what impact the proposed sanctions could have got a lot to get to get started. we leave the program with the latest from the federal reserve. as chairman jerome pol confirmed, the central bank could move forward with plans to raise interest rates this year for the 1st time since 2018. now speaking at the conclusion of the meetings, paul had this to say. several open market committee kept its policy interest rate near 0, and stated its expectation that an increase in this rate would soon be appropriate . the committee also agreed to continue reducing its net asset purchases on the


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