tv News. Views. Hughes RT January 27, 2022 7:30am-8:01am EST
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military companies can, in their turn, use so called subcontractors from countries with trouble pass. the chances are quite good that they had also been child diligence processes. i was a child. i was, as i drove professional, joe is with the full moon when fuko is when the sunset that looked with no loan wall shit, which waiting to be merciless killing machines. now they fight and die in other people's was people carol, lot one and a dead soldier or dead marine shows up in this country. we start asking ourselves, why did they die water? what were they fighting for? nobody bothers sounds. good. contractors have this sean. the fact that some countries are withdrawing part of the
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implement doesn't necessarily mean a minute emulation. it's rather a part of a delicate diplomatic ha. together with our partners, we are acting as one team, protect your bodies from virus. you use your brain from life and heartbeat from fantasy, wait a minute. what did the president of ukraine just say? this sean, the, the fact that some countries are withdrawing part of the implement doesn't necessarily mean a minute emulation. but president biden has issued a high alert order for the u. s. military and almost all the media and politicians are united in saying an invasion from russia is eminent. but why then is the ukranian president and the defense minister, as well as multiple leaders from all of the other countries around the region, saying things are under control. and there's no reason to panic. we're going to look at some of those getting this straight answers as there seems to be 2 different narrative being given with of them leading to war. plus,
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after the corporate vaccine mandate was ruled, unconstitutional by the supreme court. the by administration has decided to completely withdrawn. what does this mean for the future of the coven mandates and restrictions? and america is speaking of the supreme court. justice steven briar a consistent liberal, has announced he will be retiring before he leaves. you will have to look at a landmark challenge to affirmative action policies regarding college admission are legal expert will lay out if their decision will affect the future of affirmative action. and other situations in a young woman withdraws from the road scholarship program. i've been in this investigation says she was not honest about her background. however, she believed she was wrongly accused and filing a lawsuit against the university. we're going to bring you the details. i'm sky now . here's the story, the warranty that news with you, right here on our t america. ah,
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well, the u. s. is sound in the alarm and the media is sending out messages of imminent war between russia and ukraine to big nato power houses. france and germany have a message of knock it off. we only want peace or $2.00 to help. it looks at how this newly formed alliance is trying to de escalate. what could be a new cold war? tensions are on the rise of the u. s. and some of their nato members continue with inflammatory language that russia, we have been very clear throughout. if any russian military forces move across the ukranian border and commit new acts of aggression against ukraine, that will be met with a swift, severe united response from united states and our allies and partners. however,
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as russia continues to deny any plans of an invasion, not all nato allies are singing the same tune. and 2 of the groups biggest players are suddenly got a very different message. although french president no manual micron has echoes the more hawkish stance that a military aggression will trigger heavy consequences. his preference of a diplomatic path has been highlighted with macros. seeing that we call for a de escalation of tensions. and i want to also say how united germany and france are on the subject. in fact, the french president has also been a proponent of closer relations with russia. here he is speaking at the european parliament just days ago, the 2nd fool what we need to build is a european order. the founded on principles and rules, which we have rallied behind, which we have put together not against or without, with russia 30 years ago. as for germany, although it's been talking tough, its actions have gone beyond words and it's push for piece. last week,
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berlin said no to it's needle ally, estonia, which plan to export german made weapons to ukraine. and when the u. k decided to send a c 17 cargo plane full of weapons to ukraine. it had to take a detour around german airspace, taking a longer root over denmark and poland to its destination. back to now crohn, he is taking the diplomatic rains as the leader of the country, which has the european union's most powerful military and the only nation with nuclear weapons. remember, the u. k is the only other european nation in nato with nukes, but it is no longer in the you. the french president is scheduled to hold a phone meeting with russia's president vladimir putin. this coming friday for news views he's, i'm alex mileage. okay, with all of these tensions with ukraine on repeat, our americans following all that's happening. and how do they feel about the possibility of sending $8500.00 us troops to ukraine border. while we send our new
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york miami and los angeles bureau out to the street, to ask those 2 questions, take a listen. do you think that the u. s. should send truth to be free? no, i think we should just wait and see what happens for. so i support the u. s. supporting ukraine, but i think we need to do it intelligently before we get into a war with russia. no, we should mind our business. we have enough issues that's going on with our own country. so, and so we gotta figure out what's going on with the united states of america, then we shouldn't be worried about anybody else. that's why i love america, because you always need to save the world. what can we do without you guys? all the states to threaten us. so what if we take it seriously, but i'll let the big heads in wash and figure it out. i mean, i can not tell because i'm not following that much the situation on. i just hope that it's not worth coming to know something well, discuss the rising tensions along ukraine and russia. we bring in john jordan,
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thanks for joining me, john. i have to tell you, i've been watching what's been going on and kind of shaking my head throughout everything going there so much out there. there's so many towards even our men on the street showed some people saying that ukraine is an allied to america, that there's threatening against george and the baltic states all this kind of did different information. nobody's consistent, but i have to ask you, is the u. s. a more on high alert than ukraine or any of the other countries in the region. and why is that? was you put it in a mixed bag ukraine right now for the moment, at least is trying to urge a spirit of calm on everybody's part in trying to make it look, make everyone kind of bring the temperature down. so people don't realize, don't think that there's an eminent invasion or imminent reason to panic on the russian side of one of my go to shows is this in the daily, which is the weekly news. it's probably one of russia's most watched programs for news and of late they have been hyping up the threat from ukraine to
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a level i hadn't really seen before. so that certainly is the opinion of many in russia that ukraine poses an existential threat to russia. and certainly the estonia, let me, lithuania, poland, and many of the former wars. that part was our back countries are very, very concerned about this. recently, today, i think the written response to russia's december, demands with regard to ukraine was sent to russia, but they're being kept confidential. so as to give diplomats and elected officials time and space to work without having being under the public. i was interesting about the but once again and you know, we have, this is called the monroe doctrine that we use here on this side of the hemisphere . what are american interest in ukraine, and are they important enough though, for us to risk all these military lives and a possibility at a full blown war down the line? why, from the american point of view, i don't think the issue is you crane as much as it is that nato and the united
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states won't stand for any sort of agreement being cut under threat. so i think had there been this been approach differently, perhaps the sort of some sort of grand bargain between russia and the united states . the russians might have gotten results certainly without as much risk or danger. but from the nato side is just, they won't be seen as having done it under the point of a gun. so it's so it's, it's the principle of thing and the circumstances in which this is coming to a had rather than the underlying issue itself. but i get that principle john, but ukraine's not a part of nato that said the soul, why are that's the issue here? and it's not a part of nato, and what is the u. s. have to do with anything in that region. what, why do we even have interest over there? well, certainly we do have, we do have nato members that were part of this, the warsaw pact, and even part of the soviet union at one time. again,
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the issue isn't ukraine as much as it is. the united states and nato won't tolerate russia at the point of a gun telling nato what it can or can't do or who it can and cannot admit. i think that this could be resolved quietly in a very different way, perhaps with only defensive weapons at most, not military aid going to ukraine, the promise not to station any sort of offensive forces on ukrainian soil. i think those types of concessions probably could be gotten, but i think they would have to be gotten under different circumstances. i'm afraid in building, you know. but the one thing i've noticed here at home is the course of politicians united on both sides of the aisle acting on behalf of ukraine making. it should be an issue. and then i think back to under donald trump as much as demonized. trump did everything he could to say why we did not need to be a native to pull funding from nato to say that nato was bad. now, the said you have all these republicans except for rand paul. i think the only one who's come out and said, no nato, nato naida, we need to back it up. why do you believe that the republicans as much as the
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democrats are agreeing on this one issue, that they need to actually be more aggressive in this area? do they love nato now? do they didn't love it under donald trump? no, they didn't. anything that donald trump love, they hate and vice versa. here's the problem. nato is kind of outlived its usefulness and rise. nato countries won't even agree to spending the minimum amount . they're obligated to enter the north atlantic treaty on defense. the germans have effectively left nato because they won't even license the artillery to go from estonia to ukraine. the, the germans or the germans don't spend what they should, the germans are out for their own interest. they're, they're big, remember, whole point of need. so right after world war 2 is of, was the french used to say it was to keep the americans in the russians out and the germans down. so nato might have outlived its usefulness and certainly isn't contributing to american security anyway. in fact, quite the opposite. so, so i think the question of what is nato and why is america part of it in our commitment to it is certainly something that needs to be re thought going forward.
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thank you for trying to give me some clarification. my pleasure. a young woman who went into the foster care system has what most to call a remarkable story, but the university of pennsylvania is questioning her struggles and have temporarily revoked her scholarship for masters degree. r t. e correspondent natasha suite has more about this ongoing litigation. mckenzie fairest. it has filed a lawsuit against the university of pennsylvania for calling her story of abuse into question. university is also refuting her claims of being a low income students and a 1st generation college graduates. mackenzie pearson is one of $32.00 american road scholars. she was chosen in 2020, in a pool of 953 applicants. after graduating at the university of pen with an undergraduate degree fierce and was planning to attend grad school at the university of oxford, her research would focus on the vicious cycle of those in foster care ending up in prison. but now her scholarship is being put on hold after pen reportedly received
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an anonymous tip claim meet, fierce didn't was dishonest. in her application, university of pen launched an investigation. the school claims fierce ins accounts were quotes replete with falsities, including but not limited to a fictitious account of abuse by her mother. now 1st in is soon the university and those involved in the investigation. according to the lawsuit, fierce and had a seizure while attending pen, it took more than an hour for emergency personnel to arrive at the building on campus. she was then hospitalized for 5 days. if your student then questioned that her classmates death was a result of not having adequate medical access, according to fear, since cameron driver died, 16 months prior to her incident after seizure like activity that led to cardiac arrest, she says there was also no cell service or landline available in the building, and she was wondering if the information she gave in that wrongful death lawsuit is the motive behind the university pulling her scholarship el ferst and was awarded
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the scholarship 3 months after the wrongful death lawsuit and her litigation against the university of pen is questioning their investigation against her entirely, reporting for news's hughes and hush sweets r t sorta goes to story in the future of affirmative action in schools who are in a brand line all of a line meeting. thanks for joining of lionel. indeed. ok, let's start when a tasha package on the pin road scholar. does she actually have a case? well, i don't wanna be they here, but it depends on the the reason for a scholarship being revoked. being rescinded. i'm not sure what kind of a legal standard one must have that it's based on standards of marriage and honesty . admiral fees necessarily litigate that very easily. so as we say in sports, it remains to be seen. but i want to move on then to that very similar subject, maybe the $64000.00 question if you will, the lance, hey,
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it is heading to us from court, alleges asian american students have been discriminated against and rejected by harbor in favor of other people of color, who are less qualified, reversing racism versus promoting diversity line or is it all over for formative action? it's dead. affirmative action is through me recently to even the 1964 civil rights act. quote. no person in the united states shall on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity, receiving federal financial assistance. that is, every college that we now look. my question is, what happens? it is done, we have been living under this since 978. it was a case called baki, which basically said that quote is ordinal. good. but louis powell did justice were basically, we quote, wrote the opinion, was very equivocal. sandra day o'connor had the chance to do something, she didn't. anthony kennedy thereafter, who replaced her,
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he didn't. but with this court right now, they're going to kill this. it is discrimination. no matter how you look at it and a violation of the 14th amendment period. oh, interesting or one more big move happened on the court. we have briars resignation, very liberal in the court, going to be replaced. he was appointed underneath bill clinton. now you're going to have one underneath and joe biden, probably of the same ideology balance isn't going to change, but the time you have this is this have anything to do with the midterms? do you believe in who they can get confirmed? well, if it does, it's going to be fascinating to see because scotty, i have been watching as many others to see the litany of candidates that the buyer administration is put up from district court to circuit court of appeal. and i have been shocked. gob smacked the number of engages by seeing this. i mean to call them liberal, isn't even doing them a disservice or service. so let us see. but as you said correctly, the balance when i mean will not be changed,
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but also remember something very quickly when a judge puts that role bomb scotty and knows that he or she cannot be removed. and they enjoy a life tenure. you never know what they're going to do. i can go through a list of all the most liberal justice is that they thought who were conservative and vice versa. so don't say just because by and picks them, that they're going to maintain a certain ideology. well, it's interesting because the one campaign promise it by that kind of a fellow that he's gonna point, the 1st african american woman to the bench. it looks like that's what's going to be his nominees, but he said time will tell thanks line for joining us. and when we come back, the by the ministration has officially dropped the vaccine mandate for large company. but will companies comply and what will happen to health care workers more after the break with,
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ah, there may or may, we should all be mayor, may, we should all be angry or what's going on, right? can't understand united states history and the role that slavery play is already a very formal institution. by the time united states became a nation, it actually defined the nation. the rise of capitalism was clearly on the backs of
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slate. and it's laid down. if you had investigated lynchings, any great extent, you can't believe a country and the country still stands in brick. i'm from the south. everybody know, know what they're saying. to some extent, i would argue that we're still fighting. the civil war. in the south is winnie joined me every thursday on the alex simon, sure. and i'll be speaking to guess from the world of politics, sport, business. i'm show business. i'll see you then. ah ah
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aah and other victory today for those against the vaccine mandate on wednesday, the by an administration decided to with to raul the rural, completely affecting private businesses with more than 100 employees. now, the original ruling by the supreme court struck down the vaccine mandate made for that for business by a 6 to 3 vote. however, what does this mean for the mandate on health care workers? i discussed this, bringing it been fun. investigate jonathan has to boom, best fan, thanks for joining me on this. then thanks for having me on. it's almost comical, isn't it? it's interesting. it is predictable. it is. how long was it going to take?
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upheld the mandate though on health care workers. 5 to 4 ruling did to bind ministrations. withdraw? mean all vaccine mandates are no longer required. well, no because they are now moving forward to shore up this requirement on health care workers. they haven't backed off of that one back. they're moving forward on it, but it is when i've reason. i say it's comical is because i can't believe it's even a headline. the biden administration is, is revoking the rule with osha to mandate that employers get vaccinated for all large companies. companies with employees of $100.00 or more, what they are not rolling to, but what that essentially is saying is we're going to roll back our illegal order. you know, the, one of the supreme court said we had no constitutional authority to. we're going to go ahead and roll it back, but i guess that's an improvement because they buy them. ministration has not done that with other cases. like for instance, this moratorium on kicking people out of their homes where you can't remove people . landlords can't remove people, and courts found that that was illegal, and the biden administration said,
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we don't care if you think it's illegal. we're gonna keep going forward with it. so at least on this one, they took a step back. but in terms of federal workers, they have not taken a step back and they are showing up those orders. but i think been that's the reason why i wanted to make sure that i covered it because today in the mandate was supposed to go into effect. and thank goodness the supreme court got the decision in time or else the story in the headlines. they would be congratulations by gets a win and these people don't get to work anymore. so i think we need to, like he wants to race, that he ever tried to propose something that the supreme court ruled to be unconstitutional, like they've done multiple other things that this administration has continue project. but now once it is withdrawn and supposedly they try to sweep under the rug, which we're going to make sure we remind people that they purposely foot put forward a law that was unconstitutional. can it come back though, in another form? you can come back in another format and to that point, this is the important point of covering this right here. is that yes, the, the by demonstrations tried to erase what they did, what they are trying to do now is that we're going to go through the normal rule
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making process. and we're going to try through another means instead of through osha through another organization or bureaucratic system. and we're going to try to impose his role in a different way. so they still want the rule to go through. they're just accepting, they can't do it through osha as an emergency rule. they want to use it as, as a regular rule. but think about this again. now you're coming back and saying that it should be required of all employees in all businesses. they have to be vaccinated with the vaccine that increasingly the data shows doesn't work, certainly not against omicron, the i'm a chrome, very it, it doesn't work at all against all, all micron. and so even pfizer saying about their, you know, 4th shot. the 2nd booster say, well, we're gonna have to create one that is specific to a crime because it's not working. and israel, it has the data that proves that over 90 percent of the adult population vaccinated there and it's not working. so why would you mandate this for every worker in the country? it doesn't matter if it's to osha as an emergency rule or a general rule. i think that the court would probably still find that you can't
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just mandate people get shots willy nilly. you require that as a requirement to have a job and yet the same excuse being used right now as to that fact that the monoclonal antibody treatment is being pulled because, oh yeah, it doesn't do anything to on the crime yet. here's the vaccine that doesn't do anything. i'm a crime that they're continuing to push forward. once again, like you said, it does not make sense, but something i avoid scratch my head with. there's a law in south carolina that is being proposed that makes it a violation, a criminal act to ask for a vaccine status. so how is asking for vaccine status not fall underneath the hipaa violation already? well it, it absolutely should fall under the hipaa violation. i mean, a hipaa essentially says you can't ask certain questions about someone's health status, how being vaccinated has escaped, that it's just the part of this entire system, right. as you just said, dr. valgy comes out and says that these monoclonal antibodies cannot be used. so they're going to continue a moratorium against them you're,
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you can't use them. that's crazy because you're saying, because it doesn't work with all micron. but again, the vaccine isn't working as all micron, obviously. so we're watching this kind of play out, and i think what we're hitting a moment of it's got a with each and every day is that more and more we're seeing people say, you know, these people who are empowered, they don't know what they're talking about or what's worse is they do know what they're talking about and they're just lying to us and that's why i think we're seeing some incredible things happening right now. i mean this, this freedom truckers convoy that's taking place in canada right now is such an incredible story. $50000.00 truckers are headed to ottawa to the steps of parliament. 500000 people are expected to gather there on january 29th, all because the prime minister justin trudeau came out and said, every truck driver must be vaccinated, or you can't cross the border. will he did that in conjunction with the biden administration? and it has backfired to such an incredible degree there. i'd love to see these kinds of ridiculous mandates backfire everywhere, including right here in the us. well then what i think the other issue is that,
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you know, at least in the 1st initial off downs happened. the 1st 2 years, a guy camp i'm senate 2 years ago, we started covering the corona virus. by the way, this is actually the week anniversary 2 years ago that we 1st did our 1st story on the corona virus over in china and how concerned we should be. it continue to go down a little bit down. what has happened over the past years to 6 months is up, down, up, down, up, down. we're on top it, no, we're failing. we're, i've done that consistency. i think it's the problem we're facing. do you think moving forward? are they going to continue to push on is, are you seeing them kind of go relentless and try another route? well, you would think that they would be trying another route and yet what we're hearing is now some differing language. so now we're hearing more and more of all those talking heads in the media. who really, parrot everything the administration wants anyways, is they'll say things like, well masks don't really work. they're not a big deal, right? but they, they have not changed their rhetoric about the effectiveness and the efficacy of the vaccines. and that's something that hasn't changed. why there's too much money
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in that. so what they want to be able to continue to do is require everyone to get shots in to a perpetual system, and that's what we're watching. take place. i don't think they're going to back off of it. but i think at some point when elections start to show that people are fed up, maybe that's when politicians will act differently. and it's interesting that they always in his metro areas are one way and the rest of the state years. they want a governed and another been always great to talk to and thanks for continue to follow this up. that's all the time that we have for j show, but i promise this is a conversation which we're going to continue. how do we do that? we're phone mate on twitter at godaddy and news, you can use the hash tag team and vh lots of conversations back and forth. and for the show and more make sure that you download the portable dot to the app for your apple or android device. it's free and features all the diverse programming we have here at our t america. and like always until we see each other again, stay happy and healthy and say inform thanks for watching. ah,
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blue to what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race is on offense. very dramatic development. only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical time time to sit down and talk and a champs all down through here, calling this the larry over here. so your camps are always a little nicer than this. this is evidence of absolute poverty, just to mayor, people in our city and other cities all across america are living like this. where at the original feed and village that opened up in 2018 right now. there's 31 homes
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on the property. it's a little over 4 acres with 31 homes and a community center. unfortunately, a lot of people don't make it out of edition more homelessness and i'm just really happy it. oh, dad you with. oh, oh, when i was showing wrong, when i just don't know, i mean you world yes to shape out. this thing becomes the advocate and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground.
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join me every thursday on the alex simon show. i'll be speaking to guess in the world of politics, sport business. i'm show business. i'll see you then ah, top headlines right now here were naughty international rushes, foreign minister says the u. s. has failed to address moscow's concerns about nato expansion, but got the 2 sides can start a serious conversation about secondary issues and panic over the ukrainian crisis. taking a bit of a bizarre tone in the media with one outlet suggesting russian as russian is preventing you f o hunters from contacting alia. also this hour here, we're not international. we speak to a top us immune ologist to explains why sputnik re, apparently has the.
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