tv News RT January 29, 2022 12:00pm-12:30pm EST
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ah, ah ah charged president biden plans to position you as troops in eastern europe and a show of force against russia despite nature's chief, admitting no certainty about whether moscow would evade ukraine. meantime, germany swims against the nato tide by resisting setting arms. ukraine or muth has got the backing of the german public according to recent polls and canadas prime minister brands, the huge truck convoy opposing the vaccine mandate as extremists, despite the growing drivers movement of houses, no spreading through the capital to it. with
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a the low from oscar. very good evening. i'm kevin. oh and welcome to art international world news at 8 the 1st night president biden's place to send more us troops to nato countries in eastern europe in the near future. as he put it earlier this week. the pentagon had already put 8500 troops on standby for possible deployment. although the same time nato's back tracking on its months long claims that russia is about to invade its neighbor ukraine alliance. chief gen stoughton burg now admits this, no certainty, but any invasion. after all, it is correct that we are not planning to deploy, nate to combat troops to ukraine, as long as russia does not. once again decide to use military force as a certainty. while there's no certainty about the uh, the russian plans on the maybe they have not made any final decision. for months. the usual suspects in the west have spirit, the same old hysteria,
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western mainstream media, quite literally drew their own picture of reality with maps of an imaginary invasion from stultz and burke himself to west than officials. and it's media who constantly shrieked. an invasion was just around the corner conveniently, postponing their predictions even when proved wrong. us intelligence officials say russia could invade ukraine as soon as january, and that's because of russian troops that are massed on ukraine's borders. where now to see russia could at any point, want an attack and ukraine, but now even the ukranian president has brushed it off as just panic. or do we have tanks in the streets? you know that there is a feeling that if you are not here, if you are in england, germany, france, lithuania, there is a feeling from the media that we are to war troops are walking on the road. so mobilizing this is not true. we don't need hispanic, but hang on. doesn't this all sound a bit like what russia had been saying all along. useful. if there's any issue with
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the risk, if you go through, if it depends on the russian federation, then there will be no war. we don't want any wars, but we will also not allow our interest to be rudely trampled on and ignored. but it seems like even all that doesn't stop the wheels at that. it bad sanctions machine rolling. the west prepares, crippling sanctions in anticipation of that same elusive rush and aggression. at this very moment, we have been very clear that if russia further evades ukraine, the united states is looking at a range of options with allies and partners to deliver severe costs to the russian economy, assessing potential spill overs and exploring ways to reduce those spill overs is good governance and standard practice. but if anything, the ukraine crisis has taught us one thing, some west them politicians who claim to preferred diplomacy and dialogue, are reluctant to abandon their own worlds and step into a reality without russian aggression. we always accuse russia to,
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to be the aggressor, even if c is no, were reality of the wrong. that's super bus. that's the situation now. if russia, oh, will not be a consider as an adversary of ne, too. they will be no joke, no object, he full ne to and the i need united states will lose its supreme rossi in europe. and the object, if she's to freshman europe on, to torpedo any reset between western europeans on russia. and in order to prevent multiple r richie to emerge, ukraine confirmed on friday that received another batch of military aid from washington. $81.00 tons of ammunition were delivered in one of dozens of air transfers planned on a jo, biden's, $200000000.00 support package. but not all nato members united in weapon, ising ukraine. it seems, germany's refusing to sand arms and is ruled out evacuating his embassy. they're saying the move would only add to the tensions with more lapse out of it from
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berlin or your correspondent. tough time. see european diplomacy hearing berlin, many of the decisions made by chancellor sholtes as government haven't been running on the same lines as friends and partners in london in washington. the german foreign minister is also not convinced there's an immediate sign of ukraine joining the nato alliance. everyone knows that this is not the agenda at the moment, including russia. the people of ukraine wants to live in peace and security. many have been separated from their families for years due to the conflict in the da boss. that's what the matter is about. not even attempting to nato, another area where germany isn't following the lead of the u. k. in us is when it comes to the evacuation of stuff from embassies and kiev. berlin says it would just further to stabilize the situation on the ground in ukraine. of course, we continuously check the security situation in different places around the world, including in ukraine. like how are you partners?
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we have currently decided not to reduce the embassy stuff in case germany has come under a lot of pressure over its refusal to send weapons to ukraine. in fact, it's with some sections of the media into a frenzy, with some headlines, even questioning whether berlin is actually a friend of the us. all i have of with concern the situation in ukraine and the reactions of our neighbors from germany in the face of the threat from russia. it's immoral and hypocritical. it's driving a division line between west and east in europe. foreign minister, bear bulky, used a debate and the bomb the stag. to further cement the government's commitment to the policy seminar demand in the weapons be delivered urgently in difficult situations. you have to repeatedly discuss your action self. critically. we have to strengthen ukraine economical and financially because in the 21st century and don't just sudden with canon's friends and allies are clearly not happy with berlin's decision. the german people seem to be ok with it. according to polling, nearly 60 percent of the germans are quite happy with the decision not to send
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weapons to ukraine. senior figures within the largest party and the ruling coalition are keen to stress germany's role and attempt to find a diplomatic solution to the current crisis. not committed in wars, lumiere right now, in the middle of europe, it's about doing everything we can to prevent a military escalation of the situation. and of course, we do not deliver weapons to ukraine, because about keeping the peace, lasting peace order in europe would not work with our russia, but only with russia. it's korea, berlin believes the diplomatic doors to finding solution remain open. however, it's equally clear that germany feels that should they supply weapons to ukraine, their ability to keep those doors open would be impaired. peter all over r, t, berlin, and elsewhere. debrief you on. the disunity among nato members doesn't end with the supplies to ukraine and weapons, as hungary refuse to host additional nato forces. countries fence minister added
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the russian troop movements inside its own borders. doesn't necessarily mean that moscow wants to attack ukraine. bulgarian officials mean time of admitted that they may hold talks with washington over not allowing any more us troops on their soil and crew. a ship this weekend, saying it would withdraw its nature military personnel from eastern europe. should there be a conflict between russia and ukraine? and we paid sherry, mariani scathing about europe caving in to washington on anti russian rhetoric. zavion player most, it's very w still eat us, is real hysteria. i get the feeling that the russian army could be in paris any day if everything continues like this. what do you think are the real reasons? i think some people just need to regain christy, which is the 1st, the u. s. as we know they left afghanistan the most miserable way that we don't 2nd, nato, which needs to justify its existence. so i will also mention ukrainian president zalinski york who has had an extremely difficult situation inside the country.
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recently, all these people need the pressure to build upto you at the same time. i notice that almost all the media repeat the same information over and over again. to georgia, south, forget that. almost all of this information secret satellite imagery comes to us from the one source. the us, of course, the united states is our best ally. but let's remember the way to stabilize the entire middle east because this very ally explained to us that there are weapons of mass destruction there been. so it is very often necessary to state that the european union has no real foreign policy. this is, and as you know today, the position of the you on this issue is in line with the position of poland, romania, the baltic states. and they're very aggressive rhetoric towards russia. but other than that, the e. u as a diplomatic dwarf dio. meanwhile, a civilians been wounded by a crating army shelling, according to officials in the self proclaimed done at school republic in the east of the country. they say the fire came from mortars and targeted donnette suburbs, including the village where this instance took place. the praises moves him. do you
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think you talk a bit you have happened at half past 7 in the morning when the man went in his backyard to clear the snow. he didn't expect that to happen. the injured resident was taken to hospital. now medics had taken care of him when the shadow takes place every day. people, us, cad, you can tell. we've requested a response on the instant from the organization for security and cooperation in europe. it's carrying out a monitoring mission in the region. we'll let you know if we get a reply soon. elsewhere and i created prime minister just intrude those weighted into the vast truckers freedom convoy their dismissing protests against vaccine mandates is unacceptable. despite the numbers soaring and huge trucks. now moving to block the capital case, streets, thousands of drivers a furious and needing coven jobs to bring in us food, which candidates have re reliance on. they warned the restrictions couldn't come at a worst time either with food import costs up. an astonishing 25 percent this month alone and price inflation at a 30 year high. yeah,
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ministers claim that demonstrates is adjust extremists, the small fringe minority of people who are on their way to ottawa, who are holding unacceptable views that they are expressing do not represent the views of canadians who have been there for each other. we've already seen people who are equating vaccine mandates to ushering in a new era of nazi germany. frankly, there's just too much from the leaders of this convoy which is not about freedom and certainly not about truckers. we have already seen some expressions which fall very much into the category of extremism. yet canadians are coming out in droves in a moment, way the national flags to show their backing for the rallies. a convoy facebook page has now got more than a 3rd of a 1000000 members, and they've got almost $8000000.00 in donations. we spoke, but it's a calling trigo joined to friends driving with a co voice. he says, all different kinds of ordinary people have gone to extraordinary lengths to show their support. every area of the country that we drove by had people didn't
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matter. the temperature sometimes as low as minus 30 degrees, standing on the edge of the road, waving flags holding signs. they're upset that they're losing their freedoms. through these mandy, i need to be very, very clear. it's not about the vaccine itself, it's about the mandates and the freedom to choose whether or not we have to take them. and that is what the ordinary hardworking canadians are here for. they want to, they want their freedoms restored. local journalists had told us, it's a sad irony than the canadian protest is being heard more by u. s. baseball in l. a must than their own government, which she says because more about power, not health. so, so you want us because has supported this protest and that's more, more support than we've seen from the political leadership in this country, which is really frustrating for the convoy. they told me frequently that they
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expect to political leadership in this country. both liberals and conservatives to either support them or at least listen to their demands. the mainstream media in canada had convince canadians that we ourselves loved the vaccine mandate. but now that we see on the ground, how many people are coming out onto the highway in the bitter cold minus 30 degrees celsius in some cases, to wave flags and support this convoy. it's clear that the what we've been told about the support of action mandates isn't really true, but the government doesn't want to release the story that they've gained throughout this pandemic. they're dead set on keeping a iron fisted grip of power over the people. deciding what they're able to do, where they are able to go, depending on their medical status and across the poor. now in france, next, authorities against the vaccinated roles raising eyebrows of the paris hospitals.
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chief question whether or not they should even get free treatment anymore. all denila, when free and efficient drugs are available, should people be able to announce the vaccine without consequences while we struggle to take care of other patients in the hospital. she 1st said he'd raised this question before because he didn't want health care spending to explode. one days he put it because what he called the responsible behavior with discussion on it raging right now, we got the thoughts of some people in the french capital as she, i'm completely concerned since i have my 2 grown up children, young adults who are not vaccinated on for free choice for all, and for us to continue to care for everyone with the same conditions for all that. so given in france, and we can give it up like that. it chokes me. i've been working for 40 years to have been contributing for 40 years. imagine if i were not vaccinated. i still want to be treated like everyone else. that's the hippocratic oath. treat everyone who has on well, he's kind of right. the vaccine is free. you don't pay,
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so it's normal to get vaccinated. it's for you and for others. and in addition, you take the place of someone else in intensive care. while looking after coven patients who end up in intensive care costs around 3000 years, a day in france at the moment with stays on a board average urging a week, maybe the 10 days me, while a controversial new vaccine pass is coming to force in the country, meaning that everyone over 16 years old will have to be job to be able to get into access to different public places like restaurants in to city transport, to get a better understanding of the issues involved. we spoke so charlotte, professor, dr. rubber good sher along with communicable diseases expert, dr. barrett punk hannah, we just must not make a distinction between immunized and not immunized. they're all citizens and we treat them as equal citizens. we persuade, inform, educate, advise the people who have not been immunized and help them to make that voluntary
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decision to get him. you know, just even if 80 percent of the population is fully immunized, that is 80 percent are not 100 percent immune. it is important to invest in prevention. prevention is cheap. prevention is easier. prevention is better why one of the things that we need to worry about are the inequalities that have been embedded in coded since the beginning people long had to pay to get access to the vaccine. whether that be driving a far distance, taking time away from work or friends and family. so there are lots of costs that have been hidden that we really have under discussed. now we're moving into another realm where people, for reasons that may be illogical, maybe related to their health, maybe related to issues of faith or religion are going to be taxed for those decisions. and so i think that as our society start to move toward a sense of quote unquote normal seat, i think we should be looking also to be here. the people who are vaccinated are the
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rest of us behaving properly in order to protect one another. still to couple of international this will, these dishing continues. may kevin know, in numerous aid organizations warning tonight, but you bug sanctions against the african center. molly could trigger the worst. busy crisis in decades were on it after the break with ah ah, ah ah ah ah, with
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ah ah, what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race is on offense. very dramatic development. only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very political time. time to sit down and talk ah, i got a campaign and say you can't police have overstepped the powers that in arresting a women's rights. activists who campaigned against transgender inmates in women's jails, officers detained. jennifer swale on hate crime charge is over
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a posters and stickers calling for no men in women's prisons. and for warning about the level of male violence against women. please release the statement st. they'd receive complaints to the post as contained abusive writing. they also rated swain's home and confiscated a book critical about children being allowed to change gender, a spokesperson for the group. fair cop telling us, sir, by the way, this is an organization. the pros where the police actions of violated human rights telling us offices are gone too far. well, the activity i know about is that she put up stickers saying cervix, it's a woman stang. and that one in 3 women were murdered by man. so no, i don't find any of that offensive. it's a statement of simple fact because we seem to now have something happening in our country where a transfer beer is defined as anything which is reported to be offensive by anybody . and that is enough to make the police take action. obviously if she was putting
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up stickers and posters, which i think she's admitted, that could be criminal damage. it could be fly posting. these are criminal offenses . and absolutely the police have a right to investigate that. what they don't have a right to do though, is go and search her home and remove books, edited by perfectly respectful academics on topics of public interest. that's a very serious infringement of her article 10 rights in my view. or further to this . so swain took the social media to argue that her messages were not anti transport . pro women alleged that the thinking was being investigated. rather action is so much discussed topic right now, and you can find out more get involved in the conversation, the antidote being some sort of film oregon telling us that it would be safe if women's prisons didn't allow transgender inmates. i think prison should be single sex women are usually much smaller and weaker and not as fast as men and women
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deserve. therefore, spaces where they don't have to worry about being attacked by men or simply spaces where they can just be within without male presence. and given that the majority of trans women do not make any alterations to their body, either you medication or surgery, i think single sex spaces remain incredibly important for women, and all right, be protected by law. so when sex matters, it needs to be recognized and protected and to say that is not transfer big and people should not be investigated by the police were saying that more than a dozen ada organizations or warning you but sanctions on the west african country of marley have the potential to trigger the worst in quality crisis in decades. restrictions were opposed off. the military government there postponed planned elections, but critics claim the suffocation the country reporting that sharla do berinsky. the situation is dia, as molly battles, with the worst bound to food insecurity that it suffered in a decade. sanctions way, hard restrictions that include
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a trade embargo and financial aid being suspended, were initially brought in by the economic community of west african states. but they are now being supported by the e. u, and that is a step too far from more than a dozen aid organizations. many hundreds of thousands of persons displaced internally within money. simple marashi exemptions against the moments with darren goods. we have a lot of people that needed tremendous very high several 1000000 a we had, you know, a weakening as a result of sanctions that could be dragged more people down into digital situation . the sanctions have all so sparked protests in the maryan capitol hill. so why have such
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a punitive measures been imposed on one of the wolves poorest countries? in 2021. molly was taken over by a military coup, which was led by the vice president to see me greta, who then installed himself as being the main man. and initially the plan was to hold elections within the year. however, that pledge has since been rescinded. however, molly's recent history has been even more tangled in a military web with thousands of soldiers from european countries, mainly from here in france on the ground since 2013. ah mm. ah.
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paris has also blamed the worsening relations with blanco on the arrival of russian military contract a wagner. however, that is something that's being denied by the molly and authorities who say that only russian trainers are on the ground to strengthen the operational capacity in the exact same way as european trainers have been there for several years. annex this which is also got the e u in a twist where the wagner is or isn't present in molly, it certainly is persona non grata within the block. the activities of this group reflect russian hybrid warfare. they represent a threat and create instability in a number of countries around the world. all of this begs the question, is molly being partially sanctioned? because it has asked for help from russia. it is clear that almost 10 years of intervention by the europeans hasn't brought peace and security to the country. and
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as molly looks elsewhere for assistance, the e u has hardened it stance is pushing the country into more food insecurity and, and deepen school. she might in crisis and so besieged by our ministers and the population cannot leave the area. we also have issues of funding this you much in a crisis in my view has not been funded to, according to, to, to beneath the last year and, and the stairs not looking good as well. the reality is that sanctions will impact the poorest the most. and it is the vulnerable in molly society that will really pay the price. charlotte, even ski r t. paris. yeah, more on it. the act. ting, country direct to frogs, farm and molly told us just how desperate the food situation is in the country at the moment. money is already secured. 317. but friends of food is
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dependent from import into the humanitarian situation. more than 7500000 people are in difficult when someone was playing media, particularly one code of the complete population in the need of food and other be humanity instead of at the meeting that will not be available and not be more international donors, which will be available. so this will have a high impact on money. and emma appointed by the u. k. government as a key advisors to tackle islam of phobia claims. he hasn't received any meaningful engagement from ministers in years carry a sim, was commissioned to work on an anti muslim discrimination project back in 2019, but says the work never really began in his letters or gone on, answered. he told r t a but his main concerns. i was appointed in 2019, but sadly,
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no work has taken place since 2019 because it hasn't been potentially political will behind defining it on to how prevent it is now for big incidence. and commons happening in our society. the government has not shown any form of engagement. the government has not engaged me or responded to my correspondence. and so this, this lack of engagement is deeply disappointing. and from the muslim communities perspective, i think that the huge level of frustration that the not being taken seriously because of by not engaging with me regarding defining is number 4, be at the government is shipping, lack of willingness to perhaps have a definition in our country also,
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and people can read into this that the government is not as interested in tackling or via as people would quite rightly like them to do. so these latest claims come just days after prime minister boris johnson was accused of failing to probe allegations of islam of phobia. within his government. the ro is exacerbated by accusations from the former transport, but as to lead missouri ghani, who claims she was demoted because of a quote, muslim the us and the race concerns and the routing conservative party about it. the p. m said the government takes the claim seriously and does not tolerate any kinds of discrimination. is i'm a phobia though, has been a big problem in england and wales in recent years. according to a home office report. almost half of all recorded religious hate crime offences last year were against muslims was around 2700 cases. it makes muslims by far the highest target of all religious groups carry us. im thinks the 1st step to revenge
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bigotry in this i'm a phobia is to define it. we need to edge and me and come up with a definition that is acceptable to the majority of the people in this country. because without a definition, it's really hard to distinguish between what is unprejudiced and the most incentive and, and what is the non infringing, dismantle. and then having a definition of the staff will be it will help us to define where the red line boundaries are. you know what is acceptable and what is unacceptable behavior or next sent the comment. because at the moment, people make remarks about most themes without fear of being a cold out without any fear that this is something that should be unacceptable in our society. and that's all tinted actually. well, these are the 8 for moscow with me, kevin, how and thanks for checking in. stay with us for our next programs and your part of
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the well to off the break for me. very good evening. ah, is leah still large enough to satisfy the ambitions of jeff bezos? you know, it's got its tentacles in so many aspects of the economy. there's nothing that amazon isn't trying to get into the step by step. the amazon empire has extended its group on the world that walks like a dog in choir like a dog as a dog. so amazon looks like monopoly trades like a monopoly makes money like monopoly behaves like monopoly. amazon essentially controls the market place. it's not really a market as a private arena, a wild where a single company controls the distribution of all day the products and the infrastructure of our.
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