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tv   Redacted Tonight  RT  January 29, 2022 4:30pm-5:01pm EST

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really, the only thing worse is premature, creepy crawly. infestation of the before exploding disorder. my cousin had that, in fact, they named it after him. what he's dutch next up in the years, most centered stories, the historical wave of wildcat strikes that are demanding worker rights. now if you're like me and you think wildcat strikes are when workers get together dressed like the thunder cats and smear their ou outside their bosses office, you're only half right? it does involve workers. a wild can strike is a strike that is not approved by the union higher ups. it's basically just workers getting together and saying, and you know, i guess we've had enough. i'm not pouring one more coughing for a little bit. i'm why met or half cap law k as a 3rd kilobytes back cap, which is not all the math equation. so i want $0.50 more an hour, which i think is very reasonable. wildcat strikes have reached into the thousands,
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over the past 2 years, far more than the u. s. c. in previous decade, and yet almost entirely ignored by your garbage, propagandistic piles of mucous, mainstream media that i am not a fan of. and in fact, in fact, i'm taking, i'm taking my mainstream media fan club out of my wallet. 7 that is very manly, even though there's a sticker of a k pop band on it. taking this out and i am cutting it up right now, right there on live tv. boom, john with it to my credit card. anyway, point still stands next up in the list of most centered stories of the year. journalists investigating financial crimes have been threatened by global elise. the foreign policy center report reveals the global leads have been abusing their legal and financial powers by targeting reporters with defamation lawsuits. cease
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and desist letters, social media, smear campaigns, trolling verbal harassment. and even occasionally, physical island, perhaps more astonishing than the fact that the journalists revealing large scale financial crimes are being persecuted is that the other journalists won't cover their story. you know, the ones who's closest thing to investigative reporting is asking the former head of the fiance slash new correspondent, how his weekend was the ones on the mainstream airwaves. they treat this story the same way. people treat being asked by a friend to help them move. they will get near it in order to get out of helping a friend move. i wants pretended to be racist for a month. so he did. the friendship probably should have just said i had a bad back. the next most center story is that you f factory farms are
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a breeding ground for the next pandemic. the threat boils down to american excess. jessica mos road over the past 50 years. me production has increased about 260 percent. mostly because the burger king's new each are way out, meet helmet. 3 people died from that, but survivors say it's delicious. survivors say is delicious, was also the name of a limited liability brothel. i briefly owned small world anyway, as march report and 99 percent of us meet comes from factory farms were poor conditions and stress on the animals means that disease can emerge on the farms and spread through the herd at lightning speed. this means that in factory farms, the disease is mutate quickly and aggressively like kansas owens in our 1st career thunder dome champion. on top of that, many of the animals are pumped full of antibiotics because it's the only way they will survive when stacked on top of each other knee deep in and rotting vomit. it's
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the same reason every one of the white house is palm full of antibiotics except for chief of staff. ron claim he just showed up looking like that point being the uniquely disgusting, uniquely grotesque. american factory farming is a breeding ground for antibiotic resistant, super bugs. so if you want to create another pandemic disease that reeked havoc on a human and screwed up all of our lives. factory farms or how you know it a just and 2nd is the vampire bad cavern where jared in a bunker makes sex. a distant 2nd company from wash and dca, the belly to base is redacted denied ah, intrusive
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moon. welcome on li camp. let's break some news. remember the very real havana syndrome that our government and our media told us consisted of cuba and other villainous foreign powers, with aggressive moustaches. given us diplomats a light headache for a week by way of a top secret, super special weapon that no one can detect. american government employees were being taken out left and rides with light eggs and sometimes a bit of sleeplessness, tow a light headache and labels that are we sure they didn't just watch an episode of chemicals with the car dash ians chloe kart. ashley. it's been off show, but now our government told us this was real and deadly. well, maybe not deadly, but dangerous. well, not dangerous, but harmful. well, not harmful,
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but slightly annoying. the major media has literally been covering this story for years now. the mysterious symptoms that have come to be known as havana syndrome. the cuban government placed sonic devices that produce non audible sound . inside or outside the residences do more to help it staffers who are suffering from a mysterious illness. the so called havana syndrome, medical ailments, they become known as the havana syndrome, a series of mysterious attacks using energy beams. did you can't even see mysterious energy bears y o q i live alone? what have we ever done to them other than than 200 times the cia is admitted to trying to kill their president? murder under the bridge attempted murder under the bridge. well, just last week, the truth about the futuristic dastardly attack came out. the c, i said,
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of van syndrome was not the result of a sustained campaign by a hostile power. the idea that widespread brain injury symptoms have been caused by russia or another foreign power targeting americans around the world, either to harm them or to collect intelligence, has been deemed unfounded. the sources said wholly a secret gun that sounded like crickets having sex and caused mild annoyance to a select few people while leaving everyone else around them perfectly fine was not real. call me purple inside me family. the way my now in prison, uncle. you have to do, he called it playing monopoly, but when i was 14, i learned next. i know you play monopoly at all. anyway, who could have seen the honor collapse of the van? a syndrome story coming? exempt. anybody with a functioning brain stem? well, look, i don't think this is a big problem. i just think that all media talking heads,
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who were dumb enough to fall for this dumpster fire of stupidity should forevermore have a warning label on their shows on the screen that in an elegant and tasteful font that says, i'm slightly law smart than a raccoon drunk on vodka watermelon ryan's he found in a trash can are filled with used diapers. and i'll just say that on the corner, the screen all the time and also tattooed on their next it shad go. it really is sad to see these, these beacons, these heroes of journalism go, ah, i me, ah, all, especially if you rachel,
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matto. there are just aren't enough up. be sure, be liberal to fight every day to try to create nuclear arm again by way of waste water propaganda. you're one of a kind. moving on we go to upstate new york known for not be in canada, but also for not being new york city. a town in upstate new york started giving monthly jacks and $500.00 to a bunch of their citizens. this is called basic income. and what happened when these people are given basic income? did they spend their $500.00 a month on $50000.00 mentos? so they could swim in them and have their entire body smell like minty fresh, 1998. no. did they for the $500.00 on bose the way you know the rich would do now. then they spend the $500.00 on $500.00 super discount sex workers who don't allow kissing coddling or skin judging. now, instead, the crazy result of this basic income pilot program was the same result of every
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basic incoming pilot program. going back to me, reporter share part of our new knows the recipients of the money reported better health, mended relationships, and the agency to spend their money as they see fit and coding, planning for the future planning for the future. i remember when i used to do that, those 2 are good times, but now i focus more on just alger. you remembered us, right? that was the best point being the basic income helped down the have better lives rather than being eaten whole by the market economy. and this is despite the fact $500.00 is not a huge amount of money in nebraska, it would cover about half of the rent of a studio apartment. and in san francisco, it would cover half of a pumpkin spice pastry who would have thought that this thing that always happens with basic income would happen when basic income. so strange stranger than the 6
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pack abs, brock lesnar, hands on your lobe. this study must be a look. let's do $2700.00 more pilot programs in which we test out basic income. maybe then we'll find out if it works. i haven't seen this much pilot testing since c b s wants that kid comes during apparently to babies in the boost sammy, i believe the name was. this was written by a chimpanzee, but something everyone knows about basic income. if they know nothing about basic income, is that it causes people to work less. the moment people get that check in the mail, which will stop them from having to get their officers in skin legions treated by a man under a farewell with a modified dyson vacuum. instead of going to an adult human doctor, the moment they get that check in the mail, they stop work and we all know that if people work last in america,
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that all the systems break down. who deliver the dog shampooed to the woman in a gated community in one day or less? who will disconnect all the public water fountain down to make sure people buy bottled water? all well guess mantle all the previously public jungle gyms. so that children have to play and abandon factories tossing around barb wire and rusty pipe fittings instead of basketballs. who will take racist mad lives in slightly rephrase. they've been descript for taco carls into read each night. we need more workers and basic income, causing people to stop working. right. well, the study in upstate new york said, one of the most impressive findings was that employment among the participants went from 29 percent to 63 percent. that's right, employment increased. why? well, maybe it's because in our philip k, dystopian society finding
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a good job often requires money. you need to have nice enough clothes for the job interview. you need to be able to take the time to do a good job search, rather than just survive day to day by driving over until your cars cupholders are worn down to knobs. sometimes to find a job, you even have to pay for the job. finding apps don't have money. well, send us money and we'll help you find a job. so you can get money. beds that easy, or maybe your current job blow, then you want to new one. we can help you with that. do. just go to god. com and download the app barely legal. you see study after study after a pilot program after a god damn violent program has shown the basic income works in all of the ways. no, it doesn't solve all of the abuse and environmental destruction of capitalism. nothing
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can fully solve those problems except for a completely new economic system or a $300.00 foot tall robot. with carl sagan's consciousness driven by v go mortensen, which i am working on. i still need to collect 25000 more laser pointers and at least one we go mortensen. however, universal basic income would help millions upon millions of people instantly. it would get people health care in a roof over their heads in clean clothes and day care and, and with a little left over, they can get the good kind of pasta salad without the small rocks in it. and that is why the ruling lead don't actually want base again grow. our system is predicated on harsh, endless exploitation of a large number of people. without that, the others, the lower middle class and above, wouldn't be willing to pay exorbitant prices for health care or for housing or
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ridiculous college tuitions or for pay per view. celebrity boxing matches the last 27 seconds. that is why the ruling elite just want to keep studying basic income the same way they want to keep studying di criminalizing drugs and studying, dealing with climate change and studying non monogamous poly amorous. pre love, happy hours at red lobster across the country are not put on god damn studies do it so they can be awesome. thank you. we're gonna went break, but didn't get every episode redacted night and it goes of content portable dot tv grab the app portable dot tv slash download. i'll be right back a lot more. ah, ah, ah,
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wow. i am a ah, with your channel machinery, the geography. the nutrition which on the nucleus you and then the sub boshoway she can hi sharon, this is rob lee with me. right?
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yeah. very latoya. this is judy with she been traveling and kelly recruiting quote, and i renewed my fresh with night issue of that 1000th of love didn't get to i learned that for she the best and i must be lucky. i could fatima fact mother, you know if that i'm looking for a family cuz he asked him, jak here protection for him. um, with the money that i can live through . yeah, beth, as for acting, they're having a nervous breakdown, a very public nervous breakdown as they should. things are going their way. ah, is the earth's still large enough to satisfy the ambitions of jeff bezos?
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you know, it's got its tentacles in so many aspects of the economy. there's nothing that amazon is i'm trying to get into to step by step. the amazon empire has extended its group on the world that walks like a duck and quacks like a dog gets a dog. so amazon looks like monopoly trades like a monopoly makes money like monopoly behaves like monopoly. amazon essentially controls the market place. it's not really a market as a private arena, a wild, where a single company controls the distribution of all day, the products and the infrastructure of our economy. is this the world according to amazon? ah ah
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welcome back. i'm still the camp as a by an administration continues, it's psychotic, saber rattling towards russia. it might be time to start talking about the cia training literal nazis in ukraine. for more we turn into our top not to correspond, jaffer gone, hello job or hello lee. what's happening it, wait, not see correspondence. dep or corresponded is going to teach us about not 6. find whatever, look in order to confront the evil red menace to russia. the cia is training and
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funding a wide variety of fighters and ukraine, and some of these fighters, like the a's on battalion might be kind of nazis. according to the words of the, as i battalions founder, the historic mission of our nation in this critical moment is to lead the white races of the world in a final crusade for their survival. have. yeah, but this is just the ca, providing training to local militants, far away from us in order to achieve our cold war goals. just like we successfully did in the eighty's, when we train the brave job in which i had been fighters and kicked the soviets out of i've gone on end of story way. number one. and then the motor dame splintered into several groups, one of which was led by ben lot. and i said, end of story,
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look, how would be happening, what led to our government supporting ukrainian nazi's? well, it started in late 2015 with funding for ukraine, that congress included in a giant omnibus spending bill for the fiscal year of 2016. this started in 2015. so we've been supporting this group since obama. yes. like all of the worst things in the world, the, as a battalion has received bipartisan american supports, you know, one day all if is going to come back around and bite us in the right one day. there's that classic lea camp optimism. it's already biting. besides inspiring the christ church mosque massacre be a battalion has apparently trained us white supremacy groups, including members of the white supremacists, rise above movement, prosecuted for planned assaults on counter protesters at the far right events, including the charlottesville, unite the right rally. hold on, one of the deadly unite the right rally the reason biden claim the through his hat
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in the ring to run for president. yup. and he's currently funding a group that train the far right wide for premises involved with that event. that is right. and meanwhile, our government is supposedly starting a new war here at home on this exact kind of far right. domestic terrorism, which will serve as a cover to clamp down on activism on the left. all while supporting actual white supremacists further justifying the existence of its own or coney and civil liberty abusing anti terror apparatus. well, you say awfully kipper about all this job or i'm chipper because our great nation is doing what needs to be done in order to defeat our enemy, the red medice of russia. there is no reason to defeat our enemy, the national, if a nonsense all that leads to his suffering and destruction and death. we have weapon that could literally destroy the entire world. yes, but so does the red matter stop saying red man it's a red man, is the roster has
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a note to soda away. so there's only one solution. total old world or nuclear disarmament. i guess it's not as cool. thanks for the report offer . thanks. les, moving on agricultural workers are one of the sectors that have been hit hardest by the pandemic. in most states. they don't have any legal protections at all for more . we go to our intelligence failure and really, ah, here in maine, the 3 staples of the local economy are blueberries, eggs, and horn. 2 out of 3 of these staples require forming for consumers to enjoy. well, sometimes 3 out of 3, when you count the occasions when stephen king needs his brain melt to come up with a new people. that's why farm workers have been federally recognized as essential
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workers. since the pandemic began yet in 38 states including main, they're not even legally recognized as workers period. that means the person who pick those deliciously sweet main blueberries that you're filling your cheeks with right now has no legal right to overtime or a minimum wage. a recent bill and main would have reversed that and let farm workers join unions and collectively bargain. it passed through main legislature, which is controlled by democrats, but was vetoed by their labour loving democratic governor. the 74 year old female version of me, janet mills, according to her and acting the bill would subject our farmers to a complicated new set of laws that would require them to hire lawyers just to understand. so really she is looking out for farm workers. we all know they can't afford lawyers when they're not even getting paid the minimum wage. they're already expected to work long hours, picking our food, and you expect them to read all this stuff about new rights that they have. forget
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it. thank you, governor. just think of the massive lawyer shortage. that happened in 1935. when f d r side, the national labor relations act, the n l r a, as well as the fair labor standards act did give millions of american workers of all races. the right to join and organize unions. they also excluded all farm workers and domestic workers, which has widely been interpreted as a racer component. these workers made up and make up some of the poorest workers in the country. and they are disproportionately non white compared with other industries. today, more than 80 percent of farm workers in the us are latino, agricultural workers are still unrecognized at the national level. half of them are undocumented and are especially vulnerable to ruthless exploitation from agribusiness. here in america, they're subjected to wage that sexual assault, unsafe exposure to hazardous chemicals, and even forced labor, forced labor didn't there used to be another word for that?
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it was a movie called 12 years of forced labor. anyway, the few laws that are on the books against this stuff go on, enforced as immigration policy researcher daniel costa has if you're an agricultural employer, there's only around a one percent chance that you'll be investigated for anything in any given year. so they can pretty much get away with not treating your workers the way they should. but in some states, those one percent odds could be changing in 2019 new york farm workers earned a change in state law that allows them to collectively bargain and unionize. now for the 1st time, new york state finally has a farm workers union organizing. here the pandemic has hit agricultural workers, especially hard and help them realize how valuable their work really is to society a large. that's why in new york, they're fighting to expand their rights even further through earning over time compensation for over 40 hours a week of work. this would put farming on par with other industry,
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but farm owners say this would drive them out of business or force them to leave the state. which curiously sounds a lot like what capital a say. whenever workers ask them to do anything, we're going to move stony brook meadows farm to china. that's right, we're going to airlift the cows. in reality, these threats have already been disproved in california, which began rolling out over time pay equity for farm workers in 2016. despite industry predictions, the number of agricultural businesses in the state has actually increased during the states roll out. despite the excuses from politicians in their bosses in the private sector, there is no justification for the status quo. farm workers are workers and as a result deserve workers' rights. for too long, we've treated their blatant exploitation. as an afterthought. there's an old saying that you are what you eat. well, maybe you could use an addendum. you are the way you treat those who grow what you
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. we for main. manders li with redacted to the. and that's the show. but if you'd like more for me, check out my podcast government secrets on any podcast platform. also join our free email list by texting the word redacted to 33777. until next time, good night. keep fighting. ah, there may or may, we should all be mayor, may, we should all be angry because of what's going on. right. can't understand united states history. i understand the role that slavery play was already a very formal institution. at a time, united states became a nation. it actually find the nation. the rise of capitalism is clearly on the backs of flight and it's laid down if you investigated lynching any great extent. you can believe that really having a country and
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a country still stands in brick. i'm from the south. everybody know, know what they're saying. to some extent, i would argue that we're still fighting the civil war and the south is winning good, driven by agreement shaped bank concur senators with there's sinks. we dare to ask in a
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a to not do as president biden plans to position american troops in eastern europe at a show of force against russia. despite nato's chief admitting there is no certainty at all about the moscow would invade. you create the time germany swims against the nato tide by resisting sending arms to ukraine. a move it's got the backing of the german public to, according to recent polls and candidates prime minister brands, the huge truck convoy their opposing the vaccine mandate is extremists. despite the growing dr, is movement the 1000 now spreading through the capital also with a good morning live for moscow. my name is kevin know welcome to us internationals world news at 1 am.


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