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tv   News  RT  January 31, 2022 4:00am-4:31am EST

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miss with awe, i'll teach top stories of fleeing from anger. the canadian prime minister is reportedly rushed to an evacuation site as more than $10000.00 truckers protest against vaccine mandates. outside parliament. we hear from one of the activists who has been at the heart of the demonstration in ottawa, we've never seen anything like this before. either ordinary canadian, or simply tired of this death, audit government, telling us how we are going to live our lives. i can't, we are math as multiple brandon, is it going to feed a passenger acute as an airline for violating his freedom of speech after he's asked to remove his face mouth because of the anti bite? and let's go brandon slogan written on it with candace,
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the british prime minister consider sending more troops to night out of the same time looking to talk with the russian leader. critical claim that he's just trying to divert attention from the deepening party gates scandal. it hope a nice just to mid day here in moscow this monday, the last day of january. i'm calling bray, welcome to you. well, news for marty international 1st. then the canadian prime minister justin trudeau has reportedly been rushed to a secret secure location. as more than 10000 truckers, along with support is the best so called freedom convoy to send it on parliament hill in the capitol over a new no job. no job rule that's come in crowds and vehicles have been blocking key roads around the parliament building. and also protest is brave warnings of extreme cold to vent their opposition to vaccine mandates. as well as other pandemic restrictions that have been put in place. many said they weren't against the jobs, but just the government forcing people to take them. canadian activist,
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chris alton, talked to us from the protest. as you can see, i'm surrounded by some trucks right now. i'm standing right in front of parliament . i've been here for a couple days. there been no problem whatsoever. but there is an absolute unyielding determination on the part of these truckers, the not leave until all the mandates about santa are gone because we've been putting up for 2 years and we've had enough. they're not following science when they're playing all the different mandate, just the political maneuver, try to control. and the doctor is simply going to take, they're not going to tolerate it anymore. so it's on boy, from british columbia and from the maritime, the mall, the other province of all can birds on ottawa, they fill it up to $53.00. it's the biggest protest, i think in canadian history, geographically it's a bit difficult for canadian productive. it's not the big country, but we've never seen anything like this before. and i think it just lit a fire in canadian because this is partly an opportunity for all of us to get
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together. to show that there is a widespread movement, i guess what our government's doing. trudeau has probably to say that this is just the brand minority of canadian with unacceptable views. and nothing could be further from the truth. their ordinary canadian, are simply tired of this death bought a government telling us how we are supposed to live our lives. and even telling us our ultimate belief that costing $600000.00 a day to maintain security in the capital during the rallies of the protest ruptured after the government extended jap mandates. the truck drive is crossing the border with the united states. the truck is say, that threatens vital supply chains, but the canadian health agency justify the move, citing rising cobit cases and hospitalized ations. let's take a quick look at how the protests of i'm folded over the past few weeks.
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it's not about the vaccine itself, it's about demanding and the freedom to choose. that is what these ordinary hardworking canadians are here. they want to, they want their freedoms store ah, the small fringe minority of people who are on their way to ottawa for holding unacceptable views that they are expressing do not represent the views of canadians who have been there for each other. ah, hunchback, society itself is overtaken by fear. this convoys is all of the freed up. it's not only with a truck driver, it's actually for every single person, you mean money down the road, it doesn't matter. it's all about your free choice. me
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and with the issue causing clear divisions in the country, canada's main national broadcast has been quick to pointed who supposedly bind the unrest concerns that russian actors could be continuing to fuel things as this as this protest grows. but perhaps even instigating it from, from the outset, but political commentator, nazi contributed lauren chen believes that needs to be more focused on the real problems plaguing canada. right now. i feel like this whole russian scare is, is merely something to try to detract from the protest. to make it seem like these are not canadians who are part of this movement, which when you, i mean, you look at the ground, an ottawa, i don't think russia managed to sneak 10000 protesters across the border. i, it is frankly insulting as well to the canadians. i think this protest is a long time coming. this is not about the vaccine itself. this is about the mandate . the canadian government has tried to implement some of the strictest in the world
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are right now. if you are not vaccinated, cannot travel by plane train or ferry, and that includes just even domestically. there is a federal mandate for a federal employees, as well as health care workers. there have just been many times that the canadian government has told it's people that they do not respect their freedom of choice. the government is coercing you to do something that you may or may not want to do. and to be clear, canada is one of the most vaccinated countries on the planet. the vast majority of canadians who are eligible have received both doses. so this is not a question of canadians denying science or wanting to put each other's hell their wrists, or however opponents might want to spin it. it's a very different story when you tell someone that regardless of their medical status, what, what afflictions they might personally be experiencing, unless they submit, they will not be able to go to a restaurant. you know, they will not be able to travel, they will not be able to visit their loved ones and hospitals, all of which are restrictions that we have seen in canada. it's very dystopian. i think this is about control. this is about trying to get people to submit to the
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governments, women, and frankly, this is, this is past due for canadians. we are generally not people to protests or be louder, make our voices heard. we are very polite as the stereotype goes. but i think you can only push people so far, and that is exactly what you're seeing on the streets of auto right now. this is not america any mold this. how a passenger on spirit airlines reacted when stuff holding to remove his face mouth . because it had the antibody, and let's go brandon slogan written on it. video of the incidence exploded on social media racking up around $400000.00 views on tick tock alone. not america anymore. the, this is not america anymore. the company here. if i had a b, l, a mass gun, what does it been? okay. what does that mean? like lives out or? no. what does that grand in? what does that mean? it's my name. but isn't it? freedom of speech that have the mascot? is it? is it a freedom to see? is this massive home?
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i just, i can't, we are massive says let's go brandon. like this. anybody, i don't understand what happened on a flight from cleveland to tampa. one of the crew said it was unacceptable for the passenger to madonna, to display a political statement. so i think the airline policy. but mister redone your claims . it's a violation of his freedom of speech. nobody's contacted spirit airlines. the comment . if we hear anything back, we'll let you know what they say. as for that slogan, let's go brandon. it's become a code for insulting president bite and it started when i was called dr. brandon brown was being interviewed a few months back off the waiting a race crowd behind him. the stadium began challenging and explained to me that the president of the reporter thought they were saying, let's go. brandon. political commentator chadwick more believes the freedom of speech in the united states is increasingly under attack. if the contract says you can't wear offensive clothing, then what is offensive, that's all subjective, that's of the beholder. he makes the point that if someone wearing black lives
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matter math, many people by medicine, they think it's the dog whistle for communism, for violence, things of this nature. that's where it can be asked to remove the mask. obviously there's also the other thing that this man was also wearing a let's go brandon sweatshirt and us after because that might be a little more complicated, but he was asked to replace the mass. so it's not, it's not directly probate or, or, or maybe what offends one person makes it other person laugh. and so what is the side sensitivity, the huge problem, and this is the land that, you know, the 1st amendment just supposed to be the envy of the world throughout the west. and it's certainly under attack, we don't have congress doing much to protect free speech and the 1st amendment to rate in corporations who might be targeting. people are harassing people because of their political views because their political messaging happened. in this case, it's a very good situation and it doesn't seem to be getting better anytime soon. ah,
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no, it's not just slogans on masks that are raising free speech issues. spotify has announced that any podcasts that contain coded related content will now be flagged. it's after a number of musicians demanding the streaming giant council popular meeting and podcast, the joe rogan, that they accuse of spreading this information about vaccines. are the saskia taylor looks at how the simplest aspects of life are becoming political. it was the best to put cost. it was the was to put costs yet again. joe rogan has landed himself bang in the middle of the cultural. it sounds awfully familiar for my friends who get information from chinese conspiracy websites. i'm not saying that joe rogan should be removed from spot if i've got 11000000 loaner this information and making money off of this information, i should say, joe rogan has been at the center of controversy. i mean, i agree that joe rogan is a hora. they can have rogan or young, not both, but maybe it's me, but that's an easy choice. yes. neil young,
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maybe just really into vaccines or maybe pass critic se. just looking for the rabbits. he lost way back in the 19 seventy's told spot to fight. it's me or joe, i'm doing this because spotify spreading fake information about vaccines, potentially causing death to those who believe that this information being spread by them on the other spotify exact softer, googling who neil young is. and then remembering how they spend 100000000 dollars on exclusive right to dealers, popular podcast in the wild, pretended to think long and hard about it before saying, sorry, neil, but we'll take the unbox guy who makes us super rich and trends on twitter. it was nice knowing you though. we have detailed content policies in place and we've removed over $20000.00 podcast episodes related to coven 19th since the start of the pandemic. we regret meals decision to remove his music from spotify, but hope to welcome him back soon. so young set out to cancel some unmanned ended up being canceled himself
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a true 21st century tragedy. following and young footsteps thought a 70 spoke legend, jody mitchell, doctors and even the wild health organization cheap, who all took a swing, a spot to fly, to what he said, that's wound people up. well, it's rather whom he's been speaking to. shall we be polite and call them vaccine skeptics. but then he went too far and invited holden, peter said the professor on every liberals most wanted list. since we're being polite, let's just say that some of the views expressed one controversial. i am white actually there to lie to, i'm kind of town and he was actually not like he was sort of a i, there's no such thing as climate, right. climate and everything are the same word. an episode that sent people into a frenzy, but not rosa. no, he's chilled. after all, he brings an 11000000 listeners every single day. and apparently they like carry alternative views. so he's given them how boys conspiracy theorists eat our mouth.
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the black conservatives whistleblowers. oh, speaking of whistleblowers, i mean, just look at the logo, which part of this primes in you an expectation of reliable medical advice anyway, broken, it's not worried. the like says logo, and he might not be a legitimate source of medical information. but he is the most popular pod costa in the world untouchable. so screw the haters. i've never met a hater that's doing great. those people are just losers. even better. he knows that even the people he's class with on his own show can help but love him. he and i disagree about a lot, but i would rather engage with deeply enthusiastic, deeply curious people who i think are mistaken about many things. then only ever hear from people whose opinions i already understand. so what do we learn from this latest episode of the jo can experience while the might be a persona non grata benevolence still wants to be rogan's, bessie? oh, and spotify. barry, very greedy. well, as for joe rogan, he says,
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the perception people have of him is simply based on disparaging headlines. we spoke to the daughter of one of ver okens, latest guests. who southgate mentioned that the prominent clinical psychologist, jordan peterson. she questions the outrage over the podcast. stifling people's freedom of speech is more dangerous than allowing people to speak. and i mean, joe rogan as a comedian. right? so people watching his podcast should be aware that he comes out all these ideas about covert and climate, whatever. that's being discussed as a curious comedian is not an expert. i think he poses an actual danger to the mainstream narrative. so most of the new stations people see all say the same thing . they all have one way of thinking, and joe rogan, not that he's an expert in any of these areas, but he talks to whoever he wants and he puts forth a narrative that isn't mainstream. you can't stop people from talking about the as i these ideas anyway because it increases curiosity. right?
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so just the i, the whole thing about stifling free speech doesn't work. so it's silly to dale. it's dangerous to do, and i don't think it's effective. oh, you may have a whole host of problems building at home, but the british prime minister boris johnson, is looking to solve issues further afield. he said that he could send more troops to nato forces in eastern europe, but at the same time, the seeking talks with lithium a potent to improve relations as the 10th situation over ukraine continues. daniel hawkins explained multimedia well, it was just last week dining streets and the prime minister determined to both accelerate diplomatic efforts and ramp up deterrence against russia. and it seems the latter is coming 1st. you gave up plans to double its troop presence. a stony work has around a 1000 soldiers increasing that at 22000 most so part of a nato task force of thousands of soldiers based across eastern europe from the baltic states to poland and romania as well. and that follows similar enough,
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of course, bye joe biden. just last week you said he would be bumping up at troop presence. us troop presence in eastern europe, including a ton of 1000 soldiers on stand by full rapid deployment. and for all this week, the u. k. parliament will hear legislation will allow the government to target russian banks, energy companies, and also oligarchs close to the kremlin in order to do what they describe as a russian hostility. this package would send a clear message to the kremlin. we will not tolerate their destabilizing activity, and we will always stand with our nato allies in the face of russian hostility will diplomatic efforts, austin on going and the boys. johnson will have a phone call with a person. in the coming days, he will travel alongside foreign secretary list trust to the reason including to the equation and capital key f in an apparent effort to give to play. we say a final shots, the prime minister directed the foreign and defense secretaries to prepare to go to moscow for talks with their cons parts. in the coming days,
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they will be asked to improve relationships with president putin's government and encourage de escalation or quite contradictory methods. they're improving. relations, de escalation, wall deploying troops, perhaps would confuse money, including seen the president of ukraine. but it moves lensky. he said in recent days that he wanted a western lead is not moscow. russia, but what's the latest to tone down that rhetoric of an even russian threats and even at russian invasion, stating that this sort of language simply was as panic feasible as ation and damages the economy. what about johnson's critics? plenty of them around at the moment they'll point to what johnson is doing to try and play hard with russia as just a tool to try and deflect from the party. gates scanned lives, anybody buying what he's selling or boy jonathan, it's very watson for not just from the opposition, but from his own party. he had the affections, he had m p. 's questioning just health tenable his position really is. he's had senior figures calling for information. he also of course, faces the official inquiry, the outcome of that inquiry from sir grey,
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the police criminal investigation into polity gate, those elect breaches of covered regulations. and this is very much dominated media headlines, prominence, questions, even in the polls the labor party is taken for the 1st time in year. the significant lead over the tories shown just how much of the public has been effected by the scandal. and critics, all thing increasingly this tool called russian threats of russian invasion is a bit of a diversion. give the promise of some breathing spice from these domestic problems . boris johnson says he's helping with a diplomatic situation in russia and ukraine. he has no credibility, no one trusts him. the best thing he could do to help would be to resign. he will travel to moscow or wherever he is going in europe this week. but everyone will know that he's a man with a time bomb sitting under him. i was glad to see no sign wants to see diplomacy failure. nobody would benefit from rising energy prices, an unstable markets, a currency fluctuations know the moscow europeans or ukrainians. what is clear
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though, is that boy sending the sorts of mixed messages. burrows johnson, according to some, certainly decreasing the chances of a different magic solution of compromise, rather than increasing the chances of seeing onto why and finding a compromise with moscow. international press come and take to marco gas. it's also suspects parish. johnson is trying to use the situation to his own advantage. boris johnson seems to me to be trying to appeal to 2 audiences, say he wants to talk about improving relations with moscow in order to satisfy those who don't want us to be sleep. walking into a major complex at the same time for the hawks in the audience he wants to. busy make the point a sending more troops into a potential conflict region on the domestic front. boris is a series of walls and conflicts which are extremely unpleasant to him. what better way to, to remove the focus from those into appear to be somewhat of
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a strong potential leader in a foreign conflict, not one that has ever occurred, but one that is being suggested to be likely or possible to occur. morris. johnson's aim is to use a potential, a story of a potential forum, conflicts to distract attention from the real conflict. and the real internal was being waged against his reputation in the united kingdom. so he will use his external cloud to annisa ties, domestic opposition to his apprenticeship. that's the plan anyway. and we'll see how it works. and other developments as breton of the us about a closely coordinate that devastating sanctions against russia. washington says it will make its plans clear so that moscow doesn't have a chance to limit the damage and with calls to punish russia for the situation in ukraine rising across europe to where i guess they have been taking a closer look at who's likely to lose the most in the sanctions game, the united states, the european union,
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not putting the final touches on our sanctions least so our renders, they promise no when seen the like in decades, they expect an eye for an eye that moscow will follow suit and turn off the gas stops, for example, exacerbating what is already a global energy crisis, no matter how many times russia has said that it won't restrict gas applause. and so bureaucrats are off scurrying about trying to figure out how will survive if they implement their own sanctions. we're collaborating with governments in market operators on supply of additional volumes of natural gas to europe, from diverse sources across the globe. liquefied natural gas in the short term can enhance security of supply. while the continued to enable the transition of next 0 emissions, the european commission will work for improve transparency and utilization of liquefied natural gas terminals in the ease. that is impossible, in the short term,
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if russia natural gas, which, which makes up a 3rd of what europe needs, is cut off entirely. you can make up for it. every day. russia supplies europe with 17000000000 cubic feet of natural gas for reference. the united states exports in total to everyone about 10000000000 cubic feet of natural gas per day. so if the united states and all of its natural gas to europe, it still wouldn't be enough to fill the void, the europeans are schubert. ne, understand the simple fact. germany needs a reliable energy supply that does not depend on a single pipeline such as nor stream to the consequences of an escalation of the conflict would be grim for every one. so it's right to talk to each other through any suitable charles to prevent an escalation. and we haven't even begun to talk about price. some european nations, such as germany pay a quarter of the market price for russian natural gas. american gas would cost them
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$4.00 times as much for the same quantity. market price. this is in the middle of winter that a tom, when energy prices in europe of have doubled, have tripled, have quadrupled over the past year. at a time when you see headlines about europeans, europeans having to choose between heating and food. the european union, like many other regions in the world, is currently facing a sharp spike in energy prices. this is a high concern for citizens businesses, the european institutions and governments over the u. european commission wants to help and support addressing a negative impact and households and businesses as a priority. and that was before they put together sanctions, least so horrendous that they honestly expect russia to cut off the gas and perhaps even the oil as anxious list. so horrendous, they themselves don't even know what will come of it. we can't preview every action,
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but the intent there really is to have measures that we think will degrade russia's industrial capabilities and industrial production capacity over time. not to go off to individual every day. russian consumers, united states, the europeans, have said, time and time again. that they want to avoid sanctioning russian energy so that the supplies keep feeding europe. chances are, of course, that nothing will come of this. russia remains adamant that a war, whether it triggers those sanctions or not, would be senseless. and that has no plans to invade ukraine. this nonsense, you know, why should the russia stop the delivery of gas nonsense, from economical point of view? and it also didn't happen in the history of this is only an interest of 2 united states because the united states wants to sell their and g
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gas, which is produced by fracking. and this production is much more expensive if this really i will, and cheap gas from russia would be cut off for 1st we would have a demand, which you wouldn't be covered, we would get problems we would get. and then she cries this in the previous sanctions, the european, especially german industry. they are hurting while europe and russia, in this case, it would be the same russia sputnik. the vaccine is effective against the rapidly spreading across covert, very and according to a french medical institute director who's been looking into recent joint research conducted in italy and russia. it shows something interesting and promising that it's capable of managing not only
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to the vaccines trying to do that, but also the new microwave. so this is idolizing next is just the easiest to deploy for reasons. so you can use it. but this is actually an instrument, you can use it as a stand alone reaction. you can also use it as a boost in combination. this is called mixed match, which although and i'm seeing that that needs more evidence doesn't make them trying to be brought to maturity to doesn't have to be one. so we know it's performance in the general population. what enjoy your listing needs or the it is
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a so i don't know what stage are advanced is the and the, and that is by they have the i didn't need to be actually vaccination . very, very bottom. do that is in combination with sending day measures distancing . i g 3, those, those is school very often imagine that if you really get maximum fredo is. so let's see what happens. we don't have enough backed up disease and, but i'm reasonably confident that does that. do that. in other words, the 2nd booster were sufficient to grow, at least for some duration. that would be critical to get in. and then
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and that's how it looked so far this monday from moscow on this the last day of january. i'm calling bry, i'll be back with you next. the global update. it's 32 minutes. i'll see you then. ah, it's an open secret that private military companies have been playing a role in armed conflicts world wide. u. s. government doesn't track the number of contractors it uses in places iraq or afghanistan, the united states army. and the military in general is so reliance on the private sector. i would call the dependency, but we don't know who's the on the ground presence of these companies overseas. we just don't out west and private military companies can in their turn use so called sub contractors from countries with trouble pass. the chances are quite good that
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they had also been child diligence processes. i was a child. i was, as i drove professional, jo, it is with when the whole one full caught is when i said that looked with no flow, minimum own wall, which i mean to be merciless killing machines. now they fight and die in other people's was people carol, lot one and a dead soldier or dead marine shows up in this country and then we start asking ourselves, why did they die? why, what were they fighting for nobody bother stamps about the contractors? i
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ah, travelling to the city has taken mel due to his family several hours with him or his wife and son and 2 daughters, 9 year old layton and say who she is for. after the long, bumpy and dusty road, they're all tired, but they have little choice. they couldn't find any buyers in the village. cher with fishermen. yet marcia hot that if black white, rudy, with our landing callo record a quarter marinate massage on your show that i was out of line didn't get to our lord matter. so she gave us a message to play with
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