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tv   News  RT  January 31, 2022 3:00pm-3:31pm EST

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ah, with ah, david to speak, we are standing together with our nato allies against the potential aggression vladimir putin. tonight, boris jones's attempt to shift attention to you, cranes, criticized by lawmakers as the prob downing street in for the 2020 lockdown parties, funds serious failures. womack coming up and same with you. cray, no threat of a planned invasions ever come from any russian politician, moscow's envoy to the you and clear about attempts to escalate the security situation in the region. then bringing what he had to say way from canada's prime minister said he's got cove it tonight and he's branded protested as those who fly
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not see flags and steal food from the homeless. more than $10000.00 truckers and their support is rally against no job. no job mandates at the moment it spread around the world till we got pictures to show again that this our we hear from one of the activists at the heart of the mass demonstrations. we've never seen anything like that before. either ordinary canadian or simply tired of this body government telling us how we are both to live our lives. now we are manifest local. brandon is there to picking the feed while also a passenger accuses an airline, a violating is freedom of speech. after he's asked for movies, face mouse because of the antibody. let's go brandon slogan, written all over it with a they're welcome to our international. well, these 11 with me, kevin. oh,
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great to be company. so 1st than that, the story come in for the u. k. this evening, the government now says he's going to scrap vaccine mondays for health work is in england. the removal of the unpopular rule imposed in november comes amid severe stuff shortages in the hospitals. tens of thousands of n h s employees had faced losing their jobs if they didn't get their 1st shot this week. and we're going to come in in april. let's go live to a broadcast journalist mill clark, at least on they say they need to kind of see this coming. it's been hugely controversial. it's not totally council get those to be said. health minister says they'll be consultation, but it's this government you turn because of the fear of losing thousands of health workers or maybe could it be more but a no confidence votes. at the end of the day when it comes to that damage reported to party gate. i think it's a bit of both kevin, i think that clearly people would sell it in time, but this was the government was bluffing that they would do a u turn near the time they wanted to try to coerce job bully and they had started to take their 1st clearly vaccines and there would be to, equally of course,
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we can't divorce it. what's going on in the wider political sir, because we are sitting under intense pressure now talk about you know, competence in the government. and he's got to try to really get inside those toy back benches. perhaps $100.00, a $120.00 of them to 1st of all, to lift the covey restrictions, which by law has done the domestic ones. and also to you turn on this policy. because right on popular so i think it's, it's a bit of both actually i wonder what's changed the government, you know, they propose this, but now they said it was the right time to reverse it. what's changed? well, they say what's changed? they desire this policy. they pay for this policy when the delta variant was the dominant, very then on the con comes along. and they said now, well mcquaid is not a serious, it's relatively mile variant. therefore the policy is disproportionate. some would
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say i would that the policy was disproportionate. really from the beginning and that he was wrong to try to mandate these vaccine don't. and it just workers bearing in mind the fact that the vaccines we know don't prevent transmission and they don't prevent anybody from getting ill from koby. so i would argue, and many would argue, be supported from the beginning. the government line is the official line is well on the wrong. it's not as serious as delta c is not really. i wonder if it's all decides really here coming to the for the less, remember any this month, the government scrap most covered restrictions of the very same day that the prime minister admitted he was at the party at the center of the party gate. no coincidence might be we get this n h s, you turn on the very same day. there's a official report or bit of very redacted one comes up a yeah, absolutely. i think the sort of shifting government policy just before christmas where we had no structure violation. no structure was a seat,
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a british english seat, bottom act receipt. that was a safe story seat. i've been toying for 100 years tories last it waves around conservative m p 's, who then became a bit more vocal in their opposition to probably restrictions. we were told who came very close to the government introducing look further restrictions on christmas. they didn't do that. there was apparently a cabinet revolt, tory and please, you know, it's 2022. how kevin, we're going to have an election with the next 18 months. so it's probably, and the opinion polls show quite clear the tories are in big, big trouble. because restrictions are on popular, particularly among tory voters and therefore pressure, greater pressure is been exerted on johnson. the basically the deal is ish. unless you list these restrictions and you get back to normal. the old, 2019 normal. we're going to have a leadership challenge against you. and so i think you're right. obviously back. it's been a major factor in the government's seeming. you turns fully here, really quick one on the party. gay may be diverting attention,
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boris johnson said again tomorrow and mr. posts and lucky he will be receiving a call. i wonder that will be received nice time to divert attention away from all those pesky parties of the co virginia. absolutely. i mean a shot that dr. joseph said that it was the last because a scoundrel, i think we can revise that and say that for mentoring sort of anti roughly sarah is the last refuge of the sound. first refuge of any british prime minister, politician who's in trouble at home. always, johnson has reached the drawer marked russia, syria when he was in big trouble. busy and in fact, you made that point, he said look, how can we be having any support at that point? we've been talking about a leadership congress, divorce, where we've got this big crisis in russia and ukraine and so truly convenient johnson. just think, kevin, who are the true leaders really, who have been hiking up this, this several price to be greg? it's joe biden. he's under a great pressure at home in america,
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and he's bar as john's that both under a lot of domestic pressure. and they're both looking, i think, to deflect attention, the old dead capital, the table to get attention away from our domestic problems. obviously, john, we thought he gave, i don't to somewhere else far away where he can, you can then say look, you want to stick to the guys that are the, the provide that tough leadership regarding russia. so i think we can see through that. yeah, i don't talk another 900 troops said to go to stoney or of course. and then today another big headline to divert attention away from parties might be. but for now, neil clark, jennison broke out. thank you, or let's pick this idea a part a bit more about the potty gates kind of maybe diversions from it. we're going from bad to worse for britain's pm at the moment. he seems to be looking to deflect attention that may be for us johnson shifted focus. russia and it's supposed planned to evade ukraine. on that very days, we're saying that a nail and internal prob came in with dummy conclusions, forcing an apology from the prime minister earlier and the comments personally, i want to say sorry mister speaker,
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i get it and i will fix it. i promised i should do the decent thing on reside. of course he was because he is a man without shame. if there is any honor, any or not in public life than he would reside. where is this and he lives. next to northern otc with u. k. with the latest from london, poor weeks like government, almost head behind the phrase we await the sou gray report today really was supposed to be the day to hold morris johnson and the government to account. but now we've got this report. it's just a measly 12 pages long. it's more of a common tree. more of a summary. definitely not the full report like we were expecting last week. now she was supposed to talk about 16 parties, but the police are looking into 12 of them, meaning she could only talk about 4. now about these 4 parties though some of the
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key lines included some behavior is difficult to justify. to little thought was given to public health and there are many failures of leadership as well. but another line that left out to me is on page 5 of this report and it reads, it is not possible to present a meaningful report. now, back to grade, almost saying there's a lot more than i want to say, but at this point i simply cannot do so to, to this metropolitan police investigation. now, downing street says to grey can update this report later, but that pretty much rules out. any sense of the full report will come anytime soon . but for the public, they really want to know what happened on many of these key dates like may the 20th bring your own booze party were allegedly a 100 people were invited bars, johnson's birthday party and june 19th. and of course, the parties that happened allegedly happened of the night before prince philip's funeral. now were re,
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says the government needs to address this immediately and does not need to wait for the police investigation bar. johnson, as you just heard the saying, he's sorry. and he will fix it on the government can be trusted, but really the public all questioning bars. johnson how trustworthy the government is. and in fact, a poll suggests that knowing in 10 people, one boris johnson to resign on the sentiment in westminster in the house of commons, is no different either many mph, including within johnson's own party, want to see in paris. johnson walk out of number tend to get yeah, you get the sense times are really running out, but he said bravery is out of the moment what a good time on to deflect attention to talk about ukraine, russia. let's talk about that with you. he said, what's happening on that side of it? well, bars, johnston is fighting for his political future at home, but seems to be concerned with perhaps focusing mines in elsewhere. now he did phase very raucous house of commons, who were, of course,
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pinning down and trying to put him under the, under the spotlight really for that alleged lawbreaking over the course of which the previous only 2 years now and forty's. and the other examples of alleged lawbreaking over that period, but as far as pers johnson is concerned, people should be focusing less on that. what he says is the danger posed by russia added president vladimir putin today to speak here. we are standing together with our nato allies against the potential aggression vladimir putin when he wanted not so long ago to install the prime minister as prime minister, a labor leader who actually published nato with now all of this comes off to the u. k. has sent military forces to ostensibly, as they would say, train forces in ukraine also sending funds for the purchases of weapons. now parcels withdrew earlier monday to have a phone call,
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a telephone call with brandon. if hooton's book that was initially pushed back to the evening, it's now going to be held tuesday. we understand and for some reason, looking to really try to distract politically from his own woes. the russians are less than impressed. they say that this is exactly what that is, an attempt at of shoes, cation and destruction. and that's something which has been mimicked and repeated by those, even within the house of commons, who again say the bars, johnson has far more important things to concern himself with. boris johnson says he's helping with the diplomatic situation in russia and ukraine. he has no credibility, no one trusts him. the best thing he could do to help would be to resign. he will travel to moscow or wherever he's going in eastern europe this week. but every one will know that he's a man with a time bomb sitting under him. now tuesday for sunset is also scheduled to head out to the ukraine for number of meetings of their he'll be hoping that sir,
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will mindful be focused on that rather than. so let's go precious to that. and as far as secretary liz trust has been speaking in the house of commons, tough talk in words, really from the phone secretary has been saying that, sir, in order to add discourage russia from what they say orientations to invade ukraine, something that's been strenuously denied by moscow, they knew k government of willing to impose sanctions on russian companies and on russian businessmen. so all eyes will be on bars. johnson's a trip to ukraine on, of course, that key phone call with vladimir putin to see whether actually the prime minister more concerned dialogue or with ratcheting up tensions. yet for my london, my can livingston chips had to be told to say in his views together to do with russia supposed evasion of ukraine, the rushes denying, and everything to do with the scandals. piling up around johnston used to being
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lied to him, politics all my life. and i don't believe a word that the british government, or the american government is saying about the intentions of putin. if you do, the lead of ukraine is telling the west to sort of wind all this down. i don't feel under stress at all. if we get into sanctions with russia, we will be in a position where it damages many of our businesses, many, perhaps tens of thousands of people lose their job here in this country. and the simple fact is, this is all i think, being run by our prime minister barak johnson, to distract attention from the scandal he's involved in that he held always illegal parties. 10 downing street, while the rest of us were already knocked down when a prime minister's court, lying in the end of their career. and the simple fact is, the poll ratings boris thompson are so low. and if i had to take out a bet, now that we didn't show up,
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i'd actually be betting that boris might be our prime minister at the end of this year. well rushes envoy, as well as speaking earlier on to the un, giving more details on the fake hysteria as he put it built up around the craig crisis. was it a special meeting of the security council? the loop was no threats of a plan division of ukraine has ever been made by any russian politician in us, initiated un security council meeting on ukraine. is yet another attempt to drive a wedge between moscow and key of the meeting, took place and opened with the representative of the united states, who made a number of serious allegations against russia, alleging that they are planning and invasion of ukraine, that a large number of russian troops are a mass on the border that rushes on the brink of invading ukraine, violating their sovereignty in the russian representative, say that they have no intention of the invading ukraine, that no threat of invading your reign has ever been levelled. now furthermore, they argued that the united states is putting ukraine in danger that these
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allegations from the united states have already taken an economic told on ukraine, that there are voices in ukraine, arguing that these actions by united states are not benefiting ukraine and consistently the russian representative called for recognition of the minced agreement and talked about how the united states seems to be ignoring this very, very important agreement that was made with the intention of escalating the situation in the country. russian representative, as he was leaving the un security council, he made very, very clear that the goal of russia is to have the situation de escalate. and he did speak about the danger of a possible provocation from the united states or a provocation of some kind designed to maybe present it is if russia was invading ukraine when they weren't or provoke some kind of action from the, from russia. and he warned about how the united states seems to be trying to put your grain into a situation where the situation could intensify. he pointed out that in the remarks that were made by the u. s. representative, they gave
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a number of people that had been killed. the russian representative pointed out that most of those people that were killed in the conflict were civilians who were killed by the ukrainian government. white, a meeting, quite big differences between the united states and russia around this issue. russia maintains these allegations coming from the united states that some kind of russian invasion of ukraine is eminent. these allegations are just not the truth. i spoke to independent, said jonas mountain summers. they are on telling me it. she cried itself for warning western allies to colet resident zalinski, whose potentially a, you know, somebody who could negotiate about this is a saying to his western allies and pot and patrons. you know, you're not helping us here. now you'd have thought that that might make people what boris johnson take a step back in another word with themselves. but of course they've got their own. i mean, he's got his own reasons for talking it on the u. s. has got a, you know,
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basically does not want a peaceful resolution of this crisis. it wants it to drag home so that they can bring sanctions to bear on russia as part of general geopolitical contest with the russian federation of you know, basically threatening to fight to the last ukranian. now canada is the cry. ministers branded more than 10000 truckers in the support as rally against vaccine mandates as races to steal food from the homeless. i want to be very clear. we are not intimidated by those who hurl insults and abuse at small business workers and steal food from the homeless. we won't give in to those who fly racist flags. we won't cave to those who engage in vandalism or dishonor the memory of our veterans. okay,
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well we'll see how that goes down with a member of the protest, isn't it? but this is a footage is sundays protest in the canadian capital crowds and vehicles blocking key roads round parliament building in all to her protest as braving warning to extreme cold event. their opposition to pandemic restrictions. many said they were not against the job just being forced by the government to take them when activists talk to his from the rally earlier wrong. but let's no go to the rally. tracy roseborough, is there actually noisy home tracy? i don't know if you can hear me when i spoke you just now you live in out international. there is so many a lauri's honking horns around g could near thing. can you hear me now? tracy, her. hello. i can hear you perfectly. then i'll go into the camera, all right, describe situation where you are now and also maybe your reaction. so gather your one of the supporters. you've been described tonight by canada's prime minister as a. well, he's not say you up precisely, but saying that you and your colleagues,
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there are a races to steal food from the homeless to think about her. yeah. unfortunately, we have a prime minister here. you know what, you think very language against people who are very these are i said, but in actual fact, speaking to the people here over the last days, it's very clear that they all they come from all boxed up. why am i not the ones here? certainly, i think that's kind of rhetoric that's here, but it's backfiring because it's nice people to come out to say we don't want to divide it society, you know, under discriminate against the facts for the fact we want to gather
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all of this a good sit there with a whether there's been those extreme where the ball and he's going see it looks lovely and chris, but i bet it's pocky as they say, prime minister, true, don't government vastly underestimate the strength of feeling. it was long ago. you said you're just a small kind of split into group, but really expanded quickly as mit prizes fine. all righty. i'm actually is a nationwide movement which is galvanized from mother father university really alike and grossly underestimated canadians. and i think the thing is in the past year and the managed to get away with it. so now you feel pretty well say, i think, but i think,
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you know, i don't like their time for you know, you're not, you're right because that's great. well, let me destroy tracy with the coast prime minister to those hold up tonight. he was take it away to place a safety cross the weekend wasn't a for whatever reason. know that he was believe, been a dangerous thing from you guys. but said, today's go code along with his 2 daughters. i'm also seeing these kind of similar demonstration spreading pictures in from the netherlands and also was trailer earlier on. we're going to need to go now tracy of a nice warm cup of tea. and thanks for coming on the program, talking to us and telling us about how you and the people around you. they feel thank you. have a good evening reading the word here for the rest of the world. and if you're not happy with the government for like 3 to thank you so much,
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tracy roseborough. good evening. thank you. alright, now also police say costing around $600000.00 a day to maintain security in the capital during these rallies. the protest reps, it does. we mentioned off the government extended job mandates for truck drivers crossing the border from the us. the truck is say it's threatening vital supply chain to the really tough time at the moment. but the canadian health agency and response to that is justified the move sites and rising cove cases, hospitalisation quick reminder, because there's all haven't quite quickly out unfolded over the past few weeks. it's not about the vaccine itself. it's about demanding and the freedom to choose. that is what these ordinary hardworking canadians are here. they want, they want their freedoms store. ah,
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the small fringe minority people who are on their way to ottawa are holding unacceptable views that they are expressing do not represent the views of canadians who have been there for each other. ah, society itself is overtaken by fear. this convoy is all about read it, not only with a truck driver, it's actually for every single person, you mean money down the road. it doesn't matter. it's all about your choice. ah. so this is, she's causing clear, big divisions in the country that moment, kansas national main broadcast to them at the same time, quick points that is supposedly to blame for the unrest just may be concerns that russian actors could be continuing to fuel things. as this as this protest grows,
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but perhaps even instigating it from from the outset. by political commentator, nancy scripted lauren chen believes so that needs to be much more focus instead of the real problems plaguing kind of the moment. i feel like this whole russian scare is, is merely something to try to detract from the protest to make it seem like these are not canadians who are part of this movement. which, when you, i mean, you look at the ground, an ottawa, i don't think russia managed to sneak 10000 protesters across the border. i, it is frankly insulting as well to the canadians. i think this protest is a long time coming. this is not about the vaccine itself. this is about the mandate . the canadian government has tried to implement some of the strictest in the world are right now if you are not vaccinated, cannot travel by plane train or ferry and that includes just even domestically. there is a federal mandate for a federal employees as well as health care workers. there have just been many times that the canadian government has told it's people that they do not respect their
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freedom of choice. the government is coercing you to do something that you may or may not want to do and to be clear. canada is one of the most vaccinated countries on the planet. the vast majority of canadians who are eligible have received both doses. so this is not a question of canadians denying science or wanting to put each other's hell their wrists, or however opponents might want to spin it. it's a very different story when you tell someone that regardless of their medical status, what, what if afflictions they might personally be experiencing unless they submit, they will not be able to go to a restaurant. you know, they will not be able to travel, they will not be able to visit their loved ones and hospitals, all of which are restrictions that we have seen in canada. it's very dystopian. i think this is about control. this is about trying to get people to submit to the governments, women, and frankly, this is, this is past due for canadians. we are generally not people to protests or be louder, make our voices heard. we are very polite as the stereotype goes. but i think you can only push people so far,
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and that is exactly what you're seeing on the streets of auto right now. well, as was so that we were on this convo kind of things, is we spreading as well. these pictures in from australia, in the netherlands as men should with people demanding with her covered health rules. a scratch will keep you posted on the growing wave of global on to restriction. you can check it out to see don't com. you're always more than welcome there. next, this is not america already moore's how a passenger i'm spirit airlines reacted when stuff told him to remove his rather nazi face module. so you'll see that in a minute because he had an anti bite. and let's go brandon slogan on it. video of the instance exploded on social media racking up around $400000.00 views on tick tock. hello. not america anymore. the american anymore. the company here. if i had a b, l, a mass guy, what did it been? okay. what does that mean? like lives out or no, what does that grand in? what does that mean? it's my name. but isn't it freedom of speech to have the mascot? is it? is it a freedom to see? is this massive home?
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i just, i can't, we are massive says let's go brandon. like this. anybody, i don't understand. i told you i'm asking for that incident happens anywhere on a flight from cleveland to tampa. one of the crew said it was an acceptable for the passenger, his name, adam ro don't get to display a political statement, citing the airlines policy over a carriage, but he claims it's a violation of his freedom of speech. we contacted spirit aliens for comment. we'll let you know if they get back to see what they had to say. further to that, more about the slogan coast, the big picture. let's go, bryan. that has become a code for insulting president 5. it started with nascar driver, brandon brown. they interviewed a few months ago after winning a race. the crowd behind him then began to this is where it gets complicated chancing unexplained to president biden. but the bit this how the father feel to me, the reporter thought they were saying, let go. brandon. the rest is history. political commentator chadwick moore told me
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he believed freedom of speech in the us either which way is increasingly under attack. if the contract says you can't wear offensive clothing, then what is offensive, that's all subjective, that's of the beholder. he makes the point that if someone wearing black lives matter math, when people buy medicine, they think it's a dog whistle for communism, for violence, things of this nature. that's where it's gonna be asked to remove the mask. obviously there's also the other thing that this man was also wearing a let's go brandon sweatshirt and he was master because that might be a little more complicated, but he was asked to replace the mass. so it's a direct probate or, or, or better, maybe what ends one person makes it other person land. so who's decide to check with a huge problem. this is the land that, you know, the 1st amendment is supposed to be the envy of the world throughout the west, and it's certainly under attack. we don't have congress doing much to protect free speech. and the 1st amendment to rate in corporations might be targeting people are
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harassing people because of their political views because their political messaging has happened. in this case, it's a very grim situation and it doesn't seem to be getting better anytime soon. i'll leave without a thought live for moscow. you've been watching all 10 tonight, still world news of 11, kevin allen reporting that your service. thanks for checking. ah welcome to maximize their financial survival guide. looking forward to your account . yeah, this is what happens dimensions in britain. does this happen to watch kaiser report a
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