tv News RT February 2, 2022 3:00am-3:31am EST
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a dead soldier or dead marine shows up in this country and we start asking yourself, why did they die? why, what were they fighting for? nobody bothers down to about the contractors. a spanish newspaper leaks wouldn't claims. as the u. s. nato response to russia's proposed security guarantees. the document partly refuses to keep the ukraine out of the alliance. something moscow said it would not tolerate this theory. among french muslims is the max wrong government moves to dissolve the faith council with islam becoming a key issue in the run up to the countries election. apologize to the peace loving, patriotic canadians. you're outside right now. just asking to be heard. as canadian truckers rally against back seat mandates, the country's media and authorities brand of
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a danger to society. please speak to one of the protest with either on a very good morning to you. thanks for joining me here on t international. now 1st is how the us nato responds to russia. security concerns has been linked to the media the, the port to document was published by spanish newspaper l place. and of course the story for us is our t. saskia taylor shows me in the studio. let's 1st of all, sus get good morning to you. let's, let's get to the document itself. what's in it? well, over the last few weeks he's seen at the very highest diplomatic level. we've seen kind of riley's of accusations, verbal sparring to not just what's been happening a public so we can only imagine what's being said behind closed doors. but if this leak has to be believed, we have of course, reach out both to nato and the state department in the us for consternation. well,
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fresh document leak has offered us a glimpse of what is indeed happening behind those close doors. and it really has showed that moscow and washington long with nato are so very, very far away from reaching any kind of consensus, not just on ukraine issue, but beyond to move. not that does seem to be a kind of blind unwillingness from the military alliance to recognize any of russia's security concerns. so this lea comes from the spanish language paper, pi east. it managed to get it hands on nato, on washington's response to russian church proposal is not possible. remember that those proposals with that back in december. and essentially moscow is looking for some kind of legal guarantee that would restrict nato expansion to the east. specifically, we are of course, talking about ukraine. the response from the u. s. nato seems to be pretty blunt. know all states should respect the right of other states to choose or change security arrangements and to decide their own future and foreign policy free from
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outside interference. in this slide, we reaffirm our commitment to nato's open door policy under article 10 of the washington treaty. so for nato, apparently it's an open and sharp case. it's seemingly dismissed. russia's concerns not full, of course, despite president periods and time and time, got a warning. such a disregard for russia fundamental concerns will lead all parties involved down a very dangerous part of no return. and it's a reckless move that isn't properly for town. for you to me in the discussion, when you much listen carefully to what i say in ukraine's own doctor, i know documents it is written that they plan to return crimea including by military needle, just that it's not what they say publicly. imagine for yourself that ukraine and nato members will begin military operations in crimea. what do we do? go to war with the nato block? has anyone thought about that? yeah, it's not really a surprise. i don't think the u. s. responds,
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it might as well just had one piece of paper with 2 letters, and not it was russia's reaction, been to the response and also to the, to the league when it's all quite new. we do know that moscow has sent follow up questions back to washington. a native we'll hear about that. we'll look rushes position on this has been very consistent. you know, we had that in, in that document leak, but a country has its own choice to dictate this foreign policy and in short security, no one is arguing with that. here that is not what roches issue is. the issue is when the choice has implications beyond its borders and actually poses a threat to fact physical threat. because of course, the nature launch pad in ukraine potentially would be just a couple of minutes miss all away from, from moscow. but that poses a very physical threat to another nation. and this is what the russian president says is the very root of all of this ignoring shows abortion, ignoring our concerns, the u. s. and need to refer to the rights of states to freely choose how to insure
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the security. but it's not just about giving someone this right. after all, this is only one parts of the well known formula for the indivisibility of security . the 2nd integral part says that one should not allow the strengthening of any one security at the expense of the security of, of the states. cheap. basically, the russian president is asking, is it, why is it us that's having to sacrifice all security so that someone else can become a member of my life and feel secure themselves? that's not they looked at the document is without, it's encouraging moments. there are a couple of positive moments like talking of re establishing communication long military channels, reinstating, for example, nato office and moscow talk of reducing missile deployment to ukraine. but look, let's be lumped about this, the west response to a very critical, almost existential concern of rushes, as we've looked to that we don't agree with you in any way. and really that's the end of thought. but look here, we're going to give you a bunch of suggestions that we can do, small,
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almost negligible steps that project the image that we're doing something but in no way address your fundamental 5th. so with that kind of rhetoric alongside, of course, to continuing footage that we're seeing of millions of dollars of weaponry being sent direct to ukraine and nato troops bring them to place in place to rush and borders. even with the best of intentions, it's very hard to see where we go from here. what is the sky taylor bring is the story here. so thanks so much. now the main on the british prime ministers pay the visit himself to ukraine in a show of support. he used the occasion to warn russia and the invasion would lead to a blood bath to bring him more on that a little later this out. the 1st says anger in frances muslim community, after the government moved to dissolve its council of faith. this has been an official liaison point between the 2 and with islam set to be a dominant issue in the next election. many suspect political motivation behind the micron administration's decision monte correspondence charlotte dubious keyboards o season council of the muslim faith,
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known as the cfc m. has fallen out of favor with the country's government. after years of being the official interlocutor between religious leaders and the authorities, it's been unceremoniously dumped. why? the muslim worship council was created to try to structure islam in france. it was structured at that time around national federation of algerians, moroccans, tunisians, koreans, and turks. to day we are seeing extremely strong interference from foreign states and we cannot accept that. we hope there will be no more. this is the end of islamic foreign influence in france. instead, the government is moving towards a grassroots for him, which will include him, moms, women, and influential figures. this is, it says, much more representative than the cfc m. but the cf cm's general director says it won't be able to replace what it does. and despite reports, it won't be dissolving,
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reminisce forms, a platform for discussions for the exchange of ideas in this form will not be a replacement for the c, f c m, which deals with issues of religious practice. so we live in a secular state. it is not the state that should decide whether the see of c. m should be dissolved, but the muslims themselves. in addition, interior minister dominique in his statement said the form is a space for dialogue, but also that those responsible for it should be chosen by muslims. themselves so it is we who have the right to choose who will represent us as far as our religion is concerned and not the state. and once again, the c, f, c, m, c's. this change of heart by the french government is being mired in politics ahead of the presidential elections function. we're really in the pre election period now when islam is being talked about on all tv channels on the radio. i think these attacks on islam on muslims represent a significant i zation practice that is unbearable. the talk about muslims in islam
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to avoid other important issues. i see that starting with the far right some more with his hate speeches with his race, his speeches. naturally, there are some political parties more moderate who are joining the more platform, making the same speeches several times more moderate, but they never the less are hoping to bring the right to an extreme right into their ranks. but that's crazy. we need to stop these hate speeches, the stigmatization stop constantly pointing the finger of muslims office. and the timing of the said now to wind is pretty interesting. the entry of the firebrand right winger, eric the more into the fray of the presidential election hasn't seen the debate. we focus on issues such as is amazing. now with around 70 days before the voting manual mat gone, has decided to revolutionize the organization of islam in france. it also comes as a new light has been shown on issues around radicalization in the country. a report
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on french tv about woo bay, a city in the north of france's once again provoked controversy. allegations that who bear had become a no go zone with women eating in restaurants, he blew behind cubicles and shops, selling faceless doors for muslims who believe that it is forbidden to depict facial features has stood up a hornet's nest. don't give an audience to this pile of felt called a show. m 6 via zone inter died is getting rich largely because we muslims like masochist enjoy watching this degrading treatment of us. they say it's a minority, but a minority and schools, and minority and mosques and minority and the rat, a minority in cities, et cetera. it's starting to be a big minority. it's amazing how they want to demonize religion. it makes me want to throw up the presenter of that program and one of the main guests now live under
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police protection. as a result of those threats, many of the allegations that the report contained, of also since been denied. but what it does show is how divisive the issue separatism remains in a country where the memories of terrorism, whether that be the attack at charley abdel, the back to klein, or even more recently, the beheading of teacher, samuel patti. i still fresh islamism as a debate still has the power to hold court ahead of april election. charlotte, even sky r t. paris canadian truckers have been out in force protesting against mandatory jobs. the government has condemned direction with the premier of alberto, also quick to denounce the protests. and it is, however, unfortunate to see a small number of people who engaged in protest over the past few days express extreme views and embrace hateful some symbols. it's also unfortunate to
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see a small number break. the law, create a public safety hazard and a enormous inconvenience for law body canadians, including thousands of other truckers. by blocking the border at coots, i want to be very clear. we are not intimidated by those who hurl insults and abuse at small business workers and steal food from the homeless. we won't give in to those who fly racist flags. we won't cave to those who engage in vandalism, or dishonor the memory of our veterans. canadians who is outside to day patriotic peace, loving canadians recall massage in us and races by the prime minister. why? so again, i will ask the prime minister, who may i remind this house, warm black face?
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i apologize to the peace loving, patriotic canadians who are outside right now. just asking to be heard. it isn't there. the truck is chanting freedom as they use their vehicles to block parts of the us border in the province of alberta. so despite the threat of being arrested, of course, although it's reported, negotiations have been taking place between canadian authorities and the truck as we spoke to one of those who took part in that freedom convoy protest. every single if i would say 955 percent of the vehicles are going did for the corner voice board . and people who are standing on the bridges. it was minus 25, damp digit outside. and people who are standing on the bridges of it that occurred xander, elderly people's rate. once we entered in ottawa, it was a completely different why people off of on the street, on the sidewalks. they were like seeing, thank you for coming. thank you for coming. it's not friendly minority that or do i
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flirted with? i would say almost some around a 1000000. millions of people are age, so it's not a fringe minority narrative where you can say, so majority of people over dear. i was there from morning till midnight there. i haven't seen a single single kind of since you don't get to my own eyes. i don't know what are they projecting? what are the showing the flags and everything? i haven't seen anything with my own eyes. a candidate mainstream made is being accused of following in the steps of the government by vilifying the truck, his with an onslaught of headlines slamming the protesters. despite this organizers of rice, nearly $10000000.00 in donations, we spoke to journalists kin beck's. he says that the media and the government making a mess at the handling of the protests. i've been on the ground in ottawa for the past couple days and ever since conway actually arrived and the means for me is completely botched. their coverage of, of this protest of this demonstration in this movement in general. they say that
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it's full of races, sits. i personally have not seen any confederate flags, were not c symbolism, with my own eyes. i've seen footage of it, but i've also seen fast swaths of people i outraged at the fact that that happened . and the thing is, i don't really trust. i don't really trust that it's true because you know, these people are hiding their face. they're showing their flags for a few minutes and then disappearing. but the problem is justin true. it was relishing in his tyranny. justin trudeau is enjoying every moment that he's able to scapegoat a minority of people who are unvaccinated, 15 percent or so. and use that as a political step stool to stand higher and preach to his base who are eating it all up. still to come this ela canadian and t v best nancy would be goldberg is suspended following her comments about the whole. of course, when you that story under this have to bring
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dares sinks. we dare to ask ah, welcome back. the british brown ministers paid a visit to ukraine in show support. see is the occasion to warn russia any invasion would be fought down to the last ukraine it marty? sadie edwards dashti breaks down boris johnson's visit. well, burst, johnson has upped the ante and up the robust rhetoric against russia. now saying any escalation from the country would result in a humanitarian, political, and military disaster, essentially threatening russia with strong minutes re might, and boots on the ground, only not british or bruce on the ground. as of course,
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no western government would really want to bring the crisis that close to home instead speaking at key in care of at the joint conference with president of ukraine. or as johnson is threatening sanctions. he says a package of sanctions is just there waiting at the ready on the wayside. should a single russian soldier even enter a toe cap into the region. however, in times of this minute trim might think quite specific that its ukrainian military might. and it's also appealed to the russian public. the single most useful thing we can do is get over to the russian public, the ukrainian army route for a 200000, a new crew. then put off a very, very few bloody resistance, right? i think that parents,
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mothers in russia should reflect on, well, what we learned from barnes johnson's trip to care is that he's essentially hoping to run away from the issues that embroil him and his government right in the united kingdom. quite embarrassingly, then, for the prime minister, the very 1st question in care was all about the party gate scandals engulfing westminster. which surprised surprise. he somewhat ignored. instead he focused on saying he was trying to de escalate attentions. having said that, boys johnson hasn't even picked up the phone to vladimir putin, even though he promised at the beginning of the week. he would certainly do so. but still, we're waiting to hear from that phone call. but all of that has been essentially brand as a joke, a long thing, stock, and pretty much pathetic and treatment of an escalating crisis where boris johnson is somewhat putting his own politics domestically ahead of an international crisis . amid a dangerous crisis threatening peace in europe, a vital diplomatic opportunity has been missed his boris johnson scrambles to hold
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on to his job. these are the real world. consequences of a distracted prime minister, unfit for office, running a government in disarray. boris johnson says he's helping with the diplomatic situation in russia and ukraine. he has no credibility. no one trusts him. the best thing he could do to help would be to resign while it comes as the latest polls suggest that $9.10 people want boris johnson out and don't think he's fit to run the country, plus his approval ratings are all no 7, all time low just 22 percent. so it seems as though bars, johnson immediately wants to move away from the su grey inquiry into the downing street allegations. and so that's why he has headed offer to care, but it's not as and these know the public now, but the british media to that coming out with some pretty serious a damning headlines against boris johnson. the government, including pointing to the fact, is only a matter of time for the prime minister that his roman empire is falling and even
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that his government is the worst in history. what i will say to the president, i said, is that i think we really want to step back from the britain, another russian to someone they bring. the end of the party british from is the birth johnson on the brink of exit chorus. on the brink, labor storm i had in late, his pulls off the party shock. a good to party gave the credit be stupid scandal make up for his job and his job. through grace, his downing street behavior is difficult to justify florence johnson. so we can but pot again, time, boom to influence ukraine. crisis. defense g. lose mind your own. bring me while london's for the mattress told us sanctions would buck far on the k, andy claims jones is just trying to detract from his own problems. back at home on
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26 years old, i grew up in a world where we were dominated by the cold war. i and we were told all the time via politicians. we run the threats and what was said in the soviet union today, russia. and then after the cold war ended, we are all the documents released. i, we hadn't been on the tray and graduate america was the big aggressor. i don't believe a word. pretty government, or the american government is saying about the intentions of putin. if you know the lead of ukraine is telling the west to sort of wind all this down, i don't feel under threats at all. if we get into sanctions with russia, we'll be in a position where it damages many of our businesses, many, perhaps tens of thousands of people would lose their jobs here in this country. and the simple fact is that he's all i think being ran tough by our prime minister barak johnson to distract attention from the scandal he's involved in that he held always illegal parties, 10 downing state,
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while the rest of us who knocked down a be see her suspended, comedian and tv personality will be goldberg for claiming the holocaust was not about race, but rather a conflict between 2 groups of white people. she says, apologized. she made a remark on a b. c showed the view and it provoked furious bank lash. you're going to do this, then let's be truthful about it because the holocaust isn't about race. now, it's not about media. know all the goldberg, the holocaust was about to not to systematic annihilation of the jewish people who they deemed to be an inferior race. that a human eyes them and use this racist propaganda to justify fluttering 6000000 jews . holocaust distortion is dangerous anti semitism is a cancer and a poison that is increasingly excused in our culture and television and permeates faces. that should shock us. all. racism was central to nazi ideology. jews were
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not defined by religion, but by race, nazi, racist beliefs, fuel genocide and mass murder. the ash fits memorial, which preserves the size of the infamous nazi concentration camp, responded by offering goldberg, a course on the holocaust monk schulman, editor of history central dot com says memory of the tragedy appears to be fading in the united states, particularly right now, jews a sort of considered white people part of the establishment list amongst the far left and amongst some parts of the american community. and that's what she was. so referring to, you know, schmid statement that the holocaust as to why groups killing each other, so to speak. one white group calling another white group, and that's something that way too many americans, particularly on the far left have accepted. i think we really, we really in a situation where the holocaust is fading into history and it's very hard as someone to teach us. history is very hard to get people interested in history and
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be most importantly to understand history, to put things into context and way too often. we take a certain event and take it totally out of context. and kind of context is really the key to understanding our past and probably understanding our future as well. ok, that wraps it up for this news bulletin. appreciate you company this morning. you're watching, opting to national and don't forget lots more. no website, just a click away had to auntie dumb. come ah, [000:00:00;00] with
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bring you the very latest every out the day. this is all now snow from everyone here with your chatting with chinese issue and sending them from gashodi. she can. hi sharon, my name is sharell with latoya. this thing with she been close, i'm online and kelly recruiting quote, and i renewed my for my kids shows at thousands of london q 2. i learned that refreshing the bathroom and i must be happy. i could fatima mother, you know, if that i'm looking for a family history asking you myakea protection for him. um give myself
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a love think algorithm. so neural networks have following us every where we look on line because our relationships are what matters most us. and that's how we find meaning and how we make sense of our place in the silicon valley. see, don't mention in that slick presentations. however, the ghost workers who train the self, where humans are involved in every step of the process when you're using anything online. but we're sold as this miracle of automation behind your screen is a vulnerable workforce. that feeds algorithms for next to nothing. and a very good day, i could do $5.00 now at
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a really bad day. i can do penson. he's workers are invisible by design. it's about labor costs, but it's also about creating layers of lessening responsibility between those who solicit this kind of work and need it. and those who do it a well the fund, i make no, certainly no borders to nationalities. and you as a merge, we don't have with the we don't have a vaccine the whole world needs to take action and be ready. people are judgment. 2 common crisis with we can do better, we should be better. everyone is contributing each in their own way. but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever. the challenge is great,
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tooth . this is boom, but the one business show you care, the boredom it down branch more. can i make love is in washington coming up. it may be a new month, but it's more of the same delay for the north turn to pipeline. we'll take a look at how tensions over ukraine are impacting the state and the completed project, plus online or on opec loss, as it will. prices remain near $90.00 per barrel. good. the car solid ramp up production that had a schedule for this guy van. could the federal reserve raise interest rate sab been times this year. we'll bring the latest predictions with analysis. got a lot to get to get started. we leave the program with the latest on the fate of the nordstrom to pipeline. amid another day of tensions in the u. s. ramps up are possible military conflict with russia. the president of the european commission said monday that the gas pipeline from russia to germany has been put on hold and
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