tv Boom Bust RT February 2, 2022 1:30pm-2:01pm EST
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may be a new month, but it's more of the same delay for the north unity pipeline. we'll take a look at how tensions over ukraine are impacting the state and the completed project fly. all eyes are on opec blast as it will. prices remain near $90.00 per barrel. good. the car solid ramp up production that had a schedule for this guy. then could the federal reserve raise interest rate sab been times this year. we'll bring the latest connections with analysis. got a lot to get to get started. we leave the program with the latest on the fate of the nordstrom to pipeline mid. another day of tensions in the u. s. ramps up are possible military conflict with russia. the president of the european commission said monday that the gas pipeline from russia to germany has been put on hold in the commission, is looking into the project compliance with europe's energy policy. following a meeting with the america tar in which energy supply in europe was discussed, president biden continues to say, all options are on the table when it comes to tensions in the region. in today,
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in the united nations, we've laid out the full nature of russia's threat to ukraine sovereignty and the territorial integrity of ukraine, as well as the core channel of a rule based international order. and we, we continued urge diplomacy as the best way forward. but with russia is continuing to build up its forces around ukraine. we are ready no matter what happens if here is that the you is responding to pressure from the us to prevent the north through 2 pipeline from coming on line. but what's interesting here is that your a, p and gas prices have actually tumbled after russia increase the supply of natural gas to europe by sending more gas through ukraine. so what does all of this mean for the ongoing tensions in the region? well, joining us, josh is doing bus co host an investigative journalist button on. now ben, let's start with what's happening with natural gas prices. so why has russia
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increase increase its supply to europe? well, a couple of things have happened. one is, yes, russia has increased that supply specifically moving through ukraine. they're not sending that gas, obviously, the north street to right now. that's been the big argument for all this time is that that gas needs to flow through pipelines across ukraine for which ukraine gets transit fees. but that's already happened that actually caused a oil futures to drop by about 12 percent. the other thing that's fairly interesting about this is you have warmer weather in europe right now. so the, the demand is not as high, and you do actually have a larger output right now for wind resources in places like great britain. so all of those things combined and actually taken some of the weight and some of the stress off of the system. but a big part of it can be denied is the fact that russia is sydney more natural gas now than they were before. and that's obviously good for markets and it's good for the prices and now been a russia which typically provides around 40 percent of europe, central gas. it has sought to down play concerns that it could substantially
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decrease the flow of fuel to europe. if war were to break out, but many european countries don't seem to be reacted to that idea of fear. why is that? well, i think a lot of them, 1st of all, i think this idea number one that european countries are lining up to go to war. with russia is simply wrong. i think if you listen to the biden administration, if you listen to neocons in washington, they'll tell you that's exactly what's happening. but if you look at the reality of what's happening here, countries like germany who would be the 1st recipient by the way of gas coming through that nordstrom to pipeline, are not lining up to say, yeah, we want to be a part of this. in fact, they're not even willing to commit any resources to this effort right now as president biden is calling for them. so i don't think a lot of european countries are necessarily wanting to see this kind of a conflict. i think that they see how serious it is much more serious than americans seem to think that it is. and then of course, the fact that they recognize that they need that russian natural gas. but the russians don't necessarily need them. they can always sell the china, which has
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a huge growing need, but also remember this too, that europe right now buys a lot of gas from russia and natural gas from russia. which means that it is a huge part of russia's bottom line in terms of being able to derive revenue and derive income for the country. so they're not going to be quick to cut off any pipelines or any supply to europe, nor does europe one to see that. i think again, a lot of this is being talked up by people who don't have a whole lot of skin in this game. and certainly it's one thing for the united states to sit there and try to talk about waiting wars around the world. it's become almost common here. but for europe, this is something that would be going on literally in their backyard. so obviously that's something that they don't want. now another thing here has been the fact that we've seen the binding administration and enforced the trump administration before it. pushing heavily for european nations to abandon russian gas while purchasing what they referred to as u. s. freedom gas, what a name instead. but that strategy hasn't really worked out. why is that?
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well i, i would say the number one reason as you call it, freedom gas, a horrible name. the also referred to it as freedom molecules, right? that they work with a cell around the world. it's ridiculous that sound stupid. but on top of that, look, i think the u. s. has an an ability to come in and say, hey, we're able to help provide natural gas. ellen g, right, for these different countries in some countries have responded by building out an area specifically for this. poland is one of those countries, but most european countries did not. they were not really interested in this idea. why is that? well, couple of reasons. one is that russian natural gas is much cheaper than american natural gas. and so when the americans come in and say, hey, rush is a threat. therefore you should pay more to buy and freedom gas. a just doesn't translate into reality. and so again, it's this idea, listen so much in the economy right now, especially coming from the united states is a fear based economy, right? they're basing so much on fear that if you buy from us, you will be safer, even though you'll pay more than that. arguments just not going to fly with
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a lot of countries around the world. this brings back the old idea of freedom fries as well. we get really original here sometimes. now i've been, i have about 30 seconds left, but i do have one more thing i want you to hit on a president biden on monday. i also designated guitar a major non nato ally. i, how much of this is really about their supply of natural gas? i think is a 100 percent of other supplies, natural gas, the president says, it's also because they help with evacuations out of afghanistan. that's not what it's about. it's about the fact the biden administration has been propping up in promoting this idea. that guitar actually has a lot of natural gas and that europe should be buying from them from the united states and not from russia. you run into the same problem. it's the price and also the fact that you know, the idea that countries like saudi arabia and guitar are allies, a lot of times european countries, i think you're going to hesitate on those ideas as well. rush as a monster, you can't buy from them. but the saudis, and, and guitar, there are friends, why? right? and, and nobody seems to be able to explain that. so i don't think that that strategy
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isn't gonna work either. the bottom line is, the biden administration is trying to reassure european countries. hey, you can always cut off russia, we have enough natural gas for you. i don't think that argument is accurate and a continuous strategies that are almost as ridiculous as the sound of freedom gas them less than fun. thank you for your insight. thanks guys. and sticking with the energy sector, oil prices fell off of 7 year highs on tuesday as opec plus members prepared to hold their 1st virtual meeting of the year to discuss output policy international benchmark. brent crude that just sends below $90.00 during the afternoon, while west texas intermediate actually gained on mondays prices more than $88.50 per barrel. now it's generally expected that the cartel will stick with its plans to raise output gradually by $400000.00 barrels per day in the coming month. but a recent report from an analyst at goldman sachs says price is sitting near $90.00
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per barrel due to increased demand are actually creating a quote growing potential for a faster ramp up. so joining us now to take a look at the outlook in the oil industry, the boom bus co host, chris, the i, and kirk edwards, the former chairman of the permian basin petroleum association. kirk, i want to start with you on this, and i want to start with opec plus here. i mean, do you agree with goldman that market conditions are increasing the chances of the cartel actually ramping up the output sooner rather than later? and if not, what is it going to take for them to make a move here? well, it's very interesting because they could have done it all year long process got to 607080. they could have put more on the market, but they didn't. they like seeing will process in this area and i think they think it's good for them right now, and i have no idea what they think process are going to be. but i sure see that higher prices are looking more certain to be the lower ones. right. now, yeah, it is crazy to think that just a few months ago we were talking about the possibility of $100.00 per barrel for
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oil. now it's looking like a very near reality. now christy, speaking of rising prices for consumers at the same time, producers are having a field day as exxon mobil reported $23000000000.00 and profit for 2021. while chevron reported $15600000000.00 for the year, both seeing their highest profits in 2014. now shell and b p are also expected to post good numbers this week. so what are these big earnings telling us about the recovery of oil demand? well, it's kind of showing that the worst days of the pandemic may be behind us. now as the oil and gas market is already on a steady volume and price recovery mode. since and dork lowes and mid 2020. so especially the sustain recovery from asian oil demand is a sign that the worst is over as far as the pen that make is concerned. the asian market is a major driver in the global energy dynamics. with about 40 percent market share
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and global energy consumption, primarily from oil and gas. so global oil demand is seen growing approximately $3.00 to $5000000.00 barrels per day in 2022 with analysts. the immediate impact from the current cobit search, and we are soon expected to return to a pre call with level in early 2022. however, while demand for oil and gas has rebounded rapidly, global investment recovery has not kept pace. so we have seen a reduction of leverage, price volatility, and the government's energy transition plans remain constraints in the space. so all industry is massively under investing in supply in order to meet the growing demand. the last year global upstream investment sank to a 15 year low of $350000000000.00 down from $600000000000.00 before the pandemic. so that's going to be one of the biggest wallet cards in the market and how this under investment will affect supply and the other wild cards of courses, inflation, and also the possible return of iranian barrels. right,
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and i know certainly there's been that push to go towards clean energy sources, but at the same time, we're also still seeing how much we still need oil around the world. no kirk going back to opec. here, producers fell short of the allowed to supply increase under their agreement. now we have seen this happen before, but why aren't they meeting the goal here and does that impact what they're looking at in terms of future increases? well think krista hit the nail on the head, it's the investment, even. you saw how the united states to not invest a lot last year and in our infrastructure and all the gas properties, the same thing happened in opec countries and overseas. and so a lot of people just didn't put in the dollars they needed to build up the reserves, the have them ready to come on at anytime. same thing goes with russia. sally always has extra burials to put online at any time. but there's sure needed to be a whole lot is really going on for these companies to be able to, to just put it on the market today. and there's gonna be a lot of lead time for that. and she mentioned chevron and exxon and their earnings
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today. to darren was of excellence at the day that they're not going to chase us or ross, they're not gonna put a lot of rigs out on the market right now. to drill for this and they're going to be complacent. same thing with pioneer said the other day to see this is going to be a very interesting next 6 months to year ahead. when the capital expenditures have not been made to bring the world to market and curve. i mean, we talk about this investment and how, you know, if they're not going to go and chase these oil prices, that means that unfortunately the price is probably going to keep going up. i mean, so how close are we in european curve to that $100.00 per barrel oil? i think were there any, any action by russia is going to spark prices for either which way they decide to go as far as ukraine goes right now, especially the natural gas prices during the 9 states. those are going to be containing that go harley went, skyrocketing last week as you know. but i would say a way closer to 100,
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all thing going back to 80 as we have been in the past. and i see as a certainty coming out pretty sure, pretty soon i would say the next 2 weeks. and chris, i have about a minute left for you. what do you think of that? absolutely. i agree that 100 dollar oil is pretty much already here saying we're pretty much at record levels before this latest oma calling very in and hit. so we're going to see air trial will continue to recover the global economy continue to grow and that's going to be all lead to higher demand. so we're actually going to see it. but at some point, i think we're also going to see demand taper off as well because $100.00 oil will not be sustainable for a long period of time. boom bus christiane kirk edwards, former chair of the permian basin petroleum association. thank you both for your insight in analysis today. thank you. and i'm out for a quick break, but when we come back, what does the future hold for the federal reserve policy as some on wall street or calling for sat been interest rate hikes this year?
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don't mention in that slick presentations. however, the ghost workers who train the software humans are involved in every step of the process when you're using anything online. but we're sold as this miracle of automation behind your screen. it's a long rouble workforce that feeds algorithms for next to nothing. on a very good day, i could do $5.00 now. at a really bad day, i could, you can use workers are invisible by design. it's about labor costs, but it's also about creating layers of lessening responsibility between those who solicit this kind of work and need it. and those who do it with . welcome back. the federal reserve sentence barley getting serious about tackling
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inflation. and as a result, the u. s. central bank is looking at not just 3 or 5, but 7 interest rate hikes between now and the end of year. that according to the latest analysis from bank of america's global research team, which is predicting the fed will increase interest rates by a quarter percentage point every upcoming meeting this year. putting bill target between 2.75 and 3 percent by the end of 2022. meanwhile, the feds current policy has continued to take a toll across the country. the labor department noted that wages has increased 4 percent in the last year, marking their fastest rise in 2 decades. but that's nowhere near the rate of inflation, which is sort of it's fastest pace in for decades. americans are feeling the impact at every turn, especially when it comes to the most basic cost of living. there ret rent has skyrocketed across the country up by as much as 30 to 40 percent in certain parts of states like texas, new york, new jersey and florida. and those numbers aren't expected to come down anytime soon
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. so, further in depth on this was the ceo of open sea and michael pinto, ceo of pinto portfolio strategies. great to have you both on the show today. michael, let's start with you. i know we have gotten to the point where inflation is quite frankly, out of control. but even if the fed does raise interest rate 7 times this year, is that likely to have a major impact on the soaring cost of living? so $7.00 times i can take the under on that one. so how do we get to you are correct intractable inflation at this point. 7 percent your, your well, the government wants a great idea to hand out 6 trillion dollars. the people helicopter money dropped and the federal reserve monetize $4.00 trillion dollars. after taking the interest rates at 0 percent. so let's see what's going to happen now this year. so we're going from $120000000000.00 a month and q e to 0. this time next,
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not under $21000000000.00 a month to 0. and then we're being told that the reserve is going to raise interest rate 4 times this year at a minimum $4.00 to $7.00. and then we're going to be told being told that they are going to undertake quantitative timing to june of about $100000000000.00 a month, extra range between $80.00 and $100000000.00 in the morning sometime around june. so i say they never get the 7, maybe they get to 4, then the entire economy implode, especially their massive as the bubbles that they created. and that'll bring about this inflation to deflation in the short term, before we go about reinventing the whole. yeah, yeah, that's great, right there, octavia, that's what i was going to get to hear and hear next because there's already been a lot of concern over the possibility that just 3 hit right. high eggs are for re i
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will affect market heavily with january marking the worst month for the stock market. since the beginning of the panoramic is, this is signal that the year of record highs and easy money have come to an end and to a certain that what do you think of what michael thing there? i think michael and i once again are in violent agreement though that is going to do now is going to work. so i think it's going to be exactly that. i don't think j power has the stomach for this. he knows to get inflation under control. he's going to have to increase in straits much, much further. i mean, look back to the ac is when, when the yields on the 10 year bond with some and 50 or 16, send them as an unthinkable level these days. that was what was necessary to get in place and under control back then. and inflation rate is back at those levels. so does j power the someone to do that? no, i don't think he has. he showed us that back in 2018 when he took over, he was going through bit of a tightening cycle, then the equity markets didn't corporate impact very quickly. so i think he's going
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to follow that. that's sort of muster. again, he's going to basically chicken out as soon as the markets don't agree with them. i don't know what point i will be asking them 20 percent or 30 percent. something like that. i think because i can't take anymore. i'm going to jump back in. exactly like michael said, so i think that's how it's going to unfold. so in the very short term, we're not that far away from recognize him. if you look at the diary, any 4 percent below it's low, i mean that's within spitting distance. so we might see some highs and good bit high here and there. but i think once the training does start in march, that's going to be over for some time. and then in the latter part of the year, i think going to be back to the races of the races again. and michael, i mean, i know you laid out exactly what the fed has actually done to this academy and what's going to probably happen if they move forward with at least half of the ideas that we're hearing about what they might be doing. but the question is, what could they do to at least limit the disaster that might happen to the united states economy at this point?
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well, it's already a disaster. i would look at the yawning gap between the very rich and the poor. that is growing, waxing, ever and ever deeper. you mentioned that home prices in certain parts of the country are 40 wrench, 40 percent. so you traced out of, you know, the entire 1st time home buyer for the most part. as impressed out of many markets in this nation. and of course we all understand that the lower middle class and lower classes feel inflation. the most salient li, so 7 percent, which is really 1415 percent, if you will get placed in pre boston is destroying the middle class. and i'll tell you that what they've done is also create record on stable active prices. market start morgan. and that in the real estate market. so i mean, you asked you if there, if there is no way out of this, listen that the jews do, they want to defend the one percenters of the world. the people like me and the most of the people watching your program, i'm sure where of course,
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octavio look at his backdrop there. why? or why do they want to check the middle class? and so the national debt to g d. p is already a 130 percent to that all time record high interest rate normalization is impossible. i don't know how far they get along to that pair. but on the way along to interest rate normalization, they will destroy acid prices in the economy. once again, it seems like they've gotten themselves into this endless cycle that they have done to themselves. now octavio to that point. i mean, which way do you see the fed going? are we going to continue to see them act in the interest of the stock market? as they have over at least the last 2 years, or is there some chance that they could actually act in the interests of the american people, especially when it comes to those who are hurt by inflation the most? well, i think that the, the biden administration is going to start to see inflation as an increasing political liability is going to become
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a very big problem for them in the mid terms this year. pulling up the next presidential election. that's going to be a major, major issue that the going to have to show that doing something about what i'm afraid is that the, by doing the station sort of takes the playbook out of sort of for the, the price control strategy. and the stock price controls already has some democratic senators and congressmen talking about that talking about price gouging and things of that sort. now that would make things potentially even worse. so if the fed continues that monetary policy, but the bide ministration caught them, signs of price controls, be it for oil or housing, or wages, or whatever they try choose to do or needs or that they even talking. that is going to make it very difficult. corporations turn a profit and it's going to lead all sorts of shortages. so things could get worse still if the bite ministration jumps in and says, i can willing to put a break in place. now i'm gonna do that through price controls that, that has me very worried. yeah, there certainly is. a lot of day care back. great inside of though is i'm are in
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the and i go and thank you both for your time and for breaking all of this down. we're thank you. and finally, after microsoft made a nearly $70000000000.00 deal to purchase, activating blizzard rival and playstation maker, sony has entered an agreement to buy game developer bungee best known for creating games in the halo and destiny franchises. now, bungee had originally been acquired by microsoft back in 2000 as it was the original x box console but split with the tech giant in 2007 as the so called console wars continue to heat up in the latest generation. sony interactive entertainment president. well, he said there is likely to be more acquisition in the future. and meanwhile, the social media sensation, word game word, all which has become extremely popular and recent week has just been bought by the new york times, the games creator josh ward will said the game will initially remain free to new and existing players. now, as for the numbers, the deal was apparently for
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a low 7 figures. and despite promises, fans are worried that some aspects of world war one day be behind a paywall. you know, this is a game that has really blown up over the last few weeks. and, and there's a lot of people here on the office that play it. well, you are. okay. me. several people here play at enter, very competitive with it, but hey, maybe maybe they'll leave it free to a certain world ever really expected. probably that that game would be also mentioned in the same as like, destiny and halo and microsoft x box playstation. but good for that. make news the same exact day. i think that's it for the time to get bobo demand in the portable tv app available on smartphones and tablets. google play in the apple app store by searching portable tv. portable tv can also be downloaded on samsung smart tv, roku devices, or simply check it out at portable tv. we'll see you next. me it's
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an open secret that private military companies have been playing a role in our company. it's world wide. u. s. government doesn't track the number of contractors it uses in places iraq or afghanistan, the united states army and the military and general is so reliance on the private sector. i would call the dependency, but we don't know who's the on the ground presence of these companies overseas. we just don't out west and private military companies can in their turn use so cool subcontractors from countries with trouble past. the chances are quite good that they had also been child diligence. i says, i was a child as well as my job professional is he's with the whole 141 to 5, said that with, with no flaw, minimum own, if you want. sure. which going to be merciless killing machines. now they fight and
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die in other people's was people carol lot, when a dead soldier or dead marine shows up in this country and we start asking yourself, why did they die? why, what were they fighting for? nobody bothers asked about that. contractors in o is your media a reflection of reality in the world transformed what will make you feel safer? isolation, whole community. are you going the right way? where are you being led somewhere? which direction? what is true? what is faith?
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in the world corrupted, you need to descend. ah, so join us in the dep ah or remain in the shallows. ah ah, the russian foreign ministry vows to retaliate against german media late in russia after germany's media regulators are broadcast on our t sr. channel r t. d, so ahead on the program, the u. s. nato response to nate to rushes, propose security guarantees. it's lee unpublished, by a spanish newspaper. the document rejects russia teet amounts, including keeping neighboring ukraine out of the military law. that you could certain about the green label on gas and new killer power paving the.
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