tv Cross Talk RT February 2, 2022 5:30pm-6:00pm EST
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for being incorrect, yes. what do you mean? now what's interesting very quickly is that being wrong is often times how we get to the answer. anybody who has a rudimentary understanding about science or medicine understands and what we said initially about blood letting in leeches will eventually lead to cancer, cures in the likes or sometimes being wrong. this one of a marketplace of ideas is terrific. it is a beautiful tactic to stifle free speech. now i'm a lawyer and i think one of our, yes, a lawyer to and we know that classically, if you say something that is liable us and defamatory that is not permitted. but this is a new thing. this is merely being wrong, you asked who determines what is wrong, the public consensus of what i call the shadow government overlord, to basically run everything through there. a wholly owned subsidiary is platforms and social media. so basically it's a new form of, of thought charity. very well said let's go to david in ottawa, same question to you and you're sitting in your car. so to dispel any kind of
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propaganda in gossips and everything, please explain why you're sitting in your car in iowa. i have not been kicked out of my house. i have not been booted. i'm in ottawa, it's a 2 hour little bit over 2 hour drive from watsonville because i need to see the freedom convoy 2022 in person and see what's going on. because i simply do not and cannot believe what the mainstream media is putting out there, the canadian, mainstream media. this convoys been going on for a little while now. it's made the news about a week ago and right from the get go. you know how media plays it, they start screaming misinformation, they start putting out misinformation. and at the end of the day you cannot trust them. and the only way to do it is to see it with your own eyes. so this freedom convoy going across the country from british columbia to ottawa, to protest these vaccine mandates these oppressive government mandates. the media in canada which is largely subsidized, if not outright bought off by the liberal government at 1st, ignores it. and then pretends that something else, a small protest in british columbia for road conditions then has to recognize it
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and then goes into full misinformation demonizing mode, calling it racist massage. ernest is extremist white nationalists and then even goes to suggest that it might be sponsored or funded by the russians. i kid you not . so we live in an air of misinformation because the people who are putting out the information are bought off or have interests that do not adhere to the truth, but rather other and you know, as you get poor, don't you know it being wrong is subject to to censorship, it's beyond that, it's being right but to orally that is subject to censorship because they try to hide the truth and then when they can no longer hide the truth, they have to admit it. but the step one in hiding the truth is suppressing those who are saying, well, you're way ahead of me and my questions as i look at them all really go to go to you. i mean, you know, with this whole thing about misinformation that i, i looking iraq and weapons of mass destruction. i look at the rushing gate hoax. i
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see the changing the ever changing narrative on coven, i could go on and on here. i mean, this is miss information is coming from legacy media. this is where most of it comes from. and it's people like us to push back against the calls, all those bad names. and all these terms. misinformation is a little bit like conspiracy theory. these terms are themselves tools, propaganda. but there isn't nothing. there's nothing new, of course about just information and propaganda information order. this has been with us for hundreds of probably thousands of years. but it does come in waves. and because we live in a medias society, it will seem to us is the, this is for these problems are for an escalating, particularly as we move into times of war and or potential potential, a conflict then the machinery,
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a propaganda hybrid work or whatever term you want to give it, it will ramp up and all of the fav favorite techniques will come into play and, and in this certainly mystic terms, such as this information. this information that you apply. of course, you apply only to your opponents, even though you yourself are doing all these things a day by day. and you said the, a propagandist are still in trying to replicate the conditions that lead most people to believe what it is that they believe. there are many, many techniques for this. one of the most interesting, i think, i think is perhaps becoming we can say somewhat novel is the because people tend to believe things that they can, they can hear. they can see witnesses talking about. this is, are an important things that you need to replicate. if you are a propagandist, we saw this in a very dramatic way,
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way back in 1091 in the 2nd invasion of iraq. the at the nazareth propaganda hopes ago talking about babies being around, turned out that she was the daughter of the $280.00 and possible to, to the united states. but more recently we have a thing where the p c. w has in effect, being reliant on suppose it witnesses that are actually honored by organizations like white county, as you know, a grass roots movements. and they of course, find the witnesses that will present a particular point of view witnesses or a dime. it does that they, they have to be wrecked and even they wouldn't cheat it big intelligence agencies and dig deep into i mean, even if you don't even need witnesses,
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he does need anonymous sources that seem to be good enough. ok. you know, i know there's, there's all this whole affair with joe rogan and spotify. i'm exhausted by it, because it has nothing to do with rogan in. just information modified. they see, they think the legacy media is a guilt and they don't want anyone else in their guilt. you have to, you have to, you have to earn your way in do do that is to be a supplicant and repeat their narrative. it's not about your work, it's about spotify line. i agree, disagree, and correct. a couple of things here. let's go back. history is a wonderful thing of only were true as, as, as close to i said, but it was a time. do you remember when the advocates came out and i was just kind of a teenager and this is a book basically they show people how to build bombs. it stopped me. it was, it wasn't misinformation, it was information. and the court said, well, of course we let this out if, if, if didn't, don't read it or,
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or keep it from children. but, but you, you don't stifle truth. now, we've always had propaganda. we've always had misinformation this information and left and right. but here's the thing, which is so interesting right now using kind of this gustavo bond kind of a clock prosy crowd theory. people actually clamor for this information being a shunted in stock. they want to this, they are actually pitchforks and towards crowder say, yes, absolutely. they want it, and one thing just very quickly, spotify, it's not so much is bonafide new, as, as spotify dared to question the narrative. it did not see permission from the shadow government. i'm my new term for whoever is in charge of this. and they are going to back down so fast, and you were going to see joe rogan, or anybody who as an example, crushed and when you have meal, young, joni, mitchell, zam, fear, king of the pan flute, and every,
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every hoary rocker who's at the end of the trajectory used as the reason because they had childhood polio. look it, imagine gary buey say suggesting that the more me easy writer should be taken off because they were driving around with our helmets and he almost died. imagine think about this very quickly. we have people who eric clapton, who almost died because of drugs, and there are people who actually sing in blues and rock peons and, and, and plot is j. j cale, to cocaine. and so if we want to talk about what happened in the old days and how we're using this as basically the pretext to have thought crushed it's, it's beyond absurd. but the audience and the citizens love this. yes. here they are the ones clapping from yet because the other clamoring for dis information themselves to reassure themselves. and let me go back to i and i want to keep the structure thing because i think it's too good to be true, haven't you?
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on cross off, right? now give us an example of how misinformation is working. when it comes to this protest, go ahead. it is shocking because like i say, they go through this checklist playing off the american book, the ignore. then you try to minimize, then you try to demonize and then you try to divert. so they say no crowd, there's no, there's no conflict. ok, there's a convoy, but it's not that big. ok, it's big, but it's white nationalist or it's, it's going to be our january 6 and then they go. what fake news does because it is a couple of individuals who all, if there's no formal charter, they know that they're pushing the same narrative. they all do the same thing in lockstep in tandem types of misinformation. you get one dude in a crowd of tens of thousands who happens to having neatly pressed brand new confederate flag for whatever the reason that a protest in canada. and he ended up having to plug her within 3 feet of him, snapping pictures of that one individual as though it represents anything. and then
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all your blue check, mark politicians, media types, c, t, v c, b, c. they start retreating. look at this. i've never seen a white nationalist flag at a protest for the residential schools, the mistreatment of indigenous children. of course you don't because most normal freedom loving people don't go sabotaged other people's parades. so they, they take one example which itself may be a plant, a stooge, a false flight, or whatever, on a loony looking for 2 minutes of fame. and they run with that exception and try to make it the rule. they took a picture of what appeared to be urine on a war monument and then said, everyone here is pissing on monuments and i'm literally, and i'm from frontier saying that could have been a dog. not that that makes it any better. but to take a picture of what looks like it might be urine in snow and then say this entire convoy is disrespecting war monuments and the history of canada. it's how fake news does news they're trying to clean to narrative. they're trying to support the government that subsidizes them. it's a $1000000000.00 to cbc that ideal canada,
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$600000000.00 bail out to the other media industry, millions of dollars a month in cove. it adds to the media outlets that push the narrative and support the government. it's how they do it. it seems a little more pronounced in canada than in the u. s. because you got more push back . i'm really disappointed with canada, canada's gone to extremes on somebody. anything i gentlemen, i'm going to jump in here. we're going to go to a short break. and after that, you're very welcome your discussion on some real estate with our team. ah ah. mm. with bring you the very latest every out the day. this is no fun everyone had
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with it's an open secret that private military companies have been playing a role in our conflicts world wide. u. s. government doesn't track the number of contractors and uses in places iraq or afghanistan, united states army and the military and general. so reliance on the private sector, i would call the dependency. but we don't know who's the on the ground presence of these companies overseas. we just don't out west and private military companies can in turn use so called subcontractors from countries with trouble pass. the chances are quite good that they had also been child diligence. i was a child, as, as i trust professional with
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the whole 141 to 5, said that with, with no flow minimum own if you want. sure. which way to be merciless killing machines. now they fight and die in other people's was people carol lot or a dead soldier or dead marine shows up in this country and we start asking yourself, why did they die? why, what were they fighting for? nobody bothers down to about that contractors in this, it's all smart city is a city that's using technology to make people's life easier to happier, collecting a lot of data to try to improve the way things are in theory, these big organizations that are amalgamating and pulling all that data together, they're not looking at using individual necessarily the data being collected so
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much data that there's a real possibility of privacy violation. i'm not something most of us wouldn't want to wells transparent, but we must live with communist surveillance. welcome back to ross stuck where all things were considered. i'm peter. well, this is the home edition remind you were discussing some real news. ah, it was going to oliver and all her one of the eat we were talking about, you know, we've had misinformation, december, information propaganda from time in memorial. but was, is different this time around is that they can just erase you in broad daylight. i think that and that's what we're really terrifying because you and actually being a well known person. there's a international relations, there's these john mearsheimer and he very much pushed against the iraq war. i mean,
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and someone of his very high stature was basically disappeared in public life. i mean, you have access if you go right to him. but if you, you don't learn about him in the public here because that's done intentionally a really, truly brilliant man. and so many people are not really his brilliant, unfortunately, but you can easily just erased in that's the reason you from the financial system, you know, online exposure platforms, the whole ball of glass. go ahead. you know, i think of the invasion and occupation of iraq is the starting point to the very rapid deterioration and the quality of it in as much as they ever had want to see the quality of mainstream media. so i think what happened is, not only do they not find weapons of mass destruction, which has to be one of the most extraordinary incompetent propaganda campaigns that
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has ever been a jumped up. and of course, as usual, the media, l, hook, line, and sinker behind the authority, official narrative, but at least because of the non non existence of weapons of mass destruction, iraq or the media at that time of decency, at least, to try apologizing that they got it wrong because what else could they do? we haven't seen any repeat of that. you talk about erasure. so we just now just re, recently we've experience one of the most most intriguing and outrageous hoaxes in the history of media, which is of course, russia gate, which turns out to be all conducted by attorneys on behalf of the democratic party campaign. and but the fact that this is not being
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totally disclose in part because of the report. and we see barely any concession in the mainstream media to the fact that they were beating the drums of russia. gates incessantly for 3234 years. but that nothing can be done so so, so, so bad that the, that the media feel any necessity whatsoever to, to turn up to it. so why would they own up to it? careers remain, book deals, netflix cable contracts. i mean, you know, all these people just fell into all these failures. so upward. ok. i mean, why in the world would they say that? ok, i mean, they all succeeded and what we have now, and i don't want to go into it because it's
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a big subject. but this whole russia gate mentality is spilling into foreign policy as we speak right now. and in that mean, the lack of honesty i'm, i'm part of the media has real world effects and i just leave it that. ok, let me go to line. why not? when you, when i were coming up we, we were, we had a consensus of what you shouldn't say, which not quite to say in public, but they've changed. it is what we should say. they've changed the entire concept of how we conduct ourselves in public. it's what you should say now what you shouldn't say, because there's a rough consensus. i think everyone on this program a real good idea, what you probably shouldn't say. it's completely on us there. but what we should say, we have to wait for the e mail. we have to wait for the, for the message on what's up. this is what's quite terrifying. wow. if i could come back in another life, i would love to be a propagandist for
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a criminal awful regime. and you can pick the one you'd like. and what i would do was, i would say, let me tell you what i learned 1st in order to change the architecture of thought, the architecture of the, of, of movement. i'm not interested in social media platforms. that's ok. they come and go. what i want to do is i want people to feel that they're doing the right thing by saying no to a particular thought. i want them to turn on each other, whether it's masks, whether it's all of us and, and the greatest idea of, when you, you mentioned about, and i mentioned by history, let's take people and their nations. let's actually see if they're stupid enough. i'm going to throw in a confederate flag age kind of a, a stone wall. jackson. um, you know, a clan member intake canada. this is an anachronism. let's see if anybody picks up on it and we'll laugh was a no, they didn't. then i'm gonna make it cool to basically and believe me, cove,
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it has been a behavioral psychologist, a breeding ground for some of the greatest ever. so when we were younger kids, we had it was maybe our music on long hair. people would say maybe church, maybe parents, nobody really crushed us. a few people here and there. and there was resistance. what i want to know was in this, i'll ask you in the panel collectively. is there anything that i, as an experimenter could, could shut down either a thought, whether if i shut down means or bathroom pictures or chiropractic videos or whatever the, the particular thing is today. would we ever march? would anybody in america, in particular, we're just slovenly. we're torpid, we just sit back and we're just through learn helplessness. we to okay, the thing you can do when i see truckers or anybody or, or young and have a broadcasters doing something,
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it gives me hope because my problem here is not so much the, the people trying to shut me down like this, this. and we this, this, this torpor, this were what ever, what are you going to do? again we're, we're so lucky to have david here because, you know, as a social status, truckers aren't going to have a very high social status. ok. which i think is wrong. i mean, where we get our stuff. it's a trucker that brought it there. ok. i'm working long hours there alone in a cab. most of the time here, when i find interesting, isn't this whole narrative control. it's always focused on punching down on the power lists. this is incessant, ok punch down punch down. and if you look even at the, you know, the me, the night comedy shows, which i don't find funny at all. look at it. it's all punching down in people, and this is,
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and this is the reflex they have. because and lionel's already brought it up and get everybody to hate each other and fight each other. when you get that, then you have a lot of power. you can actually do that and they do, do it, go ahead. i was, it is amazing because it's punching down. i now understand how middle america has been demonized in the past, where there were called gun toting bible, something people like you have to demonize them to create the impression that they are unable or an intellectual enough to govern themselves. and it's what you see happening here using the idea of denigrating truckers and writing them off as extremist white. nationalists, selfish people who have a very solitary profession. it's a tough profession. they're away from their families. if they have them, it's difficult to have families. if they don't, they are the backbone of canadian society and american society. it's like the fly over country, and you had to demonize them because historically, you've always had a political ruling class and a subservient class. and so the democracy of the west is relatively new, is relatively unique and relatively unnatural. and we just see people reverting
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back to the old school ruling class, political intellectual elite who know better than the lowly, hopefully, and get to tell them what to do. and when they start speaking for themselves, then they start becoming race traitors, they start becoming any fold any if you want it out there. and i've got your one anecdote because there's another one from this, from this convoy, which is it's gloria said it's misinformation. there was one guy with a confederate flag. there was another one with a swastika. the only guy in the crowd with a full face mask only had holes for his mouth and was wearing sunglasses over his eyes. chris brand new stick a flag and was told to leave by the crowd, but the media runs with it. they are trying to do things which would be comical if it were in a movie. it's literally like steve was skinny with a skateboard over his back pretending to be a teenager saying, what's up, my fellow teens. it's the missing from a from warfare is amazing, but people's propensity to go along. it's because they will feel intellectually
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superior to say those people are not entitled to their opinion. and if they have on the diverges, if, because they're ignorant or whatever, so we get to write it off and tell them what to do. it's absolutely true. you know, oliver, it, the way i look at it, the reason why the, there's such a ferocious reaction to dissent is in our ruling elites are the most incompetent in recorded history. they never get anything right. everything they touch thinking what i'm credential, i went to harbor, i went to yale, i went to princeton. ok, how you got there? you know, you never really explain your probably a legacy. ok. i mean who is the biggest cheerleader for senator chelsea clinton. ok . and she worked hard to get where she is. ok, i mean, this is what is out there for me. it's and there are what they wouldn't even you demonize a group of people, you know, negate their message. because these are you know, robes and they're deplorable. their message must be equal to the character how you describe that me. this is just a cancellation process because these leads do not want to be challenged. go ahead.
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well, yeah, we just had a reference to a massive like a month ago. but you and finally, mainstream. what do you look for sometime before you find some mainstream media reference to nazi or neo nazi fly in ukraine, which was where prepared apparently to fight a 3rd world war in order to protect. i wouldn't say, i mean it's not by any media. you know, i don't mean to say that, but it is a regime that feels that it is deeply constrained by what to do by the fear of very violent, neo nazi movements in ukraine. and you find very, very little sympathy from the mainstream media. you find everything but some of the for the other other wretched people right now in eastern ukraine, in the, in the don bus. and you know, what is a really very disturbing, i find this coverage is the total lack of interest by western media in what is
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actually going on in ukraine right now. who is this gentleman lensky as well? so soleski is a professional comedian who used his comedy show for the year preceding the election for which he stood for president. he used it as a, as an opportunity to set an informal agenda, which is in fact, which was a lot fuller than his actual agenda for his. so are you great but is a lance b is it is a, is a very off authoritarian leader. he is an extreme neo liberal and above all right, now he's in deep because he's trying to push through a land reform that would open you need this a beautiful agricultural lab right,
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right with running out of time roughly. but i'm really glad that the regime nature and ukraine is not mentioned to me gentlemen. i want to thank my guest here in new york, ohio and in ottawa, in the car, no less. i think our viewers for watching us here or do you see next time, remember across cycles? ah, ah, better survival got a big puddle with the rest and 7 years. bill with ah, well, they directly resell accidentally says content to us and decide who sees what
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content like when and how much of it. facebook claims that these algorithms are there to learn about our specific preferences. actually, this is untrue. they are shaping preference. if tomorrow a person finds a fake poor legit video we're saying the earth is a flat, then this content ranks. huh. at least 20 percent or maybe even 40 percent or pretty. that's true. that's a very dangerous thing. it's an open secret that private military companies have been playing a role in arm conflicts. world wide u. s. government doesn't track the number of contractors it uses in places iraq or afghanistan, the united states army and the military and general is so reliance on the private
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sector. i would call the dependency, but we don't know who's the on the ground presence of these companies overseas. we just don't out west and private military companies can in their turn, use so called subcontractors from countries with trouble pass. the chances are quite good that they had also been charles soldiers. i says i was a child as well as my job professional job is he's with the whole 141. if i said that was with no limit pneumonia wall, which i mean to be merciless killing machines. now they fight and die in other people's was people carol, lot one and a dead soldier or dead marine shows in this country. we start asking yourself, why did they die? why do what were they fighting for? nobody bothers down to about the contractors
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i do with the russian foreign minister evolved to retaliate against german media outlets in russia. dr. germany is media regulated, a broadcast done on r t this, the channel ought fi. the u. s. need to respond to russia's proposed security guarantees is leaked and published by a spanish newspaper. the documents reject russia's key demands, including keep in neighboring ukraine, out of the military alliance. and the you could through the green label on the job, the nuclear power paving the way because of this in.
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