tv News RT February 2, 2022 7:00pm-7:31pm EST
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they say to the government, police probably new governments b, they say single to any asleep or please don't touch my mike private by phone patch . my business don't touch my feet. and this is an impossible contradiction. ah, the russian foreign ministry vows to retaliate against german media outlets in russia. that's after germany is media regulators, a broadcast band, and all these, this, the channel, the the u. s. need to respond to russia's proposed security guarantees is leaks and published by a spanish newspaper. the documents rejects bushes he demands including keeping neighboring ukraine out of the military alliance on to the in. you could soon pull the green label on the gas and nuclear power paving the way for subsidies and socks because it comes as member states clash over the switch to renewables in the midst
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of an energy crisis with, from moscow to the world. this is all the international. i'm pizza, scott. and these are the top stories this our russia has pledged to take action against german media outlets operating in the country. the announcement from the foreign ministry came just hours after our sister channel. our cd was blocked by germany's media regulator. the verdict of the german media regulator is an unambiguous signal that russian concerns have been defiantly ignored. this step deprives us of any choice but to start implementing retaliatory measures against german media accredited in russia. as well as internet intermediaries, who have all betrayer early and unreasonably deleted the channels accounts from their platforms. we repeatedly pointed out to germany, the unacceptability of exerting politically motivated pressure on the russian media
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outlet and the inevitability of counter measures. if berlin refused to seek a constructive solution to the problem it had created with our tv. while earlier, artie accused the german regulator of suppressing free speech that's after our t d with hits with a full bond, including on online news that there were production be taking, the regulated the court after it was wrongly named the channel, the broadcaster, all these deputy editor in chief on a, b, l can, a, gave rory sushi, a breakdown of the dispute via a license that was obtained with absolutely all courting european rules and regulations, according to the european convention on transferred to your television. and we are free to broadcast via that license in the 30 plus territory across europe. they are saying that our tv productions, which is an entirely independent production company, is actually the tv channel of that broadcast from germany. and there's generally
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absolutely no broadcasting happening from berlin at all or to d. e. the tv channel is oh, broadcasting right here for moscow in, in fact, there studios are essentially next door to where we're sitting here. and we were here all launching the channel mid december. yet nevertheless, the regulator is asking the production company to start broadcasting, which they are not even doing. and to do it not just on television, but to do it on the all the online platforms, apps, etc, etc. which again, the production has absolutely no control over all of this is centered right here in moscow and the tv broadcasting as well is done from here. what do you think they were afraid of something that we do here at our team? i mean, it definitely seems that there is quite a lot of apprehension about a different voice, like r t is where it's being present there, you know, and they are under fire. not just under it from authorities in, in germany,
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the youtube channel was taken down within hours of the over the beginning of the broadcast. that is obviously an american company. and then indeed there was pressure being put on an independent, independent satellite operator. util sat to take us to, to stop broadcasting our feed as well. so it really is a multi pronged attack when one of the comments that you've made regarding this, you say, quote, we will not be removing our feeds or channels voluntarily and encourage all platforms not to be bullied by the media watchdogs, illegitimate minds that does it seem like bullying. yeah, absolutely. and we've seen those done not just with regards to the broadcasting, but various productions have had all of their various partners, bullied, including banking, banking, relationships, other operational relationships for or for the last number of years. and we believe that, you know, the rtp productions position is entirely not just
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legal and in accordance with all the rules and regulations, but is beyond substantiated. and that we're hoping that the courts are going to see that and side with them. likewise, our tv channels position is entirely legitimate within germany and other european markets, and we will be defending that position. russian foreign ministry spokeswoman maria the carver is accused germany of breaching its legal obligations, leaving moscow with no choice both to retaliate. just don't let berlin now say that they weren't offered a way of staying within the international legal framework. we offer that repeatedly and at various levels. we've pointed out solutions to problems that were not created by us. but if germany has steamrolled through its obligations in protecting freedom of speech, then we have no reason to be shy about retaliating the art the, the saga has been going on for months now, basically since day one,
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our teeth nikki, our intakes, look back now at the turbulence have been surrounding the channel. the r t d low in states was an exciting day, but within hours it wasn't just reporting the news. it was the news with the channels live stream deleted from you chip, just a short time off. it went on air, then just days later, there was a finding increasing interference and the channel signal, after it was taken off one of its 2 satellites. after juvenile authorities claimed it didn't have the license needed to operate in the country. but the thing is it doesn't need one having obtained its broadcasting license in serbia, which just like germany is a signatory to the european convention of trans frontier television. the member states of the council of europe and the other states party to the european cultural convention, or reaffirming their commitment to the principles of the free flow of information and ideas and the independence of broadcasters which constitute an indispensable basis for their broadcasting policy. most of them i know about the closure of bank
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accounts and so on. there's a large number of tactics. they're using c r t, d cons operate, they're infringing on freedom of speech and that's very bad. but the european regulator is clearly under a different impression. the license must be issued in germany, and the application must also be filed here. first of all, this is a real irritant, and we will take care of it. so what's the reaction from the german government? what it seems they've decided to stay out of the ralph and now, although you don't have to dig too far to find the kind of tone being set by some in the ruling coalition, the media authority and youtube rightly pulled the plug on the pirates station of the enemies of democracy and lateral thinkers, this repeated attempt to circumvent european and national laws, underscores the danger of this self proclaimed t. v broadcaster requires action at all levels. so could this be the end of the road for the short lived channel? well, archie, d. e is already preparing to fight on we spoke with rock legend roger waters,
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he's the co founder of pink floyd, and he believes germany seeking to block alternative viewpoints which challenge the west, the narrative. they want to create and may have a monopoly of media that only expresses the accepted western narrative that comes down to them to those major outlets from the ruling class in western society. and in when, in the western countries state, russia today actually provides an alternative view to the bureau that is given by certainly every single american tv network. you cannot watch network tv in the united states because it's all nonsense, every single minute. i don't care if it's fox news or m s m, b,
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c. it's all made up nonsense. so russia today, which you can watch in the united states and which i do watch russia today. but it gives every appearance of being much more direct and truthful about the reality of our lives on this globe than folks yours are, m s m, b, c, or any of the other set. certainly. net network television in the usa, all the b, b, c, o i g, b, or channel for any of the stations as well. they would like to shut down, shut down any voice that doesn't necessarily tow the line and agree with big brother on every single issue. down to the last cross t and dottie di and full stop. this is so or, well,
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in this is 1984 come to life. they're looking in a mirror when that, when they accuse are see a big dissemination of this information, particularly now with all this nonsense about your grade, they're looking in america. that's exactly what they are. all the full text of the confidential us need to response to russia. security concerns has been leads. the reports of documents was published by spanish newspaper, l pipe and earlier my colleagues, neil harvey and stuff, you tailor discussed its contents over the past few weeks. we've seen at the highest diplomatic levels, riley's of occupations, verbal sparring, and that's just what's been happening and public's. we can only imagine what's going on behind closed doors, but now a fresh document leak has all put off a glimpse into what is indeed happening behind those doors. and it's really showed that moscow and washington, alongside nato, a very,
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very far from reaching any kind of consensus with regards to ukraine, issue, uninsured. well beyond move, not that does seem to be almost a blind unwillingness from the military alliance to recognize any of russia security concerns. now, the spanish language paper open hasn't managed to get it comes on the nato and us response to russia. security proposals now will remember those proposals they were sent back in december. they fin triggered a flurry of diplomatic talks and calls and essentially they requested legal guarantees, restricting father nato expansion, specifically with regards to ukraine. the document that we're seeing now though, reveals a very blunt response from washington and brussels. and it's in all states should respect the right of other states to choose or change security arrangements and to decide their own future and foreign policy free from outside interference. in this slide, we reaffirm our commitment to nato's open door policy under article 10 of the washington
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treaty. we have of course, requested comment from both nato and the us state department. but if we take just this document, it seems that it is an open shot case. them, they will not compromise. that is despite flat and person warning. but this is a very reckless disregard of russia's concerns. it's not well for help because don't people realize that this could potentially set all nations involved down a very dangerous path of no return assistance. because when you much listen carefully to us, i say in ukraine's own duck, try no documents. it is written that they plan to return crimea, including by military means that is not what they say publicly. imagine for yourself that ukraine in nature members will begin military operations in crimea. what do we do? go to war with the nato block? has anyone thought about that? so the situation is it seems to me both sides refusing to budge and let him pitch and set it there in a slightly different context. but what do we do? what's versus reaction? been to this must have already sent,
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follow up questions to this document. so clearly that is a desire for continued a dialogue. but most disposition on this has been consistent from the beginning. it recognizes, of course, that every single country has the right to determine its own policy and assure its own security thought is not what's being disputed. here. the issue is when a countries choices have ramifications beyond its borders and actually pose a very real physical threat to someone else. and let's just be clear. a potential natal launchpad located in ukraine is just a couple of minutes miss all away from, from russia. so it's essentially, i think, this fear that really underlies russia's concerns, even though you know, shows that ignoring our concerns, the u. s. and need to refer to the rights of states to freely choose how to insure the security. but it's not just about giving someone this right. after all, this is only one parts of the well known formula for the indivisibility of security . the 2nd integral part says that one should not allow the strengthening of any one
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security at the expense of the security of other states. so the wash and liters asking why must we sacrifice our security that someone else can feel safe? that said, it would be remiss if i didn't point out that the document has some encouraging moments. i'm talking about reestablish communication long military channels, reinstating the nato office here and moscow discussing arms control. so reducing missile deployment to ukraine. but if we get to the bottom of it, that's the plan, according to this document, the west response to an almost existential concern of russia, as we hear you. but we don't care enough to do anything. and this is in fact case closed. we're not gonna discuss it further, but here's a list of much smaller things that we feel that we can give you to protect an image that we are listening and being co operative but do nothing in any way to address your fundamental concerns with that kind of inflexible rhetoric combined, of course, with this ongoing footage of millions of dollars worth of weapons being sent to
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kiev. it's very difficult even with the best of intentions to see where to move from now. well, as you just heard in that report, the russian president mentioned ukraine states, a goal of re taking crimea through military means. but the whites also dismissed those concerns comparing putin's ukraine policy. it's a fox and an house. and the fox is screaming from the top of the hen house that he's scared of the chickens, which is essentially what they're doing. that fear isn't reported as a statement of fact. and as you watch, president putin screaming about the fear of ukraine and the ukrainians. that should not be reported as a statement of fact. we know who the foxes in this case. meanwhile, the why tell assistance additional troops to eastern europe amid highest height intentions over ukraine. approximately 2000 tooth would be deployed to poland and germany. another 1000 will be sent through a mania. this comes as a ukrainian soldier on the front line pits confess to having heavy armory. which if
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true would be a violation of a peace treaty between ukraine and so proclaim republics in east of the country. what kind of weapons do you have at this position? do you have any heavy weaponry? i don't see any, but i just want to make sure that you don't know are seen by the enemy. doesn't mean he says, but we have everything. i think that it's clear that any accusation against russia is now considered valid in the most of the western media, certainly the mainstream media here in the us. and i think you heard earlier in your broadcast and much of the of europe as well. there's no questioning of these of the allegations against russia, and that there's no questioning of supporting everything that either the training leadership wants to do, or nato wants to ukrainian leadership to do. i think that the propaganda war that's
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underway becomes more and more ludicrous here in the u. s. with each passing day. i mean, and the latest word here that a potent is afraid pretending to be afraid of the ukrainian. so russia has, i think legitimate concerns about the stationing of nuclear missiles, very close to the heartland of russia and western russia, the main cities and the economy and agriculture and all of that. and that nato is determined to move ever closer. and that's where i think this is really about watching our national. we'll be back with more news after this short break. lou ah, ah.
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ah, welcome back to the program. now natural gas a nuclear power could soon be classed as green energy in the u. the european commission supports the idea which has been slammed by environmental groups as green washing our europe correspondent pizza. all of it takes up the story for a u. n. she's been in focus for quite a while with energy prices across year of being through the roof. but what we've seen on wednesday with the e u commission outline their plans to reclassify some natural gas projects and nuclear power projects. odds green energy investments. what the u commission, hope that this would do is that it would well take a couple of boxes, really one that it would get investment cash flowing into energy projects to get more energy projects off the ground for to supply much needed energy to the
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european union. countries also that it would help the european union take some of it or meet some of its climate goals that it's set. the commissioner in charge of these type of things outlined exactly why they've gone down this route. we need to use all the tools that are disposal to achieve climate neutrality. we putting in place straits conditions for their inclusion. they're subject to clear limits and phase out periods. some will use this instrument and others may not. but whoever invests will be certain that the product they're investing in should it contain nuclear or gas. they will know, well not everybody is happy with this, but some will start with those likely to be pretty particularly pleased with they saw france and germany will start with paris and swell front generates just over 70 percent of its electricity from nuclear power. well, they may well just become one of the greenest countries in the european union if this eventually goes through because of their use of nuclear,
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it's also likely to be quite well received here in berlin. germany does use an awful lot of gas to generate electricity and awful lot of renewables as well. but gas is seen very much, is the bridging fuel as they try and transfer more and more towards renewables. the gulf stream to gas pipelines, the much talked about that infrastructure project between germany and russia, looking more and more bought and showed this plan go through and gas ultimately be designated as that green fuel will see more and more investment towards gus in and across the european union, i said not everybody was happy though, and heading into this meeting on wednesday, we heard from austria, denmark, sweden, and the netherlands all saying they didn't want to see gas added to the list. there's also a whole host of environmental groups as well, who say this is essentially just moving the goal posts to fit what you want to hear and what you want to see. and amongst a little more than green washing. the complimentary delegated act table by the
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european commission sacrifices the scientific integrity of the taxonomy on the altar of fossil gas and nuclear lobbies. firstly, labeling fossil gas is a sustainable activity is completely incompatible with limiting global warming to $1.00 degrees celsius and with the use 2030 climate targets. secondly, even if ignoring the risks of catastrophic nuclear accidents, it is evident that nuclear does not apply to these key principles is it poses significant environmental and social hazards at all stages of its supply chain. while it's still a few hoops to for this to jump through before it could come into force. in fact, there was some questions, put the money out. and again, as the commissioner about potential legal challenges from so member states no confirmation or not other yet, but it does helps to go before the lead is of the 27 members of the european union . once it gets passed there, which it looks like it will, it goes to the european parliament, weigh more than half of any piece have to vote in favor of it. right now. it does
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seem like it would squeak by us looking at probably quite a few months though before we see these new rules come into place and we see gas or some gas projects and nuclear power labeled as green energy projects by the european union. and now for another story, we're across today. a dig fox news by the whitehouse spokesperson has joined the ire of america's largest police union. jenny saw he marked the channel of coverage as being from an alternate universe as it focused on us crime rates rather than intentions. abroad so right now, just to give you a sense. so cnn pentagon, as many as 8500 yes. troops on heightened alert. okay. trail. same on m. s and b. c . cnbc is doing their own thing about the market. and then, and fox is janine pier talking about soft on crime consequences. i mean, what does that even mean? right? said there is this alternate universe and some coverage. what scary about it is
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a lot of people watch that. i think it's wrong, very wrong for miss saki to suggest that violent crime in our country is of no concern or to just laugh it off. she may feel safe in the white house, one of the most protected buildings in the united states. but on every one, feel safe in their workplace pretending violent crimes are part of some other reality will not help victims. miss saki owes them an apology. and crime rates are on the old. throughout america, record homicide numbers were reported in and doesn't us cities last year. there were 485 murders in new york and more than 21000 nationwide. robberies are also becoming more common with carjackings in particular, over 500 percent last year. well, our siegel the thoughts of new yorkers about the situation. i'm always, you know, what's in my bag lord war. i'm no one to go from. like right now. i'm on my way home. i stay home our own. go outside and i try not to and if i do
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a little while to my back, i really have to be careful. basically make sure i locked the door or even driving park the car. you have to be careful crime on the sub either. right. on the subway . but affleck room alone, been affected by there was a shooting or by my apartment not group or retired police officer dominic ego says the white house has been trying to down play the rising crime. i think everything coming from the white house are honestly, it's when the democrats is passive, aggressiveness, i really do think the only people suffering right now are the american people. this, everything that's going on right now with the downplaying of criminal activity or, or bail reform or anything else. it's coming out of the white house. it's really damaging law enforcement and the citizens are going to hurt in the long run. and i think it's a game they're playing for actually playing with both the cops and the citizens lives in that. and this is an emotional phrasing and it's meant cause division.
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it's meant to cause a rotation. it's meant to cause a blame game. the cops are always going to be used as pawns, a citizens are going to be demanding more from police to placement, frustration you have this unbelievable, hurtful cycle is going to be perpetuated and it's, it's, it's got a stop. this is purposeful. they know that this is just psychological warfare and they plant seeds and they know that a majority of people only listen to sound bites or read headlines, don't read articles, and then they form their opinion off of whatever emotionally triggers them. and you wind up getting your, your, your side, if you will, it's like weapon, ising people. if you know that there's an emotion out there, you're gonna sit there and, and you're gonna leverage um, so this is done purposefully. it doesn't matter of gen. saki says she doesn't realize that she said, again, she's an extremely intelligent woman. she's been put in a very high position to wind up on leaving the country with the, by the administration. she knows exactly what she did and it's all being done on purpose. well, that's how the world's looking at $330.00. i am moscow time. my name is peter scott, and i'll be back again with more news at the top of the hour. with
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this is all smart city, is a city that using technology to make people's life easier to happier, collecting a lot of data to try to improve the way things are in theory, these big organizations that are amalgamating and pulling all that data together. they're not looking at you as an individual, necessarily people's data being collected so much data that there's a real possibility of privacy violation. and that's something most of us wouldn't want to wells transparent, but we must live with them surveillance. ah, this is boom, bought the one bid this show you care to coordinate on bread to board. and i may,
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to london in washington and coming at the united states national jacket. 30 trillion dollars for the 1st time ever. straight ahead will break down this historic number and how much it increases at hand. and i began, then we headed to the met of earth, where real estate is booming in the virtual space. later on we break down the growing market and answer another key question. you may have what exactly is a metaphor? get a lot to get to. let's go and we leave the program with the state of debt and the world's largest economy concerns about the united states. national debt is nothing new, but there are moments when that debt crossed the threshold and raises new questions about national stability. now the u. s. has crossed another one of those thresholds and back the u. s. national that has exceeded 30 trillion dollars for the 1st time ever. then that's co host an investigative journalist benson is looking into this story and has the latest for us guys in 2020 right. before the pandemic hit,
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the u. s. national debt sat around $23.00 trillion dollars, which means that in just the past 2 years, the u. s. has added 7 trillion dollars to its national debt. when we talk about the u. s. national debt, we're talking about debt held by the public as well as intra governmental debt. those numbers together comprised the total debt and that number outstanding is $30.00 trillion dollars as of january 31st. so how do we get here? what's probably not surprising that the speed with which the u. s. raised to 30 trillion dollars. surround fiscal and economic policy from the corona virus pandemic. 5 trillion dollars for instance, funded, expanded job was benefits, financial support for small businesses and stimulus payments. and all of it was financed with borrowed money. meanwhile, the federal reserve has signaled that he could soon begin to re short term interest rates from near 0, in an effort to curb inflation, which is at its highest level in nearly 4 decades. certainly the heavy borrowing and the cheap money.
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