tv News RT February 3, 2022 1:00am-1:31am EST
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as a real possibility of privacy violation, and that something most of us wouldn't want to wells transparent, we must live with permanent surveillance. ah, let's go vows retaliatory measures against german media accredited in russia after berlin slapped a broadcast band on his sister channel tv. so this police chief is under fire after report exposes how officers, some of whom are still in the job joke about raping colleagues and killing children . in chief jeff circuit quits over an affair with a co worker. he leaves plummeting ratings in his wake after a torrent of scandal, maybe with
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either very good morning. thanks for joining me here on our team. international muska has vowed a mirror, a response against german media credited in russia after a bill in watchdog band of sister channel r t d. across all platforms. the verdict of the german media regulator is an unambiguous signal that russian concerns have been defiantly ignored. this step deprives us of any choice but to start implementing retaliatory measures against german media accredited in russia. as well as internet intermediaries who have arbitrarily and unreasonably deleted the channels accounts from their platforms. daniel hawkins is covering this story for us. good morning, t done media was what's the latest reaction then from russia on this one? will russia say, can these measures against office the shuttle all to the very seriously, understandably, and that measures haven't taken long to appear. the russian debt was invoice to be
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over. c has said, russia will be demanding a response from the c b, d representative to this. unprecedented move part, the immediate reg regulated to remove our tv is broadcasting from multiple platforms. he describe what germany has done, what the german media regulator has done as effectively media segregation, discriminating against media out of based pretty much solely on its country of origin on it's, it's all policy and states that this really is an unprecedented move. the reaction is going to come, not only in europe, but unfortunately for germany media here in russia as well. the president's representative on international cultural corporation, mikhail with coin has said that russian regulators will not be approving at least 3 german media outlets which are deemed desirable here in russia, but confirmed by the russian foreign ministry, which is said it's going to initiate these were tally a 3 measures
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a stress in response to what's being voted against all t v. removing the presence of german media outlets or certain media outlets not only from broadcasting or on television on, but also from other platforms from now and internet intermediaries as well. that is, of course, a response to what we've seen happening in germany just over the last few days. the media regulator has band r t, not just from tv satellite, but across all platforms, including online and acts as well. either saying, overall cost must stop over the phone by line. the required media low license was not available. the operator of r t to cannot invoke any other permission which is legitimate under european law. now, of course, all the states, its position is crystal clear. they have obtained licenses in law with laws and regulations, and they will be appealing the decision. yeah, i mean, i wanted to ask you
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a little bit about that. you've explained what laws to sunlight, retaliatory measures coming from russian officials in terms of just like appealing this decision on legal grounds and getting what he would see is being the right decision from his perspective. how do they go about that? well, they did, the issue really is that all t d does not broadcast up from germany. it's broad costs just around the corner from where we're sitting now, and it's obtained a license to broadcast its materials in germany here graphically in line with the convention of france, frontier television, in serbia. the sub is of course, a secretary to that convention matters. how was he obtained a large cost material in the country? so all t v r t, as a broadcasting family have stated very clearly that they are hearing to you laws and regulations. and therefore this move budget money to put such pressure on the broad costs. not only on television on the south, but across all platforms really has vertical legal standing. there's
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generally absolutely no broadcasting happening from berlin at all or to d. e. the tv channel is broadcasting right here for moscow and via a license that was obtained with absolutely all courting european rules and regulations, according to the european convention on transferred to your television. and we are free to broadcast via that license in 30 plus territory across europe. it also looks like there's a bit more to this dispute when you consider that this is an isolated incident. is it has been going on for a while. this dispute? yeah, absolutely. i mean, as soon as all t d age launched in december last year, faced the host of problems, it youtube channel was taken off with the american company that faith prices straight away. it was subsequently put back up. but the incident, nevertheless, very much mod its launch view was face problems with its signal of several signal
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in germany facing interference that issues watching, watching its broadcasts. the european regulates, describe the tv as an irritant, and saying they're going to quotes that take care of it, whatever that might have meant. and clearly they have because it's been ordered to be taken off. the platform was, and i mean, he has faith prussia, of course, in america. as we remember over the years, face question in the u. k. this out right by the possible crowd from really has been described as quite unprecedented even by the russian president himself. which i know about the closure of bank accounts and so on is a large number of pounds. all right, there are infringing and not very bad credit, but now we're going to wait the outcome of any legal dispute. senior people say this is now going to be with the lawyers with the court when the start all
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t v has around the 14 days or so to appeal this decision with the media regulator. and we'll see what the mother is. what is clear though, that this is a very strong, very intense, very concerted effort that we've really not seen before in any country with r t to remove any trace any form any chance of off. he was costing all tv broadcasting from any platform, be the online, be the phone app, obligation on any device. this really has been a very strong concern that effort and as a warrior tendency, not only for all t v in germany, but for german media in russia, they're all really no winners here. yeah, it can be fascinating to see what the law decides on this case. appreciate the update now, pink floyd's co founder turned out to his roger waters says that this band smacks him for talk chrissy. they want to create and may have a monopoly of media that only expresses the accepted
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western narrative that comes down to them to those major outlets from the ruling class in western society. and when in the western countries state, russia today actually provides an alternative view it to the view that is given by certainly every single american tv network. you cannot watch network t be in the united states because it's all nonsense every single minute. i don't care if it's fox news or m s m, b, c. it's all made up nonsense. so russia today, which you can watch in the united states and which i do watch russia today. but it gives every appearance of been much more direct and truthful about
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the reality of our lives on this globe than folks yours are, m s m, b, c, or any of the other set. certainly. net network television and the usa on the b, b, c o i g, b, or channel for any of the stations as well. they would like to shut down, shut down any voice that doesn't necessarily tow the line and agree with big brothers on. if we single issue down to the last cross t and dottie di and full stop, this is so or, well in this is 1984 come to life. they're looking in a mirror. when that, when they accuse, are see a big dissemination of disinformation particularly now with all this nonsense about the grain, they're looking in america. that's exactly what they are all dirt london's
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murder has warned. the city's police chief that her job is on the line after a series of shot revelations about office of misconduct, the mess spokesperson relying that it indicated the return to the bad old days. the mayor made clear to the commissioner how angry he is with a return to the bad days of the man of his childhood in the seventy's and eighty's . and that neither he nor londoners will put up with this. he has put the commissioner and notice when it comes after a new report reveal metropolitan police officers have been joking in private messages about raping female colleagues and killing black children with some of those involved still in the jobs. the report also says incidents are not isolated and cannot be explained away as the behavior of a few bad apples on his shadier edwards dash. he takes a closer look at the findings all cable incidents of hey crime involving races, texas and home aside. the messages have been discovered by
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a watch drug investigation into the police offices within the ranks of the metropolitan police have been found to be glorifying, domestic abuse, rape and murder, using language so bad. i cannot repeat them on i would happily rape you guessing a woman into bed is like spreading butter. it can be done with a bit of effort using a credit card. but it's quicker and easier just to use a knife. my dad kidnap some african children and used him to make dog food. thousands of messages taking place between 20162018 were reviewed yet only 2 officers sucked. 9 of the 14 investigated are still serving in the force. one another holds a contract to stop role. now the commission of faces calls to go, but not from the public, but senior politicians, as well as former high ranking offices. we're not seeing one of instances we've seen now too many instances of the most appalling behaviors. i also think it shows
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a feeler of literature in some quarters. the met police may be the worst for institutional massage any and racism, but they're not the only ones. only a statutory judge lead inquiry will do. only new leadership will do. surely, christina, they cannot be proud of her record when this is the norm. charing cross neck, yet her 6 to your salary past was renewed last auden, which feels like rewarding failure. the defense just bank apparently. in fact, the independent office. so please conduct found an officer was named great the right person following rumors about bringing a woman back to the police station to then sexually assault the met says it was sorry. we are deeply sorry to londoners and every one they have failed with their appalling conduct and acknowledge how this will damage the trust and confidence of many in the meant in the u. k. officers, i suppose the police by consent,
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but how can trust be restored or even wasn't ever that what to investigate to say the insidious culture is widespread. we believe these incidents and not isolated or simply the behavior of a few bad apples. the highly dumbing report is just the latest scandal under police commissioner crescent, a dix watch. institutional feelings were placed under intense scrutiny by the right and murder of sir evarado, by a serving metropolitan police officer known to colleagues of the rapists during his career. and i'm just the mecca serious about ridging the force of rotten abuses of power. surely those individuals must go and that boss to all is a toxic, dangerous culture that yet again, leadership times a blind eye to any cost. this is just not an isolated instance part of this culture, which is a very toxic culture. number of offices had been challenges way since we saw when cousin being arrested for the offense murdering sara ever or they were number. what
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this is from his own department that would charge to wait is it damaging? is extremely damaging, significantly has damaged the reputation of the met police. i've spoken to number of women who have said they don't feel comfortable incoming followed to report anything to offices. don't feel comfortable speaking to policemen, and certainly will not get in the call of a policeman says that trust and damage amongst communities as well, how the culture needs to be tackled head on, we need change. now, top cnn staff are dropping out even faster than their ratings as the head of the media. john resides for lying about an affair with a colleague, information revealed during an investigation into another scandal. cnn's been embroiled in with former cnn host chris cuomo, who helped his brother dodge sexual assault allegations is new york governor.
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there's already been skating reaction to the resignation. jeff sucker, a world class least bag, who has headed ratings in real news challenge. cnn, for far too long, has been terminated for numerous reasons. but predominantly because c n n has lost its way with viewers and everybody else. it had been a few weeks since someone cnn resigned over some sexual deviancy. but jeff booker came through today and made sure we didn't forget what a band of sic perverts that entire news channel is. jeff zocker surprised his employees with an email announcing that he had been having an affair, consensual affair with an employee, one of his colleagues, and he did not disclose it under cnn's policies. what started out as a friendship, evolved into a romantic relationship. and because of that, he is stepping down from cnn. i acknowledged the relationship evolved in recent years. i was required to disclose it when it began, but i didn't. i was wrong. as a result, i am resigning back in december john griffin, a producer at sienna,
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and was arrested by the f. b. i on rather serious charges. he was taken the federal prison, where he waits trial. ah, and john griffin was charge with setting up a facility to run interstate commerce for the purpose of learning in young, under age girls and their parents and training these under age girls to be sexually submissive. this is someone who rubbed shoulders with chris cuomo and you'll recall that chris cuomo also stepped down because it was proven that he was colluding with his brother andrew cuomo when he was facing scandals and eventually stepped down as governor of new york. when my brothers situation became turbulent, being looped into calls with other friends of his and advisors, they did include some of his staff. i understand why that was a problem for cnn. there's been another recent dust up kate rosenfeld. cnn commentator kat rosenfeld, she compared jo grogan's audience,
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so the podcast or joe rogan, who's been at the center of some controversy recently. she compared his audience to people that are overweight and made some other comments that many did not appreciate about the audience of joe rogan. here's what she said. here's people who you know. they like something that we consider ourselves more enlightened. don't think it's good for them. you know, we think that they're internalizing this information that they're using it to make bad decisions. many found these remarks to be somewhat ironic because the listenership and viewership of joe rogan's podcast is roughly 11000000 people. now it's important to know that the viewership of cnn has been significantly decreasing . last year. in the 1st week of january, viewership of cnn was 2700000. but now in the 1st week of this year, it was only $548000.00 and many have looked on at this. and they've noticed that trust for mainstream media in the united states is certainly declining according to
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polls. and now i guess we see that jeff zocker, after 9 years the head of cnn is stepping down not good times for cnn, and for american mainstream media. we spoke to legal media analyst lornel, who says that cnn like other american mainstream media is on his last legs. if cnn was a patient and a hospital, the doctor would call a co, the doctor would look at his watch as a call at that's it. they put the sheet over the patient. cnn is gone. if i didn't know better, i think cnn, before every broadcast says, what can we say? that is so fundamentally stupid. so, and so unbelievable that people will talk about it. because we're not getting audience audiences from doing what we're doing. we have to get audiences by having people comment, how stupid we are. many people expect expect there to be fairness. many people
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believe that c, n n always them a duty of fairness. people will say, this isn't fair. cnn. there, journalist, they're supposed to be journalist. this isn't fair. how can you say this? how can you get away with this? how can they do this if you can't do well on your show, say something stupid and hope somehow that, you know, social media picks up on. if social media pick up on your story, maybe that will help because that's the 2nd tier of their worth. not truth, that journalistic in charity go. no, no, no they don't care about that. did you notice us how to be doing the clicks on the metrics or we get like are we being re tweeting? what are people saying? are we viral? that's all they care about. cable news. as like a runaway train or a monster that keeps eating and consuming and you've got to keep feeding this
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monster 24 hours a day. anything, paper, just feed it. news stories, anything a click repeat, repeat what other people are, start your own problem. coming up as years, energy crisis deepens the commissions, given his blessing to read, classifying gas and nuclear is green energy for last, after the ah ah, with
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to what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy even foundation, let it be an arms race, his on offensive, very dramatic development only personally and getting to resist. i'll see how that strategy will be successful, very critical time time to sit down and talk with welcome back. natural gas and nuclear power could soon be classed as green energy
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in the u. european commission. suppose the idea which has been summed by environmental groups as green washing. i, your correspondent peter oliver has a story for you. entered, she's been in focus for quite a while. with energy prices across year of being through the roof. but what we've seen on wednesday with the e u commission outline their plans to reclassify some natural gas projects and nuclear power projects on green energy investments. what the commission hope that this would do is that it would well take a couple of boxes, really one that it would get investment cash flowing into energy projects to get more energy projects off the ground for to supply much needed energy to the european union country also that it would help be repeating union, take some of it or meet some of a climate goals that it's set. the commissioner in charge of these type of things outlined exactly why they've gone down this route. we need to use all the tools
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that are disposal to achieve climate neutrality. we putting in place strict conditions for their inclusion. they're subject to clear limits and phase out periods. we'll start with those likely to be pretty particularly pleased with they saw france and germany will start with paris and swell from generates just over 70 percent of its electricity from the nuclear power. well, they may well just become one of the greenest countries in the european union if this eventually goes through because of their use of nuclear, it's also likely to be quite well received here in berlin. germany does use an awful lot of gas to generate electricity and awful lot of renewables as well. but gases seen very much, is the bridging fuel as they try and transfer more and more towards renewables. the goal stream to gas pipelines be much talked about, thus infrastructure project between germany and russia, looking more and more important. should this plan go through and gas ultimately be
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designated on that green field? we'll see more more investment towards gus in and across the european union. i said not everybody was happy though and had into this meeting on wednesday. we heard from austria, denmark, sweden, and the netherlands all saying they didn't want that. the gas added to the list. there's also a whole host of environmental groups as well, who say this is essentially just moving the gold post to fit what you want to hear and what you want to see. and amounts to little more than greenwashing. the complimentary delegate to that table by the european commission sacrifices the scientific integrity of the taxonomy on the altar of fossil gas and nuclear lobbies . while it's still a few hoops to, for this to jump through before it could come into force. in fact, there was some questions put the money out and again, as the commissioner about potential legal challenges from so member states no confirmation or not of yet, but it does help to go before the lead is of the 27 members of the european union.
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once it gets passed there, which it looks like it will, it goes to the european parliament, weigh more than half of any piece have to vote in favor of it. right now. it does seem like it would squeak by thus looking at probably quite a few months though before we see these new rules come into place and we see gas or some gas projects and nuclear power labeled as green energy projects by the european union. we spoke with german economists folk a hell minus he says that tear of screen transition will mean higher electricity consumption, which can't be provided without gas the nuclear power. i think the green transition is right to follow. but what we have to be in mind is that all measures we tank by politicians within the european union in the european states, is to increase the use of electric electricity by electron tronic vehicles, whatever. and that means that we will need more. busy energy we need,
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if we take the forecasts of the international energy agency until 2050, roughly the same amount of fossil fuels than currently. and in that respect, we have to understand that in order to have a proper transition, we need the old economy for a certain time. we need fossil fuels, we need nuclear energy in order to set up the allocation for capital for it. for this green transition, i think that's a point that is not being understood. we need a pragmatic approach. and what we hear from those, we're criticizing the current state of affairs. of those we're rather following ideologies, rather than pragmatic approaches. critics have rounded on the anti defamation league for taking a swipe. it will be goldberg, the t. v personality goes outrage recently by saying the holocaust had nothing to do with race. but when the head of the atl which fights antisemitism picks her up
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on that, he seems to forgotten his own website. definition of racism uploaded only last month, which appears to justify go bugs, vs the marginalization and repression of people of color based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy. that privilege is white people. unfortunately it is not surprising that will be goldberg is confused about racism in the jewish people. when the a d l just change the definition. your new definition causes tremendous confusion and damage to countering jew hate. we see that here. why is the a d l mad at will be gold birds? holocaust comments? she was just using its new definition. he goldberg was suspended from a t v job over holocaust fuse until january. the ideal had a different definition of racism more in line with critics of the but the date version seems to agree with by maintaining that racism is something that only happens to people of color. the idea has now reverted to
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a more encompassing definition saying, racism is a matter of discrimination based on race or ethnicity. we got reaction to the episode from there. it gibson who's running to be new york state given i think it's very hypocritical when you change and there's not a so call. people call us definition a put out there. and obviously, you know, to come out and make that statement against a goal. she was wrong, but she's clearly all right. well with and they should go back in a statement, i guess what she said, because she's deaf. no, i'm not going to write up today. thanks for your company. and don't forget that we have lots more new stories available on the website, check them out by having to come ah,
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