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tv   News  RT  February 3, 2022 10:00am-10:30am EST

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i think that there's a real possibility of privacy violation and that something most of us wouldn't want to wells transparent, but we must live with permanent surveillance with headlines for this our live on our t at least 6 children are killed and a heavy fighting in northwest syria, while at the same time, president biden hales, the skill and bravery of american command, those claiming they killed the leader of islamic state. russia shuts down the moscow office of deutsch avella, a day off to the german media regulator. band ortiz, sister channel, our cd london's police chief is on the fire after a report exposes how officers, some of whom are still in the job. shed jokes about rape and violence in both were in the program. the new zealand catholic church admits that 14 percent of clergy
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have been accused of various forms of abuse since 1950. 1 survivor told us what he went for. not only wasn't, i abused as a young boy in middle school here in new zealand. i went on to a catholic school, secondary level was abused sexually and physically again with top stories making serious waves this hour here at r t international. a very welcome to you. as we understand, at least 6 children have been killed in quote, heavy violence overnight in northwest syria. that announcement came from unicef right off the president joe biden hale day successful raid tom, getting the lead of his la mc state in the exact same location. leslie, more right now with he's a senior correspondent, my dad guys day of and what i do have been reporting well, extensively harris was owns and syria were hearing this announcement from joe biden
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. we're also hearing another one from unicef. some might say they appear perhaps to be connected. well, the announcement that we've heard from units if it isn't only them saying so the officials on the ground in syria as well as various organizations. the report on syria are corroborating this, that indeed as many as half a dozen children were killed in the military action that we have learned about that the united states undertook in north north west and syria, that that is in italy province, which is held by brew turkish rebels, mainly h c. s. formerly known as, as newsroom web, al qaeda al qaeda's branch and syria made its home. but from what we've learned, the locals were wilken about 1 am just past midnight by the sounds of helicopters in the air and gun fought. and this lasted for hours that were
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exclusions hours after it all began. and this is apparently concentrated around one house, the scenes of devastation there. and we have now learned from all these various reports that, again, yes, full woman and 6 children may have been killed in this attack. unicef confirms that at least 6 children were killed and one girl was badly injured over night in the border town of at my in the north west of syria due to heavy violence . this is again an atman, which is a town very close to the turkish mode. to get 2 kilometers away from the turkish board and the united states was apparently it says, successfully hunting for the 2nd leader of isis, nominated the after the death of the form of a leader and found a bucket baghdad. this is a boy, but a him has she, me, i'll cry sheet. and there had been a $10000000.00 reward on his head posted by the united states. and now apparently
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we could news where they got the right god, because i baghdad, the, his death was reported many, many times, always he turned out to be alive. but in this case they have troops on the ground. so presumably, if they've come up and they've said that yes, these mission is accomplished, presumably they have killed him again, as i said with a lot of collateral damage. it's also worth noting that the previously, the vice this up a bucket bug dodgy, was killed in the se, se merrier also in italy, province, and also in a town very close to the turkish border in that instance 75 kilometers away from the turkish border. there were also children killed in, in the u. s. raid the targeted, the targeted him. nevertheless, what we have heard from the white house is that its regular mission accomplish that has been no mention of these civilian casualties. 6 children that have been so widely reported last night at my direction,
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united states military forces in north west syria successfully undertook a counterterrorism operation. we have taken off the battlefield, the leader of isis. this babs very poor timing for the pentagon because just a week ago, last thursday, the secretary of defense lloyd austin, came out and said that the united states, the pentagon must dual plans and do more to avoid than to prevent civilian casualties. collateral casualties. we have heard the same thing, said tom and tom again for, for many years now, but especially after the disaster with us june strike at the end of the africa was united states the united states troops were pulling out of the airport in cobble. we will that the time when a drone strike killed a multitude of children, 7 children, i believe, killed there as well as a number of adults, all of whom turned out to be innocent. the family of an aide worker. so the timing again just stays days after load austin came out and said that the pentagon must do
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more to avoid civilian casualties. now, senior correspondent, what i'd garcia. thank you. so the russian foreign ministry has published a list of retaliatory measures against germany. this come to day after the german media regulator blocked our sister channel r t d e. let's not bring in ortiz, don't call here at moscow. and charlotte do basically, standing by for us live in paris, could often into both of you don't 1st to you. the foreign ministry had been wanting of a mirror, a response against germany. now it's arrived. what's been announced while rory, this is just the beginning of russia's response to this violation of freedom of the press in germany. and it's certainly been the strong response to the press accreditation of deutsche, as well as going to be revoked deutsche of ellis offices and russia are set to be closed. and the, all of the russian language broadcasts from deutsche of al are set to be stopped.
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that's what the russian foreign ministry said, and we also just minutes ago heard that georgia villa will actually wait until they receive official confirmation of these measures and that they will appeal them if they do receive them. now another thing that moscow did was set up decide to set up a blacklist of german government officials, media regulators, anyone that was complicit in this enormous censorship campaign against r t and r t d e. now, and this also just comes one day after germany's top regulator said that our t v has to stop all broadcast in germany. that means via satellite via social media internet, everywhere the required media well license was not available. the organisation and distribution of the tv program by a live stream on the internet via mobile and smart tv parking news and via satellite must therefore be discontinued. of course, rti d. you can still appeal that decision, but this is just one episode in this,
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drawn out censorship campaign against r t that's been aimed at obstructing the channel from broadcasting in germany. that's while berlin continues to deny that it has any role. the berlin government, with german government denies having any role in obstructing r t s broadcast, but banks are refusing to do business with our channel when it 1st started trying to broadcast the satellite signal was so weak was so obstructed that people were unable to you know, to an into our broadcast. and germany's media regulator just seems unwilling to compromise. that's despite the fact that r t has a broadcasting license that should allow it to broadcast freely without throughout the european union. there's generally absolutely no broadcasting happening from berlin at all or t d e. the tv channel is broadcasting right here for moscow via a license that was obtained with absolutely all according european rules and
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regulations, according to the european convention on transferred to your television. and we are free to broadcast via that license in 30 plus territory across europe. now to give our viewers just a background of what happened earlier in the saga, almost immediately after r t d e created an account on youtube, the platform blocked it. when it tried to broadcast over satellite, like i said, the signal was weak and on top of that, german officials have described officially our channel as a quote, irritant. it's not difficult to imagine how a situation in which all of this was actually deliberately sat up to obstruct the success of our tv. and this is even something that russian president vladimir putin had commented on before, which i know about the closure of bank accounts and so on. there's a large number of tactics they're using, say r t, d cons operate, they're infringing on freedom of speech and that's very bad. now, like i said before,
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russia's foreign ministry has said this is just the beginning of its retaliate. retaliatory measures. we could be seeing a sort of back and forth between the russian government and the german media regulator in the future because of this sort of misunderstanding. but we're going to see how it works out. hopefully, a compromise can be reached or done with the latest on that breaking news to just stand by just for a moment. hey, let's cross live now to ortiz or shot to do been sky lot. he has either stack, you've got a possibly a related story. you can bring to light yes, that's right. you've been hearing there about what's happening in germany, but a bombshell has just rocked our sister station here in france. this is our t france. apparently the audio visual and digital regulator. this outcome is going to be looking at the way the channel. the platform has a treated several subjects over the last few years. this includes the yellow vest, protest stories coming out from syria and also from central africa. this is at
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least according to something that's been published in the magazine challenges this thursday. however, i contacted arkham this afternoon and they were reluctant on their press office to be able to give me any more information about this. there is no press release, at least when i looked in the last few hours on the website about this a parent look into what artie fonts does. we have the requested a statement and of course we will update you as soon as we get that artie france itself says it hasn't been notified that our. com is looking at what it's been broadcasting recently. and there is reaction already from the head of the channel here in france. according to the challenges website, the french media regulator, our com, has opened a probe into our t france. perfect timing right after the situation with our td. if it is confirmed that the regulator is investigating sensitive topics concerning associations,
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let's welcome a new world of censorship. now the head of our t, france went on to say that as she refutes that the channel has received any complaints and that there was one issue that was dealt with by the c s a. this was the former version of the audio visual regulator here in france, and that was to do the miss translation, which was a genuine error all the way back in 2009 team. now this apparent dig into what r t fronts comes, of course, at a pretty crucial time here in france, just 2 months now before this very, very difficult presidential election. we know that a macintosh party is extremely concerned about what it sees as being foreign digital in to fear ants and also dis information that could be broadcast. the head of that election and artie france and ourselves who dorothy international have been in the cross phrase of what the mack on government has been doing for the last few
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years. just to give you a sense where we've been persona non grata since macro was elected, meaning that our journalists are not able to get accreditation to the elisa palace therefore, not able to go to government briefings and challenge the government on decisions that are being made incredibly difficult to do your job when you've got one hand tied behind your back. now the national union of journalists has flag this as an issue of concern here in france. they describe this as having a flavor of state censorship and their words not mine. but this disdain from makins government goes back before he was even present and to 2017. when he 1st announced that he was a candidate, and archie, journalists, and 80 fonts, journalists were denied access to his campaign. now archie and russia have been blamed for a series of woes over the last few years, particularly though back on just the eve of the last election in 2017,
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where russia was accused of being behind a hacking of mac horns. 40 emails information, very sensitive that was released on the night before the election. however, what was little covered afterwards is that the head of the cybersecurity here in france said they was nothing to suggest that russia was actually behind that hacking. although what we do know is that the race have for the presidential election heats up over the next few months. it is very likely that they will be closer scrutiny, more stories coming out and really attacks on our channel and channels like kill us that really do try to question more or or surely do buskie live in pirates on don quarter right here at moscow. both of you. thank you. a police watched all the u. k. has revealed a disturbing internal culture of miss sultani and attitudes on sexual violence. so
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a warning you may find some of the following contents offensive. the report includes private messages between offices of the metropolitan police force which does greater london. and one and officer says he would like to rate a female colleague and other one jokes about getting a women into bed using a knife. and some of those behind the tax are still in the jobs as all correspondent, shoddy. it was after he takes a closer look at the findings. all careful incidents of hey crime involving racist texas and homophobic messages have been discovered by a watch drug investigation into the police. thousands of messages taking place between 20162018 were reviewed yet only 2 officers sucked. 9 of the 14 investigated are still serving in the force one another holds a contract to stop role. now the commission of faces schools to go, but not just from the public, but senior politicians as well as form a high ranking offices. we're not seeing one of instances,
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we've seen no too many instances of the most appalling behaviors. i also think it shows a feeler of literature in some quarters. the met police may be the worst for institutional massage any and racism, but they're not the only ones. only a statutory judge lead inquiry will do. only new leadership will do surely christ and they cannot be proud of her record when this is the norm in charing cross neck . yet her 6 to your salary past was renewed last auden, which feels like rewarding failure. the defense just bank apparently, in fact the independent office. so please conduct found an officer was named great the right person following rumors about bringing a woman back to the police station to then sexually assault the met says it was sorry. we are deeply sorry to londoners and every one they have failed with their appalling conduct and acknowledge how this will damage the trust and confidence of many in the met in the u. k. officers, i suppose the police by consent,
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but how can trust be restored, or even wasn't that what to investigate, to say the insidious culture is widespread. we believe these incidents and not isolated or simply the behavior of a few bad apples. the highly dumbing report is just the latest scandal under police commissioner crusted dick's watch. institutional feelings were placed under intense scrutiny by the rape and murder of sara evarado by a serving metropolitan police officer known to colleagues as the rapists during his career in. i'm just the mecca serious about ridging the force of rotten abuses of power. surely those individuals must go and the boss to all is a toxic, dangerous culture that yet again, leadership times a blind eye to any cost. when we actually started our issue and debate, your strong all work on that one investigation, actually mushroom and to 9 separate investigations and what we uncovered
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where cds. so the thing that was happening here was that the thought of it doesn't just be public. it also has a devastating impact on the internal culture within the b service because these officers that were involved with women, they were also those who come from different cultures and no p service. as in the, from our culture, which supports officers no matter where they come from and they won't enjoy their trust and confidence and enjoy the actual how can they go to weapons and rebuild the trust and confidence of the community that these very offices control on the scale of abuse in new zealand catholic church has been
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brought alive in a bombshell report. a commissioned by the countries prime minister. the reports claim that 14 percent of catholic church clergy have been accused of abusing children or even adults since 1950. 1 survivor spoke rather candidly to us here at archie about the trauma he endured. i was abused by a catholic school teacher, a brother, brother of a religious order, who abused me sexually on several occasions. and it may not help. i've filed the complaint, it's been up but, but then when i went to high school, i was also abused again by a priest of the of the, of the society of mary, the, for a religious priest, abused me. therefore, my particular case, i wanted to identify the,
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the patterns because not only was i abused as a young boy in middle school here in new zealand. i went on to a catholic school and secondary level was abused sexually and physically again. and then i was abused by a priest in the diocese of, of the cast up, the catholic diocese here. and zealand is world independent of the school. so i, because of my connection to the institution and because i remained connected, i was abused and at risk at least in 3 cases. so in the end, when i recorded the abuse, it involved 5 people. the research group probed report of abuse fall between 19590909. most of them did come from children. nearly 1700 reports against members of the catholic church were made by over
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a 1000 people. the allegation span, physicals sexual and psychological abuse. now the new zealand catholic church, i said it is deeply ashamed that the findings ungrateful to those behind the research. it also pledged its commitment to that of transparency christ of along host again the things the revelation so far. sadly, just the tip of the iceberg is that then not the 14 percent is simply the numbers of those people that have reported to the church and the church has recorded. now this number is extremely low based on the information that we have. for example, most of our members have not reported to the church, and we know that the church has not kept records of all those who have reported why . why do i know this? because members of religious orders and use it and have had told me that a prime, the matrix for each one complaint received, there are between 6 and 10 people out there in the community who have suffered
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abuse and have not lodged a complaint. so if we do the math, the application of it forensic would mean that and use the ones catholic church alone. there would be between 11 and 14000 people who have been abused 12 times the number that the church is reporting. who have dealt with the abuse by leaving and being quiet. russia and china's 1st top level, somebody over 2 years is happening this friday. it will coincide with the grand opening of the bay gym lympics, so we're standing by for us and the chinese capital is corresponded, eager is done. so the russian president, glamour, fulton, and his chinese count of archie, jane, pain about to sit at the same table face to face something that they have not done in over 2 years. the occasion is as good as it gets the opening ceremony of the winter olympic games. here in b g, a head of his meeting with his chinese counterpart,
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lateral potent even wrote an article for china's dominating news agencies in what they focused on the cordial relationship between the countries between the leaders and on historical ties between the 2 nations. but given the geopolitical and diplomatic agenda has indeed accumulated between the 2 countries over the course of the past couple of years. it sounds like a perfect opportunity to, to some sports on related events. given that both nations up rule face a common adverse re. that's the united states, washington has been applying pressure on both russia and china and will, in doing so, it has been doing so in very similar ways. for example, the mainstream media headlines have been dominated by speculation. whether or not russia will indeed you crate speculation spearheaded by the white house and its allies and well, the general consensus among mainstream media analysts have being that well,
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but you, money on. yes, that's despite russia vehemently denied any plans or intentions of the sort. and even ukraine also saying that it's not seeing any significant threat going on, or anything well particularly threatening going on. it's a buddhist with china. ukraine is $141.00 and the rhetoric is very much the same. the rhetoric is very similar when it comes to, well, the chinese ambitions and one taiwan is in question. and even the very subject olympic games has been util by washington to apply pressure on b. g. for example, washington announced a diplomatic boyhood of the games that's as the f b, i advised the american athletes to use her phones. so i think the thread over spine is the main reason. so in the lot of the teaching thing have a lot to talk about and it has already been announced that the 2 leaders will sign
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a very hefty pile of documents. and this includes of whose political initiatives, like, for example, creating an independent fiscal system that would allow both russia and china to withstand and counter any unilateral sanctions that may be imposed against the nations by the united states and its allies. business deals are on the table as well, mainly in the energy market, given that russia is a major export of gas. and also it has been teased that latimer food and cheating thing, will sign a random over new ways of building international relations in iraq, whatever it means we'll, we'll hopefully find out very shortly. and hopefully we'll also see if there are any well mystery books is hidden in the drawers of the presidents tables. i'm english don reporting from beijing oxy. i spoke with economics professor benjamin chow does a short time ago here on the program. he said,
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it's rather unfortunate that some professional partners have been quick to politicize the olympics. the paging on it is starting tomorrow, but the west is not reporting how well pitching is. so is a time we check specially valuable for the statement test and put it has made today because the west is now reporting how much beijing is facing the pressure diplomatic play cards from several key percent countries. all this will not change the fact that it's a special olympics will be held after all the spotlights should be on actually it's not on, but it would still be nice to have some support from mark t national leaders. so, and here we go, we have present 14, highly acclaimed pages preparation and have leaped up the jimmy host to be into when he picks up the highest standard at the same time. china is also very important to marcia. right now, if the situation ukraine could be up to west, like sanctioned russia even further, that would tip the balance to faith or russia,
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china relationship, even more as russia would chinese train me to reach a historic height of about 140 p d. and last year the chief of police and also has suggested calling up the canadian army against truckers, through protesting against mandatory covert shots. there may not be a police solution to this demonstration. this is a national issue. every option is on the table to resolve this demonstration. well, the fact of warning truck is, are standing, locking a border crossing with the united states. they say they will not budge unless the government makes the utah. under current rules, anyone entering canada has to quarantine if they're not vaccinated and thousands of truckers say they just makes it impossible for them to do their jobs. one told us, so he's been absolutely overwhelmed by the level of public support number for spanish. and when we're traveling on the convoy,
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i was the lead trucks and every bridge you came up to overpass. the crowds run believable. there was one bridge that i had to get across to pick up part of my convoy and hamilton, that the police were calling me and saying, when are you coming? i might have to close it for lean bridge. there's 500 or more of your supporters on this bridge? it's getting unsafe by i was able to get through there, but i mean, it was yeah, there was people. hi 5 in me as i drive to drop my truck. it was just unbelievable . every bridge flags on it flying. there was companies that hadn't been creams up in the holding flag. there was, it was, there is thousands and thousands and thousands of people that we've seen and bridges wait for us in the fields by their farms logging companies, sitting along the edge of the roadway before us. it was just,
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it was unbelievable. meanwhile, the go fund me website has blocked donations to the driver's, citing so called legal issues. so far the campaign has raised around $10000000.00 canadian dollars for the truck is so facebook has also stepped in removing a page, promoting that campaign. critics very quick to slam that has quote censorship at its finest. the truck that we spoke to says the protesters will not given me all that canada is supporting us. we are getting support for everything. we're not going to run out as applaud eyes. we're not going to run out of time. what our prime minister doesn't understand is all those trucks that are there. they're not working because it is mandates. well, they have nowhere else to go. we can stay in our trucks where we're used to sleep in and out. busy or trucks for weeks on and we stay on the road. we have just a quick count. we got sap hoses of trucks. you know,
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still an awful lot of people talking about the canadian truck, a story. read more about the op eds section of our t dot com the meantime. we are back soon with ah, match kaiser. this is because report with stacy robert. we are in san salvador el salvador home of the big coin revolution and hyper bitcoin ization. first country to make the coin legal tender and it feels good. stacy, it feels good. you know what this past weekend. we walked up to l boca raton.


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