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tv   News  RT  February 3, 2022 11:00am-11:31am EST

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is data being collected or similar status that there's a real possibility of privacy violation with something most of us wouldn't want to wells transparent to prove that we must live with surveillance a whole bad lines off the international at least 6 children killed in a heavy fighting in northwest syria or president biden hale, a skill and bravery of us come on, those claiming they've killed the leader of his law, makes faith. russia shuts down the moscow office of deutsch avella a day off that the german media regulated by our system channel r t. e, london's police chief is on the fire, author report exposures offices, and some of whom are still in the job shed jokes about rape and violence.
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also in the program, the new zealand, the catholic church admits the 14 percent of clergy have been accused of various forms of abuse since 1951 survivor told us what he went. not only was i abused as a young boy in middle school here in new zealand. i went on to a catholic, scold, and secondary level, was abused sexually and physically again with all right into the evening. we go here with moscow and a full slate of heavy hitting stories for you tonight, right here on asi international. at least 6 children have been killed in quote, heavy violence overnight in northwest syria. that announcement came from unicef right after president joe biden hailed a successful re targeting the lead over his law. make state in the exact same location less line, more right now in our senior correspondent what i guess the f is back with us here in the studio. good to see you again,
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murat. you've spent an awful lot of time reporting from the hot spots and war zones of syria, you know, the place, you know, the regions were hearing this and also from joe biden about the killing of a top isis lead. and now we're hearing from the unit units after these children have been killed apparently, all of the same time, summer saying it's possible they're connected. what presumably these people half dozen children as well as a number of adults for women, women among them perished at the same time as this rate was ongoing, happening in the early hours of the morning in the town of at me in northern syria, in it live which is where i does. affiliate news for fraud, now known was h t s. hold sway. now the united states says that they were targeting a boob of him i. she may gray. she who is the 2nd leader of isis. the firstly devices was killed in the same area in 2019 also in a similar u. s. strike,
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but here we've learned that yes indeed, these 6 children, the, this is a numerous sources. organizations that have reported on this 6 children for women have been killed as this rate was ongoing. we don't have the exact cause of death, a death, whether it was missiles, launched by american helicopters, which is what locals described. whether it was direct funds from small arms by united special forces on the ground or whether it was as the united states. officials now claim that the lead revised as blue a suicide vest while in close proximity to members of his family. and they're saying, perhaps he killed them. nevertheless, what we do know for now is there has been there have been many civilian casualties . unicef confirms that at least 6 children were killed and one girl was badly injured over night in the border town of asthma in the north west of syria due to heavy violence, get locals, the squabble sheet of devastation. they say that there was heavy fighting,
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which began just off the midnight explosions lasted for hours. afterwards, they describe seeing american helicopters hovering over this house where he presumably was and then a marine oval, while special forces storming this house. we know that one of the helicopters malfunction, malfunction knew there was some fault with it. they left one helicopter behind them and blew it up. there are now again, as of yet unverified images of the, the destroyed helicopter. and in parts lying around the scene. there in, out met again in 2019 when i will bucher. i buck dodgy, which is who was the founder vices of many devices was killed. this is in the town, just 5 kilometers away from the turkish border. at may is just 2 kilometers away from the turkish. borden, the areas entirely controlled by pro turkish fighters extremist and islamists among of what we have heard from the united states. as there has been no admission of
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this huge civil collateral casualties or this death, so that, that bizarre may be caused by this operation. perhaps we, we don't have again verified information about what went down that. nevertheless, the united states is these adamant that we've got the regular mission accomplished statement. last night at my direction, united states military forces in north west syria successfully undertook a counterterrorism operation. we have taken off the battlefield, the leader of isis, if it is curved confirmed, and it is looking lightly, that all these casualties will happen during this raid. it'll have been a very bad time, an unfortunate event. it's very bad done because the secretary of defense load austin, of the united states came out. we could go on thursday and he said that the united states must do more. he tossed the pads or gotten with coming up with ways to minimize collateral casualties. civilian casualties, we will of course,
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remember what happened in august in kabul, we were there at the time when the united states was, was evacuating from couple airport. the drone stripe that killed 7 kid 7 children, as well as 3 adult members of the same family. all of them turned out to be innocent. they're there, they're still talking about that the are wrapped vacations are being felt in the united states military still there were, there was a lot of pressure to see resignation to see some are punished, but the united states said that we won't be doing that. it's a, it's a case of faulty intelligence. so he tossed the pentagon with cupboard to come up with ways to make sure that this doesn't happen again. and a week later, you have such a big again and tragic civilian casualties. senior correspondent, what i got here. thank you. we can learn more about this right now here on the program with as juliet tumor, the unicef advocacy and communications regional chief in the middle east and north
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africa. very good evening to you. thanks for joining us here on our tea. your organization is saying at least 6 children were killed overnight in a syrian board, a ton of acme, or you've just heard her, our life, our correspondence here. what i'd gasdio telling us what he knows and can you confirm, or is it too early, whether or not this was a direct result of the us raid going after and isis leader. now it is very hard out to confirm the exact circumstances or the reason behind the fact that 6 children, at least and one girl 6 children were killed. one girl was injured due to the heavy violence. we witnessed the overnight in a, in the northwest of syria units of statement goes on to say, quote, since the year began violence and heavily escalated in and around is leap and serious northwest home to 1200000 kids in need of help. what is behind this deterioration at this point? how bad is the situation right now in that region?
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can you tell us when we have seen an escalation and violence in that area? and what this means is that the children paid 1st and they pay most. and if we compare the number of casualties of children during the month of january in comparison to that, say, december, last year, the number is so it's in the higher. and this has been the case since the beginning of the year. and this has got to stop children continue to be the 1st and most to pay in this 11 year long conflict in syria. there's been a resurgence of islamic state activity in syria as we understand earlier this month . so they stormed to prison. the holding terrorists in the northeast of the country, a hundreds of people were killed in that process. can you, can you tell us miss too much? how much of a danger does this pose to the population? why when it comes to that, that particular prison, what we have stated as a family,
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at least 800 children who were prisoners in that particular prison, where court in the fighting for, for at least one week, why we do not know whether they were casualties among child care among those kings, we feared for the fate of those children. and again, this is another example that children get caught in the movie get caught in the silence on that have got to come to an end. well, clearly they're still so many challenges facing syria or an economy on his knees, lack of basic services, food shortages, can you tell us my team or what needs to happen in the short term to get helped to where it's needed the most. while you're absolutely right, at least 90 percent of a serious population lives in poverty. and that's start to in comparison to how it used to be before the war began 11 years ago. what needs to happen is a,
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the war house car i've got to comes in and it comes conflicts have got to stop. we call all sides and all parties to the conflicts in syria to stop the fighting for the sake of serious children and it's future even if the war stops today. the picture is so big for. busy millions and millions of people, the many children about number one. number 2, we have to get humanitarian assistance to give the children who need it most and they're everywhere in syria, especially in the northwest, we need to have what we call humanitarian access to that organization. like eunice that can deliver life saving assistance. we're talking about live saving systems, especially now and mid this winter, the freezing temperatures. 5 children died only in the 2 weeks because they froze to that, or they got burned in, in the heating gas systems that don't work. i mean,
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we have to deliver assistance to children and we call on all parties to facilitate human access for unicef. another you are un organization so that we reach children with the aid that they desperately need. juliet before i let you go to my last question quickly for you. now the the security situation and part of syria not improving. how could this impact the refugees situation? is it possible that we could see a repeat up a 2015 crisis? i saw the possum and i'm in in theory of neighboring countries, bad 5600000 refugees. half of them are children. they're living conditions are appalling to very, very hard to be a refugee in anywhere and getting in countries where they are battling. if you wish, struggling themselves, including in places like lebanon, amid very deepening economic crisis. so, you know,
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it's time for the work to stop. it's time for people to feel safe and protected. how got to come to an end? it's been 11 long years. juliet to unicef, advocacy and communications regional chief for the middle east and north africa. we really appreciate your time. thanks for joining us. on the russian up foreign ministry has published a list of retaliatory measures against germany of his come to day after the german media regulator blocked our system. channel artsy, d, that's not bringing a parabolic correspondence here on the program. he's gone quarter live for us here at moscow, and charlotte do buskey standing by empowers as well. don, 1st to you, the foreign ministry has been warning of a mirror, a response against germany here. now it's arrived. don't tell us what's been announced. while rory, this is just the beginning of russia's response against this clear violation of freedom of the press in germany, basically what's gonna happen is that deutsch avella, it's offices,
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are going to be close throughout russia. it's journalists are going to have their press accreditations taken away and all of their russian language broadcasts are going to be taken off the air. now ga bella has since responded to this, they put out a media statement. they said that they're not going to take any action until they get official confirmation from moscow of these measures. and when they do, they are going to appeal them. but this isn't where the rushes retaliation stops. actually a blacklist is being set up of german government officials, media regulators, basically anyone who is possibly involved in this enormous censorship campaign of r t d. russia is drawing up a list of representatives of state and public structures in germany involved in restricting the broadcast of r t d and putting pressure on the russian media outlet, who will be denied entry to the russian federation. now this development comes just one day after germany's top media regulator rules that rtp must stop all of its
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broadcast. that means via satellite, via internet, social media, basically everywhere. let's take a look. look at what the media regulator said. the required media lo license was not available. the organization and distribution of the tv program via a live stream on the internet via mobile and smart tv party news and via satellite must therefore be discontinued. of course, our tv can still appeal this decision, but this is just one episode in a drawn out pressure campaign aimed at obstructing r t from broadcasting in germany. i mean, the german government says it does. it's not playing a part in this campaign, but banks have not been doing business with our channel. and germany's top regulator seems unwilling to compromise on this issue. and this is all the while as r t has a legal broadcasting license in the european union. there's generally absolutely no broadcasting happening from berlin at all
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r t d e. the tv channel is broadcasting right here for moscow via a license that was obtained with absolutely all according european rules and regulations, according to the european convention on transferred to your television. and we are free to broadcast via that license in 30 plus territory across europe. now going back over the past several months, what we mean by pressure campaign, of course, is for example, the fact that our tv set up an account on youtube and it was almost immediately taken down by the platform when it started attempting to broadcast over satellite the signal was so poor that people weren't able to tune in. and on top of that, german government officials have described r t d as a quote, irritant. so it's not too difficult to imagine that these setbacks could have been set up on purpose to stop successes from to stop r t d e from being successful in germany. and this is something that even the russian president vladimir putin has commented on before,
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which i know about the closure of bank accounts and so on. there's a large number of tactics there using say r t d can't operate there infringing on freedom of speech. and that's very bad. now, like i said before, russia's foreign ministry takes this violation of freedom of the press very seriously. and it says this is only the 1st stage of retaliation that it's willing to shout. so we could see couple of things play out in the future, perhaps a back and forth between german and russian media authorities, or maybe everyone will come to a compromise. lots of, you know, i don't, as you say, r t t e taking flat from the german authorities, but it's not just confined to germany over to fraud. standing by live in paris, charlotte dubin ski. apparently the fraud is also in the cross. charlotte. yes us right, a bull michelle. it's been announced. it seems on thursday that artie from
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seas in the cross has of the audio visual and digital communications regulator hearing from stacy's all come now. this was something that was put out in a magazine article that magazines called challenges hearing, france, and in it, it alleges it all come is about to start looking at how auto form for assist the channel. here has treated several subjects since it started broadcasting. the subjects in the yellow, vast protests, also stories from syria and stories from central africa, all pretty sensitive topics in the country at the moment. now they have any official confirmation from all come about this. in fact, they checked out their website on tuesday afternoon. nothing on that even called the press office and they didn't have anything to say about that notification in the magazine challenges, all the fonts itself says it hasn't received
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a notification that this is about to happen. but we have had reaction to that from the head of the channel. according to the challenges website, the french media regulator, all com has opened a probe into our t, france. perfect timing right off to the situation with our t d. if it is confirmed that the regulator is investigating sensitive topics concerning associations, let's welcome a new world of censorship. while she went on to refute that there have been complaints against the channel and said that there was one issue that was dealt with by the cfc, which is the old regulator. and that was to do over an issue for miss translation of something from syria, which was a genuine mistake and since been resolved. now we have reached out to all come, but we have not yet received a response. as soon as we get the, we of course, bring that to you here on auto international. but what is interesting is this
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a parent did get the channel comes with a very crucial time. here, france, we just 2 months now before the presidential elections take place and we know that my call president microns party is extremely concerned about what they've described . spin foreign, digital interference, and misinformation, head of those elections off the fronts in all the international selves. hey, i've actually been denied entry to the lead, a polished a couple press conferences to be able to question the governmental decisions that are made. and that has been the case. now for the last few years, since president mac cone was elected that has been flagged up as being of serious concern by the national union of journalists and products you described. this is having a flavor of speech, censorship about it. and there's been disdain for our channels in the fact that we probe, ask questions that maybe make some people uncomfortable since before the 2017 presidential
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election, where all tea journalists with denied access to macaroni campaigning meetings back then all tea in russia of also being blamed for series of workers, including russia, being blamed for, allegedly hacking the emails of microns party on the eve of the election back in 2017, however, little boot cost was a few months later, the head of cybersecurity here in france said actually that there was no indication new show proof that russia was behind. that is clear though as we get closer and closer to that presidential election, there are likely to be more attacks on our channel simply for doing what we do. and that is questioning more, questioning, more and apparently ruffling feathers across parts of europe. charlotte do britsky live in paris, dawn quarter for us right here at moscow. both of you. thank you. the police watched all going to you. okay. is revealed
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a disturbing internal culture of massage, any attitudes on sexual violence or warning. you may find some of the following content offensive. the report includes private messages between officers of the metropolitan police force which does greater london in one and officer says he would like to rape a female colleague and other jokes about getting a woman into bed using a knife. some of those behind the texts are still in their jobs. so taking a closer look at the findings are correspondent, shoddy edwards dashti. all google incidents of hey crime involving races, texas and homophobic messages have been discovered by a watch drug investigation into the police. thousands of messages taking place between 20162018 were reviewed yet only 2 officers sucked. 9 of the 14 investigated are still serving in the 4th, while another holds a contract to stop role. now the commission of faces schools to go, but not just from the public, but senior politicians, as well as former high ranking offices. we're not seeing one of instances we've
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seen now too many instances of the most appalling behaviors. i also think it shows a feeler of literature in some quarters. the met police may be the worst for institutional massage any and racism, but they're not the only ones. only a statutory judge lead inquiry will do. only new leadership will do. surely, christina, dick can not be proud of her records when this is the norman charing cross neck, yet her 6th through your salary post was renewed last auden, which feels like rewarding failure. the defense just band to apparently, in fact, the independent office. so please conduct found an officer was named mc great, the right person, following rumors about bringing a woman back to the police station to then sexually assault the met says it was sorry. we are deeply sorry to londoners and every one they have failed with their appalling conduct and acknowledge how this will damage the trust and confidence of many in the meant in the u. k. officers as opposed to police by consent. but how
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can trust be restored or even wasn't ever that what to investigate, to say the insidious culture is widespread. we believe these incidents and not isolated or simply the behavior of a few bad apples. the highly dumbing report is just the latest scandal under police commissioner, crescent dicks watch institutional feelings were placed under intense scrutiny by the rape and murder of sir everett by a serving metropolitan police officer known to colleagues as the rapists during his career. and i'm just the mecca serious about ridging the force of rotten abuses of power. surely those individuals must go and that both to all is a toxic, dangerous culture that yet again, leadership times a blind eye to any cost. when we actually started our issue and david used on these for all work and that one investigation,
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actually mushroom and to 9 separate investigation and what we uncovered where cds. so the thing that was happening here was that they thought it doesn't just devastate public confidence. it also has a devastating impact on the internal culture within the b service because these officers that were involved with the women, they were officers who come from different cultures and back please service as an doesn't promote culture which supports officers no matter where they come from. and they won't enjoy their trust and confidence and enjoy the actual how can they go to weapons and rebuild the trust and confidence of the community that these very
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offices contract on the scale of abuse in new zealand catholic church has been brought to life in a bombshell report a commission by the countries prime minister. the reports claim that at least 14 percent of catholic clergy have been accused of abusing children or adults since $951.00 survivors spoke rather candidly to us here at see about the trauma that he endured. i was abused by a catholic school teacher, a brother, brother of a religious order, who abused me sexually on several occasions. and it may not help. i've filed the complaint, it's been up but, but then when i went on to high school, i was also abused again by a priest of the of, of the, of the society of mary, the, for a religious priest. abused me. therefore, my particular case, i wanted to identify the,
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the patterns because not only was i abused as a young boy in middle school here in new zealand. i went on to a catholic school and secondary level was abused sexually and physically again. and then i was abused by a priest in the diocese of, of the cast up the catholic diocese here in new zealand as well in dependent of the school. so i, because of my connection to the institution and because i remained connected, i was abused and at risk at least in 3 cases. so in the end, when i recorded the abuse, it involved 5 people with a research group. probe reports of abuse filed between 1950 in 1999. most of them did come from kids. nearly 1700 reports against members of the catholic church were
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made by over a 1000 people and allegations span physical, sexual and psychological abuse as well. now, the new zealand catholic church, i said it is deeply ashamed of the findings ungrateful to those behind that were such. it also pledged its commitment to that of transparency of christopher long house again the things the revelations so far. sadly, just the tip of the iceberg is that then not the 14 percent is simply the numbers of those people that have reported to the church and the church has recorded. now this number is extremely low based on the information that we have. for example, most of our members have not reported to the church, and we know that the church has not kept records of all those who have reported why . why do i know this? because members of religious orders and use it and have have told me that applying
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the matrix for each one complaint received the route between 6 and 10 people out there in the community who have suffered abuse and have not lodged a complaint. so if we do the mess the application of it forensic would mean that and use the ones catholic church alone. that would be between 11 and 14000 people who have been abused. 12 times the number that the church is reporting who have dealt with the abuse by leaving and being quiet. well, it's been a pleasure having you with us for this hour news cost a lie from moscow, a naughty international. another program is being prepped for the top of the hour with my colleague unit o'neill, some of our top stories this evening, really making waves tonight from moscow. i hope you can join you in half an hour's time for more of your well have ah, what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation,
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let it be an arms race is on a very dramatic development. only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult time time to sit down and talk. mm . oh, bbc, once with a wrong america continues to maintain a high presence in the country with the well. the situation in afghanistan was under the crucial for international troops under control over the afghan forces. the security situation remains critical in the country
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to have american dental supply, mar them in the right. this is a chad as you can manage as you so yeah. like how about if i was this other funds are these are friends most of these guys? some of them they have already left. i'm dancer danny. sound right now down there tonight. we do stuff like on file for you. yes. missions didn't was want to stop my mom. so how many of the person that you're sending out? i have used to be a child soldiers and that one i can stand like on down. i can't tell of that. how many do you think i can't? i can't. i can't tell because you're dealing with the minute people. i'm going to say this and it is this.


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