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tv   Keiser Report  RT  February 3, 2022 5:30pm-6:01pm EST

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we've got about 20 seconds left, jason, but just have you had much contact with authorities? have there been talks about discussions? and what would you say if you've got that platform? well, we haven't got any discussions with anybody in parliament other than support from the conservatives. but if, if it was an opportunity for me to say anything, i think we need to open up dialogue and our demands as simple as this. we're not leaving until mandates are listed and not that we're not pending on that. okay, well thanks for coming on the program and sharing your views. jason la face north and charlie organizer for the freedom convoy an episode of old catholic proportions. next quite literally join max and stacy for the latest report beginning and all that stick. the
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guys are this is because report with stacy wherever we are in san salvador el salvador home the big claim revolution and hyper big point is ation 1st country to make the claim legal tender. and it feels good. stacy, it feels good. you know what this past weekend we walked up to l boca raton, which is on top of the volcano, called san salvador, or other names for this volcano, which i cannot pronounce. so i'll just say the san salvador volcano and on the walk down, mac and our friend simon dixon, or speaking about the volcano bonds. and we encountered a guy from new york named sean brown. and i want to show you a little clip of that interview. we did with them, we just captured a little bit on the walkway, so no professional audio or anything like that. but we captured this little clip of
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him talking about and remember, he's not a big corner. he was not a bit corner before he heard this conversation, and this is his response. this has to have a natural resource like lava donald jet. them energy. yeah. that's. there's no stopping that the so much of that in the earth, and you have that right here in central america in us. this is like the mecca where all of that geothermal and love is even though there to go, candle the, an active, that stuff is in there is in there and to get that stuff to you. that's the power, the mining matter. right? so as you see, he so much smarter than the i. am he so much smarter than steve hankey? he's so much smarter than paul program, and he understands that hard money meet molten lava cheer and al salvador. yeah, you know it's blindingly obvious. the value proposition and on entrepreneurs and
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young entrepreneurs when presented with the facts, they immediately pick up on the value proposition of big coin mining here and outside the door. this is what happened with the president, nat, geo. but kelly, you want to present that with the obvious benefits of plugging all the geothermal energy into big coin mining and making big legal tender and then selling volcano bonds. it was not a difficult choice to make because it's blindingly obvious. the value you have to be a real ivy league academic and nobel prize winner, not to see the value here. and, you know, there were people who were concerned trolling about i'll salvador, but they were also concerned trolling us about russia that somehow russia would try to ban bitcoin. i said in these private conversations that will never happen because from my observation of how huge and behaved on the world stage and as a leader, that he doesn't, he doesn't ever make a move. that is guaranteed to make him lose,
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right. you don't get check made it intentionally on the chessboard. well, if you can't ban bitcoin, then why would you even try say, why would you who do something that you would be guaranteed to lose? as we've seen with china lose trying to bat, they tried to ban bitcoin several times. it's a vast surveillance state. so if any country would be able to do it, it would be china, china couldn't do it, so they're not going to be nobody's going to be able to band pick points. so if you can't beat it, you join it right. all right, it was again, blindingly obvious that russia was not going to ban bitcoin. i'm going back for years. vladimir put, made the comment that, hey, you know, nobody can ban this stuff, but he understood that it was totally decentralized and it was outside of the state control. and so that was obvious that they were never, ever going to ban it. and he also saw value proposition in it, and they're going to probably start mining soon and we're going to get the space race, a big coin started the hash race. similar to the next moment when russia put up or
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soviet union put up the sputnik satellite and kicked off the space race, i'm sure russia will start strategically mining big coin for the national reserves, strategic reserves. and in the us, we'll have to strategically for national security reasons, get into big coin mining. we could have, you know, we told them to do it and the price was under $10.00. but they're going to probably wait until the price gets over a $100000.00. but in the end, it all works out. i have to add, of course, that just because kaiser report broadcast on rti, there is this perception on the washing to post new york times in the u. s. that somehow like he's spoken to us, that the president of russia would speak to us. we haven't spoken to him so we don't know what his, his, his plans were for bitcoin, but as bit cleaners and as keen observers of macro economic the monetary policy for the past nearly 20 years together, it was just blindingly obvious. didn't you didn't need anybody to tell you any
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experts to tell you what was going to happen. you just needed to understand the game theory and incentives. so if you understand that you understand a lot, you don't need harvard education or a ph. d, and economics. you just need to be marked right now, as long as humans are at the end of the day, self interested, you can pretty well predict which way bitcoin is going. and the fact that nations will make it legal tender, and they'll be a hash, was going on, and the hash race, because humans are humans. despite what people, the metaphors believe you still have humans. and humans are predictably self interested. and that's all you need to know. it was quite predictable when we were walking down that wall quino san salvador mo quino that this young man shawn brown from new york who had overheard you talking about the volcano bond
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and then understood the power of hard money meet ging molten lava. it was obvious that he would be orange, pilled, and fat. he was orange felt by the time they got to the bottom of the volcano, the max and shawn talking that he was orange pills. and i tweeted this about that. he was orange pilled on a volcano in el salvador. how cool is that orange pill volcano? el salvador flag. that is probably the 1st person. well, definitely is the 1st person to be orange pills in el salvador. honorable k, you know, by max guys are right. it's not hard, aren't pill people you have to kind of listen to where they're coming from. so the case of john brown, he's a collector of rare watches, so he understood the value of scarcity. so i approached my orange spelling from that point of view, how you developed scarcity with the big coin story. he also had questions about
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what backs the big coins and then we got into discussion about money. and then within 20 minutes, he was over at one of our favorite big coin apps buying bitcoin. speaking of scarcity in the theat world, under which the us dollar presides. there is no scarcity of clowns. that's why we in the big white world often call it cloud world. so i want to read this headline about how they observe the world and then interpret it for you. okay, here's the headline, and it's a real headline from the u. k. the daily star. it's a tabloid, it's like an onion. portion of, you know, not really true perhaps, but latimer putins war threads or why aliens haven't made 1st contact, expert claim rushes. vladimir putin. constant threats, risk in world war 3 or up doing is hindering chances of aliens making. first
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contact with humans on earth. a u. f. o expert has fed nick pope who investigated flying saucers for the m o. d believes e t z who keep a close eye on earth will view russia escalation of tensions with its neighbor as primitive behavior. this is the sort of analysis you see from the washington post in new york times that they can observe something and refused to see the truth. so they have to make up some elaborate schemes of aliens coming from outer space and then deep galaxy far away to explain things. but of course, max, you and i have been already visited by you up. i was so the fact that they visited our show in 2013 june, 13, 2013 which suggest that we know a little bit more of this guy says he's an expert on aliens. we actually have been visited by aliens here on the report. in 2013 and they did at that time tell us
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that we were actually the most sophisticated show in all of at least the milky way galaxy. they said there were a few galaxies that there were similarly good shows as the kaiser report. but that's our expert analysis here to counter that. well, i remember as a kid in the sixty's, there was a movie. they came out, i think was gone. it's a mad, mad world. and the whole plot, you know, alien invasion and russians and the scare mongers. and mainstream media have not moved off of that basic plotline. now i think buddy hackett was in that now we've got not buddy hackett, but we've got joe biden playing the role of buddy hackett. but i think a lot about to do with the su gray conclusions. the su gray came out. she's a civil servant in the u. k. investigating party gate and her conclusions were, as we have just found out that the prime minister boars johnson is not directly responsible for party gay, but that number 10 downing street. and by extension the british culture,
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the british nation has a problem with excessive alcohol consumption. that was her conclusion based, but you're saying what i've been saying and trying to tell people now for decades that the problem over there is it's not bad leadership, it's alcoholism. well, nevertheless, we are here in a positive place called el salvador, the savior, where we are seeing like the flow of people coming from all over the world from the united kingdom. we've met a lot of british people actually down and i want a over at surf city area to go surfing over there and fleeing. as i said, they said fleeing the u. k. and the locked downs and the party gate and all that sort of stuff. they are here because they find the leader ship better here than what they see over in the united kingdom. and they analysis that you find in the media as we've just laid out where they find mysterious outer space you f, o is responsible for some, the owned,
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the disasters that they themselves have created. remember when paul krug men who is also one of these economists that doesn't get bitcoin, and i'll salvador, unlike this young man, sean brown, that we met on the volcano, that paul fragment, he also was calling for alien invasion during the 20082009 crisis, we covered that here in class report. so he was calling for an alien invasion and that that perhaps would rally the people to get behind the leadership, to print as much money as possible because there were these bad ideas. he said, of like printing too much money and that money wouldn't cause any sort of disaster or anything like that. so these are the sort of things that we're counteracting. and what we're seeing here on the ground in el salvador is a more positive story than the return to primitivism. oh, for the rest of the world where like, somehow these alien forces from outer space are going to invade,
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or it is primitivism. it's in the pre industrial revolution, even pre agricultural revolution, going back 12000 years, people worship sticks. and they lived in huts and they looked a lot like boris johnson. i remember most of the gene stock over there is druid. know that's pretty much what they believe in ghosts. well the druids, by the way, did the amazing stonehenge and it was so accurate and so perfect. so i don't think i think you would be actually a smearing the good name of the druid people. i say accuracy of the stonehenge gave a perfect moment of the day as to when to have a cocktail. i 12000 years later, that's what stonehenge is all about. happy cocktail hour down there at the private club. little jean tape. there's bars johnson flat on his stomach grumbling and vomiting and whatnot. anyway, enough of that, we're going to take a break and when we come back,
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much more coming your away with whole war bieber over ukraine continues unabated with the u. s. and you k taking the lead . however, not only for members on board, even ukraine is attempting to dampen expectations of it on conflict with russia. well, washington and london get their way algorithm. so neural networks have been following us everywhere. we look online because our relationships are what matters most us and that's how we find meeting and how we make sense um, are placing the silicon valley see don't mention in that slick presentations. however, on the ghost workers who train the software, humans are involved in every step of the process. when you're using anything online
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. what we're sold, as is miracle of automation behind your screen. it's a valuable workforce that feeds algorithm. it's fun next to nothing. on a very good day, i could do $5.00 now. a really bad day. i could do 10 since he's workers are invisible by design. it's about labor costs, but it's also about creating layers of weston responsibility between those who solicit this kind of work and need it, and those who do it. and ah, welcome back to the kaiser a board. i'm asked guys are time now to turn to we'll hernandez of bax will. dot com will nice to see you. nice, nice to be here in. welcome to like i said between yeah for having us in. i should report. oh, very exciting times. tell us about paxil in el salvador,
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you're opening this new casa de bitcoin. what is it? why is it? well, like i said, it between a what we, what, what we saw when we 1st gaming the co salvador and everything it is that people are wanting education like a when we 1st came here, we had like 7, a camp, a actual couple stores. and we saw that, or each of all the students wanting it to be educated and big coin and in block chain. and this technology that now is real in el salvador. so as factual, being always with education, education, education, we decided as a company and to provide a like a little bit goodness i gave to the region with free education. so this is a free education center in big point. it's open for everybody. every anyone that a wants to learn about quinn and, and the benefits of it, how to become an entropy nor with bitcoin. and a, you know,
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just make some a extra leaving with it. now i've been to many of these big coin data centers around the world. this is really nice like it. yeah, the space is really nice. um, what, what neighborhood are we in right now? we are equal owners, somebody. okay. and so how long have you been up and running with this? and we started in august with this like for example the, like i said with going yeah, well we like i had a big win actually a month. we started like getting it together and everything just for in the region . yeah. for right of it or you know, a fax fall. we know, of course, we've had re on the shower a few times and most people associate paxil, i think with nigeria and what's happening in africa. but it sounds like practical is really gone global. is that true? yes, we are in every single continent. one of the things that a motivated like us a little bit going is that we had
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a pet denija over there in that area and it's an education center as well. so in this we decided to go ahead and also the, the something like that. but here is because you can speak free of it, you know, everybody knows about it. so if this is something like it's going to be advantageous. if you go to talk to someone about between a waiter, person a is selling you a candy in the streets or anything like, for example, they know what b minus they, they, they know that exists. they know the word, but they do not know how to use it. so this is why we are bringing this a home for education. right. so pick line, of course being made legal tender here was a huge seminal event in the history bitcoin. yeah. and where did you grow up, you know, salvador, and so what was your feeling the day, the bitcoin day when big coin was announced, that was made legal, tender president boot kelly, of course, instantly became globally quite famous for this. what was your personally,
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how did you personally feel on that day? i felt pride. you know, it being a summer dorian in ringing this asset. that's for everybody. for the 100 percent. okay. and, and being here, and i just, i just filled that el salvador open to the world. i was not even of salvatore, but a i was in what amana at the moment and the next day after you know, the law was approved. i chemical salvador and just to like, check everything how, how people was feeling and everything. but then i made another tour here in, in, in, and, you know, a re, wes also here. and that's how a going to school here in and everybody anyway in, everybody started like a, this is really happened and you know, people who started running tests a, we had lining diaries as well. a, with our marketing team, with a not die in bree in and also a, our peer team, a joining us a on the streets because one of the things that we do are you stay connected to the
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streets. we go boots on the ground and we started, you know, all over the place. you know salvatore in different locations. just learning about learning what the people, a, it felt, you know, transacting with big quint us, you know, doing that processing big going, how, how, i mean, for me, it was amazing. he said that the epic one is for a 100 percent interest. we just said there a moment ago. and so in other words, we're used to this idea of the 99 percent and the one percent. and we're used to this idea of fi out money where a few can't killian airs are printing all the money for themselves and they create a lot of problems in the you see the united states, for example, they decided to get into 2 new wars just for the last couple of months, of course, that's because they can just print money if they actually had to pay for the wars they would never get in these wars. but they just print their way into these wars. so when you soft talk about the 100 percent getting into bitcoin here in el
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salvador, that sounds like a very different type of feeling amongst the people. one where there's more unity, i would maybe is that correct? from my point of view, when the us 3rd sprint, the money is because a, you know, a bear just exporting inflation. so a, as an asset and not only just to like, like hostile basset, but also to, for people to make a leaving. i believe it's like a, a, it's a solution. so if people hold big coin or transacting bitcoin, they are definitely getting protection all of this inflation. so this is a for me, that's my view of, you know, the printing of money. but even though it's not only the u. s, i mean other countries to start printing as well. it's a global phenomenal phenomena right now. and even the i m f prints their own money . it's called the special drawing, right? the s d r, it's the fee at money of the i m f. i saw someone tweeting at president who kelly
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today actually saying, you know, mr. president, you should tell the i m f to print up a lot of their s d r's. their special drawn rights and use that money to buy big coin. in other words, throw a lifeline to the i m f because of course, within 36 months they will be completely out of business due to the failure of their underlying model of what i call financial terrorism. the i m f excels at this, but it's basically just loan sharking or a kind of on the mobster or gangsters and to be able to pay off all that debt, hopefully with these volcano bonds. what are your thoughts on volcano bonds? well, a, from my point of view, a solution as well a of access for a funds from the beacon community for the development for, for the development of the o fell summit. or, i mean we got the price will be point cd. we got the project of a, you know, a,
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are there other constructions and also, you know, a, we're, we're making a salvador, a new place. and this is, you know, coming back to your question, this is why, you know, be coin nurse and people from the community community investors as well. they can come to, like i said before and you know, see what they can, the, we can give them an introduction of how the countries doing as well. because a we monitor, of course, everything that is happening lake on the streets and everything in the sense of the people as well. so having this will kind of once outside. i mean, it's like a mission of salad or is here. and it worth open for business, right? so when the i m f express is concerns about el salvador, making big claim legal, tender your thoughts. they have to add that, that el salvador has this decision right now. that's my thought. you know, sound very concerned. no, i mean the thing is this because a, i believe that this is a big solution, you know, having bitcoin as legal,
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tender. i mean a, what can i am if do right now, like for example, just a cut of credit line. that volcano bonds can be probably coming back and providing even cheaper credit acts out. but i think that's the key point is that the death gets paid off. the, the rating for the bonds goes up, the interest rates goes down. eventually the country becomes debt free. and of course, everyone in the region, the 5 countries that make up central america could come under the umbrella of what's happening in el salvador, el salvador, the savior could be the savior of central america. what do you think of that? well, it's called the saver, and i believe that i believe that, yeah, i'm a, we're an example. been only for, for central america. we're an example for like, a whole world. you know, that's, that's my thought. i mean a bringing legal tender a doing this a, we're just putting an example of like 8 other countries are also checking out and
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see if they are going to go ahead and be legal tender soon. why? because we're on dice with everybody. and this is something that we're, i mean, we re received people from mexico, a, you know, just like a government's a government officials from, from different locations. and one of the things is this, you know, that they come here and check what's happening to us in a they have a model to copy now. that's right. so you have a, essentially, as you point out the, once it's a proven model, then others come into it. now hyper bitcoin a zation is in el salvador. it's in my centrally l's auntie, which is a surf town. you know, and this is one really things to go off, caught the attention of the president of made game, bitcoin legal, gender. and i just wanted to contrast and compare, let's say all salvador getting back to nigeria a bit. you know, in nigeria the adoption i think has just been, ah, this is
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a very entrepreneurial country, just lots of lots of people. how would you compare the 2 in terms of their bitcoin experience? well, a nigeria is very, very, very, but they have a lot of fact they're developing a lot and that one of the things that, that we saw in a year is that they hostile and they always find a way to do what they need to do in order to transact and to make a leaving out of big coin. so they're a great interpret nurse and they are actually our use are seeing that syria are teaching us. you know, salvatore, what things can be done here as well. right? because of course, in africa, even neighboring countries, just within miles of each other, the transactions are virtually impossible under the old banking system. yeah. by with big coin now, all those transactions are possible. so it has this incredible economies of scale kick in and the entire regions g, d, p are boosted. i just saw that al salvador reported a 4.4 percent year over year growth for their g d p a for november. that looks like
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the beginning. now of some really high growth for el salvador, is that what you expect? yes, and we are expected to go even a little bit better soon because i mean a lot of investors are coming in a new projects or been developed a and also a a, the tourist, the tourism is, is that right? norris dollars in november were double the projection that the government had. they were looking for a 100000000 a came in at something like a 1400000000. and of course those numbers are sent to explode higher because you've got the surfing, you've got the proposes. you've got pick point. you've got a wonderful population of charming people who are happy to meet new folks and that it's like an undiscovered paradise. and people get to use their big coin. so any final thoughts? well, everybody welcome to like i said,
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be going is going to be open a in 2 days. so we're going to have a special event and welcome free location for the region. ok, i won't be there. thanks so much. this is a nice guys are saying audio until next time. thanks for will from the cost of the big coin until next time bio ah. well, it's an open secret that private military companies have been playing a role in armed conflicts. world wide u. s. government doesn't track the number of contractors it uses in places iraq or afghanistan,
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the united states army and the military and general. so reliance on the private sector, i would call the dependency, but we don't know who's the on the ground presence of these companies overseas. we just don't out west and private military companies can in their turn, views. so cool subcontractors from countries with trouble pass. the chances are quite good that they had also been charles diligence. i says i was a child, as well as my job professional job is with the whole wouldn't feel good if i said that was with no flaw, minimum own wall shit. which i mean to be merciless killing machines, and now they fight and die in other people's was people carol, lot one and a dead soldier or dead marine shows up in this country and we start asking yourself, why did they die? why do, what were they fighting for?
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nobody fathers stature about that contractors? i mean with at least 6 children are killed in heavy fight thing in northwest syria. what president biden hales, the skill and bravery of american commandos, claiming they killed the lead of sonic states at the same time in the same location with russia shuts down the moscow office of deutschen valley. a day after germany's media regulates abandoned to all the sister general r c. d a
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