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tv   News  RT  February 4, 2022 4:00am-4:31am EST

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good to see violation, and that's something most of us wouldn't want to wells transparently, but we must live with permanent surveillance with 6 children off killed a mit heavy fighting in northwest syria, while president biden hailed the skill and bravery of us commanders, claiming they killed the leader of islamic state at the same time in the same not can't you just come out and say this expect us just to, to believe it without you showing a shred of evidence that it's actually true usa department spokespersons grill by journalists after refusing to provide any evidence for us claims russia is preparing a false flag attack as a pretext to the invasion with the media. take aim evasion with a host of accusations as major powers boycott the opening ceremony of the winter
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olympics, which is about to get underway in china. and also coming up is military maneuvers in valley road argon both ways. and as you can probably see behind my back, there is a tang column that is rolling towards it, firing position, with join the military exercises between russia and bella. race commence with our correspondent at the half with day here in the russian capital. this is our t international. unicef says 6 children were killed at the time. the u. s. conduct to the special operation in northwest syria. president biden held that mission a success planning is learning states chief, had been eliminated. forces carried out the operation with their signature preparation and precision,
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and i directed the department of defense to take every precaution possible to minimize civilian casualties. unicef confirms that at least 6 children were killed and one girl was badly injured overnight in the border town of asthma in the northwest of syria due to heavy violence. while the pentagon says 2 children and a woman were killed steering the rates when the isis leader blew himself up, we spoke with juliet tumor. unicef advocacy in communications chief in the middle east. he told us that the surgeon fighting, thinking a deadly toll, especially on the most fundable. when we have seen an escalation and violence in that area, what this means is that children pay 1st and they pay most. and if we compare the number of casualties of children during the month of january in comparison to, let's say, december last year, the number is so it's in the higher. and this has been the case since the beginning
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of the year. and this has got to stop children continue to be the 1st and most to pay in this 11 year long conflict. we call an old fight and all parties to the conflicts in syria to stop the fighting for the sake of serious children and its future. in the meantime, videos emerging of was a said to be the helicopter. us commanders were forced to blow up during their raid . here we can see what's left of it. you as officials deny that it crashed, all was shot down and they say the true is safe ortiz, my guess the of has more on the u. s. operation in syria, the locals have described these speech battle that took place at the one a m, just after midnight, syrian thought in the last 4 hours in which presumably these half a dozen children as well as for women, were killed as well as the leader of vices, a boy abraham, me al, has she, me, i'll crazy she locals describe how helicopters hovered in the air. soon as i left
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them, there were helicopters flying at low altitude, about 4 or 5 aircraft. then we saw soldiers landing the soldiers targets as a house isn't here, where i live. the house was surrounded. they spoke through loudspeaker telling everyone to surrender with a house would be destroyed and then the fighting started near inside the house for about an hour the helicopter carried at 4 or 5 machine gun attacks on the house skin of okay ma'am and a law we were preparing to go to sleep and suddenly we heard when the sound of helicopter hunt, my aunt went to see what was going on. but she found this guy totally red to life. some of the asked us through loud speakers to go out. we did that, but then they searched as who hang up my father. they asked our names of what we knew about our neighbors. we said we didn't know anything. they asked us to move to the neighboring house and started reading. ours in the united states says that he designated a suicide vest, while together with members of his family, we still have no r verified information as to how will these children perish?
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these are civilians as well. these women, whether it was american missiles fired by helicopters, small arms fire by us special forces in the ground, or indeed, at this suicide vest. what we know is that these casualties have occurred. multiple sources of said this included unicef. this information about the civilian casualties was tragic comes, it's an especially bad time for, for biden, who's administration has been rattled by, by calls for resignations, as well as accountability following the deadly drone strike in afghanistan in kabul in august. and just a week ago, lloyd austin, the secretary of defense, had, are ruled, had issued a call for the pentagon to form rules to do more, to prevent collateral damage or will civilian casualties. because he says that
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doesn't represent that the values of the united states or it's pardons. and he called in the pentagon to come up with concrete measures on how via the pentagon should conduct war whilst minimizing civilian casualties. we spoke with the author nicholas davies. he says, u. s. military res of la to countless of in the us. how can it be, were killing 6 children for the sake of killing, you know, one al qaeda leader apparently slam estate leader who will quickly be replaced by somebody else. now this is, this is just her ethic and secretary austin trying to come up with new rules to prevent the killing of civilians by force. it's under his command. you know, where the united states has been a war and all these countries and the middle east in the greater middle east over 20. yes. to think that, you know,
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these couple that we have recently heard about some how unique in the fact that they killed civilians is, is just to be, would be utterly cried. you must, the rushes accusing washington of making things up again after the u. s. alleged to be a false flag golfing ukraine to create a pretext for invasion. moscow scuffed not saying it's reminded of the lead up to the invasion of iraq washington and fabricated detail about chemical weapons. the lack of evidence for the latest claims also left some journalists unimpressed. what is the evidence that you have that suggested that the russians are even planning this mat? i'm not saying that they're not, but you just come out and say this and expect us to still do to believe it. without you showing a shred of evidence that it's actually true or them. when i ask or what anyone else us, what the information you said while i just gave it to you,
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which was just you making a statement, we do so we declassify information only when we're competent in that information. if you doubt, if you doubt the credibility of u. s. government, of the british government, of other governments and one of you know, find solace and information that the russians are putting out. that is i, that is for you to do. we are not surprised by the new creative scenario outlined by the press secretaries of the u. s. department of states on the u. s. department of defense on february, the 3rd about russia's alleged preparation of an operation under false flog against ukraine. this is typical of united states. the international community remembers the forgeries, the u. s. use for their military interventions around the world, including the well known vial of colin powell. we now have us intelligence officials who are coming forward and saying that russia is planning to develop a propaganda video. now the state department spokesperson was pressed on this specific evidence supporting the video claims on ned price said that once the white
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house is sure this information is accurate, then they will disclose what evidence they have. now, there has been a barrage of headlines and accusations from western leaders against russia over the last several weeks. and russia has responded with com to many of these allegations . now at this point, we've got kremlin spokesperson dmitri past gob who has pointed out that there had been so many claims that over the last few weeks and most of them and all of them really have not added up to anything, were turned into anything that could be proven even care of now says the situation along the border is not as tense as it's betrayed by officials in washington. we spoke to investigative journalist dave lynn. dorothy says us insinuations of a false flag attack can't be taken seriously. i had to laugh when they are the, the spokesman was saying, you know, when we released these intelligence things,
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we are always real with to wait till we're sure. they've released a lot of stuff over the years. and in recent years and months that's been brazenly untrue and, and that including, you know, during the attempted counter cruise against them, maduro government and venezuela poignantly faults from the u. s. intelligence agencies. so for them to say that is just laughable. meanwhile, despite the sense of urgency, the white house is trying to create with his false flag allegation, the state of bombers spokesperson also said that him had putin hadn't actually made any decisions about war yet. at the same time, the u. s. is now stressing versus supposed invasion is no longer deemed imminent. and that word imminent is one that's been used frequently in recent weeks. putin has a lot of options available to him. if he wants to further invade ukraine, and he can execute some of those options imminently, when we said it was eminent,
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it remains imminent. but again, we can't make a prediction of what decision present putting will make. we said he could invade at any time. that's true, we still don't know these made a decision or not describing it. i haven't and over a week the white house we did not use the word imminent in terms of invasion is that prospective changes. so i, i think there's been some confusion around this because we've always been consistent that in so far as we know, vladimir putin has not made a final decision. so until and unless he makes a final decision to invade, this will not be imminent. one of the major reason is that jen, saki has had to walk back the word imminent regarding a pos, russia, they acclaimed russian military invasion of ukraine. so lensky was, i had a press conference and said that this was counter productive to the interests of ukraine. it wasn't about to happen. and so i think that the us and
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the white house looked completely deranged and out of place. and this kind of, this kind of disconnect between the us and its allies, makes for the rest of the world to sit back and, and dos everything that the us is doing. and it makes us look more and more adventurous and reckless. the 2022 winter olympics get underway and beijing on friday, but the great sporting event has been mod in control vesee with some countries refusing this and diplomat. so they're being ceremony with the west, also accusing chandra preparing to spy on their athletes. lexia shasky has more for decades, the international olympic committee claimed that sports has nothing to do with politics and all the games. all the olympic games are absolutely free of politics, but in the case of beijing 2022 games, it seems like it's a 3 way abas,
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where politics, sports, and covet, come into one. now of course, we know about the political boy caught several states and not willing to send their leadership into the opening ceremony of the beijing when to 2022 games. those countries include, of course, the united states, also canada, u. k. and australia jumped in now in the latest news. also denmark and the netherlands refused to send their diplomats to attend the opening ceremony. even the athletes who are going are getting bombarded by the press not to use their phones not to open their mouths and be extremely wary off the fact that they will probably be surveilled upon by the chinese government. and some are even taking the step to 5 bill any a george soros, even come pad switching,
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been the leader of china to adult hitler saying that these games are a good chance for him to use his strict control propaganda. just like out off hitler did in 1936 elim biggs, just before the start of the 2nd world war. and let's of course, not forget the issue of russia, but dissipation in these games. russia is not allowed to fly its flag because of the water decision at several years back. in fact, 2022 is the last year that russia can perform at international competitions under a different name on the different flag in this case, just like in tokyo, it will be r o c. and one of the prominent wind to athletes of russia's history, figure skating olympic champion, let's say you're good in launched an online petition saying that enough is enough that athletes already suffered enough and that the country should be allowed to fly its flag and thing its national anthem in the olympics, the petition has already been signed by more than 40000 people. anti
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covet messes, of course, have been pretty strict in the chinese capital, but tolerable work, especially compared to the arrival when at the airport. the tests were really, really difficult to take, but now every day i leave the hotel i have to take a p c r test. and i'm going to show you just exactly how easy it is to make hello supposed to have to. brent is mine station and out time for some fun sitting in a boat and doing my pcr test. now. that's it. very simple. and pretty much every half hour. this little chap here is traversing across the hotel space, disinfecting the air. everything is pretty much automated here in beijing.
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ah, of course i'll be keeping track of everything happening here in beijing for you. alexey ruskie r t reporting from the olympic capital of went to 22 games, beijing in china. which honest, strict measures of apparently caused suffering to one russian by athletes. she complained about health problems due to the quality of food given to her in a quarantine hotel, which is where she ended up after testing cove is positive. upon arrival in china, we spoke with the like say, a good in the 2002 olympic figure skating champion now a commentator at the beijing games. he explains why generally speaking, the impact of the measures on athletes is actually negligible. i honestly don't mind about masks, i don't mind about the quarantine. of course, it's a pity for the athletes, but in my opinion,
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it's better this way than there being no competition at all as a former athletes and the person who understands what athletes go through. i would be happy to wear space suit if i had to in order to compete. i would take any tests in the nose, mouth ear, wherever. as long as this sports festival takes place. it seems to me that athletes don't really notice all these tests bubbles and so on, because it's part of their daily routine to train and perform. the main thing is to be safe. and your cost, whole version of the interview with alexia. good and on our correspond to lexia shasky social media accounts ah, well, coinciding with the grand opening of the beijing games is russia in china's 1st top level summit for more than 2 years presidents for them it puts in and she jim being have been discussing a variety of issues with the russian leaders saying new contracts for fuel supplies to china are being drawn up. it includes
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a deal to supply 10000000000 cubic meters of gas per year. still to come, russia strikes back banning a german channel from broadcasting after berlin took assist the chan. lottie d, offer more on us. ah ah ah, well i i i
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know ah ah, poor be bro. ukraine continues unabated with the u. s. and u. k. taking the lead, however, not all major members are on board, even ukraine is attempting to dampen expectations of an armed conflict with russia . washington in london, get their way with welcome back. thousands of russian soldiers are now in belarus for a large scale military exercise. the 2 nations are moving to bolster their alliance amid tensions with nato in ukraine. our correspondent constantino scott went to the
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center of the action. ah, while the military maneuvers in valley road are in full swing and as you can probably see behind my back there, is it tang column that is rolling towards it, firing positions. now elsewhere on this training ground, which is by the way, located next to the bowers polish border. we're going to see aviation motorized, infantry units, paratrooper. so all in all this is going to be a pretty intensive action pag day. both for rushes and bowel bruce's military. now, this is a combat readiness task of a joint russian by russian task force, the military se their main goal here is to see how quickly they can deploy combat units at. val resent secure, keep infrastructure as well as valor versus land border and air space is reported
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that 12 russian ascii, 35 fired jazz long with a number of air defense complexes, including asked 400 triumph have been sent to valerie from russia to support these exercises now the number of troops involved doesn't require the 2 countries to notify other nations that russian defense minister surg assure you. however, russia did let everyone know including native members about the exercises in advance as a gesture of good will. ah, now the most active part of the exercises between russia and believers is expected from february 10th to february 20th. that's one. drills are going to be health, cross 5 training facilities and for air basis and values punctuating the message of the united front of moscow and minsk in troubling types. moscow has band germany's deutsch avella channel from broadcasting and russia. it's
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one of a number of retaliatory measures to germany's media regulator. blocked off says the channel r t d. russia is drawing up the list of representatives, estates, and public structures in germany involved in restricting the broadcast of r t d. and putting pressure on the russian media outlets who will be denied entry to the russian federation. in addition to each of l as b, in order to close its moscow bureau, while as journalists will be stripped of their accreditation, the channel will also be placed on russia's list of foreign agents. small german officials involved in the decision to shut down all d. d a will be blacklisted by russia. the decision to ban r t d. that was made a few days ago. german official saying that it lacked the right broadcasting license. walk right in the state under european law, but accounting disputes that saying the permit is obtained in serbia meets or requirements. while r t, france might also have
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a headache to deal with. the french media regulator is reportedly investigating our system channel that the broadcast though, says if that's true, that amounts to censorship. auntie charlotte dubious, gave reports from the french capital arte from caesar in the cross hairs of the audio visual and digital communications regulator hearing, fraud spaces, all come now. this was something that was put out in a magazine article, the magazines called challenges, halem, france, and in it, it alleges it all come is about to start looking at how r t pharmacist, a channel here, has treated several subjects since it started broadcasting. the subjects include the yellow, vast protests, also stories from syria, and stories from central africa, all pretty sensitive topics in the country at the moment. now they haven't been any official confirmation from all come about. they all
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t fancy self says it hasn't received any notification. this is about to happen, but we have had reaction to that from the head of the channel. according to the challenges website, the french media regulator, all com has opened a probe into our tea, france. perfect timing, right after the situation with all tv. if it has confirmed that the regulator is investigating sensitive topics concerning associations, let's welcome a new world of censorship. while she went on to refute that there have been complaints against the channel and said that there was one issue that was dealt with by the csc, which is the, the old regulator. what is interesting is this apparent. dig it, the channel comes with a very crucial time here at prompts. we just 2 months now before the presidential elections take place. and we know that my call president microns party is extremely concerned about what they've described. spin foreign digital interference and misinformation ahead of those elections. artie france and auto international selves
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have actually been denied entree to the least a polish cup. a press conference is to be able to question the governmental decisions that are made as we get closer and closer to that presidential election. there are likely to be more tax on all channels simply for doing what we do. and that is questioning more independent journalists agree, they says the french governments long been irritated by the work frances, due it was clear from the very beginning of our t and other russian media in cross that they were not like by president mccord all . and don't use them for producing fake news. while it's big funny, when you see the number of fake news produced by the french traditional press r t covered all of the o d g like george strikes the yellow fest. so well that it really annoyed the power
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daughter. savannah is also a specialist for you to know when they speak about gas and the dependence of germany, a ball russian guest that should not continue our and what would be the replacement american gas. wonderful, thanks, georgia for your information. it's the same thing. it's the same tricks. it doesn't work. you know, we should stop doing this. we should let the, the media media such as r, t and the american media and all of us speak up and the citizens can make their own opinion. that brings you out today, really appreciate your company this morning and early afternoon here, an anti international join me for updates in 30 minutes with
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join me every 1st bit on the alex simon. sure. i'll be speaking to guess of the world politics sport business. i'm sure business, i'll see you then. mm. join in is the world's most over fish. see unsustainable exploitation of its fish dogs, which maureen biodiversity under great thread issue medicine is the lesson the giving a call to us? we sure you understand this is he cut our system. i'm not going to pull nicky careful with just to kick in one or 2 but our lives despite the ease promise is to end over fishing by 2020. the situation is changing to slower. well, i'm very disappointed with the put additions that they've basically not in public interests. they also do know in the midst of interest of the fishes,
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the only interest of the fishery lobby on the face shown the only one that endanger the fisherman. also at risk of losing all the plug in my thought ups of them before they get to them about that. i'm a global more thought. i get them with liberty abuse o'clock. i'm speaking with you. i mean with
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ah, ah hello and welcome to cross stock. were all things considered on people about war fever over ukraine continues unabated with the u. s. and u. k. taking the lead. however, not all nato members are on board, even ukraine is attempting to dampen expectations of an armed conflict with russia . will washington in london, get their way with
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discuss these issues and more, i'm joined by my guess, like a white in new york. she is united nations correspondence in boston. we have let them know. goldstein is the chair of the department of slavic studies at brown university and in lancaster we cross to alexandra claxon. he is a researcher at the university of lancaster, across stock rules, and that means you can jump in any time you want. i would appreciate it. ok, let's go to vladimir in boston. where are we right now? i'm glad, i mean, because i thought this invasion was supposed to happen a few months ago. i mean, this is kind of like waiting for godot, and the longer we wait, the more we see the western alliance, particularly nato fragment, maybe that's an exaggeration, but they're certainly not all on the same page. the more they discussed this and about what role the united states, u. k. and continental european countries, a nato. what kind of role they should go headline.


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