tv News RT February 4, 2022 2:00pm-2:30pm EST
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ah, a headline story this our western media abandon the principle of leaving politics, auto sport with war mongering, common trade to the for the beijing winter olympics kick off. also ahead you just come out and say this to expect us to believe it. without you showing a shred of evidence, that is actually true. the us state department spokesperson is grill by journalists for feeling to provide evidence for a sensationalist us claim that russia is preparing a false flag attack as a pretext to invade ukraine and in the u. k. how so the electricity bills are about
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to store by more than 50 percent after the regulator lifts up price gap, potentially plunging millions of people into a fuel poverty with or heating. if this is another increase, there's another burg and government with tenant knight this friday in, but i guess you're in danville and right here in moscow. welcome to the news our an art. see, my name's you. the 2022 beijing winter. olympic games has officially begun with the opening ceremony earlier on friday, marking the start at the event. but rather than celebrate a global sporting spectacle, bringing together some of the best athletes on the planets. western commentators seem to want to talk war on politics instead. russia has a mass more than
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a 100000 troops on 3 sides of ukraine. us officials have threatened severe sanctions if russia makes them move. so especially in the light of almost bar call them please do the media and everyone involved to stay away from politics during the 4th. particularly in respect to athletes, participating in their games. these calls have been disregarded by some media outlets with a clear hyping of war, potential war and escalating political situation in ukraine. even before the opening ceremony was over several pundits around the headlines. something like a limbic war games seems that the entire focus is on the political situation. in light of the crisis in ukraine, journalists representing western media out that's of ultimate goal, t jokes online. during the opening ceremony politics and olympics, and avoidable these days. it seems, and we of course, no political boy caught from
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a number of states like us, canada, australia and the united kingdom in light of what they called genocide against the population of seen john province. there were even headlines like genocide games as well. and even fun parts of the beijing olympics, like robotic devices, robotic studying, drinks and food here at the breast center in beijing are branded by some media outlets as these still be. and some of this tension have been filling out from outside of the media coverage. of course, there has been an incident during the figure skating warm up when you're rushing. couple nearly collided with a us couple during the warm up and that led to a fire exchange of what i saw really clear what exactly happened that the russians k to later play down the incident, saying that they are good with that couple in from the u. s off the pitch, but nevertheless, it seems that this tension is also present here. we could have collided with the u
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. s duet during the warm up. we were the 1st to start practicing in element moving backward so we couldn't control the situation. i said something to the u. s. skater, but don't remember what exactly. but it's going on all day. i'm fed up with this to 5 to 6 cycle that messes daily vcr death and number. all covered cases happening in the camps of national beams and across the media. there's also been some organizational blips as well. for instance, one of the russian athletes a by athlete who i tested positive upon a rival to beijing. and she quickly realized that her chance of participating in the olympics was over. she complained on instagram, off, low quality foods that she'd been served during her core and here in beijing that she lost a lot of weight. and we reached out to the spokesperson of rush by a long association. and this is what you had to say about that. i spoke with filarious today, she is very stress. this is
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a difficult psychological situation for her as an athlete. her dream was destroyed by the positive test and should only get another chance to realize that in 4 years, this is not exactly a complaint we were just told by an athlete that she was not too happy with the conditions. we are trying to improve that. for example, together with the i o c, we've already agreed on a new menu in general. as far as i understand, everyone is satisfied with the conditions. from what i've seen on the video, it's quite nice. some of the by athletes say that these are the best conditions they've seen any olympics. adding a little more fuel to the fire is the fact that i o. c has recently lightened it's rules when it comes to expressing political views during the olympics. previously, athletes were completely banned from doing it. now they're only banned from doing a during metal ceremony, but they are free to do it in the field of flay, unless it interferes with the actual process of sport. so we are in probably for
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a rollercoaster ride of olympics here and i'm here to cover everything and i will bring you all the latest updates as i get it in beijing. we like to think that is the time in the world comes together, drops of politics and we celebrate the athletes that people who worked so hard to be there for the api said selves. we imagine that they would want to be focused on their sport on, on winning metals and doing the best they can and to represent their country. but inevitably, there are going to be politics that sneak in to the games, you know, and here we have the media in the united states are wanting to do really drive that home and really want to create tensions between the ukraine and russia, wanting to insert the united states into that, that's just what the american media does. all this comes from wanting to hype up the conflicts or the losing conflict as they want to say in a ukraine, and to distract from what's happening in this country. what do they do? well, let's start talking about world war 3. let's start talking about going to war with
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russia. that is something that can certainly distract from the failures that's happening in this country. and the media is very happy to do that for the administration. and on the subject of media war mongering, british tabloid, the son has published a story on what he calls ukraine's deadliest female sniper accompanied by unconfirmed footage of her allegedly murdering russian separatists. she said in the video that she will with arch hesitate, action on remorse, kill again if putin invade ukraine, even though she believes that a lot of it will not order on invasion. she apparently thinks rushes truth build up as quote, pressure and intimidation. meanwhile, russian president vladimir putin and his chinese counterpart, she jin ping help together, urged nature to stop its expansion. they warn a failure to do so will i grew
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a cold war mentality. the girl said down off susan. beijing takes us through the face to face meeting. well, a friendly and cordial outcome from the meeting between the russian president vladimir putin and his chinese counterpart teaching thing was headache, spect it. but to find out that the to lead is c i to i own. so many things on so many topics and we'll discuss the ones. i was somewhat remarkable, i should say. and i guess the key outtake here is that china agrees that nato should stop expanding. the parties oppose the further expansion of nato and call for the north atlantic. alliance to refrain from ideological approaches from the time of the cold war. we urge nato to respect sovereignty security and to deal with the peaceful development of other governments objectively in fairway. beijing has also revealed that it shares moscow's concerns and that it supports moskos demands for some actual guarantees from the military alliance, over security that would be put on vapor in turn. russia has said that has
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retreated, its dedication to the principle that china is one nation, and that i want is an integral part of china. and any sort of independence for the island is absolutely out of the question. also, the 2 nations rush in china have called worrisome the formation of a trilateral pact between the u. s. the u. k. and australia. it's called incas and just a quick reminder for you basically its main purpose. is it for the us and the u. k . to help australia to bolster its capability, including in the nucleus, fear. so both nations rushing china have called this worry summons that it is undermining regional and indeed global security. but it wasn't just politics that was on the table. business was discussed as well. brushes, energy, john gas prone, has signed a deal according to which it will ship a 100000000 metric tons of gas to china through cassock stuff. so again, the big development russian energy companies are already seeing
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a rise in their stock prices following this piece of new. but again, i did the initial meeting between the 2 lead as it didn't. it didn't last long. and after that i vladimir putin and cheating thing, they left their entourage behind and they proceeded to have that at that talks just the 2 of them over lunch. and what is yet to come. glad my goodness, said to witness the opening ceremony of the winter olympic games off rule. officially, this is why he's here. this is why he's in the chinese capital. well, on this we got the thoughts of benjamin shaw a professor of asia programs at the bar school of business. he believes china is concerned about the wes, potentially provoking moscow. today, china has supported russia in cause for nature to stop expansion. it's, it seems reasonable to interpret china as saying, please nato,
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leave your criminal and do not force russia to react with military actions to maintain your political political balance in that region. it is not new that the us once you are, and so co russia and flushes so strong military. so do you need some help from europe to help? and so russia, especially to us apparently, is not urgent but needing to compensate. the losing inference in the middle is exemplified by div a strong, the trips in canisters with more inference in its send europe. so this pushes russia and china, you from what you get to watch. a lot of the european countries, the actually they don't care how much they can influence the well, any more, i think this will surely be a very important way to goal for the next few years. as the situation develops, rushes accusing washington of making things up again. that's up to the u. s. l edge
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. moscow was preparing a false fly golf in ukraine to create a pretext for an invasion. the lack of evidence for the latest claim has also left . some journalists, confused. saucier taylor takes us through fuss. they promised a new year invasion. then they said it was too muddy for tanks, and the criminal was holding off until the ground froze. then they decided that an invasion was indeed, imminent. putin as a lot of options available to him. if he wants to further invade ukraine, and he can execute some of those options imminently, when we said it was eminent, it remains imminent. but again, we can't make a prediction of what decision president putin will make them after some thought, no, actually it wasn't. we said he could invade at any time. that's true. we still don't know. these made a decision. you're not describing it. i haven't in, over a week the white house notably did not use the word imminent in terms of invasion. is that perspective change it or i so i,
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i think there's been some confusion around this because we've always been consistent that i, in so far as we know, vladimir putin has not made a final decision. so until and unless he makes a final decision to invade, this will not be imminent, though. lawmakers on the hill apparently didn't get the memo. it seems the you asked us can't make up its mind on russia's plan to take you crane. despite people on the ground, they're telling them to lay off the hysteria. there are signals even from respected leaders of states. they just say that to morrow there will be war. this is panic. how much does it cost for our state? but as is tradition, america has decided it knows that so what's going on in far away lands and how can it not panic when there's no hard evidence proving that russia's new plan is to make a film compete with st. corpses, mourners and nato drones, as a pretext for this imminent, but not quite invasion. what is the evidence that you have that suggested that the
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russians are even planning with matt? i'm not saying that they're not, but you just come out and say this and expect those to still to believe it without you showing a shred of evidence that it's actually true. all of them. when i asked or what anyone else us, what's the information you said while i just gave it to you, which was just you making a statement? we do so we declassify information only when we're confident in that information. if you doubt, if you doubt the credibility of the u. s. government, of the british government, of other governments and wanna, you know, find solace and information that the russians are putting out. that is, that is for you to do. now as part of the build up to the u. s. is release of moscow's epic blockbuster, washington. it's been promising for weeks that the russians are up to something a bit special. the irony of the us state department talking of fabrications is palpable. we are not surprised by the new creative scenario outlined by the press
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secretaries of the u. s. department of state and the u. s. department of defense on february, the 3rd about russia's alleged preparation of an operation under a false flag against ukraine. this is typical of united states. the international community remembers the forgeries, the u. s. use for their military interventions around the world, including the well known vial of colin powell. oh, yes, we remember the u. s. is backed up by solid evidence pretext to invade iraq and the subsequent north of almost 200000 civilian lives. but do we also remember how and why the white house paid a p. r firm over $500000000.00? back in 2016, the work consist to the 3 types of products. the 1st was television commercials portraying al qaeda in a negative light. the 2nd was news items which were made to look as if they had been created by dick tv. the 3rd and most sensitive program was the production of fake al qaeda propaganda. films
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u. s. marines would take the cd on patrol and drop them in the chaos when they rated targets. yes, net price at the state department would know exactly what a false flag operation looks like for the war hawks in d. c. though it's not even the thought of a possibly imminent war that keeps them up at night. no, it's not. they weren't managed to get best sanctions in a row before it possibly stotts. i'm concerned that mister putin's time table is different than ours, and he may well move before we can get this done. meanwhile, news of the cremins hollywood debut has provided next an opportunity for the u. k. and the u. s. is special relationship to evolve. turns out they've got a lot more in common than they thought, because biden would much rather talk about ukraine in the context of russian aggression than in the context of laptops, cocaine, nepotism, and abuse of power. and burress. while boasting comes a lot easier to bow than apologizing for a legal booth ups at number 10,
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i think if you look at what we've been doing for the last 2 or 3 months, the u. k has been way out in front, in making sure that people respond. yes, the ukraine crisis has been kind to them both keeping us spiraling ratings in the shadows. what did they say? never let a good crisis go to waste false flag or knobs. care some scary looking figures. no energy bills for british high soldiers said to increase by an average of $700.00 pounds a year after the national regulator lifted a price cap. it's raised the spectre of mass fuel poverty. now the time when energy firms are cashing in on the near record prices, ortiz shandey edwards dusty picks up the story. if the eating or hating dilemma was advised enough, people in britain are now worried they might not be able to do either. that's as the energy price capital rise by 54 percent in april to just shy of 2000 pounds
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cores. it worries me because you know, as a worker and govern worker, we don't have enough salary. and if this is another increase, this another burden think we're paying too much for our energy. i can't imagine the risk choosing between feeding myself and my family or heating tens of millions of households will face paying 693 pounds more making bills almost double what they were just a year ago. the changes will have a chilling effect on people's finances, so the government has unveiled the support package. but what we can do is take the sting out of a significant points shop for millions of families by making sure that the increase in prices is smaller initially. and spread over a longer period. as we come out of coal, we face a real cost of living, crunch, particularly in energy. and the government has to help people. so what richie has
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announced is a 9000000000 pound package to help people with the cost of their energy. and then 27000000 households will benefit from a council fax rebate with 150 pounds. and then a $200.00 pound loan on top of that. and while that may sound reasonable, it's actually somewhat limited. so your next bargain includes a discount on pills worth $200.00 pounds, only. it's not a freebie, it will have to be repaid and 40 pounds installment because the bill is going up by more than $200.00 pounds. so it's going to make some difference unless they find other mechanisms. not sufficient needs to be added on just 5 on the regulators. calculation is based on soaring gas prices due to a high global demand. the brits are paying for it. only cat this. you can gas exports have doubled in a year. it will probably come as a surprise to many people that when gas as i watering li, expensive gas exports from britain to the continent have been unusually high. the
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reason is very simple. the gas doesn't belong to britain or the british people. it's extracted by commercial companies that sell to the highest bidder. wherever that may be, even if brits are in dire need. actually the energy cap announcement came on the same day as shell was celebrating, a 14 fold rise and profit a mix soaring prices for gas with shareholders lining up for a bumper payday. 2021 was a momentous year for shell. well, the energy price cap may lead you to believe that some sort of deficit, actually the market is so lucrative, but the government hasn't wasted a moment for yet another oil feel to be approved. meanwhile, the energy companies don't even have to pay a winful tax. so the price caps, or $693.00 pounds for dual fuel homes to 1971 pounds, making energy on affordable to millions. why the hell is that the government considering the windfall tax on runaway north c profits?
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he's not asking the oil and gas companies who are making the most of all this to pay a single penny towards this needs to be addressed and the government should look at it. citizens lacoff through citizens is so much harder to uncalled for. i think when companies is given the choice of making money they gave to to that, well, it seems like forest johnson's from is that gas bills would be cheaper post breaks . it was just smoke and mirrors because to the poor in the u. k. the cost of living squeeze is as bad as fed, although the worst is yet to come. charge edwards dusty r t london. and it's not just the energy bills going for the roof in the u. k. overall, inflation is of a 30 year high. newspapers are running on the conservative government, and importantly, so are the prime minister's own age. with 5, in short succession handing in their resignations, we spoke with angus mcneil,
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from the scottish national party. he believes the writings on the wall for the pm. what johnson would like to reward docs back? unfortunately for by this johnson the doubles of the to any party. this is sort of the guy used to tell them about maybe touching up a little bit and finding the spine. so i think the letter should be going in the feeling that's more pronounced it over the last 2448 hours about as jones's time as number, and he's really hitting the nail into is already well. nailed coffin johnson? isn't that no wonder he's in some tea things all the time? not least, of course, but it's not really a very good for, for people in the u. k. i'm just coming up a decade of cooper, universal candidates. national and students raises that food and energy prices. boone up. there's a lot of issues of that. and as johnson is a distraction to all these big issues,
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kennedy and truckers protesting against the coed vaccine mandates have partially lifted a blockade of some us border crossings. the protesters have opened up one lane in each direction of the main border checkpoint in alberta. they're part all based on in freedom con, voice, funding, canada filing pressure on the government to east pulpit restrictions. around 15 percent of canadian truckers are on vaccinated and under current rules they require to quarantine for 2 full weeks. after arriving back from the u. s. mall side of the border truckers have set up a facebook page in solar. dorothy with their canadian calling so low. it was 50 golf. jeremy. why did facebook take down your page? me censorship at a sinus. it's not just facebook that go fund me website house blocked donations to the canadian driver's citing legal issues that campaign hot raise their own $10000000.00 canadian dollars for the convoy. more than was raised for the
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countries major political parties in the last quarter of 2021 county cody, a canadian conservative party member, told me earlier wording precedence is being sent by private companies trying to restrict the movement. go find me is going to be has been invited to the house of commons to discuss things. and the convoy have their lawyers and accounts looking at everything. there's a lot of censorship that's going on. they seem to want to have one narrative. and if you are a question that narrative or disagree with that narrative, or you just have a difference of opinion, you're shut down, the administrators, i have been in contact with. and they turned off their personal pages. they're not able to access their personal facebook pages and some of these amends user facebook for business purposes. and they have personal information, photographs that they can't access and facebook will not allow them to be up and running. and since it uses their addresses,
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and there are serial numbers on their phones, they're unable to create a new account to move forward on facebook with their business. people involved in the convoy what's 3rd mood after days. all of this on on constant opposition from the media from government. so many truckers have traveled to like thousands miles to have their voices heard and instead of being hurt, we have a prime minister that is not speaking to them. instead as being a saying, a lot of hateful, discriminatory comments about these truckers and that just for the divide to segregates community and our country. and at this point, the whole purpose of the convoy is to move forward, unite our country and make sure that we have a resolution that is successful. so that we can actually continue. protests are also on going in the canadian capital also up on the media coverage. both domestic and international has been largely negative with headlines, accusing truckers of paralyzing the capital and locals. quote, afraid to go outside. a convoy organizer from ontario says the government is using
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the media to undermine the protesters. the problem we're having is we have a prime minister who's gaslighting protesters and people who are simply using their right to free speech direct protests. he doesn't like what we're doing. they've been using liberal, biased media to attract us calling us all these horrible names, which is just not true. and even to the point where the product, we feel that the prime minister is using lobby groups to do setups across our across auto stuff like you facing the war, the war memorial, which was done by in chief, but we got the blame for it. so we actually went up there and we have people who are guarding at 247. now the citizens of ottawa, it's a very small percentage that are upset and, and i apologize for, for, for making them upset. but they also have to understand that we're simply standing up for our rights. now the majority of,
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of people who live in ottawa have given up their homes, have set up shuttles. they have some of them have even rented out apartments just so that truckers could get, you know, a place to stay. and so i mean this supports them really good from, from people in ottawa, it's a very small percentage and the liberal media, it's just ostracizing. it for something that's just not true can finally this news, our facebook's user base is shrinking for the 1st time ever. now let's put a dampener on the company's ambitious plans for a so called met averse on the armstrong house. the story losing her login uses for the 1st time in their history to the tune of 500000 fewer loggins every day. that's according to the company's earning reports that were published on wednesday for the last 3 months of 2021. and just to break that down into figures is slumped to $1930000000.00 logons per day. now, even though that is around a quarter of the entire world population, it has precipitated
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a plummet in share to the tune of 26 percent. and as white, $200000000000.00 worth of the facebook parent company mater, which of course owns instagram and whatsapp. and he's headed by the facebook c o founder and creates a market cubic. now mark zuckerberg has seen a hit to his personal wealth to the tune of around a $29000000000.00. now for a man who's worth close to $107000000000.00, that's going to affect him as much as lost. lose change is going to affect me and you, but zuckerberg has come up with his own excuses. as regards the decline, he says it correlates with the rising popularity of tick tock. he's also blamed apples privacy changes. that's something that's going to cost facebook around $10000000000.00 per year is something that they've fought for months. it gives users the choice to stop facebook keeping tabs on their online movement book. there has been a little bit of scrutiny as to whether these excuses stand up from zuckerberg. of course, these are these figures cap off a terrible 2021 for facebook. there's been maya in controversy and scandal. the
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last few months of 2021 is also when do facebook, former employee and whistle blower, frances, how going release thousands of harmful documents calling for external supervision. after alleging facebook was ignoring its obligations to do something about the negative effects, it has on mental health in teens and failing to sensor is hate speech. and there needs to be a radio for a home where someone like me could do a tour of duty after working at a place like this. and, and have a place to work on things like regulation to bring that information out to the overstep. words that have the rate to do oversight, regulatory agency within the federal government. yes. now, the democrats latso, per how guns demands, mainly because they fell conveniently in line with their own grievances against big tech, but a pace, but was also bashed from the republicans that was because they thought they're going against free speech by banning prominent political figures. namely, former
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u. s. president donald trump was zuckerberg, has robust that idea. he said that it's a convenient excuse. it's a calculated effort to tarnish his company with, but it also led to him re branding facebook. you want to keep up to date with his story. he took r t dot com. incidentally on facebook, twitter and in scrums, well, canadian truckers on traceable guns and joe rogan versus than mainstream media. it's a fall to the rafters news views. shoes today begins humanity always once the impossible. they 1st they a say to the government, please love a new government b. they say single to any more please don't patch my my private.
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