tv Redacted Tonight RT February 5, 2022 4:30pm-5:01pm EST
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a wooden fence at that with no linen own wall shit, which i mean to be merciless killing machines. now they fight and die in other people's was people. carol lock one, a dead soldier or dead marine shows up in this country. and we start asking yourself, why did they die? why, what were they fighting for? nobody bothers statuette, good contractors. i just hello and welcome to redacted to night. you know, the expression. you can judge society by how well it treats the people that treats like, i might have that slightly off,
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but close. and the people we definitely treat like are those we lock up in this country. we have the world's largest police force per capita and the world's largest prison population. unless you count the people in judge jo brown's basement . but here's the question. how much do we here in the us spend on policing and prison? before we get to that, let me just say there's been a lot of talk about money lately, you know, with inflation. and so many people struggling through the pandemic and biden's failure to do anything about health care or student debt or housing, or minimum wage, or, you know, in with the insane pentagon budget and with our infrastructure collapsing and with pam always stealing money from dad. and then trying to tell me to get into the middle of it, like i'm going to use my family political capital on her. i can't, i don't, i don't know or not that i have no idea what she's gonna do every night after. she's had a dozen hard shelters, and the whole place smells like mental fish tanks. you'll be out of a brown. anyway, with all the talk about how much money we need to do things,
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everyone's boards. like give us all health care. how much money do you think we spend on prison and police in each day? i'll give you a hand. if you were to take $760000000.00 a day, that's what it is covered under a $60000000.00 i guy. now what a good hand i've had to call that was the best pen since i was on a date and i thought it was going awesome. but then she said her husband would be home soon and i was like, but this is my apartment. and she said, yeah, i just invited him over. so i got to hand and i left. but you know, i didn't show the where the extra drag bags are and they're hard to find who they probably went out and bought more like losers. i felt they're feeding my cat, but yeah, $760000000.00 a day, according to a new report from data analyst stevens sampler. that's $31000000.00 an hour spent
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on the right thing and locking people off in lady liberty land of mentally unstable best 5th. that was the original name. they settled on united states. that's by far the most in the world spent on police and prison. and if any other country had this, many people locked up or this many police per capita, where this many prisons, we would call them a prison colony. we would call them one of the largest human rights abusers in the world. nonprofit would have 5 k race in with, with special color, had to raise awareness for the victims and collect donation 80 percent of which would be spent on the free bagels at the end of the 5 k. but instead, because it's the united states, it's just taking care of business, right. like your scientology cars and making it weird, it's just standard operating procedure. we'll lock people away for decades for
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nothing. just look at florida resident james caruso who was sentenced to 25 years in state prison for a drug deal involving 48 opioid pills. me while the satler's orange serving time for creating the entire opioid epidemic. maybe she'll want to break into their mansion and hide their trash rags that they'd, they'd rue, the day, they'd rule the day. i don't know what that means, but they're the ones ruin and stories. i'm james caruso are not unusual. how about timothy jackson? sentenced to life in prison for stealing a jacket. i mean for god's sake, wife, i'm bard for taking a jacket. i'm pretty sure burlington coat factory. entire business model is just stealing jackets for macy's and then selling them for half off while telling people the spot where the security tag was cut out is just a ventilation whole. besides america is based on death. bill gates stole
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windows operating system from xerox. robin thick stole his head song for marvin gaye, denis leary stole his entire persona from bill. hex. jeff bezos stole his workers lives, and we all know deep impact was just arm again with morgan freeman playing live tyler's role. he's in war. her brawl theft is fine. as long as you're rich, powerful and probably white. if you're poor, you can still, you'll serve life for taking a jacket, you'll get a decade for a big back. but if you're rich, you can steal whole countries. just look at why we said hi, good to meet, you were white and we made your islands to even out the number of stars on our flag . don't worry, we'll bring you big lots. we'll bring you big lots, man, this is infuriating. you can only steal is country if you're rich, you can only get health insurance. if you aren't sick, you can only get affordable car insurance. if you've never been in an accident,
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you can only get a credit card. if you have good credit, you can only avoid paying taxes if you don't need to avoid paying taxes, you can only get a good job if you don't look like you need a job and you can only get laid if you don't look like you desperately need to get laid, this is an upside down system. i got off on a tangent there, but i just wanted you to know that while we big are in this country about not having enough money for taking care of people, we spend 760000000 dollars a day to harm abuse and lock people up most of them non violent, although the way we deal with people outside the us is even worse. here's another number to stick in your cap or have up your sleeve or put in your pipe and smoke. i can't remember where you're supposed to shove this number, but you should double bag your junk just in case the number is 6000000. that's the number 6000000. you know what that is?
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if you said the number of promises, joe biden has broken, or the number of movies, samuel jackson regrets, then you are correct. but 6000000 is also the number of people murdered by the war on terror. and according to a landmark report by the geneva declaration on armed violence and development, signed by a 113 governments in the majority of conflicts since the early 1994, which good data is available. the burden of indirect deaths was between 3 and 15 times the number of direct deaths. so looking at several factors, when indirect dest are calculated, the conservative number of total deaths is estimated to be 560000 in yemen. $2500000.00 inferior 136000 in libya, $1500000.00 in iraq, 880000 in afghanistan, 335000 in pakistan for a grand total of nearly $6000000.00 people killed by our wars since
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2001 probably shouldn't accept grand total, it's more of a grizzly, awful total. otherwise it sounds like well champ, randall, the 6000000 people or die, let drink a month out of the gramma phone is out of right. and then people again go that way . it works. these 2 numbers taken to heather 6000000 killed by the u. s. war on terror, and $760000000.00 a day spent domestically on prisons and police prove without a shadow of a doubt, that the u. s. is the largest human rights abuser in the world, both internationally and domestically. and that's including the british virgin islands, where there are nude beaches without a single person under 75 years old. it's impossible, mcdowell, what's agenda at all? and what simply dust bowl error skin flaps. the horror. horror. coming to you from washington, d. c. the belly, the bees,
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this is adapt to deny, ah, with mm. welcome, i'm li camp. let's break some news. let's start with ukraine. while our american media tries to create a massive nuclear war with russia, because apparently they don't like, you know, living and breathing and masturbating and the other 2 major food groups, which i'm forgetting right now. while our government immediate try to create war, the ukranian president zalinski has contradicted the us by denying the u. s. propaganda, that a russian attack is imminent. oh, man. must have been an awkward phone call between biden's landscape resident by and why are you saying all of these flat out lives about my country in russia in lies
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that could have grave repercussions? no, i don't know where your ice cream sandwiches you want me to try calling it. i don't, i don't think that will help. is there anyone there that is about 40 years younger that i could speak to? no, i don't know or my accents from i have no idea. anyway, this means even the us backed president of ukraine doesn't confirm the bullshit propaganda from our government and mainstream media. he said the russian movements are clearly not meant for an invasion, and nato needs to chill the fuck out. well, use different words, mainly claiming in words, words with a lot more wise. these man is still in d fella though. seems to make some sense. sometimes i wonder why that is, maybe because he's a comedian who basically got elected president because he played the president of ukraine in a comedy. not caring to them. we between him and the
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yeah. what, how come you grand get that committee to president? oh, maybe because they have a more legitimate electoral system than we do. but you know what? they don't have 711 famous sausage from a tube. or maybe i dreamt that after drinking too much, sweet baby, jesus beer mixed with bullet bourbon, which i call a bullet through baby jesus, which is highly offensive because of the anachronism involved they didn't have bullets back them. but other than that, you know, what you kind of an ab superdelegates and whole areas, black box or electronic voting machines. and jerry, man, during they have an election system that apparently is at least open enough that a non politician to play the president in a comedy could be elected president. if we had that meryl streep would be the president united states right now or, or terry cruz, and then we can all breathe easy, or at least read easier because meryl and terry would shut down that 3 musket tears
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battery that's filling the cloud, doubts idc with aris alive, new get no, get that would wanted a 3rd group. i couldn't remember. still missing one now. anyway, if what the president of ukraine says is true, there is no reason to believe war or invasion is on the horizon, then why or why would the us be pushing to create such an insane conflict as the new republic stated, who's going to profit from the us diving head 1st into a wildly unpopular war in ukraine. the $500000000.00 defending ukraine sovereignty act of 2022. now being run through congress offers a few close. those clues suggest bad news for anyone hoping to see the world transition off fossil fuels in the next several decades. gas interests in the us and abroad have a tremendous amount to gain from the escalation of tensions with russia. it's
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increasingly hard to shake the feeling that a potential conflict and ukraine may be treated as a cash grab. besides the whole brink of nuclear war thing, america lost for oil money is also a problem. because if human kind wants to survive, we need to stop using fossil fuels entirely in the next roughly, 2 years ago. however, good news, chevron is here to help you manage a move forward. recently they've begun distributing a fossil fuels back into the environment like in this video from last week and we're doors, amazon rain forest, where it goes on and helping out the environment by sending that oil back where it came from above ground broke ground on some plans over here, over there, covered an exotic birds faith, what their friends, that birds would be happy to be covered with what in today's market is upwards of
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75 dollars. where the crude think of how much regurgitated worm in trends that could buy for his little youngsters. also a 711 specialty and we do need to be thinking about the bird because in the past half century, north america has lost more than one 4th of its birds. and if you like me, your 1st thought is, well, why don't we send david copperfield out to look for them? he's not doing anything important. and we know he's good and finding things because he found the statue of liberty after that went missing the. the amazing and after his magic career, dried up, he found a new line of work making, mustard stains disappear off people's dry cleaning. kinda odd cordell when he's waiting for the standing ovation. you know, could, could i just get my shirts, david, know, david, i don't need the all to do. don't bring out the cape. no,
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i don't need to see the cape. but now when we say north america has lost a quarter of all birds, it turns out they mean they've died and considering the fact that we humans use the natural environment to stay alive. because just by the law must efforts, we can survive purely on bio feedback and don't coin. you would think we would all view the destruction of the natural world as an emergency. it's an emergency even greater than the pandemic that have killed one out of every 260 adults in the us. because once the animals and the in sags got you, all of our guy except stephen hawking. her rumour has it has been downloaded into a talking latte machine at the large hadron collider facility. of all the species that have ever existed on planet earth, more than 99 percent are now gone most having winked away during 5 major extinction events. the last caused by an asteroid, the struck,
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or some 66000000 years ago today, given global habitat loss and widespread persistent toxins. we modern humans are the asteroid. we're the asteroid arm again in deep impact. right. but there's no bruce willis to save us this time. so bruce willis, but i here is to work with point is we are the ones destroying our future. but the good news is that if we just slightly change our course, we can avoid causing a full on extinction that our current trajectory will result in the bad news is he's involved working together. it involved changing our way in boston, not continuing this ravenous consumer as he nick destruction. it involves looking to science and following the path that can be scientifically proven to result in a sustainable planet. that's our only chance, josh,
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remember the last 4 group birds. maybe we should stop that too. actually, we have to go to a quick break, but if you want extra content, go to portable dot tv this week, i talked about the truck or anti mandate protest in canada, only add portable dot tv. i'll be right back a lot more. ah . back kaiser's financial saliva. no, they say me that the girl i've wanted to do this is our central plank support. dot com is going to call them right now to stop the madness. ah, in october 1962 in a period known as the cuban missile crisis united states. and then the soviet union were on the brink of war,
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1st floor to february 2022. and the americans and russians find themselves in a similarity powerless situation. this time on the russian ukrainian border will diplomacy, as in 1962, be enough to prevent war in 2022. welcome back. i'm still lee camp amazon. the company slowly taking over every aspect of our lives is now sponsoring a business course. at a local high school. interesting. yes, it's like out taco bell sponsored my entire high school diarrhea for 3 years. in rural port is former eyes girl student naomi care, vonnie. hello naomi li. look at this play. stoney village inspired inspired stack boxes. no inspire to shape young minds to solve supply chain problems. to ask questions like, where is the bathroom or is there a bathroom?
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is that what the kids are doing? an amazon class learning how to fix the supply chain? well, i hope someone's doing it mama needs her cough. syrup, of course is actually brand new and 2019 amazon donated a whopping $50000.00 to create the amazon logistics and business management pathway course. in san bernardino high school. it's the 1st of its kind series of courses in ended that help students get a head start in career in logistics. so they study logistics. whatever that means. it's like geography. you can learn a lot by following a can of spray tan from beijing to tallahassee. and it's basic business like managing labor unions, managing bad press to learn why mergers and acquisitions are important to a company's overall growth. these lucky students will be so prepared to start their
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own company that will eventually be crushed by amazon. that sounds very specific to amazon, not basic at all. oh and, and i forgot the best part of the pathway, of course is the work based internship at the local amazon warehouse. okay. so they're probably exploiting kids students for their labor. it's so stupid how we're arguing about holocaust caught me, you know, comic books and critical race very well. i'm sure everyone can agree that the corporate takeover of classrooms is worth really this is a local investment in local education so they can hire locally. have a new word, how important it is to a local. that's what amazons doing, eating local. it wasn't much of an investment for amazon, $50000.00, isn't that? the daily muffin budget for amazon union busting team and alabama? well, a lot of the money went to decorating the classroom to make it look like the interior
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of an amazon warehouse with the company's leadership principles on the wall deliver results, biased for action, customer obsession. that's what they spend money on. so basically amazon is using local schools to train their future workers the same way they use local public infrastructure to free that you get it dude, 8th, this class. let's see of you can do this activity on worker motivation. break storm ways. you can motivate your employees, other than large bonuses and high salaries. you know, i'd say thank you notes or breaths against their family, but like signed by everyone in the office like a birthday card. okay. play along. oh, as a motivator workers, how about human dignity? there's an idea how about a living wage? how about a union these things with our get it lee, you're not management material. and amazon spokeswoman said san bernadine and it is
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$11.00 of the most saturated areas for amazon. so the students instead of being educated here and trying to find a job in the l. a market or somewhere else, they can be educated here and remain here. isn't that every teenager is dream to never leave their hometown or their parents house and stay in the same job until they wither and die? yes, that's the american dream. exactly. exactly. thank you. really. next up, the state of texas has taken us border control and policing into their own hands, even though they're not legally allowed to do that for more we turn to our sin, your immigration correspondent, java con. ah, today we're actually talking about my home where it is a vast, searing,
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hot land of desert, unpredictable violence and religious extremism. today, we're talking about texas. that's right. i'm texan, and y'all are racist. but did you know that a sizable chunk of the u. s. is border policy is not enforced by federal agencies and is instead enforced by the state of texas. it's called operation lone star and here it is an action. another troubling case happened in this area where 11 men alleged at law enforcement zip tied them in pairs. walk them for about 20 minutes, made them jump a 3 metre fence and they were later arrested by texas troopers for trespassing. okay, i will get back to that clip in a 2nd, but with a $3000000000.00 budget texans tax dollars are going towards the deployment of $10000.00 state troopers stationed at the border. why?
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because that's just texas. maybe we only know damn electricity when it gets cold hail now, because we got to stop these damn central american mexicans from intro in our country because we all know bad in ain't new and except that you know, he is, but them what you call banks and we don't take to turn lead of facts round these parts. so the state of texas has taken immigration into its own hands for no reason. and the results have been not surprising. elite arrests illegal. detainment no charges, filed the inability to access their legal rights to a public attorney, migrants paying their bail only to remain in jail for days, weeks, even months. and yes, like we watch earlier, state troopers arresting migrants under false trespassing charges. the body camera video showing texas state trooper standing by an open gate. they should have
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stopped him and said, this is private property. but instead they even point to this general area appearing to point the migrant on to the private property martinez says and then arresting him, tricking asylum seekers into trespassing in order to deport them. definitely one of the darker episodes of walker, texas ranger to the government of texas is race is done, but don't forget, it's also in competence. only 3 percent of those arrested have been convicted while 70 percent of cases have been outright dismissed, declined or otherwise dropped. in some instances for lack of evidence. but a texas judge ruled in january that the states arrests of migrants crossing the border is an unconstitutional encroachment on federal authority. her dehumanizing migrant, sorry, but that's the job with the federal government. you're out a jurisdiction muddy. wow, thank you. libertarian constitution nerds,
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congratulations. you accidentally care about human beings. according to the travis county district attorney, the state agrees that applicants, prosecution for criminal trespass as part of operation lonestar violates the supremacy clause of the united states constitution and represents an impermissible attempt to intrude on federal immigration policy. oh, you can violate a migrants right to asylum, right, to counsel federal, even right, to liberty itself if you want. but don't you dare violate the supremacy clause. that's my favorite clause. it go supremacy clause fugitive slave clause, and mrs. clause soon as absurd. as all this is, it's important to remember this is all simply political theater. governor abbot is up for reelection and is just implementing the classic republican immigrant fear mongering playbook. he knows what he's doing is pointless, but it serves as
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a distraction from real problems like taxes having a privatized energy grade. he kind of thing that usually takes a cia back to latin american glue to achieve operation. lonestar does nothing other than further harm. refugees seeking asylum from el paso, texas. this is jennifer con, with redacted tonight. ah, here are your headlines from the future coming up on monday. you'll hear new paul, one out of every 3 americans, either police officer or inmate on a land of the free and the home of the imprisoned. and this coming wednesday we'll find out g o p. compromises on supreme court nominee say they will accept scalia's corpse dressed up like ruth bader ginsburg, say we could still compromise on some things. and finally, next thursday, you'll read you crane provocatively requests us not to iraq. it,
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that's our job. but get every episode an extra content at portable dot tv until next time. good night and keep biting. ah ah, is your media a reflection of reality? in the world transformed what will make you feel safer? isolation for community. are you going the right way or are you being that somewhere? which direction? what is true? what is great? in the world corrupted, you need to descend a join us in the depths or remain in the
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shallows. a digital smart city is a city that's using technology to make people's life easier to happier, collecting a lot of data to try to improve the way things are in theory, these big organizations that are amalgamating and pulling all that data together. they're not looking at you as an individual, necessarily people's data being collected or so much data that there's a real possibility of privacy violation. and that's something most of us wouldn't want to wells transparent, but we must live with permanent surveillance with
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ah, this ours headline stories news i'd like bloomberg accidentally publishes a headline thing rushes in the ukraine, prompting the kremlin to jokingly ridicule aside by labeling. remember, fake news coming up, truckers in canada, that protesting monetary vaccines are bound from the go funding me side after raising the platform accuses them of inciting violence and the fake news. c b c is telling us one by the truckers. nobody supporting it. yeah. why don't you see come down to the soup kitchen and try to feed some homeless people or help us clean the war? busy memorial, right, the audio sharing sites all defy removes over 100 episode. so the joe rogan podcast, the why.
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