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tv   News  RT  February 7, 2022 5:00am-5:31am EST

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losing a thought up 7 group where they get it done in the bottom of the bubble, thought i get them with with these top stories this out with the canadian capital declared a state of emergency with the authorities, claiming the cities on the seed of thousands of truck drivers peacefully protest against vaccine mandates, saying the government's trying to portray them as extreme russian official brands claims the country 70 percent ready to invade ukraine. as us propaganda saying is based on unnamed officials, undisclosed sources, and no evidence in the latest of a series of accusations, of alleged russian aggression being held on a daily basis. now, not for everyone. it seems of the testing positive for cove it in australia, athletes allowed to compete in the winter olympics. instead of being put in
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isolation. later, i'll see reports from beijing and american cybersecurity firm, cloud fair is accused of facilitating piracy. the company still gets u. s. t a contract. so despite accusations that it protects site hosting, child abuse, images and hates with either monday lunch. so i may re, moscow just turned one in the afternoon. my name is colleen bray. welcome to world news from archie international 1st and to canada, where the better the capital city there is declared a state of emergency. citing a serious threat to the safety of residence. because truck drivers have been protesting in ottawa for 10 consecutive day, all over vaccine mandates, around 5000 people with a 1000 vehicles flooded downtown or where on sunday protest this was st. dancing and singing in the straits. although no trouble was reported. the demonstrate to say the movement is entirely peaceful. they accuse the of smearing them with
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allegations of extreme right across this forces correspondent danny armstrong. either even if they do support them, the people have also would have had a city in paralysis for the best part of a fortnight. what's the lay of the land right now as things stand? well, as far as choose development in this story or to a man, jim watson has declared a state of emergency. of course he comes after the government have done their best to smear the chokers with all sorts of accusations of extremism and the like. this is just now that the situation is out of control and labeled as an insurrection. of course we want to back a little bit. the truck is a protesting over the still no job. no job stand by the canadian government that concerns truckers traveling between the united states and canada and that precipitated a miles long blockade. stretched all the way from canada to the u. s. state of montana and the government saves the city is now on the siege. our city is under siege, this group it arising our residence,
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torturing them with incessant honking, threatening them, and preventing them from leading their lives. this group is a threat to our to mar chrissy. what we're seeing is bigger than just the city of ottawa problem. this is a nationwide insurrection. now, of course the latest condemnations comb, well they follow a little bit of a trends from the canadian government prime minister just in trudeau, himself. and everything to this credit protested, letting they abuse passes by and even waived the symbols including the confederate flag and insights and violence. despite the protest is saying that they are peacefully protesting, get for their rights. now this comes amid a huge police crack down on the freedom convoy. people have been arrested for sharing fuel with the truckers with her sharing supplies, people going and filling up jerry cans of coming back and given it to the truckers to keep them warm and to keep the engines running at the police a crack down on this by calling illegal activity,
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and that was already been several arrest fuel has been confiscated, as people brought it back to the truck is now in actual fact the pictures tell a whole different story is i'd be an insurrection. the protest of at all times can do it to themselves peacefully they've been pictures of children at the protest is because of dancing, even a little mini concert. the only slice whose time or the only slight a show of aggression is being when they have chase the way those people with those confederate flags or not see symbols and seems to be the only time that these testers have been anything but peaceful. yesterday i visited all to her to witness freedom convoy 2022 with my own eyes. everything is peaceful families with children play around music, free food and drinks. they felt like a festal rose and approaches. to be honest. i saw family with children enjoying the peaceful demonstration or freedom convoy. a few bad elements were present, but they could be plants to discredit the freedom convoy. the bad elements were
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kicked out. simple throwing accusations around won't cut it. you have to have physical proof, be unreasonable doubt to be accusing them of terrorism. this is name calling the kids generally do. now in contrast to them being portrayed is this extreme, if minority site violence, the views of actually been shared by a lot of people have gone and support across canada, talking to that the supporters with what's going on with this go fund me, saw the governor of california is accusing that website, us based of doing something, a little dodgy with millions of dollars of donations. what exactly is going on there? because i mean, the support that has been gone. it has been translated to the tune of $10000000.00 canadian dollars, and that's been raised on the go fun site and it's used by people who want to raise funds for all sorts of things. things like fun runs. of course, this is a little bit more serious than something like that,
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and it would have help massively of course, that money with this illegal activity, a so called illegal activity as getting fuel supplies to the testers. however, the site said it had conferred with the police and they said it goes against the site rules of prohibiting the promotion of violence and harassment. that, of course, despite these freedom combo protest, the saying again and again that they want to peacefully protest at the site said that the don't the people who had donated money could ask for a refund within 7 to 10 days. and then the rest would be broken up rather arbitrarily. among the charities it's chose itself because like some charities that he saw fit to give those donations. soon as you mentioned, the florida governor from the census label that fraud and called for that and investigation into how they would break those funds. the management of the donations that had been raised and given to the freedom convoy the cause of freedom
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convoy. however, not go from me, said they were going to change their policy for that came hours before desantis said anything about it. now all this that did re axe was ella musk. of course, he's a canadian citizen. he called go fun me. professional thieves has been of course, jordan peterson as well, who's piped up he's perhaps the the foremost voice of reason within the country. you would have simplified the process for your users. if you wouldn't have cal tower in caved and trumpeted your virtue in doing so disappear, go fun, me now cause the freedom convoy has been a thorn in the side of the canadian government is declared the protest. all sorts of things now or 2 were met. jim watson has declared a state of emergency. it's a development story over the last 10 days and will keep you updated with all developments on r t dot com. yeah, we're getting to very different impressions of what exactly is happening on the ground and also one things clear though they sent the st bedded in for the long run . okay, danny armstrong, thanks very much for that. now, some thoughts we been getting on this political analyst alessandro,
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bruno things that the government faces an uphill task in curbing the protest movement. i don't know what recourse they have to. they could play a nuisance in the sense, perhaps noise disruption to business. but that's the point they, they didn't choose these intersections by accident if the sort of emergency means that they're going to be driven out. that implies the use of some kind of i'm not sure how this is going to be playing out because i just from a physical point of view, they have made big trucks in, in the streets. we could see some hostility for sure. if the thirty's use that means other than a robot of persuasion. unnamed officials undisclosed source is no evidence. a russian diplomats rounded on reports that moscow's master, 70 percent of the military power needed to invade ukraine as us propaganda. another
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must the piece of us propaganda war. unnamed officials, undisclosed sources, no evidence, and as b. o. so if you openly question such fakes, you won't get answers and will be labeled a russian apologist. with a daily stack of stories about an alleged invasion pile up, nato's ratcheting up power close to russia's border. playing, carrying us troops and equipment was seen landing, and poland on sunday, near the border with ukraine. daniel hawkins looks at how the media of western politicians just can't shake the russia invade ukraine mantra. even for those who don't watch the news, reports of a coming russian invasion of ukraine would be hard to miss. we believe that there is a very interesting possibility that vladimir putin will order an attack on ukraine . it could take a number of different forms. it could happen as soon as tomorrow or it could take some weeks yet. we do have information that it is that the russians are likely to
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want to fabricate a pretext for an invasion, which again is right out of their playbook. president will welcome the chancellor of germany to the white house and discuss their share commitment to ongoing diplomacy and joint efforts to deter further russian aggression against ukraine. it's been like groundhog day, 3 months of reports, analysis and countdowns of just when moscow will be ready to launch its attack. with me, a daily news stories, it's almost like news headline, bingo reports of ballooned in intensity and in depth initial claims focused on the number of troops. moscow moved to the border as the weeks went by outlets sighted analysts and sauces. mainly anonymous, of course, in more detail, claiming special forces and equipment, field hospitals and even blood bags had been deployed in preparation for an attack back in january, russian troop below, apparently nearly complete. 3 weeks later,
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us officials say moscow is 70 percent ready for an attack. longer imminent least. what in the world does 70 percent? ah, i mean, i mean it's simply pulled out of the an air. there is no possibility that there is anything. there's no mathematical calculation for these things. they just invent the numbers. oh, most people believe whatever they are told. most people have absolutely 0 skills of, of skepticism when it comes to us military announcements, military songs, waving flags. so anything that is said and said repeatedly, is a problem. outlets are falling over shop to get the most memorable story thumb even having to apologize for jumping the gun reporting on a non existent war. we prepare headlines for many scenarios on the headline rusher
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and ukraine. was inadvertently published around for p n e t. today on a website, we deeply regret the error. the headline has been removed and we are investigating the cause. it's safe to say things are pretty heated. lot a day goes by without western leaders threatening russia with dire consequences or pledging to deploy extra troops to eastern europe. and what we would see is we would see rushes economy suffer if they were to take an action to invade ukraine. devastating package of sanctions, economic sanctions that would have enormous impact on the russian economy. let's take a step back. so all such headlines really new. apparently, the russians have been flexing the muscles since last year. holdings not drew since 2020, massive forces on the border since $29.00 team building weaponry since a year earlier. and threatening nato's border on russia's own territory. the year before that. the list goes on. only rarely do b. c news about may. so,
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forces deployed halfway around the world to russia's own borders and how that might affect relations with moscow, or the balance of power in europe. to be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace, said george washington. out of the most high level folks in years between nato and moscow breakdown and troops support on alerts calls for the escalation. food on death is as the media continue to beat the drums of war, while much of the western reporting seems to be trying to inflame the ukraine crisis. the french president is taking a more pragmatic approach. and the reason to interview the manual mccrory down, played the hysteria over russia stressing that france will keep dialogue open with moscow. he's due to visit in the coming hours. we're going to be across that for now though. let's go live to brussels and talk to jealous new groove. i welcome back to our president, crowns where it seems to go against much of what's coming out of the west. and the headlines that we can read from here. so where does that leave france in terms of
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nato and it's other allies? well, frances, always been on a maverick within nato. you know, it was under the goal. it was not with a nitro, or it expelled nato to belgium, actually from fulton law. and michael plays all this again. he is supported by many in france, the political world in france, from the extreme blast from milan, shown to bind with bens, the more they all think the same, that russia is right to the mom that nato stops and does not integrate your credit. so it is very much support also by little because i don't party so he goes there in a good will mission that unfortunately will be very difficult to, to, to lead and, and to bring in the result that he goes to moscow. he goes to ukraine afterwards. that he owns in is messed up right for the same key of now. so it's,
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it's quite complicated for him to take anything, but at least he's trying, he's doing something and he's also for the moment, the head. i mean, it makes people smile because he pretends to be the president in europe for 6 months, but actually it's all the, the president of the council of the head of state. so the others have their say, and if anybody says no, well mr. mccaul is left alone and naked, so i don't think he has much power given to him by anybody. but don't forget that there are many oppositions in europe that are not in power, but that would really be on the side of russia. what do you think? mcclung didn't take a tough position again to rush. i want to sound like i'm stirring trouble, but would have thought a bit of pre election, tough talk was part of the election playbook at this stage. well 1st it wants to counter america, and of course it is not official, but you want us to position france as a force on, on the,
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on the international. see, that's one thing. and again, like the gold it, the 2nd thing is that he knows, and everybody in europe that we need, russian gas, 40 percent, even if tomorrow, all american tankers game with ellen, g to european harvest, there would not be enough to, to provide what you'd need. so we absolutely need russian gas and nodes for him to shoot star as soon as possible. so the germans know it, they, they don't want to speak about it. so they, they let michael speak for them in this instance now. so i think also there are side things like a rossetto and the french nuclear in st. that could find deals to work together. now they are competitors in providing a possible, you know, all the possible on nuclear power plants to, to europe and the world. so they could find ways to work together that are maybe
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things that could also from exposed to, to russia. and it would be very detrimental to european companies if there were, if you were to p and sanctions, broad countermeasures by moscow that are inevitable. like it happened before in 2040. look, when we've talked before about nato's in fighting and squabbling and those thoughts were emerging that europe wanted to be more in charge of its own destiny away from us control. are we saying a solid start to that movement here? oh yes, i can all. if the european leaders in made or were asked what their position is about ukraine, they would certainly say not publicly, are not ukrainian nato please. it is much too volatile a country to enter nato and to be defended automatically by all the members. i mean, no, no, no, it's no, no, but of course they have gone so far and saying that you crank and john,
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nigel and nato can accept your grain. that is very difficult to climb down from that song. and rush of course says rightly so. no ukraine, it, nato. so michael has to try to, to juggle with these 2 balls. quite difficult. do you think he can secure any kind of historic move in his talks of the kremlin later this monday? or is he just got one eye on the presidential election of china? burnish his statesman, and the credentials as well. stage is trying to improve his credentials. oh, that will be difficult with us. but on any way, i think it's more on the european side that it could, john help. oh, it will not get anything in moscow very probably, or in key of but on, you will be able to advance the, the attitude of europeans that want to see to their own defense in the future and would rely less on nato in america than before. okay,
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well we're gonna keep watch on that visits and talk to more people later in the day and have our corresponded outside the credited to for now though in brussels, new grove, i thank you o x, which is days into the winter olympics. but the events already provoked claims that the organizers are inconsistent in how they're applying pandemic rules, australia, when it's 1st ever olympic curling event on sunday, despite a team member testing positive for cove it, and still being allowed to take part in the competition. as alexia shasky reports next from badging winter olympics are continuing in the chinese capital bay. jing, and we may have a 1st scandal of big proportions he involving australian curling team. now on saturday night, one of the team members attack lee gill was tested positive for covet. however, on sunday morning, the chinese authority said that she was cleared to participate in the competition while observing close contact rules. while looking at curling and the way this game
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is played, you cannot imagine any way that this is free of any close contacts. gill herself was probably very surprised to hear the news already admitting she was heart broken . and the official explanation from the chinese authorities was that her copied readings wore too low, and that's why she was allowed to participate. i had a look at how this was actually happening. and obviously gill had no mask on whatsoever. and move like that would seem as a very heart warming gesture from the health authorities to allow athletes with low symptoms of coffee 19 to participate in the games. had it not been for multiple hot breaking stories involving many athletes from across the planet who had been preparing for the games for, for yes. tested positive upon arrival and were forced to miss out on the olympics here in bay jing such as the case of a russian by athlete musket salva, who was immediately taken into isolation upon arrival,
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having tested positive for covet and just a few days back, she put a post on instagram describing horrible conditions as she described it. she has been captain. on top of that, there are many cases involving colleagues of mine, journalists who have also tested positive. i'm been locked away and even more so those who were on the same plane with them and were sat next to them despite testing negative, are also put into mordor itself. isolation, just to remind you that all of us here are living in a bubble that we are be allowed to be inside the hotels and at olympic venue were not allowed to go into the city. but with all these new regulations and rules imposed by the chinese authorities, all this seems like an unnecessary requirement for us here. why are we supposed to be in a bubble when people like gil are allowed to participate despite having tested positive for corporate lecture shift the rti reporting from beijing and china on a brighter note of russian teenager made olympics figure skating history on monday
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as come in the valley ava became the 1st woman to land, a quadruple jump at the games, and not any once she managed to feel twice secure in golden, the process providing online safety for every one, even if it's the criminals. american cybersecurity company, cloud fair, is set to be sued by several major japanese publishers who accused the firm of allowing piracy sites to use it services and associates, halo reports, and act. it's not the 1st time the companies come into fire for dodgy activity on the platform. millions of websites rely on the u. s. space network to deliver traffic quickly and protect them from threats. but while cloud flows equally flight and of 70000000000 cyber attacks every day, it seems to be, let's see when it comes to well, principles. all the profits made from those manga piracy sites. go straight to the illegal operators with nothing going to the bookstores publishes and manner artists
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who have dedicated their lives to creating these works with cloud flat handing out a needle copies for free. those who walk tirelessly on the graphic novels are left millions of dollars out of pocket. so the text joint insist, it's not really to blame, but cow flat is a repeat offender. 82 percent of the legal traffic in the world goes through it solvers, and it's not as innocent as stolen among the drawings. no cloud flat has proved an oasis from the most hateful in the world. who did it knowing how was customers for years? terror groups, web pages with images of child abuse, stolen payment card details, and new nazi and pro much shooting material. some of the services were only banned by the ceo because, and i quote, he was in a bad mood because otherwise he'd have to see the home and having hate speech hanging round a website, his speech is not bon. we do not believe that investigating the speech, the flow through our network is appropriate. in fact,
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we think doing that would be creepy. yes, that's a not take down, but i thought propaganda in case the terrorist got creeped out. never mind you say that's what the long arm of government is for. surely the white house, the champion of peace and tolerance, will step in, while the us authority told us to terminate any of them as a customer. we would, when we have a customer who we think might be engage in illegal act, we consult with law enforcement organizations. in some cases, we've been specifically ordered not to terminate customers that may from an outside perspective objectionable. so not only is washington clearly not taking action, it's actively choosing to keep shady content alive and kicking as extra reward for a cloud flash, turning a blind eye, a giant contract. today, we're excited to share that clerk flare. and accenture, federal services have been selected by the department of homeland security to develop a joint solution to help the federal government defend itself against cyberattacks,
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the platform. and now both the f. b. i the state department, the department of interior and the library of congress as its clients. so just to be clear, the white house will encourage spotify to monetize jo, rope and podcast. our hope is that all major tech platforms and all major new sources for that matter, be responsible and be vigilant to ensure the american people have access to accurate information on something as significant as co. 19. that certainly includes spotted, fly the f b. i will get facebook to hand over the private messages. i p addresses, phone numbers and email accounts of john you the sick writers. and i say will press telecom companies for data to track uses. washington will ban federal employees from accessing wiki leaks on. now, one computers and congressmen investigated the parlor, but cloud flat. well, it gets a free pass on it. c o hits a net was of $3700000000.00. clearly,
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gorman's credibility depends on the way they choose it. the service providers, the policy. busy of the company that is one of the most fasting providers to remark that they are not responsible for illegal conduct, any content that he's published by the customers that he's true. but he toes importantly austin provider. we quickly respond that way of picking down from a lawyer for smith the he's the most important aspect company that failed to respond to the request from outdoor. these are not trustable. in my opinion, it seems for washington, not all enemies are equal with thumb. in fact, it's even willing to rub shoulders a spike in energy prices is threatening the future of a centuries old glass making tradition on an island near venice in italy. the business relies heavily on gas for its furnaces, but prices of sword, and it's making it a strain to break even. we spoke with the head of an association that promotes
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murano glass, who's angry or both market speculators and the e. u for putting them out of pocket jamming to daddy and we blame the european union, which is unable to come up with a logical unified response between member states to this problem is a problem to facts, not only murano or italy, but the whole of the e u, for almost 1000 years we've been world beating for product quality. our production system requires the ovens to be operating round the clock with different temperatures depending if we're in production or resting. so we have enormous consumption and things are difficult for us with the price skyrocketing between september and december 2021. we had a 600 percent increase, but there are no viable alternatives. we can try to be more efficient with our consumption coats, maybe 10 or 20 percent, but that's not enough. gas prices in europe, sword last year and it's december height. there was a tenfold increase year on year. although prices of cold slightly since then, the price last friday was still up fivefold compared with the same date. last year
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or 2021. the italian government took measures to try and ease the hardships of the gas crisis, including spending $4000000000.00 euros on subsidizing energy companies for their capt harris. but murano glass manufacturers claim their production is still too costly. that government policies are proving effective. she thought sort of thing is absurd for us. we're back to pre pandemic order levels nearly. and we can't produce because the production cost is higher than what we can sell it for. the problem is speculation on the in social market domestically. it's not much could have been done, it's a political issue with a $5.00 to $6.00 boat increase in price. we can't even get close to breaking even. and the reality is a lot of the factories before to close ball. okay, that's it from me. thanks for checking in with our tea. fear news at this hour. nicky aaron will have your next update in the coming hours should be here in about half an hour then kevin. oh, in rounding of things, this monday here on our t international meeting, rest of the new thing. ah
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ah, with bring you the very latest every out the day. this is our national family. everyone can help with . what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race who is on offense. very dramatic and development only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful,
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very difficult time. time to sit down and talk with i'm after that as you know, what's going on the ground coming up with a show democracy exists in the usa as joe biden dispatchers, thousands of soldiers to european union countries for a potential war with russia. we investigated with millions of americans back home now face disenfranchisement on the jim crow, $2.00 plus on us national black h i v aids awareness day. and as we m l g
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b team up in the u. k. who is the pioneering david's.


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