tv News RT February 7, 2022 2:00pm-2:31pm EST
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ah, to join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. ah, tonight, he divides deep and on russia as the french president travels to moscow at the same time, but talks with manual micron. currently noting the kremlin clearly not targeting ukraine, but rather resets it. nato and e, you ties, there's no ongoing conversation tonight here at moscow when they go live to it will go like to with russian official brands, the country, 70 percent ready to invade ukraine. us propaganda saying it's based on officials on this, those sorts of the no evidence the latest, the serious about his actions of election. russian aggression being held on a daily basis needs to brief you on canada's capital declared the state of emergency that the city or the state by protest inventing the anger against obit
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vaccine mandate or to his police threatened to arrest anyone. providing material supports a group that truck is acting up located is part of the ongoing unrest at american cybersecurity firm. cloud fair is accused of facilitating piracy. the company still gets your state contract despite accusation, to protect the site, posting child abuse, images, and hate speak with . i live from out international this monday evening here. welcome to i will be at 10 pm from oscar with me, kevin. so 1st off, while other western leaders have been finding the flames of the train crisis tonight, french ship leader manuel mcroy is here in moscow, trying to fuse attentions and an ongoing meeting with russia led him uprooted. the top level rendezvous began with some warm greetings earlier on, very briefly, it was televised as a welcome. oh, playing just with oh, we actually caught
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a glimpse into this meeting between micron and putin, where a several of the points that micron was making earlier today were reiterated the fact that both russia and the western world need to find common ground to avoid war and to be honest, this meeting between puttin and micron actually came as a bit of a shock to many people. the french president has come out in strong support of diplomacy when it comes to these height and tensions around ukraine. and that's something that has no doubt been unsettling for the more hawkish voices in the west . now, in the run up to this meeting, micron even said that russia's goal was not to conquer ukraine. this is something that we've rarely been hearing in the western world. we must protect till european brothers by proposing a new balance capable of preserving this sovereignty in peace. this must be done while respecting russia and understanding the contemporary traumas of this great people in great nation. now, micron seems not only willing to compromise, but he also seems quite optimistic about it. earlier. we heard him say that the
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heath he feels that these negotiations are the road to preventing any sort of military operation from taking place. and on the other hand, moscow was more reserved in its expectations for new mottoes to france. france is one of your pleading countries and the corona's currently at the helm of the you. but the situation is too complicated to expect to break through one meeting. now this meeting definitely comes at a unique time for both leaders for prudent. it comes alongside months of butting heads with western officials. i mean, earlier this month, washington rejected russia's proposals for security guarantees. the main point of contention being the call for nato to stop expanding eastward. and while the us seems a resolute to continue to reject that proposal, that's actually one of the main talking points that micron has come to moscow too. with today, earlier on top of that, the western media has also been carrying out and a campaign of hysteria around alleged russian plans to invade ukraine. something
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that moscow has said that it's not planning to do for the longest time. it's been saying that and even now some outlets are calling this meeting a something that's risky, business for macro, that could backfire and embarrassingly for him, while others have even called it a success for putin just because the french president has given credence to the russian position now on as for macro on, he's got elections coming up in april and he's no doubt trying to impress his voter base after all the president's challenges actually already taking sides on this issue. we've got the far right, eric seymour, who says that prudence interest in stopping further eastward nato expansion is actually completely legitimate. and that it's been the us that's been provoking russia. we've also got from the other side of the political spectrum, john luke melon, khan, who echoed these calls. busy for a stop to nato expansion, even criticizing micron for saying that he would defend the integrity of ukraine. and also we've got the comments from the green saying that i actually met, micron should have visited ukraine 1st before visiting russia. so like i said,
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we saw the beginning of that meeting and some interesting stuff is definitely gonna come out of it. well, microns visit comes as a top russian diplomat. randall mainstream reports that moscow supposedly, of my 70 percent of its military power needed to invade ukraine. another masterpiece of us propaganda war, unnamed officials undisclosed sources, no evidence, and as b. o. so if you openly question such fakes, you won't get answers and will be labeled a russian apologist. so as mainstream media stories on a supposed invasion, pile up, nato is ratcheting up forces near russia's borders. a plane carrying pentagon troops, equipment was spotted landing in poland on sunday, near the ukrainian border. a native considering the long term military increases in eastern europe to maintain britons defense. chief st. the u. k. will send 350 troops now to poland. ortiz, daniel hawkins examines what's behind the west's current obsession with russia
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invading ukraine. even for those who don't watch the news, reports of a coming russian invasion of ukraine would be hard to miss. we believe that there is a very interesting possibility that vladimir putin will order an attack on ukraine . it could take a number of different forms. it could happen as soon as tomorrow, or it could take some weeks yet. we do have information that it is that the russians are likely to want to fabricate a pretext for an invasion, which again, is right out of their playbook. present will welcome the chancellor of germany to the white house and discuss their shared commitment to ongoing diplomacy and joint efforts to deter further russian aggression against ukraine. it's been like groundhog day, 3 months of reports, analysis and countdowns of just when moscow will be ready to launch its attack. with me, a daily news stories, it's almost like news headline,
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bingo reports of ballooned in intensity and in depth initial claims focused on the number of troops most good move to the border. as the weeks went by outlets sighted analysts and sauces. mainly anonymous, of course, in more detail, claiming special forces and equipment, field hospitals and even blood bags had been deployed in preparation for an attack . back in january, russian troop below was apparently nearly complete. 3 weeks later us officials say moscow is 70 percent ready for an attack. no longer imminent lease. what in the world does 70 percent? ah, i mean, i mean it's simply pulled out of the an air. there is no possibility that there is anything. there's no mathematical calculation for these things. they just invent the numbers. oh, most people believe whatever they are told. most people have absolutely 0 skills
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of, of skepticism when it comes to us military announcements, military songs, waving flags. so anything that is said and said repeatedly, is a problem. outlets are falling over a shop to get the most memorable story thumb even having to apologize for jumping the gun reporting on a non existent war. we prepared headlines for many scenarios on the headline rusher invite ukraine was inadvertently published around 4 pm today on our website. we deeply regret the error. the headline has been removed and we are investigating the cause. it's safe to say things are pretty hated. lot a day goes by without western leaders threatening russia with dire consequences or pledging to deploy extra troops to eastern europe. and what we would see is we'd see rushes economy suffer if they were to take an action to invade ukraine. devastating package of sanctions, economic sanctions that would have enormous impact on the russian economy. let's
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take a step back. so also headlines, really new. apparently the russians have been flexing their muscles since last year . holdings not drew since 2020, massive forces on the border since 29 team building weaponry things a year earlier, and threatening nato's border on russia's own territory. the year before that. the list goes on. only rarely gbc news about may. so, forces deployed halfway around the world to russia's own borders and how that may affect relations with moscow, or the balance of power in europe. to be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace, said george washington. and is the most high level folks in years between nato and moscow breakdown. and troops support on alerts calls for the escalation, fall on deaf ears as the media continue to beat the drums of war. and then
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there's this, the u. s. in the us threatening new sanctions to cut russia off from the global financial system if it invades neighboring ukraine. but some expert said rushes already well prepared for coping with any such measures as the current sanctions of sparked renewed criticism from political leaders in europe. same fact is being detrimental to their own. you economies. russia has made its economy more sanctions proof. it has been building a strong resilience. we must reduce our dependency on russian energy. i have to say that the sanctions policy that has been introduced against russia has done more harm to hungry than to russia. we discussed in fact, the potential sanctions and ramifications with their british american investor banker and writer mitchell feisty. and he thinks the measures would negatively impact the u. s. economy more than their intended target, the russian one. if you think that the sanctions affected the russian economy, i think that this is more about debt credit and leverage. and i think that most of the western countries are bankrupt,
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the united states as $300.00 trillion dollars in debt that can't repay $300.00 trillion, not 30 trillion when you include all the liabilities, the balance sheet of russia is a lot more solid. so there's a lot more wherewithal in terms of russia. so i think the united states, when it gets into a difficult position, that bite needs to start a war or some kind of diversion because he's got 20 percent inflation. people can't afford anything in america. and the economy is about to come crashing down because he has the biggest bubbles in the equity market. the bond market, the property market in history. and this cannot end well, because it's way over. leverage to sanctions are not going to help russia, but they're not going to help the united states at all and it won't accomplish anything. they will be get a negative outcome like they have in the past. so as the u. s. the you friends who post new sanctions against russia deploy more nato troops to eastern europe moscow's adamant. such actions are only detrimental to regional stability. we discuss that issue with russia on boston. the soviet who told us nato's expansion
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hasn't brought substantial benefits anyway for the countries that most recently joined. rashid indian under the expansion of nato to the territories of other balkan countries, does not lead to greater security but to new contradictions and threats. if no one has explained how these countries will benefit from joining nato, there was a lot of speculation that there will be unprecedented economic growth in flows of investments. and so on. a specific situations, realities that show that nothing is promised or the attempt to have serbia join anti russian sanctions is more moderate than towards european union countries. but the policy continues. other needs are tracking tonight, the mayor of canada's capital cities declared a state of emergency. citing a serious threat to the safety of residence. their truck drivers have been protesting an auto for a tense consecutive day vaccine mandates. authorities, they are reportedly detained several people and seize more than 3000 liters of petrol, big stored as reserves for the truck as during the crack down against the protest
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movement. on sunday. i . c miss consent to the field of materials in an effort to try to end the truck is located to the city. it's now going on for 10 days. authorities are threatened to arrest anyone providing supplies to those drivers. the protest is of reportedly been issued around a 100 citation sofa, disturbing the paste, including fireworks and causing noise pollution. we spoke to a member of canada's ontario provincial parliament. that includes the city of all to a. you said the government's accusations of violence among the protest is a fabricated and that the authorities actions are unconstitutional. well, it's actually a hall soon. it's a fabrication. it's a pretext for what's actually going to do. this is a very peaceful, friendly, energetic festival in winter carnival. what is happening to
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purposely distort in 5 would be fabricate that this is in any means violent or dangerous, is wholly reprehensible. it provides them to come to what you're actually doing and that is in effect the who to talk against our policy and removing all the checks and balances on political and government afford. that's what is happening here in ken, in for many canadians, very, very difficult for me to believe that our government with act in such a reprehensible in such a destructive manner. because the people around a 1000 vehicles and 5000 people and again, flooded downtown all to a sunday. the testers, the st. dancing and singing in the streets, no trouble or pull to death. john hardy was there though,
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reporting back read the weekend. oh, she houses for the children, free food and coffee. muse, ah, we're like a winter carnival than a protest, but a protest it is for his ottawa, police, and city officials describe it an illegal occupation. this is the main staging area of the broadcast. this is where it all started. some of these trucks have been here from the very beginning, and it shows outside the main gate of the world, trucker mike johnson says he's been park outside the parliament gates since january 28th, and has no plans on leaving. we're here because individual or dollar should have the authority over there. are there law firms for making their own decisions, especially for their home bus for the body muscular drugs? many others we talked who agreed to protest was not only about canada's mandatory
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vaccination and quarantine rules for truckers. ah, but the countries overall coven 19 restrictions. this is the 1st time in 2 years that i've seen an actual future for my children. kevin sergeant says he's a father of 5 from a small town, 2 hours west of ottawa, who along with his friend jordan teal, had been camped out in ottawa's since january 28th. he been giving us a tour of their vehicles, generator and all i can't go to work because a man vaccinated. so i'm a mechanic, i can't go to spirit, go to work for it. i'm also in school to get my license. but because trudeau deemed the schools a non essential service, i can't go to school without a vaccination. it's hard to ignore it. you can hear him all said, is we got everybody's attention. the whole world's watch. similar protests have spread throughout canada from toronto to vancouver. and support has come from all over the world, including the united states, donations have all support in to help the truckers and the so called freedom convoy
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protest. but there's also to say, and that is divided canadians over this very political fight. the fundraising website go fund me, seized $9000000.00 in donations to the truckers saying the money would be refunded due to what it said was a peaceful protest that has become an occupation. transit stations were closed in downtown ottawa, along with malls and many stores, though some did remain open. still thousands of people streamed into the city, including many families over the weekend to join in the protest. while groups of police officers patrol the streets, volunteers handed out food, water, and other supplies, all the while, truck wars and sirens from corps blaring within a short distance of apartment building. there been reports of some verbal and even physical applications between protest borders and those against it. chad fennel runs a trucking company in newbury, ontario about 7 hours from ottawa and says he's traveled back and forth twice. it's january 29th. he says he's been using his trailer for trash
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disposal. what's the vide been like over one of the most positive experiences of my life? thought 5, like everybody here is positive, even most even, most of the cops are too, i'll say that. but ottawa's police chief said his department's resources had been stretched thin and warned that anyone attempting to bring quote material to support the truckers starting monday would be subject to arrest several questions remain, including how much longer can or will the protest continue and whether or not the fight over freedom from cannon has vaccine mandates has become a battle of wills. instead. for r t john honey well then reporting this demonstration central london showing solidarity with a truck. his protests in canada at a rally. they've to of the u. k. freedom convoy a correspond shot at which stashed explains bit more. well, dozens of truckers have headed from all over the united kingdom. you're right in
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central london and talking under the banner of the you k. read and called before. and now the movement of course began in counter drugs. you've just had it rolling out across the globe and hit activists. well, they really demolish and all of the exactly monday, the fighting a full freedom. as i say, it's still very much at rest. the message isn't to empower each other. that's basically it. there's things going on in the world. we're not happy with. we're not being listened to laws, legislation. liberties are being eroded at the moment. why come? because if you wo, the same things happen in every country, you go say, so why is it happening in every country? it's been, it's been too long. and basically we have to have freedom and they have each way. and the next thing you'll come along and they'll be doing the same again, we have to protect our rights. so that's why we're here. it's just about the situation and the countries, the worldwide problem,
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the tyranny's coming and people are not fully awake. active in several countries over on the world are engaging in very similar to the ruling wide by what's going on in canada. now we know across the lawn, what we've seen is the police are coming very heavy handed using the force of law on that just nation penalized not today has been somewhat piece of what we know that the u. k. movement has actually seen the piece. i think with activists throughout the last 2 months, it is now really with upon deming, but today is not as big as expected. in fact, we were expected to see almost a 1000 truckers reaching this site for central london. i spoke to the very fast truck driver as she entered down this very road outside new scotland yard. and she told me that actually majority of this call has been my police outside of with them trying to get into a central london. however, some of them have made it,
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i've spoken to some people even as far as quarter, which is 7 hours away. so hadn't, and finally been a failure by any sense of the imagination. but interesting. the state of the current political regard, the landscape never went through the reading, galvanizing movement, this movement of the gangs, the governor, particularly bars johnson and all his friends engaging and talking to the con, demik. they use that as an example. as a reason why you can't trust the government because that was at a time when the government was telling everybody else to follow the rules. and they said they say the robot paid 3 ripped up entirely and you cannot trust the government. as for today though, we've seen many vehicles carrying signed with slogans like no more locked downs, no medical tyranny and freedom over. but one song has been charged to throughout the morning and now off to noon is that these guys think that they are the 99 percent providing online safety for everyone, even if it's
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a criminals american cybersecurity company, cloud fair. then he said to be sued by several major japanese publishers who accused the firm of allowing piracy sites to use it services. next, this house contain reports tonight is not the 1st time the companies come under fire for dodgy activity on this platform. millions of web sites rely on the us space network to deliver traffic quickly and protect them from threats. but while cow flows eagerly fighting off 17000000000 cyber attacks every day, it seems to be, let's see when it comes to well, principles. all the profits made from those manga piracy sites. go straight to the illegal operators with nothing going to the bookstores publishes and manner artists who have dedicated their lives to creating these works with cloud flat, handing out a needle copies for free. those who walk time to see on the graphic novels are left millions of dollars out of pocket. so the tech joint insist it's not really to blame, but cow flat is
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a repeat offender. 82 percent of the legal traffic in the wild goes through it solvers, and it's not only as innocent as stolen among the drawings. no cloud flat has proved an oasis from the most hateful in the world. who did it, knowing how was customers for years? terror groups, web pages with images of child abuse, stolen payment card details, and new nazi and pro much shooting material. some of the services were only banned by the ceo because, and i quote, he was in a bad mood because bother wise, he'd oversee the home and having hate speech hanging round a website, his speech is not bon, we do not believe the investigating speech that flows through our network is appropriate. in fact, we think doing that would be creepy. yes. better not take down, but i thought propaganda in case the terrorists get creeped out. never mind you say that's what the long arm of government is for. surely the white house, the champion of peace and tolerance, will step in,
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while the us authority told us to terminate any of them as a customer. we would, when we have a customer who we think might be engaged in illegal act, we consult with law enforcement organizations. in some cases, we've been specifically ordered not to terminate customers that may from an outside perspective objectionable. so not only is washington clearly not taking action, it's actively choosing to keep shady content alive and kicking as extra reward for a cloud flash, turning a blind eye, a giant contract. today we're excited to share that clerk flesh and accenture, federal services have been selected by the department of homeland security to develop a joint solution to help the federal government defend itself against cyberattacks the platform. and now both the f. b, i the state department, the department of interior and the library of congress as it's clients. so just to be clear, the white house will encourage spotify to monetize jo, rope and podcast. our hope is that all major tech platforms and all major new
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sources for that matter, be responsible and be vigilant to ensure the american people have access to accurate information on something as significant as cobra. 1900, that certainly includes spot, apply the f b. i will get facebook to hand over the private messages. i. p addresses, phone numbers and email accounts of john you the sick writers and i say will press telecom companies for data to track uses. washington will ban federal employees from accessing wiki leaks on now was computers and congressmen investigated the parlor but cloud flat. well, it gets a free pass and it c o hits net was of $3700000000.00 is the 3rd day of the beijing winter olympics and russia biggest k to take in the team. gold with come out of it for live because the 1st woman to land, the quadruple jumping in limpid competition. but the gains not pay me that controversy. alexio's se reports from beijing. a very good 3rd day of the beijing
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olympics for team of russian olympic committee. winning their 2nd gold in the space of 2 days court to see off the ice figure skating team. there was little in free going into this round of competition because on sunday they basically sealed gold with very confident performances by mark come, that i took and come leave a who absolutely torn the ice into shreds with her. stella performance getting very close to a world record in fact. so the monday session was almost irrelevant. in that sense. russia was comfortable cruising to gold and confirmed it winning. the 2nd goal, gold in just a space of 2 days and raining supreme in the overall metal stable. at the moment, there was, however, a somewhat controversial incident involving women's ice hockey match between
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r o c and canada. of the canadian ice, hockey plas reportedly refused to take to the ice until they see negative results of the team are, sees corbett tests, and my colleagues are indicating that this was not something imposed by the i o. c, or the chinese authorities. this was an international ice hockey federation decision to hold tests at 5 o'clock in the morning. now r o c team refused to do that, and that's why the u. c. had to step in, eventually the teams made it out into the i swearing medical masks. it might be the 1st time in history of ice coffee that a game is played with players wearing protective masks. and on sunday, it was also the case of the same old story, still making waves a noise here in beijing when russian skia, alexander bush and off one r o c's 1st gold in a 30 kilometer race and
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a journalist from a u. yes, i'll let frisky. i asked him a question whether he felt that wind was clean, which an off quickly refuted, and rebutted that question, saying that the journalist should come and see them train after that, the journalist will no longer ask such questions according to wilson off. in any case, i'm keeping you updated on everything that is happening here at the winter olympics, and by jane. my name is alexia shasky, rp reporting from beijing and china, or the south internationals will be at 10 pm with me. kevin, i am so fast on by for next show's in your part of the world, and of course, all our latest and your chance can evolve the conversation, auntie dot com as well. but the big news tonight, francis present micron is he for urgent talks with the russian leader regarding the current tensions of ukraine. we set them off an hour ago that be a media conference, maybe in about 5 minutes. but those meetings, of course, going to be very long and drawn out,
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it could be happening any time over the coming i was students, adams will take you there like to see if there is any kind of historic breakthrough so far. talks a column for about 4 hours and say that me the conference will be coming to live here at off international when it happens. ah, ah, i mean with i'm after that as you know, what's going on the ground coming up with the show. does democracy exists in the usa is joe biden dispatches,
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thousands of soldiers to european indian countries for potential war with russia. we investigate where the millions of americans back home now face disenfranchisement on the jim crow, $2.00 plus on us national black h. i v aids awareness day and as we m j l g b team up in the u. k. who is the pioneering david stewart of soho? and what can we learn from the 40000000, with a chevy to protect us from corona virus. all of them all coming up in today's going underground with 1st is the us celebrates black history month. the very voting rights of martin luther king junior described as being the foundation stone of political action as seemingly been chipped away, adding to the arguable erosion of american democracy with the spectre of jim crow haunting the ballot box. those americans who wish to exercise their democratic rights faced with malcolm x is binary choice of either the ballot or the bullets. joining with you on to that question is dr. jason nichols, award winning lecture of african american studies at the university of maryland college park. the host of vents and jason save the nation, speaks with me now from ellicott city in maryland. thank you so much, jason,
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