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tv   News  RT  February 8, 2022 4:00am-4:30am EST

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very dangerous thing with you, ask me if russia wants to fight with nato. let me ask you. does nato want to fight with russia? but a mere potent wants nato to stop playing games and ignoring moscow security to bounce . the strong words come as the french and russian presidents agreed to work on stability than the mid the tension around ukraine. meantime, breaking from the pac manual. i'm a chrome tense. it's back on nice. i was anti russia rhetoric calls for moscow security concerns to be heard. a u. s. o takes a different road with president by threatening that a crucial european gas pipeline will be shell. if russia and bait you cry. there will be no longer more stream, we will bring it in. how will you do that? i promise you will be able to do and,
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and other needs. the canadian prime minister accuse is vaccine mandate protest as of trying to derail the country's economy and democracy as the rally. stretching to the 11th day, we report from the canadian capital, the main staging area of the broadcast. this is where it all started. some of these trucks have been here from the very beginning, and it's just outside the main gate. public world, with just a mid day here in moscow on tuesday, the 8th of february. i'm calling brian, this is your world news from asi international 1st, then president putin has one night against ignoring russia's case security demands, one of which is not allowing ukraine's membership of the western military alliance . that statement came after he met with his friend counterparts in moscow on monday night and the restoring tensions over ukraine. but even potent drew some crucial lines for the global community can. um, so you asked me if russia wants to fight a war with mason. let me ask you, does nato want to fight
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a war with russia is tonya nato does nothing but demand action from us. let's not play that way. that's a bad sandpit. we don't like such a game. we hadn't heard brewton b, this direct these, these strong in his language in, in quite a while. look, there was, there is plenty of impetus. there is plenty of cause for this, for both sides to be more open with each other, especially behind closed doors. when nothing's going to leak, because emmanuel mac on said himself that there are days left days left to resort to resolve this crisis. and look, given the gravity of the situation, either it all comes down to what vladimir putin said. mutual security concern, he said, wave with nato's growth ever ever closer encroachment towards russia's borders. what happens if you crane a sense to natal, if it's accepted and decided to launch
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a war and retake crimea by force, which is written in its doctrine that that is a potential avenue for you credit that would mean war batch nuclear war between natal, his and russia is look grain of which one if ukraine is in nato and tries to take by crimea by military means, european countries will automatically be embroiled in a military conflict with russia. there will not be any winners. do you really want to be in a war with russia? do you want france to be in a war with russia? because that is the way it will be. and neither mister macklin nor myself want such a development. time and time again, vladimir putin alluded to to the proposals security proposals to present the united states and nato, the, the, the bulk of which were rejected. the chief concerns russia's chief proposals or even demands. and that is that nato offensive weapon. it isn't stations on russia's borders guarantees that native doesn't expand further towards russia. vladimir
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putin said it isn't. look at, isn't us, go and closer her to, to nato's board, as it is them coming towards us. and also we're returned to, to the 1997, a infrastructure where, where various systems were back then that is offensive systems rockets and the like . all of that has been met with, with dismissal, or by the united states by native which head will, will expand however we want and you have no right to tell us where to go. and here vladimir putin said, look, this, this isn't going to work. we must, we must hear each other out. and manual mcaden heard him, but vladimir putin also shake the theory path forward. now here, ease or other means agreements. and that ukraine can no longer pick and choose which parts to, to implement and which to ignore. was it louis twice already? ukrainian authorities of tried to use military force to resolve the crisis in don
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bas, where are our currencies? but they won't try a 3rd time if everyone wants peace, tranquillity, and prosperity. tell me what's wrong with not placing strike systems near our borders. manual macro on came out and said that yes, we must work together for a joint solution in which everyone security concerns are, are taken into account. let me put in also said that the manual macro made several proposals are behind closed doors that we will find about a find about to soon. but there that they are interesting and that they will be discussed. and we can you elaborate on that a bit? because what's the reading of where president micron really is on this right now? because his tone does diverge from the noise is coming from nato. it diverges drastically. and already there is a lot of speculation along social media in, in france about why a manual makram spoke the way he did, which is yes,
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admit that marshall security concerns. ah, does that russia does have security concerns is a basic thing. but this is something that has been ignored for, for many years. there is, of course, as i mentioned, a motivation to get things done now, because europe's entire security infrastructure is at risk of a what's happening in you credit mission, pa, spiker better. it is necessary to build new mechanisms that will insure stability in the regions you, but these new provisions cannot be built by revising the treaties of the last 30 years and revising fundamental principles are limiting. fundamental european rights . new decisions on european security will be innovative. how innovative they will be remains to be seen. nevertheless, we have a concrete proposals from mr. mack on ones which apparently vladimir putin found satisfactory, which is already a more progress than has been achieved in,
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in many months of this, of this crisis over what is happening in new grade. he's off to ukraine today as line over that, where he will hold talks with, with senior leadership in you create it, it must be mentioned. vladimir putin said that they will hold the telephone conversation at the end of that. and russia will the side on what steps to take within the next few days, depending on what had been agreed. and what had been discussed in care of between mr micron and president sentence. on dr. george samuel ali from the international affairs thinktank, the global policy institute thinks european states need to step away from us policy to reach agreement with russia. there's really no need for any kind of tension between russia and europe that wrong sees this. i think a compromise is possible. so if the european members of nato,
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the leading european members of majors just france and germany move away from the united states and u. k. policy of a conference ation with russia, a form of a non aggression pact might be a possibility. i mean, i imagine that's kind of thing that macaroni thinking. unfortunately, i think there are many people in the united states who want to use the ukraine crisis to aggravate tensions with russia. and to force a conference ation. i think clearly france and germany don't want it, but the question is then will they have the will to overcome the u. s. a. one is that was on the way across the atlantic, a tougher stance on russia was being proposed. the u. s. president with german liter left shoulds off to which joe biden found that 2 countries will put up a united front during the fractious state of relations between the west of moscow right now. but biden also threatened to hold the north stream to gas pipeline if russia and they'd ukraine, there will be no longer a norse team to we,
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we will bring it into. how will you, how will you do that? exactly. since the project and control of the project is within germany's control, we will, i promise you will be able to do. officials in germany have repeatedly stressed the importance of rush and gas for the countries energy needs. they've also called to end the political dispute over the gas pipeline, saying it's got nothing to do with politics. however, with the latest stand of digging in germany, apparently making a u turn and foot to the energy mix. today we are talking about one quarter of energy that is linked to gas, and only part of that gas comes from russia. big parts come from netherlands and of course it's very important to us that we develop the infrastructure that will give us the opportunity to have all options available in reactive nita, so you don't have to be concerned. there are some of have to be concerned who see themselves too much as a deliver of such resources that we are looking at opportunities to make up
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for lost cash l n g from russia were on their way of trying to see what we can do to do that they did, dealing with our friends around the world as well. we think we could make up a significant portion of it that would be lost in the vice president of the eurasia center. the forum which works a boost east west relations highlighted to us who he thinks would suffer the most from many fresh sanctions. europe potentially would see hurt more by these for banking, russian and russia would probably do counter thanking justifiably, new, also, nordstrom ended for me, would have been the initiative to do that. they would have a cancellation fee. it's all, i'm sure is liabilities related to that. germany, so it will be a big block for the german economy and we don't have the l and g to actually provide them with my understanding. there's not sufficient supply of gas anywhere
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in the world to make up what's provided through through russia and at the f, the costs, the price would be extremely, even if you did replace the supplies coming from the pipeline, it be extremely costly. i don't think russia has any right, so it's the mostly nato. you pay in the us that are the ones that are advocating in basin and talk about the headline news. and there's no let up in the truck has vaccine mandate protesting canada now into it's 11th day. and the authorities that are in the capital describe it as a siege. well, the prime minister accuses the demonstrators of trying to derail the country's economy and democracy. the individuals are trying to blockade our economy, our democracy, get our fellow citizens daily lives. it has to stop. lisa
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clamping down on me. so cold freedom come void with a state of emergency in place. in the canadian capital, officers have confiscated fuel and other materials. and there's also the threat of arrest for any one providing the protest as with supplies. right now we have a 60 criminal cases around the way, including for property damage and hate crimes. but as john hardy reports, people in also just want no malice to return. oh, he houses for the children, free food and coffee. muse, ah, we're like a winter carnival than a protest, but a protest it is for his ottawa, police, and city officials describe it an illegal occupation. this is the main staging area of the broadcast. this is where it all started. some of these trucks have been here from the very beginning, and it's just outside the main gate of the parliament trucker mike johnson says he's been parked outside the parliament gates since january 28th,
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and has no plans on leaving. we're here because individual or adults should have the authority over their law. firms were making their own decisions, especially for their home bus for the body bus d'oeuvres, many others. we talked, you agreed, the protest was not only about canada's mandatory vaccination and quarantine rules for truckers. ah, but the country's overall coven 19 restrictions. this is the 1st time in 2 years that i've seen an actual future for my children. kevin sergeant says he's a father of 5 from a small town, 2 hours west of ottawa, who along with his friend jordan teal, had been camped out in ottawa since january 28th. he been giving us a tour of their vehicles, generator and all i can't go to work because i'm on vaccinated. so i'm a mechanic, i can't go to school, go to work for it. i'm also in school to get my license. but because truth, oh, deemed the school's a non essential service. i can't go to school without
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a vaccination. it's hard to ignore it. you can hear him all said, is we got everybody's attention. the whole world's watch. similar protests have spread throughout canada from toronto to vancouver and support has come from all over the world, including the united states. donations have also poured into help the truckers and the so called freedom convoy, protest. transit stations were closed in downtown ottawa, along with malls and many stores, though some did remain open. still thousands of people streamed into the city, including many families over the weekend adjoining the protest. while groups of police officers patrol the streets, volunteers handed out food, water, and other supplies, all the while, truck wars and sirens from corps blaring within a short distance of apartment building. there been reports of verbal and even physical altercations between protest, borders and those against it. chad shuttle runs a trucking company in newbury, ontario about 7 hours from ottawa, says he's traveled back and forth twice. it's january 29th. ah,
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he says he's been using his trailer for trash disposal. what's the vide been like over one of the most positive experiences of my life? top 5, like everybody here is positive, even most even, most of the cops are too, i'll say that. but ottawa's police chief said his department's resources have been stretched thin and warned that anyone attempting to bring quote material to support the truckers starting monday, be subject to arrest several questions remain, including how much longer can or will the protest continue and whether or not the fight over freedom from cannon has vaccine mandates has become a battle of wills. instead. for r t john honey, i'm a member of the regional polymer, which governs all to up says the federal government's accusations of violence of fabricated. and that the authorities actions unconstitutional. no, it's absolutely all seen. it's a fabrication. it's
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a pretext for what actually our government is doing. this is a very peaceful, friendly, energetic festival. a winter carnival buttons hockey, and hopelessly do store and fabricate, fabricate that dishes. in any means, violet or dangerous is wholly reprehensible because it does provide them to cover to what you're actually doing. and that is in the queue to talk against our cost to ship a, removing all the checks and balances, all political and government afford. that's what is happening here in tend to be in for many canadians, very, very difficult for many kidneys to believe that our government will act in such a reprehensible and such a destructive medical institute of character. meantime,
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the come boy against vaccine mandates is spreading beyond canada. these trucks and vans are in new zealand having blocked streets in the city of wellington surrounding the local parliament. people to bounce the same to live vaccine a mosque mandates. another time due to this, the u. s fundraising platform gofundme has been caught up in controversy after shutting down the appeal by the canadian freedom convoy, claiming that the movement inside violence of despite the site having given its backing to a fundraiser for a seattle protest which blocked to launch downtown area 2 years ago and he armstrong takes a closer look. it seems that one man's freedom convoy is another man's terrorism crowd funding platform go for me, has frozen donations to the tune of $10000000.00 after siding with also that truck as were waging terror on canada. our city is vendor siege. this group is a threat to our democracy. what we're seeing is bigger than just
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a city of ottawa problem. this is a nationwide insurrection. canadian officials have pilloried the protest as an insurrection that has spiraled out of control and placed the city on the siege. mpi managed to pick out extremists among truckers dancing with children at mini concerts. the site has closed the page and frozen donations after claiming convoy protests had turned into a violent occupation. we now have evidence from law enforcement that the previously peaceful demonstration has become an occupation with police reports of violence and other unlawful activity. so we can safely assume that go fund may have always shut down. similar efforts to fund occupations surely, course is actually named, occupy would be the 1st to feel the freezing wrath of go fund me. right. well wrong in 2020, the platform that only hosted but actively promoted fundraising for the left wing supported capitol hill occupied protest in
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a community with no police. this farmer is feeding people and bringing them closer together. that's right. an actual occupation of smashing grappling things, shooting death, gun toting, mass, gangs, and vehicle rings all in the name of a good cause, according to go for me. o. back then west. the media of course sang off the same virtue signaling sheet, describing the events as just one big block party. is a far cry from the criminal activity of kitty come sit and carrying fuel supplies. ah go fun me promoted the t for occupied chops. zone in seattle, but they shut down fundraisers for truckers protesting cove. it mandates. we've got
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questions. remember that go fun. me was perfectly fine with donations to chaz chop in seattle. that's where people were actually killed. reminder when radical left is to legally took over parts of seattle and multiple people were murdered, gofundme allowed multiple fundraisers to facilitate the unlawful occupation. so in the face of the chokers or for $1.00 and $1.00 for all mantra, it seems that it's one rule for $1.00 and $1.00 for another. well, canada and left this leaning west, the media draw a fine line or no line, a tall between trucker and terrorist fundraising and fascism and peaceful protests and organized occupation. that is, of course, unless it is an actual occupation delays for cancer patients getting treatment have had record highs in england. the state run national health service has been overwhelmed by panoramic pressure and staff shortages and struggling to
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provide prompt kept a one cancer patient told us that any delays and diagnosis and treatment could be a matter of life and death. i'm still waiting for a bone scan. it was scheduled to be last august, but i didn't get an appointment. and then i mentioned it to my j pay over christmas while i was having an update. and he, he then referred me for her to the doctor and i'm having a phone conversation with the doctor in a few weeks time. we have to be very persistent. i mean, i was very persistent because the, if you don't kind of push, then you can go to the back to the q and that's not how it should be. it's a matter of life and death. it really is. because if you catch a come to us late and you have a treatment, then the investigations that can be dealt with before it spreads drought by day.
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and i know because i have a sibling who died of the same time so that i had and it came back, etc. so it's very, very important to catch cancer early. the numbers a stock to day to compile for the house of commons shows that half a 1000000 patients have had to wait more than 2 weeks for an oncologist appointment the number of people unable to start their treatment within a standard time frame has reached an unprecedented 75000 cases. in response, british prime minister barak johnston has announced you tough targets and says the government will increase funding to deal with the backlog off workers though one of the biggest challenges for them all acute staff shortages and unsustainable workloads. the cancer patient we spoke to goes further, saying the government is simply letting the n h s down delays are due to a lot of things they've. it's because they lack of funding over many years and where we don't have enough staff. i mean, it is that in many,
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many medical areas, there's not enough medical staff. there's not enough medical training. the government have let the chest down for a decade. they've really kind of, it seems to me that the experts bit more into privatizing the and i check rather than it rather than investing in the nature. there's no excuse for it. because there's been lots of money wasted during pandemic on things that have been unnecessary and health care should have been the number one priority and all health care not just co bed. some video news from around the world for you, jubilant crowds in senegal have been celebrating the national sports victory of egypt and winning the africa cup of nations. tens of thousands turned out for what's been described as the biggest party in the west african countries history.
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it's the 1st time senegal was ever won the prestigious trophy staying in africa, police and sudan of fight, tear gas to disperse protests in the capital call to demonstrate as we're forcing anger. at last, his military coat, which was plunged the country into turmoil. they were chanting, antique, who slogans. i'm calling for a civilian government to be established. and some sunday pictures for you from russia's far east, where the russian pacific fleet warships have been crossing an ice covered straight near japan in the way they are a powerful icebreaker, which cleared the way for more than 20 vessels to pass. okay, get more global stories and international analysis online all the time at r t dot com and on our youtube channel as well, i'm calling bright hero. moscow. i'll be back in half an hour with annex headline updates even. ah,
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join me every thursday on the alex simon, sure. and i'll be speaking to guess when the world politics, sport, business. i'm sure business. i'll see you then. mm. oh seemed wrong. i just don't hold any world yet to shape out disdain because the african and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. oh is your media a reflection of reality?
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in the world transformed? what will make you feel safer? high selection community. are you going the right way or are you being led somewhere? which direction? what is true? walk this way. in the world corrupted, you need to descend a join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. the mediterranean is the world's most over fish. see unsustainable exploitation of its fish dogs, which maureen biodiversity undergoing threat medicine use the lesson the given a quote on sure you understand this is he cut our system. i'm not going to pull nicky careful with just to kick in one or 2,
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but i'll use despite the eas promises to end over fishing by 2020. the situation is changing to slow. well, i'm very disappointed with the put additions that they've basically not in public interests. they also do know in the midst of the fishes, the only interest of the fishery. moby on the face shown the only ones in danger. the fishermen also at risk of losing all the plugin with all of them before they get to them about that. i'm with the level thought i get them with liberty viewership with ah ah,
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all you need is ash antonia wake up. it's 2027 new tony ball with every new venue nfl samantha in 2027. sarah takes care of everything. mm. fully put you disney, jess casual favorite. and also go pulling out of with daniel the nissan t jo jose between the filter that when i went to susan, sarah is a virtual assistant who knows exactly what's best for you over to barker discretion . just had a sunni image. when was it underneath citrusy? it's usually not potty, what you saw on hunter danielle. did that did to swa, which is obviously still he knew it asia popularity, this professor everywhere you go. artificial intelligence like sarah predicts your
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needs and does the work for you? ah usually, is it a little see if was, if you told you to do with, with all of these machines working for you, isn't wife wonderful in 2027. but let's not get carried away before sarah changes your life forever. there's another story to tell one with less special effects. oh, this story takes place behind the scenes of those businesses who are working to invent our future for what we started with. for now, it's hardly this wonderful world where machines are working entirely for mankind. in fact, you can say is exactly the opposite. humans are involved in every step of the process when you're using anything online. but we're sold as this miracle of
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automation. google, facebook, amazon, goober, these digital giants are using a completely invisible workforce to keep their applications running. with technology, you can actually find them, pay them a tiny amount of money, and then get rid of them when you don't need them anymore. a workforce that is disposable and underpaid. on a very good day. i could do $5.00 now. at a really bad day. i could do $0.10 now. i mean, is it possible for you to be less than the american minimum wage? i'm not sure i want to go in this direction in both millions of men and women are training artificial intelligence. we're next to nothing others are being higher.


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