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tv   News  RT  February 9, 2022 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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the news, what do you do it? what do you do? like canadian police go in heavy then at the antivirus st. monday, protests in 5 minutes, the trudeau tries to be literally demonstrated. a few people shouting and waving swastikas does not define who canadian thousands of people coming down here showing support. there was why there was music report from the canadian capital where the fight, the government pushed protest peacefully and sees across tonight. cyber flashes in the u. k. face jail time and having to register a sexual offences as the thorough sees that crack don't unwanted obscene images being sent to young women the
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hello their life for most going to international. will these h q? welcome to were up there today with me, kevin. oh, in 1st thing with the canadian capital still in the grip of mass cove, it vaccine mandate protests. the provinces is val birth, scott sure, and pitts relented, announcing an end to the proof of vaccination policies. but also where police are instead clamping down at the moment, brutally arresting even a 78 year old great grandfather after he hoped to call home and apparently in support of the demonstrates his leaving him with cuts and bruises. or what are you doing? what do you do? what do i do? oh, sure, that's a. so i've got it all on video i i mean, yes you did. i thought you were running in awe
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. located in private. it's his accused vaccine mandate protests as a trying to derail the country's economy. democracy goes so far as to label them as a small group shouting and waving swastikas. this is a story of a country that got through this pandemic, by being united and a few people shouting and waving. swastikas does not define who canadian or to the government of canada. and to mr. judo. your plan for this pandemic has been dismal. you need to come back and talk to these people. they're not scary people. there's a saying that i'm sure you're familiar with and that's lead, follow, or get out of the way. and mr shadow, you've proven that you're not a leader. so the authorities of open nearly 80 criminal cases in connection with the demonstrations protested. say the federal government's response to the movement
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. sally, i did feel to the fire though. i've been vaccinated my whole life. so i wasn't scared of the vaccine. what, what made me want to come here was when i saw a prime minister get up and call these people racist. like i said, i'm a truck mechanic by trade. i've been working with these guys for 20 years. and i've never once met people that you would call racist in the trucking trade. when they prose or economy, they didn't freeze any loans. there was no legislature that caused them to raise any of our loans. and they didn't lower taxes respectively. though people are losing their homes, they're losing their business, they have no income, and they're being stored to get the vast scene in order to just stay employed. so they don't lose their houses. the math don't make sense. none the laws that they've come up with a little rules and mandates makes sense. their mandates have been way out of control. and and we need to go back to freedom. we need to go back to the way we
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were before. well, there were thousands of people coming down here showing support. there was live, you know, there was music there were bouncy, castle, their families reign children. well that's really calm down. it's so much wider atmosphere, not necessarily here, but in other parts of the city. is this please? i really roger up there in horseman measures they issued more vehicles. they're basically trying to cut off the fuel supplies to the truckers and also find have increase. so this is all part of the effort to basically shut this protest down. however, the police chief here in the city said, i need an additional $1800.00 officers to do so. they called on the federal government to help government officials and all this is an insurrection, mostly from what we saw and talking to protesters is very people over the weekend. but there is some volatility now that things are quieting down. yesterday, we are talking to some of the gestures and supporters residents of the area walking by calling them to go home, making much of your residence file bad class actually watch the jug grant in
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a temporary injunction and try to shut this boy down. but at this point in the middle of the protest, not only here but elsewhere, continues and really a lot of support coming and internationally as well. federal, the federal government get lady officials wanted to stop. now the question is, how much longer will this go on and will it really be a battle of political will? let's go live her to got a truck in all to. brent saves that he's participated in the convoy. hey, i can hear me. we lost a signature just now. what's been your role in support of the process than what you've been doing so well, i've been holding the line. i'm from l. berda. i drove in my logging truck, 3500 kilometers. and i've been here since day one. and from what i've seen, i have not seen any violence whatsoever. i received nothing but love and support
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from all the locals. here you do get the odd person that says that we should leave, but, you know, we don't just sorta puts in. i mean we're seeing these reports day and day of of heard of an a case we had if not neo nazis, this kind of thing. every guess that i've had on to speak to over the last 11 days has said they've not seen anything like this, or if it has been, it's been extremely ref you're saying the same thing again. so not you've not witnessed any of this trouble makers tagging along, etc, etc. that's correct. i have today is day 12 in ottawa, i personally have not seen any violence whatsoever. i have seen if there is the odd person that might think they might express her opinion that we should leave, but we do not engage. we tell them that we love them,
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do i'm fighting for them as well. but yes, overall i have not seen any violence whatsoever. i do not a distress. so as opposed to people trying to get on with their everyday lives. you know, block roads punkin owns with a trying to sleep, etc, etc. if you're on a night shift, you know what i mean? you show that absolutely the majority of the populations with you here or not from what i gather the majority as a residents. if i do that, i have spoken to personally or overwhelmingly in support of us being here. many, many auto residents have walked up and down the street pass my truck. many have stopped to talk to me and like 99 percent is not hire of them. all. st goes for being here. they support us. they ask if we need anything where well fed we have lots of fuel. a nice lady that lives just down the road, came to me a few days ago, asked if i needed anything. and i said, well,
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i could use some laundry being done. so she took all my laundry, went home washed, it pulled it and return it. the next day its things like that are happening throughout every day. it's just overwhelming. yeah. bread started with the news of the provinces of all persons. the scotch should appear, there was berlin said, but the proof of vaccination policy is gonna get that confirmed. but you said, you know, from alberta, that would be good news for you. that was pretty, made some headway tonight. yes, yes, it's a start. it's a start. we're, we're far from over in this fight, but it's a start. jason kenney, the premier of alberta, where i'm from now is yesterday that they were the vaccine passport system. as of midnight last night. they're also ending the mass mandate for children and schools. and that's the reason why i'm here. i have a 6 year old son that's in school,
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and that's all he knows he's all he's no one is wearing a master school. and that's the reason i'm here is for him. go back to that to kind lady that helped you with the on in there, there was bear in mind the authorities, the threatened to arrest anyone providing material support to the protest. is she really endanger this kind of thing? this kind of person not that i've seen, i have not seen anybody again getting arrested. i. i've been brought food. i've been brought fuel. i've had my laundry done. i've had random people come up to me, offer me a call, can it be or it's, it's really overwhelming. i have not seen any arrest happen with my own eyes whatsoever. i have multiple. i have had multiple interactions with police and all have been positive. they've all been friendly so from what i see with my own 2 eyes,
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it's all been positive. okay, well brent let you get over the de truck driver there and also taking the time to come and talk to us on the international appreciated. thank you so much and no worries, while the co void protests against cobra vaccine mandate suspended, be on canada induced elan trucks and vans, a block to streets in the capital. wellington, for a 2nd day surrounding the palm of building hundreds of people tend to support the protest, the demands they are the same as the candidates left vaccine and mosque mandates. there are also a similar rallies in france as well. with the protest is gathering in nice to vent their anger about vaccine policy is required for entering restaurants and other public places. at a major demonstration, inspired by the canadian freedom convoy is expected in putney on saturday in paris over the channel for next story. though british prime minister boris johnson's announced a plan to end sweeping, coven restrictions in the coming weeks,
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including a long isolation periods for those who test positive. the precise measures are expected to be announced by the end of this month. let's get to the least on what we think is coming up from a shot. it will be there are a lot corresponding, hey, shot it at least houses such a long couple years. some lights at the end of the tunnel for brits by the looks of it. well, it might seem like light at the end of the tunnel, but certainly the feeling here is we'll believe it when we see it. the announcement today really wasn't expected at all, but it seems that the government is trying to show to the public that we're on the other side of the pandemic. i'm beginning to live with the virus. so the end of the month, what we'll see is all restrictions to the acts, including isolating for positive cases of code. it will provide you the current encouraging trends in the data continues. it is my expectation that we will be able to end the last domestic restrictions,
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including the legal requirement. so if i said, if you test positive a full month, little that announcement was then greeted by rules across the chamber. many people in the tory party and the labor party actually quite keen to see these restrictions being acts on. it has certainly been welcomed amongst the public as well, but it will all depend on the data. of course, for johnson said, if we see this encouraging day to this trend continues on the day to things like hospitalisation of death rate, the covert cases levels. but also knew there is a fool of that looks promising. then we'll go ahead with the listing of the restrictions was going to be at the end of march. it's been pushed forward to the end of this month, but some people say it's absolutely fault to soon as yes again, the nature is on. it's nice people on the front line are really struggling to cope with the pressure just to give you an idea. some statistics the other it has
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backlog. the cab backlog currently stands at 6000000 people. patients are waiting for operations. some cases of people waiting up to 12. 8 hours in emergency rooms across the united kingdom. so things are looking particularly good for the n. a chess boys. johnson today says he's hoping to hire more nurses to deal with this crisis. we have 6000000 people already on the waiting list. i'm afraid that that will go up and we need to be recruiting the stock now. that's why we're recruiting 50000 more now. there are never 1000 more than that. we're lucky to point, this is beaca. we've increased the starting salary. finance is by 12.8 percent in addition to the bathroom and other help that we give them. we value on that, if we love our and they can't, and we're paying for while just as far as johnson was hoping to move away from the party, gave scandalous, engulf westminster while it's resurfaced. yet again, today
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a picture, of course johnson himself emerged with an open book of bubbling half each and pocket of christs and some of his members of stuff with tinsel all around them. that was the christmas quiz party that happened on the 15th of december of 2020. now this one we've heard about before, but the metropolitan p says it's not going to investigate that at the time. so you couldn't socialize, endorse with our household, and the official guidance stated, you must not have a work, christmas lunch or party. so today's announcement may be another attempt to try to flex from what's going on in westminster with the party gate scandal. but the united kingdom is one of the 1st nations to announce the overstretched will be lifted. essentially, the idea is that covert will be treated somewhat like the flu is treated now and where it's up to the individual to make a judgment, a responsible one, whether or not they should go into work or indeed a party shot it, thanks to the update, appreciate it now in the midst of the time,
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stand off with russia, the u. s. as it sees no need for media sanctions against nordstrom to gas pipeline, which counseling, so russia, germany, us, president, by nearly a thread to shut down the project. if russia would have invaded that ukraine says, could taylor's got the latest today north stream too, as now front and center in the ukraine crisis. because while both nato until now agree. but the imminent rush invasion they've been waiting for 4 months is unlikely to happen. the u. s. president disagrees and has decided to take the pipeline out for a final politicized right. there will be no longer on our stream to we, we will bring it in. how will you, how will you do that? exactly. since the product and control of the product is within germany's control, we will, i promise you will be able to do for europe fake one can only hope that this
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incredibly detailed plan of biden's to stop a sovereign countries economic dealings with another sovereign country will be as thought out as his plan for we f canister with toral but white doesn't bite and want berlin is cooking dinner over russian gas. well, some accused president putin, unlike bite, of course of using gas as a political weapon would have he flicks the switch and hundreds of millions a hit by the great frees like that time back in. oh no, wait, never, president biden has made clear that nordstrom, too, is a bad deal to bad deal because it divides europe. it exposes ukraine and central europe to russian russian manipulation and because it goes against europe's own stated energy and security goals. so thought of occasion of the project is on hold . and moscow for its part thinks that brussels has failed to do the mass that the shooting for. this is also senseless. for those who don't let the system work, because additional gas supply to the european markets would unquestionably lower
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the stock and spot price. okay, so biden's worried about poor europeans being at the kremlin marcy mixed much more sense to pay more for american liquefied natural gas. and i have the privilege of being on washington's mercy. but that's not the only concern. another big issue. crane won't get a cut. now at the moment, keith gets more than a $1000000000.00 a year for allowing russia to pipe gas through it, nor string to would bypass ukraine and for some in brussels. that's unacceptable. these is unseal ones and the sanctions are unprecedented and have been coordinated and prepared with old partners. i would like to add that due to the close economic interdependence of all the partners involved, especially my country. yes, we are prepared to pay a high konami price when ukraine securities. let's take a high price. it will be if laska retaliates to any potential west and sanctions. europe may have just 6 weeks of gas in the tank. and then what?
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because for washington's promise is to find its allies alternative energy sources. so far, nothing cattle said no can do, don't have the resources. u. s. companies that were maxed out in any way. we can't match the russian numbers. in fact, for all the threats and master pounds of biden, there's a real consensus. no, russian gas, no warm and cozy europe, a global mass. europe has no alternative to russian gas. you have to divert half of the liquefied natural gas that asia concerns. that would mean massive energy shortages all across asia. this idea that we will fill the gap with liquefied natural gas. no, you can't. little one to than that. the german chancellor has been less keen on publicly promising to turn off the tap, especially since he knows that even if they did decide to care about ukrainians, secure 10th brave the cold by hitting the old way by wood. well, even then there's a bit of a catch. there shouldn't be much of what you don't with guess. your developing
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nuclear energy will see you going to do burn firewood, which you don't even have that you'd have to go to siberia to get firewood. and yes, nor string to dead in the water wouldn't be great for russia either. but then again, moscow didn't just sign a 30 year gas steel with beijing. and just the fun they decided to settle the bell in euro. ah, no, a new study is reveal that one in 5 young women of the u. k. was said unwanted sexual images with the last year and the authorities are cracking down with a new law in england to wells to classify so called cyber flushing as a sex crime. anyone sending unsolicited photos of, of genitalia would face up to 2 years in prison. and would have to register as a sex offender. similar legislations already in effect in scotland. and the regulations come amid concerns the decent exposure over the internet. it's been on the rise because of current lack of accountability and identity checks. well, let's talk about this issue with a women's rights activist, north palladino,
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sports for both and the gender equality activists. elizabeth hobbs, news against it. ladies are not a chance to say proper low to the live on our, to international welcome. all right, can i talk to you and 1st of all, part of why is the u. k toughening the legislation now gather is got worse because of the coping thing. more paper on line. how big is the problem? i think they knew you care legislation is just fantastic. finally, we are having new families laws because we need to protect women from this increased emergency and that is, this is a cyber flashin is disgusting when people do that and we know that the majority of them, the young man will actually send unsolicited features, avenging talia, to this poor girl and women who might be shot forever. honestly. so 14 percent of the ladies apparently have experienced this is a lot, isn't it? exactly. the numbers are shocking and i back you that we don't even know the real
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numbers. i'm sure a lot of girls to receive these, you know, questions they don't say anything virus to come forward. the social emergency. yeah . can i just ask with the research that is it helped me the other way round at all? is there a percentage of the ladies kind of show themselves off to men? it's man doing it's 100 percent. sure. i'm fortunately of course because we love man, you're right. and the good ones. and we would be happy, you know, to accuse them. it was not the case, unfortunate, we had a problem and this is all linked to sexual abuse. so that's why the legislature has to be very strict in telling these abuse because we know that men flex themselves, they can then come meet a sexual abuse in real life as well. so we don't have to underestimate the effect of cyber flashing because someone does that online should be held responsible for
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this. yeah, elizabeth of your gender equality activists like, are you not so sure about this low that's coming in? good. put people in prison for 2 years and put on the sex offenders list. what, what's wrong with other people is showing off the private bits and bulbs upsetting people, strangers? why would you argue against that? now i may not be very interested actually to hear about how list we such into how flashing online cyber flashing translates into going into the rail walls and doing it because i've not seen any evidence of thought that would be a little bit different. but as it is, what we're talking about is a non issue. it's not a problem. well, it is a premium for the people that are getting these maybe sitting on a try and manage your own business. the only way to work and the somebody flushes the bits and pieces that you is going to be setting. is it? no, i don't think it's going to be extremely upset and i think it may be me upset. and
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if we high up a victim narrative, wherein managed to upset women, i think actually what is happening in is that many, many women received these images. many, many women use. paula can see the 1st he lives there. i don't blame you. i must say, i'm not, i'm not getting involved unless i am very sorry that you know, and i'm a woman and doesn't understand the need to protect us from this sexual abuse because this is a cyber sexual abuse. but he's still abuse because which type of think mind will make the decision to take a picture of the that didn't tell you and send it to one to 2 and a stranger is just sick. if you think we are not on line, they haven't started behaving no as a birth or i'm on the street doing this flashing i was going to say no to someone
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and going to prison. elizabeth, what's the difference? why is it any less offensive? if somebody is doing this online, so this will complete strangers and pop up on your phone apparently is if it's a about some so old fashion, a man popping up on a bush in a park when there's maybe a lady there and it kids. and that is deemed as being very serious. i was doing it online. less serious thing. yeah. elizabeth. yeah. it's an image that you can deal with and you can shut it. i'd like to answer powerless question. what? month of space, i have actually received my fashion of unsolicited images on i was just blocking blocking blocking. until i read an a code by a woman who's told me that it was endlessly entertaining to arms with these images. with all the criticism, why should you have a blog? why should you actually go out of your way to block something that you didn't
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material adult who can take responsibility for ourselves and we don't need the state overreaching in this manner, all jails already. there are far too many young men in prison. okay. we don't need more of them in that for a non crime like this. so for you, i feel like what, what, what's the cuts off line? ok. somebody a gentleman showing his genitalia. oh, depending what state it said where you can, where you cutting the line here when, when does it become offensive to you then? well, i mean, offensive. of course it's offensive. it's offensive, but that's very important problem. and we should look at it as a joke, and you should just be able to dismiss it. some people would be offended by that, surely. i guess of course they're offended, but people being offended is a really great sign that we're living in a vibrant free society. time you're offended,
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i'm offended by part time my hero paula to use jail is not too much to just say it is what it is. we've got the image in the ed much for it. no, it's not much. and it's important because it's a deterrent. so people would think twice before doing that, you know, if someone thinks that it is that you know, it can do whatever they want on the line with me to worst crimes. if they know there's no joke, we can find who they are. we can knock at their blend door and we can take them to the brush, the language that we will have, the less less boys doing this. you know, elizabeth, you know, there is a thought that if, if, if a guy things didn't get away with doing this in a, getting a cheap thrill out of may be obsessive lady. it could escalate and they might do more. oh, there is a worry about yeah, well gather, i mean that's a valid concern and if we such back up that i might be willing to take it to, you know, bit more seriously. but at this stage, as far as i'm aware,
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there is no evidence to support the spending. guns listed images leads to happy action or we can, i might just, i'd be the baby would like to talk to paula about who these men are. because i did once you know, a couple of times i've spoken to these men, you know, i start by saying like, well, i think the compositions good. actually, you know, the why interest looks like an afterthought. i misled on to chat, and i asked one man about his motivations, and he's told me that he'd been in a lung this functional relationship which had ended and he's not depressed and bored. and this gives him a bit as entertainment. and it's a bit as a social experiment, and what he found was that most women just block some more aggressively affecting women. and some women reciprocate. so you know what,
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let's just deal with it as adults just leave to stay out of it. we don't need that, that a pallet or something else's while, of course, that you know, the whole thing you can do these days and, you know, put different ads on different bodies, etc. there's all that to think about as well. yet can i say something? oh, so 1st of all, we don't know if they're sending this images to others, please. i mean, let's be real here. they can send them to children to girl, and that's the most important risk that we are facing right now. so i want to protect my girl. i want to protect children and we have to be very careful and very strong and also another, you know, argument unfortunately, you know, that's the old way women always justified man hope for him. he had difficult childhood. oh, poor he wasn't, you know, no way i'm a modern woman. i live in the modern society in a democracy that has to be 100 percent equal to women. and i say, i don't care if they have problems. they come flash and stuff, not cyber,
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not to real life. you know what they need help? good. eventually we will give them help and we would give them free therapy mind. i mean, they have to be comfortable for what they're doing because each single action has a consequence, even if doing that action online. so this was, what would your plan be for dealing with people that do this kind of thing. but imagine the, the recipient is extremely upset by it. maybe it gives them some sort of trauma like was flush bucks. you know, i'm sure there are cases, but what would your punishment be them for the perpetrator in your ideal world, in my ideal while he would be blocked from contacting that person. and would he be allowed to do it again, monitored? should this person be monitored? ok, they block one person will stop and going on to somebody else. exactly. i'm hockey st. try someone else. yeah. i know you're getting a lot of angry ladies on the year olds and gentlemen as well,
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of the year on the line tonight at r t dot com. but ladies who are going to leave it there for now, palo diana women's rights activists supports the law. elizabeth, her job's agenda, a call it hobson, gender equality activists. as wells, thanks for coming on. the line is a controversial one, but great to have you on the program. thank you very much back. you know, the majority of people, the think what i think will leave you to thank you ladies. thank you for having. and i'm starting to nationals, world news at 8 o'clock from oscar with me. kevin, i would. thanks for checking in. it's half past 8. kevin, up to 831 of the evening. i moscow time or a good evening for me and the team. ah . while tensions remain high over ukraine, one thing has abundantly been made clear. russia in nato have fundamentally different ideas about playing european, secure.


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