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tv   News  RT  February 10, 2022 1:00am-1:31am EST

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oh, countless, others like them ah, ah, headlining right now on our team, rushes figure skating. t waits for answers on doping allegations at the winter olympics. the i r c saying the reports of pure speculation and not commenting on them as the athlete victory metals hang in the balance. we're live with our correspondent in beijing in one minute. why do you include a sized the pandemic? why you would try to stigmatize canadians. why did you do this to a country that is already suffering and deeply damaged by so many of his policies. the canadian prime minister takes a barrage of criticism for his stance against anti vaccine mandate demonstrators. as the protest there renters, it's 13th day you case spread to the russian invasion narrative via diplomacy. and the news since the british media bends the government pro ukraine rhetoric, but uses questionable heroes for the stories also ahead. syrian refugees may not
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survive the winter. russian intelligence reports that us sanctions and illegal oil trading as sapping the stricken countries resources with a live and worldwide. this is alta international from moscow. my name is colleen bray is just a 9 am here in the russian capital. it's 2 pm in beijing, which is where we're starting this out with a big story we're across russia says it's waiting for an official statement from the international olympic committee regarding reports for the case of doping. it's figure skating team, but in its daily morning briefing on thursday, the ifc cold, those reports pure speculation. instead it wouldn't be commenting on them. okay, let's see where we are now. let's go live to beijing. ortiz alexi or a chef ski is covering the games for us either. can you just take us through what is known at this stage? we do know it's a states that every one here in beijing, ourselves included,
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and pretty much everyone in the press are waiting for the official statement from the eye. you'll see regarding what some media have already described as doping allegations against the russian. i figure skating team in question. there is, but to particular fig estates, a 15 year old, can he live olivo who absolutely demolished her? opponents on the icy is one of the of one of the most talented ice figure skaters on the planet right now. and many media outlets have already speculated on the subject that she may have failed a doping test. again, i have to reiterate that this is purely speculation. at this point. there's been very little information coming from any official sources from on, on all sides. and even at the press briefing on thursday morning of the i will see the spokesperson for the international limbic committee. mark adams a directly responding to a question about whether that was a doping case said that everything right now is speculation. this is
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a legal case and he really had no further comment to make. he also said that there will be a separate statement from the i a international him to committee and that is something we expected about an hour ago and still it hasn't blended. we are, of course, waiting for that anxiously here, but on the good side of story that we saw a camille of oliva already take to the ice in a morning training a session. and according to many experts and my colleagues here in beijing, this ultimately means that she hasn't been suspended from the participation in the olympic games or disqualified. so this sounds basically a good signal, according to many, confirmed, basically by the press officer off the russian figure skating association. all believe in the who said that camille of oliva, what's not suspended from her participation in the olympic games here. we can only assume that means a the that, that the doping case will not stand and we are waiting for cause details on the
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aisle seat for the more camille on he was traina, a world renowned, i figure skater skating china. and at that it would be, needs a, was questioned by russia media in the mix. so on a bout the doping allegations, her response was very brief and sharp that i would not be dealing with any kind of speculation. as for the official reaction from russia, we can see now on the screens as the reactions from the russian sport ministry that to the day reiterated. they're consistent position against all kinds of violations of both the rules of sport and the olympic ethic. that's pretty much everything we have on the official side. but tell you what on the unofficial side, i just came back from the figure stating event involving a male figure skaters were nathan, 10 of the u. s. one, his gold medal. and all 3 russian statist fell during that performance is, i only have to assume that all this situation, regardless of how it's going to be resolved,
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and it will be result soon enough in one way or another is taking it psychological toll on the team of russian figures, kate, us, and generally on the whole olympic team here, of course, i am following this situation very closely and i will update you as soon as we get the official statement from the international and the committee. sure, of course it's any sensible the i r c doesn't say anything until he's got something concrete to add to this. otherwise it's just fueling gossip at this stage. but these i was really all dragging on on my ok for now. alexi ever shasky and beijing . thank you for that. ok, right. let's bring in dr lucian w. valona, who's a leading sports lawyer in switzer with extensive experience in sports arbitration matters really appreciate you. joining us on our tea, dr. bologna, this teenager, this young girl has gone from being a sensation of the wind to games, to now falling on the suspicion. now i know leading athletes like this all made of tough stuff, but this must be having an impact. of course it has an impact because i
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think it's it's, it's good, it's not good that the name is mentioned and i think we should protect miners, especially when we search strong allegations. that is the reason why i think it's very premature to, to say she has knocked off. i think it's important to respect that nothing has been commented officially or less. we must protect the k 2. of course you said like i understood that there were strict rules about under eighteens and naming them in suspicious circumstances like this. so why would this be out in the public domain and is this why the i r c is just referring to it as a legal complication of the state? yes, i think it's a very clear what you said is correct. it's anything in any case the athlete has to
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be protected and only information can be shared with the public in the moment. the at least had the right to to command on it and to see the allegation. and know any darkening allegation does hold to point and because as you know, any opening allegation does harm image of any at it at any time. and that is the reason why these information also sensitive and should never, ever have been closed. and even, i think the, the point of the i see which, which they made a mistake in my live curious to suspend the ceremony. which clearly made to the public and clear that this was something strange and, and that is not good. so everybody could could find out who could be suspected. and
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i think even that was not a good point if there is any wrong doing and it is only an if at this stage to what extent can valley eva be held responsible? she is only 15. yes, her miners are protected of course, but they. ready are not her besides the rule, and i would not like to say she has. those are not her minus can be punished theoretically, that is possible based on the rules. but of course, the sanction should be in proportion to the 4th, which cannot be s, as, as strong as, as for an ann on minor sheet. and what about her teammates? any russian athlete is very sensitive to claims, like those that after what's been happening in recent years over doping plus also
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figure skating is such a prestige sport for russia. and what effect in this have on the others in the squad? well of course m, if this would be true, it could tell ray typically leads to the nice if occasional team, when, because it was a team when. but these are who speculation and we should not really dig into that too much. of course not any. the athletes, the spectators, the fans, one answers pretty quickly, but what kind of process has to be gone through so that any conclusions are robust? yes. first of all, we do not know was it, was it really a test? was it, was it not positive that the sample being requested? all these kind of stop must be, must be gone through all the procedure. everything must be check. is it really
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correct? was wrong test and then we can, we can assess more, but now it's really it's nothing we have on the table. and that's the reason why we should really go now and in your experience, because i was just reading about the chemical that's being floated as a potentially involved in this and number of medic saying that it's not a performance enhancing drug per se. that said, it is still banned and has been for a long time on it while it is listed in your experience. how often do these drugs that might not have any impact but are still banned? come up in a difficult to then legislate for these in these customer when, when the water copies made and the least they are a lot of or substances on the list that that should be deleted in my, you know, performance enhancing drugs or,
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or problematic in per se, and also social drugs, they're on the least on north performance. enhancing on there are still on the lease and i think a lot of changes should be made. okay, talk to volunteer. really appreciate you sharing your experience and expertise on this. i live from switzerland. thanks for joining us. thank you. ah, next to the canadian prime minister's been grilled in parliament as the capital remains great by those mass coven vaccine mandate, protests opposition, m. p. say the federal government's negative response to the movement as only widened the divide between the public and the state. it seems the prime minister has got a little too comfortable with using the force of government rather than trusting canadians to speaker, and what day this month will all travel advisories be lifted, the support of the conservative party of canada for people barricading our streets
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and our border crossings is harming businesses is harming canadians were putting food on the table on entering more divided than ever before. can the prime minister tell canadians why he would politicize the pandemic? why he would try to stigmatize canadians? why? what do you do to this, to a country that is already suffering and deeply damaged by so many of his policy canadians loudly and clearly in the last selection. that science and vaccination was the way through. they gave us in this house a mandate to move forward on that and we did for almost 2 years. now, canadians have borne the yoke of loss uncertainty and lack of hope. the backs of canadians are about to break. canadians are miserable because of the prime minister . we want to know on what date the mandates will end. here. a canadian authorities of open nearly 80 criminal cases in connection with the demonstrations. but one
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truck, a we spoke to adamant that the public's perception of the movement is broadly positive . from what i gather, the majority of the residents of all i was that i have spoken to personally are overwhelmingly in support of us being here. many, many auto residents have walked up and down the street pass my truck. many have stopped to talk to me and like 99 percent is not hire of them all. thank us for being here. they support us. they ask if we need anything. we are well fed, we have lots of fuel, a nice lady that we have just down the road, came to me a few days ago. asked if i needed anything. and i said, well, i could use some laundry being done. so she took all my laundry. when home washed it folded it and returned it the next day, it's things like that that are happening throughout every day. it's just over
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whelming and well, a number of canadian politicians and campaign groups are also citing with the protest as calling on the government to negotiate parties. john, how to report next. from ottawa, a group of tow truck companies here in iowa that are contracted with the city have refused to tow the remaining big rigs and trucks that have been part here in canada's capital city. as part of the so called freedom convoy protest saying no, are not the ones to be asked to do that. some of these companies even expressing support for the ongoing protest now it started january 28th and 29th. when a convoy a truckers converged upon ottawa in protest of the mandatory vaccination measures a canadas mandatory vaccination measures for truckers. but since then, it's really morphed into a greater a much larger protest having to do with canada's overall cove at 19 restrictions and even has spark debate, political debate about canada's freedom of assembly and protests and even freedom
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of speech. now, some canadian officials have called for the protest to be stopped immediately for police to take a more heavy handed approach, some calling this a seditious, seditious act, an act of sedition, even an insurrection and occupation there. they're there here, peacefully. the everybody's way out here with their families, and this is the most peaceful protest you that you could ever be a part of. there's barbecues is free foods are free coffee. there's bounty castles . there's people with little wagons with their kids. there's, it's, it's, it's a, it's, it's turned into a much bigger movement of canadians, all coming to one place and uniting for a common purpose of they want the freedoms back, i'm electrician, and i'm an ex truck driver and this has been a very peaceful the police have been good, you could feel the change in them. maybe friday night saturday you could tell that they, they've been instructed to reserve themselves. don't be so happy. don't be supportive . you could see the change in to politi soon. it was a very negative change. and that's unfortunate because i've been here over week, i've been here since last friday and has been nothing but peaceful here. nothing
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loopy. but protesters we talk to have really bristled at the analogy of naziism in white supremacy. saying that while some extremist types have shown up here, they have been asked to leave that this does not. and they do not represent the overall protest again, which is about canada's cove at 19 measures and overall restrictions. question is, how much longer is this continue? will discontinue police have stepped up there enforcement measures essentially trying to cut off the supply, particularly fuel and gas that's being delivered by volunteers to the truckers in order to basically starve them out as one a protest her describe didn't squeeze them out of here. also finds had been increased, but for now the protest continues how much longer, whether this political debate and dissension last for weeks, if not months will that remains to be seen. but the protest very much continues here in ottawa, john honey, our team, and with another voice on this pasta, henry hildebrand, who's attend to the protests,
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told us either the crackdown on the convoys both unconstitutional and undemocratic . the mayor of ottawa is determined to starve the convoy, whatever it tasted police chief said, if any one on any of his officers would give any of the conway people, water, or food, he would not hesitate to start a new criminal investigation. so that all started, it's kind of turned into a mockery here of the ottawa police because they were yanking jerry cans out of people's hands that were filling their trucks and taking their diesel fuel away. well, the convoy people that are here as standing up for god given freedom, they all went to the stores and all got jerry can hand walking around in town with jerry can know if that's the popular thing for the police to run after. i guess they figure they each wanted to have one of what is happening right now with the government cracking down like they are, is so anti democracy and his so anti constitutional against our bill of rights. it is so anti,
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what our prime minister has been running on for years say he hears every minority. and of course he called this the, the small fringe minority. the only conclusion we came to is just this minority must be too large for him. all the bridges overpass us were filled with people that inspires so so many people only here nationally, but world wide right now world wide, there is, there is convoys happening everywhere. another big story with tracking this thursday. britain's top diplomat live trust is due to mate russian foreign minister, so gale of rav in moscow a little later today. the key discussion will be the tensions over ukraine, of course. now, prior to her trip, the british foreign secretary threatened moscow with the toughest of sanctions. but trust the struggle to even get any legislation to parliament. the british media, though it's following westminster lead and isn't flinching on you crying or choosing some controversial stories to cover in the process. all these donald cool to take a look at some of the headlines. so secret the u. k. has long been one of key ebs
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biggest fan says the western media further stoke, the flames of hysteria with to seize of an impending russian invasion. shiny new gifts from london ante ship missile systems have just landed in ukraine. for the 1st time, are armed forces. the navy, in particular, will receive real weapons missiles that will finally enable us to have something against the russians in the black and as of c, z u. k. officials and the media clearly have so much devotion to ukraine. they're willing to put these instruments of death into the hands of key ebs warriors, while the british taxpayer has a right to know who are these people. let's take a look at ukranian sniper, a lena bellas air sky. she's the hero of one of the suns, recent articles and claims. she has no remorse for killing russians. but what the article conveniently left out is that bellas air sky is actually a member of right sector, a ukrainian neo fascist party. and before that, she was one of ukraine's most famous or infamous, far right,
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extremist bloggers. it seems you do not hide that. you consider yourself the ukranian nationalist. absolutely, and i have never hidden this from the fast days on an up to the latest nationalist can mean a lot of things sure, but ukrainians often seem to take things a lot farther than in other countries. for example, the sun's hero seems to have a thing for monuments to adult hitler. by the way, i'll say something provocative. now, monuments to hitler will be erected, of course no, and keith, but some way in belin. if you happen to be black though, don't worry, bel air sky is very tolerant. she's got nothing against you, unless, of course, you're contaminating the pure white ukraine. she and her neo nazi friends have envisioned for themselves. seriously. and without any jokes, though, about my ebt hit to black people. it's oh simple. i'm mutual to those of them who did not live in ukraine. desolate hair are a real threat to ukraine. she doesn't seem all that fond of homosexuals either.
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because the europeans with their political correctness, have long been unable to protect themselves. german foreign minister guido vesta vella has married his life partner jemma chancellor angler michael was one of the 1st to congratulate him put in a curvature. how can he shake hands with his minister now? and if you also have to sit at the same table at the end of the day, none of this has prevented the western media from turning bellas air sky into a freedom fighting symbol. it's no wonder such a person would be preaching all out war with russia, nato events. i want to tell you, dear, dear foreign friends, please do not help us to seek agreement with russia. any agreement with that country is hopelessly futile and counter productive. only the tough line of the whole free will to us russia. it white, complex of military, economic and diplomatic measures is capable to still pitt tensions between russia and the west continue to run high. and both parties are saying there for a diplomatic solution. but when london and washington are giving weapons to people
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who don't even believe in compromising with moscow, you have to wonder how much of that is just a load of hot air bus. she's quoted as saying she has no moral anguish. ah, it's the targets that she's are shooting out, they're not human. and she derives pleasure from killing oz. these are all sorts of things that were quoted in this article. and the son ah, so it's, it's disturbing to say the least. this constitutes a war crime as well because she's boasting about the fact that she's, she's targeting and trying to kill all the other soldiers who ran to help the wounded that she just killed. so she's firing it to, you know, people who are trying to basically help the wounded. so i'm basically treating it like it's for sport. and then this is being glorified ah, by the western media, in this case the, the rupert murdoch or publication the sun newspaper on how they covered this. and
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rushes ambassador to the united states says moscow's partner should focus on serious issues. because russia's never planned an invasion of ukraine. nick junior, may know in from so know alien from the information boys ongoing. an example of this unacceptable info campaign is bloomberg's recent headline, claiming russia had attacked ukraine. no russian representative has ever said russia will attack any state. all this is insinuation all this is fake news. we talk about it all the time. i start conversations already with a smile, saying that neither to day, nor tomorrow, nor the day after tomorrow will russia attack ukraine. any more questions for me? i asked and looked straight into the eyes of my colleagues with oh, okay, so let's now start talking about serious issues. and while millions of syrians freeze in reco, breaking cold and snow, they claimed that the united states one of the richest countries in the world,
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this stealing oil from one of the poorest. so says rushes of foreign intelligence service at the same time americans imposed sanctions. so syria can ne, the cell know by feel are the southgate taylor takes a closer look. oil rich and yet freezing to death in northeast, in syria, a region swimming and black gold refugee fair, they won't survive the winter. it is a tragic reality that every winter, many syrians who have escaped a bombs of war di, due to the harshness of winter. 35 percent of displaced syrians inside northern syria. say they know of someone who has died or developed health conditions due to exposure to winter temperatures. at the same time, in the very same region. soldiers bearing the stars and stripes are hard at work, bringing aid to the refugees. no trucking out that lifeline. i washington is still actively involved in the illegal trade in oil from the occupied territories of ne,
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syria. oil is delivered to iraqi kurdistan by trucks guarded by u. s. military personnel. in addition, the u. s. military contingent and private military company personnel organize the security system for the production and processing infrastructure. yes, there might be only 500 or so american soldiers left in syria, of which that commander in chief is apparently unaware who we don't have the military in series. but it seems they've been busy, apparently caught delivering some of the 3 1000000 barrels of crude. they pump every single month in the country. that's not bad. and from oil fields, they have no claim to not surprising the local government, blast them as looters and thieves. in the meantime, damascus is strangled by washington's embargo band from importing oil, and struggling to find buyers fritz own so helpless it watches as foreign troops. so it's resources and it's people sell anything they can to keep warm. of course,
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listen to washington and you'd never think it had a hand in washing the misery of millions. those crocodile tears for oh, so easily. a lives of people in syria depend on getting urgent health. we have to do everything in our power to create ways for that 8 to get to the open pathways. not to close them. now it's true and we have reached out to both the state department and the pentagon for comment. this would mean that washington light, it claimed that troops were staying in syria only to stop the oil from falling into the hands of iceland. terrorists. well, i never saw that my coming did. you were keeping the oil, we have the oil, the oil is secure. we left troops, b, i'd only for the oil, but we're keeping the oil. remember that i've always said that keep the oil. we want to keep the oil $45000000.00 a month. if you tell us to say that you understand the u. s. produces around
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$350000000.00 barrels a month for which it gets roughly $9000000000.00. but saul and need that extra $45000000.00. why? because it can, the, the sanctions that are put, imposed by the united states against syria or illegal under international law. and are made even more so by the hypocrisy of the united states in sanctioning assyrian energy or production oil sales. while at the same time stealing oil from syria in violation of international law, let's, let's be clear. the theft of oil from syria in areas that are under the control of the united states military constitutes a war crime, a war cry. so violation of international humanitarian law and the international laws of war and should be, you know, defined as such by the rest of the world. but the, the world is turning
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a blind eye to the united states and what it's doing in syria. we claim to be trying to help the syrian people are, we are imposing sanctions and we are still in oil in a manner which does harm to the syrian people. it's, it's, it's purely hypocritical, one thing. so about those troops and syria, that living up to the u. s. army moto, this will defend all, i say, san washington. what's mine is mine, and what yours is also mine is the stores were across for you this thursday, mortality programs on the way, but we will cut it live if we have from the international olympic committee in bay ging, as the agonizing weight continues for conclusion on russian figure skating sensation camila valley ava, still waiting for a metal over a legal issue. but those claims of doping, a swirling around if they are safe, furnishes us with more information. we'll bring it to you live. this is alta
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international from moscow. ah. since 1971 way the world one out of the money standard everybody. every entrepreneur, every business man, every country in the world has gotten addicted to mal investment has gotten addicted to not accountability. and the idea that every single problem can be cured by simply printing more money. and now we're at a point where all of that balance best friend and all that waste has now resulted in a molecule prices, as discussed in this report, which is predictable. and it's also irreversible.
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ah, has the 1st amendment adjust been notified by the department of homeland security by the issuing of a bulletin of heightened terrorism labeling. anyone who distrust the united states government, terrorist perente the potential punishment which might await those who dare question the actions of this administration. and does this mean those who are calling for a freedom convoy to begin here in the united states might be the 1st to be labeled terrorist by this new address policy. we're going to bring you the latest from the events on the ground in canada, with the freedom con boy as support in the state. continue to build amongst us trucker. and the bill is being introduced to stop all a to secure the border of ukraine. until the border of the united states is secured itself, but will be more than just a p. r. move to bring a tension to the continued influx of illegal migrants across the southern border. we're going to discuss.


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