tv News RT February 10, 2022 12:00pm-12:31pm EST
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[000:00:00;00] ah, with school, i'm disappointed that we seem to have dialogue between a meet and a deaf person. be talk different amounts of russia and the u. k. appear to have found no common ground on regional security concerns. i made escalating tensions over your crime as they need for urgent talks in moscow. why he was for the size, the pandemic. why he would try to stigmatize canadians. why do you do this to a country that is already suffering and deeply damaged by so many of his policy at the canadian prime minister takes a barrels of criticism for his aggressive storms against anti vaccine magnet
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demonstrators. the protest enters it's 13th day. a canadian example has inspired many around the world, particularly in france, where police struggle to stop multiple convoys went from paris, with authorities turning to new bands, fines, and even with for most great, thanks for joining us tonight on our team to national and daniel hawkins wherever you are this hour. welcome to the program. the rushes, foreign minister says moscow's concerns express the british count about his trust fell on deaf ears as they met in moscow to discuss rising tensions of you crime. and the u. k. threat to impose the toughest sanctions against moscow. ortiz one quarter has the story. those julian, tim still, i am disappointed that we seem to have dialogues between a mute and a deaf person. they seem to be listening, but don't hes. almost detailed explanations have fallen on rough ground. they say
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that russia is waiting for the soil to freeze and become like a stone so that tanks can pass safely into ukrainian territory. it seems that our british colleagues have the same sol today, from which numerous factors that we cited have bounced few people if any would call thursday's meeting, a productive one at the top of the agenda. of course, we're the proposals for security guarantees that moscow had put forward back in mid december. the main point of contention being that russia's asking nato not to move any farther eastward, specifically into the countries of georgia and specifically here ukraine. this is something that washington and nato have refused to do, and at the press conference lab, rob said that the west is negotiating exclusively on nato centric terms, and that they're unwilling to compromise. and simply that rush has been cheated for years when it comes to its national security and with relation to nato. now, this also comes as the western media continues to carry out its campaign of hysteria around a legit plans for
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a russian invasion of ukraine. this is something that leverett again reiterated. what moscow has said time and time again, that it has no plans to invade. anyone, it simply doesn't want you crane to become a member state of nato. now on that point, leverage also said that kid has become actually a geopolitical pawn in a western dame to destabilize russia. let's take a listen what he said. you do munitions up with them, okay. you're gam, apparently a western colleagues need president zalinski only as a tool to pull russia outs of balance that none seem interested in what he thinks the negative consequences from oldest hysteria are impacting ukraine's economy in the national budget. city of city of city of the studio. now as for trust, she said that her goal in moscow was to make as much progress as possible for a diplomatic solution. but right from the get go, she started accusing russia of being aggressive and of trying to undermine what she called ukrainian democracy. most shocking of all though is that she demanded that
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russia prove that it's not being aggressive. talk about guilty until proven innocent minister latrell has said to me to day that russia have no plans to invade you crank. we need to see those words followed up by actions. is vitally important that the u. k. in its nato allies are prepared for all event humanities, now lever. i've also commented on a specific narrative of the west's ante, russia hysteria, specific story that's been going around the media claiming that russia has some concrete plans to lay siege to ukrainian cities, set up a puppet government, and even set up camps for disloyal ukrainians. use speak with you at superficial for cuba, there is speculation, even in some respects, media about some suppose it operation that we're preparing to seize kim and all the other cities of ukraine. both will that some kind of who is being prepared to install a puppet regime. so in the ukrainian capital, that is all this is from the narrative of so called highly likely earth as re city
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credit locally. it's also important to keep in mind that for some time now the u. k has been supplying ukraine with some heavy weapons just last month as shipment of n law, anti tank missiles systems. what landed in ukraine and as early as wednesday, we actually saw another shipment of anti tank missiles systems for fall into the hands of the ukrainian military. now, while the u. k says that these are purely for defensive purposes. who knows what these weapons could be used for once they're in the hands of the ukrainian military, especially after a meeting like this one will, britain's top diplomat appeared to be need of a job for lessons during her talks with laurel for boiler confusing to russian regions with another to in they bring you crime, you do recognize russia sovereignty over the rust of foreigners, regions don't eat, the united kingdom will never recognise russian sovereignty over those regions. while those regions have, of course, always been unquestionably,
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parts of russia are of fact that seem to confuse the case. foreign secretary, despite trust, apparently apologizing for the mistake. it did spark a wave of criticism on the internet with many saying it was becoming for the countries highest ranking. different to make such a blunder. some one of the how she could go into the visual talks and not have been well informed about the reasons she would be discussing that. meanwhile, as the top diplomats were trying to maintain peace in moscow, british from an to borrows. johnson met with the head of nato in brussels as the u . k. plan to boost its bit of she presence in eastern europe. on saturday. i was asked to have the store even though british officials are wanting russia to stop the cold war rhetoric, it seems more of was really happening in the west between nato and indeed, boris johnson in that joint press conference earlier today, the number of russian forces is going up, the warning time for
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a possible attack is going down. this is probably the most dangerous moment i would say, and then in the course of the next few days in what is the biggest security crisis that europe is facebook for decades. and today i've agreed with the secretary general, a package of support sending troops, planes, and ships to defend nato from north side. $350.00 troops to poland, already a 100 in the country, and a 1000 more troops to be made available to nato. so troops already on the move and the prime minister certainly didn't rule out sending even more if a need when be on the eastern front. he also says 30 has offer further support in the united kingdom are ready to then provide with support. meanwhile, of the nato secretary general, he's considering the possibility of moving even into remain. you're putting troops in romania, particularly near the black sea and looking to increase its presence in poland.
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when bar johnson is now in part and talking to leaders about the situation too. but it's not just boots on the ground. there's also talks of sanctions. of course, the government now says it's ready to publish a legislation on possible russian sanctions that includes new powers to talk to individuals or entities the link to the russian states. and the government seems to think that they can become a law without any parliamentary approval or even any scrutiny. so it certainly feels like the tensions on the rise all the while. of course, it's important to reiterate. the russia has always denied any vision of an invasion of ukraine. so in terms of boris johnson been on the one hand, he speaks of d escalating and that the move towards diplomacy is all about talking. we know he's sending delegates to moscow on the other hand, far as johnson in the united kingdom are committing to sending troops to the region, uneven heavy economic sanctions as well. one political as told us the whole crisis
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plays into the hands of the united states, which was ties between moscow and nato members to remain poor. i think everything is designed to be a major crisis. we have to be strong, we are being strong. a, i do know manufacturing right, has seems to be a measure of intentions. we go back to previous situations where crises, a sovereign countries which the west now claims to be supposed to be in this particular instance. so really, it may be that plan here is the time of any kind of discussion that made it really about nature is what its members are main member us to size. so does the us have an interesting little stream to going in this label
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relationship to russia, you know, close to the whole, to break down to the unstable, to so in that situation, to provoke instability now with this kind of problem and it has been ruled in parliament, as the capital remains grip by mass cope with vaccine, man, protest opposition and pay say the government extremely negative response. the no one has only widen the divide between the public and the state. it seems the prime minister has got a little too comfortable with using the force of government rather than trusting canadians, so speaker, and what day this month will all travel advisories be lifted? the support of the conservative party of canada for people barricading our streets and our border crossings is harming businesses is harming canadians were putting food on the table. and more divided than ever before. can the prime minister tell canadians why he would politicize the pandemic?
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why he would try to stigmatize canadians. why would he do to this, to a country that is already suffering and deeply damaged by so many of his policy canadians loudly and clearly in the last selection. that science and vaccination was the way through. they gave us in this house a mandate to move forward on that and we did for almost 2 years. now, canadians are born the yoke of los uncertainty and lack of hope. the backs of canadians are about to break. canadians are miserable because of the prime minister . we want to know on what date the mandates will end here. authorities of arrested more than 20 people on open nearly 80 criminal cases in connection with the demonstrations. but only one truck, always fucked. so he was adamant that the public's perception of the rallies is broadly positive. from what i gather, the majority of the residents of all i know that i have spoken to personally are
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overwhelmingly in support of us being here. many, many auto residents have walked up and down the street pass my truck. many have stopped to talk to me and like 99 percent is not hire of them all. thank us for being here. they support us. they ask if we need anything. we are well fed, we have lots of fuel, a nice lady that lives just down the came to me a few days ago, asked if i needed anything. and i said, well, i could do some laundry being done. so she took off my laundry when home washed it, hold it, and return it the next day. it's things like that are happening throughout every day is just overwhelming. or some canadian politicians on campaign groups are also signing with the protesters. call them on the government to negotiate ortiz john hardy reports from also a group of tow truck companies. here in ottawa that are contracted with the city
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have refused to tow the remaining big rigs and trucks that have been parked here in canada's capital city. as part of the so called freedom convoy, protest saying no, are not the ones to be asked to do that. some of these companies even expressing support for the ongoing protest now it started january 28th and 29th. when a convoy a truckers converged upon ottawa in protest of the mandatory vaccination measures a canadas mandatory vaccination measures for truckers. but since then, it's really more into a greater a much larger protest having to do with canadas overall cove at 19 restrictions and even has spark debate, political debate about canada's freedom of assembly and protest and even freedom of speech. now. so canadian officials have called for the protest to be stopped immediately for police to take more heavy handed approach, some calling this a seditious, seditious act, an act of sedition, even an insurrection and occupation there, there are there, here,
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peacefully the everybody's out here with their families and this is the most peace, peaceful protest you that you could ever be a part of. there's barbecues, of free foods, there's free coffee. there's bounty castles, there's people with little wagons, with their kids, there's it's, it's, it's sites, it's turned into a much bigger movement of canadians, all coming to one place and uniting for a common purpose of they want the freedoms back. i am electrician and i'm an ex truck driver and this has been a very peaceful the police have been good. you could feel the change in them. maybe friday night saturday you could tell that they would, they've been instructed to reserve themselves. don't be so happy. don't be supportive, you could see the change in to police soon. it was a very negative change. and that's unfortunate because i've been here over week. i've been here since last friday and has been nothing but peaceful here. nothing would be. but protesters we taught to have really bristled at the analogy of naziism in white supremacy, saying that while some extremist types have shown up here, they have been to leave that this does not. they do not represent the overall protest again,
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which is about canada's cove at 19 measures. and overall restrictions, question is, how much longer is discontinue? will discontinue police have stepped up, their enforcement measures essentially trying to cut off the supply, particularly fuel and gas that's been delivered by volunteers to the truckers in order to basically starve them out as one a protest her describe didn't squeeze them out of here. also finds have been increased, but for now the protest continues how much longer, whether this political debate and dissension last for weeks, if not months will that remains to be seen. but the protest very much continues here in ottawa, john hottie, artie encouraged violence in canada and tobacco focused this i've taken hold in new zealand where people have also stood up against mandatory co, but inoculations. oh no more than 50 arrests were made as of his cleared protests and were camped out of the parliament building and wellington mana injuries roku,
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to that an extra $150.00 offices and cooled into control. crowds complain as though brand the police response, a complete for vacation and a disgrace and a situation in canada. in spite of similar, we went in france, were large convoys of truck sattler. supporters were blocked from moving into the capital by police. the protest this set out from southern france and had planned to converge on paris on brussels or to use charlotte davinsky reports with not yet arrived in paris. but the plan is for these convoys that are coming from across the country to descend on the capital over the weekend. but before they've even had chance to do that, the authorities here in paris have said that any protests over the weekend will be strictly forbidden. the idea some have said is for them to try and power lies. the city, like we've seen over in canada, taking the momentum from that and bringing it take to france. what they have said
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is that they want to come here to protest against the cove. it 19 regulations and as we know, thousands upon thousands already in convoys that left as early as wednesday morning from the south of france from the west, from the north. and that all planning to be here late on friday evening for that protest that was scheduled by them though. undeclared, the authorities on a saturday parish, so is ready to stop them and has been bitten any of the rallies from taking place. due to the risk that this gathering could disrupt the public order. the police department has decided to prohibit such demonstrations from friday, february 11th, 2022 through monday, february 14th, 2022. well, just like their counterparts in canada, these so called freedom convoys are he to protect against the covey restrictions they being provoked by now,
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almost 2 years as people facing lock downs was frictions, whether or not they've been vaccinated, and they are pushing furious, but their demands are also extending beyond that, in fact, they're extending into the territory that we saw would be yellow. fact switch sprung on to the scene here, folks back in 2018. they're asking for more money to be spent on public services and also for their to be the citizens referendum initiative, which would mean that individuals would be able to vote on issues across the country as and when they turn up, they say that that would be a return to a more secure form of democracy. what the trying to do is to capitalize will not movement at the moment, resource thought in canada, but it's now spread across the rest of the world. everyone who's been vaccinated has had health problems. so what we want is for the journalist, the media to finally tell the truth. we're supporting the freedom convoy. we're so glad to see this happening in canada and now in europe in the world. we're here to
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support all of those who are speaking out in support of our freedoms. so when i had to do my duty during the lockdown, i went to work and i caught coven there. i was one of the heroes back then. but now i'm not even treated like a citizen. i don't understand how we went from that side to this one. well, france has said its government is missing, the understands that there is this needs over these ongoing restrictions on. it has been suggested that the restrictions, at least he could end as early as the end of march. however, we have also heard from the euro pin union that the house passed. the digital pass that's in place at the moment could now be extended until the summer of 2023. that's over a year from now. and that is really likely to anger many individuals. those who set these convoys at the moment heading towards paris, where they say they are still in tending, despite the fact that has been banned,
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to hold those rallies in the capital. but they do face tough action. if they do that, the authorities have said that they could be severe fines and even prison sentences handed out to anybody, particularly the organizers, if they break that ban on the protests over the weekend. but the plan is to come to paris and then to head to brussels for monday, where we know that convoys from other countries in europe also heading into the belgium capital. once again, to show their protests, their anger against these coven 19 restrictions. and the question now many may be asking, given that there is this overlap with some of the demands with what we saw from the yellow vests over the last few years as to whether this is the new convoy, the new protest, the could really wreck havoc perhaps not just hearing france, but actually could extend now to other countries in europe to live out independent journalist lead rebate. for more on this sir, thanks for joining us. good. so i have you on the program to day these police act
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extreme to stop the the truckers, the demonstrators even entering the campus. all, do you think they're going about this the right way or do the risk simply raising the public even more? well the goth montero for my home is scared stiff of having a repeat of what we live through the show, the yellow fists period. you know, they are afraid of it because it is not only the cold, it situation and the fact that people are fed up with this, these restrictions. it's also the price of gas, which was the origin of the yellow. it's the cost of life, which increasing is the inflation that, you know, 7.5 percent in generate that makes it, that people get poor very quickly. and so this could mean havoc for government, you know, a real sho league as the goal sent them a technical situation total kills. every time you have truckers demonstrating you
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have carriers demonstrating it is very difficult for any government to get it out of the chaos that they create. so again, the government is very much scared. that's why they, they were so tough in what they said. and i think they will really trying to stop them before they are each what do you think the demonstrate is demand? the sub now expanded to something more than just, you know, vaccine mandates. but i really touching upon much wider social and political issues . well, it s whole the speed there in france, sense the yellow fast, so rebellion revolt popular revolt. and now that we have the elections in 2 months, that is the key issue. and the key fear of, of mr. my call it is that with the elections into math, you could have the showing me don't show on the left for example, my independence party, all the right. you know, attacking and surfing on the discontent of the people to,
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to really oust most you my home or the yellow face. so if you remember, were nearly any, say palace one day they were nearly there. you know, it was, are revolutionary. so that is why the power in place in front is very scared because of the election campaign which is on fully now, do you think this movement and indeed the water protest could have a real impact on macro, on, on his policy in those elections that are coming up or is this simply a minor p r imaging, convenience for him? oh, it's not p r. it's really a very strong feared, as i said. and on for the opposition. it's an opportunity for, especially for the lack of position that didn't do well until now in the campaign that they could use it as a real weapon against the government to use the discontented people. though many
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also say that my call could benefit from it because the, the, the, the bourgeois and parents of the people supporting my call would, would be scared to and would vote for president to re establish order and peace of the capital. so it's, so it's a difficult situation. i had some liquid i would say for mom, because they're on their way to should arrive tomorrow night in panama, if they reach the capital or on the control i guess from the minnesota to, to mr. domino with you know, as you said, very strong penalties for those who would dare reached paris. so we will see that it's very dangerous. and european commission is also scared of this yellow fest movement. and the fact that inflation is on that do the cost of energy. so i, you know, all that makes it, that the people are really unhappy and coffee is the top element, the cherry on the cake. there have been protests, of course,
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in many cities across europe. on this particular one in france is inspired by the movement in canada. as we know. do you think no, this could become a fully fledged movement across the whole european continent in the long term? i don't think so. you're still very much divided in sovereign states despite whether european commission homeless you're my whole say. so our france is not germany is not, italy is not spain, it's different in every country. i think frances and sort of a board tree for the moment of what the yellow vests could do or what a popular revolve could me. oh, certainly not germany or belgium to lance denmark. no, it's brady, france. that the focus point from the women also because of the presidential election intimate, or hasn't been a journalist. luc reba. thanks so much for your time here at that a on arctic lecture. leave and democrat, to run you as states anal, clashing had on with the bottom of stray,
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should over code rules with polar opposite starters on mosque wearing everywhere from schools to restaurant mass. magnets will end within a month and california new jersey and connected to joining space like republican lead florida and texas. new york, her has also just announced that scrapping rules for most places. we had a mask or vax requirement for businesses. it was an emergency temporary measure put in place literally 2 months ago. and at this time, we say that is the right decision to lift this mandate for indoor businesses and let counties cities and businesses to make their own decisions on what they want to do with respect to mask or the vaccination requirement. given the declining cases, given declining hospitalizations, that is why we feel comfortable to lift this in effect tomorrow, or evenly bottom. ministration is doubling down and it starts that americans should
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continue to wear mosque, including school children. we recommend masking and schools that is the recommendation from the cdc. it is also true that at some point when the science and the data warrants, of course, our hope is that that's no longer the recommendation. and they are continually assessing that. but the guidance is very clear, because a lot just charles in austin, texas, a political analyst and contributor for news outlets. read, state, and nation dot com. jeff, thanks for joining us. could see you in the program today. some states, of course, as we speak, all curtailing them off my list. the bottom ministration though is still pushing people to where mos including school children with miss lee to public, confused as to what god is to follow, who to listen to. yeah, it could cause a little bit of confusion there. i mean with biting administration kind of classing
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with what states want to do. but at the end of the day, i mean, people are going to listen to what their states are telling them to do. if their governor says, you know, we're living math mandate, that's what people are going to go with. and honestly, i think that's where america wants to go. so at this point, regardless of what president biden things are, his team in the white house or dr. boucher you who would probably have his mask, you know, forever. nobody really cares about what they have to say. the more i think less and less people are more and more people are starting to come out of this have and this is hysteria over the corona virus. why do you think states on abiding by the federal guidelines and from the bottom ministration, and indeed the cdc, recommending them to web off because it part of this federal state disconnect that's happening a nationwide part of it could be because they're actually following the science and seeing that these mandates are not as necessary as people have been saying, i think, but i think most of it though has to do with politics,
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right. i americans are getting fed up with these math mandates. even people who vote democrat aren't so happy about these things. anymore whether it's math mandates or school math mandate, i think that they don't have the political will to keep the stuff going. so i think we're going to be seeing more of this over. ready and over the next few months, and i've been predicting that 2022 is going to be the start of the post cobit era. we're seeing the beginning of that right now as we speak. so when you say listening to science, when you look at some of these democrat lead states that are previously endorsed, those strict covered measures. and as you say, some of the modern political and then now changing their thoughts, total $360.00 that you say is, is more through with science than anything political i would say actually i think science is part of it. i think it is actually more. ready political because they know that people are getting tired of all these mandates didn't the guidelines
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should be the same nationwide based on the cdc scientists recommendations or do you think it's the right way to go the right thing to do to let individual states decide for themselves based on case them was based on hospitalisation was the correct way forward here to begin that, that post cobra area that you talk about. well, i think you got to touched on it. the states should decide it would have, it depends on what's going on in the states or whether, what their well, what their coven infection rates are. all of those things, i will say that, you know, with the arm across barian. and we're seeing that as much less much left delhi, i actually had it myself and i was just starting to get over it, but it's not nearly as bad as the offer or delta variance. so at the end of the day, the state should decide, but at the same time, it's pretty clear that the mandates are not necessary and they're doing more harm than good. all right, well we'll wait for the beginning of that post covered here. i think with great anticipation jeff charles political analysts and contributed for news outlets read states,
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