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tv   News  RT  February 11, 2022 1:00am-1:31am EST

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ah ah, the breaking news, the international testing agency confirms in a statement that russian figure skater camelia did test positive for a band substance. also ahead to clear political influence on the police to physically exert political will on peaceful protesters. i was just following orders is no longer an excuse, a canadian officer slammed for government for forcing police to crack down on freedom convoy protests. as the authorities continue to denounce the antivirus the mandate demonstrators. in an attempt to end the movements and britain tries to turn up the heat on russia, renewing threats of the worst of sanctions over the ukraine crisis. while the media stokes, the anti russian rhetoric by any means, a
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sly from moscow. this is the international von calling bray 1st for you this friday, and the breaking news from aging. the international testing agency has confirmed that the band substance tr. i'm it has a date was found in the sample taken from russian figure skater, camilla valley eva in december. it comes off to the metal ceremony for the olympic figure, skating team competition in which camilla one gold was delayed due to what was then cited as an ongoing legal issue that's got up to date where we are. then we can go live to see the lexia, chef ski and beijing high again. where we were hoping for answers seems to have raise more questions. tell us more about this statement. indeed, it's a very convoluted story, so i need to break it down in the slightest of details. now 1st, we know of course, that russia figure skating olympic team. one good old our last sunday. and since then, the metal ceremony has not taken place, which is something unprecedented in the history of the olympic games when i metal,
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sorry my has been de la for so long a legal dispute has been cited as the reason for that by i'll see, even on thursday and this morning we did receive a statement from international testing agency, confirming that on 25th of december, a sample was steak and from camila lever, a super talented, 15 year old ross nicely estates, a part of the a gold winning olympic r o. c team. during the rush and championship gunny, among the sorry about eva one that championship comfortably ensuring her participation in the olympic games. and the biggest question here is that this sample was taken on december 25th in st. petersburg, russia by the russian anti doping agency. now as we know, russian anti doping agency is rendered um, it basically cannot operate full a due to the restrictions placed by water following the previous doping control the seas. so it had to send a sample to the water accredited laboratory,
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which it did that labord laboratory happened to be alberts or in stockholm. and the biggest question here that the positive result of tri met as a dean. and i will tell you a little bit more about that medication lights. i came back only on february 8th, which basically happened after the the, the event where i believe a one gold then valley eva appealed to santa rosette, of course, had to impose a automatic suspension from the participation of the island, began to believe i appealed and asked for an expedited resolution on february 9th, who sought a rule that while eva was a, was able to participate in the live began farther on. that is one of the interesting questions. yes to why they decided to do that. we are anxiously waiting for any kind of statement from ro sada on that. now obviously try me. as the dean is a prohibited b d performance enhancing drug according to water. on the other hand, it's also
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a medication which is treating angina and heart problems. and that's where the core of the problem lies. it's still really can't understand whether believe a consciously took it, whether it was a medical needs. obviously we need to receive answers to those very, very burning questions. but in the latest update that i have here from badge in the olympic committee of russia finally came up with a statement. they broke the silence, basically detailing everything happening too, of an eva confirming the positive developing test on december 25th. but it also said that the particular case does not mean an automatic ah no suspension of the russian gold for the, for the team event in figure skating. this is an individual matter, and the biggest matter right now is whether volleyball will be deemed guilty in reaching the anti doping protocol and be able to compete an individual ice figure
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skating a competition which is due to be held on february 15th, that is basically the timeline by which we have to know one way or another, the fate of the multi talented russians data and renee, there's answers soon too. but just thinking about what must have been an astonishing week for camilla valley. ava starting on sunday on top of the world without reco setting performance. and he to end the week with this cloud hanging over. what are the consequences for that teenager? well, i good breaks my heart to think what's running through her head right now as well as all the members of the i c go figure skating team and basically the entire r o c team here at the aging olympics, regardless of how this goes. this is already a very difficult situation in terms of reputation, especially considering the murky, passed off the set last several. yes. but there are very important things we need to know and understand before jumping to any conclusions. this is something that many mainstream media outlets and john have already done. they are bringing out the hatchets describing believe as a cheater, as a doper and things like that,
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which is completely ridiculous to my mind for several reasons. first and foremost ru sada, allowed the actually to participate in the games for i did find the positive result, but it also said that believe i should continue in the olympic games. i don't believe they are a suicide squad allowing a doped and i do a quotation mike here adopt athlete to participate in the games for the one which would further tarnish the reputation of the entire team. that's the 1st thing. secondly, i would have to understand, i tried to try met as a dean is indeed a legal b, d, but it's also a medication. it treats angina, it treats har hart issues. and there are cases when a medical exemption could be provided to the authorities, which would allow the athlete to take that medication and participate in the games . maybe that is the case of oliva, that's why she was allowed to participate in the games. bible saw that we need to know that because rosetta is still silent. we need a statement from them to clarify that and 3rd, which is absolutely paramount. here,
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i believe a is a minor. she is 15 years of age. she is protected by what is very own protocol and she is rendered as a protected person. so in her case, it might have been a case of unconscious taking off that medication it made. it may have been many, many different, other reasons, but it also could be in sailing of very soft punishment in case this is, this was on constantly. so again, a lot of questions left to be answered. i am very closely following the situation, hoping that there will be some more statements, which would like more, you know, clarity on this whole situation. of course, i'll keep you updated on that from aging show cause so what's also disappointing is that this is generating more headlines than the achievements of the athletes that this went to games. i will let you get back across reaction. the lexia 50 in beijing. thank you. now, while the investigation was ongoing, the i o c repeatedly asked the media to stop speculating on the case despite that, and despite any official ruling at the time american news broadcast,
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the cnn didn't hesitate, the dish out the judgement from the get go. cnn has learned that a russian figure skater has failed. a drug test in that person is a minor russian olympic athlete, supposedly tested positive as am i supposed to be surprised. seeing and cover the story, sharing 15 year old believers name and photo along with the accusations. even though the i o. c said she should be protected as a minor or the mainstream media outlets were also quick to follow. suit headlines made sure to link the youngsters name with doping, despite nothing having being confirmed at that point. right, let's go live now to investigative journalist rick sterling. good to have with us on the program. as i said to a correspondent in beijing, we were hoping that a statement might provide clarity or draw a line under it. but as he mentioned, it's raised even more questions. what do you make of the statement from the testing agency? well, i think it's interesting. we now know the date that the test was was due on december 25. so the question is what? why is it so late?
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why? oh, why was it not reported? in mid january, you had the european figure skating championship in tell n. and the result should have been available for there. it's no, it's no 6 or 7 weeks after the band. these results should have been shouldn't been available, won't be for now. so one question is, what, what was the cause for the delay? alexi was saying that tremendously is a performance enhancing drugs. many people say that it's not accurate, that it's a medication and that it is not a performance enhancing grove. it's similar to male don't m which people and the athlete athletes take to calm the situation. so part poll potations when they are
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doing very, very strenuous exercise to remember that dean was put on the prohibited list. some people believe it was put on there specifically to target the world champion, chinese swimmer, sun yang. it was initially put on included in, but in the prohibitive list for all only for in competition. in other words, you could use it at all times except during competition. and then later on they added it to the, to the list of prohibited medications. at any time, but it makes the question why would an athlete take a drug that's on the, on the prohibitive list, which is of value to them. now, 4 years ago, at the olympics in, in south korea, you had similar incident of a, the,
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the 2 russian curlers who were, who lost their metals of our because of bell donny. m, which would be of no value to a, to a curler. in fact, other corners were laughing at the idea of, of needing provo performance and enhancing drugs of any kind or the, the, the idea of medication or drugs being used for in that sport was, was tell them laughable. ah, there was a, another russian athlete who was found to have premier as the dean a bob slater. but all of these cases are very um, they're kind of fishy, you know, in a way, ah, why would an athlete take a medication that is of no value. and that they know is on the prohibited list. the answer made to that may come when we learn, presumably, hopefully learn the quantity of a t, m. c. as it's all know,
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also known as that that was found was it wasn't a trace amount or was it, was it a substantial amount? if it was a trace amount, and it's been shown to be the case that some migraine headache, medicaid pellet pills and also some vitamin supplements have been found to have contain traces of a pro mrs. a. d. and so you know, there, there are many questions here. i'm glad you pointed out the, the quick response in the u. s. media, which is loving this because they love to hear russia, not just the u. s. media, but a lot of the big media because as you mentioned, there are a lot of other people, bodies, entities that have to have big questions asked of them, but it's committed valley. eva's name that's being dragged through the mud. it's her name that's trending here. and terms of the responsibility of coverage, how would you assess it? well, of course, the fact, you know, we, we've spent
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a dearth of facts about that. there's been a lot of vacuum stations and, and rumors. but there's been many facts. we've already raised some serious questions which need to be answered much more than they have been to date. so. but if we, if we look at, you know, who is, is losing and this camilla of obviously is, this is a horrible event. i think we can be pretty clear that the young woman has no idea that or that she did not intend to take any kind of prohibited medication or or pill if she did take it, then who advised her to do that. and if she did not take it, then you know, how did it get into her blood? i've already mentioned that if it's a trace amount, there are cases that have gone before the court of our prefers and sports where
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we're an athlete was found to have a teresa element of t, m c. and it was from a vitamin supplement. now, what the situation is here were, you know, i think we, we have to have 2 more for the facts. need to come out of the 15 year old girl. do you think that this episode is something that being young? she can bounce back from seed on a formative years in her career. or is it something that click bate is going to stick and puts her future success is in jeopardy? well in time will tell, obviously she's extremely talented and she must have a lot of mental strength as well as a physical ability to, to be where she's at of the story in the west is some, there are some elements are turning it on. they're saying she's the victim of but it was the coach who was at fault or it's the, you know,
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of course the accusations and the allegations of quote unquote state sponsored doping r r r surpassing a wide and far so this is a resumption you know, many people believe that the anti doping campaign which was supposed to protect clean athletes is being used to, for political purposes, to destroy clean athletes. and in the discussions i've had with other journalists, it's, it comes back to her being a minor and how this is handled and discussed the duty of care of the people around her. but also the media that are reporting on it. because by the same token, it's also a high profile sport. she's out the winter olympics, which is watched by millions, if not billions, it's difficult to way up, isn't it? well, it is and, and this is becoming more and more of an issue with a lot of athletes. we've seen it with in tennis
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and, and, and to me now 6 where, you know, some young women are kind of questioning, questioning their decisions, especially when, when their performance doesn't, doesn't quite match up. but in any case, it will be a test. hopefully she's her teammates are standing by her side. i think it'll be a test of the solidarity there. and the, the compassion of the, of the coach to, to weather the storm here. hopefully that she can, and it will hopefully it'll, it'll emerge. what, what exactly transpired, and you know, she can be found, she may be found innocent of this already. if that is the case, if she is proud to be innocent, one way or another, either it was such as infinitesimally small amount that it could have come from anywhere. as a, as i mentioned, it could come from a migraine headache pill or,
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or from a vitamin supplement. if that's the case, then the, the enemies of who want to turn this into a tuple, geopolitical tool they'll, they'll keep up, they'll keep going, we need some answers before that sub to accelerate. okay. joining us from west coast us, rick sterling, thanks very much. ok, bye. bye. the next is protests, paralyzing canada's capital continue officials. they're looking at ways to, to, to supporters. the governments been granted to request a free one fundraising platform where freedom convoy 2022 was already made more than $8000000.00 us dollars for the protest. as a slight sentiment though, that the money raised will still find its way to the movement. know this, canada has absolutely 0 jurisdiction over how we manage our funds here. it gives send go all funds for every campaign on give send, go flow directly to the recipients of those campaigns. not least of which is the
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freedom convoy campaign. as we reported here, one attempt to raise money on go fund me was taken down last week and on the streets of canada, dozens of a recipe may send over a 1000 fines have been issued. one canadian officer accused the government of ignoring the fundamental rights of citizens, saying he can't follow those old does any more. what is happening in ottawa, with a clear political influence on the police to physically exert political will on peaceful protesters is so very wrong on. so many levels i was just following orders is no longer an excuse. it is time to stand up in speech owed by refusing to preach your fellow citizens fundamental charter rights. you signed up to help people stand with your fellow canadians and say enough is enough. others accusations of insurrection and even treason fly in that direction. the truck is a, came to highlight the grass roots to pull that, that protests getting for many people in also from my job hunting. i reports for
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like a dance party, then a protest right now, i mean to be honest with you, which is really been the case over the last few days. look auto. a police say that the situation is volatile. the protestors here the truckers determine if one thing is true, it's that the supporters of this protest and those that are here are determined they're determined for their voices and their demands to be heard as far as volatility. we know that police have made some arrest, but overall it's been a very like over the weekend there were balancing castles. here, there are families coming here. i described it as almost like a winter carnival type festival. the point of the protest is basically it started with truckers converging upon the city here. january 28th. an auto are fighting against mandatory vaccinations for the trucking industry. it's really more into a much greater protest over canada's coven 19 restrictions. and now a pretty fiery and intense debate about canada's freedom of speech. freedom of assembly, freedom of protest, rules and policies. there's
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a very difficult situation and how do you get all these trucks? hundreds of big rigs with trailers. how do you move them out of the city? if they have no plans on leaving local tow truck companies have said you're not using us. we have to work with these guys. we don't want to be seen doing this. and somebody even told me we stand in support of these truckers, so it's a very, very difficult situation for police and luck. the majority of the protesters we've talked and we've talked to many including trackers say have, have really maintain that this is a peaceful protest. supporters, men, women, children, continue to come here from all over the country, but none the less vac said protesters maintain. this is a peaceful organization. it's a peaceful demonstration. still, canadian officials, including the prime minister and other federal and local officials, have lambasted the ongoing movement. the ongoing protest and the pastor protesters including one ottawa city council member, here's what he,
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she had to say kurney referred to it as sedition today. i think that's exactly what it is. this is treason, really an insurrection. it's a, it's an attack on our democracy. it's an attack on our federal government. we shame, similar convoys in the united kingdom and france and australia, new zealand. we're also hearing about chatter and talk about something similar potentially happening in the united states. a convoy maybe even stretching from california, going to washington d. c. possibly disrupting the super bowl or even president joe biden state of the union speech on march 1st. that remains to be seen. but one thing is very clear. this protest continues here on the ground in ottawa and other parts of canada. oh hey, you can see trucks blocking a major bridge in detroit, linking the united states to canada, the blockades coast, but disruption to the supply chains, including call companies ford, i'm toyota, one supporter of the convoy protests told us that people will stay and rally until
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their freedoms are restored, it would have been a per practical convoy if it wasn't disrupting things. i think that's the point of the convoy so that it encourages the powers that be to make rash and very quick. this is decision and, and not sit there and avoid that could be issue. and yes, it is going to disrupt things in this put more pressure. everyone knows that if you have, you have the right to protest and you have a right to protest peacefully. this comes down to where we waited 2 years to have a plan in place to have our voices heard by speaking with their elected officials. and it fell on deaf ears and because of that, it has take it. it has to take a lot for canadians to have to drive from coast to coast into ottawa to have their voices heard. and that's why they bout to stay there until they lift the mandates of these restrictions that are, are faced and restore the canadians rates and freedoms. we have a charter rates of freedoms that should be protected. and unfortunately,
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our government has, has taken advantage of that. pandemic, and that's why they're there to stay there until they are restored of a situation. and candidate has tried a similar movement in france where police blocked a large convoy from entering the capital, protested from the south to the plan to converge on paris. and then on to brussels . ah, the belgian authorities now say federal police will be responsible for checking trucks and calls crossing into the country. in recent weeks, messages have been circulating on social networks, rallying support for the freedom convoys fronting police in paris to block them. due to the risk that this gathering could disrupt the public order, the police department has decided to prohibit such demonstrations from friday, february 11th, 2022 through monday, february 14th. 2022. we heard from protest, us who were determined to fight on for the freedoms plano, for your political sub,
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my should it's when i had to do my duty during the lockdown. so i went to work, and i cut coven! there. i was one of the heroes back then, but now i'm not even treated like a citizen, and i don't understand how we went from that side to this one and the bus in our lot to thank you so vaccine the every one who's been vaccinated has had health problems, what we want is for the journalists, the media to finally tell the truth. and he heard of, we're supporting the freedom convoy. we're so glad to see this happening in canada and now in europe, in the world. we're here to support all those who are speaking out in support of our freedoms here. britain's expounded and strengthened it sanctions against russia despite yesterday, so called push for diplomacy talks and moscow on the ukraine crisis. new legislation gives the u. k. the power to target russian businesses and individuals written justifies the move as confronting russian aggression towards ukraine. moscow says it's the actions of the west and their mil attractive. it is the bro, the situation to this point with nato members continuing that build up in the
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region. this is probably the most dangerous moment. i would say them in the course of the next few days in what is the biggest security crisis that europe has facebook for decades. and today i agreed with the secretary general, a package of support sending troops claims and ships to defend nato from north to south. in the meantime, western media jumping on the anti russia bandwagon, speculating on moscow's motives as every opportunity ortiz, danny armstrong takes a look at the most garish examples. the old saying goes, see, no evil, hear no evil speak, no evil, but as definitely not the case with west and mainstream media who strain the eyes and is to detect malice and militancy in everything that russia says or does almost without exception. and that goes doubly so for when one flat m a person is consent . who can forget the president's quote, some beauty insults with
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a manual micron mosquito who it is key of says they will comply with uminski agreements. then they say that this will destroy the country and the current president recently said that he doesn't like any of the clauses, whether you like it or you don't like it. bear with it. my beauty, you have to comply. the russian leaders stuff guy talk is sometimes explained away as a sort of folks in us that is a performance for domestic audience, but put his choice of birth or bit in his remarks on monday to take it or to endure shows and neglect underlying sentiment about the role of women quotes from russian folk law. putin's words what pulled a pot and repackaged as miss such any and ugly machismo. talk about these, he being in the eye of the beholder. as for the setting where some saw a white great table, m. s m. so a blood was the villain on a throne of fear. for those at the top decor and furniture can be tools to impress, charm and intimidate the terrifying seat of power. in game of thrones is
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a towering iron chair forged from the melted swords of defeated enemies in the james bond series villains are known for decorating their headquarters with shark aquariums. in real life, however, there is vladimir putin and his confusingly massive white table. then there was the west, blind faith in a russian invasion of ukraine. you remember the imminent one that never actually turned up. russia could launch an attack on ukraine any day now. russian invasion of ukraine would be a rhythmic that was his by ukraine's president himself. actually saying the exact opposite, but that as usual fell on deaf ears while she's easy. and do we have tax on the streets? no. or when you read media, you get the image that we have troops in the city. people fling, that's not the case. my right, i'm the president of ukraine, and i'm faced here and i think i know the details better here. this outright refusal to listen resulted in mainstream use broadcast. turning into weather
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forecasts. rash mutates as the term for the might have spring when travel in russia and ukraine by road becomes more difficult. usually its impact is most felt in march. as the snows begin to melt, military analysts are debating whether a continuation of the mild winter might affect any plans for inoffensive. so do they actually think putin would invade on horseback? but that could also be the reason why diplomacy between the kremlin and the u. k. go stuck in the same mod. maybe it explains why liz chose britain's foreign set crit tree. use the world on american map, which places baltic states on the black sea. we're all say supplying and offering extra support into our baltic allies across the black sea, and randomly annex is russian regions. you do recognize russia, sovereignty of the rust of foreigners regions, don't you? the united kingdom will never recognize russian sovereignty over those regions. so
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as for seeing and hearing and speak, you know, evil when the will be seen through a western media tinted lens and geography isn't a strong point on this bad job. russia top diplomat said it's hard to get through to western counterparts brochure and t. i'm still, i'm disappointed that we seem to have dialogue between a meat and a deaf person. they seem to be listening but don't care. so that way well then that's it from the news room for this hour. i'm calling bry definitely in moscow. i'll have your next update in just over half an hour. i hope to see you then. ah, mm.
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bring you the very latest every out the day. this is all. no phone. everyone here with better survival guides with stacy just like wal stored safely, that the federal reserve issue is still there. you don't get a back active. oh no. what is a recreation game where we get the rest? the 7 years bill? every year i've tried to report ah.


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