tv News RT February 14, 2022 1:00am-1:31am EST
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[000:00:00;00] a with breaking news with our live on at the international, but the top cotton sports rules, the russian figure skating star, camila valley ever can carry on competing at the winter olympics and beijing that is despite testing all to be a pro band of substance in december of the claims of an invasion of ukraine by the middle of the week, the u. s. is back tracking a little bit not making any definite prediction now saying instead that the invasion could be any day. now canada police clear a key border crossing with us of truckers protesting vaccine mandates. but peaceful rallies in the capital continue and supported the so called freedom convoy. now
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entering it week, we spoke to one of the protesters, the openly inside the hatred in part of the population with a drop in the bucket compared to what the government has done to us for the last 2 years. and with the u. k facing it's worth the cost of living crisis in decades, gas and electricity providers are planning to hike. energy costs during water during the peak period. so we got reaction. i think that's absolutely dictionary just to go. so what does that mean? do i took my dinner break to find prices at the time? so anyway, i think with a very good morning to you from all of us here at auto international in moscow. now, just after 9 o'clock on monday morning,
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we do have breaking news for you. that's how i hear on our as we understand, the court of arbitration of a sport has lifted the suspension of russian figure skater camilla valley ava, allowing her to continue competing in the winter and then picks. it came off to the athlete returned a positive test for the band substance. i trim it as a bean. it said this was at the national championship at the end of december. however, the result only came to light a day after the teenage store had actually won gold as part of the russian atlantic committee team, the beijing games, despite the athlete being cleared to compete the world anti doping agency. wasa said, our entourage will be investigated over the case. let's learn more right now and cross live to dr. lucy and bologna, who's a sports lawyer acting before the court of arbitration. a very good morning to you . so thanks for coming on the program here. what is the worst over for value? what reaction you expect from the i o. c and water now? well, they will not be happy, but in the end,
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i think it's the only right decision that was to be made because nobody knows what in the end will happen. but to not allow have would have been the worst. because imagine she would in the and the ongoing other proceed that she would ring. and then she had, would have not been able to compete. and now they allowed her to compete. and that is the right thing. i wanted to ask you. so the, the court of patricia for sport has said that they see a huge problem in the fact that the test result came back. so late, what do you read into that? i think that me probably already know too many days ago. now the rules are clear, it must be within 20 days of the stay. wait, it's so long. and the explanation for the delay was not very convincing. what we
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heard khatri x is colby relate to delay. i don't believe that. what does this mean now though? what does this mean for the russian skating team in general? if you think it's the gold medal secure? now, when i think a be current is now dawn, and of course the main procedure is he's going on to see when i think the b test must, must produce the results. and then the whole case will, will be decided. and of course, it's not over, but i think an important step was let's talk about this. this drug that she was busted for taking is essentially a hards medication. can there be justifiable reasons for taking such a medicine? well, what, what is clear?
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there was also in the water testing documentation that you mentioned is that you can take some kind of pills for the had a migraine deals. and these can use also for quality result we do not really know what, what the medical reasons for the positive test was. but these could be an exploration. what about, what about, let's address some of the media issues here. the media was very, very quick to condemn the russian athletes once again, even before any decision was made by the court. why do you think that was when this tangle that, and the band form from russia not compete, not being able to compete with russian flag, of course is still in the mind of the people and people. it
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seems that there is not a lot of trust, especially in the media when it comes to doping, a kind of pre conviction already. so that means that's the reason why the name should have never ever been appear to disclose the damage is already made now, but of course they tried now to say little bit and to protect the said kid doctor felony. this was the broadcast as an enormous scandal. there was our, we were, we were by, we were showing some clips from c, n, n yesterday, for example. and they were saying, this is a huge scandal here. the russians a doping this that and the other. is it a scandal? we cannot say. now i don't think so. i think that will be a good explanation for, for these test. all depends what the explanation is,
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but it seems that rose out already lifted the suspension that there must be a good reason now. cos need also follow rosalinda. and that also means that they also believe that there was a big chance that she could over calm the cause of the fast we should get the explanation eyes you. and that is the reason why we can be very positive for the future. in this case, dr. lucy and valona, joining us for an international, a sports lawyer acting before the court of operation are giving us the latest with this breaking news on our c. thanks so much for that. we appreciate your time. the us can't seem to make up its mind when russia is supposed to invade ukraine or joe biden claim to could be done by the end of the beijing olympics. but then the media, citing officials that actually the innovation is going to happen on wednesday. now, america's national security of either seems to be backpedaling just
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a bit. what can you tell us about reports that us intelligence believes russia is considering wednesday for an attack? we cannot perfectly predict the day been invasion can begin. a major military action could begin by russia in ukraine any day now. tusky taylor joining us live in the studio on this monday morning. sounds good. we've been seeing all the media reports now for the past number of weeks eminent invasion, eminent innovation, then they were saying it's going to absolutely be on wednesday. now it's any day when you listen to those was on it's, we're not showing you any evidence, but trust us wash and tanks are rolling towards the key. if you then open up any news website and it's plastered with warnings of the impending apocalypse, it's almost become a competition who can create the most outrageous headline and of course, in the process, get the most clicks and b. c. for example, as true or not, not one, not true, but 9 invasion roots, papers are placing bets on one. exactly. russia is going to evade and world war 3
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is going to start sometime this week. apparently never mind, of course, that the previous back on a new year invasion turned out to be a total failure. that really is a hurricane of hysterical and outlandish headlines, but the fool out from it has been so quick and so immense. we've got embassies, shutting up shop, and kias, and moving west. we bought over 14 nations now which of, of the citizens to preemptively evacuate france is that not yet bought stock comp and fuel and food and water to planes to ukraine being redirected and grounded. the dutch lines kayla has halted flights full stop. we've even got the ukrainian ambassador to the u. k. making the ground announcement. but just in order to save the world for was willing to give up on that dream and even potentially withdraw the application to nato. the irony is that amidst all of this hysteria, a voice of reason is the ukrainian president himself who thank i've come down,
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you're over exaggerating the threat. unimed fact in his call with joe biden on sunday. he even invite to b. u. s. president to visit, in order to put people at ease, but the white house declines. the clearly putting people at ease is not a priority. fred, unfortunately those last keys who head is being drowned out by this panic, conducing rhetoric. it seems that the world has just taken washington at its word despite of course, the fact that in the past is what has proved to be was very little we need to do is remember of course, those huge claims of must weapons of mass destruction in iraq now the kremlin exhausted, of course, from denying claims of any planned attack is observing all this madness and has concluded that it's just the latest move and a very cynical long game being paid by the west. okay, senora, the citizens to raise to whip up this situation and provocative activity. this is part of the provocation that did not begin 2 months ago. it is a plant,
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long term conflict that is act of the controlled by the united states, which means the accompaniment is unprecedented. western media resources that declares themselves and abandon now, so custom made stories from washington today. no one has any doubt that this is a provocative game that can really lead to provocation. ukraine is packed with weapons supplied by nato countries, led by the united states for this by the ukrainian president. zelinski are basically telling the media to calm down and all this rhetoric calmed out saying it's really hurting the ukrainian economy and there are no tanks from russia on the streets. meantime, lots of countries are putting that people out of kia but take us saskia to the east . the eastern area, lou guns don't yet the hot spots there. what is the situation there? no. well, there has been a pretty recent, quite worrying development concern c o s c e. that is the organization for security and cooperation in europe. now since 2014, when of course, the conflict fast broke out, it had hundreds of monitors in danielle in easton, ukraine, basically keeping an eye on the situation and enforcing
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a cease fire that now we're getting wild that dozens and estimates range from 50 all the way up to 160, that dozens of those monitors have been told to leave. or we've even seen images of them packing up their equipment and quite literally fleeing in armored vehicles. now this is a very strange move because showing now when the whole region is on edge, surely precisely now is the time when we need such 3rd party observers that in order to provide some kind of stability and moscow fears. but unfortunately, o s c has been dragged in to market politics. these decisions can fail to cause a serious concern. the mission deliberately dragged into the militaristic psychosis, fermented by washington and used as a tool for a possible provocation. while talking about provocation. well, how about another batch of us military equipment arriving and key has over the weekend? so clearly the ukranian space is dangerous, but not too dangerous. of course, to deliver some alms. you really have to say with washington, like i said,
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flooding ukraine with arms and ammunition with the help of course of its allies. then with this hyped up out of control, new cycle that's going on flooding the information fer, it really does have the sense that it's the west, not russia, that is setting stage for a potential aggression and doing up to nothing to de escalate despite of course, all its claims to the contrary. at the same time as asked the west, a medial, crying war war, war doesn't seem to report the fact that all these different western countries of funnelling weapons and military trainers into ukraine is just not in the news dusky taylor. thank you. well meanwhile, as part of ongoing join, the military exercise is a russian nanda beller, russian fighter jets had been conducting border patrols, although essentially they were pre planned drills as well. the flights were carried out and sing bills also in pairs,
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and then pretty bad weather at the same time. i'm shifting gears to canada now where police have cleared the remaining anti cope. it mandate protesters from ambassador bridge, a key border crossing with the u. s. that, of course, has been block now for at least a week. the push to clear the demonstrators came amid a state of emergency in the canadian province of ontario, a dozens of arrests were made. vehicles seized in a ratcheting up of government efforts to curb and move with its grip. the country for over a fortnight always spoke with one of the demonstrators who was at the bridge protest. he says he hasn't witnessed any violent actions from any of the demonstrations here in windsor at the ambassador brigitte has been nothing but peaceful. all the, all the people on the side of supporting the protest or supporting the truckers supporting the bill of rights supporting freedom. have you on a word it, there has not been one negative incident that i've witnessed or heard of myself, and i've been there every day. and in most cases,
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every night. the reason why people are protesting in the 1st place are because of these illegal mandates and restrictions if, if you tell someone to go home from protest or else they can't cross the border again, you just told them already if you don't get shots in the arm they can't cross the border if they don't get shots in the arm that can't work. if they don't get shots in the arm, you can't go into stores. so you, you're trying to punish people, protesters for doing the very thing you're trying to take away from, or you have taken away already. these people, people like me. the sides are family members. our lives itself. we have nothing left to lose. some have hail the clearing of ambassador bridges of victory for the canadian government, but peaceful demonstrations against vaccine mandates and the countries capital ottawa are entering the 3rd week. the 100 still riling in the area right around. parliamentary hill, i demonstrate,
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is explained to us. what motivated them we came because we believe in freedom. freedom from her children, or grandchildren or nieces or nephews or a family. their friends have to start to make a stand with canada. we have to take our freedom seriously because they are being taken away bit by bit by bit, by good, and it's wrong. it's rejoicing everybody standing up for it and they're standing up for us, so we have to show them as well. and so everybody, the world's watching, i feel the checkers have given us a boy before i was very, i didn't talk about my ideas or my, my opinion i but then they gave me the strength to not be afraid anymore. so stand up for what i believe in what we believe in, and that is free choice. the mass protests are broke out after the canadian government introduced our vaccine mandates for truck drivers, crossing the border with the us health officials to find the new restrictions. but one of the protesters we spoke to says the measures are actually doing more harm
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than good. what was done at the bridge with statements. and i can't imagine that it was a drop in the bucket compared to what the government's have done to the last 2 years . imposing their will upon the people. they have openly incited hatred and part of the population. justin trudeau, a man who's been caught numerous times in black men, accused of groping reporters and, and he's, they're saying like, a projector just projecting what he is that all the people down there are massages to raise this and they are holding on. you know, these, these bad news start opinions, but i, i heard you folks, i walked down there and it was a loving event. people were bringing their family, we just want a right to be respected and we want these mandate to end that they are killing everything. they've put everything screeching halt. so what we've done here is nothing compared to the damage that these elected officials and non elected officials have done to the people of the free world. they have the end and we are
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not ending right now. meanwhile, across the atlantic in belgium, protestors inspired by the canadian freedom convoy movement are preparing to gather in the countries capital. coming from all over europe to hold a mass, riley against covert restrictions and mandates. the belgian authorities have already bought the protest. lauren for summit, even preventing some vehicles from entering brussels until tuesday. we will bring you more on this. as this mass demonstration slowly develops as this monday is kicking off the lift gate. excuse me, get back to our breaking news for this are here on our t international already. a very busy monday for you here. the court of arbitration for sport has lifted the suspension of russian figure skater camilla valley over allowing her to continue competing the winter olympics. it came off to the athlete returned a positive test for the band substance trim. it has been a national championship at the end of december. let's learn more now. crossing live
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to beijing of correspondence. lexi your 2nd to update us on us breaking news. now you're just outside the, the media court that thanks so much for joining us. let's see what stand behind this vote. what else can you tell us? well i yes indeed, i just came out on the press conference by the general secretary off the court of arbitration for sport. matthew reba. it wasn't even a press conference. it was rather a statement which caused indeed some displeasure among several journalists within the hall. they were very keen to ask questions, but matthew reap gave a very detailed explanation as to why the panel off 3 judges from the us from slovenia and from italy, delivered this decision. now this decision took almost 8 hours to produce last night. they sat inside the beijing hotel for until almost 5 o'clock in the morning local time. and finally the decision is here. the cas panel has decided to let
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camille oliva continue her participation in the beijing olympics. citing 2 main reasons for that. first and foremost, she is a minor, she is just 15 years of age and under what is own code, she is rendered as a protected press. and so different set of rules apply to the miners and obviously to the adult senior performers when it comes to anti doping measures when it comes to doping allegations, that's 1st and foremost. secondly, the cos panel also ruled that such a decision to basically kick oliva out of the olympic games here would do a reparable damage to the athlete that's according to matthew reed. that's the kind of warning he used at. now this statement here and 3rd, which is also quite important here. matthew reap cited. one of the reasons why cast decided on this decision decided on letting her continue, her participation in beijing is that the laboratory in stockholm, sweden,
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which was it responsible for that particular doping. probe, taken from camila oliva on december 25th and russia. the timing off their results was too long. the sample was taken, as we remember on december 25th, but it only came back with a positive result on february the 7th. so that is also one of the reasons why my theory believes camille on eva needs to continue here in a, b, g under obviously the cast panel as well. i'm, she didn't basically have any time to, you know, build a legal defense of herself. and the fact that this broke him back in the middle of the olympics, that is also cited as one of the reasons of course, are we waiting for a flurry of reactions he had judging by almost, you know, silence inside the press hall when the decision was announced and then a few journalists were open, the angry at the cas, the secretary general for not giving them the opportunity to ask any questions. but
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obviously this is just the beginning of the storm here. and it's also important to note that this decision by cos only relates to believe us participation in the game, meaning that she will be able to compete. and tomorrow's an individual female figure skating championship here and by jane bought this stories. fossil is far from over, even according to my theory, he said that the, the actual doping case the allegation against on eva against her taking a banned substance right to matter. try met as it in that will probably drag on for some time even possibly after the olympics. this is not the end of the story, but clearly it's really good news for volleyball and the inside r o c team here that she will be able to compete. she is one of the strongest contenders to win gold in the olympics, or in a correspond alexia shasky. thank you. i think more still to come with the program here, one r t a going green could have
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a rather unforeseen consequences. we investigate child exploitation in congo, the world's top minor of cobalt. that's a serious material used and electric car batteries on your phone as well. we're back in just about to roll. this driven by dream shaped banks concur some of those with airs sinks. we dare to ask
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join me every thursday on the alex salmon show and i'll be speaking to guess of world politics, sport business, i'm show business. i'll see you then. ah, so that's good to be with us today for this program. the u. k. is energy crisis is only getting worse as demand threatens to outpaced supply providers plan to hike rates during peak periods. while the national grid is thinking of tapping electric cars during times of shortfall, it all comes as some $22000000.00 households face sleeper utility bills. after the regulator raise the energy price cap, a correspondent breaks it old out a hotel,
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no topic in the u. k. is energy bails that set to rise? 54 percent comp april, but a fascinating not to get your blood boiling. families could face paying more at peak times, like when cooking breakfast, for instance, watching tv after dinner, and all those cups of tea at tea time. despite these premium, right, so the energy regulator says consumers can save money, it will enable a more efficient, flexible, i'm greener energy system, which will say billions of pounds per year on all consumers energy bills. currently, most households the charge, the flat rate for their electricity and gas usage, but now millions of households could see bill. so with this new over style service charge, the way it will work is smart meters will send supply is automatic updates every 30 minutes to track households usage. and then prices will rise in full in real time. and it looks like the plans will gap the green light,
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as it's backed by britain's biggest suppliers. time of use tara sa updated on a half hourly basis will give consumers a real opportunity to save money on their energy bills, particularly for electrical vehicle drivers, charging from home the system, play a key part in our transition towards, and that's 0 future as well as benefit and customers. this is something that has benefits for consumers, unfurnished companies under the proposals, the small me to tracking will be unavoidable without an opt in choice from late 2023. companies say this can save money, but it's going to be pretty difficult to dodge making dinner at dinner time to avoid using energy at peak times. i think that's actually ridiculous and our ages to go to view. so what does that mean? do i took my dinner at breakfast? i'm? i'm berkeley. frank would like to know what's going on with this. i mean, i think he's trying to raise prices at the time, such as breakfast anyway. it's not exactly that either. so any of the time it was
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the same, everything's rise in a moment, everything. and if i want to cool, want to do and yes, work i did call 40, so it may take a little convincing. well, one energy company is a step ahead and invite and customers to take part in a 2 month trial reducing energy consumption. during to our time slots. households will then be awarded credits if they can serve energy another i did by the national grid. it's a georgia power from electric cars that was on charge on driveways or and so kids could then release energy into a central system as an when required selling the energy back. what sense would it make it also to the other site? just whatever, whatever, whatever people are dismayed about, i think it needs to be challenged. and so it's upsetting people enough to think of people suffering this energy supply as has suggested all sorts of ways to solve the energy crisis from doing stall jobs to keep warm, to a surcharge at pick times whatever the suggestions the most popular among the
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public is not to go ahead with the explosion of price cop increase. ga edwards, dashti, r t, london, as country as push to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy, it could be aggravating. another crisis, a cobalt is an essential component of batteries for smartphones and of course, electric cars and in the democratic republic of congo. its mind by both children and adults and very dangerous conditions as well. congo are currently produces more than 70 percent of the world's cobalt. last year was a boom year for this material with demand jumping 20 percent on 2020. that was driven by the uptake of electric vehicles including tesla. but we visited some of congos quarries to find out the true cost of the green energy revolution. or you can watch it in full that off the dot com, but also when ortiz youtube channel, ah,
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ah, how long have you went to the quarry since 2019. how old are you on the 17. do you know what they do with the cobalt after they sell it? no. you don't know what they do with the cobalt cobalt. you don't know. no. many children now work in the quarries at the moment on many children and pregnant women with children. we often see a problem often lay growth before he died before but the latest figures showed that some 20000 work in the quarry. 20000 miners work here, but i work in the quarry because i have no money to continue my
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education. you have 8 kids. yes. amazing. born in 1983 and $8.00 children in a week i make about could to dollars for this money a steak and we had for it. we might as well put on beds here and hammer. i said for 2 solid days, do you think i'll get through in 20 years? i'm already 15 with i think in terms working conditions, the autism mining methods today post many more problems than in the industrial sector. money mine is often the often swindler,
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