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tv   News  RT  February 14, 2022 11:00am-11:30am EST

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ah, ah, the international olympic committee rules there won't be any award ceremony for russia in figure skating star camila valley about despite the 15 year old being cleared to further competing out the paging winter games by sports courts resident potent approves that drop response to the u. s, senate ongoing back and forth on security proposals that made the crisis in ukraine, while rushes defense minister says large scale military exercises are coming to an end. not coming to an end is the hysteria over the situation though with western media, but it's going all outs on a photo of an elderly woman being trained to fight in ukraine him in to mention a screen. this group has been her brussel. it boils with anger,
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freedom convoy protesters from across the u roll into the heart of europe to make their feelings spelled cobra restriction with live from moscow. this is our t. my name's unit o'neill, and 30 minutes of news and use start. now, the international olympic committee sees there will be any awards ceremony for russian figure skater camila valley of the winter games. if she goes on to win another metal, it comes after the court of arbitration for sport lifted her suspension for testing positive for a bound substance, an earlier event, allowing her to continue competing in beijing or corresponding up the games and china. now lexia shasky can tell us more. this is something rather unprecedented that the olympic games now, ah, the i o. c came up with a statement that relating to this morning's decision by the court of arbitration,
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was forced to allow camila eva to perform in bay. jing saying that of course it had to abide by the law because in such cases the see the cast decision cannot be reversed. its final and camille on eva cannot be stopped now from participating in tomorrow's individual figure skating event for females. but at the same time, i yo see said that not only the medal ceremony for the team figure skating event, which russia, which the r o c team won gold at will not be held. but even if camille of oliva ends up on the podium, that would happen on thursday, because it's the 2 pots competition here for the metals and individual female. i speak a skating competition. the metal ceremony in that case shall not be conducted. i've never seen anything like that in a history of olympic games in a way. the i o. c has the right to do that by the books considering it's the
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official investigation which is still continuing into the doping allegations against value. and it will continue for some time as when the stand after the mimics is over even up to a year as some experts have been suggesting, but still even before the competition kicked offs coming up with such a statement that is something really, really wild. i have to say there is a lot of an infuriated reactions from russian athletes and russian journalists. and obviously we are waiting for any kind of reaction from the russian olympic committee. now i'd like to remind that all this comes after this morning. the court of arbitration for sports after meeting at a beijing hotel decided to let camille of a leave of 15 year old russians data to continue her participation in the games. and citing 3 main reasons for that. first of all, her status as a protected person. she is a minor and what is called different sets of rule applied to athletes like that. secondly, because keeping her away from the competition would do irreparable damage at the
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secretary general of costs called it. and 3rd, and also an important reasoning is the timing off the probe, which cost deemed as inappropriate and not sufficient enough for level lever and hold on to ross to come up with any kind of legal defense. i believe we can listen to that reasoning from cos. the c panel also emphasize that there were serious issues of untimely notification of the results of the athletes. and i'd open tests that was performed in december 2021 which impinge upon the athletes ability to establish certain legal requirements for her benefit. while such late notification was not her fault in the middle of the olympic winter games. beijing, 2022, the russ inside here, the sports ministry, the r o c, and all those involved have been maintaining volley of us innocent for quite a while. now they welcome to the decision by cost to allow the athletes to perform . but a clear understanding here among everyone involved, that this is just the beginning of the story that we might be in for a roller coaster ride over investigation regarding volleyball. also, there is
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a possibility that her b sample might be cracked open. just see whether there was actual doping in the a sample and that is something also confirmed by the russian anti doping agency which early in a statement said that the litigation and the investigation into that matter will continue. of course, i will keep you updated on all the details as we get in that developing story here in beijing, just on alexis last points, although volley of us got the all clear to compete, rushes anti doping agency sees it will delve further into the issue. it wants to look into any possible testing irregularity. now, the world anti doping agency has accused its russian branch of feeling to label volley of a sample properly for expired pre games processing. now the u. s. and limpid committee has weighed in as well, saying they were expecting a different verdict regarding the 15. you know, we are disappointed by the message this decision. since athletes have right to know, they are competing on a level playing field. unfortunately,
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today that right is being denied the supposed to be another chapter in the systemic and pervasive disregard for clean sport by russia. among the reaction we got to this was from sports law specialist doctor lucien bologna who told us the cas ruling. it's an important step, but the cases and finish is the only right decision to work that was to be made because nobody knows what in the end will. ready happen, but to not allow her would have been the worst. all dependence. what the explanation is, but it seems that rosara already lifted the suspension. that must be a good reason. now, cos need also follow rosa, eat the rules or clear it must be within 20 days. and the staying waited so long and the explanation for the delay was not very convincing. what we, her khatri is koby relate to the late i don't believe that
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i think the d test must produce results. and then the whole case, we will be decided, and of course it's not over, but i think it's an important step bar control related reaction on analysis surrounding natalie of a case and much more besides of course, head to r t dot com, where you can also share your views with a comment not letting me put in has approved a draft of russia's response to washington's comments about moscow security proposals. the 10 page document was presented earlier to the president by foreign minister surrogate, love roth. during the meeting, the rough stress masika wasn't happy with most of the us response saying only part of it was quote, constructive. also at the meeting, the defense minister who reported some of russia's large scale military drills that
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had been causing considerable concern in the west and are dropping obese. the drills are large scale. they include almost all fleets troops from all of the military districts. some of these drills are coming to an end, others will be ending soon. meanwhile, off the procession of european leaders heading to key s continues this time. the german chancellor has been meeting with the ukranian president to talk about potential sanctions against moscow. as well as the prospect of further german aid, including legal aid to give, amid the current tensions. let's cross live now to her. europe corresponded peter oliver in berlin, who has been following developments. peter, indeed, tickets through what the german ukrainian leaders have to say in the current crisis and how it impacts the situation. if it does always starts off with what was really the elephant in the room between the 2,
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the nod stream to gas pipeline that runs between russia and germany, it hasn't opened yet, doesn't look like it's going to open anytime soon. both the, the ukranian president said that he and the german chancellor had different views on this president lindsey, saying that he viewed it and ukraine views it as a geo political weapon. prior to that, we have heard very little from all of shelf about the new stream to pipeline. it is much needed here in germany. that has been a lot of pressure on the chancellor over that particular infrastructure project. staying with president lensky, he was also asked a question about his country's ambitions to join nato, and whether they were, were still at the forefront of what they intended to be doing. he said that not everything was dependent upon what ukraine wanted when it came to joining nato at the moment. that was what he had to say about that when it comes to the german chancellor. he was asked about weapons coming from germany to ukraine. germany
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hasn't sent weapons to lethal a does it sometimes called to ukraine. he did again, points out that germany has rules about doing that and that he wasn't foreseeing that happening anytime soon. he did points out the amounts of financial support that has been sent from berlin towards key of somewhere in the region of $2000000000.00 worth of financial support has been said. he said that would continue and there would be more going down that route. but before that meeting got underway, there was another big story doing the rounds from barton barton to boston, and just about everywhere in between. you turned on a tv set picked up a newspaper logged on to an online new source. you probably saw images from the ukrainian city of mario, full on monday, the scene of civilians of all ages, learning how to fire a soul trifle. this was a, a training that was taking place that was had to and carried out by, by national guardsmen. in some news outlets,
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we saw particular one particular star that was 79 year old valentina learning to defend her country against russia. if it was to invade, now, it later turned out that those national guardsmen were actually from the far right, neo nazi organization, the as of battalion. they are part of the national guard and ukraine. they were amalgamated, the national guard back in 2014. but they are a neo nazi organization in their own right. in fact, here in germany, what we saw in the newspapers was a, a different picture than what we got in most around the world. you didn't see valentine or in this picture. instead, a younger woman learning to shooter, an aka 47 and not particular snap the at the soldier facing or the, the member of the as of battalion facing a different way. so you don't see the, the runic voice angles insignia on his left shoulder. now that particular emblem is bond here in germany because it was used by the nazis it,
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if it had been shown in the newspapers like the one i just showed you from the berlin at vital, then people would have asked questions about who exactly was carrying out these particular training, so he walked the ass off battalion and why did people go out of their way? news organizations go out of their way to not mention that it was then there were carrying out these trainings ah, all shawls. the german chancellor moves all known as diplomatic to on tuesday. he's going to moscow, well, be meeting with vladimir putin as he's to continue. he's under a lot of pressure from here in germany to come back with something tangible from
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this trip. a lot of pressure to show that he is the leader when it comes to this particular crisis. thanks for taking this 3. all thoughts are your correspondent peter oliver. and the u. s. count seem to make up its mind when russia is supposedly invading ukraine job. i think that could be before the end of the winter olympics on the media, citing official say it could be this wednesday, but now america's national security adviser is being a little more vague. what can you tell us about reports that us intelligence believes russia is considering wednesday for an attack, we cannot perfectly predict the day. an invasion can begin. a major military action could begin by russia in ukraine any day. now will you listen to those was on it. we're not showing you any evidence, but trust us washing tanks are rolling towards the key. if you then open up any news website and it's plastered with warnings of the impending apocalypse,
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it's almost become a competition. who can create the most outrageous headline, and of course, in the process, get the most clicks and b. c. for example, as to not, no one, not true, but 9 invasion roots. papers are placing bets on what exactly russia is going to evade world war 3 is going to start sometime this week. apparently never mind, of course, that that previous back on a new year invasion turned out to be a total failure. that really is a hurricane of hysterical and outlandish headlines, but the fool out from it has been so quick and so immense. we've got embassies, shutting up shop, and key. as and moving west, we bought over 14 nations now which of of the citizens to preemptively evacuate francis had not yet bought stock cars and fuel and food and water to planes to ukraine are being redirected and grounded. the dutch lines kayla has halted flights full stop. we've even got the ukrainian, i'm busted out to the u. k. making this ground announcement. but just in order to
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save the world for world, i want to give up on that dream and even potentially withdraw that application to nato. when i asked you, if you'll country would contemplate dropping the goal of nato, if it stopped war, you wants it. it might. is that something you are now contemplating in order to avoid war? we affect civil here trying to find the best way out. if we have to make some serious concessions, that's something we might do. the irony is that amidst all of the hysteria, a voice, the reason is the ukranian president himself who thank i've come down your own for example, rating this threat. and in fact, in his call with joe biden on sunday, he even invited the u. s. president to visit in order to put people at ease. but the white house declined securely. putting people at ease is not a priority. fred, now the kremlin exhausted, of course, from denying claims of any planned attack is observing all this madness and has concluded that it is just the latest move and a very cynical long game being played by the west. senior. the purpose of this is
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to raise to we pop the situation and provocative activity. this is part of the provocation that did not begin 2 months ago. it is a plan to long term conflicts that is, act of the controlled by the united states. the media accompaniment is unprecedented. western media resources that declares themselves and abandoned now, so custom made stories from washington today. no one has any doubt that this is a provocative game that can really lead to provocation. ukraine is packed with weapons supplied by nato countries, led by the united states. take us saskia to the east. the eastern area, lou guns. don. yes. the hot spots there. what is the situation there? no. well, there has been a pretty recent quite worrying development. it concerns c o s c e, that is the organization for security and cooperation in europe. now since 2014, when of course, the conflict fast broke out, it's had hundreds of monitors in danielle in eastern ukraine, basically keeping an eye on the situation and enforcing a cease fire that now we're getting words that dozens and estimates range from 50 all the way up to 160,
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that dozens of those monitors have been told to leave. or we've even seen images of them packing up their equipment and quite literally fleeing in armored vehicles. now this is a very strange route because surely now, when the whole region is on edge, surely precisely now is the time when we need such 3rd party observers that in order to provide some kind of stability and moscow fears. but unfortunately, o s c has been dragged into murky politics. these decisions can't fail to cause a serious concern. the missiles deliberately dragged into the militaristic psychosis fermented by washington and used as a tool for a possible provocation for talking about provocation. who are, how about another batch of u. s. military equipment arriving and key as over the weekend. security of ukrainian, our space is dangerous, but not too dangerous. of course. to deliver some arms. you really have to say with washington, like i said, flooding ukraine with arms and ammunition with the help of course of its allies
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bandwidth. this hyped up out of control new cycle that's going on flooding the information's fair. it really does have this sense that it's the west are not russia that is setting stage for a potential aggression and doing absolutely nothing to deescalate despite of course, all its claims to the contrary. saskia taylor speaking to rory earlier. now as you heard in that report, the ukrainian buster to the u. k said kia would consider dropping its nato membership bid. that statement caused a firestorm back at home, and he since backtracked with the foreign ministry, claiming he was misunderstood. what i told him that we are not a member of notes right now. and 3 word war, we are ready for many concessions, but it has nothing to do, was no to ukraine's aspirations for nato and the you are enshrined in the countries constitution. the words of the ukrainian ambassador to the you k, very impressed act that ukraine is reportedly ready to consider rejecting nato membership to brent war with russia out of context. at the same time,
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no decision can be made against the constitution of ukraine. the idea of ukraine unbundling its nato a membership hopes appeared to get a cautious welcome from the u. k. the armed forces minister said london quotes would support that, but it's something for the ukrainians to the site. the welcome chris bombard political analyst live on to the program for his take. hi, chris, does it look too like there's significant disagreement within the ukrainian leadership now over whether joining near it was actually a good idea. we heard the ambassadors saying the membership big could be dropped then backtracking. i think there is all this is the key russian demand. we should remember that in 1919 when the soviet union class need. so it's almost a 1000 a half miles away from russian territory. today with the baltic states in nato is
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100 miles in petersburg. so the further expansion of nato breaking up promised me to go with when the soviet union class a further expansion korean would mean russia is what so called by nissan member states. that is a very aggressive. so i think that all goes and you create you recognize this pieces to my me major to mind that missing not to mind, might be a way of the escalating crisis. or of course are those who are not good or not will so at all. but i think it's important to put this in context as it had to, as you've been talking about in the west, in north america, western europe, almost hysterical in terms of russia is about to be on wednesday, no rush. it was about to be crated wednesday. i assure you here in one day and we'd be taking a course to probably be done in the underground station, sheltering in case of a retaliation. what's happening here is that what we just said, you don't have to support pieces of russia, but what they will be perceived by this media here is that he's an aggressive but
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as a reality, nato expansion into eastern europe in the former soviet republics. it's the supply of weapons, this position of nature. first need a sort of thing system me. so need to wash it. in the black li, all that is ramping up is ramping up this pressure and the ssl is not offensive organization. remember boned serbia, $999.00, a response of the invasion occupation on get us time and bombing would be a, which is our went to carousel. so it's become, it's an aggressive force, not a defensive force yet despite what to say on the 10, i suppose. regardless, chris all who say's watch is there actually any prospect of ukraine joining nato? it would. and i think people need to remember this require the unanimous approval of all members. i don't think there is i. so the word in brussels is, is unlikely, just as unlike was that you claim is that we join european union,
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which is on the agenda either despite big promises be made out of time to make that revolution. i think if it was to join the so it would be a very serious that development and the west has to realize that does realize that clearly there is a division in, in the neutral campus. you know that germany and france are looking for a negotiated solution, rely as they are non russian gas and gas in oil. i know america back up by britain usual who are taking a much, much more aggressive status. you know, not looking for a compromise or a diplomatic solution, as we saw last week when the british foreign secretary was trust, went to moscow and was just the way through it. you mentioned france there, chris, there are reports in the media. the figure in faxing, the french government sees no sign of an impending russian invasion of ukraine. if that's the official view from paris. does that mean the history is going to die
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down? well, i think you've got to understand there is a split, as i say, in the western camp, but the americans are very determined to try and pressure, i think, with the germans into play a much more active role in the, to increasing the defense spending and taking a sharing of aggressive stance with russia, something both this administration and the previous angel not one, is the resistance to because of the economic connections between germany and russia . so germany, however, america has an interest in one sense and ramping this up to put pressure on the germans to try and bring them much closer than they took, i need to car. so our senior divisions, yes, i say, how did that please? i don't know. you recall that back in 2003, there were similar divisions built up to iraq. france and germany didn't support it, but it did nothing to it. so i think we need to take some of the pay attention to them off the is a serious like getting this diplomatic solution. hope these talks in moscow or
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something. but the same to understand that you know, the germans themselves are under pressure from the american idea to take share this hotline stance. chris, just a final thought on on the overall situation. your take on not sure gail of ross has total president putin. there still room for diplomacy and seeking security guarantees from the west. as you went through with a key demands, have been rejected by the u. s. but you think there is common ground there that can be built on issue of nukes in europe, build up a forces near russia's borders, things like that. i think it was on the west, us to look at this is understand that russia, again, you don't have to become a member of a piece in front of you. but russia it brings that historic memories of what happened in 1941. when you look at the map and see the in, so coming over russia by nation powers and the idea of ukraine out of the georgia join, i stuff, you know, it has to be a move, you need to expansion. you know, this is a promise. it was broken approximate,
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mikhail gorbachev when the soviet union was class american, i'm sorry to write this off. i say it was the bible promise, but it was a promise and it has been broken. so i think a diplomatic solution has to take this on the has to be some way. i'm definitely sure that you created george or no to join me so, but also to de escalate the situation. miller, tower bar i would draw of force is no size. i enter these arm sales to create. we need to deescalate, you know, you know how to get a different solution. chris, as always, thank you very much for your time. your thoughts live from the british capital, chris bunbury, medical analyst not brussels has become a focal point of the canada inspired freedom convoy movement with protesters across the you descending all the belgian capital for monday to make their views heard uncovered restrictions. the streets really took on the appearance of a war zone with barricades barb wire police trucks all out in for sart. he showed
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to ben sky is there, and our crew caught these images from the thick of the action as well. awe heads times here in the belgian capital of brussels, where we have already seen scuffles between the police and the protest is the small privates gathered here in the european court near the commission and the parliament . and what they trying to do in the last hour is to move where they were outside the park to join up with another protest. i want to give you a sense of the crowds here. and what they found is, as they were moving down the street, the police came in a blockaded them. you can see the police now creating
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a barrier with bands and officers to ensure that the protesters cannot join up with other protests across the city. now we've been speaking to some of those who taking part in this protest as part of this so called freedom convoy. and they told us exactly why they've decided to come here to brussels. and we will not lose our freedom. we will accept no lies, tear gas was fired at protesters and the sions alizae. i was also head on the street. i am 68 years old. this is a dictatorship regime. as all the people i know are already vaccinated. i don't mean we came to the protest to support our french friends. we walked many kilometers. we are not against vaccines. we are against vaccine passes. do so get on it. and then we went out to protest for freedom due to vaccine passes in france, we demand freedom. i came from paris. there was a convoy of between a 1001500 vehicles that traveled across wrong set to party,
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not protesting paris. and on the outskirts, over the weekend, trying to get here before the lodge, paul may have been stopped by the authorities. however, the protest is here. ah, he to be vocal. they hate to be loud. and while they may not have the strength in numbers that they would like, they knew that they have the strength in numbers when it comes to social media and people across the european union, giving them their support for the reasons that they've come to the heart of europe, the capital of europe, as they've called it, to make their voices heard loud and clear. and by the way, it's not just europe uncolored, the freedom convoys, no, i'm making waves in the middle east with a rally in jerusalem starting off on monday. and it's brought together no shortage of college, either protest movements from 40 town cities right across israel. they're angered by long running covey restrictions and a deeper dive into that, or indeed, any of this our stories, as always, just a click away on
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r t dot com. you will not be bored there. i promise you all the latest developments in one easy to navigate season. ah ah. mm. i mean, ah,
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i'm option return senior watching, going underground on valentine's day, coming up with the show says he is on from the signing of the master treaty that established the european union is the economic superpower losing its muscle after arguably succumbing to u. s. influence over russia, ukraine, amid fresh dispute of the post breaks it. northern ireland protocol, we ask you nato into locator in the form of special assistance. the u. s. president barack obama, and it's 70 years since the then princess elizabeth was told she was queen amidst the brutal ma my rebellion and kenya. but his kenya really free from british colonialism. 59 years of independence and still over 50 percent of children in kenya and living in poverty. we investigate all the small coming up in today's going underground. but 1st that he has this month, the maastricht treaty was signed by 12 nations establishing the european union and paving the way for the single currency the your own out that he has on it's deemed in economic superpower while arguably divide.


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