tv News RT February 15, 2022 9:00am-9:31am EST
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good evening. this is a central pac support dot com is gonna call them right now if they stopped. ah, this is out to you breaking news this tuesday, stepping back from the brink at a major move to deescalate the situation around ukraine. russia pronounces it's withdrawing troops from its border. those military drills that wrap up the pull out though flies in the face of those hyped up western predictions of an eminent russian invasion. so far we have not seen any d escalation on the ground. by moscow's announcements, nato's chink says, he isn't seeing any signs of d escalation on the ground, but claiming everything still in place for a russian attack. and other news, the canadian prime minister triggers a never before used emergency act. granting is government extra powers that responds to a truck as protest is created. concerned though,
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among provincial chiefs who question the measures point and legitimacy. we don't believe this is necessary and alberta, we think it could actually be somewhat counterproductive. it is not legitimate and it is useless. and after a week, a pressure and uncertainty of doping allocation. question figure skating stock availability either is now taking part in the singles competition at the winter olympics with a good to have you whether it's live for moscow. this is our see international bond called embry with the big story that we're across for you this hour. we're going to go now straight to central moscow, where the russian presidents and the german chancellor lab sholtes have been holding talks for the past few hours. it's out of shots is biggest and 1st major diplomatic mission. let's join them live and hear what they have to say to reporters, which we are very glad to receive in the kremlin federal,
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the chancellor of republic of germany. we shared your case to the 1st visit of mister shelves to russia as they had the state. but when he was my true humbert, he facilitated development of the broad little relations with saint petersburg when they used to do it. and this year it will mark 65 here solve days ago or rather a lead relations work must in today's talk, study or business like we have extensively discussed the number of bilateral mattress and the prospect. so there is no further development and we paid special attention to the pricing matters of the international agenda. i've mentioned in germany as one of our key partners, we always strive to enhance the corporation between our countries to get that if
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there's enough. so in the end, the impression that i've got that mr. chancellor also wants to continue to develop relations with russia. first of all, i'm talking about the economic ties that are traditionally are quite intense. remote germany is, can number 2 now for the chinese people, the republic trade partner of russia, and despite the difficult situation caused by the pen, tommy called around the virus infection and the volatility in the global markets oper 2021. our mutual trade has increased by 36 percent and reached almost $57000000000.00 your most gimme. a few german investments in the russian economy is more than $21.00. bill engineer. and russian investment to germany. you is. you can build into 2 pieces. there are some for 1000 companies with german funding,
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crating and russia. we are holding regular meetings with the participation of the largest german companies. and these meetings that are obviously going to continue to some are very important considering the opinions of our karen counterparts and partners to build the corresponding se schuchman here to business with his company . business is like atmosphere at the russian market and it helps as a lot because of the printer in the office. talk about constructive ideas on how to improve the channel, invest in climate in russia, and a lot of the side. yes. but the we're, we take them into consideration, we work on them and then we implement them in practice. and so the special place for our mutual cooperation is taken by the energy sacker back in the 19 seventy's our account. chris has successfully implemented milestone project. we're getting wednesday and since then german, another european consumers that they have constant supplies of the russian gas
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renewed at that project. currently, russia provides more than one 3rd of the demand in the energy supplies of germany, of oil and gas, 35 percent, 35.4 percent to be exact. in 2021. germany has received nearly out of the would be 50700000000 cubic meters from brush and usually with your org evans, when the gas prices are high. if you look at those, the stock exchange and there is a deficit in europe, we continued to supply these fuel to midterm consumers based on the prices. because according from the asked for the long term contracts, the national regulators in germany are now going through the procedure to define the north stream to gas pipeline. since last december, technically is fully operational and ready to be launch. that's one of the largest
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infrastructure projects in europe that should not enhance the energy security on the continent and to facilitate to resolve the fun european environmental and sustainability goals. i just said a lot of times that this is a purely economic project and it has no political background. there is no political, but i've got the judice agenda behind it. we want to continue the gas supplied by ukraine, even oper, 2024. when the current contract expires, so the transit contract expires, obviously if there is demand from the european importers, and it will be profitable. and we'll just get the gas transport system in ukraine, you will be operational and well maintained. we see a lot of prospect to continue our cooperation and not their areas. so energy, industry, development, commercialization, and using renewable sources of energy. we have talked about today when we talked
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about hydrogen look, but also the di, look about all this matters is ongoing as part of bilateral, of working group on sustainable energy. and we're also interested in cooperating closer. we met german partners on the mattress of the game. i guess that preserving climate and we want to work together when you want to create money toward the exhausted human way of the substances that factor different directly. the change of climate use, lower gurgling. sure. ok. when you the data, i got all the seo and methane and using hydrogen as a grain fuel. we have also talked about humanitarian ties. there is a mutual interest to which and further develop projects in science and culture and education. and the russian german forum of st. petersburg dialect,
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supposed to play an important role in that well. exchanged opinions regarding the situation around russian initiatives and proposals to the united states and nato. regarding the giving you to russia long term, legally binding security guarantees. go to the we have also talked about the main requirements and the biggest a which is non expansion of nato, to the east, non deployment of the strike weapons next to the russian borders and going back, rolling back on the military infrastructure to the status quo of $997.00. when the founding act was signed between washing nato, russia can't turn away from the fact that the united states and north atlantic treaty organization are interpreting the key principles with all the indivisibility of security. that is stipulated in many down european documents that the principal
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stipulates that there is not only freedom to choose ways to enhance its own security and to join an military alliances which our counterparts are talking a lot, but also the obligation not to enhance the state security at the expense of the others. and nate, who's talking about their policy, if open doors and we know about article 10 of the treaty and i have mentioned it already during my previous press conferences for we held talks with our european partners. and there is nothing of the kind in the article 10 when yeah, they can invite someone, but they don't have to that of it and trying to deter russia. we see it as the direct threat to the national security. and we want to resolve it by legally binding agreement based on our traps for those, those figures got an issue. that's not that to get the response we got from the
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united states and other natal members regarding the security guarantees. whether you do not respond to our pre basic requirements, but the response that we've got there is deal should, i mean, and we heard it from the foreign ministry yesterday. there are a number of ideas, simple concepts, and we are, and we would, i mean, it's not that we want to discuss them. we were the ones who came up with the initiative to discount them regarding the matter and self european security regarding some matters. some certain types of weapons, i'm talking about the short range and then me the rearranged myself. we are ready to talk about the mattress and more. we're also radio to talk about here to continue negotiations. but all the matter is, as it's been said earlier, they must be considered in complex. we vowed going away from the main proposals from russia, implementation of which is priority to watch. obviously,
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the subject matter of european security was also discounts in the context of the situation around the ukranian complex. as you well know that the keys and authorities renounced from implementing the main sca agreements and agreements that were reached and planned to 15. the bullet points and agreements that weren't confront reached later in the normandy formats, in berlin and in paris, is with me. and the story is no progress and such important things as the constitutional. what we read for an amnesty and election special status of don bass . and there is still a show and then you know, nothing about stein meyer for amolla. if we get this, but who was proposed by the former minister of germany le le, he was the one who suggested it as around. there's a compromise that you regarding the key parts of the main sc agreements. unfortunately, regrettable,
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even though it has not implemented the yet. and they keep ignoring the possibility to restore the territorial integrity of the country by engaging and direct dial like with on this can lugens. they violate human rights to replace it just not that they have laws against the russian speaking population. we talked also about other important international matters. you know, i would like to mentioned the situation around j. c. p, away in our foreign ministry in contact regarding this matter. and i think our positions in this regard are pretty close. and in conclusion, i would like to think mr. pedal chancellor at for our joint work for the helpful for the, for the full dialect that we had. thank you for your attention. ms. hamilton, this is school 250 to here in lawson. ladies and gentlemen, thank you for them. it's important. it's good to be here today here in moscow.
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thank you. ah, kindly my house to for your hospitality and thank you for the conversation. ah, just moments ago, president putin talked about every aspect of our relations, of our bilateral ties of international relations. all regional issues is very important for us to talk to each other openly. historically and culturally a 2 countries have close ties. and our relations are deep ones, the activities and multi faceted that they go over 9 t partnerships exist between our cities in germany and in russia. those cultural exchange, those youth exchange got with just had a cross cultural years. and we have cultural and scientific of that corporation. we'll go to scott and sy as for our economic ties, but sometimes there is great potential there. we've just heard about it in both of them, especially in areas such as di, carbonella, zation, digitization are green,
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energy, et cetera. and our responsibility for climate change is very important. and we can only bear this responsibility together. and it's an important aspect to bilateral ties between russia and germany. this sir, matter should stay as relevant as, as important in the future. in the industrial worlds that we have today, we have to have carbon neutrality. and there are different ways of achieving that. oak is sufficient, an important element of our relations is ah, to play guitar societal dialogue. because after world war 2, the took some time for our 2 nations are to be able to talk to each other. our ending was got to get for many years or we have participated in the st. petersburg dialogue and it's very important to day. so today i expressed my hope that during
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the further talks at the highest level, we will find a way to overcome the blockade that we faced to day. we need to have prospects for open and franco visitation, so that everyone can participate in this dialogue with observe, with can, with concern as are the space for the activities of the civil society in russia. a grocer more shallow and her daughter, the organization that you know as or the memorial organization, or will it far as faced some problems in russia and it had to stop its activities. this is concerning to germany. it looks like a life on because it is very important to be able to follow thee and know about the fates of people persecuted in soviet russia. also, i hope that sir, well, ed, the, the german,
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german broadcast. and so websites will be able to continue its work in russia because this vis my visits to russia today comes at a time where there is a deep crisis, one of the largest crisis in europe in many years. and we have a russian troops amassing on ukrainian from the ukrainian border. and we have been addressing of this problem this matter for quite some time. during our talks, we have also discussed the matter as the documents and the demands presented by a russia when it comes to european security. and there are different views on the situation from us, from our partners. and we have very different feelings with respect to the concerns and the real threats of this current situation. but i have to emphasize that we are really concerned that 100000 russian troops are currently concentrated on the
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russian ukrainian border without any evidence of reason for that. really what would acquire right now is rapid des collation li acquire that urgently. we don't want another war to start. and also during our talks, president putin spoke about his consultations with a foreign minister of russia or glover of and with that the defense minister of russian. oscar said, i agree with many of the assessments there that the there is still a prospect for negotiations. and right now we need to strive for a diplomatic solution to this crisis. we have heard that some of the troops have been removed out from the border area. we held that this trend will continue. we're welcome that and we will, we are ready to continue to work with our colleagues and counterparts in europe and elsewhere. the need to find further steps to get out of this crisis to improve
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security. in europe, nato has already proposed a whole chalks, at the level of russia and nato, and also within our see the uncle under the chairmanship of poland. i knew that he was at his kite dialogue process has been launched as well. this will be a dialogue based on mutual understanding and mutual recognition of the principles that we have all agreed upon within the i received. one of this principles is of course, or the reason for that is of course, tutorial integrity and protection of borders. they serving these principles must be unshakable. they ought to be discuss that they ought to be questioned. but we have to continue to have dialogue one because we don't want to end up in a stalemate and attendance, which would result in a catastrophe in any. it is obvious to us that any further aggression against ukraine would have to die
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a strategic consequences. and it seems to me that everyone understands that it is clear to everyone like who cuts from the escalation must be prevented by now eyes and the key and search for a diplomatic solutions is one of my key reasons for my going to key if yesterday and to moscow today, in addition to talks between russia and nato in the us and the o. c. eagle, we should have dialogue and that we should have progress along those lines. i just queued that president lansky yesterday, gave me a promise that on kentucky corporate within the trilateral contact group that operates as part of the mental process. and where all the parties involved meet
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soon. all the laws that have to do with the status of isn't ukraine, that has to do with the constitution and the upcoming election, and all of all of them will be moving forward. this is a development, a positive development and it needs to continue. and i called upon present lensky dock to give i she's officials on his side. the mandate required to achieve progress on this track. and conclusion, i'd like to say that to us, germans, as to all europeans, it is very clear that stable security cannot be built again structure. it can only be guilt in cooperation with russia. and this is something we believe, and this is something that nature should also believe and we should find a solution to that. i am not able to like, i cannot describe the current situation as one that's hopeless lining. and we must focus on quick and we must be brave. let me just say for my generation,
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it is impossible to imagine that there's a war in europe any more was in europe, and we need to make everything possible. so there's never ever a new war, any new military escalation in europe. first of all, thank you. names. i'm going to go to the region that we're starting the joint cross conference of chancellor of germany and russian president of that. now listen, russian and german journalists will have a chance to ask 2 questions. now we will give the floor to german journalist macau, cuz now though chihuahua put it in put in the light such as the acknowledge yet present both yellow. you have given a signal, the one that is dialogue and at the same time, you continue to criticize the path is on us when insulin federal chancellor for
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not bringing enough saying that this promise by present the landscape is not enough . so the europeans keep asking themselves, despite the close ties with russia, is there a possibility of war in europe? do you discount this opportunity this, this possibility? is there a chance threat of as a war, there will be a war in europe. and the question to mister schultz, after the talk that you had today with president putin, do you believe that what you've progress with mr. boot and what's the next step? i need you to ask for the word here. if mr. old chancellor said the very good things right now. his generation and thing. so them super stolen our generation. we have a hard time imagining any kind of war in years. but i'm using extra crane and it's been sad about the situation ukraine, but we witnessed wharton here in the book,
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not that was started by nato against yugoslavia. william in large scale military operation with missile strikes on one of europe, ian capitals on belgrade. it's happened to be sung to say that, but with no sanctions from the security council of the united nations hearken is ation at the which means it, sir. bad example known. but it happened to be that's 1st of all, we'll do a 2nd later about whether we want it or not. of course we don't. exactly. that's why we made a proposal about initiating negotiations that would result in reaching an agreement on providing a quote, security for everyone. including our country is really, unfortunately, and we have a lady sad that comes to you in the us on this deal. and there was no constructive
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response to the proposals we made where they were never the less. our position is that even in the documents that were sent to was by our partners from nato, from washington. there is some elements we can talk about, but we are ready to do so. so i only have no publication. if we can also talk about those machine matter is that our top priority to us and i told mr. pedal, chancellor, we hope that the dialects will be built in this manner and depending on how this guy looked at the book continues, then we'll see how it goes along all the other tracks in all the other areas that are of concern to all of us. it's la with us via it's on the to a to loveland does not unkind believe that in
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a situation that we faced right now. so we have to use every opportunity. we must leave no stone unturned to achieve these full development model. me. i wish to target us would have been sca protests if the big picture for all of that is why i said that we believe that the men, sclerosis is an important sir. the condition to all of that corporate of this will have a contribution, but this will make a contribution to relaunching reanimating. they trilateral group contacts. and this will be a good starting point to having convers conversation between and that we lot of the don bass and the key of government with the fine. i believe it's especially important to have trilateral negotiations with gallon of missouri with law because this is part of the immense agreement. and let me say,
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just one thing that with respect to yugoslavia, there was a through, it was different. there was a threat of genocide and it had to be stopped at all costs. i i think that right now we see a very peaceful ah, doctors this and good situation there and the balkan nations were able to go toward sir europe. and this is a good sign from ogden to preschool in the wi fi name. i wanted to add, so i wanted to say that what is going on in don bass now, is genocide elverson. now re, honesty for don't know if somebody, i've never noticed the maria level, i have just a question that i didn't touch as many matters on skin numbers. chancellor shows who's just went to key for your math for the landscape. do you believe that he really wants is willing and able to implement them in agreements in
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the way in this as they were science, and what are the prospects for a peaceful solution to that problem? and the question to present to you today, we heard about troops living the border area. and then there were news from the state where the deputies that said that you, they want you to recognize the network and look ganske as independent states. and also i'd like to ask both the leaders about the future of the know stream to project. what are the prospects for this project? amid all the threats and tensions with see in europe. and one more question to mister schroeder, whom you well known became now on the board of cas prom and have been criticized to lot in europe because of that. what can you say about it should
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go? so when you're listening to, so the 1st thing, the voting in the state duma just tried before the press conference. i was informed about this from an association officials and about the partial with throwing the troops from the area to our military science. so how can i come into the system as the executive branch and military leadership of the country? there is nothing to common had they made a decision about throwing part of the troops for voting in the state. duma, i think, is related to this to this somehow because the members of the parliament like any other country, they think about their opinions. so the voters, they feel it, they can sense it and it's quite up is in now or a country. the vast majority of people treated him and they feel for the people of the don bounce,
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they support them and they held that to us at them. the situation will change drastically. you, for the better notion of below the, it's terribly, i know there were 2 drafts, those one suggested by the united russia, supported by the majority. and the 2nd one you request to the president triggered nice these republics. go. so when you're below chris and devote them open and free parking, they just to be and you get to know the party disciplined to put us in our discipline didn't work there and the majority of the parliament members supported the draft. we do offer suggested by the position part him and i will come from the assumption that we should do everything to resolve your problems have done best to resolve them. like trip had old chancellor sat,
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1st of all, need to consider that it is all that was coming from the fact that there is still not all that pretended is exhausted in implementation of being sc agreements. and we should hope that our partners from across the ocean and from europe. first of all, germany and france will try to influence the current keith authorities and we will be able to find a solution. and now without mister schroeder and north stream to yes, you are now look, i'm told that already to me, strict federal chancellor in early to thousands, we agreed with ukraine. which more than president of the crane was mr. coach month of august. german government was represented by mr. shredder and yours truly was representing russia. we've signed an agreement on establishing an international concert shim.
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