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tv   Boom Bust  RT  February 19, 2022 1:30pm-2:01pm EST

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alex crazy gala wakeham all across the country about the project is showing up and coming out saying fine, we want to take everything from us. we want to take our bank accounts, our jobs were going to have nothing better to do then to camp out in whether it be kilowatt. rado ottawa mentioned that are not going to stop. leno shine scary. well, lauren, southern jonas, a blogger, thanks to bring this, sir. must roughly up to date was certainly there, sorry we missed the drugs. what i can, the contestant either a heck of a lot. be i just a minute or 2 before we 1st chatted. i came home. say a good have a good day here. think where 30 internationals world news or dying from oscar with me, kevin own, stay across, saw the news that we talk about from russia. a lot of headlines, as you will expect, a course at r t dot com get the russian point of view on this. as russia sees it 1st handed r t dot com and from us as well on actual bullets in just about 29 minutes from now . thanks for checking in. in a very good evening to you. ah,
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join me every thursday on the alex simon. sure. and i'll be speaking to jeff of the world politics sport business. i'm sure business. i'll see you then. mm. a tiff . this is boom bus one business show you care to put him down by the board and i'm reach of london's in washington county schools. price it surpass $1900.00 for the 1st time since june. we'll take a look at what's behind the latest gains and how long they're likely to last. class
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international tensions continue to take a tool as investors show their concerns over the state of the world's top economy. will bring you on the latest with the global market walk. and as the crypto currency wave has swept the united states, the nation's government has now named a crypto czar to pursue crime. and the industry gotta pack show today was that right? and we lead the program with a good week for gold as prizes hit $1900.00 for the and outs for the 1st time since june on thursday. while u. s. stocks took a hit and the dollar remained flat. gold continued to enjoy it's safe haven status . this comes as the pressure continues to route surrounding what the federal reserve will do when it comes time to decide on how much to raise interest rates next month. now the pressure is also increasing surrounding warnings from the us that russia is planning to invade ukraine. even though moscow continues to deny those plans and to miss us predictions for when that invasion would take place. but
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it hasn't stopped the concern from investors as a war involving the u. s. and russia would have major impacts around the world. so yearning, it's now discuss later here, just keep economists in global strategist at euro pacific capital. now peter, let's start with this rally and gold prices. what do you make of the latest gains? well, i think they're going to continue. i think it's about time the price of gold has been lagging because the conventional wisdom has been the fed was going to successfully fight offs, inflation with rate hikes. and even if the fed heights rates the rate hikes they're talking about are too little too late to do anything about inflation, the fed is still providing and accommodate of monetary policy. even if it does raise rates, you haven't accommodating fiscal policy. so the government is creating a lot of inflation and that's where gold really shines as a safe haven because the real threat is inflation. and that's what is going to drive goal prices substantially higher. and peter, i want to get to the fact here in a few minutes, but i want to keep on the gold line here for just a minute, because when there is
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a rally in any aspect, we always want to look at the factors that play. so when it comes to gold prices this week, what are we have the actual biggest impact right now? is it just the fed as the geopolitical touch? it is there, the market being down part of this and why is it impacted by the prospect of international tension? if that is the case. well, i think that's playing a smaller role. the underlying trend is inflation. i mean, prices for everything are going up. so why should gold be any different when you to base your currency? you print a lot of money, you need more money to buy oil, you need more money to buy wheat and copper. you need more money to buy everything, including gold and the price of gold is going up. but it's going to go up even more as people really graph the gravity of this risk because the fed is going to do nothing about inflation. inflation is now a permanent way of life, not just inflation, but very high inflation. and so investors are going to start to price that into gold now because they're going to be looking to hedge their, their dollars for many, many years out into the future. and the value of that is going to be priced in. the
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goal here is interesting because you mentioned how gold prices are kind of been lagging. and now we're really getting to see the reality of inflation that it isn't going anywhere. do you think that investors actually thought that the fed we're going to get a hold of things cuz i feel like everyone we talk to you on the show, at least for the most part, says hey, inflation is not going anywhere. the fed isn't going to have any real impact or we're kind of looking at a doomsday scenario. so is this something that people were buying the opposite of? well, no, i think gold has gone or been depressed because people have had confidence in the fed 1st. they believe the fed, when they said that there was no inflation and they believe the fed when they were pretending it was transitory. and now they believe the fed, when they, they're pretending they're going to fight the inflation and fight inflation is going to win without a fight. and investors have to comprehend that because the fed has placed those in a situation where there's no way out because they kept interest rates so low for so long. everybody has so much debt, including the federal government. and so now that the fed has to take that punch
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bowl away and allow rates to rise, nobody can afford to service the debt because they have so much because when you have inflation of 7 half percent, and that's just the official rate, the real rates more like 15 percent, 2 percent interest rates are going to do nothing about that because that is still an extremely accommodated policy. you have negative interest rates, which stoked the inflation fire. if you want to put out the fire, we need positive real interest rates. we need the interest rates to be higher than the inflation rate and imagine the impact that would have on the economy. i mean look what happened to the economy in 2018 when we got up to 2 percent, interest rates, 2 and a half percent. what would happen to today's economy with so much more debt, if the fed, how to move rates up to 10 percent by absolutely, peter, because when you look at what happened here, i mean, when the last time inflation was as bad as it is right now. even with that official number they, you know, it's 7.5 percent. even though many things could be much worse than that. when you look at that, the last time we were,
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their interest rates were around 18 to 20 percent. i mean, is there any way that this better reserve in the current climate will ever even think about touching, even 5 percent, let alone 10 percent or even 20 percent. while they're not going to think about it now, the question is, will they think about it in the depths of a crisis when the dollar is crashing? and you're seeing prices going ballistic? and i think we're going to repeat the mistakes that we made in the early seventies of price controls. i can already see that where you have the politicians trying to vilify businesses. they're saying the reason prices are going up is because these greedy businesses are gouging their customers and they're raising prices. and so i think what the government's going to do is try to prevent businesses from passing on their higher costs to consumers with higher prices. and all that's going to do is create shortages and black markets. but at some point it's going to be a real crisis. a sovereign debt, christ and currency crisis. far worse than anything we experienced in 2008 or you
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know in 2020, with coven. and that's when the fed is going to have to make that decision. does it lead interest rates go to where they need to go and let the chips fall where they may, which means stocks crash, bonds, crash, economy crashes, banks fail, deposit or lose money? the government to false on its obligations treasury bonds commitments to make social security payments because their money is not there. it's impossible to finance it with with, with a higher interest rates or because the better reserve does not want to force this. then we have hyper inflation and we just completely destroy the value the dollar. but no, those are only 2 choices. there is no easy way out of. it certainly seems like a reserve is going nowhere fast. but you know, when it comes to the officials who are involved, i know you mentioned politicians and of course they want things to look good on their record for their time and office. they want to make it look like they made a difference or they improved the american people's lives, at least as much as they want to tell you that they are doing well when it comes to
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the federal reserve. and more specifically, j. powell. how do you see his legacy playing out and who is he serving right now? i mean, does it all come back to the stock market? well, i think he serves biden. i think it seems like these fed chairman always work for the incumbent. and not, not only the incumbent president but the whole administration, they try to help reelect whoever's there. and i think they also have a desire to be popular. they just don't want anything bad happening on their watch . and they're not thinking about the long term help of the economy. they're acting in the, in the short interest is very political expedients, which is exactly what they're not supposed to do. they're supposed to be independent above the fray, not worry about the polls. not worrying about having to, you know, administer the bitter tasting medicine, that the voters have to swallow. they haven't done that, they just kick the can down the road. they try to figure out how we can numb the markets to the pain. but while the underlying condition that's causing the pain gets worse, and at this point, you know, they pick this can down the road for so long that they can't do it right there out
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a road to can to big. and you can see that now with these inflation numbers that have exploded out of control in 2021, they can no longer lie, they can no longer pretend that inflation is too low and give, and that gave them the card launch to pursue this reckless monetary policy, a 0 percent interest rates and quantitative easing will. now that inflation is obviously much too high. they're out of excuses. how do they justify keeping rates low doing q we because they have to keep doing that to prevent the whole house of cards. economy that they erected from toppling down. so they're, they're, they're, they're lying in their own bed and there's no way to get out of it. they have, they are, and it'll certainly be interesting to see what they decide to do as this year goes on peter ship of euro pacific capital. thank you. so much for your time and insight . my pleasure. the
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global markets are continuing to react geopolitical tensions, more economic data, and while the future of policy from the federal reserve in russia, the mo, axes, down by less than one percent for the week, for the majority of the week. it did seem that concerns over tension with the west . we're not affecting sentiment, but on friday the rubel slipped against the dollar and the index took losses of just under 3 percent descended in the negative territory. meanwhile, as the effect of the future, thanks and remain in focus data least this week showed the rush. the academy grew by 4.7 percent in 2021. the fast paced since 2008. moving to asian markets. the shanghai composite is up 1 point one percent for the week, despite recently fell off that concerns regulatory actually in china. international investors have continued to pump money into chinese market with inflows of $16600000000.00 in january after nearly $11000000.00 in december. now as we discussed earlier in the week, consumer prices in china were nearly flat in january, while producer prices rose by just over 9 percent,
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but that's down from december's 10 percent increase. in hong kong, we have a red arrow for the hug. down by about one and a half percent taking the majority of its losses on friday as well. a sell off in my one, which was ordered by the government to cut its fees, brought the overall tax index down for the week fil, investors are continuing to keep an eye on what the geopolitical tension between russia and nato allies may do to markets in the future in japan, the ne k is also down, but by just over half a percent, some positive news depends economy grew in the 4th quarter of 2021 by 5.4 percent on the annualized rate. this, of course, before the amazon variant was more widespread, globally private spending in the nation grew by 2.7 percent from the previous quarter, which really pushed and growth in japan. moving to india, we have a green arrow for the sent text, but by nearly 1.5, that for the week, those geopolitical tensions took its whole on the energy sector in india to close out the week. while investors way the information that came out of the meeting
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minutes from the federal reserve earlier in the week, suggesting easing of monetary policy is right around the corner. and as we have mentioned in recent weeks, analysts are warning that for an investor outflows could cause issues in the future . in australia, the fx is up but barely pushing into positive territory. golden energy stacks actually kept the index up for the week. the ethics did take losses on friday as major insurance provider q b e fell more than 10 percent after profit. smith expectations shares and tech companies are also weighing on the index as well. and in south africa, the all share is up for the week inflation, south africa sho, slowed to 5.7 percent in january of this year down from 5.9 percent. december stocks were also up on revise retail sales per december showing that they were actually more and their growth of 3 point one percent economists are predicting the nation central bank will raise rates for the 3rd time. and as many meetings. now let's go over to rachel for more from europe in the americas. thanks,
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brent. here we start in the u. k. where the 1st the is down. inflation continues to impact the nation hitting 30 year highs as it came in at 5.5 percent in january. however, as restrictions were lifted, the retail sector came roaring back, adding nearly to percent growth after falling in december. this as real earnings fell at their fastest rate in 8 years, driving concerns about the impact of the energy bills and taxes set to increase in april. near by the german dax and french cap are both in the green with the cap of over 2 and a half percent for the week. now this comes as officials with the european central bank suggest their bond buying program, could finally come to an end in the 3rd quarter. however, the block continues your battle sky high energy prices. and now germany's foreign minister says that all options are on the table when it comes to sanctions against russia, including cutting off the completed nordstrom to pipeline. let's go across the atlantic now to brazil where the evo vesa is down. severe weather continues to take
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a toll on the nation after mud slides north of rio de janeiro left more than 100 people dead. the nation continues to battle an ongoing recession and inflation above 10 percent. but while the index looking at real estate funds is still down 9 percent since the panoramic began the dividend yield on real estate funds is actually at 5 year highs and over to mexico where the b, m, v is up. now this comes as economic activity increase year over year by point 7 percent despite falling point one percent from december to january. the bank of mexico's deputy governor spoke out this week, claiming that if the u. s. federal reserve starts to raise interest rates next month. it will set a ceiling for mexico due to the fact that he said their monetary policy can not be independent of the u. s. and here in the united states, the dow, the nasdaq, and the s n p are all in the red for the 2nd week in a row. for his part, the dow dropped over $250.00 points on friday after thursday marked its worst day
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since november. kenton, with russia have made investors even more concerned about the state of the economy . and tech stocks also took a hit, leaving the losses for the s and b as an estimated $2.00 trillion dollars. an options expired on friday. and finally, over to canada, where the t s x is down falling over 2 percent for the week concerns over the impact of the ongoing trucker protests in the nation's capital, have a lead lawmakers to call for an increase crackdown. after nearly 3 weeks, police began arresting demonstrators on friday while the government. c confirmed it is sanctioned at least 34 crypto wallets that they believe are being used to fund protesters and moving in next week. we will continue to keep an eye on the latest geo political tension and their impact on the ongoing recovery. the supply chain issues haven't cause enough issues for the auto industry. a ship
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carrying roughly $4000.00 vehicles caught fire off the coast of source portugal. the vessel contain cars made by porsche, audi, and bentley and will be towed to another destination according to recent reports. and the captain of the port of port says lithium ion batteries and the bees on board caught fire and required special equipment to be put out. and this time it is unclear whether exactly what causes the blaze not showing. both are expected to arrive next week to bring the ship to another port in europe or the bahamas. it could not be towed to the port of zora as, as it would block crucial tray. the 22 crew members on board were evacuated with no one hurt according to portugal and navy. now there is at least that right part, but i know when we talk about the supply chain shorter to this is the last thing they needed for their inventory to literally catch on fire. well, absolutely not only do you have an inventory issue with the actual vehicles, but the problem that this could cause, obviously now the whole region has to deal with it and getting it into out of there and into another port. and as they mentioned,
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if they would have towed it to the port of his or if it could have blocked the crucial trade routes, there would have caused even further supply chain bottlenecks. that sounds about. right. and kind of just wraps up the last year that we have, we've seen one bottleneck after another, and it seems to be just this cascading problem that hopefully hopefully we'll get it on there. absolutely, and i mean, obviously the story to, to, to a certain extent was a, it could have been much worse. and luckily it was not time, not for a quick break. but when we come back, the us government is moving to regulate the crypto space as a nation has named a fresh crop of experts to get back crime in the industry as going to break here the number that the quote me ah ah ah
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ah, when i was shooting wrong, i just don't know. i mean you have to shape out this thing because the african and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will to part, we choose to look for common ground with welcome back. the u. s. justice department is stepping up its enforcement against
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crypto currencies. the agency has now top a season computer crimes prosecutor to lead its new national crypto currency enforcement team. thursday the f. b. i announce it will launch a unit for block chain analysis and virtual asset seizure. now the creation of the f, b i is virtual asset, exploit haitian unit comes after the justice department's largest ever financial seizure. earlier this month, it charged a married new york couple with allegedly laundering bitcoin now valued at over $4500000000.00 that were stolen. the 2016 hack of the digital currency exchange bit linux. let's bring in school but co host and crypto analysts. ben swan and christy i to discussed christy. i want to start with you on this. what kinds of crimes will this unit be charged with actually going after? well, the new division will be called the virtual asset exploitation unit or vac. you and it will essentially conduct walk in analysis to track and seize digital funds associated with elicit activity. so you'll also be innovating its own crypto tools
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to guard against future cyber threats as well. and in particular, they will be focusing on crimes involving crypto currency, ransomware and digital extortion. so this is after the latest series of the high profile cyber attacks last year on the largest us fuel pipeline network and the world's largest b supplier. and now the f. b i is currently investigating over a 100 different ransomware variance targeting cyber criminals estimated to have cause victims significant losses not going to chain. alice's scammers has stolen over $7700000000.00 in crypto currency from victim globally in 2021, which is an 80 percent increase compared to the previous year. but with all of these government entities now rapidly putting together these crypto enforcement groups, you have to wonder how successful they're actually going to be when they do such a poor job at stopping field crimes that still run rampant today. yeah, i'm glad you bring that up because i know we've talked so much about the government just trying to understand overall crypto currency in an interesting see what comes
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up with here. but i mean, been that also raises the question because of the nature of the centralized finance doesn't make it hard for companies that deal with crypto to also be held accountable for the so called bad actors. where you would think that it would, right, in theory, you would say hey, would deep centralized well there in the centralized social, the centralized finance, whatever it might be can really hold the company is responsible for actors do because they don't control crypto, right? so it seems like a lot of the talking about here seems to be focused on how do we use control crypto, but you can't control crypt don't because it's not centralized. it doesn't come from one central place. and so the idea that you're going to be able to crack down on everyone who does something wrong, the way that they do currently in the banking systems and through established financial companies. it's very different when you're in the crypto world because you know, visa, mastercard and paper contract on someone. and you know, bank of america and chased incorrect on some moment, but big coining as it were,
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can't crack down on something doesn't work that way. but i wanted to read you something that would sent this new conference. and pretty interesting. the statement was, we're calling our own companies dealing with crypto currency. we need to root out crypto currency abuses. those who do not, we will hold you accountable, where we can to those who do not help rude out crypto currency of uses. why is it the responsibility of defy companies to find crypto currency abuses and to help route them out? it's not the job of law enforcement and the state makes it sound like you're going to try to make a good currency exchanges, financial it or even criminally liable if they don't help to route out those problems. yeah, that's an excellent question, especially if you're on the f b i say, and like we don't really fully understand everything that goes on with crypto currency. so we're just going to pass this along to the exchanges to say that they are now the ones who have to figure all this out. i guess you could look at it that
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way. now, christy, another aspect to this is, of course, anyone watching the superbowl this past weekend saw an incredible number of ads or these crypto currency exchanges and tools to help people begin their journey into crypto. but it seems like that journey is going to be very different when it comes to regulation than it used to be. what say you a bit, it's definitely no longer in the wild, wild west anymore. and anyone who is starting themselves on a platform are pretty much going to find it. no different than a robin hood, a pe power venmo. when they sign up, they're gonna ask you for your name, your address, your utility bill as your social security number, all of those digital identifiers that you would expect. and this is very different than how things were just 5 years ago when you could sign up with marilee and email address or cellphone number. you can participate in an i c o 5 years ago with absolutely no identification. all of that is rapidly changing, as all of these platforms now have to comply and they're forced to collect and keep information on all of its customers. so unfortunately,
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for all those people just learning about the space, they're not really able to enjoy the pure peer to peer benefits of bitcoin the way it was created and intended to be used. they still can with the fi and all that. but that does have a bit of a learning curve to it and you really have to want to learn it. it's not as simple as all the centralized platforms with super easy u. r u x and on boarding process isn't all, i guess the hope here is that sometimes when people get interested in the kind of centralized format, maybe one day they'll actually get interested in the d 5 format to learn a little bit more about it to be more independent in that realm. now bent, i should also mention that both bitcoin theory and we're down about 8 percent on friday on this news. but what else might be driving the market down? we have about a minute left. yeah, i think there's a couple of things i'm all the way until they coordinate period that were down. i mean basically everyone was down across the board whether it was a or tara polka dot shed. i mean, they were all down 8 percent. and i think there's
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a reason for that. it's not just the script of regulation, right? i think it's the whole environment around crypto right now is somewhat scary. and i think you've coupled that with what is happening in canada this week in terms of the government, they're through their emergency fact essentially saying we're now going to regulate crypto currency. you won't be able to raise money using tally the way that the truckers were there. so i think there is something significant that is beginning to take place here in terms of the way that the world of crypto is due by government. and since it's plates becoming increasingly cornered, if you will. and, and so, you know, kristi mentioned maybe the while while west is gone, but maybe also those real opportunities for crypto to really get in on the floor or something and watch it grow are becoming less the more the government gets involved and tries to make it more established and centralized form of currency, that's what their goal and that happens sometimes. any time anything grows,
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boom bus, spend, swan and christie. i thank you both for your time and as i today. and finally, the long awaited social media platform promised by former president donald trump has reportedly reached the 1st stage of beta testing. and around 500 people have been given the opportunity to try out the truth social app. now they say the goal is to create an alternative version to twitter after trump was banned just over a year ago. however, while his team has branded this project as a way to promote free speech, it's policies prohibit users from criticizing the platform or even trump himself a truly open format there. the better version of the platform is running a few months behind schedule after it was promised back in november and after the fcc announced it was investigating the from media and technology group and it's back merger in december. as for when it will be released, the public. well, the team now says that's gonna be sometime after march. you know, it's interesting because they keep pushing this date back more and more. we know that there's an investigation. i mean, there's so much going on with this platform and it hasn't even officially been
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launched yet. i, you know, and i'm not, i don't want to rally on irell and trump as many people like to do. but i'm not quite meeting a promise here is not exactly out of the characteristic for trump business ventures as we've seen in the past. and it is also notable to that they are putting this up on the app store. now the question becomes, when is it going to be removed by apple by google? because that's the biggest thing obviously that we've seen with a lot of this track down, especially on trump himself, is that you have those major tech companies that have the full control over it. at the end of the day, i guess it just matters how many users they given the ad there, but that's it for this time you can get both on demand on the portable tv app available on smartphones and tablets to google play in the apple app store by searching portable tv, portable tv can also be downloaded on samsung, smart tvs, and roku devices, or simply check it out. affordable dot tv will see you next time. mm . in
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june. and i was pretty shocked by this. really. i mean, i knew the dollar was vulnerable and i knew the dollar wasn't trouble, but i didn't know the us dollar wasn't this much trouble. dad, country like el salvador, as you point out, it's a $3540000000000.00 economy by them making big claim legal tender. what the senators are suggesting is that it threatens the entire us world reserve currency. the dollar of the us dollar had gemini joined me every 1st day on the alex salmon. sure. i'll be speaking to guess when the world of politics, sport, business,
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i'm show business. i'll see you then. ah . to like to cab crew for us just a channel out here, a big narrowly escaped shelley. going to craig breakaway, don't it were. public people are playing h to be crated with warnings. the camps military escalating violates in the region . if i q e, have been crossing the board it into russia. apparently there's such tension here in the morning. there was an explosion again, let's hope for the best russians don't abandon their oh, to the saw. russia goes ahead with the annual testing of nuclear capabilities. i mean threats from the head of nato, but he, early a cold, aggressive actions by moscow. so if a criminal aim is to have less.


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