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tv   Documentary  RT  February 20, 2022 4:30pm-5:01pm EST

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would you also get a little more michelle, a better one more law, a finish and a helpful watch at the past 3 decades. been like for ukraine, eye witnesses with cool events. this will be more or less of judiciary with what i knew to know is that order, i'm not sure. but i've been at that for months with no idea what else? what other forces were at play? you have to do so to me? show c engine, mushy. in those in you put in the kid what it, i'm going to consume little bit when you the shows up in the most of the versions or at least take a look at ukraine. 30 years out, the gaining independence, organizing your phone with unless, unless you mean like you did, it thought it was late, but it will, it could be it. okay. i'm not sure. hold on,
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hold for. mm. mm mm mm ah
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ah i may be somebody when i go somewhere with black, what telephone the civil a free count saw
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oh what's the more no good you know me about it. i was long. i believe there you will be it was just our family home tiny, tiny village that held out like it was just everything i can remember sitting in the house and saying,
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hey of i've done this to my son way. they gave me my code. they gave me my credit cuz they said they would do the deal. i wanted my youngest daughter to go to theater school. all that went out the window. i got a cup of coffee, the cost of $1100000.00. the whole attitude changed from being friendly to a person in the corner, giving them no options and see the boy that brings it and not that my feelings in the clays deal by, you know, we have contaminated was good each and also by the expense of the business
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it's not just business this not i don't like guys, let me in 16 shops and ties. it's people who, who have, as a businessman have worked really, really hard to build these businesses. some of them are 2nd, 3rd, 4th generation family businesses. so it's, it's, it's integral to their whole life. so they'll lose the business. it basically lose the family, they lose their life. corex employed 3 and a half those employees. it provided software services and hardware to restaurants, so tail chains around the world. it was a viable, vibrant british technology company in my 1st 100 days, is the ceo doing the sort of traditional 100 day review. i find some historical accounting or errors that i thought was suspicious. um, so i see your,
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you have a duty of care to tell the banks that have been lending the business money ah, of any concerns you have. so i went to r p. s, who were the lead to bank of 5 banks that lent money to trex over the years, or they were the agent effectively and i met with them. i explained that that as an, as a non accountant, i was just concerned with historical accounts and all i want, what i wanted to do the right and proper thing to do was to bring in some specialist forensic accountants to audit and review. are the past years the codes, so i informed the bank, i told them what i was then going to do about it. they agreed to that. and i, within 24 hours of that i b. s. it suddenly brought in these restructuring specialists who business didn't need restructure to refinance. or we anything.
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there was a historical problem. ah, but within that 24 hour period, another 24 hours passed. and then i find that the business is basically being ah lever been to pushed into this thing called g r g, the global restructuring group. and when i quito dis, repeatedly i was repeatedly told, or it's a restructuring unit. it's like an intensive care unit where we're here to help. we will support the business. we will continue to support management of the business and told us this potential issue is reviewed. and that was just a complete lie. ah, g o g 's function was not to restructure or to support or to help the management and employees of, of, of our business as i, as i later find me.
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clever restructuring group as part of bob. yes, it basically came into being in a, by october 2008, just after the bailouts were 1st announced. and it was a re re spray of an existing organization within our b s corps of specialized lending services. but essentially became a vast depository for tens of thousands of business customers of yes, many of which had done absolutely nothing wrong. and many of which were credit worthy, profitable, viable companies,
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which were put in that 3 machiavellian means. so companies were told, this was a part of the bang which was going to help nurture them back to health. it was like an accident and emergency ward of a hospital. they were informed that it was on that side. it was that to help to get them out of their problems and then they could be put back into the normal banking relationship with their existing relation managers. but in reality it was absolutely nothing of the sort. g g was essentially more like an avatar or a slaughter house. it was that to cover up these businesses to enable us to extract the maximum amount of value possible from these po, businesses that ended up in that part of our b. s. mm oh my relationship with the bank of scotland went back to the 1900 seventy's when
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i started to become successful with the b b. c. and i think the way that these things normally come about, asia accountant says all of us have really good bank manager and the bank manager recommends and goods for the city and that sort of thing. and i had a great relationship with the bank of scotland and it was built on trust. and you trusted the bank manager because he was the person who signed your possible application. he was the pillar of the local community. i never assumed that my popularity would continue. i never assumed the bbc would keep offering the shows. so when in the mid eighties, i got the opportunity to earn some money at one of my 1st labs which was flying helicopter. so i then set up a helicopter company helicopter management and that was the beginning of unique ation. we moved into providing brokerage management of aircraft,
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including private jets, things wasn't making a fortune, but it made money. in fact, in the 80s i was probably earning a pound doing corporate work every pound i made with the b c. and this was the beginning of unique group. at the time, i just thought as we became under more pressure from the bank that we were doing something wrong in the end, i thought it was my c o, who's been a friend of mine for 15 years. godfather, one of my daughters i, i thought it was his incompetence. i couldn't believe that we were having problems with the bank because we were not breaching covenants. we were operating always within the agreed facility. but of course now i realize we were
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groomed. we've got you these people have gotcha me. i think broadly in the let, there's a company that was, it takes a viable company, the bank could offer them and the company would go on, it would pay back, the money was airing its interest, and then the bank would suddenly call in the very, very short notice and not even allow some of the companies to pay back the money which they had. they would then immediately put that in value into a company. the value of the company is a fraction of what it was really worth. they put in their, in insolvency practitioners, they would send, sold the company off a fall this and it was worth and then gave for the personal guarantees of the, the company. ah
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ah ah, um ah, a ah. hello ruben, by dreamer shaped by some person. those with
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who dares sinks? we dare to ask a financial survival dr. stacy, learn about to be allowed. let's say i'm a writer and your group. i'm greece on base of the fight. wall street broad. thank you for help with enjoy that right now as it will dest slavery. on the 6th of the sick, 2016, my children were home alone, and sudden they, they had shouting at the door. they didn't go to the door,
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and suddenly it got more, more aggressive, banging at the door, saying that they were bailiffs. so my daughters were absolutely petrified doctor. you would imagine. i won't have any more than 2 men posing as bailiffs. cro bought the door off and just burst into the house. they then said that the children had to leave the house. they manhandled them through them into the street . we raced back to the children when we got back there, they were in a very, very bad state. as you can imagine, crying some bonds. it was just horrendous. and then there was just one man there who was the man who had crew out the door. we have video footage of pam i'm we actually have photos of him and i found out from the children that he was also wearing, i like waistcoat with pockets which he filled with loot. so
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we were pulling 999 over and over and over again. we called the court, the court said that i was on the house and anyway, out by this, we never ever do anything they, we won't be allowed to do anything. so we then start to realize that there are some very, very old government, you know, we show you a days. notice how you days this man then said that he wouldn't let us back in our own house. i explained, i have to say, and i need to get back into my home. i need to go to the toilet. he refused point blank. to allow me into my own home. i sat record, everything i have been told was completely from the thought. finally, when the place time, i'm not show you the place the pipe. what and the police say, this is an illegal eviction needs to be allowed back into your property. when we
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got back into the property, we saw that they had smashed the windows of our homes. they had found the lights, the height, the me and the children never got over that. because that was the day that they took out life me
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like many things in life that are truly life changing. life defining unless you've experienced that you don't fully understand it. so observe is around the outside kind of thing. you know, was sort of a couple of friends she, she really try to kill yourself. so all about, you know, life's never that bad but they weren't in the quicksand. they were standing on the rocks around the pool. i am always surprised a number of business people immediately tell me about attempted suicide, nervous breakdowns. i'm. it's pretty gut point where it's just we kind of expect it's very common that people's marriages have broken up. they've lost their family home. it is spectacularly devastating for people's lives. mm. the type of fraud in this country,
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according to bolts with university, is around about a 193000000000 a year. just staggering. this isn't just the backups that have been being involved in. this is the competency firms. it is the lawyers, and it also is the insolvency practitioners and the value of land who have quite cleared and it came out in the house of commons, the base of undervalued the assets, accompanied by 50 percent. and very often, this becomes very care because when they've been taken over, they themselves, the assets reply to what the value demand me. my name's jim mcgrory, exits alia from st. andrews. i bought the hotel bike and 1972000 tons.
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there was a, basically a high t host over 10 years or so. i built up to 15 bedroom, the town dining room server eating. the boss had about see thing for 120 run up to 2005, but to say to those by myself, by day i don't want to do this. i sold it for one and a half 1000000 to the money and gave it to the clays deal bike to invest for me. when our foster choice plays deal buying. they were very helpful. i was all for the available. and so i was and sold a t v l, a tailored business one, which said that had flexibility and, and we give you any movement you wanted, you could change if you wanted there seems to be that, that all in the disorder had no contingency and it was what it was,
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is what you got if you wanted to, to pay the one you had a big cause. if you wanted to borrow more money, he had a big cause. there was nothing you could do. it was actually, it was basically a toxic balloon. painburne, known as they call them, t v. l's thought it was in some respect, effectually at noon with a variable because he had no idea what it was. and the figure would be whatever they produced. there was no way that you would be able to quantify or calculate that figure because you needed a degree in almost astrophysics. debbie, what we do falling comes and trends in the marker. none of us safer. how we wanted to do this, run the hotel, do you think it would be better to have a full scale review that sales process to ensure that actually the many customers
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who are complaining feel there is a real form of regress? those are for everyone. situations or do they have to take customer testimony and face value to do the one that has to be fixed and put right. i'm fascinated with your title debbie. it looks like something created of the bbc's w one a. the executive director, customer trust and confidence. yeah. why do you think your institution decided to create a particular title called executive director, customer trust and helping them? so i think can leave as already outlined that there's no, there's things that happened in the past that the bank, the grits our house cover paperwork. so one terabyte hard drive, there's all full blanket e mails on in there because who is a g o. c on the claim there. one thing it was
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a deal with it i would talk with we are dealing with a lot of people. i think it's 12345 laptops, not computer one through in the office. and when doing that, all i know for this jump it becomes a concept. no, it becomes part of your life takes over your life and it means that you can't do it and you're stuck. the
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me who we have had thousands of businesses coming to the m p. 's trying to deal with the speed on the back of things like r b s, has global restructuring group. and obviously the h ball threading fraud is a much more extreme example of, of this kind of misconduct. but still essentially what we've identified between all the financial institutions,
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where perhaps they were trying to pull and loans quite quickly in order to recapitalize the banks that conduct fell by the wayside. ah, so you push the small business over the h pushes me right to the edge, bankruptcy and i was picking myself up again. and while i'm at corporate level, they came off to me under my personal guarantee. and they took me right to the edge of a high call action when they knew at the highest level of hbo lloyd's, they knew i was actually the victim of criminal behavior. and then you start to see that when the management, the senior management want to get heavy and get their result april in these dirty
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people. i would like to think the financial conduct or thought is on top of this. but they have known about this for a very long time and not much seems to be done. and i think they have sit up badly, is the protection of whistleblowers who simply are not protected. we have new system to protect the so bless properly. and the whistleblower as be made rapidly redundant and people are very frightening. they'll verify the losing that pensions if they go on making a fuss. r b s orchestrated to key things one my suspension ah, despite me being the whistleblower and and to they put in place that organ
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nominated effectively shadow directors which in itself is improper and under illegal and in not in that period. not only did the punish me for blowing the whistle to them, but, but i also blew the whistle to the london stock exchange. the city of london police, the serious fraud office because there was a counting anomalies were no beginning to look as if they were potentially fraudulent and criminal so, so i then became a protected person as a whistleblower. i stays needed by the director of the c distraught office and the head to be konami claims that city of london police are bass ignored, those legal protections, and kept me on suspension for 4 months shooting, which they effectively took control of the business through the shadow directors, they then put in their own advisors through consultants, and within 4 months the put the company and administration,
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and then the asset strip that and sold the assets to service. a butcher fund who are notorious in new york has been the lender of last resort. and the buyer of last resort for, for a total price, including all advisors fees of $204400000.00 pounds, 4 months earlier i was sitting on eat offers from the biggest technology, funds in the planet for an excess of 600000000 pounds so the allegation is, is that between our bias and service, they stole 400000000 in, in making an unjust gain to the loss of my shareholders. bond told us employees and suppliers ah, a my son
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has a daughter, a wall with a little to one of them. id my calendar. i'm all chill now to go. don't know. 1 if the, with
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the ofc confirmed the use of heavy weapons in the dom bus up to 2 people reported killed it, artillery, shelling and east and ukraine. i mean, if the escalation of the conflicts in the region. meanwhile, i would never have left. i had to come here. my wife is so afraid if my health would have allowed me, i would have a call to leave their homes. and due to the 5 thing fault with the hope of return, more than 40000 residents of ethan ukraine across the board to safety in russia, where the government is providing them with accommodation. plus in the news. if you are involved in this protest, we will actively look to identify you.


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