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tv   Cross Talk  RT  February 21, 2022 12:30pm-1:01pm EST

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nation was declared, actually the rust off regional government declared a state of emergency and set up or around over now a 100 different temporary housing complexes around the region to make sure that these people coming in will have free food. they'll be able to have a warm place to stay a while they make their way on 2 different actually other russian regions that are prepared to hold them for more longer term. we actually spoke with 11 family today that actually took a family of evacuees from don boss into their home themselves. and they were making sure that they're going to be able to wait this all out in their very own home. but another thing that the governor of ra stove actually set at the beginning, he appealed to hotels in the region to help out with this housing effort. and like you said, i am at one of those facilities right now. this is the hotel that we've been staying in here as we've been working throughout the region. and you know, this is the lobby where evacuees have been coming in to check in and everything
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right now it's, it's a bit empty, but at very different times of the day this place is literally packed to the brim. so i want to show you all, basically what it goes on here. once evacuees make it to this hotel, they register here at the check in desk. but they also have several other things they have to do here. this is a coven, 19 testing station, actually. and the workers here have agreed to tell us a little bit a bit about what they do here. but because it's a chem resistance and you might see this through the vision c p recorder. dylan mac smith, they stay, we perform express tests, they're ready in 15 minutes. have with check ups in school because dealing with some of them, but so for now, oh, results on negative. so this is in the signs of ohio, so there are pretty actually, so we built this
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a have performed are all the 100 tests here with little to wish you will see. we perform all the tests for all of a queen who come unto with no home or home, or there will be successful with in the morning. it will $6.00 to $8.00 tests, especially bushera. okay, so that was the area where they're doing coven tasks for the evacuation that are coming through these doors. as she mentioned just there, there have been no positive tests recorded in this location. and also we spoke to other other we spoke to staff at other temporary housing facilities. it also said that these are the, the rate of positive cova tests is actually been very low. another thing i want to show you right here, you can see these people working at computers. this is the area where the people from done yet, and logan's officially registered with their passports,
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from the self proclaimed people's republics. and they're also, we heard from several people that they're able here to receive or apply for the 10000 roubles that the russian government has promised to every person coming here from the don boss, people's self proclaimed people's republics. that's about $130.00. so this is the lobby and like i said before, there are a lot of other places throughout roster of region that have been set up as temporary housing shelters. and it's not just hotels. it's also places like childrens former childrens day camps, summer camps, and even a, a sports school. actually we earlier went to a children's sports school that has a big gym that's been outfitted with beds, a clinic, and everything people need basically to live on their way to other russian regions . so let's take a look at what i was able to cover earlier in the day. we're here right now in
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front of a sports school that's been converted into a temporary housing facility for don boss evacuees in russia's ra stove region. we've seen buses come through here throughout the day, some dropping off new visitors while others picking up those ready to begin the next step of their journey to another part of russia. ah, most people we've seen here have been children and the elderly and they've been setting up shop right here in this gym. this entire complex is able to accommodate, around 600 people. but just to day 400 have come through it's doors. they've all been provided breakfast, lunch, and dinner, free of charge. the staff have assisted them in receiving their stipends of $10000.00 roubles or around $130.00 and to open russian bank accounts. but typically, oh you fighting against your own people. you can't do that, you just can't. my husband just called to say the bad they're the guys are already
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in the trenches, but what can be done? they have to protect our homeland is then yes. we're from finance. the realities horrible. they're shelling, it's falling in the center of the city and attacks from those bombers. it's real, it's really like that. we set off and ran from the war that's been there for 8 years. there is no strand from there's laughed any more to ins, year it people that have been killing us for 8 years. you see econ forgive them, not now or ever and they will be punished. the question is only when in god and people will punish them for everything, stop it. ah . and of course in the age of cove, it, it's very important to look after people's health. there is a clinic on site with medical professionals who are fully equipped to give checkups and take care of anyone who might potentially have an illness. she to lucia. the
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people here are mostly women, children and the elderly. and the medical offices be mainly used by elderly people with high blood pressure and children with chronic diseases will not observe any symptoms of dangerous diseases, headaches, high blood pressure. that's pretty much it, nothing dangerous when you get in, there's no doubt this facility is well equipped to take care of those coming its way. but it's only one stop in a long journey for those who are trying to escape the threat of war. people who have left their homes behind with little more than the shirts on their backs. nuclear pollution, the conditions here, a good. we had breakfast, lunch, we've been provided with beds. everything is on a good level. the only thing is that there are too many people here. scores of buses, all full, was spend the whole night sleeping in buses. i'm here with my grand daughter. people are good here. they help us a lot with my husband, son, daughter, and grandson, state. and don, boss, they done now, if it's worth coming here,
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we're afraid that 2014 may repeat itself. this area is one of many that have been set up to temporarily accommodate evacuees on russian territory near the ukrainian border. many are likely to come through their doors in the foreseeable future, but few are likely to have an idea about what will come next. donald quarter r t rostock. so it's a 8 37 in the evening here at moscow. it is $737.00 in the lou guns city, the don mass region, i should say, it's where we are now getting reports of a large explosion that this is in the loo, ganske city, with a, with a population of well over half a 1000000 residence. this of course, will gone, city is in the don bus region less learn more now on our rolling break and use coverage on all the international. joining our modern makalya, a political analyst on the historian on russia, russian exposed to the end of the day. martin, great to see you. why do you think? let's talk about this potential announcement from the russian president vladimir putin. he's expected to hit the tv waves any moment now. is it,
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he's expected also to make the announcement on, on what might be the announcement of recognizing the autonomy of the republics down there. but why, if i can ask you, why am i to decision on recognizing the republics independence have been postponed at this point? because as we understand many top level russian officials today actually called for this recognition to happen. yes, of the national security council this afternoon, every single speaker called for the independence of the dom bus republics. and was interesting that the head of the farm intelligence nutrition actually talked about the 2 republics becoming part of the russian federation. and president putin stepped in and said, no, that is not our objective. they will remain as independent republics. and it's very, very important decision for him because if he takes it, the minister cord is null and void. it's really dead in the water. and we then are
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to proceed to another stage of these negotiations. and what he is trying to achieve, trying to decide is to balance with a cost benefit analysis is in fact wise, valuable to declare these $2.00 republics, these 2 shall proclaim rubbish as independent inside ukraine or, or shall i hold back from that and say, we're still we're still talking about shift, is it a big shift? i do apologize for jumping in, but, but you know, i want to, it's clear that president putin is potentially going to announce the to recognize the autonomy of these regions. i've already seen some western media calling it russian land grab, but i wanted to ask you though, is it a big shift here for you is putting recognition of the republic's independence on the table. a significant move in some way. do you think when it comes to put him? it is because it will. it's really a statement. he's talked about georgia in 282-0000 or date 2028
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and a palsy. and charles cynthia was have been recognized by russia as independent but inch died at georgia inside the republic of georgia. and presumably, o $200.00 killer children republic will have the same status. but that's quite different because that would mean the end of a confederation in the ukraine. because one of the suggestion was that the ukraine becomes changed. the constitution becomes a confederation. and these 2 republics will, in fact, remain within the confederation. but haven't told me that they will run their own affairs and song with the territory the wrong will be part of ukraine. so what is the independence of these 2 republics? if president put in, decides that they become independent, what does that mean for ukraine? does that mean to say that ukraine loses control of these 2 republics,
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and they're no longer part really part of the ukranian territory, korean state? because the other and then mean that russia would then be responsible for the security for the economic well being for the development of these republics. and that would be very, very important step for kid. they would vehemently reject that. and i think that nature would also say is up to kids and you're creating a government to decide the status of these to recover. but you're saying you're saying that the own us, the owners to be under, they would fall on russia to look after. if they did become a ton of republic, so to speak, your saying that it would be on preaching and russia to look for them as opposed to kia, which is obviously the capital and just down the road. yes, i think they're clear with the answer. they don't want to be part of us, and therefore, when they've already cut off the water,
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because all the pensions and social security payments and things like that. so therefore, they will say, key will vary, we're no longer going to try vention when a lot of going to develop, we know we're no longer going to consider these 2 republics, really as part of your trade and is up to russian to do that. i say responsibility, just like trust me, they've got to provide to benches that got to provide water and everything else and pensions of the people in nuclear in drum. yeah. so therefore if you like, your crime becomes too small estate. and the key when can concentrate on the rest of the country, but of course they will do all in their power. the key will do well as part of damage. these 2 republics, they will not want them to really develop and they will try and punish them, leaving ukraine and therefore attention will rise. hopefully it's the present boot and announces of the independent. hopefully some agreement can be reached. shilling
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on both sides. can stock. well that a lot, and we're just supporting sorta jumping again, but just pointing out how many tens of thousands of people in that region are basically fleeing to russia and how upwards, upwards of a 1000000 an hour trying to try to gain some sort of russian citizenship in this country now and it, you know, it's important to remind our view is that the demographics down there and how many of them actually identify as being russian and how many of them speak russian. and this is something that, you know, the western media really doesn't give when it comes from a full true details of the people down there. the western media is, seems very slanted, very shallow on this. and now talk to us, what are you expecting now with the media in the west to cover the latest developments as we're all on stand by for food and to make an announcement. now, what are you seeing in the western media because they're already talking about it martin? yeah, the say the daily space or daily mail the, the concert media in britain were regarded as imperialism regarded as a suited man to go back to germany. taking, taking
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a piece of j walker in $138.00 as she did the land. but in this he didn't learn the bus majority people were german and, but of course internationally. it was a violation of international law. and they will point to that and will say, this is a violation of international russia cannot in fact declare them independent, independent of whom it has been the kid. and then whom are they to recognize the people in don, vice, it's quite clear the recognise russia is a home and they're looking towards russia to protect them, to provide that health and social security and food and everything like that. so that's what keeps policies you're getting policies, they're driven the 2000000 people to the dung bus. practically, everyone will look towards russia, and we'll see that russia is a better place to live design than ukraine. so key of his pay
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a price for his policies. the refusal to implement a major chords toward sunrise, you are paying a price for getting more news coming in right now. bought and sort of jump in. apparently we're getting a 2nd block now, reports of a 2nd explosion that is on the city of lou ganske. of course, that isn't the don bus region as well to stand on. no injuries reported as of yet. it's possible possible that a car which is either blown up or destroyed in the explosion, we'll get more details margin as they come to us. while i've still got you on the line with this rolling breaking news coverage on all the international. really good to have you with us, by the way, did you expect kiev to continue? what many, all calling an escalation in the, in the start? i know that for example, people look at r t n a and they see us presenting this information. but when you're not seeing in the western media they, they're not telling both sides the story. no, i understand there have been violations on both sides. but the read, the really big escalation in this bullying of shells has actually been coming from
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the ukranian sites. do you expect it to continue at this rate? and ultimately, what would kia be trying to achieve? ukraine is trying to cause so much damage to these 2 republics. russia will not invade. that's really what their objective is. that's why they have so many troops, annuity tanks, and so on, and saying to the russian number, if you invade, we would take you and you would have a casualties. now, not that is a very dangerous game because somebody can make a mistake. and then it can escalate and so on to what key it is. now, doing with shilling is in fact, to remind these republics that she was still there and they're going to pay a price if they in fact, if you're like, leave ukraine foods like become independent. you pay a price less. but from that point of view, it's a purely negative tactic because they want to stop any russian in cushion into
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these republics with the danger is that a fee of escalates which this problem it could be that the russian army will come in to protect the people of your hands and do that. others shall pretend republics because they will say that we have to do something to protect these people against showing. and because people are being killed and so on, should could work 2 ways. but what about, hey martin? what about the health marketing for, for example, you know, we've been, we've been seeing that an escalation in the conflict. we've been seeing some of the, some of the independent leaders there in eastern, quite often moscow for, for support whether it comes in military or financial forms. they are asking for help. now, is there anything moscow can do to stop here? for example, from escalating the conflict, you know, i mean, be very easy for me most going to say, look guys, we've got to try in some way to stay neutral here. we're not going to send weapons found that even though there are people in don baston in the region who are asking us for help here. what could moscow do to get to the table with here and bring down
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the escalation in this cause the innocent lives are being taken? what they have to do and moscow has to do to try and establish a dialogue with cios and with the other members of the normandy, a group german in france, and say, right, please. and the shilling. and because it is, it is in fact, so dangerous, and so damaging that it could lead to us having to intervene because we have to protect the russian population. in these 2 regions, we must do something. we can stand by and see them being dumb, killed or injured, and the infrastructure being destroyed. so moscow has to appeal to you and to the western countries. an anomaly group, and also united states. could you please come together and negotiate sometimes,
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gentlemen, because even if the prison bulletin comes out and says, right, we recognize the independence of these 2 republics that couldn't escalate the problem. the fighting shilling from the ukrainian side because they'll say right, we're going to take revenge. we're going to punish you for that. and you're taking the wrong decision and sent you an independent republic. you no longer. we don't consent. we're not consenting. judge about your security, but that could in fact lead, as i said, to russian bigger obliged to intervene in some way to protect me as an aggression population, at least to many people are saying a lot of the analysts are saying that in a way could, could be forced into, into something like this, but then again, i'm and i, i, for the russian president saying in recent weeks that something has to be done. now the use foreign policy chief is blaming russia for the crisis. i guess in general, people's memories are very short spines when it comes to just looking back to the
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2014 my dad revolution. this was a about of external regime change. much like the, our springs and the color revolutions. and some degree as well. how will the western media and the politicians perceive any russian military support for the don bass? they were said limitation to world war 3. they will say it as the imperialist. it was, it is very dangerous because russia will be intervening on the territory of an independent sovereign state which has the right to secure boundaries. and the western media will side almost exclusively on the crane side. the, the, the even side, the americans, president biden is as it's been a godsend to him because the deborah got to doing very badly in the pose. and now
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he's become a world figure. how going for peace and arguing that the russian should not invade is made some on why statement said russia was going to advance an attack in an, in 12 hours time in the daytime swamp, which are very unwise. in fact, that was to show that he was a great leader and he recognized it gives you an idea of the way that the game, some of the games, the media playing these days. particularly if you look at some of the top, lordy, ones in western europe that are, they think, screeching, almost like a lust for a bloody war. it's, it's being glory. what they've been reporting and some of the western capital martin, i wish i had more time. i really time, but it's been great having you on with us so much mccauley political ex, but russia export as well. thanks so much for joining us. i'm sure we'll be speaking to you soon. thank you. let's give you an update now on the breaking news . it is coming into us here at asi international right now. it's at 8 51 pm,
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monday evening. as we understand now, a car has been destroyed in an explosion reported in the city of the guns, no confirmation of any casualties yet. and all stories are investigating the incident. see, you know, we are keeping an eye on this developing story for you right now. and over the coming hours here at our international bearing. i might also be on stand by for the russian president, vladimir putin is expected to address the nation through a televised announcement. we understand he is supposed to announce whether or not he will recognize that of autonomy for the breakaway republics and eastern new standing life about here at our national. for the meantime though, the ukraine crisis has basically dominated ongoing proceedings. now in the u. s. scuse me the u. k. house of commons, i should say, that's a course, lots london and find out the latest. and what's being said, there are, these are shot, dr. joining on paper. it's on the break. a new shot. you're good to see. you bring us up to speed now what, what, what exactly has been well, there's been big warnings from the defendant secretary that russia must be charged
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for its actions are not, as was basically the message from london really, as you call a trust russia, it's not enough that run through russia is telling the west, telling nato that it has no plans to invade. in fact, the british government want to see evidence show proof, but of course, arguably, the proof would really be, well, russia hasn't invaded well, the defense secretary ben wallace says if russia doesn't retreat, well, that will be of retaliation. my count for sure you repeated to me in person that russia has no intention of invading your crave. and while we will take them at their word, we must judge them by the actions. we continue to have to speak a permanent tooth and will relent. and pull back from an invasion, but we must refer to the consequences if he does not. well, the rhetoric continues today from the british government. in fact, less trust today was saying that it's highly likely that russia will invade. of
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course, we've heard that phrase many a time when it comes to russia haven't way, but in terms of number 10 there even a step further. actually that saying that prudence plans or invasion have already begun. plus on top of that, according to every single british media source, here in the u. k. intelligence says that putin intends to invade any minute. now it's because of this alleged massive escalation and from russia that now was the time for those sanctions to be imposed according to m. p. 's. just a reminder of those sanctions threatened by boris johnson, the prime minister that includes new powers to target individuals and entities linked to the russian state, which by the way, members of parliament today are lumping our t u k. into that to a solution has started at mister speaker and we saw yesterday, saturday on friday. anyone who was following events in the dorm bus reaching so isn't time to start sanctioning individuals and entities of strategic interest.
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none including those here in this country. and given the importance that disinformation on the entire architecture, that the russian government has to spread this information to the conflict it's perpetrating against ukraine should start with some of those disinformation rockets here. the likes of our tea. sputnik and others, you know, well our to you k hasn't had the plug pulled on us just yet. we live to tell another tale. and the tale from the west really is the assessment of the situation has been no change. according to the west truth, on our point, they're absolutely ready to launch an invasion of defense system, old power, everything you can think of for a full scale invasion till that happens. if that happens, britson says that russia needs to prove its innocence,
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but listening to the british media throughout the day today, what i've been hearing is phrases like the clock is ticking. the time is now, we're up. the 11th hour now, and all of those phrases come from the very same of british media that sold headlines just a few weeks ago. that said, a russian invasion is going to happen at 1 am. last week. when you talk about a sanctions, i shot it with the m p. 's discussing it as well. i don't have many people who really report that's a key. essentially sanctioning is on people now by cutting off social benefits and pensions and so forth and east ukraine. it's getting ugly a by the minute shadow. it was actually thank you. let's give you a reminder of our break and use coverage on our end to national get to have you with us by the way of that of my putting will be giving a televised speech any moment on a final decision on whether to recognize the independence of the self proclaimed at don bass republics. now, it didn't make the announcement of an emergency meeting of russia's security council. so oper could aton cranium with any crane in
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2014 the city and part of the population of these country pretty new la. they didn't to accept a new stone. this could a talk like to remind it that it was anti constitutional and blood was spilled because during this events, a lot of phoenix and people were killed. so part of the citizens of this country, they didn't accept. this qu, concerned people who lived in crimea and really, but as you know, so those people who are living and still live in the best thing are in these people talk to you for me would you, they said that they are going to school and establish 2 independent republics, don't ask people's republic, and luc hands people to republic, starting from bad moment, the confrontation between authorities and keeping people who live in this territory even has begun. and i would like to draw your attention to the fact that russia has
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done all we could to us be useful tools to use peaceful means to resolve all the h differences you can use que listed. but despite the saffron key authorities, your wife, amazingly offensive launched offensive when you push against people and these territories. and it seems that we are witnessing the escalation of the situation situation for the 3rd time. all this here is i would like to remind you because the people who leave their basically was really during the negotiations when we came up with the plan to just to resolve the situation and called the misc accords. because the negotiations were held in minsk. this was because issues that we get because we're but further advance showed you led me to daisy authorities from keith, have no intentions to implement with this plan. more than that,
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the they have stated, there's someone goes with them. let's bring on a dmitri babich, now political, i've list joining us live this monday evening, rolling, breaking news coverage. or what are you into national dmitri? good to see you this evening. let's talk about this. the possibility of a block me uprooted and potentially recognizing that autonomy that the dumbass region in eastern ukraine is this a big deal to meet you? a lot of people may not understand the full, the full grasp of it. well, of course it's not what mr. via to describe the russian invasion of ukraine, because these areas have been the age with russia and the they have been getting food and the electricity and water from russia for 8 years. for a very simple reason. your brain just caught everything of them off. these people did not recognize the violent ouster or residence which will stems from that. he stems from don box, you know,
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use the other boys. after they did not recognize it. your brain cut everything into the region. there was no electricity and no water, no financial transfer, no salaries for the people who walk in the government jobs. so russia has been, how can you can on weekly this region to survive? and if russia recognizes these republics, it will be recognition of basically a complete for the broadening was legal. you know, how will the west we have? how will euro per year will radio call from chancellor shoals of germany will try to dissuade from recognizing these republics. obviously we may hear a lot of threats from the date from breach them also from the european union. during the discussion on the issue or form of miguel, you cited the example of georgia.


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