tv Keiser Report RT February 22, 2022 3:30pm-4:01pm EST
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in history and story and an understanding of the people and the history of el salvador. so it's been really wonderful to watch that interview with him. i really enjoyed speaking with the vice president. he's got a broad knowledge of things. he's a very educated man culture, ma'am. off camera, we're talking about paris in europe and things like that, which i thought was fascinating and hope to speak with them again, some time that they want to bring up about him because he talks about the assassination of his father, which happened in 1980 and 980 was quite a pivotal year in el salvador. it was at the beginning of 1980 when we had the archbishop oscar romero publish a letter in the new york times, pleading with the american people and government to stop funding. the military who were massacring peasants and stuff like that. within 2 months he was assassinated and then followed a year of just all sorts of assassinations,
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the rape and murder of the nuns and the american nuns by december. so in 1980 was a pivotal year that was also the year in which his father was assassinated. and it made me think of just like the context of today as the u. s. mainstream media talks about el salvador talks about the president as if there is no history there as if it's just like a guy like plucked out of the blue right there and installed today like that there is no context to the history of u. s. involvement. there, of the past, of which we were involved of all the various occupations and interferences with various governments for, for the past 5060 years, the american interference in el salvador is protect really stunning and horrific.
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and i think that the americans would have loved to have just swept that under the rog and forget about it. but 2 things happened. one social media, then we had president kelley come in, the office is incredibly vibrant and the young and he made big coin legal tender, which is, as some call it even the cover of one of the major periodicals a couple of years ago. they referred to bitcoin as the truth to machine. a, sexually bitcoin reveals the truth. even truth said everyone would love to see him and then forgotten. and so this is an ongoing process and it's going to be true around the world and we see it happening elsewhere in other countries. but this is really stunning. what's going on exactly back to el salvador . i wanted to point out that there was a quote that jack dorsey recently gave from william gibson when he was interviewed
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by michael sayler. and he's the quote is that the future is already here. it's just not evenly distributed yet. and he was talking about el salvador and that the future is here and it's, i'll salvador. and this is one thing that also makes me think of today and the context of our history and our shared history. because all humans, we have a shared history. but in the united states and el salvador, we have a uniquely, some might say, disturbing history, right? but so el salvador had been run and still to this day there's a remnants of it this, the, for the kotor say, alaska torso, the, the 14 families. and in the united states, a lot of our problems also come from a low sto, say, the 12 fed banks. so the 14 families or the 12 banks, they control distribution of wealth. and what happens is that they do it in conspiracy form
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a cartel of 14 families. they form like secret meetings of f o m c meetings to determine and conspire the price of money or how much wealth they're willing to distribute. and what we always then see, especially in the history of latin america, is a redistribution like the people rise up and they want to read distribution. so what big quinn has offered is a plan b, like we don't need to have these cycles of revolution, civil war, revolution, civil war, consolidation and conspiracy in of power and wealth and things like that. we just can have an open ledger where consensus is to reach not conspiracy and not any sort of violent revolution. right? like i say often, victor, bitcoin is on its own vector, right? so that vector is going in a direction that is not obeying the classic 2 party system or the classic cartels. whether it's the 14 families in el salvador or the 12 member banks of the central
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banking system here in the u. s. or any of the other, a cartels of power cartels. it's on its own vector, it's going in its own direction. and it exposes a lot of these cartels. and i think while we're seeing in canada, for example, as the result of these money printing, central banks have destroyed the society. and without bitcoin, it wouldn't be obvious. but when you have something i big why it's i suddenly obvious the abuse that's taking place by the central bank. so when something becomes so obvious like that, the people will, will rise up and we're seeing that in canada. but we've saw this with occupy wall street, we saw this with y'all and france, and these other groups around the world we called the global instruction against banker occupation. and that's just been exacerbated and accelerated with the domination now. bitcoin. right. president mckelly said some once,
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which sticks with me to this day. i say it all the time and i repeat it and he said, where we are going is to the place we want to be. that is what he has set in motion with this bit coin law. we want to be in a place where there is not this pattern of consolidation of wealth and hoarding of wealth and conspiracy against the people. and then a revolution, a bloody revolution of civil war. economic may have what you call the last 3040 years post civil war. and i'll salvador, what do you call that? when 3000000 salvadorans flee the country, what do you call that? right. well, we want to stop that, so where we are going is to the place we want to be, we set in motion, we can choose a different path, and they've chosen a different path. so anybody can follow that model. he, the president of el salvador himself, says that he wants to be like alexandria. this is alexander, you can do the same thing in america. you don't have to have a dilapidated,
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you know, disease sort of system falling apart. decay everywhere, you don't need to have it, you can choose to go to a different place. you could choose not to have death despair. you could choose to distribute the wealth differently and stop the los those say stop the 12 banks like stop this system that has obviously set in motion a you know, a lot of disintegration of the fabric of society. right? we're all people talk about the client as being on campus data, ball and censorship resistant. another word that one can use is incorruptible. and big coin is incorruptible. and i think president for cali recognizes that is fantastic to have a money as the base layer of your economy that's incorruptible. and that the vector is going in the direction that he wants to go. and that, that direction now is attracting the brightest of people in el salvador to work with them. you know, having been anal, salvador, this team of surround sam,
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the young politicians and advisors, he has are all incredibly smart enthusiastic. they're on board bitcoin and they want to make el salvador kind of like the shining city. i'm a hell the beacon of freedom in the world, which is a place the united states had for a long time. but i think it's decided to just throw the keys to the bankers in the cartels and really turn, turn the, turn their back to this idea of freedom. and so it's an open game. and with el salvador, saying is like, ok, who's going to be the free country in the world? now it's an open game. let's let a let that be us. los those say is what you were talking about. the cartels when they throw the keys to the cartels. i'll rap with this and which is i, i tweeted just as we were about to leave el salvador about these us senators who submitted this thing to the committee on foreign relations and they're demanding some sort a report on what our salvador,
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a sovereign nation who is nobody's backyard, you know what they get to do with their country, right. so i said, as u. s. senators threatened el salvador today for daring to take their own decisions on monetary and economic matters. it is worth remembering the past, which is not even past until bitcoin, and kelly came along. i use an image of st. pasco romero. he's now a sate romero. and it's just a beautiful mural actually right across the street from where he lived in san salvador. so i went there on the last day before we left and took that photo before we flew out. yeah, it's a remarkable photo. so remarkable place incense on the door because it's the center of a total verb renewal project. a whole new library is going up. this downtown is vibrant . there's a lot going on the chiva while it's got a huge stance set up. people are fully bitcoin fluent meant people in the street. i
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talk to, they know because they love big coin. and i think, you know, putting all the hyperbole aside, it just comes down to one simple idea. the big coin is, incorruptible, el salvador is adopting bitcoin. and in the united states is unfortunately become just a corrupt sus pool. but the pass was not even pass until big queen rex stops destroys all models and cycles said the future is already here now because of big i think that's what i'm saying is like that the past it can be over if you choose to go to a different destination that huh. so that's incredible. i think you're absolutely right. and, you know, let's go to part to of the interview with the vice president because here's a man who i could listen to for hours. don't go way much more coming. ah
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ah, more than 20 years have passed since one of the world's deadliest terrorist attacks the 2 thousands of lives, people started to scream. they will waive that chemo for us. that was like opening up an oven door, but not all wounds of heel. the survivors in respond does have increased rates of cancer and other health issues. due to the dust and chemicals they inhaled. i come here to get my blood cleaned out. they had the metals, a lot of blood in my blood. in terms of 1st responder was well over a 100001st responders, and there was some estimates that tend to 20 percent still have a cheap food with my wife
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kaiser time to return to our conversation with the vice president of el salvador doctor. feel like you are doctor felix. you are welcome back. thank you max, i'm here still here. that is fantastic. i made it, i didn't read my book yet, and you said, this is a new handle for many of the new economic scholars. you know, we just have stimulus. they haven't changed their minds all day received that they presented, following the bread called the bread wood. they situation all this concept. they are, you know, fell apart and now we are trying to decide new new ways, the new i this new ideas, not a villager but ideas. the president has day came very, very, you know, contains, that we are moving in the right way to the future today going to be 3 on to present . we're country as a model of a new way to manage the government with the vision of
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a leaders from the 21st century. i mean, whatever was done in the past, whatever was done in the 20th century that we were part of. we do know i am a baby boomer, he's my landfill. so our capital is in the age and again ration means as he used to said, a complimentary view of this project. what we're both baby boomers were where i thought he was when we were in the, in the closing, when you remember on the beach that he was kind of 1st you and i said, oh, you were born. i was when there was to face to well, there was don't remember what young don't start in 69. right. so are you at what stock? oh, well about the spiritual i was there and we took the spirit of freedom, bryce, that was a different kind of freedom at the moment. now i said to him, this is a new version because he's, he's, they will still of the 21st century. but anyway,
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so what was your favorite band? what's that? while there were many groceries in june and young. ok, of course the performance of your colker, joe cocker. you're big. you died recently. i wasn't so bloody wasn't living in colorado, not in england, but anyway. yeah. ok, i actually got back to the pastors. as you mentioned, there is a whole history. it's something to recognise and maybe move away from so your personal history, your father was are you know, he is a hero of el salvador. can you tell us about that story? oh, well yeah, my father was the president of the national university when the civil war start in the country and he was killed by the squad in october and 1880. it was awful junior for, for, for this i believe there was a one, was killed recent romero. my father was the blessing of the national university.
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the leaders of the, of the are the rebels are not in the crowd to the front there for religious. there might ignore from the right estate. i mean, there was somebody can say already, willis honest, those meetings terrible junior, for the last that we have in the be there is on that time. he's legacy has been kept by different mr. to show why? because at the moment when he was killed, he was the president of the war university service. and actually he was flying to geneva with his de headquartered of this institution. to share the meeting of the word new york city service bore. and i guess he was killed exactly at the moment because the regime, the military dictator or she but the mom and during one him to,
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to, to speak out in a forum like this a while. i mean, a junior, i was, you know, the many institution does have they have the waters over there and my father's one that we're going to see if the series was ready to receive gold. and then our system, my father was, you know, collecting for the invasion to the national university to do campus. they meet when they talk go over all day the schools, the law school, the school, all the school diminishing the school. and in addition to the lou turning of the do, the goes that we but they burnt books of the library. so that was already well for us now. recently, part of the media in the opposition here in el salvador, accused max's stacy of being economic hitman. and what you've just described was an example. your father was the victim of actual economic hit man. this is exactly
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what john perkins talks about in his book, confessions of economic hit man. so it's ironic. it's also sad that there are still people in this country that don't understand that big coin is offering a path to freedom. what, what is their problem to them to kind of problem. the 1st one, the 1st of all is they don't understand is movement to they cannot understand it because they get hook in the bus. and the 2nd is because they fear they fear the economic interest can be challenge because they are used to be comfortable in this school. so when you move this to go, when you try to move forward, when you try to move in the right way to attend the interest of the population or the people at large, then you threat or you will be the comment. but for the small groups, the elite, so overall the economic elite does they hold the power. so we need to be aware that
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this is a big, big challenge. and you are, you know, leaving these more women. why? because we have read your war, know, these moves, i promise, i will read it. but i mean, we are a, what about old use, the coach that you has shown over those years when you start dealing and challenge all the system. i know one story that i've discovered is completely false and that is that the country is mired in violence here and that's completely false. we came here and walking around san salvador and it reminds me of beverly hills or santa monica, california. it's a lovely city. there's vibrancy, there's restaurants are open the people around the street looking great. so that was a perception that's completely false. so far is completely full false because from today, one on june, the 1st 2019 the prison book, kelly put on place there. brown, which is called control territorial,
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which means tried to control or recovering the control of the territory. that wasn't the hands of the guns. that's why the sub was present and all the time as one of the 3 tops violent countries in that war. because that because they did the guns they took over a 3rd of the national territory. even the revolutionary movement in the civil war couldn't good. the control does not. i live out of something similar in new york city. and then, i mean, it was a violent crime, a $3000.00 murders a year. it was then decided to, they had a policy called broken windows learning. everything was basically clamped down and no graffiti, et cetera. so this is what the government have to do occasionally to contend with, with, with violence and being i believe the numbers are pretty fantastic in terms of the reduction of the. and this is one of the humans of these government in less than 2
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years. the president mchale is blan. i'm going to turn into the, i'll get down actually allow the rate of the homicide will have days and weeks with seattle homicide. i mean, this is a be a schuman while i was chicago. could be so lucky, not only to send you to chicago, to reduce their violence, newly out of control, we are more than willing to share what expediency by the way. we have been called for different neighbor countries to show our expertise, to our experience. and the president told me, in one case, i cannot say which country these because i'm not allowed to reveal that they were going to, but the president allow me to go there and share. i was what i experienced in controlling the violence in the areas in the rural areas. i mean all the wars there that the gangs, i believe, i mean all these crimes being committed by dealings.
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so i think that this is something that presented were country wouldn't one of the most safe country in the region. not only on did, let's say, in public security, but saved also in the legal system. because it is obviously that for the investors, they want to know which country they're going to. which country are they moving their assets? talk about investors for a 2nd. so there's a whole new draft of new laws are being introduced to deliver sweeping changes to the economic infrastructure. you are a lawyer, law is your background. what can you tell us about that? what kind of cities we have a comedian, a strong commitment with the president to strength, their rule of law, look through law for us means you know, not only the separation of powers, but also implementing the lo that's out a needs to one on t. do economic development. ok. human rights volcano, bonds. it's
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a new asset class. it's a new security. and along with those volcano bonds, which my understanding is that they're going to come along around march 15th between march 20th. that there's also a sweeping agenda of dozens of new law security laws and re almost redoing the entire security law infrastructure to accommodate bitcoin. is that, is that a fair statement? first of all, what, what is that mean? that means the scaffolding legal is falling. now we are really now we replace the old one. no, that was based on corruption and you know, bribing. i mean the, all the last word, prepaid, even for a bay, those people that a one day isn't a lie to pay taxes. i mean, those are the guys who build that legal system and we are now trying to build a new one based on this 1st giving absolutely security to the investors. basically
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the private sector, the needs calling the rules in transparency and also not only for them but also preparing very fair taxation system. because this is something that you could be surprised in our fight, a hands corruption. we have the last for president over the last for fraud. it was today and i try and then he was. so what, by political erosion saga, he's in prison and he was condemned furnace. and i just said in they are any good because they came to the justice. so the corruption was a big deal. but the 4 of them all together, the amount they are accusing the interview knows, is roughly 11000000000 dollar 1000000 dollar the them.
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but the ebay, those, the people who they refused to pay taxes, they, it by 2000 media, $2000000000.00. but here, rather than the president was 20 years one bill you every you the government of this other last to williams for ebay, those. so we're, this is also that we are dealing with, with a new legislation with trying to build a more fair. you're saying the rail criminals are the bankers, the bunker, that part of it. because this is them are, you know, big business international companies that they prefer to. brian should not be on the same problem. united states, if you know those current politicians have. i think after that durham report in the united states will probably be surpassing you in terms of politicians and jail. well, this is something that one day, i mean we will change that culture because this is a culture i mean we have to deal with. i do know that this,
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but i mentors that make the juice. that's the mothers are well, these guy, he was for uh when he was living in a very poor neighborhood. but he became a p or he became a politician. he had a leg, you know, he lives in a very transformational or a fancy houser so that more than we have to, to deal with because his culture of the problem are there were with you and from mom or to another. thank you so much for being on cause report. thank you, mike said these are real pleasure and you know my, my regards of my greetings and all my with it was all my her for your audience and for the people are supporting this project and we promise that we will never fail. we will move forward and with the leadership of the present to kelly, we shall see it. awesome. all right, that's good for the tradition of the kaiser report with may max kaiser and stacy herbert once again a very special thank you to our vice president of el salvador,
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doctor felix. you all ok, thank you. thank you. don't. next time, a with it's been 30 years since the soviet union collapsed. mom miss called a little chill on the water pump. it could you talk. so shown where you also trust them. one coil or tom ukraine was one of the independent states that emerge from the ruins of the super bowl. i'm doing awesome. good. would you also get on the ball greens? come on board, surely confusing and less new lucian, west india, better. one more. law
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a finish, it does show a helpful watch at the past 3 decades. been likely ukraine. eye witnesses recall the events. this would be more or less of judiciary, affinity, deficiency of chipotle. what i knew more about that order? i'm not sure, but i did that for months with no idea what else, what other forces were at play? you have to do so to whom you show in sure, mushy. in those them you problem the kid. what it would occur when is it just shows us the most version or at least take a look at ukraine, 30 years out, the gaining independence organism here for you to promise, unless, unless you mean like unity retorted mostly will way. but a will, it could be issue you lush will still no problem.
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i just might as well to rival guy when customers go buy, you reduce the price didn't help. well, reduce the lower that's under cutting, but what's good for food market? it's not good for the global economy ah, extreme nationalism which has been released to the us and they want us dominance. but surely they are sensible voices and you are saying that conflict is where you are heading gauntlet. gore war is not the way. there is another way it could be, would it wouldn't for all of everyone. and i certainly believe that the corporation between china and the united states and he will, for that matter, russia will benefit mankind much more than a conflict. ah,
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russian lawmakers approve the deployment of troops abroad on the president's request of the opposing. know says he's got no immediate plans to use that authorization in the new recognized dumbass for public list comes off the president protocol recognized the independent self. no, they can look out for publics pledging to ensure peace in the region is to realize i'm certain we haven't been abandoned and that we have a future. we greeted the knees with tears and we are happy. at least there will now be order. the bombings will stop and people will be able to lead normal lives was told, it's better to put on a bullet proof vest before stop working. we are now waiting for the red cross who are going to deliver water and thanks for the people here.
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