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tv   News. Views. Hughes  RT  February 23, 2022 8:30pm-9:01pm EST

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in, in about half an hour, ah ah ah, is your media a reflection of reality?
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in the world transformed what will make you feel safe? isolation, community? are you going the right way? where are you being led somewhere? direct. what is true? what is great? in the world corrupted, you need to descend a join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. ah, with skyrocketing gas prices in place, in a broken border, and a plethora of other issues, a plague, american, the repeat, other blaming. trump, for all of the world, think we can use temporary, we're pretty, we're going to tell you the new source for all of america problem, partly according to mainstream media and the bite administration. also questions
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are rising regarding the use of the poor old process to allow a 1000 to migrate to rep can instead entry and united states will be you as we expected to offer those same benefits to those from ukraine. you might seek refugee status in the us. our experts are going away and i'm thinking of barriers that being torn down for immigrants. the exact opposite is actually happening for american citizens in the us capitol, at no time with wasted by dc democrat, to put offenses, and calling the national guard as the freedom convoys starting to roll towards washington. plus a big when the canadian convoy regarding the bank accounts, which were frozen by the government. the cdc moves goalpost and lower the early childhood standard. will there be accountability for the problem that they helped create? i'm kind of used these stories and more on today's news views here on our to america . ah,
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what started off as a presidency with a broad base of support has now sunk to one of the lowest approval ratings for any u. s. president, a few weeks after his 1st year in office, could it be the 12 percent inflation on food and consumer goods, or maybe at the gas prices that are $1.00 to $3.00 more in just a year ago, depending on what region you were in. perhaps the highest level yet of coven cases and death. despite of vaccine in the c d. c. not reporting on numbers anymore. or could it be those oppressive mandates which still seem to be in place for the masses? oh, but not for the hollywood and the political elite. maybe it's also the dramatic rise in violent crime in almost every major city from sea to shining sea. the list of rural issues facing every day americans is continuously adding up one after
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another. that was until last week the commonplace for blame was on the former trump administration, but it looks like president trump might get bad, be able to sit back and relax from being the scapegoat for a while. because now there's been this new target being identified. of course, the easiest place currently to put all the blame for americans wos is on the russian ukraine conflict. there's only one problem. all of this, all of these problems have been in existence. well before you crane situation dominated the headlines. yet the mainstream media, the wishes of the bio administration, are now hoping that americans are dumb enough to forget everything from this past year. and think all of their troubles have just recently come to surface to americans really have that short term memory. well, let's ask our expert data mcadams,
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executive director of the iran and paul institute and media in legal analysts. lionel, thanks for joining, dan and lionel. thank you for having the day on the start with you. ned price, the us state department spokesman said today he tone is acting exactly how us intelligence has laid it out all along. but is that accurate? oh, look back at these events of the last 3 weeks and time and time again. something was going to happen. it never did, or do you actually see moves being a reaction to this rhetoric and the assessment of leadership strength of the bind ministration, including the vice president, recent visit overseas to try to make things better. will even blink and said when he appeared before the un security council, hey guys, you may not believe us this time because every other time we predicted the invasion, we were wrong. but trust us this time, we mean it for real. so the us, even though is that it has a credibility problem. president biden says, i have entailed the tells me the invasion is imminent. essentially brought the
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intelligence community into it, maybe to throw them under the bus when it didn't come will, it hasn't come. it hasn't come to where they said the russians have not moved into kiev and taken over the entire country. they've done something very clear and calculated and something that they've been saying all along that they intend to do . which is to make sure that 3 quarters of 1000000 russian citizens living in eastern ukraine are not killed by ok. so help me out here on this one today, president biden announced these new sanctions on the nordstrom to pipeline. this is where my red flag go check. it said, or ted cruz republican, he's would advocate advocating for this for a while. and now withdraw the hold. he's placed on the bite and nominees in this state, depart, green tit for tat there. how can you f, 1st of all, sanction a pipeline which is not on us territory. and why know why in germany allowing this to happen and this is going to affect the most. in fact, i read a tweet saying let the germans shiver in their bed. now it's gonna affect them
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financially, but it's also going to affect there's still winter over there. how is this allowed to happen? first, let me just explain this major, major breakthrough. this is breaking news. 85 percent of america has not a clue as to what we're talking about. and we're talking about done yes, glue guns. this is my little globe. i have. i bought this at the dollar tree. now the $1.53, by the way, inflation prior to this, and i handed to friends series, i say, find russia. that's pretty easy. now find you cream, they have no idea what we're talking about. now also keep in mind this, you had a, a president and vice president who added this symphony of incoherence to an already incoherent message. and you bring up a good point. not only how are we sickening nor stream to, but how are we individual, the sanctioning members of potent staff?
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how was this happening? it? i think that when we say sanction that once you just say sanction the left wing sock puppet media just says that's enough. and they move on because i'm going to say again, and this is sad. most people, most americans have not the slightest clue of what we're talking. b, and yet it was the republican ted cruz that we say say it is like okay, gets a bite. and i'll give you your guys in the state department. they're doing such a great job. you're allowing these sanctions, like i said, so you don't get for 10 on the side of it. but you know, i swear i had deja vu this morning as i saw the lower 3rd of my screen once again proclaiming the u. s. warning that ukraine is a russian invasion within 48 hours. this is been on repeat for the last. maybe they think if they throw the dark enough at some point, it might actually land on the board. meanwhile, those in ukraine, once again, i heard today that there was a tourist bus going around behind the camera crews. they're the ones who are most likely going to be impacted by
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a war. they're still begging for the west to back off saying us need this war, not us. so when you look at this, daniel, at this new blame game going on, the american media, which we always know is the p r agency for this white house. is it true that the u . s. needs this war? not ukraine? well, the us needs the war on ukraine soil for ukrainians to die. and that's why they've been desperately including their defense minister saying all along an invasion is not about to happen. you know, it's very funny, you know, bite and explicitly and it's address yesterday. you explicitly linked the inflation, the reference to your introduction explicitly linked it to his foreign policy. i haven't seen a president do that before. that means that americans and middle america will start paying $6.00 per gallon. well, bite and told me, i gotta do this to get freedom in ukraine. he's going to lose the american people more than he already has. it was just a new, a people that came out showing that only 26 percent of americans, americans want united states to get difficultly involved in the russia. you can
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crisis, the american people don't support it. they don't want to spend $6.00 for gas, for biden, to bring freedom to ukraine, or it's a calculated move. it's a political disaster. and in my view and the republicans, if they had any sense, they would tie him and he's ukraine policy. and it's 6 to all a guess, but like you point out more on like ted cruz just love war and the republicans are full of such morons. well, and that's awesome. really comes down to these politicians who say that there for the american people. if gas prices and inflations for american was this major concern of president biden, should have by to be doing the exact opposite of what he's and he is doing. which is escalating the problem from even 3 weeks ago when the basic requests from president put in with just don't let ukraine inter nato lionel am i wrong? no, you're not. and we want of something, which is even more interesting. i am a lawyer by profession, and i love the the language we were debating whether an invasion would take
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place. then i was told an invasion did take place. then i was told that in the event of a full scale invasion, now i'm not trying to be cute about this, but these words mean something. and then you ask the question, why is, why is russia in there? are they invading? no, they recognized 2 particular dundas regent full. does this count as an invasion now? meanwhile, the thing i've gotta ask everybody is we're, we're these questions. when we decided to go into iraq or afghanistan, nobody questioned anything of just like it was just assumed. there was no reason for it. it has something to do with $911.00. nobody even asked whether we're, we're invading what our plan. this is the part that is so mind boggling if we could go back and bring our grand parents to see this. now, when they remember the days of war and actual declarations of war and surrender,
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they would say what is this? this is this hodge podge this word salad. meanwhile, with the word change an invasion. meanwhile, we're talking about some very serious event that could go hot like that. let me remind the world of that this isn't kidding around. this is a serious as it gets a taste our nuclear power is in the world have we have conversations and unfortunately the one person that involves ukraine is not in that conversation. i went in with this, the fact that we're even questioning right now and i know you've seen it probably our social media daniel real quick. i'm seeing something very concerned about advocates for peace and the u. s. not getting involved in a conflict with does does not, which does not have direct security concerns are being labeled anti american and supporting the enemy of america. why is this narrative being allowed even in conversations today? i don't remember, but don't forget we're also russian apologist. that's been on our show the other day. actually, the biggest russian agent is victoria new and it's victoria new and who got crimea
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back into russia and who now potentially is getting used to ukraine back in russia . we didn't do it. it was victoria new and it was the, it was a vice president biden administration. so for looking for russian agents, maybe we're looking in the wrong place or once again, just because i'm advocating for patients seems like i'm a bigger advocate for keeping our military men and women safe here on american grounds. and our president is, which is very sad as well. many other leaders around the world who are saying, just stay home america, you're not helping the situation yet. oh, my god, i'm thanks for joining us on this line. i'm going to keep you on for a couple more minutes and ask you about some immigration issues you is getting ready for ukrainian refugees fleeing violence in the east for faring it will reach the rest of the country. now, washington is expected to do its part in settling refugees from ukraine and may expand of the use of parole and achieving these aims. now, pro was at once an obscure and rarely used exception in immigration law that would
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fast track settlements of migrants. if one has a heart attack and mid flight or a pressing need to testify in court or some sort of similar kind of emergency, but it's been expanded because while bided was not the 1st president to expand the use of parole. beyond such narrow case by case circumstances, its use has grown tremendously under his administration, and now it was one by one case by case a rarity. if one has been allowed him to settle 65000 african migrants under operation allies. welcome this following the taliban. recapture of the country about can't stand on the heels of the poorly planned us withdrawal. and immigration activists are pushing his administration to actually expand the use of parole even further to a mit admit, as many migrants as possible. all i want to welcome back legal media and why don't, why don't media and rock lori financial for an author of atheism destroy. thanks for joining me gentlemen. thanks guy. okay, so brock, i want to ask you,
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we're bringing this conversation, considering how the spider ministration is push this narrative, an eminent russian invasion while arming ukraine to the teeth for leaders of france, germany hungry crows, croatia, and beyond of ours a diplomatic solution. some could argue the u. s. has a certain responsibility to these ukranian refugees. however, the e u is so much closer to craig, so which is it? does the us have this response will be ready to take refugees from ukraine, which might point out at this point, are headed. the refugees are all going to russia, which i think is very telling it they're trying to get away from the russians. why are they headed to that country? help me out. help me to understand that brock. well, i think you're exactly right. they do a flea to russia and that is a very interesting sign of the times. but likewise, in terms of an obligation, yes, i do think we have an obligation to take these you creating refugees to the extent that they exist and want to come to america. precisely because we had promised them
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that we would take care of them. we actually told them that you should get rid of your nukes, and in exchange we will take care of you if there's any issue. so yeah, we have an obligation. and if you want to compare it to what's happening with the jenny refugees, of course, if we're going to be doing it for them, we should be doing it for the ukrainian refugees as well. but this is expensive. let all the refugees in wherever they may be in the world. i don't know that we can sustains, but then again, when has about an administration ever cared about immigration? the same dope, right, sustainability. and once again, we're already in so much that we can't afford the, our own american citizens right now that are sitting homeless on the street all over america. but hey, let's come on world. if you have agreements with america, it's probably our fault. we need to cover it. lionel advocates for ab stricter of immigration controls are getting acute, always getting accused of racism, and compared to the refugees from afghanistan, ukrainians typically have kind of a letter, complexion predominant, christian not muslim. obviously, american america should be the land of opportunities for everyone. but how did these differences actually complicate the debate about how many refugees are to
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admit considering they kind of blend in will pro emigrate activists be as likely to advocate for ukrainians because they kind of look like americans? and will critics be less likely to oppose the thousands of refugees from ukraine than what we've seen from afghanistan? well, 1st things 1st, you have a very important point from a legal matter. the law is replete with references to edgen circumstances. waiving search warrant requirement, police action and the whole notion of parole is when something needs to be done immediately. it's almost like a no dumb. if somebody's having a heart attack on a plane, you're not gonna have to wait for them to process their application for entrance. but it doesn't mean that it's permanent. it's what gets you when the door temporarily. once that edging circumstance is removed, once that emergency parole circumstance is removed, then you go back into the status that you were before. it doesn't get you in forever. now, isn't it interesting also, the way the biden administration and this,
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this, this skid soil left, there's an archaic, whatever this group it. isn't it funny sky how they are absolutely at their adherents of the notions of, of borders and sovereignty. and the respect for sovereignty, you can't, and bade, and you go to wonder if that did, did you? great. but when it comes to our sovereignty, specifically, our southern border, sky's the limit. and i am living in new york right now, and i'm telling you, i live in conditions where the subways look a remake of death. wish 6 right now. and i want to know, where is this money going to how's to take care of that for the medical care in from somebody who is an american citizen, like we are in a city that's been abandoned. why, again, excuse me, we're bringing people to why so that i don't love people. he said i don't care for people, but he's due to me. i've got problems here right now. and would you please explain
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to me, when do you, will you tell me one borders matter and when the don't, it's good to frantic. i can't figure it out. you know, it's funny you ask, where is this going to go? yeah, i think a bigger question that i want answered right now. i know is where is it coming from? is economy that then has me a little bit more concern to the, you know, we're getting close to tax time, but i know our american taxes can't pay for everything, considering the amount of trillions of debt that we are in right now. brock, you did. this is why i think the attorney general of arkansas, alaska, florida, indiana, missouri, montana, oklahoma and texas just to name a flu, their ceiling, the bite administration, all for restarting the central american miners program that started under obama. they say that actually bite, it doesn't have the authority run the program without congressional approval. it's program evolves, expanding to parole to admit immigrants who are not otherwise eligible. what can you tell us about this? could this ruling actually do you think have an impact on encouraging more immigration ref gonna stand ukraine if they just realize that it's an easy pass?
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well, it's exactly right. if you do encourage people to, to take these, if you give them all these freebies, then of course, you'll only encourage more of these freebies. and ultimately more of these convoys and migration to come any legally from whatever country that might might be coming from. does that is a concern and we just don't know how we can afford it whatsoever. so i do think that that law will ultimately be struck down, but it has to go through the court system and ultimately through the supreme court where the supreme court, hopefully one day it did even forensics are sure it will say that that document and you can't do this, that president bob, that's what we have to wait for. and unfortunately, to shoot 1st ask questions later. you know how you get the description? you know, how did you get to stop wine on brock? i just do what they did for the cuban, said that they're gonna be conservative, and i guarantee that immigration line will be cut off immediately. nicely. gentlemen, thanks for joining me on my behalf is that we're able to get them on mac. it will be shut down immediately. thanks for joining mandy. how healthy are mask mandates?
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well, the cdc has quietly lowered early childhood speech standards. and could this be the result of a 2 years of math mandate? well, we're going to bring you the details all after the break. mm . join me every posting on the alex, simon. she'll. and i'll be speaking to guess what the world politics school business. i'm show business. i'll see you then. mm. brushes. official recognition of the dullness in lugens people's republics. as independent states formerly puts to an end what was known as the means piece process. this recognition also creates a new political fact on the ground. and there is nothing nato can do about it. ah,
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poor leader said the truckers convoy that took over the streets of ottawa for nearly a 3 weeks appeared before a judge as a similar movement is now picking up steam. any united states are to correspond at passion. boyd, in ottawa, scotty will a developing story that's really taking place here over the past hour or so. prime minister justin trudeau says that the government is actually taking steps to end the use of that emergencies act. just a week after it was invoked in response to the pro trucker protest, the convoys, everything that you saw going on down here in downtown ottawa for the past few weeks. i was just on monday that the house of commons actually voted to extend those powers and that froze millions of dollars that were raised for the protesters through crowd funding sites. and this comes just a day after a canadian judge denied bail for tamara lich, she was one of the lead organizers of the freedom convoy protest that went on down
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here in downtown ottawa for nearly 3 weeks. that judge arguing that there was substantial evidence that which would repeat her offences which was arrested with counseling to commit mischief last week. now another top organize her pat king also was in court on tuesday for a lengthy bail. hearing the hearing was adjourned without a decision that we'll pick back up later this week. but circling back to the canadian government, instructing its own banks to begin on freezing accounts linked to those protesters . that's a move that some conservative member the parliament had been asking for. all along, i think what we're doing today, the precedent, we're setting to be able to freeze bank accounts, of political dissidence. the importance of that cannot be understated. is that really what we're going to do in this country? that if there is a protest or some sort of demonstration that this government doesn't agree with,
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he can freeze your bank account or story. they can order the arse campaign who orders the bank who orders, and that's what they've been saying. it's not them off. but now we're voting on the power to freeze bank accounts and political dissident and scotty as for that so called people's convoy, they reportedly had begun their journey over the stretch of the next 10 days, eventually leading to washington, dc, presumably for president biden state of the union address, they say they're going to remain peaceful, they're targeting that beltway area around the d. m. v, and the pentagon has responded. they've accepted a request for additional traffic control, about $700.00 officers and 50 quote large tactical vehicles will be at various checkpoints all throughout washington dc. it's got it pack sent, stay warm. thanks for joining us. now several cities have announced they will be dropping mask mandates. including a chicago and do see all starting on march 1st before the state of the union convenient. as the american people remain split on a mass mandate,
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forcing children to wear mast has become and even more polarizing a topic of debate. and now the centers for disease control and prevention is softening speech requirements for toddlers, doesn't have to do with a mask hindering their development well or to correspond it. natasha sweet investigates. the cdc is now changing their speech requirements for toddlers. what was once expected that 24 months has now been delayed an additional 6 months. do max, have anything to do with it? some parents believe it does. the state of virginia and massachusetts are lifting the school math mandate, and parents remain split on the issue. i really do want my kids to be able to go to school with no masks on. i think it does affect their learning and it does affect their social interactions. we moved here recently and so for them to try to meet new kids and integrate into the classroom. i think that's been more difficult with masks. i'm pretty uncomfortable with it. i think that until we get
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a better handle on coven 19 that the kids should do their best to keep their masks on. maybe the mask breaks outside until everybody's vaccinated. but places like new york or keeping the math mandate for now looking to reassess the school math querying in march. so after this break, parents will have test kids for their children. but some parents are alarmed after seen the cdc changes speech guidelines for 2 year olds before it said children should be able to speak at least 50 words. and now that requirement has been pushed back to 30 months of age, but many taking to twitter or seen the cdc just quietly lower the standards for speech and early childhood development. it goes on to say, instead of highlighting the harmful effects of masks and lockdown to pat on children, the cdc just lower the bar milestones and speech therapist sites brown stages for language development. and it says $50.00 to $60.00 words is indeed expected by 24 months. children not being able to fully show facial expressions and communicate with their peers during those critical foundational years has been
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a complaint for many parents. during this pandemic, you can't necessarily legislature way out of sigma, that's a cultural change. we all have to play a role in where congress can make a big difference. is in focusing on expanding access to treatment. making sure that we are integrating primary care like mental health services and some question what the long term health effects will be for those who were adolescence amid the krona virus pandemic. as the future of masks in some schools remains unclear. according to the u. s. census more parents are homeschooling, their children, since the pandemic began. reporting for news views. hughes and harshest suites r t. this brings us to the close of today's show. let's continue the conversation however. so to me your thoughts on today show at scottie and you do the hash tag and b 8. and for all the diverse program here are to america dello the portable got to be app. you're apple or android device. it's free. stay healthy. say happy to stay informed,
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the ah, i was thinking somehow i had to come back because mom was waiting for me. i just knew that everything would be fine. for some reason were so confident because we were going to get married officially after he came back. how could he not come back because the mere thought of it never crossed her mind. the militants decided to try and break through. i heard you guinea ab screaming grenade. 6 google, who are you, an explosion below him. we'll run his bag through and it was all over ocean. we know that our comrades on our commander won't leave us. no matter how
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tough it gets, where team their vehicle. if jenny was a senior in his military trio video, he knew that if he didn't smother that grenade with his body more, if his comrades would die, he gave his own life to save his friends. canada turned out to be the country where there was an enormous power overreached by the government of trudeau. these being condemned to by countries all over the world for this egregious power over reach and con phase like el salvador. nobody had there them as being the country to figure out that big coin was a path toward individual sovereignty and toward financial security. and there they just reported absolutely incredible g d p numbers and the tourism is booming
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and they're going to double their g. p. numbers again, next year. ah, the kremlin confirms that done yet, and look guns people's republics have us russia for quote, help in repelling ukrainian regimes a military aggression. it comes after dumbass leaders say ukrainian forces have steps on the cross border shell fire. meanwhile, the head of the done yes, people's republic denies west to reports of russian troops entering the area was saying they could be brought in if the conflict escalates. further the release is a list of russian nationals and entities that will face sanctions following the recognition of the done yet below danced republics. the list includes the russian
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defense minister and are these editor in chief.


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