tv Going Underground RT February 23, 2022 9:30pm-10:01pm EST
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above all has a constantly hiding in sellers who were extremely terrified. that's why when we heard about the vacation, we gave up everything and came here. ah, we had children for the office. we had a lot of fun volunteers helped a lot and even organized a little show for the children when they danced. the 1st day was very emotional. they helped us to cheer up more than $13000.00 people have now died since the start of the conflicts in the dumbass. according to russian government data, a quarter, the victims are civilians. russia's main investigating authority is open 400 criminal cases over the death of which 85 elijah perpetrators have been established . the list includes members of the ukrainian military members of the security services and state bodies. the german tabloid build is taking a stand against russia in the ukraine crisis. the paper started covering up the gas
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from logo when it's appears on football shirts, replacing it with freedom for ukraine. the russian energy giant is an official sponsor of chalka football club, which was relegated from the bundle league last year. the cobra self is commented saying gas problem has been a reliable partner since 2007. although chalka expressed great concern over russia's recognition of the dom bus republics. where we spoke to thomas roper author, and blogger, who stays politics should not have a place in sport. a politician should not have a place in sports. sports should somehow be something which brings people together and not dividing them, but we see it in the west that, that a sports is politically seamless. been all these stories in olympia, with a young russian girl. there was no doping but a whole week. the german media was writing about it, opens candle, which at the end of day was nothing. i would say they made
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a big step against germany, not against russia, because okay, russia might less money in that way. but the problems we have, we have to come right now and the whole whole europe. we have lack of gas, we have very high prices. and the steps in this a direction like like, stopping not seem to or even general the gas import will worse of the situation in europe. and the worst case when, when you're a pretty start sanctions again, the russian energy sector and maybe the gas import stops. and we will see in europe, situations with blackouts, without, without electricity, a rush of defeat is less money, but the problem is in europe, i think this is, yeah, a shot in there. like, you know, still a head on the program and kind of this says it's done clearing on c vaccine monday . protest is out of capital also, and drops it's emergency sites. well, there's backlash over the rest of a prominent protest organizer more story just after the break.
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a new political fact on the ground, and there is nothing nato can do about it. oh, is your media a reflection of reality in the world transformed? what will make you feel safer? tice elation whole community. are you going the right way? where are you being led to somewhere? which direction? what is true? what is faith? in the world corrupted, you need to descend so join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. ah
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ah, ah welcome back to the program. we're going to cross straight live now to the emergency you and security council meeting in new york, which was initiated by ukraine. with the granite of the same account, douglas, i get the bazaar post is due at the slash 2014 slash 1. 36 wires can help me in gender is adopted. most accordance with rule, 37 of the counselors professional with the july invite the representatives of your gemini and ukraine to participate in this meetings. when you're putting your money to say, decided there's no anybody in accordance you're good. but again, i will say, well come on to this meeting, you don't lose the united nations secretary general. i'm telling you the terrace
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that you don't have agreement with us and europe in accordance with rule 39 of the councils with provisional rules, the procedure i'll fight and is very sweet decarlo india. secondly, general political and he's putting a face to participate in this meeting is i decided the security council and up again, it's the consideration of i to to of the agenda my wishes to warmly welcome the secretary general, his actions he missed antonio terrace and gave him the floor st . you very much mister president. mister president, excellence is i want to reaffirm what i expressed this morning in the meeting of the general assembly. but of course, it wouldn't make any sense to bother you reading again the same text that i'm sure you are all aware of in between during the day and amber of
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events took place and the with your permission mister president, i would like to ask miss rosemary decarlo to be able to brief you on those events. but simultaneously, the day was full of rumors and indications that a was an offensive against it. the ukraine was imminent. in the recent busts, there were several situations with similar indications, similar rumors. and i never believed in them convinced that nothing serious would happen. i was wrong. and i would like not to be wrong again to day. so
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if indeed, an operation is being prepared. i have only one thing to say from the bottom of my heart. but as you can put to stop your troops from attacking the ukraine, give peace, a chance to many people have already died. thank you. mister president. campbell entered, i think the 60 general for his introductory remarks and i now give the floor to miss rosemary collar. thank you mister president. earlier today. the so called authorities of the done yes, in lieu hands, people's republics requested military assistance from the russian federation. also today, the ukranian authorities declared
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a nation wide state of emergency and announced other related defense and security measures, including the mobile ization of reservists. throughout the day, we've seen disturbing reports of continued heavy shilling across the contact line, and civilian and military casualties. there are also reports of the repeated targeting of civilian infrastructure. this evening, different media are carrying reports of an ongoing, large scale, military buildup, and on military columns moving towards ukraine. the russian federation has also reportedly shut airspace to civilian aircraft near the border with ukraine. the united nations cannot verify any of these reports, but if these developments were confirmed, they would greatly aggravate and already dangerous situation. ukrainian authorities
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are also reporting a new large scale cyber attack, targeting civil state and financial institutions. mister president, president the landscape earlier this evening called for continued diplomacy separately. president putin also spoke about his continued readiness to engage in dialogue. we encourage such efforts, even at this late hour un staff remain on the ground to provide humanitarian assistance to the people of ukraine. we are committed to staying and delivering. all parties must ensure their safety and security. respect for international humanitarian law and international human rights law is also paramount. we cannot predict exactly what will happen in the coming hours and days in ukraine. what is
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clear is the unacceptably high cost in human suffering and destruction of an escalation. the people of ukraine want peace and i am certain the people of russia, one piece we must do everything in our power to ensure that peace prevails. thank you mister president. here we'll get it before i thank mister, can i for her briefing and another little to the mtv and days council members who wish to make statements, you know, but i gave the floor to 1st to the representative albania. thank you, mr. president. your colleagues. this is the 4th time the council is meet you in a crane in a matter of weeks. every time we meet reality on the ground, confirms bit by bit what some of us have been anticipating. russia has been
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saying one thing and doing is country. we were told troops were retreating when they only have increased. we were told to stop hysteria, since troops were in russian territory. no longer. they are inviting a neighbor unprovoked with false pretexts, false narratives, and fabricated news. every development unfolding in the last 40 hours confirms to us and to the world that russian war is have nothing to do with, with its security that its anxieties are not linked to. nathan large meant that this issue is not a confrontation between russia and the west. this is the confrontation between russia and international law. the un charter that he deliberately has chosen to endure a confrontation between a had a monastery vision and the rules based world order. the colleagues, it's not about russia's concern, it's about russia's appetite,
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the ukrainians are facing another aggression just because they dare to exist because they have chosen to be independent because they have opted for democracy. you collins, this is a dark hour, not only for ukraine, but for the intent, national community as we witness with trepidation. the progression of a pure act of aggression carefully planned and cold bloodedly being executed we called and hoped for a bag down of the russian federation. from the senseless, destructive and self destructive action, we repeat the same call for russia to stop, to reflect, to reverse its legal decisions, to withdraw from this senseless madness to de escalate, not to push towards precipice. several mechanisms are in place and various proposals have been made, including by president zelinski,
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whose calls remain unanswered. diplomacy is like hope it dies last, but for it to work, it must be ceased, not ignored, as the sector general just called for here. we call on the follow members of the security council to rally in support of against sovereignty and territory integrity . russia has been warned repeatedly that they will be alone in this foolishness, that they will be responsible for the innocent lives loft, including rush with maybe and for the destruction cause in the heart of europe in the 21st century. if they choose to continue to execute their plans, as everything indicates, they will bear not only the consequences of the war, but also the historical blame and shame of invading a neighboring country. when its responsibility is a big country. as a permanent member of the security council calls for it to work and help preserve peace and security, not to torpedo it. we reiterate our support became sovereignty,
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and i taught integrity within its international organized borders. anthony forwarded waters. in concluding, i will come the presence of the permanent consent before you came to this meeting. i would like to convey to him to the ukrainian government and people that of this month, most critical moment in their history. they are not alone. and we stand firm in full, so there are 2 of them for the rights to free to be free and choose who they want to be. i thank you. yeah, i for thank with a representative now mania for his statement and now give the flow to the representative united states. thank you, mr. president. and thank you secretary general. thank you for your strong strong stance and your powerful remarks today at the general assembly. and for your remarks tonight, colleagues, a few moments ago i spoke to president biden,
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who asked me to convey in the strongest possible terms, he is an hour, steadfast, support for ukraine, and support for the urgent meeting this council has convene to night. furthermore, he asked me to share that the united states and our allies and partners will continue to respond to russia's actions with unity, with clarity and web conviction. we're here tonight because we believe, along with ukraine, that a full scale further invasion into ukraine by russia is imminent. to night, we're seeing the russians close air space. move troops into dan bus and move forces into combat ready positions. this is a perilous moment and we're here for one reason. and one reason only to
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ask russia to stop return to your borders, senior troops and your tanks and your planes, back to their barracks and hangers. and senior diplomats to the negotiating table. back away from the brink, before it is too late. last week, the united states inform this counsel and the world about what we expected to see unfold. we said that russia would manufacturer pre pretext for an attack. we have since seen numerous false flag events staged along the line, the line of lines of contact and on bus. we said russia with theatrically convene, emergency meetings, at the highest levels of the russian government. we all saw this on monday with the state televised security council meeting held by president putin. an orchestrated
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moment in which the russian government decided to recognize as and i quote, independent states, unquote, sovereign territory of ukraine controlled by russia's proxies since 2014. they literally violated ukraine sovereignty and territorial integrity on live television. before the world. we said that false proclamations would come, declaring russia would need to defend russian speakers in ukraine. we got that and much more from president putin speech on monday. and during the speech of the russian ambassador in the general assembly today, no one could have predicted just how dangerous inciting, and far reaching president putin speech would be. with prudent arguing for taking
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the world back in time to an era of empowers and colonies. finally, we said the attack would come next that we could expect communications to be jammed cyber attacks to shut down key ukranian institutions. last week we attributed to russia denial of service attacks against ukrainian banks, and we saw similar activity this morning targeting government sites as well. and in the last few hours, we have received very concerning reports of destructive malware were placed on hundreds of computers and executed on at least some after that we said would come the bombs and missiles, the soldiers and the tanks. already soldiers have been deployed to the occupied region of ukraine. ladies and gentlemen, we're here to night because we believe the rest is eminent. now,
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over the past few weeks, russia has called our predictions hysterical. russia said we were lying. russia said we were supplying the world with misinformation. russia's diplomats even laughed in the face of the human suffering. we were sounding the alarm about. but what we said would happen has come to pass for all the world to see. so let us be clear. all parties are not culpable. here, there is no middle ground calling for both sides to de escalate. only gives russia a pass. russia is the aggressor here. russia's attack on ukraine is tantamount to an attack on the un and every member stayed in the
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chamber. to night. the security council is charged with adjudicating threats to peace and security. russia is bypassing it. it's inter russia is by passing it entirely and taking matters into its own hands and that undermines the institution. it undermines every one who participates in it. the united states, ukraine, its allies and partners across europe. un officials, every other member of the security council. we have all repeatedly implored russia to engage f a diplomatic table. those calls were not heard. instead, tonight, russia has brought its people, the ukrainian people, and the world to the brink of a conflict that will produce an untold amount of human suffering. i said it in
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the general assembly this morning and i'll say it again tonight. every day russian should be asking themselves right now, how many russian lives putin will sacrifice for his cynical ambitions. responsible members of the security council will stand together. and we will stand with ukraine and we will, we will do so despite a reckless, irresponsible, permanent member of the security council, abusing its powers to attack its neighbour and subvert the un and our international system. this morning and the general assembly, we saw dozens of leaders from across the globe stand up to defend the un charter and ukraine against russia's brazen attacks. we were proud to send with them.
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today i had the opportunity to meet with ukrainian foreign minister, the labor and many of you were in the general assembly hall this morning when foreign minister caliber received enthusiastic and overwhelming applause after his remarks. since he could not be here this evening, i would like to conclude by echoing his word this morning he wandered, saw that quote. no one will be able to sit out this crisis. if president putin decides that he can move forward with this aggression against ukraine. your governments and your people will face painful consequences together with our government and our people, unquote. he is right. history tells us that. and we must confront this threat head on in this council, in the you, in an,
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in our capitals. the people of ukraine are counting on us less not let them down. thank you mr. president. here will little, i think, representative united states, the floor has statement and an elk in the floor to the representative of the united kingdom. mister mister president, i thank the secretary general and under secretary general decarlo for their remarks . we are here to night to call on russia to avert war. for months, russia has been holding a gun to ukraine's head. now, president putin's finger is on the trigger a full scale conflict. in a country of 44000000 people will bring immense suffering casualties
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on both sides and devastating humanitarian consequences. the members of this council, the general assembly and the secretary general, have all called this week for respect for the principles of the un charter. the world is calling for peace, but russia is not listening. mister president, make no mistake. the u. k will not compromise. we will not compromise our commitment to ukraine sovereignty and territorial integrity. our support for peace prosperity and the democratic freedom of the people of ukraine. we will not compromise our commitment to the
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purpose and principles of the un charter. above all, the founding principle of this united nations that we live together in peace with one another as good neighbors. russia's actions are an assault on the charter and we will not compromise our commitment to a search for peace. were here for the 2nd time this week in the council. my prime minister and foreign and defense secretaries have been unsparing in their diplomatic efforts. but we have also announced a significant further sanction step against russia with our allies, a package targeted against some of the russian oligarchs,
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banks and politicians, supporting president putin. and we will ratchet up economic consequences. should russia continue its aggression? there is still time for restraint. reason and de escalation, but that time is now. thank you. a little bit of your status again with the represent over united kingdom for her statement and an on the floor to representative of france. pursued crude old president. you will see if you click those. i think the secretary general books on that for his engagement to the whole and for his in co, which france fully supports as we speak, as you were, russia is on the verge of provoking care in ukraine job. and the strike
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came and unjustifiable the law to peace and security in the heart of europe. please . you know that for several months the president of the russian federation was patient the with parader. the means for a major offensive against ukraine is on his mast. the soldiers and gathered weapons at an unprecedented level since those end of the 2nd world war, all the more hears in sight, i do violence through lies elandis information. he has denied all even the legitimacy of the ukrainian state and us when the he has attacked sovereignty her and the integrity of the board of ukraine. by recognizing the independence of portions of ukrainian territory. faced with a strategy of threads, sand destabilization with ukraine has demonstrated admirable restraint or
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did not resort to violence despite the russian provocation. i wish to reiterate our society with the people of ukraine woman as present my call reminded his ukrainian counterpart a few hours ago. you're faced with a strategy of disorder and confrontation, the leaders of europe and the united states showed their unity and redoubled their efforts to oppose and young diplomatic outcome do not. will present my car together with chance chancellor shots and many a partner soon have all done their part. they have, you actually demonstrated their availability or to build where the russia look a renew or security architecture for euro. you will go, what are your friends strongly condemns, a strategy of provocation to war of the russian president who's your be here. the
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callers of the ukrainian people conveyed by president soleski in his address of the russian nation, a few hours ago. ukrainians want peace. they want a relationship of a good neighborhood, the in house where the russians tollbooth mirroring the family and personal relationships which should go awry and so many, but you're russians with and ukrainians with the international community. mr. president, as good a shot made its voice heard. so it's united voice to day at the general assembly ability brewers, it is that of respect to the charter of the united nations, for the peaceful settlement of disputes that rule that of diplomacy. it echoes the clear declarations of the secretary general. once again, we call on the russian federation to follow this path with 2. yeah.
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