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tv   Documentary  RT  February 24, 2022 6:30am-7:01am EST

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part of the alliance additional maritime assets and increased the readiness of, of forces. is this now today more forces being sent as a result of the fact that the invasion has now happened? or are you there referring to what has already been done as, as reinforcements, i understand sec, war will now have the ability to assemble the v g v j t f without coming back to the knack for approval. and finally, are you still willing to sit down with president putin or other representatives of the russian government after this? or are you suspending your offer to hold talks on other issues and the nato russia council? thank you. this invasion doesn't come as a surprise. we are warned against it for months on the sand layer. what happened or this morning during the night will something that the allies, the security and intelligence services have predicted for a long time. we have tried to prevent it by calling russia to engage in diplomatic
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efforts by telling russia that there will be as severe costs or comic sanctions if they invade ukraine further. but to what happens, oh, last hours. well, those happen all that also was demonstrated the original, despite our diplomatic efforts. and despite our care messages over over economic sanctions, decided to once again invade the ukraine. ah, but since we have been a, a warning against this for a long period of time, we are also taken prudent measures to prepare ourselves. and that's the reason why we owe to last month's on weeks have significant increase the presence of nato troops in these on portal. the lions are more landtroop, so ground forces, but also air and naval forces. in the coming days and weeks there will comb even more. oh so we will further increase on are increasing
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our presence in east on part alliance. and to day we activate the naples. the fence bands that they gave, sir, are a military commanders earn, earn more authority to move forces and to deploy forces when needed. and of course, this could also be elements of the nato response force. and so we are, are ready. we are adjusting our posture, but what we do is defensive is measured and we don't see confrontation. we want to prevent the conflict and any attack against, than in a do allied the country. while we have, we have reached out to a to, to, to russia for a weeks and months or and, and what to have seen is that the russian o message has to be in doubt that they actually have never taken. this is talks seriously, because while we were trying to find the political solution, they were planning for this information and why we were trying to find
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a political solution. they were actually day by day, week by week increasing than military press and the read this on the borders of ukraine and now the launch the nation. so russia has shut the door to a political solution. we do get that. but outside a sadly, the reality of which are, has severe and very serious consequences for the people of ukraine, but also actually impacts the security for all of us. and that's the reason why we step up our presence in eastern part of the lines half way down the line. a 2nd. thanks a lot for taking the question m secretary general. actually 2 questions. the 1st one i'd like to hear your reaction to what president putin said this morning when he announced and the military operations. am he said that any country that interferes with them would face consider consequences greater than you have seen in
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your history, which i take as a vio, threat with a nuclear attack. i am. so please ham. what's your response to that? he did not specify what interference means. and the 2nd question, very simple, can the nato russia founding act be upheld under these circumstances? thank you. the threatening read the rhetoric by arrest them, put in on the aggressive actions by russia. of course is the reason why we are saying that been, are faced with a new normal for our security. and we need to consult closely and wireless. and we also do that to morrow. when the leaders meet at the virtual summit. what does this mean for our longer term relationship with russia? how shall we continue to defend and protect allies in this new security reality? and how can we make sure that the we uphold the values who believe in freedom
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democracy faced with the more aggressive authoritarian regime in moscow? and is she in which is willing to open the contest, our values, and to thread an actual so use force to try to reverse all the nations earth. so this, this will house um, long term effects on our security on how we respond on how natal is reacting and also how our ation ship with russia can evolve. we don't have all the answers to day, but there will be a new reality. it will be a new europe off there, the invasion we saw today on the, on there for welcome the fact that we are so closely coordinate thing. so call stay working together in a nathan we are, we stood together in the warning against the russian or aggression the plans.
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we stood together in reaching out to russia and tried to prevent the attack. and now we need to stand together in responding to the attack. and that's exactly what we are doing. that was the 1st question, the 2nd bush. well, that's part of this new reality. we have to look into. and there will be a different reality and we need to respond, but i found this is not the day to draw the conclusions, but we will have an important discussion among you. it is to moral in our case thank you for the question mister secretary general today ukraine has called on turkey to close the boss for us, and darren and illustrates for russian vessels is that an action was discussed in this morning's meeting. and are there other similar actions that, that have been discussed for today?
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that was not discussed in the meeting her today. her turkeys, of course, a nato ally, a turk, as a special role when it comes to the bowsprit straits. but this was not an issue in the meeting. it is so morning what we discussed this morning. also that need to activate the fence sponsor. we made the decision or to activate those plans, which are enables to move forces more quickly to where they are needed. and, and also to agree a statements where we express a very strong combination of the russian a nation of ukraine. and also announced that to we were going to have a, a natal summit to virtual natal submitted to moral, was regional dan michael's wall street journal. thank you for the question. could you talk a little bit more about the activation or the defense plans? what exactly does this change? and when was the last time this was done? thank you. these plans or plans for our developed over the years or to make sure
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that we have plans in place to react to crisis like the crisis we are faced with now on the they are defensive plans. they are the prudent plans on there are plans of course, and the all east of our lines from the, from the buyer and see down to the mediterranean on the and they give an hour, a mentor. this is so more at fault. it is within politically to find a guidelines on the, on the, on the, on the frameworks or to deploy forces where they deem it needed. and that's exactly what we have agreed today. so these again are defensive plants and showing that we have forces at the sufficient redness at the right place for throughout europe. haven activate or have they ever been
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activated before? oh, so i don't know whether it's right for me to answered up questions because i don't know whether it has been made public before. so i own was at the we activate them today. i said to press hello, mark crossing, associate press. is the nato response force inside ukraine right now? no, there are no nate, though combat troops nor troops. sir, nate, the troops at all inside ukraine as we can. we. i may declare that we don't have any plans and in intentional deploying natal troops to ukraine or what we have made or carries that we have ordered it increased and we are increasing the preston. so nato troops in the eastern part of the lions on natal territory. ukraine is a highly valued carter. we have supported ukraine for many, many years. or we helped them to build them more and more than capable armed force
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or military. we have helped them to train equip, and in many different ways strengthen their armed forces, or we help them with cyber defenses innate on it, while ice and different ways. but, but, but we don't have a natal troops in ukraine, and we don't have any plans to send natal troops into ukraine, but we are there to protect and defend all their dollars. so we support ukraine. we broad, absolute security guarantees for nato allies. and we demonstrate that a commitment by increasing the presence in east and pot alliance. we're trying to think a couple of questions online before we come back to the pressroom. so we'll go to steve alinda from new york times. am. thank you. secretary general, 2 quick questions. one do, does nato do still have military d,
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confliction contacts with russian forces today are those ongoing. and secondly, a lot of nato countries are going to want to keep supplying weapons to 2 arm ukraine. do foresee this as a major risk of nato, russia conflict, and where else do you see risks of conflict now between russia and, and nato countries that could spill over into something worse. thank you, sir. we have increased the presence in eastern part of the line. sandra activates and natal defense funds today to make sure that we do not see any spi lower to natal territory. ah, because um, as long as sir russia knows that an attack on natal, i will trigger the response from the all the lines they will not attack because we
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are the strongest unknowns in, in history and the anal strongest stand together and the may care that we are committed by our collect the defense commitments. that's the best way to prevent prevent any attack in the spillover from the tragedy. a hideous attack we see in ukraine as speed over onto any nato allied country, or the nato allies have provided support to ukraine in many different ways over her last year. suspicious, instant 40, and ne does help them with the cyber defenses. we also help them with the width on different trust funds for different activities and, and on top of that and, and different capacity building measures to help them to, to strengthen or including their naval forces. i'm and, and, and other elements of their own forces. but then on top of what nato's done as the
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nines nato allies also provided and military equipment, including defense, weapons and, and all the types of support training. and it will be a national decision in what way allies continue to prod as support so. so that's, that's what an in for the individual nato allies to decide. or the confliction is extremely important for us. ah, that has been context between our military commanders and the on the on the ocean will continue to reach out to them to make sure that we do everything we can to ensure the conviction will next go to housing in santa das working in yes, this is day us been trying to inspect the happening is on them up. what is your message to the partnership countries, finland and sweden in the situation, at least in finland there. so discussion about the possible late on membership, but is this realistic during a crisis section?
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finance sweden are very close partners and i of taking careful note of the very clear message both from finan, sweden that even though they dont apply for a membership. now, if they strongly believe that nato should not sign any kind of agreement, that withdraw and based on russia has proposals to sign a legally binding agreement or ending in the enlargement on natal in the future. so i've seen a 3rd written on, on the finan states that for them, this is the question of self determination. earn the sovereign right to choose one path and then potentially in the future also to apply for nato membership. so for me, the very cleared messages from finance, sweden, just hus, on the pinned. how important is that nato allies do not compromise on the core values, including the rights for every nation to chooses on path
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a meaning whether it wants to belong to natal or not belong to natal. natal respects adults physicians regardless if it's a yes on all to joining in april or we better much value the close partnership with the finan unsweetened. it's important for nato. it's important for finance reason. i've been on the street in this fall together with north atlantic council. i was see how, what sorry for jumping in. that was again stolen bug there. the nato chief addressing the press, the worldwide press from brussels and touching down on a lot of key points. so i will just take one of the top comments from mr. stoughton book. very, very quickly. he did say that nato currently has no plans to deploy any troops to ukraine, that all nato is doing right now is beefing up its nato borders. with further nato troops now get installed above did say, quote, the russian invasion is a heinous attack. he said, it's a deliberate cold blooded act. you said it is against international law. this
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military escalation, a nato was calling on russia who majorly stop and withdrawal and choose diplomacy. now nato, he was saying that his job is to protect its allies, that there must be room for no misunderstanding that an attack on one nato member is an attack on all of nature. but of course, ukraine is not a member of nato. this has been one of the major bones of contention during this whole debate, one of the red lines for russia and that is that ukraine must never join nato, so, so mildly murky comments there from yet installed in book. he did say though, that in response to russia's military build up, nato was ready strengthening his defense on land, air, and sea. a thousands of nato troops have not been dispatched to the east. a 100 military war. jets are on high alert, 120 allied ships at sea from the north to the mediterranean, all on stand by. one of the things that you installed a bug did say he did say that the russian president vladimir putin had weeks and months ago, closed the door on diplomacy, i think put in would say exactly the opposite. he would probably say that the nato
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closed the door about 8 years ago, post the my dyna revolution. when the 2 republics announced their independence from kiev. and ever since then, a student has been complaining, the minced chord and agreement has ultimately been trump on. but perhaps the case of he said, he said, she said, of course, lives not to the russian ministry of defense, correspondence alia, and trunk are now joining us alive. i know you are keeping a very close watch and close here. i want mister stoughton bug was saying, i guess some of it perhaps is being seen with, with a, with a sigh of relief from the russian defense ministry. nato says it has no plans to send troops to ukraine. ilia, what a una, gloria. hi again. well, when we listen to nato officials, when know we listen to the likes of the secretary general against oldenburg and the russian military officials. we do realize actually how much walls of heart, i guess it's even fair to say at these 2 sides are because for example,
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like he said, we heard the words invasion, occupation quite a few times for him against oldenburg. besides this on top of that, mrs. oldenburg said that it was something that was carefully a planned. however, what we heard from these folks version of the russian ministry of defense is that everything that russia is doing right now is only a counter attack or response to the actions of the key of army that has been constant. the attacking the republics of donnie. it's an elegance which used to be the eastern part of ukraine. now, once again, i began telling you about this rory, but i just want to make sure that this message is delivered because this is something that we've been hearing again quite a few times from russian officials at the messages that obviously at no civilians
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will be or are under threat from the russian special, military opp, russian hypertension weapons. as the ministry of defense puts it, it are only targeting the military infrastructure of ukraine, which could be used against to the republics of dawn. its elegance, that's how the russian army spokesperson is putting it. now this announcement was also echoed by the speaker of the russian duma. now, he said that soon after we heard from mister connor shank off the spokesperson of the russian military. now here's what else mister connor think of said, but there's it in your is also a uniform. ukrainian armed forces are continuing to shell. the cities of the dumbass, there are victims among the civilian population. russia is not conducting any massage aviation or artillery strikes on the cities of ukraine. the positions of ukraine's military units that have laid down their weapons are not to be subjected to strikes russian on forces are disabling only military infrastructure,
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air defense facilities, military air fields, and aircraft, of ukraine's armed forces. i would like to emphasize that the russian armed forces are not striking at the cities of ukraine. they are not threatening the civilian population with over guys. now, rory, let me just remind you that a president vladimir putin, himself cold on ukrainian troops on the craning servicemen. all of them are to surrender and laid our down arms. and if that happens again, that's something else we heard from mr. cornish shank of the russian armies, folks 1st and then at the units belonging to the soldiers or troops ah, won't be targeted by the russian high precision weapons. that's of course, also another very important message that we're hearing from the building that's behind my shoulder. the russian ministry of the fence, i believe so just to confirm the chief of nato just a few moments ago you installed in about confirming that nato has no plans
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whatsoever right now to send any troops into ukraine. they are sending troops, however, to easton border borders. of that, of the nato members, but also in the air. and in the see, i wanted to make a mentioned quickly with you still on the line elia a putin this morning with was addressing people in the region of it via the television airways. basically, st. ukrainian soldiers lay down your weapons just a short time ago, the a ukrainian president zalinski his saying we will lift sanctions on all citizens of ukraine who are ready to defend our country as part of territorial defense with weapons in hands. so it's only seemingly getting more complicated. the fathers bay continues. elliot drank a stand by we'll see you soon. of course, like now to political analyst joining. i said nichol markovich could you see you today? thanks for jumping on the program with us here at sea yet. installed a bug saying that nato fully supports all of its members, but it will not be sending troops to ukraine. well, that's not a surprise. ukraine is not a member of nato, but there was slightly murky comments that from, from get installed in the book. he did call, he said a russian military escalation,
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quote, is an invasion and a heinous attack your thoughts? well, this is the pot calling the kettle back. if you look at brown universities analysis of american nato strikes since 911 attacks in new york, we're counting today more than 900000 dead. we're counting over 50 to 60000000 p refugees across the world. and these are wars and the consequences of nato led and us lead wars across the world. and jen, dalton, bird is going to give lessons today on, on what the acts are. i think this is really something that she should refrain from saying, i think this is just a lot of rhetoric as coming out from nato. if he gets positive news that nato said that it will not intervene. but we must bear in mind that these past years since 2014 and the us nato led in leading to a nancy russian government. let's read this week from the point that we always bear
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this in mind. we've seen counselors, we've seen weapons, we've seen a funding coming out of nato countries into ukraine to finance an army which is fighting against russian speaking people of ukraine. so it's good that nato does not intervene directly in this pacific war, but nato is also sits in this passive, has been intervening in ukraine and has been encouraging ukraine to attack the russian speakers of dumbasses. so i think this is something we should bring to mind to mr. suttonberg. wanted to ask you, mr. markovich, nato was calling on russia to immediately cease its military action. withdraw from ukraine and choose diplomacy. does that sound likely to you at this point? no, not at all. i think that's for reference. this is showing that the promise which has been implemented for the past practically 8 years has not worked. how can we have diplomacy? went around the table. you looking for peace to protect the russians because of, of ukraine at the same time, from the native side send out weapons and counselors send out fundings to the
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ukrainian military. and i think at one moment, russia decided to handle the settled the situation itself. i think it's been very complicated decision to take, but after 8 years of tell me of nothing productive coming on. let's not forget that the war did not start this morning. the war started in 2014. after the cool organizing kit, we've had over 14000 people dying in don best over 30000 wounded over 1000000 refugees, refugees. nobody ever speaks about in mainstream media toward enough start today, the war started 8 years ago. and i think russian introduction today is what kind of response from off going to end the war showing that they want. they want to destabilize and put out of function, the ukranian army, which is responsible for the, the killings in don bass for the past 2 years. i think just took us back there to the 2014 my dad revolution that was as essentially and externally orchestrated about regime change. i think finally, just about every historian in the world is come to terms and being on the same page with that. it was just shortly after the mines and revolution in 2014, that the guns going to tanya republics essentially announced their independence.
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they could not go along with the way kiev was with behaving. this is according to them. and ever since 2014, those who have been living in eastern ukraine had been under an economic blockade and that includes been cut off from water, gas heating, and also also being shell as well. so, you know, i'm not, i'm not trying to defend one side or the other here, but it's important for the media to address both sides of this story. i wanted to ask you, mr. markovich, how much of this is a military escalation between russia and ukraine, or is it between russia and nato and the us because some a saying that at this point ukraine is just a battle ground. unfortunately, my opinion is that ukraine is just the battleground and that ukrainians are going to serve as cannon fodder for us. nato led strategies. this is unfortunate does not forget that after the 20042014 qu in europe, us promise ukrainians, that they would bring funding, that they would open their market to receive the products that they would stem
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unemployment, that they would help ukrainian. 8 years later, where are we? all of this is just vanished. it's never been. there's never been real help to ukraine. there's a war to the civil war and their country now they're being bomb. this is the result of nato intervention. why? because the us and nato have seen, and this isn't their doctrine, they see russia as an enemy. and it's too easy to today to say that russia invading ukraine. if you're not taking a look a step back and think all the nato sanctions against russia. what nato did in ukraine, changing the regime at a moment in time where ukraine was getting close to russia, changing the regime, put it in solving, put politicians, which are radically answered. russia, not only against russians and russia, but to the russian speaking community in ukraine's today. the head of that community is banned from politics. he's in prison and isn't in his own home. russian speak media in the opposition. leaders today are forbidden in ukraine. so who's, who's managing all this?
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this is coming out of washington, washington, once a 10 zone they want war on russian wrenches border. they don't want russia to become a european power. this is not in the interest of neither the ukrainians. i did something i think you're alluding to. that person is also referred to that the so called western policy of containment of russia, that that's all not the story i'm going to get into. but mr. markovich, i've got about 35 seconds left for your answer here, rushes or western partners, calling today's escalation. quote, bob barrick, it wasn't that long ago that he actually said he actually said publicly that maybe ukraine needs to go nuclear. she think wednesday lensky said that you think that might have even hurried putin along of it. with this plan, you think that might have motivated him more strongly. russia would not want a ukrainian or a nuclear capable ukraine on his border. or who was a country on your, on its border with the, with the president saying that he may issue from a come from a call saying that he wants to use nuclear weapons against you. i think this is just maybe the last straw, the straw that broke the camel's back. you cannot say that you're going to have
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nuclear weapons. you want you to robins coming from an organization which is radically against you. the stuff get nato is not an objective organization, it's radically anti russian organization. so that probably did not help in the defense of ukraine. that's for sure. our to political analissa and some of us joining us and nichol. i thank you very much for your time. we appreciate it. thank you. or appreciate you joining us here on archie international. we've got a continuation of our rolling coverage, a breaking news life on the russian capital here on this channel. we are back soon with mos ah own i would. so seemed wrong when i just don't want you to see out the scene because of the african and engagement, it was the trail. when so many find themselves will depart. we
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choose to look some common ground. ah ah . join me every thursday on the alex salmon. sure. i'll be speaking to guess in the world of politics. spoke business. i'm show business. i'll see you then. mm.
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ah ah oh. oh. oh my god. this video is raw film crew on the front line showing what's happening right now with the heavy shelling continues are difficult to make out from the pictures though you could hear the rumbles in the distance, our correspondents right now remain in the don bast republics. well, this endless continuing shilling and fire is still coming to us from, from up north, just north of logan city where the frontline is where we still hear artillery fire mortars and multiple rocket launch. systems, however, is becoming more and more distant.


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