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tv   News. Views. Hughes  RT  February 24, 2022 7:30am-8:01am EST

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most on the brain i'll be eliminated by donald trump. he said, what do we need the nato for? so they are mongering back ages and doing, trying everything to increase attention with russia to sell the west. some people we need it and we want to start out 2 percent of your g d p for our war games and so on. i thought, and now they, they are off and they prepared, i think for a long time for, for the event. and i think who they knew this, and he said, well it doesn't matter what i do. they have their own agenda, they are far away. and this agenda has nothing to do with me. some of the worst leaders don't even know where we are talking about and what we are exactly talking about as we have seen as a foreign minister. i wanted to ask you, this is a short time ago, we had the nato chief yet installed him book, addressing the instructional media essentially addressing what is going on right now in east ukraine. he said at one point, telson, bug said nato's job is to protect its allies. there must be no room for
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misunderstanding. an attack on one is an attack on all, but ukraine is not a member of nato. so why the comment like that from spelt him bug? well, again, ukraine is not a member, so this normally would not make any sense if you just read it from a military or political sense. but for me economics, then it makes sense. it is, it is about the find where some find her system breaking apart on which may do it based on what they mean with the family, made it defending the dollar system and the dollars system was breaking apart. basically has nothing to do with it. with the ukraine tension in china who put the brain all who was who killed the dollar by not accessing it entirely anymore. so i think you have to read it differently. and then all the works makes sense. if you read it from it economy perspective, we are well western partners,
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european leaders, american officials, are calling on russia to be sanctioned to be hit with the biggest sanctions in history as well. meantime, a china, i guess no surprise, china is urging all parties involved to remain calm. installed above the nato chief said, an hour ago he said nato will not be sending troops to ukraine. is there a possibility though, that that could happen? well, good question. well, if they fix to their work or not, i don't know, but eventually be, do says the sanctions has nothing to do with military things. this is or sanctions already war, but it is the economy war. and i think this is exactly where the body is in economic thought and the want to are suffering all the german stuff, the russians, i mean, the russian, the neat europe or america to sell their gas to on the oil,
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to. they have plenty of other consumers, they can sell it to, they don't even need the money because russia is, is, has no debts match. they have only the western countries are heavily into debt and they need someone, they can sell that stuff too. so this entire conflict, i think in my opinion, is a conflict against germany to beat them down to fulfill the great reset program from klaus schwab and he's only got clout. and this is i think what it is about. and this conflict will be used to put attention basically in germany, formally again, russia, but basically in the, in the, in the mean thing, again, germany and this is, i think what it is about, i think then a day the officials are saying that whatever sanctions opposed against russia are going to be, have a boomerang, a fact in effect. and, you know, if i can live on the p of as well, so called unintended targets. i can hammer economist, thanks so much for joining us. thank you. appreciate it work. i think it's been
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cooled by western officials, a heinous attack on a sovereign country, the so called russian invasion, we're doing all rolling coverage of breaking news or into national life from the heart of the russian capital. we are backs by the way, i am. if jenny, yep, of course, the more gunner with the assault section of the 2nd platoon 3rd special forces, unit blue, we're always on the alert for an armed conflict. because if we get intelligence about militants in the neighborhood, it's usually reliable with the squadron has played a part in conflict before or but this was the 1st attack. if it's kind on to rain like this, we would expect from them. we were ready for them at any moment, but it was a very difficult area and they were able to open fire 1st was not with
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with one of the for a special forces soldiers, the thinking is paramount. but with that, how he makes the right decisions during that 5 minutes stride to outflanked the 3 soldiers led by a poor and started throwing hand grenades at them. sergeant, he again yep. of covered one of those grenades with his own body. of course i was frightened, but i tried to compose myself. i was thinking somehow i had to come back because mom was waiting for me. this is the thought that comes you down moms waiting for your thanks. this is here is none before because every one of us is ready for it. well, perhaps not completely reading it. it's hard to prepare yourself for death,
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but we do know the risks, moves them. we know what our task is and above all and where it is that we serve. monica commended. that was the 1st last my unit ever suffered to them and the 1st loss under my command than in general due to go sir, comrade, madge of india, to grant, as briar tim tinker tyler. but one in common at major clay. how are your comrade major? don't i often think of them over me, especially of game enough is it was different to all the other near recruits or polish will come. he approached me and asked if he could enroll in my group as long as he wanted to serve in a space north unit. you knew i showed him a blank sheet from my notebook and said, just to see the sheet schneider, will you 2 or a clean sheet at the moment? it's up to you to prove yourself worthy, active will settle. everything's in your own hands, hooker. people have to make the decision themselves sure, which if
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a man wants to put himself to this test, to go through this trial, then he must do so. both becoming a soldier was always my ambition to work. ah usually the singer is a chosen arbitrarily haul in love with the 1st is mostly the soldier with the loudest voice voice. in this regard, the of guinea was always the best when he sang in the school choir and was never embarrassed. you can so he had no problem singing the army with so many people listening to him. ah, so we both thought there was still plenty of time before he left them. so when the 15th of november, when he had to go eventually came round,
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was spent the whole night packing his things in a hurry. i wonder if he has a sweet tooth. he had one. so have his huge hole dole was crammed to the brick with sneakers, chocolate bars and other sweets ladders. he started taking warm clothes out because they didn't fit but he wouldn't allow me to touch the suite. there was completely out of the question with that few more, but i just knew that everything would be fine. for some reason we were so confident looking for me because we were going to get married officially after he came back with everything was plant or would even sent out the invitations. how could he not come back when you get on the mere thought of it? never crossed her mind till it, sorry i can't ah
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new bird somewhere that heroes and cowards feel exactly the same thing. surely the difference is that the hero moves on any way while a coward stepped back up. ah, but i from the case natural to be afraid, scared the coming every deployment feels like the 1st everything repeats itself there, but everyone's scared of all a while. getting ready for the mission. i never think i'm invincible. immortal phyllis, nothing like that. i didn't realize that event after the mission was in the classroom with the we drew plans of the conflict corolla. what will change death usually takes the best of us because the bass are always up front in you because they are
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the quickest to make decisions. look like you have any up of deeds during that fight coming up or how. ringback shocked. what are you doing? good cross surprises. look good. well, more. this was the so called his laska terrorist group. it's like know which in just one year before that fight carried out several terror attacks inside. douglas don alluded, brilliant. these people were fanatics. they'd abandon to normal life severely for them. life had become war. zillow, goering's, oh, you killed me. and you processed and was just sort of, they took part in a tax on the security services to them. so they were directly involved in killing law enforcement officers, sugarloaf effects, and they were responsible for terror attacks in the town of chrysler. in fact, the whole chrysler area and biggest on business, whoops is fe logan,
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im of the special forces are an isolated community. i can understand how their wives are able to wait, constantly anxious. daniel bristol dasheka don't even when a special forces soldier is at home with he can be called up at any moment. will you shook off thinking chairs? it means their wives are always waiting. knowing that their man might not come back, zinc and we just did. we had a heart to heart talk once me. ain't it guinea ac off? would you as to what he told me a lot about himself. hm. yeah. i asked more and more questions you were brought. sometimes i didn't even have to ask. i took up the phone. he just took whatever the subject was and elaborate on it. i do all that. so when i asked my mother to send me my documents, i didn't tell her i was going to sign a contract to serve in a special forces unit. wasn't she might have guessed, but she didn't know for sure. during my 1st deployment, i was lying to her about where i was and what i was doing. at the meeting that
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night, i can find the words to describe how it feels when you're so tense and anxious with that every phone call. every text message sets your teeth on edge or when he calls and tells you that. com voice of his phone, i'm glad you were going on a mission for about 5 days. maybe more. don't worry what i'll call as soon as and back. well i suppose i you owe me to run by why you we had an exam glassing. it grants you the right to where the special forces chevron and khaki bray little boy, that's the 1st stage. every one tried really hard. if danny was very strong willed, i used to say stubborn. so he would set goals for himself and you could see he was moving on to achieve them. whole point was it
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was a good i think when you set yourself a goal that you try to achieve it at any cost, the big we've just told her this was in spite of all that of the 2 $122.00 soldiers who took the exam all, only $33.00 of those passed obama, danny and i were running in the same race. this battle march is the main test, those soldiers, stamina with them on blue with the purpose of the test is to make sure that we will know what it's like when you're utterly exhausted and still have to drag a fellow soldier along the way. that's a part of the special forces, code holes under no circumstances. will we ever leave one of our guys on the battlefield? i wish you drag your friend because he know that his life is more important than
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your own. i remember you. i passed the test in my 1st attempt and you've gainey on his 2nd or 3rd. what else? after passing that we could both proudly hold our heads up high. yeah, you know, i feel the exam was in so did he of guinea. during the test, he was doing pushups. i slapped him on the helmet and said, we're pull yourself together. boy, you know, before i do the login, a lot of things remind me of him. we used to work out together, for example, now had to do it alone with time. mister going when i'd ask him to keep time from what we're doing exercises. now i have to ask other guy isn't michael to follow after i re enlisted,
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i had nowhere to stay time. so he agreed and just like that. and he did the cleaning up in i did the cooking. so lived together, came home together, we'll slept on the same air bed, woke up every morning and went to service together. wishful. oh lads, enough. what's the time? time nicholas, if he hadn't covered the grenade with his body, lot of other guys would have died in a split 2nd to him. he made a conscious decision and found the courage to throw himself on top of it. he would have sworn it was not for nothing, but we're going out the semi colon slow witted grunts, but we have a purposes of yours. unless we combat terrorism. russia may drown in chaos. microphone mean we took a dog called saba with us on that mission. ring of the wall wouldn't want to bring your longer for it is there was barely enough room in the truck rather than would
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put her in her lap. which wasn't then she started behaving strangely, jago and running frantically back and forth, whimpering. so she must have felt that she was about to die and would open only after we went several meters along the path. winds above us swerved to the site for you. there was a patch with no snow and we saw a hatch route at that very moment it opened. and milton started shooting from its yup. where were island fire on the hatch and commanded baba to go for the attackers . jordan jumped ahead a few or 4, and suddenly the dog let out a very loud howl. then she turned back and covered me with her own body and blocked the machine gun thigh. that the medicines were aiming straight at me. a feeling of
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dog i had to last press for it was so long, so loud and then there was silence. but i couldn't help myself after that, i started crying her. oh, well we often think about her home. i had recently taken in a german shepherd puppy more now training him for coma tasks. but i have noticed that she resembles the bava and he sabbott stiff off of her queers the same look in his eyes quarterly. she lies just the way she did. well, there is a very clear resemblance between the 2 of them will die down if i lie down. oh boy. good boy weldon.
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ah yeah, that is the of course my health isn't what it used to be before i was wounded, but i'm trying to get back in shape. right now. i'm trying to get as bad as a special forces officer is supposed to be what i am preparing my family and friends for the idea that i'm not going to resign you . i tried to explain to them there's no one who's ever going to take my place on the missions we carry out. i just have to learn the lesson of my wound done with him. i enlisted in the army at the age of 18. yeah, i was at college then finishing my 1st year i left when my summer examinations were
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in full swing and went to a sped snots unit. oh yeah, i'm fully aware of what happened in what could have happened in that battle. i've long since prepared myself for any possible outcome. mean of this, what are there are still people who tried to make me change my mind to, to convince me that i should resign off can. how could i do that? if it's what i enjoy? if i'm right, that's what i live for actual friends. ah sh chuncy. i'm not going to plan anything. now. military service has taught me one very important thing to make no plans for the future ever . i could be returning from a combat mission with other guys now, what fate decided otherwise up a little nip with his law. i was lucky to stay alive. now i am
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going to mourn those who died at the pin. you couple. of course i would like to get a crimson bray being a true warrior. i'm going from let's would i aspire to other for come for? no, i have to focus on restoring my health and when the time comes, i'll do my very best to pass the exam so that i too can wear the crimson pirated boy where commencing an endurance test. 5 sets of 10 push ups, solo 10, pulling your legs onto your chest, and 10 jumps per unit. any questions or no questions or a some front support position over, but on my comp, her address, 123 students. were you, sir, as pets? nice soldier must progress and improve you. there's no point for sharing that. you're the toughest guy around the world. you're gonna because there's always someone tougher. you will. who did he studio. yeah.
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good. good. the world is the job good paid for the good will and take a certain delight in doing english rolston. there's no point thumping your chest, so boasting about being a member, the special forces england. i never liked that sort of thing. ah, no young people often mistake me for a perry trooper or a marine. but once an old man called out in the street of look on, there goes a crimson bery much. hopefully, all 4 people are reluctant to sit next to me in buses for if they are afraid, i have somebody else watching with a while for some reason off of many believe that spits nice are boneheaded gorillas of the can't think properly go in are only good for hurting people and fighting
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part of the work of the rocker. or boy, a flight is what tells you if you are ready. you don't know what will happen tomorrow and then what situations or skills might come in handy. the more you exercise, the more easily you'll pass the test. if it was easier for you to earn the crimson bery than some others. well, it just means you worked harder during the training. i mean, the aim of the exam is to test our physical fitness. i'm convinced that there are no limits to what the human body can do is to control. there are only psychological barriers, and it's best not even when you can't go on any longer. somehow you do it anyway. someone knows how much the most important thing is to break through the psychological barrier. they'll pull a code after that, everything is easy. brother to special forces,
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i really turn to us, see, and as blood do you convince yourself that you have to do it? them? what if i hadn't passed the test? i wouldn't have the chevron that you seal me now. sure. i also really wanted to go back wearing the crimson bray and the uniform. i'm wearing now. that all these factors together were very powerful incentive for me. lou, why he would wear these bearing any weather leslie, even when it was freezing cold. i remember him coming to siberia once to spend the winter holidays with me and you will. he got off the train with his creams and burying his hand yacht. people were turning to look at him because his ears were blue with cold guard, but he was so proud to be able to wear the be ray. if guinea was the life and soul of the party from foreigner and also withhold jockey competitions within the squad
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. and again, he took part in every one of them. okay. during missions we used to make of sketches. his act was always brilliant. so she could all little park and go from room for people literally cried with laughter. did you get my spiritual horse? yeah, my girl you know who i am. sergeant. do you know? yeah, i keep going for this footage again and again and all the emotion i felt then washes over me again. i can't seem to get my head around the idea that if can, he's no longer with us yet. a dish carelessly. when i went away on my 1st deployment,
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i was very nervous. only i'm from siberia and we went to the south of the country. everything was different. even the people that deployment was a long one. it last of the full 10 months. it all seemed so much easier now because i've got the hang of it at last. and what we learned, what our charge would be 24 hours before the attack with dfs be had informed us about a group of militants in a particular area. we had to come the ground for them. we go, i saw trodden path leading to a bush and noticed a hatch. i pointed out to the commander also, and at that moment i was wounded hosted to wearable ryan. some who had the battle only lasted for about 5 with maybe 7 minutes. thing happens all very quickly. what
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is them? gloria with eskoville half the terrorists were hiding out in their lair. serona and the other half they were lying in ambush nearby was they started shooting at us from the bushes all at the same time and from several different directions when the militants decided to try and break through you all to heard you, jenny, ab of screaming, grenade google, whom men's, i'm throwing himself on to it. the explosion blew him over on his back and, and it was all over on ocean with me when we approached the militants hyde out. they had the advantage to me because we weren't expecting an attack for the oil. so that's why we suffered such losses. most likely did retaliate. we completed our task and had you every single one got what was coming to them and
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helping him with if right after they sold, harden wouldn't know exactly who was wounded and who was killed somewhat of them. later the commissioner reported casualties and said eve of his dead horrible for you. i didn't believe him at 1st for who f o for approval and then it broke down on . one of them was, took off, my gear was in cried you ah, this is a close day after the battle. when everything was over, we had to go and identify our guys together. and after paying our last respects, we spent more than a month in the same tent that we used to share with them the samples with which was poor. i truly believe that they stay with us until 40 days after the death. wonderful, we could feel em. they're all lush, for those kind of giving any was the oldest in his military trail. he knew that if he didn't smother that grenade with his body somewhere more if his comrades would die for dinner. so he gave his own life to save his friends,
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spouses recorded. mm. ah, if jenny was on duty on the night of 25th of january, it stuck in my memory. she borrowed a laptop from one of the guys. i switched on the computer and so that he wasn't skype. he was looking at me intently. i asked, what's that all about? i haven't changed. we'll meet very soon. and he answered, no, i want to see you now. that's what i remember more than anything else. super little on deployment. everything is different. click to the group is more close knit and when we start an operation, there are 15 soldiers with a commander in charge. we know that our comrades and our commander won't leave us, no matter how tough it gets. where teams
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some of the military base. yes. and what is the place where your home and your family are? we'll just leave all that. fuss will attract you. but on a mission, a man reveals his true colors almost after the 1st deployment. yep. a lot of people leave special forces in from overseas. some of them realize it's simply not for them than you will. those who do stay though they will make up a reliable team. you won't be afraid of going anywhere with them even to the moon. when low, when some of our guys go on a combat mission floor before they leave, who's foolish for them to return safe and sound with no losses. school we say the
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number of bane it's going out now should be the same. coming back to their homeland i passed the exam and now i can wear the special forces insignia. everything's great. well, i have no regrets. now i'm thinking about signing up for a 2nd tour of duty but oh, oh, i thought i thought martha, this video was from one of our film cruise on the from.


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