tv News RT February 27, 2022 12:00am-12:30am EST
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ah, ah thorough theme in the newly recognised done yet. and luc guns republics claim that these crania military is conducting relentless shelling of residential areas. and has the types of fuel depot the to rotted in a massive blazed power. here local, still more they say is cross fire with advancing russian forces as new birth explosions are reported in the region around ukraine's capital. and the swift international payment system prepares the implement western powers decision to disconnect the motion bangs from its services. ah,
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just gone. i am on sunday morning here in moscow. my name is peter scott taken over from sean thomas on wherever you joining us from. welcome to the program. i will start with news from the newly recognized dumbass republics where incense fighting continues along the front lines. ah, local authorities in both philip johnson undone. yes. republics, claim that several towns were targeted in overnights artillery attacks ukrainian military units, a nationalist militia, groups in the region have allegedly intensified shelling as they prepared to retreat westward. a massive fire has a ruptured at a fuel depot in the la guns people's republic and local authorities allege ukrainian missile attack cause the blast with at least $200.00 tons of fuel. having caught on fire, several people have been reported injured, but the numbers are so far unclear. ah, less cross live now to our correspondent in done yes. groman quarter of romo. tell
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us what's happening on the ground right now. oh, good morning. a here in jeanette's kid has been relatively quiet nights and in regards to what happens in logan's global earlier, well, a local authorities report that it was the local oil depot was struck by a ballistic missile. now this ballistic missile is called a tortuga who in russian. it's the nato classification is as kero birts $121.00. it's a capable of carrying a nuclear warhead, obviously, that was not the case in that incident, but the people's militia at the scene report huge massive of fires or to the oil depot. that's serv lays. now fortunately, there were no casualties out there. ah, however, back here in jeanette sca there was a, a lot of fighting a reported to near the airport and that 152 millimeter
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a hobbit sir shells have landed in the city of the nest and destroyed several houses. fortunately, no casualties were reported there either. we managed to speak to a one of the people that was whose the house was destroyed. let's have a listen. india molest your kid. i was no window. there. glass was chatted to you. we covered at ourselves. that was back in 2014 chesko zak. and now this happened when i was near the entrance though there were a no casualties, the overnights and so on saturday, here in john, it's well over the last 72 hours, at least as 7. a civilians had been killed and a lot of civilian infrastructure was damaged as well, of thousands of people in da, nascar still, or without access to water or electricity. i visited
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a sites are also near the airport in here in done it's on a saturday where a kindergarten was a shelter. and this is what i've witness of the scene. this kindergarten in no one of her nest districts had just one of the places that was shelled on saturday morning. you can see shattered glass all around me. pieces of fell off the building . at least 32 windows here had been shattered. and this is the place of impact if you can point the camera this way. right next to begin kindergarten. thankfully, a was done over night. no kids were here. no teachers, i saw nobody was hurt. but you can take a look all around me. this is a heavily populated residential area. there are people living in each and every one of these houses and i can see absolutely no military positions here at all. but the frontline is located not very far away from here,
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but this place and don't ask. it's been shelled throughout the 8 years since this conflict existed. room on catherine hearty. don't ask. now to the latest news from ukraine's capital, this video, which we can't yet verify, appears to show crossfire taking place just kilometers from the hearts of kia. the shooting was reported close to the capital's infrastructure ministry, and just 25 kilometers from the capital. an old depot has a rope to the flames, reportedly due to an explosion. this on verified video shows the blaze. you can see the fire on bus plumes of smoke billowing into the sky. no correspondent, you could have done have joined me in the studio to discuss the latest developments from the ukrainian capital conflict reports coming about going fi from the street. do you know anything concrete at this moment?
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well, absolutely, it is very important right now to try and make sense of all the, you know, video of all the information that is pouring outside of the ukrainian capital. especially given that the we are at the height of the information war and the loss of fakes coming from world, frankly, both sides. so again, we're trying to keep looking at the videos which people so far. this is the main source of information as to what's going on there. people just filming out of their windows, like here for example. this is one of the, this is one footage that we're seeing and apparently chose a fire fight almost like in the hearts of the ukrainian capital. of course, we can see trace around being, being side sounds of gunfire. but the problem here is that it's not clear who's fighting, who, because the logical assumption would be that while the ukrainians are trying to repel a russian attack. but so far it has. the reports have been ra,
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conflicting as to whether or not russian troops inside the capital. in fact, the ukrainian side has been denying and saying that while they've managed to ward off the rush. and while the russian troops to who they are calling occupied eyes. and so, so some of course are saying that sabotage groups, you know, some ukranian official, a thing that's russian sabotage groups are operational within the city. but so far, well, we haven't seen any documents on people who have been shown as, you know, captured in the videos or like, you know, photos match between those who are captured and key of to some of them may be like social media profiles, for example, where they would have listed where, like there, for example, the military particular military branch where they are serving so and given how much fire power has been pumped into the cranium. capital. more than 20000 rifles have been handed out to the general population and they didn't even ask for passports. so right now,
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even the ukrainian authorities have no idea who has the union, who, who is armed and who's not, the ukrainian luhan foresman don't know that the ukrainian army doesn't know that. and they have already been reports that have been in fact confirmed cases of you know, friendly fire when you know to when local groups, when they just took one another, they took each other for for like russian sub sub to groups. and they shot at each other, they have even been reports of casualties and also some other people that have been using the fire power that they've got to well tumor roared and to scare people. now as we mentioned earlier, up in numerous reports of explosions, not too far from the capital include in an oil definitely must be terrifying for local residents. well, so threats they faced in and what's our local officials saying? well, absolutely, this explosion of this strike on the oil depot has been arguably, well, it has been the biggest event of the night military wise. we saw it basically
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a missile hit an old dep. oh, that was a massive fire that lit up the night sky. so it, in some videos it looks like it was a door like it, like it, like the sun was rising. that's how bright it was also a gas storage facility apparently was targeted as well, and it was, was set ablaze by an explosion. and so, yeah, also the night the night, you know, was pierced with sounds of air, raid sirens and so, so on and so forth. so a restless night for the ukrainian capital. certainly. now we've seen quite a few emotional videos of residents of care of doing the rounds on social media. can you tell us more about what they're facing right now? well, the city is scared of rule. remember, they aren't exactly used to living a med, you know, a military operation emitter. follow, you know, i mean, you know, as strikes and gunfire and fire fights. so a lot of people chose to shelter in the tube and the trains in fact have been stop . so it's the tube in key of is right now used exclusively to give people shelter.
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in fact, the was we saw a report of a baby being born on one of the 2 j shows as years their mother was, was hiding from all the may. hm. that's going on on the surface. and of course, the ukrainian authorities and ukrainian president william is the lensky. he has been trying to calm down and to reassure the population. for example, here's what he said in the evening. last stuff will you send me a moment? the decisive moment has come to close once and for all the issue of ukraine's accession to the you. i hope that germany and hungary will have the courage to support this decision. so essentially, this was the message by the ukranian president, that basically the world stands united in support of ukraine. and this, with these were the words of reassurance that he found to well help and alleviate some of the mental suffering of his or, you know, of the key of locals where you go. thank you very much for the updates on was
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a very fluid situation at the moment. thank you. brittany. the prime minister says the removal of some russian banks from the swift payment system is just a stepping stone with more sanctions. yet to come. we've taken decisive action tonight with our international partners to shut russia out of the global financial system, including the important 1st step of objecting russian banks from swift. we will keep working together to ensure putin pays the price for his aggression. will ortiz paul asleep? has the latest on russia's access to the swift international payment system. it sent me a re significant if you remember, there has been some discussion between european capital for quite some time now as to whether or not to remove russia from the international monetary system. the u. k has already made that and we're now hearing from the european commission president funded lions and saying that they are now moving ahead and connecting some rational
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van from swift so that they wouldn't be able to operate globally each it with issues as part of a joint statements that were signed off on by the european union, the united kingdom, the, and the nodded states and canada taken this and i will now propose to you lead us the following measures. first, we commit to ensuring that a certain number of russian banks are removed from swift. this will ensure that these banks disconnected from the international financial system and hom, their ability to operate globally. second, we will start a protein from using his war chest. we will paralyze the assets of rush of central bank. this will freeze its transactions. an address made it
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impossible for the central bank to liquidate assets now which also said that they were looking at imaging, the sale of citizenship. in other words, what is known as golden passports that allows wealthy rushing businessmen who are connected to the russian government, the come citizens of european countries. and in that way, gain access to europe, financial markets. we will work to prohibit rational oligarchs from using their financial assets on our markets. all of these measures with significantly harm put his ability to finance his war. this coming week, it will be a cons. atlantic task force that will be set up whose primary goal will be to ensure the effective implementation of these financial sanctions by identifying and freezing the assets of sanctioned individuals and companies that exist within
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european jurisdiction. there, the organization will also set up coordination against dis, information, and hybrid will say, all of this coming on the back of the u. k prime minister ball is johnson announcing that the u. k. well, now accept refugees from ukraine as for other measures being taken in response to the so called special military operation, front is bursting supplies of military equipment to ukraine. germany is also you turning on its no intervention policy confirming now that it would deliver arms to the country or to show davinsky reports. all we heard on saturday from president mack gone at some very grave words. indeed, he said that the war in ukraine would last and that there would be consequences. now. macklin has been meeting with his defense council ministers on saturday. we're waiting to find out what was agreed on if anything in that defense council. but we
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did hear from the elisa palace earlier on saturday at st. francis main objective when it comes to the situation in ukraine is to avoid the collapse of the country and to be able to negotiate a cease fire. that is something it says it is still pursuing between russia and ukraine. now there are the possibility of further sanctions that could be announced by the e u. we just heard from yoseph burrell. this is the used foreign affairs chief who said that he's going to convene a meeting on sunday in the evening of foreign affairs ministers. and the suggestion is that there will be a new package of emergency assistance put forward for ukraine in his words, to support the her ro it fight. they're also a very big you turn coming out of germany on saturday. and this is the fact that germany is now decided to send weapons to ukraine. it has a longstanding policy of not sending armory to conflict owns this is what the
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german chancellor had to say. it is our duty to do our best to help ukraine defend against the invading army of prudence. we've also seen more and more e u countries deciding that they will ban russian aircraft from not just landing at their airports, but also from flying over their airspace. estonia, poland at lat, fear, and others at piling in to say that they will not allow that to happen from now on an, in a further blow to russia. we know that sweden is now pushing for all members. they within the european union to essentially caput, to eject their sporting links with russia. the swedish sporting minister saying that that would be the case as long as the invasion lost. and just find me on another separate issue, a russian cargo ship that was on its way to saint petersburg was seized earlier on
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saturday morning by the french coast guard. it was taken to below in sumac, which is the largest port in northern front. in fact, in france itself and the crew that have been allowed to disembark, apparently it was seized as a result of the fact that the owning company of that cargo shift is on the list of sanction companies in the u. s. for the moment though, it has been seized, the crew are allowed to wander around, as they like. the russian embassy here in paris has sent a note requesting information about what's happened to that coca ship and says that it will do everything it can to protect the security of the crewman of that. but for the moment, it will be up for a court to decide if that cargo ship remains seized or whether it can go back on its journey towards saint petersburg or the ed. it's the grave though, new sites on your power and po,
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spoke with those about the beginning of the turbulence ukraine 8 years ago. and besides in the us, supported it then and continued to do so. now it's been going on for 8 years. ukraine sovereignty was initially violated in 2014, when the united states supported openly a coup in installed the public government and then sparked off the conflict in the country east. the suffering of the people have done bad to have experience shelling and artillery fire, or the hands of the ukrainian military over the past 8 years. leading to the death of nearly 15000 people. their story has been completely erased in us media. i think if you pulled the average american individual us american individual, they wouldn't have even known that there was a war in ukraine for the past 8 years. president biden just approve $350000000.00 in weapons to be released to ukraine to the cleaning government. i wonder where
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those weapons will go, considering russia has all but wiped out ukraine's main military capacity. it's disturbing because just in recent weeks in the united states report surfaced in media, showing that and this is according to us officials, the united states have been covertly training ukrainian forces in order to respond to a potential russian entry into their country. creating the kind of pretext, 1st generation as we saw in syria, where the u. s. isn't officially working with the government or the military but training paramilitary group in order to destabilize ukraine and embroil russia in a prolonged conflict. i think that is the worst case scenario. we could see play out at this point. now, while many countries have condemned to russia, so called a special military operation, ukraine, some in serbia are actually offering support. this video shows
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a rally and b as capital bell grade with demonstrates is line up in support of putin and his allies in the dumbass and bella roost. silvia is largely pro russian with his leader alexander, saying it's won't bark sanctions against moscow given their closest oracle ties. meanwhile, china has been one of a handful of countries abstaining from voting on a un resolution against russia. the chinese embassy in russia is echoed remarks made by the russian envoy to the un in condemnation of the us. among the 248 armed conflicts that occurred in 153 regions across the world from 1945 to 2001, 201 were initiated by the u. s. accounting for 81 percent of the total number, the russian embassy. a, sorry, the chinese embassy in russia has posted a list of the armed conflicts and the u. s. the ones that the u. s. has been involved in since world war 2. you can see the names of cities and years where
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armed conflicts took place. the chinese empathy accused the u. s. of having initiated more than 80 percent of those conflicts. i'll, let's cost live now to international relations expert, victor gower. professor china suit shall university later welcome to the program. welcome thoughts in sanaa. she's great to help you with those. thank. you know, china was one of the handful of countries, abstained from voting on the un resolution condemning russia's military intervention in ukraine. why do you think that was? well, china did the right thing. china emphasized that while the united nations charter need to be respected, international law should be respected. of the ukrainian situation. a need to be looked at on the basis of each case by case. and depending on the merits of each case, we need to make the right decision. and a china believes that ukraine has been very much used by the united states and
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western countries in tempting to recruit ukraine into nato, which is very, very aggressive. as far as russia is concerned, very destabilizing of peace and stability in that part of the world. therefore, when the war is going on, as we speak, we hope the eventual situation in your crane should also be brought to ad and why a war eventually need to wind down. i think there will be no more talk about ukraine becoming a natal member. because that will truly be the stabilize the situation as far as russia is concerned, and some other better arrangement need to be worked out. and this will require negotiation between russia. the united states might need whole organisation. and we just hope from the chinese perspective, that wall. busy will be coming to and then as soon as possible,
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negotiation will start as soon as possible. and the eventual shape and form of ukraine will no longer constitute a threat to russia, which is very important. i think we're all hoping that it all comes with and very soon now, as i mentioned before, the chinese embassy in a recent suite listed a series of countries that they say the u. s. has bombed, do you think there's a difference in the way that the u. s. and russia is treated, especially when it comes to armed conflicts? well, if you look at the world now, especially on the western world, they universally condemn the russia for the special military operation in your grain. while at the same time, as the chinese embassy in moscow correctly pointed out, the united states was the culprit for more than 80 percent of all the armed conflicts since the end of the 2nd world war. and the united states seemed to be at one timely initiating,
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launching one war after another. in so many different parts of the world. and the western media tend to be very sided or very selective in reporting about such was initiated by the united states over the past 7 decades since the end of the 2nd world war wire. whereas at the same time, they focus on the ukranian situation as if there is only one party guilty for the outbreak of the war. whereas as a matter of fact, the united states and the provocation of the united states in recruiting ukraine into nato is very much a root cause of the conflicts involved. busy in the ukrainian situation, so i hope media in the western part of the world will be more objective and more decent in reporting on the conflicts like this. and i personally just hope the conflicts that involve your grade will soon come to an end with minimum civilian
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loss and with a rule of law very closely followed. and eventually, negotiation and peaceful diplomacy will prevail, leading to a more peaceful situation involving your great what is the debrief? the u. s. fed a closeness of ties between russia and china? well, i remember dr. henry kissinger used to say that in the big trilateral relations evolving china, the united states and the form of a unit. and today's russia, whichever country which is in one poll, opposed to the other sides, will be very much disadvantaged in the world of today. china and russia are firmly standing together. they coordinate many strategic issues and the 2 countries. on february, the 4th, when president put and visited the bay gene deer in the bay dinner lympics pledged
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that they both opposed the continued expansion of nato. this is very important. and in terms of all the sanctions imposed by the united states on western countries against the russia, so long as china and russia can stand side by side, such sanctions will be futile. they will not bring russia down to its knee. so this is the very important thing i hope the, the united states will be realistic in looking at the strong calls relations between china and russia and come to their senses. come to the conclusion that this situation evolving. ukraine need to be negotiated between russia and the united states and nato member countries to achieve a lasting, sustainable piece involving ukraine and that part of the world. i think a big country like russia need to be respected and simply condemning russia for
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what's doing in ukraine does not solve the problem. we hope the solution peaceful solution will be realized as soon as possible. yes, we've actually partially answered my my next question there. what sort of impact on the world economy do you think these sanctions that have been imposed on russia will have such sentients will be very mutually destructive. a, mainly because russia is a very, very important country in the world. politically, militarily, in terms of energy, you cannot make relations of all kinds. and russia is such an important and indispensable energy supplier to so many countries in europe. so by taking out russia from the swift settlement system, for example, as well as making it almost impossible to russia to deal with other countries in europe. in terms of trade export, energy, businesses, et cetera,
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is very hurtful to russian interest of cause on the one hand. but it's very hard for other european interest who benefits for all this either united states has an agenda to benefit hugely because they want to sell l. n. g to europe conjures, and they did not want to have european can inches buy more and more of oil and natural gas for russia, which is cheaper and which is more sustainable. so i think european countries should really look at the situation, me, ukraine in their own independent mind and refused to be hijacked by said another country and forfeiting their long term economic and political interest. i would say instability in europe hurts all the european countries. no one will be a winner, and we need to do whatever we can to bring diplomacy and negotiation back to the
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table so that there will be a lasting peace involving your crate over the guy i wish we had more time to discuss this about, i'm afraid that's it for now. i speak to our international relations experts and professor at chinese suture university. thank you. thank you. well, today is the full stay of the so called russian special miniature operation in ukraine with a situation developing very quickly on the ground. let's get the latest live now from ortiz. don't coulter, watts, have been the most recent developing developments in bushes miss operation by their peter. well, the russian armed forces have destroyed a damned that was stopping the water flow from the north crimea canal to the crimean peninsula. since it was built back in 2014, since then, it's caused a lot of water shortages for the peninsula, but the russian armed forces now say that water supply should be written fully
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restored. as soon now, as for the 2 noble exclusions own, it was taken by russian forces back 2 days ago. and after that happened, the ukrainian military, that was there also defending it. they agreed to jointly continue to defend the area with russian forces. and because of that friendship, that the joint defense of this area actually staff were still working there on normally the radiation levels. there are a fine and there isn't any fighting going on there now. asked for the reasons they're asked for the regions in which there is fighting going on, be russian defense ministry has said that neo fascist arms grew armed groups are taking tactics from the syrian terrorist playbook. they're using so called ben dera, cars and the fighting. let's take a listen muslim physically but the you are on the, the nationalist battalions. you so called mendera cars, which have increased off road capability and are equipped with large caliber, small arms or mortars. let.
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