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tv   News  RT  February 27, 2022 3:00pm-3:30pm EST

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ah ah, tonight following a raft of aggressive nato statements and a huge new army delivery is pledged by block members, president potent puts russia strategic deterrence forces, including nuclear units, on hiler breakers who am eastern. i'm ordering the defense minister and chief of staff to put the russian army to turn forces on special alert. the e u and am says the closure of its air space to rush and flights, as well as a ban on this channel are t. sputnik and subsidiary companies from broadcasting in the block brushes and ukrainian delegations are on the way to the ukraine. belarus border as i speak after kiev agreed to negotiate, quote, without precondition. and as russian troops continued to advance in the don
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pass, ukrainian forces are accused of escalating indiscriminate shelling of the area back up with good evening. this is art international live from moscow. you're watching or will. these are the level is sunday, the 27th of february. i'm kevin owen. just one very major story dominating tonight . president potent has reacted to aggressive language from nato members and speak new pledges of weaponry to ukraine by putting russia strategic forces, which includes nuclear weapons, units on high alert. was really my belief,
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as you can see, western countries are not only taking on friendly actions towards a nation in the economic sector. i'm referring to the illegitimate sanctions that everyone is aware of. however, top officials of nato member states are also using aggressive language towards our country. that's why i'm ordering the defense minister and chief of staff to put the russian army the turn forces on special alert. russia strategic forces include both nuclear and non nuclear units. long range bombers, submarines, ships and jets. the high alert also connects miss al warning systems and defense is against any possible attacks from space. a discuss the west reaction to the move with our correspondence, nato in response to boot and putting the deterrence forces of russia on to high alert. this is what the nato chief had to say in reaction to this announcement from russia. this is dangerous rhetoric, dots the reason why we both provide support ukraine, but also why we did last 2 weeks and months. i have
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a significant increase the presence of natal in the eastern part alliance. the nato chief also said that nato and the alliance has always supported a political solution to the problems in ukraine, which is interesting as the minsk agreement has not been implemented over the course of the last 7 years. in the meantime, we understand that at this point, nato is delivering anti tank and anti aircraft systems of ammunition to ukraine. in addition to that, the nato supports ukraine's goal. it says, but it will require all the consensus of members before taking action. in the meantime, the united states has come forward and says that it's not threatening russia. that's what the, i'd say it states said, white house press secretary, john saki has gone as far as to say that putin is putting the strategic deterrence forces on high alert, based on what she called a manufactured threat. now the united states and norway, among other countries,
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are calling for an emergency un security council meeting that will be happening. that will be happening here in manhattan at the un headquarters. i just a few blocks from where i am now will be covering that meeting and reporting on what happens when that meeting takes place. but it's interesting that the united states and the white house are claiming this is a made up threat because we're going over what nato has announced it is sending to ukraine. germany is sending 1000 anti tank weapons, 500 stringer missiles and 14 armed vehicles. the netherlands is sending 50 anti tank weapons for a 100 missiles and 200 string or missiles dell. jim is sending 2000 autumn like rifles and 2800 tons of fuel. we have portugal sending a $175.00 troopers, and we have the united states promising $600000000.00 in military assistance. peter, what's the latest on europe? sanctions that we heard some of what's being proposed coming in from kayla just now . tell us more decision to place rushes strategic deterrence forces,
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which includes nuclear elements on high alert that was viewed as a major escalation is in europe as it was expected to be viewed. we heard from s lafond ally and the u commission president who said a to do has gone and the european union will now provide weapons into a conflict zone that the you will provide weapons to ukraine and it isn't going to be the whole of the e u member states doing this hungry has said that they won't be providing weapons. however, countries that have never done this previously have said that they will, including sweden have said that they will be providing arms to, to ukraine. right now. we also heard from you leaders like joseph bradley, you commission. hi, you european union. hi, representative for foreign affairs saying that our t. sputnik and all subsidiaries would be banned from broadcasting within the european union. and today we are taking
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a crucial step to turn off the tap before the russians. information manipulation in europe may manning russia to date and sputnik from broadcasting into the p and union. while we're also seeing the closure of u. s. space to all russian own russian registered russian controlled aircraft. as was announced by this lafond line, we are shutting down the e u. s. face for russians. we're proposing a prohibition on all russian owned russian registered and russian controlled aircraft. these aircraft will no more be able to land in take off over fly the territory of the european union. and that includes the private jets of oligarchs to the european union, continuing to take more sanctions against russia in retaliation for russia's actions in ukraine. here over the u. k. the government,
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it's not only been one of the toughest in terms of fresh sanctions on russia and sending weapons to ukraine. it's foreign secretary earlier, also even appeared to back, britons who go to fight for kiev, as he's pull asleep. reporting next. we had heard from the bushes foreign secretary eliza trust, who has said that she will support britons who decide to go to ukraine to fight. now this has raised a number of eyebrows because there's uncertainty as to the legality of going aboard to join a foreign war. we also heard from her saying that she will not disclose the number of refugees that britain will accept. this follows an earlier debate and ferocious criticism at the government's lack of announcing that it will relax. the visa requirements for people from ukraine who want to come and seek refuge here in the u . k. it also comes as the u. k and 15 other nato countries back a boost to send arms to ukraine. and these are countries that have st or are proven
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to send significant deliveries of military equipment. now, with the western allies decision to impose sanctions on russia and to not allow a significant number of banks access to the swift, international monetary fund is something that britian had already signed off on earlier and agreed to do. so you now have countries like u. s. canada and key you up in countries including germany saying this. and as i mentioned, choosing selected are russian bangs. but britain has also admitted that they're prepared to take an economic hits in supporting such a move. this long running conflict is about freedom and democracy in europe because if we do not stop puting in ukraine, we're going to see others under threats, the voltage holland, moldova, it should end up in a conflict with nato. now the foreign secretary has also said that she believes
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that sanctions will take a long time to be felt. but from her opinion, this war could go on for a long time. she's also say she's putting a hitler together with so called hypnos of russia, ali gas to a closely associated to the russian president vladimir putin. and that they will have to quote no where to run the assets will be frozen and other sanctions imposed against them. and in the next few weeks, they will the, the u. k. will continuing adding names to that list. so this comes against the backdrop of a number of marches happening here in various cities across the u. k. in london, in oxford, and in edinburgh will keep you abreast of developments. political science lecturer, john lockerman told me earlier on that so year was barn of r t raises disturbing issues and questions, night, so saber rattling, and countries outside the military block nato is the most powerful military alliance. in the history of humanity, its expenditure dwarfs that of russia,
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its power dwarfs that of russia. how can anyone say after these decades of nato's was in yugoslavia in libya that is not a threat to any one. particularly when the british foreign secretary, britain is one of the most important nato powers, seems to imply that moldova is part of nato mold of her is not part of nato. she also says we have to fight for ukraine because otherwise we will be threatened. well, nato does not have to fight few crane nato has to fight for its members states. it doesn't fight for other countries. it fights for its members states. so every one is losing their heads at the moment and are therefore, it's entirely understandable that russia should be raising the stakes in this way by saying ashley vaughan, delay on the european commission president. and i am saying that, so the, you, i'm just reading your, the quote will ban russian media outlets. that's r t and sputnik accusing us to spreading harmful dis, information. we try our best of put
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a balance across and we know we're licensed by off. com in the u. k. and europe, they've deemed us to be okay to license. we are, of course, going to put the russian point of view or i'd say, let's go to alive, news event nervously to bends. as so king the russian representative at the u. n. a un security council emergency session is just started in new york to discuss rush a special operation. the council said to vote on whether to refer you as resolution on the operation for you. internal assembly not listening to will now begin incineration of i'd until of the atlanta. most modern engineer, most members of the council before them document as slash 2022 slash 160. the text of a draft resolution submitted by albania and the united states of america with the counselors ready to proceed to the vote on a draft resolution before it. i shall put the draft resolution to the vote. now. will those up in favor of the draft resolution contained in document
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s slash 20? 22 slash one was 60. please raise your hand to go can i request, but those who are voting, what i thought, i request your point that those who are against the resolution raise their hand. but i threw him abstentions. kindly raise your hands rubbing the result of the voting is as follows. 11 votes in favor of you one, would you vote against $33.00 abstentions. so appears to be given with her brother in line with established a procedure at the security council. this of the girls who matter and this vote was
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procedural in nature. the draft resolution is now deemed to be adopted as resolution 26232022. just over the phone. i now give the floor to those members of the council rooster who wished to make any statements to go after the vote. he opened the study and i give the floor to new to the representative of the united states. colleagues. on friday night, we stood together outside this chamber to declare that the russian veto would not stop us from holding russia accountable for invading a sovereign state. a state that dared to be a democracy. russia details track b, told fry dates resolution. but as i have said before,
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russia cannot veto our voices. russia cannot veto the ukrainian people, and russia cannot veto the un charter. russia cannot and will not detail accountability. now the security council has taken an important step forward toward that accountability for the 1st time. for the 1st time in decades, it is called for an emergency special session. in the general assembly, the council members who supported this resolution recognized that this is no ordinary moment. we need to take extraordinary actions to meet this threat, to our international system, and do everything we can to help ukraine and it's people. just this morning, president putin put rushes nucular forces on high alert,
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even though he is invading a country with no new killer weapons and is under no threat from nato, a defensive alliance that will not fight in ukraine. this is another ex escalade tore, an unnecessary step that threatens us all. we urge russia to tone down it's dangerous rhetoric regarding nuclear weapons. these are issues that affect all. busy busy member states, and now in the general assembly, they can all make their voices heard on russia's voice of choice. we will then vote on a resolution that will hold russia to account for its indefensible actions and for its violations of the un charter. as we speak, rockets continue to rain down on cave and across ukraine. tanks are
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tearing through cities, russia, ready, still more brutal weapon tree. bombs at flattened cities and indiscriminately target civilians. for an unjustifiable assault, fabricated out of lies in the rewriting of history. russia also propagates outrageous lies about ukraine's conduct in its own defense. we are alarmed by the mounting reports of civilian casualties, videos or russians forces moving exceptionally lethal weapon tree into ukraine and the wide spread destruction of civilian facilities like residences, schools, and hospitals. to the russian officers and soldiers i
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say the world. busy the world is watching, photographic and video evidence is mounting, and you will be held to account for your actions. we will not let atrocities slide. those of us here safely sitting in this hallowed hall, have a moral responsibility to respond to russia's desecration of human life. that means humanitarian aid like the thermal blankets, u. s. a i d has already air. busy lifted to tens of thousands of ukrainians in need . and the recently announced $54000000.00 an additional humanitarian assistance that will reach hundreds of thousands more. that means military support, including the additional $350000000.00 of security assistance. the united states is
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shipping to ukraine and it means holding the sole aggressor, russia accountable for its actions. that will take some courage from some fellow member states, and i know that they have shown strength. by the inspiration i, i would like to stress for the inspiration, i would ask you to look to the ukranian people. they have shown strength, courage. busy and resilience in the face of russian guns and soldiers and bombs and rockets. they also maintain the courage to sit down and talk. we welcome their continued willingness to participate in peace talks. on friday night, darkness descended on keith missiles attacked a sheltering city. but the next morning ukrainians woke up to a new citizen,
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a baby girl born to a mother in a bombshell. the baby's name is mia. photos of her tiny hands gripping her mother as they hid underground have inspired. busy the world let us have the courage of me as mother. let us have the courage of the ukrainian people standing bravely to defend their democracy, their way of life, and their futures. let us show them that they are not alone, that the world stands behind them. that the united nations has a purpose that the additional bravery of the protesters in russia is not in vain. let us do everything everything we can to help the people of ukraine as they stand up for. busy themselves for their sovereign country and for their
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children. thank you. was he was suitable for his lover's to go over to a representative albania. dear colleagues about the favor and welcome the adoption of this resolution. formally, the short text is of purely procedure natural, but its significance is of historic proportions. last friday, if either tried to lock the you one at a time when we needed most. not any more. those 5 lines of the text we just adopted, opened the big doors of the place where the world meets the un general assembly to speak out and condemn an unprovoked and unjustified pure act of aggression. u. n. g, a merchant session is all about, condemn had been provoked. war it is all about upholding the un charter. it is
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about ending a key is sending a clear, an iron strong message of what is acceptable, acceptable, and what is not including till the russian citizens who need to listen to the world and hear it. russia must be stopped in its attempt to break the international rules based order to replace it with it's will all number states, especially the small ones like mine, which constitute the majority of the un. must remember that international law rules on the un charter or their best friend, their best army, their best defense, their best insurance, rushes actions undermine them. it is time to learn from the past mistakes, not repeat, and perpetuate them. russia can, at any moment, come back to reason, stop the war. recall it's inviting troops go back to talks, but real talks for peace,
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not for surrender and capitalization. but this needs lucidity, courage and wisdom, not threats for apocalypse. as we said last friday, this is no time to stay idle or look away. it's time to stand up. ukraine and ukrainians are resisting my staying a boot him stay at to crank. thank you sheila, thank you. like if the for the sure. mr. president, hold, hold on friday the, to your school, the russian federation was alone at the security council in blocking the adoption of our a solution that was co sponsored by 8082 members of the united nations. and they called for an end to the aggression of ukraine, likes of france can not excel with block good for this reason to day,
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we voted regularly in favor of this new resolution, which calls for a region and emergency special session of the general assembly. the security council remains the seized of the matter to france, will remain mobilized to that and to ensure that there be an upholding of a good primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security in this context to the president of the front republic emanuel, my call, call for the security council to meet tomorrow. to address the humanitarian situation in ukraine trans will, along with side mexico, submit a draft resolution in order to guarantee unfettered humanitarian access to meet the urgent needs of their people. in ukraine. mister president, who's in the light of those who are attempting to impose the law, the strongest that the international community has a duty to demonstrate. it's unity that it's solidarity. and the primacy of role of
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law francis stands steadfastly alongside ukraine and its people. thank you. i thanks or percent of a france and i now give the floor to the representative of ireland. mister president, ireland once again strongly condemns the russian federations further invasion of ukraine, sovereign and independent country. since we last met on friday, the russian federation has intensified its unjustified and unprovoked attack against ukraine. russia's aggression is causing mounting hardship and suffering for the people of ukraine who have shown remarkable resilience and resolves. ireland stands in full solidarity with them today.
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mister president, this council has a responsibility to act in the face of conflict and to respond to this great threat to international peace and security. we have failed to exercise that responsibility. we were rendered powerless to do so. in spite of the clear will of 11 members of this council, by the russian federations use of the veto, in flagrant attempt to, excuse its own military aggression against ukraine. a fellow member of our united nations. the use of this anachronistic veto in these terrible and tragic circumstances is reprehensible and undermines the legitimacy of this council . in the eyes of the watching world. however, the veto will not prevent the international community from responding to russia's
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blatant breaches of international law. nor will is to terrace from holding russia accountable for its actions. ireland voted in favor of this draft resolution to decide to call an emergency special session of the general assemblies. arlin calls on our fellow members of the general assembly to step up where the council has failed to oppose the principles of the un charter to condemn aggression and to support to return to the part of diplomacy and peace. this is the very least that the people of ukraine deserved from us in our hour of need. we cannot let them down. thank you. yeah. was you. thank you and i now give the floor to the representative of mexico majority of your order . thank you very much. president ill, asagwa yearly,
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last friday. the 25th of february will fit with your li live here as a result of an exercise of the veto comfortable the security council. no, peter was unable to fulfill it. it's your primary responsibility and their law of maintaining international peace and security are more beautiful since it proved unable to adopt to draft resolution relock johan in relation to the situation in ukraine. the thought of a well known as the despite 11 votes in favor. i'm philip id 3 or before the paralysis of the count, security count. so we are today invoking resolution 377. your robust unites are for people product one here with you to convene. whether you avoid that, all the merchant plane is the lot an extraordinary session of the general assembly of them. you know, if you know what, he's in 1945, one x echo has maintained an unwavering, our lease dance one against the exercise all the veto by me permanent members of
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the security council or more and more for you. and as we have maintained on numerous occasions, unto de reiterate, give buffer thought. no, they were uses, we live faculty should not be a privilege yet. when okay, what is it constitutes an enormous and very delicate responsibility with your miracles? guar yohina. by the consequence, mexico got gaurtier unreservedly supports the convening august. the 11th emergency specialist session off the general assembly. while i mean, if you're not currently briefing, as stated by the permanent representative of friends, are we with you on will be convening a session to analyze each monetary and situation prevailing on the ground. got you got yeah, get, rand, facilitate this expeditious arrival of assistance to those who most needed. thank you very much thought. oh, i now give the far thank you to their representative of china to do is you. thank
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you mister president. mister president. at present, we are witnessing dramatic changes in the ukraine situation. china has on many occasions made is position clear on the ukraine issue and that position remains unchanged. we believe that the top priority now is for all parties to exercise the necessary restraint to prevent the situation in ukraine from getting worse. while china supports and encourages all diplomatic efforts conducive to a peaceful settlement of the ukraine crisis point and welcomes the earliest possible direct dialogue and negotiations between russia and ukraine. at the same time, china supports equal footed dialogues between the you and russia on european security issues and upholding the principle of and divisive or security to eventually form a ballast, effective and sustainable european security mechanism. compliant shine
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a belief that the security council should give priority to regional peace and the balloon and the universe. so security of all countries and play a constructive role in resolving the ukraine issue, actions taken by the un. i'll show how cool the situation would and facilitate diplomatic solution to avoid emer escalation of tensions. him. i thank you mister president. she must show. thank you. i now give the floor to the representative of the united kingdom. thank you mister president. the united kingdom welcomes the result of this vote to day by voting in favor of convening an emergency special session of the general assembly.


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