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tv   News  RT  February 28, 2022 5:00am-5:31am EST

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for join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. ah, ukraine 2nd largest city car cove is now at the center of fighting with a huge explosion reported a numerous claims of st. skirmishes. meanwhile, a hope for a diplomatic solution in ukraine. a delegation has arrived on the bell, a russian border for negotiations with russian officials. the talks are due to begin any minute. now, united nations calls for emergency special session on bush's military operation. ukraine western powers try to isolate moscow and the you close to the test base to rush and flights and announce the ban on news agencies. odyssey sport nick unnecessary. ah,
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you're watching our international comments you live from moscow. my name is peter scott moravia joining us from welcome to the program. as the russian military operation in ukraine enters its 5th day, ukraine, 2nd largest city harker appears to become a hot spots in the fighting. another explosion has been reported in the area with locals, foaming huge plumes of smoke billowing above the city. amid what they've described does ongoing battle. at the same time, residents have harko films. what's our purportedly ukrainian forces? setting up positions on a balcony, a residential building. this video shows residents allegedly being harassed by the troops. right now, let's have a look at this. maps marks in red and blue are the 2 don bus republics recently
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recognized by russia. the russian ministry of defense says that lou guns militia have retaken territory from the ukrainian army, 60 kilometers beyond the previous front line. while the us forces have reportedly advanced by 21 kilometers and zooming out sea ukraine, those dots are the cities that bush's military claims to either seized or to be currently fighting for ukraine says this about 5000 russian soldiers have been killed in recent days with 30 russian plains on helicopters, shut down, and about 200 tanks destroyed. now russia refutes the claims, but without disclosing concrete figures and says he's been making major dunces against the ukrainian military diplomatic talks on resolving the conflict, are expected to stotts any moment. now, as a ukrainian delegation has arrived at the border with bell roofs to meet with russian officials kia has said it seeking an immediate cease fire on the withdrawal
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of russian forces or t correspondence. constantino's coff has the latest. we've already seen the footage of the craniums arriving at the place where the talks are going to be held on to helicopters. although it didn't seem like the ukrainian delegation was looking to start working as soon as possible. i did several sources close to the house inside the bell russians. i said that the trainees wanted to get some shot. i get some rest out before long journey that they took go in from ukraine 1st to pull that and then to bell, or rou. so we also know that the russian delegation has been at the place at this government residence, where the talks are going to be held for a couple of hours. and well, it's hard to tell if the 2 sides can find common ground here. what kiff and moscow said publicly in the past couple of days indicates that their positions are far apart. for instance, ukraine's foreign minister collab. i said that these talks are not going to be about surrender. and that key if quote, unquote,
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won't give up its land. the office of the training president has just said that ukraine's main goal in this negotiations with moscow is a cease fire and withdraw all of all russian troops from ukraine. so all in all members of the cranny delegation, they try to show that they have an upper hand in this upcoming talk. so because as they put it, they've been successfully repelling the russian offensive in ukraine. now let's have a listen to what of latimer zalinski. the crisis president sat about this ah, talks. russia's military officials claimed that key of his losing control over swathes of its territories. that craning troops are either retreating or getting circled, rushes, ministry of defense spokesman said that the for any of the authorities are resorting to desperate measures heading out firearms to civilians which lead to quote unquote, looting gains running rampant through the ukraine's capital. so as the head of the
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russian, a delegation of latter midian ski has told each hour just brings more casualties and more damage to the training armed forces to the civilians. and it's in, keeps fast interest. you a lay down their arms and engage in dialogue. and while russian and ukrainian officials, a seakans end, the conflicts, the you and the foreign powers are providing hundreds of millions of euros with a military supplies to ukraine. with a you saying, it'll give a 450000000 euros of weaponry, germany, se king sending excuse me a 1000 anti tank weapons and 500 stinger anti aircraft systems. while denmark has also announced plans to send anti tank weapons, sweden meanwhile is sending 5000 done to tank weapons as well as body armor and over 100000 field russians. i guess expressed concern that need so much as little
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interest in resolving the conflict. i'm very concerned about that. i mean, so, 1st of all, let's face it, it seems to me that nato, and in particular, the united states did everything they could want to provoke this war to provoke russia into it, and to egg ukraine on, into acting in aggressive ways themselves. for example, with zalinski saying very recently that maybe she get nuclear weapons again, that's what i understand, may have tipped it. so in the meantime they provoked this, then when it happened, they basically stood back and watched it happen in ab and watching and happen. and now that they're entering piece talks, they're sending and lethal military aid. again, what's nato due to me? this is only adding fuel to the fire. it does not contribute to peace talks. and again, it's just or provocation. the aggression has been ramped up and nato contains to say, we are not a threat to russia. well, in the meantime,
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they're providing billions of dollars with the u. s. together billions of dollars in weapons for ukraine to kill russians. so as a real proxy war going on here between the u. s. e u and russia ukrainians are in the middle. they're the ones that are the ones getting shot on. they're fighting and dying for the u. s. not for their own independence. mm. videos of what's appears to be in a missile at such are coming from the south of ukraine, where locals are reporting ongoing fighting. this next video purportedly shows an apartment building, allegedly hit by an overnights, rocky to talk in the north of the country. the lower floors were damaged, were a fire broke out, reports suggest one woman was injured, but the play, the blaze has been extinguished. so these on verified images are coming in from the ukranian capital where local,
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say air defense systems are actively operating. k of authorities said the city was surrounded then back down from that claim. now they're saying groups of russian sub it says are trying to bring chaos to the streets. russert ministry has dismissed involvement in these alleged actions. do the shift for a key of is flooded with armed gangs of looters, robbers and radical nationalists. they were given guns in an unlawful decision by the authorities to hand out lethal weapons to anyone without checking i am addressing all residents of key f. every one can leave the capital freely by a designated road. this road is open and safe. i want to emphasize once again, the russian army is attacking only military targets. the civilian population is not under threat. it also, the united nations has called a rare emergency meeting to focus on the conflicts in ukraine with the u. s. and this western allies seeking to isolate moscow. russia recently used is vito, as a permanent member of the council to cancel
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a resolution against moscow. while china, india, and united arab emirates of olives, abstained on your correspondence, killable reports. the representative of the united states hurled a lot of allegations at russia, accusing russia of many things, and blaming russia for the entire conflict. here's some of what we heard. we need to take extraordinary actions to meet this threat, to our international system, and do everything we can to help ukraine and it's people. just this morning, president putin put rushes nucular forces on high alert, even though he is invading a country with no new killer weapons. we urge russia to tone down is dangerous rhetoric regarding nuclear weapons. now from there are a number of countries aligned with the united states echoed these allegations from the united states, placing the blame for the conflict solely on the shoulders of russia. now we heard
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china take to the floor of the un security council meeting. and when china spoke, they called for a d as galatian, they urged dialogue. china supports and encourages or diplomatic efforts conducive to a peaceful settlement of the ukraine crisis. and welcomes the earliest possible direct dialogue and negotiations between russia and ukraine. at the same time, china supports equal footed dialogues between the you and russia on european security issues. now from there, we did see russia take the floor and debunk a large number of the allegations and he did rhetoric we heard from other countries . one theme that was very key in the remarks made by russian ambassador and a band via was fake news than the fact that there are videos circulating throughout the internet that report to be from ukraine showing russian atrocities. when in reality, some of them in been filmed in libya,
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some of them been filmed in syria. some of them have even been filmed, come from video games in the united states. and this crisis broke out, not as a result of the launch of the russian special military operation in ukraine, but much earlier when for 8 years you turned a blind to the crimes perpetrated by the ukrainian nationalists in dunbar. and again, today you did not mention at all the suffering of the residence of dunbar. that's the russian ambassador, pointing out that while there is so much concern for the people of ukraine, there seems to be no concern over the past 8 years for the people of the don boss, region, the peoples public of don ads, the people's republic of lugens and what they've been enduring, the shelling the food blockades, the dan on their language, the threats against them. we had the russian ambassador taking the floor and just kind of refuting a lot of these allegation. now that was followed by
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a very theatrical speech by the ukranian representative in which he spoke in both english as well as russian and which she, you know, did a lot of dramatic things and made personal appeals to members of the security council. not a lot of agreement between great powers represented in the meetings, some pretty big gaps in their understanding of world events. but it seemed like one thing that did bring everyone together was a desire for the fighting to. and it seems like everyone wanted the conflict to come to an end. everyone wanted their to be some kind of resolution. so that is at least one thing the countries had in common despite the fact that they had very, very different interpretations of events. can stone from the hamilton coalition to stop the war says the western media outlets of not sufficiently conveyed the suffering that the people of the don boss have enjoyed for years in the conflict with the ukrainian military. for one thing, people in the west, i have no idea generally about what was going on,
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the war against the people of the don bass region. it was hid from them, hidden from them by the mainstream media here. but hopefully they'll now learn that out. the cool that was sponsored by the usa in ukraine in 2014, brought in a government, they proceeded to take away the autonomy and language and cultural rights of the russian. speaking minority in the dumbass region in the east of ukraine, there was an uprising, and the government was so wage a war against a russian speaking people in the dark bass, which was right on russia's doorstep. and 15000 people died and tens of thousands were made homeless and had to become refugees. this is not known. this is not well known at all in the west. and now over to the don bus front lines where this video purportedly shows an explosion near the south eastern city of mario pal,
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the targets of which is still unclear, but we are working to confirm what's been going on in that area. meanwhile, forces of the done yes, look, guns, republics are advancing westwards with ukrainian troops reportedly in retreats among deliberated areas. is the village of nikolai of ker an elderly woman said she narrowly escaped shelling. a with with ukrainian troops are believed to have been surrounded by russian army forces near the south eastern city of mario pl. reporting on this under the development on the phone lines. his correspondent. but i guess df. what we are hearing is that the city of mary you pull, which is ukraine's largest port a is,
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is now almost surrounded with, with the garrison. that is there. the russian side has said that it is nationalist elements that are putting up the stiffest resistance. and that, that those units belonging to the regular military to regular formations, that they are choosing to negotiate. and in some cases, lay down their arms and return to their homes. but it is very difficult to verify this information at this time because events are developing too quickly. and because there are so few reliable reports close to the front lines where it is extremely dangerous. the situation there is that many roads have been a mind. we have received reports from the city of the dance, which is a half way between the crimea and malleable, which is at the axis of russian advance, which is a, which is where you credit units have planted in the city itself and in the
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outskirts minds for example, to, to surprise that the devastate advancing force as it is very difficult to reach mario below the vicinity of mario pal. at this point they have beat, according to reports, more than a dozen civilian casualties. here in the city of the nit victims of fun, directed fire into and the neighbourhood civilian neighbourhood, spare places, wet weather, apartment buildings, and, and other houses. we have seen a, of course soon over ukraine, different reactions to this operation. there are certainly civilians who have been happy to see russian forces but there, but they have also been those who have been less than happy to see again. russian troops advancing through through you crate on the whole with so far it is with the good the good with that the, the administrations of various villages and towns there has been contact. they have a been somewhat responsible. they have tried to fly to agree try to negotiate with
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russian forces about responsibilities, for example, about joint patrols with police being with police being kept up to speed and allowed to do the job to prevent looting. for example, to prevent crime mud as from taking place in the anal key that his cellphone left behind. after military operations and the lady, we discussed the actions of the military who aim to enter the city and sure order and reassure residents. they convinced me that this would not affect the life of the city in any way. there will be order in the city. our police will patrol it in to be a full. there is, of course, also also the fact that the russian military has been keeping us up to date on it statistics, which is how many various military infrastructure sites, objectives they have destroyed, which is at this point over a 1000 as well as the majority from what we understand of ukraine's air force has
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been destroyed many before being able to take off many jets by the helicopters before being able to take off in shrikes. directed at airports and airfields and hangers, and other objects belonging assets belonging to the ukranian air force via west bank of the west bank of kia is also said to be under the control of the russian military. viv could the situation and care fees of course desperate made much more so after authorities there, boosted that they had handed out almost 30030000 assault rifles. 10000000 rounds of ammunition, r. p g 's. as well as grenades to the civilian population. we heard at 1st that the only a passport was required. then there was footage of people just coming up that, that the boxes and, and trucks picking up guns by the dozen and, and leaving, which has resulted in as we have seen on social media, get
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a verified footage anaki in the, in the a capital a capital of ukraine, nevertheless, the russian side says that is making all efforts to avoid civilian casualties, which, which includes a bad on bombing blog to launching a rocket missiles at indiscriminately at cities and trying to keep all stripes, procedures, stripes to our military infrastructure sites. and again, have reiterated that they are offering ukrainian forces. those that don't, don't belong to nationalist or neo nazi battalions. they're offering them the chance surrender that they will be treated with respect and allowed to return to that fabulous. and now for some use, just in moscow, key of talks over the conflict in ukraine have just started with the officials meeting on the beller russian border. and as always, we will keep you updated as and when we get more information on that as done yet,
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scandal guns, troops advance many of those. so just now have the opportunity to see loved ones. again, one of them is alex, a cedar of he managed to see his parents for the 1st time after years have been separated by the conflict with . ready with no mom who have a fortune here. ok, i love them with you. foreign policy officials have agreed to provide lethal weapons with 450000000 euros to ukraine with policy direct. your said barrels saying the block will freeze a substantial amount of rushes,
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financial reserves reporting on the latest. you measured his corresponding peter oliver. well, these are some of the most forcefully u sanctions that we've seen so far. we heard from the you commission, president earth lafond ally and he said that there would be some potential economic blow back on you repeat in citizens. but that the sanctions and the measures that were taken were necessary. now one of those measures is the cutting off of russia from the swift banking payment system. we heard from yoseph burrell, who's the, you hi, representative for foreign affairs, pretty much the european union's foreign minister. and he said that it wouldn't involve old russian bank slow to disconnect the financial system of a country, which is a strongly interrelated with other countries. another economies cannot be the ladies with seizures over night. we have to keep the possibility for the financial
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system to work in order to people. ready to use it and to send money to their relatives, but don't worry. the degree of disconnection. it's carefully calibrated in order to create the maximum damage to the financial system of russia. on the line confirmed that all russian aircraft would be banned from entering u. s. face and a comprehensive move from the block. we are shutting down the e u. air space for russians. we're proposing a prohibition on all russian owned russian registered and russian controlled aircraft. these aircraft will no more be able to land in take off over fly the territory of the european union. and that includes the private jets of oligarchs to hi representative for foreign affairs. burrell also announced that all t and sputnik would be banned from broadcasting in the european union. he made the
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announcement on sunday night. we also heard from our tea editor in chief following, not news that taking a crucial step to turn off the tap before the russians. information manipulation in europe may banning russia to date and spun dick broadcasting into the union. you will say, you gotta remember the e u that for years has been selling the whole world. how much of the treasure and love freedom of speech, how they appreciate and love diversity of thoughts, diversity of news and information. today, in response to the actions of russia, ukraine meant to protect russian speaking citizens. there that you announced that we won't broadcast there anymore. what the president's decision to start, the operation has to do with us is unclear. it's absolutely obvious that no matter whether we continue broadcasting or not, the operation would proceed. it's absolutely clear that it's just an excuse. they wanted to close us for a long time, but it would have looked bad in the eyes of their own citizens,
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our audience. because it's against freedom of speech anyway, and now it convenient excuse appeared and they decided to get rid of the long lasting uncomfortable issue of us. and our huge audience in this way will find some other way to communicate with our audience, for sure, without direct broadcasting. but the people of the european union today can see how much the lot of talk of freedom of speech costs. yes. the you have from a small sanctions, while russian troops remain in ukraine, would be looking to see what form they will take. political expert john laflin, to express concern about the you. bonding artsy, senior babies is a disturbing precedent for the freedom of speech. what's wrong with it is that it's totalitarian. you don't suppress media outlets. that's a basic principle. if the e u is going to suppress r t and split, that means european union citizens will no longer be able to watch those channels. that one forces them to watch them. it is a measure that she is announced which drastically reduces the liberties of the you
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citizens into i'm sure it doesn't make a slightest bit of difference to russia, but it doesn't make a difference to people who want to watch r t and sputnik. and i mean, we've got used to, to tell attorneys and for 2 years now with all the cobit madness. but this is, this is, this is in the same category. in any case what, what laws is she is claiming to be operating under lee. you doesn't have that authority any more than that has the authority, by the way, as far as i know, to close as spaces you mentioned in your report. above all, i mean, independently of the issue between russia and nato and ukraine. i think anyone watching this, any european citizen watching this should be deeply preoccupied by the assault on his own rights. his all right. you mentioned just now and your report from london about the seizure of assets belonging to rationale, goths in london. well, what happened to due process? what happened to property rights? we really saying that from one day to the next,
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somebody's property can be taken away just because they're deemed to be politically close to russia. this is literally dictatorship. i don't want to sound hysterical, but somebody has to pull the alarm bell on this and say that these kinds of measures undermine the very thing which the british government another are paying governments claim to be standing full. namely the rule of law and democracy. russia's rubel currency has punished about 30 percent in recent days as the u. s. and other western powers imposed harsh functions over the ukraine, conflicts, so russian bangs have been excluded from the swift banking system. for more on this, i'm joined a live now in the studio by ot correspondent eagerness, done of ego quite a day on the markets. i woke up this morning, check the news, check the exchange rates and the roubles taken quite a hit. what's going on? well indeed, it is by far the worst day for the russian markets for the russian economy as a whole. because over the weekend, of course, the united states, the e u and their allies,
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they imposed the harshest and the most hard hitting sanctions by far targeting the russian economy, targeting the russian central bank. again, a bunch of russian banks, including the biggest ones, have been excluded from the swift system. so yeah, it is, it has been quite bad for the russian national currency, the rubel. i mean, it does, it was around a 100 rubles per dollars. now, just to put it into some context before the war started, it was, it was standing around 76. so it is a pretty big dive. and the 100 rouble it is. well, it is. that's how it's trading right now. but at the beginning of the day it pass that market was well over a 100. so yeah, it is, it is a very difficult day under the russian government has already announced the russian central bank has already announced a bunch of measures that it will take to help the russian economy to help the russian bank. because
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a lot of foreign capital has been well extracted from the country right now. and according to the russian prime minister, the government is preparing its own set of measures again to help the russian economy in a very difficult time, which is now for it. now, for example, the russian stock market, it has been efficiently announced that it won't start the trading session today. so today's trading session has been effectually cancelled. but if we turn to london over that, the over that a russian companies, some of them have lost over 50 percent in valley. so i mean, again, also very, a very tough day for russian big companies. but again, it has been just minutes ago, we've had that the peace stores between russia and ukraine have started. now admittedly, mostly people and most experts are really hopeful what they are hopeful is just they aren't,
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they aren't expecting anything positive to come out of this session. of talks, especially given that the ukrainian delegation it does have, it does have some people. it does have some people who are very much, well they are, they are that they have who have said, have made statements showcasing that they won't, that they aren't ready to make, you know, big concessions. so of course everybody is hopeful that something will come out, but well, many experts, they don't believe that will. but it will see how the russian economy fairs in the future. and if any more, because the west has already said the u. s. has already said that there will be, there might be very likely more sanctions on the way to hit the russian economy. so arguably unlikely this, this is not the, this is not the worst that we have seen. know so we could see some more volatility to coal. i'm sure that people in the best alike will be watching the progress of those talks that are going on at the moment. thanks very much, that updates eager. thank you. and just a quick reminder of the news that we have received this,
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our moscow key of socks over the conflict in ukraine have just started with officials meeting on the beller russian border. key of us said is seeking an immediate cease fire on the withdrawal of russian forces on the lead of the russian delegation has stated that every minutes of postponing the negotiations cost lives of both civilians, unsold judges and reducing these numbers is the states goal as always, we will keep you updates when we get more information and that's all for now on for me. pizza. scott, for andrew pharma will be here at the top of the hour to bring you all the latest developments on the ukraine crisis. and of course those that go station that just started. thank you. i much, ah with .


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