tv News RT March 5, 2022 1:00am-1:30am EST
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for me, for this is chance, the name of this town sounds exactly the same in russia and ukraine in languages. it means had been an english that wasn't exactly lucky party visits, a town which spent 8 years in the firing line between ukrainian on talked the locals. now hoping for a brighter future. nato emergency selma, it rejects ukraine's request for imposing no fly zone in the response of the alliance for weakness and the lack of direction. also ahead in the program, russian embassies worldwide find themselves in the target of hates over the complete military actions. crane with stop receiving death threats and even exclusive projectiles throw out to their territory. or pro russian
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serves ticket to the streets of belgrade. an opposite rally is seen in georgia with ukraine's president my a live link up urging more people to protest with wherever you're couching the program from today across the globe. welcome to moscow, and then use our in r t. i'm, you know, li, with russia's military operation and ukraine now into a 10th day. let's start by taking a look at the latest developments in the conflict. a nato emergency, some at times, rejected the idea of imposing a no fly zone in ukraine. in response to drains, presidents love murs lensky, accused the alliance of weakness, cnn and bloomberg are the latest media to suspend their work in russia. fierce
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fighting and ukraine continues along the front lines with losses on both sides of the conflict. u. s. senate spin invited to speak to the ukranian president via zune . we'll be looking at some of those lines in more detail ahead in the program. let's bring you to a city in the loop ganske region, which after days of fierce fighting has been taken by the dunbar. the army meaning locals have finally been able to leave their basements. ortiz, maria for national files. this report. this is just yet, the name of this town sounds exactly the same in russia and ukraine in languages. it means happiness in english, but it wasn't exactly lucky. it is on the very front line. it has been dramatically destroyed. locals even compare it with stalingrad, located near a river on a strategic high point chest here. so fears shelling, 80 years ago, dear in caves. so cold counter terror peroration in this region, racing battles over the town between the ukrainian military and the army of de la
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ganske republic, left him in morse cars fiercely. there is some sort of melee combat going on endlessly for a week. i don't know where they are shooting from. maybe the trees may be somewhere else, but it forces us to hide in the basement home to at least 12000 people. a decade ago. to day the town is deserted and the lives of those who decided to stay seemed to have turned into quest for survival. my cure is some kind of projectile stuck. i don't know what it is. i am not a military man, but if there were no pillars, 2 houses would have been destroyed. boss, martial law has been introduced. there are a road blocks with constant checking. i don't know how to live normally if you can't do anything and go anywhere as everything is mine. when we were in town, there was no electricity, no gas, no running water, no connection. if you shop still functioning closed before noon, church services are held only on sundays. the shelling left one of the walls
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destroyed. it's cold and dangerous inside. it's hard to believe this place is habitable. this is a commendation for population and how to behave during war during chalet. like find a conquered wall if you are outside a lay down on the ground if you are in the field. and here with smart rad is not exactly a good idea, like wearing uniform for example, or approaching windows renewables. we're not leaving. but moving to another apartment where they're at least intact windows. it's hard to live there with them being broken. then you authorities say work has already begun to repair infrastructure and provide security for locals. there is still hope that one day, the town so brightly named happiness, can finally find it. once again, roofing ocean a r t from shuster in the logan's gray, public fighting rages in other areas between russian troops and ukrainian forces.
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this on verified footage from the capitol shows a huge explosion said to be in the western part of the city are read sirens. are still being so patient with authorities asking people not to leave their homes. here is the footage from the russian defense ministry showing forces advancing further into the region and strengthening their position. this video from harcourt in the northeast sho smoke rising above a residential area after on the ledge. miss file strike local authority save ukrainian military as long as the country fence against russian forces within the region. while moscow claims artillery is being deliberately placed in residential areas, the city of sumi, meanwhile, a ukrainian nationalist brigade allegedly shelled accommodation housing indian students. according to the russian defense ministry. 5 people are understood to
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have been injured in the attack while the fates of another 11 is all known. the video you're seeing now is from the local student coordinator, who sees around 600 people remain stranded in the building with no electricity, no water. they've reportedly been forced to melt snow just so that they have something to drink. there's no comment from ukraine to the claims indian journalists, seller who, dean zane, lifeline was indian students have been going through. it's a really bad situation that most of the same day they had either walk out almost 50 kilometers. maybe i've been without food and many of the guys were at close to the buyers were beaten, you know, and at the end bought a specially was saying that the situation was so bad that they will not allow enough. they're so much of the circle when they were allowed to go inside. there
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was so much, you know, that discrimination against them saying that that in us are not allowed or not allowed. so it seems all the jew within the you grin. and when they will cross, it could be other borders of the debris, could be for all, and nobody has them something else to show you. incidents of lute thing helping report. it's right. ukraine, as you can see here on mobile phone footage, shopping centers and helping strips of expensive goods and chemists of drugs as well. amid the chaos, zoloft, a sea of refugees continues to flee the country mostly in a westward direction. this is the net for railway station showing people trying to cross the tracks, indeed helping each other at to reach the platform and the other site. an extraordinary meeting has its colds of nato. foreign ministers has been held in condemnation of russia's military offensive against ukraine. however,
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one of the only other points, every one agreed on was to strongly reject a no fly zone over ukraine, which cuba seeking. there were fears such a move could spark a new world war. yeah, the saw the spiration. but you also believe love, if we the that would end up with something that could and causing much more rooms over with regard to the no fly zone. i think one of the responsibilities we have, even as we are ah, doing everything we can to give the ukrainian people that means to defend themselves effectively against russia. we also have responsibility as a secretary general said, to ensure that the war doesn't spill over even beyond ukraine, or in response ukraine's president didn't hold back his anger, saying those aren't the meeting will have blood on the rounds. at the sloppy salmon, the nato summit was a very weak and directionless summit. in this for 9 days,
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we've seen a brutal war, so they want to continue. it'll be knowing that a new strike is inevitable. nato made a consenting decision not to close ukrainian airspace national from this day. those who die will die because of you to leon. yeah. and just to say a no fly zone could escalate the conflict as it means any aircraft may be shut down over ukraine, including russian jets by nate, so which moscow could interpret as a sign of war. human rights lawyer done collect, told me the request was unlikely to be given the go ahead. they ultimately decided not to impose no flies on which, by the way, i agree they should not do that. when we look at, for example, libya when that was imposed, it became much more of a conflict in the course of destroyed libya. so no fly zones are very serious affairs. indeed, at the same time, i can understand zalinski frustration because look, may tell when the us kind of a,
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you know, prodded ukraine in more provocative acts against russia. and then once russia invaded nato pretty much stood aside and watched it all happened. so from his point of view, i could see that he would feel betrayed. yeah, that language that he used sing those at the meeting in nato will have blood on their hands. do you think though he really expected some sort of action to follow through on nuts, at desire for a no fly? so i do. i think, i think so lensky, if he, if he had not been under the impression that nato would back him up from the beginning, my guess is he might have taken a different stance towards russia. remember, zelinski became more and more strident, even saying he might know, you know, seek nuclear weapons again, that seemed to be one of the last straws that might have led to this invasion. and i don't think he'd be talking like that if he,
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unless he thought that nato would just back him up, which of course they haven't. and i would just say that nate already as blood on its hands in this situation. i nato, i think, had the u. s, a nato simply told russia that ukraine would never be admitted to nato. that would have been a big step towards preventing all this and they refused. and yet again, when you cranes attack, they certainly made a clear ukraine is not part of a, you know, so a lot of mixed signals here were given by nato and i think it is, you know, been disastrous. meanwhile, people in serbia been rallying in support of russia and the capital belgrade license gathered to wave flags and march to the russian embassy. many people in the country remain angry. nato's foaming campaign in the balkan wars and hundreds of civilians were killed. while the serbian government has criticized russia's military operation in ukraine, it's refused to impose sanctions provoking anger from its western allies. another
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large demonstration, this time in support of ukraine. thousands gathered in george's capital to bless see, to make their feelings felt over rushes, actions during the rally ukrainian president lensky. address protesters in a live online broadcast, urging them to bring more people to the streets to the shore. supports sweeping sanctions. how being slapped on moscow in response to its actions in ukraine, among the latest brands, to clothes stores and paws business operations in russia. luxury names her me car, t a n. chanel. bloomberg and the b. b. c, are also holding their news operations here. while cnn will stop broadcasting in the country with a significant number of bands and restrictions already in place, there are still many more. promised ortiz ilia patricia has been looking deeper into the rushes being punished to make sure moscow behaves correct.
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the sanctions will end dispute and ends this war and helps rebuild ukraine, re establish his peace and recognizes the country sovereignty and territorial integrity. so it must be that the sanctions have one ultimate goal to make the russian army and it's offensive in ukraine once. and for all, but lots of the measures, put ford already in place barely have anything to do with the russian men in uniform or the people in charge. i mean those responsible for sending them to ukraine. it's like we're what the thing a grand international cancelling russia contest where countries and businesses compete and how they're going to make things worse for russian soldiers. but why also russian cats or russian interior designers. otherwise, how do you explain a ban on kitty's from this country? at international exhibitions or the decision by sweetest furnished her trying to
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care to abandon russia. how throwing moscow out of into paul and international police. you and going to help. today, canada and other close partners are calling to suspend russia from interpol. we're supporting this because we believe that international law enforcement cooperation depends on a collective commitment to the universal declaration of human rights and mutual respect between interpol members. it's up to you to judge if that has much to do with the conflict. it's unclear though, how tourism or air travel will make vladimir putin change his mind. but 1st, the world's major jet makers like airbus and boeing decided to freeze parts supplies to russian airlines. then among the latest industry decisions was won by a texas based airline software. joined to and the distribution agreement with air flop. we're taking a stand against this military conflict. we are complying and will continue to
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comply with sanctions imposed against russia. it means air flawed flights. won't show up on online travel agencies or other 3rd party sites. now, how's bids for canceling russia award? the likes of dizzy and hollywood studios have decided to put on hold their movie releases in washing theaters. and if banning russian pair limpy in from beijing 2022 wasn't enough for the russian army. b, a sports has initiated processes to remove the russian national team and all russian clubs from a sports fee for products, including fee for $22.00 fee for mobile and fee for online were also actively evaluating related changes to other areas of our games cancelling the russians in free fall for the likes of play station pool. be aware. well, surely the businesses are free to decide what to do with their products. in some
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cases with the latest sanctions, it may well be a matter of pride or solidarity. but it seems most of that effort will take install on ordinary russians. not the folks wearing camouflage or whoever gives them their orders. just on this political strategist keaton mansfield, say the sanctions will also rock world economic stability along with the dollar. it has hurt russia's economy and russia's currency, the ruble in the short term. but really, in the long run, it's only going to end up to backfire against the u. s. d. when you start to kick people out as a load of economic warfare. when, for example, we've been as whaler with iran and now with russia. all that's going to do in the long run is make, in this case the u. s. the less valuable on the international market and eventually come back and hurt the american consumer. if anybody is doing something to
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undermine the world, economic stability is going to be the u. s. and nato by forcing countries into economic sanctions and putting them under the boot of economic warfare, imperialism. that's what undermines the stability of the world economy. this idea that china is the one moving to undermine stability as fall it's nonsense in the u . s. who's doing that? trying to once win win cooperation. america once, when all economic policy the scottish government meantime has been left in a flutter over its national flag. that's because, as you can see here, the scottish one on the right of the screen when inverted closely resembles the russian navy flag on the left. that's no surprise as a blue and white cross flags are linked to send andrew, who is the patron saint of both scotland? russia? scottish government emailed said the particulars so tired design most no longer be
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used. quote, under any circumstances, yet leaving be dropped from the 1st minister's covert briefing backdrop. we got reaction to the move on the streets of edinburgh. i feel like it's, it seems silly that we'd be changing a flag for the sake of one naval flags. you know, i don't think anybody would look at that and automatically have russian naval. i don't know. i feel like it could be very unreasonable, but i can understand why they would montage association with us. it does. it does make sense. i think anyway, yes, i do think it is a proportional responsive, especially knowing that russian propaganda stations will use imagery like that to make it sound like scotland is with them. when that is not true, i'd say there's thousands of flags for literally everything. there's a bunch of different countries where they already mix up flags, they kind of all look the same just depending on the color. so really i wouldn't say it's that big of a deal. it seems
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a little bit over the top. i think i probably would kinda like the 2 together to be honest, i will of associated them both know or something else to bring you russia rejected allegations from ukraine and members of the international community that it was responsible for an attack on europe largest nucular power plant doc position was reiterated. journey un security council meeting r t kil, up north, and can tell us more. the united nations, a meeting of the security council, was convened, called by britain with russia being accused by the united states, as well as by britain of endangering the world by engaging and fighting at a nuclear power plant. when na, benzene, the permanent representative of russia, the united nations took to the floor, he refuted many of these allegations and gave a correct narrative of the dance. he pointed out that russia assumed control of the
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power plant peacefully and guarded the power plant. and then from there, there was a provocative attack by ukraine nationalists. they opened fire on the russian troops regarding the power plant. the russian troops returned fire, then the ukrainian nationalist retreated, and as they retreated, they lit a fire. all of this took place on a property adjacent to the power plant. it did not happen at the actual site of the power plant. however, when november he spoke, he pointed out that this wild misrepresentation of events fits a pattern see when you see the new, this meeting is another attempt of the key, eval socrates to ferment artificial hysteria about what is happening in ukraine. their western patrons rec, calling them, and today we've heard another line, russian troops allegedly attacked as a policy and nuclear power plant. with all of that is part of an unprecedented campaign of lies in this information against russia. you are trying to present the case in such a way that the support icon was allegedly shell by the russian military and the
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fire broke out there. these statements are not true. furthermore, he pointed out that this is not the 1st time that ukrainian nationalists have used power plant in their provocations back in 2014. this very same power plant was targeted by ukranian nationalists in the hopes of drawing western allies into the conflict in ukraine. the benzo also pointed out the brutal atrocities being committed by the ukranian nationalist fighting forces. these ukrainian nationalists fighting forces have taken half is they've prevented people from playing to humanitarian corridors. they've opened fire on chinese nationals who are trying to flee from ukraine. so you know, a lot, it's not being reported in western media, was highlighted by the russian representative when he took the floor to defend russia from the allegation that they were attacking a nuclear power plant. and one of the main points that had been the made, he said that what would russia gain from having a huge amount of nuclear fall out right on their board? or if there were some kind of disaster in a power plant, new grain,
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it would most certainly blow over into bell roofs and into russia. and russia wouldn't benefit from this in any conceivable way. he pointed out that russia is doing everything possible to make sure nuclear power plants are safe and protected, and that russia wants to minimize civilian casualties and any potential dangers in this unfolding. conflict taking place in ukraine. russian diplomatic missions abroad have found themselves the target of hates over the country's actions in ukraine. stopped working at the embassy and dublin said their families have been abused, including the receiving of death threats. the russian embassy in paris was vandalized, with pain on a backpack with an incendiary mixture. inside was thrown to lunch, running the embassy in amsterdam. we heard from the ambassador's and both fronts and the netherlands about what's been happening, where someone st. blends filled with paint in the russian embassy, covering the front of the building on the wall of the embassy orthodox church. they
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wrote words that i'm not allowed to stay on as we do our best to ensure our employees safety and encourage them to take any necessary safety measures. we ask them not to leave the homes unless it is absolutely necessary. we suddenly came across some fake news that claimed russian students had been kicked out of french universities. we conducted our own research and found out that wasn't true. more over the heads of some top french universities promise that they will not expel russian students because of the political situation. now, french president emanuel micron is playing an active role in solving the ukrainian crisis and talks regularly with the russian president. france understands the need for a new european security system, but now we're at the very peak of the conflict. frances agreed to all the sanctions against russia, including economic, they're risking their own companies. it's sad news, but i hope that soon they'll realize that these actions are damaging for their own economy. it's also sad to hear that the french ministry of culture and the ministry
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of sports have been russian, are to snap fleets from performing in france. it's just nonsense shooter, richard on a backpack with a handmade in century device like a molotov cocktail, was thrown into the territory of our embassy. fortunately, it did not explode. liquid in the bottle did not ignite the motives lie on the surface. this is an attempt to intimidate us to make us make mistakes. in addition, letters with white powder was sent to my address and to my colleagues, we gave him to the police who conducted an analysis. it turned out to be flour also before that flares were thrown at us. as for russian citizens living in the netherlands, indeed, we hear that they are receiving threats, discriminate, reactions had been committed against them. some have been fired from their job simply because their russian, others had denied rental housing, forced to move out immediately, and some one was threatened with physical violence. now a 3rd round of talks between moscow in care of as expected early next week. the 2
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sides previously agreed on creating humana, cherry and corridors for civilians in ukraine as well as delivering food and medicine to conflict. so indeed, in this foot, as you can see, a russian convoy adding to the city of melli toppa, an ukraine. se lot a lauri's, more than a 100 tons of aid for civilians has been supplied. r t senior correspondent murat gas div is on the ground there. one of the most pressing concerns now is the humanitarian situation in ukraine. the fighting there has severely disrupt that supply chains and people are finding it difficult to find food. so here and crimea, ah, efforts are being made to supply people who desperately need that food with various canned foods as well as sugar salt, buckwheat, the essentials, to see them through the worst of the fighting in all more than
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a 100 tons of desperate he needed food, the delivery of which has fallen on russia's emergency services at stake and not only people's lives, but the goodwill of the population. the city of mulatto population, 100000. it was liberated by russian troops largely without a fight. it is deemed somewhat safe and is the 1st destination for these humanitarian a drugs out of crimea. russia's mission here is to liberate, not occupy, as stated by putin himself, within hours of delivery. thousands across the city headed for distribution points where you go to the stalls, look around the city and you'll understand why we're here. do this right? difficulties getting hold of products, maxine and they're a long keys. every laxity. as the year the citizens are very happy or peaceful people are happy, merely a host. as we spoke to more and more people are understanding of what happened here
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over the last 8 years, grew clearer. a violent ideological pudge a reign of terror by the nationalists and neo nazis where any ideology but there is any positive opinion of russia was brutally suppressed, murders, kidnappings, beatings and threats abounded new order. yes, nationalists have come, the city that you can't really identify them until they gather in groups. the situation is better now was earlier, there was much destruction, looters, robbing taking away everything. it was madness. i support the russian operation. we don't need such nationalism. we will need to live in peace while there wasn't all that much fighting here in manitoba. that isn't to say there wasn't any. this ukrainian t 64 reportedly tank was destroyed ah, when it was caught by russian units entering the city. if along with
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a truck and apparently an armored personnel carrier which were evidently blasted apart, the battle for military bull was brief and tame in comparison to other cities. the military's job here is done. the next phase isn't up the troops. it is prosecutors and investigators working to identify and arrest nationalists and neo nazi still in the city. those complicit in horrific crimes. not only in the dom boss, but all over ukraine. and as they work, we will learn the true scale of radical right wing tara that gripped you grade for years. if wrapping up this bulletin, not as indeed where we leave the news round off for now, thanks for watching. i'll see you again soon. this is artie ah
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ah, what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race is often very dramatic. that development only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical time time to sit down and talk you know, so you wanna book it because ac not blowing. mm. are still open yet still cleans got out of. yeah. who to support?
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what kind of both got missed this deal with no way? would it be a huge would show them what they have a 3rd up up up for the day of school or pro that then you shouldn't have been really well just you said all of them are white or too late in the speaker. what potential pushes mean, pushy, i get some push a somebody see where we could put a do them by.
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