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tv   News  RT  March 7, 2022 4:00pm-4:30pm EST

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ah, ah, the 3rd round of diplomatic talks between kiev and moscow wrapped up in bella roost earlier. moscow blamed care for what is called a cynical attitude toward its own people. the ukrainian officials didn't notify them of evacuation 2 agreed humanitarian corridors to russia. an explosion at little guns oil. deborah was reported early this morning with local authorities, claiming a ukrainian miss our strikes annotate to fuel tanks. we heard from an ex ukraine army paramedic who returned to don bus. she claims the armies actually shocked her so much during the ongoing war that she quit and went home in as possible. my, you just being as cassandra, it was pretty di, discipline, growing your salary and the gas and oil prices jump to record highs midwestern
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threats to cold russia off from their markets. ah, you're watching archie international monies, peter scott on wherever you're joining us from. welcome to the program with the conflict in ukraine in its 12th day. let's just take a quick look at some of the latest developments. the 3rd round of diplomatic talks between kevin moscow has just come to a close in belarus. the russian delegation says the generally it's ex basin. thanks . hope expectations haven't be met earlier. moscow slammed kiev, saying it had broken agreements on humanitarian corridors. it claims ukrainian officials didn't notify people that they could now safely leave by those leading to russia. during the latest round of negotiations though,
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ukraine vowed to open up the humanitarian corridors on tuesday. and in europe, energy prices break all time rec holds amid sanctions against russia, with the ukrainian president now urging the west to boy called the impulse of all russian oil and petro products. however, the german chancellor has just defended a decision to maintain and g supplies from russia. so the european union, the 3rd round of talks between russia and ukraine has just finished with the head of the russian delegation, expressing hope that you monetary and corridors will finally be opened to those wishing to leave in the morning. with susan, probably, we were discussing the issue of humanitarian corridors for a long time, which we agreed on during the previous meeting, but which absolutely did not work due to non fulfillment fight. the ukrainian armed forces on the ground on the orders of their command narrow administration. we hope that starting tomorrow, these corridors will finally work because the ukrainian side has given us its
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assurances about this. prior to the thought, the head of the russian delegation had alleged that the previous agreement was not properly implemented by the ukrainian side. meanwhile, the ukrainian vice president claimed the corridors that lead to russia were on acceptable said, nothing yagni variant. it's an unacceptable option for humanitarian corridors to be open. we are people will not go from ivan cardi, which is near kiana to beller, is in order to then fly by plane to rush at him. so i hope that the french president latrell understands that his name and sincere desire to help the civilian population of ukraine as well as foreign citizens of china, pakistan, india, and many other countries is actually being used and manipulated by russia. and she said not to be able to grab and official response from the ukranian side was only received at 7 o'clock in the morning to day. however, the key of regime deliberately didn't mentioned the opening of the humanitarian corridors to the russian federation from kiev was the carcass, mary, you pollen sumi,
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up to the citizens of those and other residential areas weren't informed of the opportunity for safe evacuation at all. i think this is nothing but explicit cynicism towards their fellow citizens, ukrainian ports of murder, you pulleys of the sense of the conflicts right now with fighting in the city. continuing on all attempts to evacuate civilians failing day by day. however, some have money to flee on, they shed with those what they've been through. oh, they use us as human shields, our own ukrainian military. they shall take civilians at children. 4 days ago, my husband, my child and i left the basement where we had been hiding to go home because we were told that everything was quiet. and then they opened fire on us safe with the move. the shots are being fired from residential buildings. everyone can see this happening from their windows, the ukrainian army, dr. tanks there and launch rockets and mortars from passenger cars. people aren't being evacuated at all. they are sitting in basements, even small children,
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and there are a lot of people there. when russia opened humanitarian corridors, we decided to go, we got 100 meters out of the city and they started shooting at us from behind the ukranian army. right at us, we lay down and didn't move for an hour and a half. and then when we got really cold, we decided to run again. i was honestly really that will me and leave with water that mentioned to fit as of the others. i guess walsman footloose is is useful to finish. will you gloria number for solution with closing to home, usually with
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digital which the russian defense ministry has recently commented on the situation in the city alleging militants, the using terrorist type takes opening fire on all who tried to flee was low. i'm, we're still showing my open, i mean, according to civilians who escaped from mary paul yesterday. the situation in the nationalist occupied city is difficult. people are hiding in basements and due to a lack of electricity and gas in homes, they are forced to cook on the street on bonfires in the military, sir, dispersing that nationalists open fire on all civilians who try to leave their homes. and people are forced to paint on the walls and doors of houses don't shoot nothing. there are children here. go back to the meanwhile in the ukrainian regions, these unverified videos show people waiting for evacuation route, the train stations and evolve and thrive. ask where they've been reporting the false to waiting cute for hours to flee those cities. earlier we spoke to the president of the international committee of the red cross,
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and he gave us an overview of the humanitarian situation ukraine. oh, you may care in situation obviously as far as we see is extremely serious. it is particularly serious in urban areas of the country suite. see the proximity of the aliens and battle fields. at the same time, we tried the best we can to respond to a increase the landscape of need hundreds of thousands of people in need. but we also want engage with the parties in order to find consensus and precise agreements about evacuation rules about access into a c, h a are fighting areas as well as a voluntary evacuation and wallet voluntary escape routes for civilian populations. as we see, this is
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a highly competitive issue. it's not the only place in the world where we see difficulties of having precise agreements between the military switch are able to work in real life. but i appreciate all the efforts from all sides in order to come to functioning agreements, precise agreements, so that the civilians can find safe places can be protected and you, many parents can access the russian defense ministry has shared this footage of what it claims to be abundant positions of care forces, or to say these are destroyed ukrainian armored vehicles as well as fortified areas . dug out some concrete bunkers. russian humanitarian aid has continued heading to those in need in ukraine. convoys parts with food have arrived in the city of care, sol, nothing was taken by russian forces votes. as our senior correspondent rod goes
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d of reports, some ukrainian nationalists have reportedly been trying to intimidate those, accepting help in all these areas. now, under the control of russian forces and where humanitarian aid is being delivered, we see the same scene being repeated and that is hundreds, thousands of people queuing at distribution points for desperately needed food and, and always a handful of spoilers appear most often with, with mobile phones to film what they're doing, they'll stand aaron and shout insults, brush and troops or the masses queuing for desperately needed food. they then upload that footage to social media or friendly western media outlets to create the impression that ukrainians are against russian aid. when it couldn't be further from the truth. across liberated areas of ukraine convoys of russian aid,
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food and essentials, are an increasingly common sight. hundreds of tons have been loaded and sent to ukrainian cities and communities on the verge of starvation. but some people, but rather she thousands starve and cues that stretch for hundreds of meters. you'll find them holding phones in people's faces. they are few in number, but aggressive and loud. i. when i gost theses tame compared to what other ukranian nationalists the saying they want to hunt down any one starving or not. who takes baggy needed food from the russian convoys. 2 of them finding out who are you more? not hulu, they do those because all of them give the form to them. beautiful machine for me,
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but on when you so, i mean, there's been lots of other horrible to them because of the, the ceiling. they are a tiny minority, the nationalists said neo nazis, but they have enormous sway. 2 years of mud violence, bullying and intimidation. have frightened people to the cool few dare to stand up to them. but judge for yourself, for every 1000 people. good, welcome, rush, an aid. only a handful, appeared to insult and scream. you could just contact jim. i want to say all of the citizens of hers and that i wish them health, i want to thank you. we are very happy and grateful. oh sir, co on us of the but on the shackle, the street, we have a supermarket nearby. it's empty. there is nothing in the store except a sweet smile. there's a shock next to us. i stood in line there to buy 2 slices of cheese and a pack of butter. i gave 197 hiena. this are and thinkable prices. they're like more doors. there's a crazy q from bread. people cannot buy bread,
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so not rushes intended. the knots application of ukraine has already begun at bull likely be an intense process given how grave the security threat ease. just kilometers from where aid workers were handling out food. russian forces detained a man with explosives, firearms, and orders. we just looked at what is your rank, what branch of the armed forces? the 124th territorial defense brigade, head of military civilian cooperation. the threat of terrorist attacks, bombings and subterfuge were likely grow as nationalists and neo nazis hunker down and go into hiding. but for now, it remains a tough balancing act for russia. juggling the needs of the people and their good will while fulfilling its go. the demilitarization and d. nuts application of ukraine. or i'd gas div from here, son, ukraine,
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ukraine, and the west view. russia's military arch as an unprovoked all out invasion on their calling for the immediate withdrawal of all russian forces. a huge explosion waterloo, guns, oil depot, early monday morning. local authorities blamed a ukrainian missile strikes a his hit suits hanks, reportedly no one was injured. denazi's correspondence maria phenomena has the latest we here in lou ganske this morning, woke up from a sound of massive explosion were rushed to the window. to see this, you now can see black smoke, but there was blaze before that as well. firefighters are currently working on the ground to fix it. and now we hear from local military authorities that to the cities. oil depot was heat by. they say tortuga, you may say this is a high precision tactical ballistic missile that they say this time was fired from around the city of sarah. then yet some 75 kilometers from where we are now. this
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is where the frank line lies, and indeed, they believe ukraine's armed forces ard behind the attack, and they strongly condemn targeting civilian infrastructure. we haven't heard any common oh, any reaction on what happened here in logan's from key of yet. meanwhile, here where i am now, lou ganske republic, her local army is continued to advance as you said, and on some directions, they have already succeeded around like 75 kilometers. and we hear reports from local military authorities that they have already taken control over alike, around 60 villages. and here's my report on what happens when the army here on the ground takes control over a town or a village, fighting attacking, advancing, capturing ground. that's how the military moves forward. but what happens next is
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perhaps even more important clearance. this is what the army has to do in every village. they take control off, they check every street. every house especially destroyed to make sure there are no explosives to come and tactic by the ukrainian armies to mine. air is they retreat from this one is already cleared. but what's also crucial is the careful tracking of those who remain civilians are of course, free to go. but all those affiliated with the military are detained for further investigation. this is what happened to tatiana, a former nurse, and the ukranian armed forces. that yanna hasn't seen her daughter in 5 days. that's how long it took for the logan's crew, public authorities to check and make sure she poses no threat. now the fighting has moved on. i fits on level shoe show why in the st. louis shayton army crane apparently handled on you, said barrows, we beside let us be scared,
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don't stall just will re to cook. when would you? if sure jojo has done sketchily. okay, was that a shot settled on you submitted a kernel and elegance garment personally with her shiana to her family. apparently, this is the 1st time this has happened in your book, at least in logan's all prisoners of war. i said to be detained until hostilities are over. seek for her new bird grubby, little girl dozer loader door. deborah warner asked him took the test over pony crystal clear because the key were unable to twas additionally, the moist feature for butcher my new when you look in your gravy ammonium formula, crystal clear because on the previous wallace with your computer or live to what you thought if you play them away with a shame relative of the noise, to fool boy, good fuel. we shuttle for my book known samira, see that they do not everybody agrees that she has neighbors say she helped keeps
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military. so should be in jail. but yeah, i joined ukraine's army back in 2016 to make ends meet. they paid. well look, now she says she feels betrayed. dorn, meaning spa solve my, you chest, me as possible at this period. i just thought i'm kind of a little more brilliant silver gray in the past and was personally tim credit that was listed and would kill me slurs it earlier in which is your what they mean in you you duty just according to see business lame see mm. hm, but yeah, and he's not the 1st member of you phrase military to address her former uniform colleagues with such calls as days turned to weeks there heard more frequently, but as the war in this conflict, weary region rages on, it seems such voices and not always heard murray phenomena arte from the logan's republic as the fighting continues in ukraine,
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russia's defense ministry says done yet can no guns forces continue to take more territory. thus, as russian troops are also advancing in other parts of the country, these photos allegedly show the aftermath of ukrainian army shelling of a civilian area in the dentist region. 5 people report to the injured and a local nursery was also heads. a ukrainian woman is being treated for a gunshot wound in a city hospital of mosier in bella. ruth's as she was shot when her family fled kia for the summer house outside the capital. austin was killed by armed robbers outside the house, while she cowered with her child inside. what did it go so low? it seemed like everything was fine, but there were no soldiers or military vehicles in the village, but they were near by driving along the central highway. my husband went outside, closed the door and went to his neighbor to collect water from the well. he was then shot dead by 2 people. they were not soldiers, but most likely armed looters. weapons are being distributed to every one now. they
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fired at the windows and then climbed into the house. they looked around but did not see my child in me as we were hiding. they left through the window, but then fired back at the front door. the bullet hit me and then they were gone. well, amid pressure to strengthen sanctions from western countries, oil and gas prices have skyrocketed over the last few days. thus as prison zalinski calls for a complete embargo on russian energy exports. it's not clear though, where the western politicians are ready to take that risk. earlier i spoke with ortiz don culture about gus prices, energy prices. they've been skyrocketing across the western world in the u. s. first of all, we've got oil prices just under their historic peak that came, that was in 2008. and in europe we've seen a gas prices even surpass their record highs. we're talking about over $3900.00 for a 1000 cubic meters of gas. that's $373.00 per kilowatt hour. these are prices
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that people just several months ago would have considered to be apocalyptic. and so we have to ask ourselves, how did we get to this spike in prices? and the answer is, western politicians have simply been talking about the potential of a ban on all oil imports from the world's largest oil exports. and that's russia, an actual ban hasn't even come into effect. and yet we have on the one hand, the european commission talking about putting forward policies that would potentially raise these prices even higher. and on the other hand, we have germany, which is saying we can't just ditch russian oil at the drop of a hat to morrow. the european commission will table proposals on how to quickly get rid of our dependency on russian fossil fuels. this means diversifying suppliers, switching to liquefied natural gas and pipeline gas, re powering the ease by investing and renewables, and proving energy efficiency. the federal government has been urgently working for months with its partners in the european union and beyond to develop alternatives
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to russian energy. this cannot be done overnight. it is therefore, a conscious decision on our part to continue the activities of commercial companies in the field of energy supply with russia. i think it goes without saying that european energy policy, even before we got to this point, was one of the main reasons we saw the energy crisis begin late last year. and a, one of the main reasons that europe has long had some of the highest energy costs in the world. as for american liquefied natural gas, we have to look at what antony blinkin said. yesterday he said he was going to be discussing with european politicians how to get them on board on with a anti russian oil embargo. and it's pretty clear who's going to be the only winner in such a scenario. of course, washington that selling this american liquefied natural gas and how the u. s. house of representatives is already drafting a bill to put that into action. but among the other major supporters of an embargo
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of russian oil is of course, the ukranian president vladimir zalinski. now, she desert his morals, if the invasion continues in russia does not abandon its plans against ukraine, than a new sanctions package is needed against the war. there should be a boycott of russian exports and a rejection of oil and oil products from russia. this can be referred to as an embargo, or you could just call it a moral choice. it is necessary to cast aside fear and forget about commerce. both countries and companies need to take a moral stance. now we've, we've heard the strong and so can you said, you know, the talk in itself was enough just to send the prices sewing, but so far the west has stopped short of implementing an all outbound on russian energy s. exports. but do you think no, be able to do it without catastrophic consequences back home while, according to the experts, it seems that without catastrophic consequences, it's not going to be possible. we've heard from analysts from bank of america who are saying that if russian oil were to be entirely blocked for from import in the
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west, we would be looking at a potential doubling in the price of oil. we also heard from the analysts that j. p . morgan, who said that by the end of the week, the price of a barrel of oil could be as high as $185.00. and in regard to the situation, we really have to look at one relevant example as to why banning russian oil would be a really bad idea. that's the fact that a shell oil just recently bought a 100000 metric tons of russian oil because it said it had no other alternative if it were not to buy the soil than it would have been facing us. the shortfalls in sal i, let's take a listen to the official announcement from the company. yesterday we made the difficult decision to purchase a cargo of russian crude oil. our refineries produce petrol and diesel, as well as other products that people rely on every day to be clear without an uninterrupted supply of crude oil to refineries. the energy industry cannot assure continued provision of essential products to people across europe over the weeks ahead. cargoes from alternative sources would not have arrived in time to avoid
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disruptions to market supply. now, while we're hearing these kinds of statements from, for example, shell and the german chancellor that it's just not possible to ditch russian oil over night. at the same time, we're hearing comments from ukrainian officials, basically trying to shame people who are still doing business with russia in the oil sphere. one example is ukraine's foreign minister who asked shell over twitter if the oil it just bought, smelled like the blood of ukrainians. but whatever brussels and washington is trying to accomplish and perhaps blocking the import of russian oil, there's no doubt that the kind of blow back they're going to face is going to have themselves shooting themselves in the foot. we spoke to german economist, achy, hama, who says the current crisis and sanctions against russia will strike the european union artist new green deal. but they have implanted in the you and in the u. s. and so on for ages means that they want to get rid of all the old
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economy and going towards new economies where america is the leader in the world. the european union is nothing else of plundering up against germany since the beginning. so when germany economy is faltering, all the other port a to the french and the spanish and italian and so on and so on. so what we will get to the big, big crisis. everybody wandered across the ocean and you know, new york and so on. so what we, what we would see now is that with nice price increases the, the entire financial system will. busy fall apart and i think this could already be the stone that brings everything into into a crash. and now for some news, just in russia, the deputy prime minister, alexander novak has commented on proposals, the court of russia's oil supplied to the west. he said it would lead to catastrophic consequences for the word markets and possibly causing a surgeon prices of up to $300.00 per barrel or even more. he also mentioned the
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ongoing dispute over rushing gas supplies by say, moscow could take a reciprocal response and stop gas flow through the north stream. one pipeline, which currently operates on the search of the ukraine. that will be due to the been on the no stream to gas pipeline, but he said that wouldn't happen. focused on a prime minister, iran con has hit out as a joint letter from western and voice calling for pockets done to condemn russia's actions in ukraine. the country, which is a traditional ally of the west, abstain from voting as the un general assembly reprimanded russia for his acts in ukraine. as heads of mission to the islamic republic of pakistan, we urge pakistan to join us in condemning russia's actions. what do you think of us or we are slaves? that whatever you say, we will do. a pakistani foreign office spokesmen things. it's not unusual diplomatic practice for invoice to make appeals such as in the letter. the
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countries prime minister also stressed the pakistan is not in any companies trying to stay neutral. meanwhile, retired pakistan read general georgia say things the resolution was not justified as the general assembly should not be selective in who it condemns. i don't think there's a need for us to support that resolution because it does not justify if you condemn my country, then you have to be the 100 bid every one. and then why this the mission chart to become them. but don't, don't be selective. and i particularly, i feel that the, the bush and demand for you to another country mother just to justify thing. and i think it, it's been granted to the shop in the shop. i think they should have been forced into the situation. nobody can look on
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a level search looming large it is on those tech americans never liked to shut his eyes and they didn't started. and how can they expect to be doing this? so naturally, even demand. well, that's all for this off all the latest developments on the concepts in ukraine, head over to r t dot com. my name is peter scotts, and thank you for watching. ah, the news ah ah
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ah. north atlantic alliance, recognizance aircraft wolf ships cruising close to russia's borders, have become commonplace along with military hardware redeployment and large scale exercises. nato has also developed its offensive capability near the russian borders. ah ah, every year a russian backed resolution is submitted to the un against the glorification of not system the outcome is
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always the same. the u. s. votes against it, and in recent years with ukrainian backing with typically the u obtains. ah, but with most countries voting in favor, the document is accepted. but it's only advisory lou meter causing a writer in history professor with the american university in washington summarizes the usa official position. united states says that we're not going to prevent freedom of speech. united states as that even the nazis have the right to speak and to assemble the german journalist and filmmaker mark, but all my sees the ukrainian and u. s. positions differently. that only i'm like on our knee. my knee does torn, he's the one on name.


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