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tv   Documentary  RT  March 18, 2022 4:30am-5:01am EDT

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crimea, as water supply cut off power had saddled more than a 1000000 people with ruinous sanction. and the near total economic blockade. but they failed to break crimea, and a g as on the peninsula is more sure than ever before. that it made the right choice more, i guess the of, from across the pickups. crimea. why should foreign ministry spokesperson, maria is, or whoever has a choose to populate italian newspaper of prejudice. that's after less than the front page on wednesday shows. aftermath of a missile strike. on the city of bennett's, according to the diplomat, that the daddy parcels, the victims of that recent attack as bits resulting from russia's military offensive. the image shows scattered bodies and grieving people, internet's with the headline quote, thus kira is facing a final assault. so however, accused the publication of falsification as wasn't the ukrainian capital in the
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photo. the recent missile strike and the bennett's were public killed, $21.00 civilians, local authorities blamed ukrainian armed forces, saying they used classical munitions which are legal under international law. if use indiscriminately, ukraine denies the allegations and that newspaper headline comes on top of a string of accusations of missed information around the one ukraine. moscow recently had to refute allegations by the u. s. embassy of its involvement in the shelling of ukrainian citizens in the northern city of channel gulf didn't go to suit. you're gonna lose you near below the russian armed forces units in the area and that well. so i check his blocking roads with no offensive against the city being waged. the footage is spread by the ukrainian propaganda machine shows no traces of any exploded munitions. all the windows in the adjacent buildings are intact. there are no signs of damage on the walls or traces of explosion on the land. thus, all those who have been killed the victims of ukrainian nationally. these images
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are yet another example of events stage ukraine security forces for the what is witnessing the so called bankruptcy of globalization. that's the striking assessment of the current global situation from turkey's interior minister. russia has realized how it has been framed and squeezed by the united states. of course, we will see together whether this is a new cold war or something else, but this is the bankruptcy of globalization. the minister author controversially alleged the european block is governed by what he described as far as rules. referring to the influential finance. yet the statements come in the wake of a wave of sanctions imposed on moscow. russia is now the most sanctioned country in the world, having been suspended from many international financial operations with most western leaders condemning the countries offensive in ukraine. the chairman of turkeys, patriotic party, told r t. the current situation indicates not only globalization, rapid decline,
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but also that of nato. it is saying she lay ma stolen. i fully agree with the interior ministers evaluation that we are observing, the bankruptcy of globalization. moreover, the interior minister also stated that the crisis displayed the bankruptcy of nato reason for the erosion of the crisis is the nato's initiative towards the east and who do know expanding towards the nato moving toward its own graveyard. and consequently, the current will prove that the us initiative to enlarge nato in the east is leading to the dissolution of nato itself. as we continue with our coverage of the one you quain, seen, will have an exclusive interview with russia, foreign minister. so gay laval, but for now let's have a short break. ah,
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a, a with, with you that is with you. i'm with
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full credit. got to boot from beach. good. deal easier for this patient, but i to in the board with western capital say, what does it mean to foreign policy dilemma? the go to position is something must be done even if that's something counterproductive and dangerous. this is now happening when it comes to ukraine. something must be done, means escalation. is
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your media reflection of reality in the world transformed what will make you feel safe? isolation, whole community? are you going the right way or are you being led? direct? what is true? what is great? in the world corrupted, you need to descend a join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. a christina, it isn't with
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the when you know maybe a bomb with a lot of the life. i a feller the on you
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those and those are ah, as the conflicting ukraine enters its 4th week, russian foreign minister, so again, devolved gives an exclusive interview about the current situation. let's go live now to ortiz, donald cortez, who's with so get involved. donald, they have such a lot to cover given recent events. what can you tell us before we start other paula: well, like you said, i'm right now in the ministry of foreign affairs of russia and right here in the studio with me is the foreign minister of russia. sergei love rob. we're going to be talking a lot about a number of topics, specifically sanctions, the pentagon sponsored bio labs and ukraine, and even washington's plan to enlist take talkers in its propaganda war against
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russia. all that is coming to you in just a few moments. ah, or mr. leverett, i just want to say 1st thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to discuss what's going on in the world right now. these events that you yourself are an actor of. so let's go right down to business. the 1st thing i want to ask is, sanctions, these currently sanctions that are currently imposed on russia? they're of course, unprecedented. and they are really negatively affecting the lives of ordinary russians, even though washington is saying that it's not targeting russians. what can you say about what the goal of these sanctions are and who the target really is? well, thank you for the invitation and they believe the goal of the sanctions is much more strategic than just your brain. i think what we witness in the grain is the
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quintessence of the west and course strategic course to marginalize russia to contain russia to store oppression, rushes development and to reduce russia to 0 in the world. politics and world economy will trade wall sports art, science education. and we observe unprecedented steps west and colleagues taking. and one of the underlying threats is the united states desire, which has been much more manifested by the, by the, by the administration to come back to unipolar world. and if you wish, if you wish they are trying to take the melting 4th concept from the united states
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soil and to make them out the input from the entire world and they would be them elders the earth in union already. i think 99 percent stopped trying to be independent. president mcgroon of course, keeps repeating. that started you got on them for the european union. these he is gold and he would be fighting for it. but my guess is that he will not succeed. germany is already absolutely ready to be under the united states. for the reason the situation was no stream to clearly indicate that what the exact place in the world politics germany occupies. now, when the americans can persuade that, quote unquote, the germans and others, the miracles know much better what europe needs for its energy security than european themselves. and there are many examples like this. so the sanctions
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drive is going to continue. they are threatening the fifths wave. maybe there would be another wave about where use it. and i will, i will recall that long before the ukrainian crisis erupted because of the illegal on ticket and to consider jewish. no good at the sanctions for the radio imposed on us it was, you know, when the jackson amendment was repealed among the sky was immediately introduced and the sanctions and were on the way or another state. and then there was series of sanctions, as you mentioned before, to punish us basically for supporting the legitimate cause of russians in ukraine. basically, russians in dream yet you know the story. i wouldn't 3 shows the events on the
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sequence of events, but the latest, the latest sanctions the wave was really unprecedented than the president bush and a recall to we are now gentle. and so the number of sanctions introduced against the russian federation. more than $5000.00 individual, it's almost twice as many as wait for it was introduced to us there on the north korea. but the sanctions for all of us made us stronger after the sanctions and announced in 2014 when the west could not accept. the 3 would of grey means to rejoin the russian federation. when the west basically is supported, illegitimate, and constitutional. good luck. when the west ignored, you know,
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what was, what was very interesting for me when i talked about those 2 events. to my invest, i'm going to x, they very often use the tactic of cutting off on the one that historical theory. the situation in the ukraine. they started discussing only was what they call annexation, offering me if you remind them that it all started with the european union and being unable to insist on the implementation of the deal, which they are guaranteed by the position. and when the position just has thrown away the deal signed and guaranteed by the european union and then the leaders over their position and over the so called my done the ridiculous like the mid 3 yellowish was saying, we stand for grain with the roskus and cuts ups, which is moscow. and he publicly stated that the for the russians
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love, he said the russians in crimea would never think ukrainian would never speak ukrainian would never glorify the heroes. meaning that answer have each and other collaborators of hitler that the russians must be. and that's why russians the russians must be wiped out of gradient. actually, this was said a couple of things before the gray meals eventually decided to go director and them . and this ward sway company, bye bye. so they send to groups to take control of the creamy environment, and that's how it all started. not dimension the initiative immediately on the 1st day of this school, the pushes introduced initiative to do away with the stages of the russian language and ukraine, which was in the ukranian constitution. so all this instincts were immediately
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translated into very or so for big policies. and by the way they do this, russian should get out of ukraine, is still very much on the mind of politicians in this country. i lecture new book the, the leader of the radical budget of border freedom and repeatedly says that we must have darrow's if occasion, as he s he says, as you call a cold calls it. and the lucifer cation means that ethnic russians must not have their own language, schuster and identity in ukraine. and so many similar things. but what is more important for us to understand a guarantee they state the flake, his statement, bazillion sky himself. so i said the alternator called for rations to be wiped out of premier. and president lamp sky in september last, you said,
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if you believe you're irrational, if you believe you want to be russian, and if you want to be friendly with russia, go to russia. you said this just a few months ago. so coming back to sentence sanctions, we will survive the measures to reach the president and the government are developing, liberating and being announced. and this is only the beginning of our because the new to adjusting that to get the just adjusted to the new situation after 2014, as i said, that to say that we did gain experience to rely upon ourselves. and the, the biggest lesson from this particular historic period is unlike what we saw after 2015 that now even there was any illusion that we can one day rely on less than badness. this illusion is no longer there and we will have to rely,
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oh no, and i was cells and are now lice. who would stay with us. this is the, the, the main conclusion for the russia in the context of jo, politics. i think it's safe to say that russian culture specifically has become accustomed to being part of you might say, a global village of countries that share deep economic ties and enjoy traveling between each other. how do you think the sanctions are going to influence the everyday life of russians in the long term in relation to that? well, as i said, the, the assessment of what is going on in my view clearly indicates that what the american wants is union portable,
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which would be not like a global village, which would be like an american village. and maybe a american saloon where, you know, who is the throne, this is calling the shots and they said they are succeeding to mobilize behind themselves and on the basis of their own interest, the entire, the entire western world, which is indicative of how independent nate, members and european union members and which is indicative what the, what the place the or the union as i said would have in the future configuration of the world situation and was system dara players who would never accept the level village under the miracle sheriff and china india brazil's, argentina, mexico,
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i'm sure this countries do not want to be just in the position of an uncle. sam ordered them something, and they say, yes sir. and of course, russia is not in the category of countries who would be, who would be ready to do. so actually when people save and the american sand west and the europeans and other say that the russia was defeated in the general assembly. because vast majority of countries vote against the russian action in ukraine. it's misleading. because if you take the population represented by the countries who are not voting against russian. and especially if you take the number of countries who introduce sanctions against russia. majority of those who was that against us did so, and the huge pressure on the black male including, i know this for sure,
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including the threats to individual delegates regarding the assets. and tonight that states bank accounts, children studying and universities and so on and so forth. you steps a lutely and unprecedented black mail and pressure. i was out the new scruples. so majority of those countries who wrote it that we do as they did not and they would not enter into essential use rush. they believe that it's, you know, not very big price to pay for their own practical cooperation with russia just the world or something which is needed for the worst for entirely problem a district purpose. so we will be as always, open to cold duration was any one who is ready to do so on the equal basis of the
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basis of mutual respect and searching for balance of interests. and the countries in the east or fresher, much more, much more disposed to act on this basis. and we will certainly reciprocate for the, for the, for the benefits of both us and our partners. now we're not closing the door on the west. they are doing so, but when they come back to their census, and when this door use reopened, we will be looking at proposed projects of coal duration with very important thing in mind to which i, i know that already that we will be going into the duration with them knowing very well that we cannot be sure that they are reliable and that they are credible. as long as i'd like to take the discussion now to sort of different topic these u. s. sponsored bio labs and ukraine. i mean, for years already,
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russia has been trying to bring the world's attention to them. and the latest piece of evidence connected to them, the russian military just put forward not too long ago with documents signed by us officials in connection to them. why do you think the world is not paying so much attention to these vile labs and will washington and its allies be held accountable for what they're doing? they're actually, it's interesting that the special military duration launched by the president of the restaurant in duration. discover many things which are very important for understanding of what is going on. recently the military of russia together is danielle scott le ganske forces discovered duck him. and so the ukraine in general stuff indicating clearly that they was preparing
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a mischief attack against then. yes, going to ask republics. so the alteration which was launched by russia, in fact 3 emp that the threat and didn't allow them to implement what they wanted to do. and they wanted to do exactly what they failed to, to do implementing the music agreements. they were trying to use what they called land be and to take these territories by force, leaves bloodshed in non believable skill or non believable scale in addition to what they have been doing to civilians for the last 8 years. but another set of documents which was discovered these, as you said, documents related to military biological activity of the united states in ukraine. the documentary signature of ukrainian officials, u. s. military,
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those laboratories, created being have been created by the united states all over the world, more than 300 laboratories in various countries. many of them on the dream, at the of the russian federation. and the former soviet republics, including ukraine. ukraine is probably the biggest project for the dental gun who is running. this is show this special stance threat reduction agency over a month ago and is in charge of this biological activity. and they develop, developing very dangerous. but the genes, including the plague, including brucellosis on trucks, many others which are really very dentures. and we know that they would experimenting on the but then show infections
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which could be related to the espn groups living in the east of ukraine and in neighboring regions. so fresh we have been raising decision international organizations for a while, i would say almost more than 20 years in 2002. and we suggested that the country is participating in convention on prohibition of biological and talks in the weapons should develop a verification mechanism which would be transparent, which would be understood by everybody and the plate the every but because the convention itself provides for consultations. if any, but dissipating state has some suspicions or some information to be sure the state would like to clarify. and the if these consultations indicate
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that there is a good reason for some kind of investigation, then investigation is supposed to billing. but there is no mechanism to investigate them. there is no mechanism which would require each and every country in response to an address to provide information and to be or into transparency. if it's biological activity, anywhere deed on your own territory or abroad. by the way, the american some years ago, decided that that is too dangerous to do the sink. these things on their own soil. so they moved all this threatening and dangerous activities to other countries and more and more, they concentrate the research and experiments around the borders of the russian federation and chain. so we will be insisting on this issue to be picked up by the by jiggle weapons convention, but also by the security council because it's
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a clear threat the international peace and security. and the, the meeting of the security council, initiated by the russian federation is taking place on the 18th of march itself. and we will be again, emphasizing the importance of negotiating a legally binding protocol to the convention on biological weapons, which would be require obligatory transparency measures by any participating state that americans have north light is known, would be against it. but this position of this over them is not. there's not defendable. i am convinced that more and more countries understand how dangerous this this plans are. and we will continue to fight the whole thing on the topic of washington's role and all of this. i mean, there's been a lot of talk specifically from zelinski calling for weapons to come to his country
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from the west. he's talked about a demand for establishing a no fly zone over ukraine. and this is something that joe biden just recently, again said is not going to happen because that would leads no doubt to outright war between russia and nato and the united states. why do you think ukraine is so desperately trying to make some sort of scenario like that happens? well, they think ukraine understands the job by doing what they like to think of. some of his statements is their experience, politician and he understands that that is absolutely in admissible to, to establish something like a no fly zone to provide the planes to drain and to do other things which will bring the risk of direct confrontation between nathan russia just you know, immediately skills understands there are much more, much less responsible politicians in united states who are being educated by
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ukrainian love, be, and jazz very run by yourself. are the feelings. and many of them i am congress. and as you know, they, they adopt every now and then resolutions condemning russia threatening russia. and i believe he, he, he is counting on them pushing the president in the direction of more confrontational approach. while we clearly said that any, any cargo moving into ukrainian territory, which we would believe is carrying weapons would be a fair game. and i mean this, this is clear because we are implementing the duration, the goal of which is to remove any threat to the russian federation coming from the ukrainians.


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