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tv   News  RT  March 18, 2022 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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ah ah miss howard's headline story. british media regulator off. com revokes artes broadcasting license, citing the current conflict in trade on the channels quote, relationship with the russian federation party slumps to watch dogs move us politically motivated. over 200000 people have parked a moscow sports stadium to celebrate the 8 anniversary of premier rejoining russia a sanctioned pile up against russia. people across europe also feel a pinch with the cost of living. so ring experts warn the worst is yet to come. also ahead with the melting port constant from united states soil and to make them out to the boat
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from the on. they will be ban welters, russian foreign minister, sir. gala roth talks about his country's relations with the west, ukrainian prices and sanctions in an exclusive interview with r t to be shown throughout the day here on our aah. from moscow to the world. this is our t pleasure to help you with us today. my name's union o'neil, the se ukrainian city of mario paul has been under relentless bombardment since russian trip surrounded it. on march, 2nd, the russian defense ministry, sage, ukrainian nationalist forces have attempted to capture the cities infrastructure and some 90 per cent of buildings have been damaged. on monday,
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moscow said it had sent 450 tons of medicine food on the central supplies to morrow you pull up to 400000 people are still fought to be trucked with supplies. running out many are trying to flee the war torn city using asia, monetary and car door to supper. osha, which was opened around 3 days ago. according to local authorities. as many as 30000 people managed to escape at through the route so far using personal vehicles, those flame told us what they've been through. we were in the cellar for almost a week and did not try to get out with strikes were so hard that it was impossible to go outside. now a large flow of people will go through the corridor. it will only increase. there is no city there any more than that. there are no means of communication or radio in the cellar. there was no water. absolutely nothing. when we saw the dough nets, people's army, they kept open the corridor. the evacuation was organized centrally. she soldiers
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of the ukrainian army were standing on the highway in front of everyone and putting on civilian clothes in order to join the column. it is pure luck that we got out of mary. you, paul. we rushed out of the cellar at our own risk. as soon as we left the city, we saw the nets, people's army, children and women were placed in buses. i know nothing about the men. i lit them. soldiers of the ukrainian army were very violent. people were taken hostage. they didn't lead us out, just to hide behind our backs. people in odessa, meanwhile, another sitting on the countryside coast being building sun by defenses and barricades in order to protect the region from the arrival of russian forces. the port city is home to run $1000000.00 citizens, although an estimated 100000 already left since the conflict against the lancers, the un said more than $3000000.00 refugees have no fled ukraine. since the start of the conflict, almost 2 thirds have escaped to neighboring poland,
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which is overwhelming the country's public services. while the czech republic has said it no longer has the capacity to accept that was fleeing due to a lack of resources, the refugee in flux is seen by humanitarians as one of the very worst than european history. britain's media regulator has decided to revoke our t license to broadcast in the u. k, with immediate effect of come cited the current conflict in ukraine. the channel code relationship with the russian federation. r. t. slum the movers politically motivated. calling the watchdog a to of the london government. but somewhere on this, i'm joined now in the studio by r t correspondent paul slayer. paul m r t u k. a license is gone. a decision that off come itself admitted was less to do with actual wrong doing or mistakes on their part, but rather how we could possibly do our jobs independent of the state. i believe. well, that's exactly the point. i mean, normally when a channel is banned,
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he would imagine that was bend in relation to the content that is full costing. and what we see here is that in fact, instead of fighting any kind of reasons related to our content, it rather talks about the fact in terms of who funds the channel. the fact that the, the ban order comes and is related to russia's military operation in ukraine taken, listen, this investigation has taken the count of a number of factors including artes, relationship with the russian federation. it is recognized, the art is funded by the russian state, which has recently invaded a neighboring sovereign country. we also note new laws in russia which effectively criminalize any independent journalism that the parts and emotion states news narrative in particular relation to the invasion of ukraine. we consider that given these constraints that appears impossible for us to comply with the jew impartiality rules while broadcasting code, in the circumstances, apologise to pick up one of those remarks then by off come that line saying as
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regards the ukraine conflict, we cannot be satisfied that our see can be responsible broadcast or in the current circumstances, not in their own words, their investigation into alleged bias. some $29.00 separate probes hasn't even concluded. so how did they justify them? that's an important point because as you say, these investigations are ongoing. and in the past, and they reference the fact that they have been investigations in the past, a fair number of those investigations have found that he was actually okay. so they haven't actually mentioned that there is the possibility to clear our t of wrong doing. why don't also think is significant is they make and they statement a big deal out of the fact that they respect the freedom of speech and that they are not against different point of views. and again, they haven't mentioned any kind of particular reasons why they banding us. these are v are content. if you take a look at this, we recognise the art he is currently off air in the u. k. as a result of sanctions imposed by the use of the invasion of ukraine commenced,
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we take seriously the importance in our democratic society of a broadcast is right to freedom of expression. and the audience is right to receive information and ideas without undue interference. we also take seriously the importance of maintaining audience trust and public confidence in the case broadcasting regulatory regime. so i definitely think that banning a channel that is effectively only expressing its ideas is, is no way against freedom of speech. it's also significant in terms of the, the timing of this, it comes off to conversations were held in the british parliament in the british government that effectively pushed off come to make this decision to ban us. and there has been cause in the past by british officials publicly calling to silence the channel. so they 50 is a, a, a political kind of impact. reason for the decision. one of the rti itself waters
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the channel said, well the channel expected the decision to come forward. of course it, it points out the freedom of speech and the fact that the british media regulator is supposed to be independent. artie feel that it is censorship, and it certainly robs the public of the right to know of calm has shown the u. k. public and the regulatory community internationally that despite a well constructed facade of independence, it is nothing more than a tool of government bending to its media suppressing will, by ignoring ortiz, completely clean record of 4 consecutive years, and stating purely political reasons, tied directly to the situation in ukraine and yet completely associate to taught he's operations, structure management or each tauriel put of com has full c george artie to not be fit and proper and in doing so rock d u k. public of access to information. paula, thanks very much for taking us through the us our teeth. paula slayer, i'm just staying with the story. political commentator anthony webber raised the
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question with me earlier whether other broadcasters in the u. k. should not be worried about their licenses the pump. i talk being denied choice are, all of these are got lots of people of always like to train our knees and the broad cross channels. i'm not that has been designed. i actually why so? right to off come on the fall from march and pointed out to number of things which they need to to investigate at the same time regarding the out the mainstream media in the u. k. push it out. if they were going to investigate or say for reporting, they should be investigating a, b, b, c. i see based on the song which i have to talk. so that not a partial. and i noticed with this recent decision, i haven't specifically said where the races were for the king,
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the license that the un security case sills urge in session on biological laboratories in ukraine is underway in new york. we believe, let's take a listen to what's actually being said. it's just started on the article 6. as i mentioned last week, the b w. c needs to be opperation, iced and institutionalized, to ensure it is properly equipped and resourced to face future challenges. the conventions upcoming 9th review conference presents the ideal opportunity for the state parties to comprehensively strengthen a convention. the united nations office for disarmament affairs stands ready to support any procedures under the biological weapons convention that states parties may decide to use. mister president,
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turning to the issue of the safety and security of u greens, nuclear power facilities, the director general of the international atomic energy agency, has reported that according to the ukranian authorities or safety systems at the dap read their nuclear power plant plant, remained fully functional as of yesterday, following the sites, loss of connection to a 3rd external power line linking to the national electricity grid. although officials from russia, state nuclear power company were present at the facilities in southern ukraine, ukrainian stuff continue to operate the plant. the chernobyl power plant remains connected to the national electricity grid following reconnection on 4th of march. however, ukrainian operators in gods of not been able to rotate for 3 weeks now. the i am has reported that according to the ukranian authorities,
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8 of the countries 15 reactors remained operating. i understand that regarding nuclear safeguards, the i am still not receiving remote data transmission from its monitoring systems installed at chernobyl. but such data was being transferred to your headquarters from the other nuclear power plants in ukraine. i take this opportunity to re trade the sector general support for efforts by the a. yay, yay. to establish a framework on the safety and security of ukraine's nuclear facilities. and arch all parties the work towards this end. mister president. i wish to also highlight the terrible of paul. this conflict is having on civilians. the civilian casualties continue to rise. as of 16 march, the office for the high commissioner for human rights hat recorded 2032 civilian
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casualties. including 780 killed of whom 58 were children. the actual number of casualties is to be me to be much higher. most of these casualties are caused by the use of explosive weapons with a wide area impact. these include attacks using heavy artillery multiple launch rockets, systems, ballistic, and cruise missiles and air strikes. i also want to rate rate that attacks directed us civilians are prohibited by international humanitarian law . we must find a diplomatic solution to this war to put an end to the violence of sick to general guitarist set. and i quote, we need an immediate succession of hostilities and serious negotiations based on
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the principles of the un charter and international law. we need peace, peace for the people of ukraine. peaceful the world. we need peace. now. i thank you very much for your attention. escrow, essayed the non commit to any help that he her happy can email on. yeah. let me just about to be in philly. law, they are not at the kilometer alignment is all held upon all because i'm from the fidel. but i think if you get out of office will you put it to the prison bruce, she'll go. festival allow me to express miss working out what it was for your condolences when you move to the closest veins. representative of i. langley following the look at the good loss that they said this is of say a losses to the irish mission. and for all of us, so please accept our condolences with president to colleagues. we've always already
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said that during russia's special military operation in ukraine, information was discovered regarding the implementation of the cranium authorities, with the support and the direct supervision of the u. s. ministry of defense of dangerous projects, as part of their military and political program within its activity was carried out on the territory of ukraine. the center of eastern europe am in the western borders of russia, which created a real friend for the by security of our country. and the whole region during a week ago, on the request of the russian federation, that was the 1st security council meeting held on this topic. nobody was here wait and ask our western colleague the series of questions, but they haven't yet responded to them as the representative. the u. s. wasn't able to explain how the statements of the american officials about how those allegedly no u. s. controlled by a laboratories on lee crane, how that tallies with the fact of the presence of documentary proof of this kind of
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cooperation between kevin washington you're looking at recall here we're talking about a agreement signed in 2005 between the u. s. minister of fence and the ministry of health of ukraine, which is clearly set for support for the pentagon to joint biological research applicable to dangerous pathogens located in facilities on ukrainian territory. although the american delegation, you can't just does not want to respond to questions, but they all have as much as the russian defense, ministering it is where it says in what materials we received from ukraine by laboratories about the implementation of military biological programs above the u. s, and that nato allies on ukrainian territory with new details have come to light, which allows us to state that was greater lower the infidelity components for biological weapons were being created on the territory of ukraine. that is actually the implementation of the aforementioned american ukrainian agreement. from 2005
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and comments on, which we're still waiting for from the us representation has been going full steam ahead for all these years. coming from the documents, we can see that the american colleagues were not as helping as they claimed ukrainian ministry of health, but rather the ukrainian ministry of defense, the security council document that we distributed this morning. and you see in that material, you can see the so called to tech technical assistance plan for certain recipients . remember, one of the ukrainian ministry of defense. i recommend you to look at this document very carefully. renewable hulu. it confirms direct funding and supervision of the pentagon defense rhett reduction lee josie of military and biological projects and ukraine. overall, quantity of the funding was $32000000.00 and the direct money went directly to the following. the borrower trees in the ministry of defense of ukraine in regional
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health, epidemiological department, the central health, epidemiological department of the ukrainian ministry of defense. in odessa, the 27th regional health, epidemiological department of the central epidemiological department of the ukrainian minister advanced in love works the 28th regional held a pedo, epidemiological department of the central epidemiological department of the ukrainian in defense in hawk over 108th regional department of brawley, the green, ukrainian ministry of defense, epidemiological department and my daughter drew attention to one another vitally important point. representative view as state departments continue to merge all the information and the ascertain us loan allegedly don't. one does not operate in any biological laboratories in the territory of ukraine, but the facts show otherwise. recording to the med plan that i mentioned for
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technical assistance that donor is the u. s. ministry of defense or they establish the tasks and the workload will as part of the projects on your plan in territory. and they said, who fought a list of the necessary equipment and the delegated significant authority to and affiliated the contract. a company, black and a village with cooperation with ukrainian bodies of our authority, reasonable, the recipient of american assistance with ukrainian defense ministry. and they were allowed timely access for the pentagon and contractor staff to laboratories on ukrainian territory in order to carry out work as part of this project. and also to provide access to these facilities by me along that woman. it went to go on staff. foreign scientists to the projects themselves as bordeaux who included implementing was it was implemented not by the ukrainian scientist for scientists, but with their participation, but simply the queen ortiz gave the pentagon carte blanche on the territory of
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ukraine to carry out her dangerous biological experiment with the american contractors at the same time was free and got a tax break and ukrainian legislation. so what did the ukrainian scientists receive in return? either ukrainian people from free travel to international conferences, most a food and a commendation as established by for u. s. civil servants because this kind of comp, inflation is carried out is that the compensation provided for working alongside dangerous biological science. this is not to be a noble assistance ukraine. the american representatives talk about this as cynical use of its territory and population, but dangerous research, which washington does not to carry out its own territory. so it doesn't run a risk of hurting. it's only way not when be surprised, if the similar facts about activities supervised by the u. s. in appear in laboratories and other regions of the world to be called on countries who provide
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their territory for carrying out this kind of experiments to the pentagon. more to carefully study the contract for their cooperation with the u. s. on in the biological domain, when we fully support require the question from china to the u. s. to share the data of the activity of the 360 laboratories and american control around the world, but to ukraine with by laboratories in a desolate often, hong kong were selected by the u. s. or different risk reduction agency, not by chance. new studies laid roadworthy with those who implemented the u. p. age project focus the bomb studying path in pathogens of congo, crimea fever is left to spring and humpty versus what we believe that the interest of the military burgess of the usa specifically in those pathogens is linked to the fact that they haven't. they are naturally present both in ukraine and in russia,
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and so that they use couldn't be dressed up as a natural outbreak of these diseases. where on the basis of in a laboratory in hong kong, there's also the p 781 project to study transmission to humans of diseases through back work on this was done alongside the infamous at luke ara sent in to policing with him in his context. separate attention should be paid to the pentagon choice of carrying out work or the contract has chosen to carry out work in ukraine, the black and vh company. this is not just any old company for more than 100 years . it's been working for the american army with the army military base is including the power train, los alamos, and to develop nuclear weapons with research into human transmission of diseases. 3 batteries in ukrainian volume about she's was systemic with dr. broadband has been happening as
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a minimum since 2009 with the direct oversight of specialists from the usa with implementation of these project with families of viruses, or identify including corona viruses and 3 types of pathogenic bacteria that the pathogens from the plague, brucellosis and lactose braces, the only one of these of them is a trouble ticket option to use the noticed for infection because they are resistant to medicine mandates read very quickly from animals to people. as part of the flu, fly away project the hard copy institute of veterinary medicine study wild birds as a vent content to transmit adrian flu. the same time, they asked us those ways in which the transmission 6 could become uncontrollable, cause economic damage and create the risk to food security. the government documents show the involvement of the hawk of institute. we do live in the work to collect the strains of adrian flu,
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viruses which are high epidemiological potential and could cross the species barrier. li, russian ministry of defense also has more and more new documents about these transfer samples of blood, several of the training citizens to the territory of 3rd countries, including to the u. k. ga and germany. i'm not as bold. the analysis of information gives us grounds to say that the acquainted specialists were not informed about the potential risks of transfer of biological materials and use and are kept in the dark. i didn't have a real idea about the real objectives of the research being carried out. this is not surprising if, according to the top contract documentation that i mentioned earlier, they simply playing a secondary role with data about attempts to destroy by biological materials and documentation and ukraine and about retreat in order to quickly wipe the traces of implementation of military and political programs,
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we know that during the activity to destroy this, the leaded treatment, veterinary medicine laboratory in labor, dogs, in town, as a citizen, to be crane of staff working. they weren't even allowed in the building. this laboratory cooperates with the melt cove scientific research institute in odessa for where is research is carried out in utopia pathogens of the plague, anthrax, cholera, until every mia attempts to wipe the traces of biological waste from middleburg. within the labrador, the sub waste was taken a 120 kilometers towards the western border towards trutina and barrow xena memorial. the russian, mr. defense has record did all of this information to carry out a legal assessment further down the line, the image emergency urgent destruction of a tree. and we believe that we're reason for this. a rush was their wish to hide
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from russian specialists information about an outbreak in 2019 and hassan of 0 fa ice. this is the disease which is spread by mosquitoes. the 4 cases of infection with this disease were identified in february, which is not usual for the life cyclic. those inside was even to bearing in mind the incubation period for the disease was at the same time, we are aware of it. in april 2019, a representative. the pentagon visited the local institution health institutions, where they learnt of the results of the epidemiological research and they were able to copy the medical documentation governments to quote those. i'm ready to snap of any faith which i provide with the current fields of cranial authorities with supportive i went back in the western media expressing downstairs because of the liability of the material that russian mission it says published. i'd like to draw your attention to the following of mobile. the document that we found have a signature and a real signature of officials from the us. particularly many of them are signed by
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the head of the crane in office of the threat to reduction age and really joanna winter role. so this is a pentagon staff member and well known in not well known in nonproliferation circles before ukraine. she supervisor destruction of chemical weapons in libya. if jen is really interested in the verifying the documents that we provided, then i propose that you ask her directly. is that really her signature? i back to underscore once again that here we were talking about simply about the u . s. and ukraine's violation of the biological weapons convention, grouchy. talk about that. there is more and more proof that at the center of eastern europe until the very last minute. there was a dangerous military policy activity being carried out. the consequences of which at any time could spread beyond the country. and even if the region is scared of casualties with including amongst a population of equal refrain in a european countries, in this case, in a scenario, it's hard to imagine current
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a virus isn't, could be nothing compared with. we're also concerned 5 with lower to exist. for example, 2080 those living in a there was a shop spike competitive tuberculosis is caused by a new multi resistant strain when you must use during this mass outbreak recorded in the region. and we made with more than 70 cases of infection were recorded, which what quickly became lead. it doesn't look like coincidence. conclusions like to comment on the statement made by the representative. the wind secretariat, just with the secretary does not have information about the implementation military and political programs on the territory of ukraine. could be in line with b to b. c states to provide the un information about facilities and biological activities carried actors with confidence building measures which are sub ledger in
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order to monitor instrumentation of a convention since 2006, which was when the these project started, including the project c, p for the p 8 and p 781. so the us and you crane has been deliberately keeping quietly back into my report despite the clear military logical pan. this is why russia, for many years, has been calling for strengthening of the b to b c regime and to adopt a legally binding protocol which is last create an effective mechanism of verification and include in reporting from states parties, implement information on military by logical activity. and carried out abroad for 20 years, the u. s. has been blocking this kind of work, refusing to provide this kind of information issue. one of the question, which of the representatives of the us have time and time again and if you would providing us with all of the factors today on the 11th of march? not only the template,
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the ministry of defense is receiving more and more material and not analyzing. we will continue to keep the international community informed about the unlawful activity carried up by the pentagon on ukrainian territory. thank you for your attention. ok, you are listening. there are 2 rushes per representative to the united nations, speaking about a ledge by a weapon labs discovered in ukraine, established by key f with american assistance and nato involvement. a lot of claims there, including the document that he was showing, confirms direct funding from the pentagon and the potency of such toxins could far surpass colbert 19. we'll be going through that in the coming hours. all the main parts for not but for now, this is our t l. c. you get and 30 by the .


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