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tv   News  RT  March 19, 2022 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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oh, remain in the shallows, ah ah, the u. s. is upping pressure on nations that refuse to rule out any friendly ties with moscow and be a being the latest to get lecture down. threatened by washington. weapon is 500 meters, a big a big that here, there would be nothing left of the building. behind me. we travel to the southeast and ukrainian city of melissa polish, despite being under russian military control. still, 5th, you cranium, ballistic missiles, guessing through moscow and k f struggle to come to an agreement on key issues. i have resolving the ukraine conflict. not as fighting continues with reports of civilian casualties and destruction of residential areas. we sat in the basement
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per week, hiding from the shooting. i think you okay with thanks for joining us aeronautics international where it's just turned 9 pm here in the rushing cap. so i'll talk story this our, the us is ramping up pressure against countries traditionally friendly to russia, saying history will be on america's side. india is the latest country being lectured by the west, though, if it's appear to be back firing. as ortiz totaled, quarterly reports, neutrality is just not good enough for washington anymore. has the ukraine conflict raises on an india considers buying discounted russian oil? the white house is telling the world to decide, are you with us,
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or are you against us or message to, to any country continues to be that obviously abide by the sanctions. but that we, we have put in place and recommended. i don't believe this would be violating that, but also think about where you want to stand when, when the history books are written in this moment in time and support for the russian leadership is support for an invasion. that obviously is having a devastating impact. new delhi isn't the only one being pressured by the western camp. china to has been accused of picking the wrong side despite beijing saying it would rather stay out of the whole thing. well, china is already on the wrong side of history when it comes to, to ukraine and the aggression being committed by russia. as for the us, it seems like no matter how many toes it steps on, washington will say it's still one of the good guys. it doesn't matter that oil prices have risen 40 percent this year, and india could seriously reduce its energy bills with discounted imports from russia. the us even threatened india with sanctions for the recent purchase of s
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$400.00 missile defense systems for moscow. it's as if the white house things india, the world's largest importer of russian weaponry, should just radically change its trade deals at the drop of a hat. india not only depends on russian weaponry, but it also relies hugely in moscow for military upgrades and modernization as it moves towards self reliance in his defense sector. at the top it all off, washington is offering nothing to replace what it's asking india to give up. i would like to ask our american friends, what kinds of defense technology have you given us? what the us is offering is the f. 16 fighter aircraft re branded as the f 21. the f 16 is obsolete from the in important view. we went for the mig 21 in the 1900 sixty's because the f 104 was denied india were seeing the same kind of thing. on the other hand, it's not for nothing that india is enjoyed friendly relations with russia for so long. over the past 69 years, new delhi and moscow have only diverged
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a handful of times that you and votes throughout the pandemic. russia has sent 10 tons of medical aid to india. and what is the u. s. offered demands, threats and smack talk. give me a shout on india because it's one country which has substantial relationship with russia. and that's also in that whitening sectors of the economy. and in national security, i mean you can slow reading well that we are not with a block mentality. so that to see what you hear also that you don't know, it becomes more difficult in dependence on russia for india, in the us national security will collapse without this relationship. so, you know, they're talking to us on the track where there is really no fallback position
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for the u. s. is also pushing china to join anti russian sanctions, though president, she apparently refused to be coerced on a friday call with his american counterparts. washington has also warned not to provide material support to russia and american law makers, and now seeking to sanction chinese financial institutions, helping russia conduct transactions after it was barred from the international swift financial payment system. diplomats and journalist gregory clark says the west is using the ukraine crisis to provoke china and disrupt is warm relations with russia. china, china. i will put it in interest 1st. but his interest at the law, i think, in cooperation with russia, because it's quite clear that it will not get rich corporation from america.
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worse is trying very hard to use the ukraine issue to how should say provoke china or to find some something guilty in the chinese response. but for so far they have not had much success. and i don't think they'll have much success in the future. south africa has laid the blame for the situation in ukraine, squarely on nato. the countries president point sounds even the u. s. lead military blocks own both is had repeatedly admitted the dangers of reckless expansion rights to russia's border. the war could have been avoided. if nato had heated the warnings from amongst its own leaders and officials over the years that its eastward expansion would lead to greater, not less instability in the region. amanda of the african national congress is
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usually exceed nato's destructive motives have always been clear. we look, we lead and we understand history. nato was formed in 1949 under the auspices of peace, but we have never seen anything peaceful. why not popping off the? well, it's what we're africans. and we want to have a position and up with the students that we side with the people on bus who have been form. but it once for the past week. yes. and they don't have the luck, an opportunity to appear on a daily basis on and, and therefore it is a lot of flexibility to speak for them. the latter is not asking us to take the outside as the take a certain group of innocent people because russia has not any notion people. russia has been going for military installations in your creek. we are not for much into taking a psycho hot, but we are student of history and it tells us currently that close them is call it
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russians. defense ministry st repelled and multiple missile attack by ukrainian nationalists on residential areas in the se, in city of melissa paul on friday. russian, i defend system, shot down at the 3 missiles with the ukranian missile launch system. also being destroyed to prevent further attacks. no casualties have been reported. here has yet to comment on the incident. local authorities say the city is trying to rebuild, since russian forces took control some weeks ago. our correspondent, my dance, do you have reports from the ground? the city have mellot hooper, under the control of russian forces for weeks, had just begun to come back to life. the fighting had moved on and fear had begun to dissipate. at about 430 this morning. the city of multiple was,
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was woken up to 3, tremendously loud bluff that echoed all over the city as people lay to learn. these were 3 ballistic missiles torch go. ballistic missiles that were launched by the ukrainian military at the city had multiple all 3 were shot down in the air. unfortunately, visa a huge things that are carry hundreds of kilograms of explosives. so the wreckage hasta fold somewhere. in this case, it was on these 2 houses. this miss all by the way, is the same type that was used in done yet lodged on the nearest city, causing more than a dozen casualties. there mostly pensioners who are in line at 80 ems to withdraw their pensions. as you can see here, there's also shrapnel damage and on this car, elements of the war had, must have survived. as they fell here, rained down on the city, a civilian
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a civilian neighbourhood. there were families in both houses, collision where my wife went flying and crashed into me, knocking me off the sofa. and then we both went flying into the wall, slamming into it. because that is how powerful the blast wave was, which is yours. my son. he was in the room next to where it happened. we saw said impacted, intact. nothing would have been left of these houses. fortunately it was. they breathed rain down on the roofs. and the houses burned up rather than ross's and exploded, but this is an especially sorry situation. even though nobody died, nobody was hurt because this is a desperate time for many and in ukraine. these difficult to come by funds because most of most enterprises and businesses a currently shot. for now, the people that live here will have to stay with friends and relatives, mellot,
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opal got off light. all things considered russian air defenses are on permanent alert. if a single ballistic missile gets through the devastation would be her rendez. here now the remains of yes, another ukrainian torch go ballistic missile, vh one that, that fell, or was shot down, just shy of beard dunc city. over the last few weeks, we have seen the ukrainian side launching more and more of these ballistic missiles and towns and communities here in southern ukraine. the radius destructive radius of this weapon, he's 500 meters. if this had designated here, there would have been nothing left of those buildings behind me. here's another part of the me saw that was knocked down these weapons. come with very different
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bull heads. there are exclusive types which devastate the area. there also potentially new clip payloads for this, for this miss all, and also band close the munitions. we have been told that this one in particular carried cost the munitions. this is the casing of a cluster bomb cassette. we haven't seen any more. the warhead babs fell in a different area, but it does go to show the danger that civilians here face. there seems to be no pattern who order to what ukrainian batteries attack targeted areas have little to no rush and true presence. the use of cluster bombs also suggests the goal is fear, as does the day bree of intercepted ukrainian missiles, this is one part of what remains of a ukrainian torture who tactical police to miss of that was launched and intercepted by russian force was launched here at the port of give john skate,
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he and all these miss all wants in the 2nd, as i mention the damage, but it could have done to the ports, entities here, work as if it hadn't been intercepted. would have been catastrophic ballistic missiles given the grave threat that they pose, undoubtedly on top of russia's demilitarization, least for ukraine. be it the easy way, or the hard way. ornaments you will notice it gives russian forces detected where the missiles were launched from to prevent further attacks on residential areas to ukrainian ballistic missile launchers near the city of zepp. rogia were destroyed by a scanner, missiles. the increasing frequency with which ukraine has launched, ballistic missiles at civilian targets, suggests desperation together perhaps with fear of losing launches and missiles to
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russian cruise missile, or air strikes. whatever. the reason add defenses on a guaranteed shield, if even a single one makes it through hundreds upon hundreds of civilians could perish in an instant. and keith is well aware or had gazda of ot, from relatable ukraine. a residential building in care was hit by fragments from an allegedly down to russian missile on friday. according to kansas, now one person was killed and 4 children will wind it. ablaze, broke house in the building. la kate in ki, exit puddle school district and fire fight, as it scrambles to put out the flames. several neighboring buildings, including a kindergarten and a school will also be damaged according to ukraine's estate emergency service. the russian military has not commented on the matter. his how local residence described
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what happened? oh sure. put you on a roof issue personally, cuz i live up here. i do the review. okay. and the police in a ukrainian official working for the presidential office says there is no military solution for the besieged city of mario pole. in the don. yes, republic, when massive fighting is continuing, the official said no ends to the blockade by russian allied forces in sight. but that ukrainian forces would not give up fighting for the city. russia's military has said it would lead ukrainian troops leave at mario pole if they surrender. but cautions that kiev has refused the offer. proposed the coming from the city of dawn, yet that 4 people were killed as the ukraine military forces show the local district, the market in the center of the residential area,
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suffered damage as the result of the strike. according to the authorities of don. yes. for public, when it is said to other people were taken to hospital and this is footage from the village of o getting caught in the don units were public, were homes and infrastructure have allegedly been destroyed by ukrainian troops. don yet its forces have been distributing food at water and other essentials to local residents from told us their feelings about what happened to their village. live through to a little bit of olive though, but as well, isn't she? the chia do? oh boy, you love it at the water in your gym for us or to about but will even when the battle was on the outskirts, they still purposefully hit the village. it's good that our forces helped us handed
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out brad. we could not even contact relatives to find out whether they were alive or not, because the phones didn't work through the la gowns republic now controls more than 90 percent of its territory. according to russia's defense ministry. and as the front line moves forward, artes maria phenomena reports from the area me to buy mito, village off to village up to village. the la guns republic armed forces a capturing ground, liberating people. but sometimes there is not much of a population left to liberate. like here, enough scare, which voters the region of hud. gov and the frontline. the sign says attention. children are walking to school, but they haven't been kids here for weeks. schools are closed. we searched all through the village and only found 2 women. larry says, one of them who did the shipper where alive steal the people, have left their properties, their livestock,
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those who are the most afraid are staying. i can't lose hard people should be true to their consciences under any circumstances, whether the salaries paid or not the work should be done. larissa is a social worker before the war. she took care of several locals but all of them have gone well oh most oh there is one just one that larissa decided to stay here for you. i think there is no where to go. whether they are shooting or not. i can't his hide in the basement. come inside. look at how this elderly woman is leading hun assertiveness. house is almost 50 years old. it's now half destroyed by shelling. the woman is twice as old and seems to be in better shape with her him. she brought her food bushes over that you're gonna send her to me on it's scary. yes, but what can we do? nothing. those are all very good. running is the only solution for many when we
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drive to the frontline civilians are driving away from it. kids in every car, scared but come their parents exhausted, had no more words. it's me a real me of those we talked to here often say they didn't expect the conflict to go on for long. but there are plenty of signs that key of was preparing for a long battle. these fortification, by ukraine's armed forces is very tough. there could be minds on this field, so we cannot go any further, but we can use camera to show it to you. the walls made of reinforced concrete, a deep entry way, an armored door. i believe it can survive the heavy artillery attack. and there are many of them like this on both sides of the road. i believe it takes months to build a system like this and whoever decided to do it had been preparing for war. and this is just one location, solid force with underground tunnels and extensive networks of trenches,
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stretch all across the don bus region, fortifications left from world war 2 are also massively used. they are built around the towns full of civilians which makes it extremely hard to advance. but at this point, it seems there is no way back. reef notion of hearty from logan's great public will. meanwhile, the un has reported its mileage to send in its 1st, he went to harry and a convoy to the water city of c me. the organization say the delivery was made possible by negotiating with both the russian and the ukrainian military. russian troops have also been delivering humanitarian aid to areas in need. the russian defense industries as it over $3000.00 tons of essential supply, including food and medicine, have been handed out in the dome since last month. in new episode of ours, he's going on the grounds. my colleague, she returns,
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he discusses what the solution for the ukraine crisis might look like with retired us colonel lawrence wilkerson who served as chief of staff on the us secretary of state colin powell in the early 2 thousands. and you can see the full interview, as it said throughout the day here on asi and special, we all agreed that the only solution to this conflict, diplomatic solution negotiation that let's let me at least gain some of what he wishes and allows much of ukraine to remain a stayed part of it being autonomous, perhaps with referenda to be conducted. however, you work out the details or recognition that crimea is going to be part of russia or ever in a day or some other things like that, that would be appeasing to moscow. and yet leave some kind of intact as to what ukraine wants to be and it's majority and settled with that and quit because this
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is in sanity, it is utter insanity. it is making a pariah of food. and i understand that the george kevin, jeff k diplomat told colin powell about easter, the expansion of nato. and the dangers of it when he was his chief of staff. absolutely. carolyn was 98 or 9 years old at the time, and he actually said it was the biggest strategic mistake american made in the post cold war era. and might be the biggest one that we made in the so called cold war panorama. and i agree with him it, it made no sense whatsoever. it was done principally for arms, merchants and arms, sales and money to be made. i think you're looking at an alliance, it's looking for a purpose, and it's been looking for a purpose ever since the cold war ended people all over the globe, dealing with hateful messages, discrimination boycotts,
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and even vandalism, for just being associated with russians or russian culture. some have reported receiving death threats regardless of that personal political views. the russian, some of our restaurants in new york is one of the latest to be targeted. 5 vandals, it struggled with a boy towards threatening coals and bands refused online since the conflict broke out in ukraine. as despite the staff being both russian and ukrainian, we spoke to the owner of the restaurant. we've done with vandalism, i mean, every day we get anywhere between $3.00 to $10.00 or vocals or voicemails, of just being her. you know, we hope your business burns the ground, calling us nazis calling us fascists. people that are taking their aggression out on something that is now the new thing to be angry about. it's russo phobia to point out 1st day. the war began. we lost 20 reservations. we were down 6070
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percent and it took the press in order to educate and to convey this message that we're not the bad guys cancel culture. now, out of this world officially a top us space organization with intimate ties to the pentagon and american arms manufacturers is being heavily criticized for removing the name of the 1st person in space from its annual fundraiser. the space foundations uri's knights, named in honor of soviet cause me knows you are a good guardian, will now just be called a celebration of space, citing the conflict in ukraine, but the move has not been well received. why would you do this, gar, and has nothing to do with this? you cannot erase the innovation positive contribution and sacrifice of russian and soviet artists, scientists from history. what next burning dostoevsky is books. i do also agree, uri was and will always be the 1st man in space and a representation of
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a true russian. we should actually celebrate it even louder this year. not the contrary. cancel, culture is now officially out of this world. what planet are you on? this is a freedom, fries level dumb. one of the good things about space exploration is even during the cold war. there were attempts that international cooperation in space. amid the outrage, the organization removed its release, explaining the decision from a website and i deleted information had insisted the fundraiser would still celebrate human achievements in space. it's just the latest in a wave of anti rush and sentiment with many top sports governing bodies. dropping the country from leagues and tournaments, russia, musicians and artists have seen their concerts and performances counselled in europe. cosmo andre boy fanco said the goal is nothing less than wiping russia from world history in the firm. when ya near was frankly speaking,
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i was surprised by the incident. similar decisions in common in various fields. in my view, this reaction is not proportional intrigue as a war against history. not only during regarding parts of russian history, he is part of world history. it's an attempt to eradicate it. i think such moves of no justification. i was pleased with the reaction of uses bloggers who wrote comments on this topic. this suggests that there are quite a lot of complaints in american society about this attempt to join the so called trend of denying russia everywhere. and in everything, countries experience similar things in the past, and we will cope with it this time in greece, hundreds of farmers took to the streets of athens on friday to protest against drastically rising fuel and fees of fertilizer prices connected with the sanctions against russia. they say that production costs so now, so high that having to significantly touch back that businesses the great
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government has already reduce the sales tax on certain lies in almost half and is offering other support measures. but the farm, i say, the help isn't enough. apple workers in pizza have refused to load boxes. they say contained weaponry disguised as he must them humanitarian aid for ukraine. they say be arms with 1st to be sent to us and nato bass is imposed and, and then provided to ukraine. and italian trade union has called for a protest to take place outside the airport on sunday. oh, this video said on social media shows crowds chancing nato go home and waving banners saying yankee go home. as the us defense secretary arrived in sophia protest is wave to russian on bulgarian flag says lloyd austin held talks on
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sending military aid to ukraine. but as a news conference often negotiations, bill gary's prime minister ruled out giving military assistance to kia many thanks for joining us here. a naughty international step date with the latest by visiting our website at auntie dot com. ah. a
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a grade in which a letter good furnished a bed with a bike that i should i should be i'm going to leave them out with
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ah, i ah, with time option or as you know what's going on the ground for the final show in the studio and 19 years to the eve of an invasion of iraq by the u. s. u. k, australia and poland. that would arguably capitalize the killing, wounding, or displacing of tens of millions all around the world was of course, george w. bush, a secretary of state, colin powell, who held a vial at the un security council to make the flawed case for war in iraq. and is the will to de teachers on the edge of a global conflict that could be even more deadly than iraq. afghanistan libya.


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