tv Documentary RT March 22, 2022 10:30am-11:01am EDT
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a to unblock facebook, parent company matter has been busy silent thing, some opinions of ukraine, but encouraging others. the platform temporarily allowed what was being called xenophobia, letting use in some countries cool for violence against russians. i've a moscow's operation in ukraine method even briefly allowed death threats against president putin, but as since prohibited such calls. let's go live now to francesco and also you parliament member. on the me p. you had her facebook page blog too many. thanks for joining us on the program. it's good to see. you know, when jessica has facebook explained why exactly they took down your account? no, they didn't explain anything. they didn't even reply to my questions. and this is really, you know, dreadful because i'm a member of the european vitamin. i'm not to come in and i use the my facebook for my information for my communication
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to italian and european people. and this is very big damage for the whole or democracy could a system of europe because we already in the europe, you are working about the system to regulate, to be good media, social media enterprise this and prevented them to act us. so in such it and to democracy way, violating private rights and you know, fundamental human rights are like freedom of expression. but what we're seeing is that all the western establishment that have agreed on the line a political line that is far more than irrational. mr. pursued that
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correctly said it's worse than irrational. it's really a cream, you know? i think it's crazy man that we never so something like these in our history. and i, i'm really worried about the status of democracy, freedom and of liberty of all the rights that you all that europeans have gained to along the last year. so why did you vote against the resolution on anti russian sanctions? i voted against because the 1st the i didn't absolutely agree with the user all the funds. europe your font for as many terry and a 2 by white people and to support ukraine against russia. and that's the 1st reason why you voted against the
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resolution. and the 2nd one is that the economy could commercial sanctions against russia, in my opinion, are not a good tool. there are totally useless to reach the goal that today. you want to achieve that. and the goal would be that the stop being the war in ukraine and compelling mister putin to do mister blanco likes. i think that the only thing that the european union should do, and also that my country italy should do in this moment, should be that of the supporting negotiations, negotiations and any negotiations can be started or carried on. and why, at the same time you put things show,
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so you keep up with both to the enemy of the person you are talking with. and so all this line, political line, if you paid on my point of view and a lot of italian people, a lot of european people are europe, europe, your leaders and governments to, to look for peace to look for negotiations, not to give more why posed to mr. the last key or anything similar to that by locking accounts, like your own will sort of stick nose, do you think metro resending? sorry, i didn't understand your question. when you had your facebook account blocked and what kind of signals do you think? because the ascending to people, well this, you know, the, that's of the censorship in europe we, we are not so any longer,
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free to think of to say to the, to write down what we think. because there is a very strong censorship against every political message as the public opinion that is not aligned to that formally decided line by the european government. and as i said before, these, these are very far from defending the democracy or freedom. that's what, what our governors say when they tried to justify the fact of selling, giving weapons to key and ukraine. army, i think that defending freedom should be the 1st care, the 1st purpose for our government. but we, we didn't see these care all along the me
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periods, we had very strict restrictions on the personal freedom on individual choices about our bodies. on our freedom of expression, i was already being banned by the facebook because of my critical position again because it measures that that's that demonstration. that's why, you know, government accused other governors not to be the most craddick enough for day 1st are not told if it is the case that tech joints are trying to crack down on alternative opinions about the current situation in ukraine. do you see this as being possible, why the anti russian drive by western interests? well, i think that's there, of course, the reason now to russian drive,
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i think that we are seeing a very big propaganda by our media that intended to demonize the president and all that russian politics. i think this is, this is a very big tried to, to that, to the survival of our me same economies because our connections with russia and, and your economy, your enterprise and the markets of russia are important for all the european economic system for italy, most of all, and all of these have to do that will deeply harm our, our enterprise is our life, our lifestyle. and we will pay
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a very big price to these insane deletion. i think that's a european government that should, that try to build bridges in this moment. and not to bump bomb salt bridges as they are doing because there is no ether for any body going on with this war and that closure all relationships. francesca anata, a parliament member, thank you very much for your time today. thank you. but my pleasure that they owe me while in care of the city's mer, has declared a curfew to keep civilians off the streets during potential night time attack. last, after at least 8 people will reportedly killed during the bombing of a non functional shopping center in a city. nearby buildings were also heavily damaged, rushes, defense ministry explained that it targeted the shopping center because it was
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being used as a heavy weapons based by the ukrainian military. moscow released this drone footage of the sides showing ukrainian armed vehicles parking at the mall, and even opening fire from the location rushes defense ministry said it would not target civilian infrastructure without a justifiable reason. ukraine's military forces have previously been accused of using civilian buildings, as bases on this and verified photo taken by a residence of care is believed to show the ukrainian military equipment located near that mall. the picture was previously posted on line days before russian forces bombed the shopping center. that was later deleted by the author. mozilla deduce it by post to the video on tick tock showing the movement of ukrainian military vehicles. they were in the vicinity of the retro val shopping center. there were 2 self propelled howitzers across a william bouquet of some avatar eclipse. co has commented on the recent strike on
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the shopping center, also claiming their schools and kindergartens were damaged in the attack. were roger, what was the enemy continues to attack the capital? the shopping center burned down and 6 residential buildings were damaged as a result of the showing. 3 of them had been rendered uninhabitable. 8 people were killed. the premises of 2 schools and 2 kindergartens were also damaged. and recently an a b c journalist has reported on a ukrainian school that he called quote, a massive military warehouse, confirming bosco's accusations. the key of is using civilian infrastructure for military needs. well, it's become somewhat of a trend for western celebrity east away in all new crane. hollywood star and former california governor, unfortunately is one of the latest on he recorded a special video on the conflict, but the russian power, lifting world champion, who gave him countless lessons from dawn bus children suffering on the ukraine's bombing for years. so he's his anti russian message gets completely wrong,
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sending this message to various different channels to reach my dear russian friends . brain is a country with a jewish president, a jewish president, and my bath, whose father's 3 brothers were all murdered by the nazis. lucy, ukraine did not stop this war. neither did nationalists or nazis. those in power in the kremlin, started this war, and the reality is arnold that your terminator not only did not protect, did not help, did not save the children of don bass, but did not even read their letters and did not try to understand the situation. arnold, sometimes it's very difficult to understand, being thousands and thousands of kilometers away from us. but you still have those letters and photos from 2015. don't you know him of a who unlike swash nager has actually been to the don't boss more than 20 times. in fact, is also an activist helping local children that she thinks he did not even read all
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the letters. she personally handed him we are the more usable for several good as well. and i think if he had even paid attention to the letters or read them, there would have been some other reaction when he recorded his video. or maybe he would have taken some action before that, but i can't blame him because i'm sure that he had hers to the policy of his state as a us citizen. you need to share kind of an image that you aspire to be like i do. and things to this image, i also to you great successes in sport and social activities. but of course, as a person or not really disappointed me. to be honest with you. i've been receiving threads for 8 years. so i'm not bothered anymore. because after my 1st visit to don bass, i was immediately put on a list of terrorists and ukraine. i was labeled a government piece keeper and immediately started to receive threats from key of from soldiers, even him from ordinary people. i had to change my phone number several times. constantly had my online accounts hacked. this of course is very unpleasant, but i'm already used to it when i'm despised, watching a good anger at the war in ukraine. he seems very happy to back invasions by his
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own adopted country during the 2003 u. s. invasion of iraq. he even travel back to boost the morale of pentagon troops . oh, because there is no one that i know. it doesn't sometimes ask ourselves in question, why am i doing this? is it or some have pointed to the hypocrisy of source and they go closing his eyes to the actions of his adopted country the us. we mock the 19th anniversary of washington's invasion of iraq where hundreds of thousands lost their lives. ortiz, rachel blevins reports. it has been 19 years since the u. s. in its allies invaded iraq. the anniversary comes at a time when the architects of the iraq war and the politicians who supported the u . s. occupation of the country in the years to follow are now expressing their concern over the well being of civilians in ukraine. ah,
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i used to work for intentionally targeting civilians is a war crime. after all the destruction of the past 3 weeks, i find it difficult to conclude that the russians are doing otherwise. ah, but those concerns who are nowhere to be found back in 2003 when the bush administration launch it quest for weapons of mass destruction. launching evasion into a rock widget proudly described as shock and awe. shutting the country down would entail both the physical destruction of appropriate infrastructure and the shut down in control of the flow of all vital information and associated commerce so rapidly as to achieve a level of national shock. akin to the effect that dropping nuclear weapons on hiroshima and nagasaki had on the japanese and make no mistake about on the bush administration's, a deadly approach was widely praised by the media at the time. this is fox news and fox news channel, continuing coverage of the campaign, which now has begun to liberate and disarm iraq. and know that they can execute
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these missions into baghdad. and have everybody come back safe and sound is a testament to as frank with the professionalism of these people. and also waiving to the troops as they went by giving them up the. busy soldiers themselves feeling a certain sense of relief waving back. so the only thing of a shot back and forth between the 2 was a sense of gratitude, apparently. and it seemed to have gone reasonably well. and despite the javin, seen a civilian casualties, it caused the term shock and awe became so popular in the aftermath of the, that trademark application stored for everything from energy drinks to video games . but the reality of the iraq war was far, far different than the media coverage. hundreds of civilians were killed and thousands wounded by the us led coalition and incidents involving these still yet to be universally band w. m. d 's. according to iraq, body count which maintains the largest public database on casualties related to the
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invasion. while the killing of civilians was rarely shown by the media, it was made public by wiki leaks, which published the raw footage of u. s. apache helicopters, firing indiscriminately on civilians in july, 2007, killing over a dozen people including 2 orders. journalist weeki weeks also released cables revealing the u. s. military terrific treatment of iraqi detainees. along with the evidence that they failed to investigate hundreds of reports of abuse, torture, rape, and murder, iraqi police and soldiers, a, [000:00:00;00] a,
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[000:00:00;00] with me. and for those who did survive, many are still dealing with the consequences of the invasion to this day, which include ongoing health issues, as well as continued reports of children being born with severe birth defects. but even though the united nations secretary general declared that the u. s. invasion of iraq was illegal and violated the un charter back in 2004, the architects of the iraq war continued to walk free to this day. and it's not just a rock over the last 20 years, the u, as in its allies, have dropped more than 337000. another country making for an average of $46.00 strikes per day, doing the same politicians that supported one or after another, suddenly claim that they care about civilian casualties. all the biggest question
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everything guided by decision technology. the we discuss the issue with for me us marine cool intelligence officer scotch, where to who says the us had a much more heavy handed approach in iraq. there's no doubt there's the bach receive. there's nothing new. hypocrisy is the name of the game when you have you do a political foes of, of this nature will know the united states a to day trying to paint russia as a nation that violates international law by carrying out an unlawful war of aggression. there's no comparison, there was no analogous situation, a rock um that it do what had been transpiring in the don bus for 8 years. and then the, there's just no comparison between the 2 might say in the united states when it
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went into iraq intended to commit war crimes. no, i'm just saying that they have much more heavy handed approach, which focused more on the destruction of military objectives and less on reducing the impact of war on civilian populations, rushes more morally grounded in its defense of the russian speaking citizens of don buzz were subjected to 8 years of unrelenting violence by the ukrainian government, or they had much more justification and going to their defense in the united states had in pursuing a falsified claims of weapons of mass destruction era. the e u has approved a strategic agreement adopting a common vision on security and defense and mid to the ongoing war in ukraine. the west has been accused of waiting and information war against russia by banning media outlets to show an alternative view of the conflict. my, the many western news outlets have painted a rather rosy picture of ukraine's war effort and thing to be happy with relaying
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virtually anything you train is showing them out. he's done quarter has a story. western propaganda has painted a very pretty picture of the ukrainian war effort, but that's all it is a picture. as for what's really going on, it's hard to tell since dash camps have been banned across the country without any spontaneous shots of what's really going on. many foreign volunteers are getting a hard dose of reality, upon arriving to fight key of war. it's chaotic right now. it's disorganized and you get yourself in trouble very quickly. if you're not with a sensible, switched on group of people. we're pretty upset that we're in the middle of a combat zone with small arms fire on the road. bombs being dropped almost every day. and we haven't been given our weapons yet just because of bureaucracy and paperwork. it's a come as no surprise since kia has literally band broadcasting anything other than one state channel on tv. all the while western media are relentlessly glorifying any and all. busy ukrainians, no matter what they're up to in the pro, crowds of women spent saturday making molotov cocktails, teachers, lawyers,
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housewives, all crouched on the grass filling bottles. they told me they try not to think about what they're doing. they didn't choose this, but they have to be ready to defend their city. and the facts are in short supply. though propagandists need to make use of myths, most people have already heard of the ghost of kiev who shot down 10 russian jet sore. the valiant ukrainian troops of snake island who fought till the bitter end resisting a russian attack, but it's likely fewer people know that these 2 stories are complete works of fiction. sometimes the media accidentally create fake heroes with no guarantee that viewers will see their retractions. other times legends are intentionally created, especially when keith is trying to scare europeans.
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ah, you are good at editing videos in this game. we will wonder what is the truth in your images you transmit? in the end, by dint of playing this game, the risk losing, think about it. i do not support the war, but i say this shows the extent to which the scene and news in ukraine can be falsified in their favor matters worse. they don't have r, t or sport nick to set the record straight any more systematic information manipulation and does information by the kremlin is applied as an operational tool in its assault on ukraine. it is also a significant and direct threat to the unions public order insecurity, fake stories of bravery and sacrifice, censoring alternative viewpoints. just at a glorified hero leader to the mix. and you have yourself a classic western propaganda piece. then zalinski dialed into their meeting. com but determined his pale face covered and stubble, he told the leaders of the free world that this might be the last time they would
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see him alive. the enemy has marked me as target. number one, my family as target number 2, i was in court has sent install physician figure alexey nev only to 9 years in a maximum security prison of the finding him guilty of lodge scow, fraud, and contempt of court ortiz policy. i takes a closer look. what we heard today from the moscow court is that he has been found guilty as you quickly say, for another 9 years in prison. as the judge weighed out the charge sheet. she said that he had been found guilty of stealing to the tune of $4700000.00 from his anti corruption foundation. and at the same time, he was found in contempt of court. prosecutors had actually been asking for 13 years, but these 9 years will now be added to the 2 and a half years out of 3 and a half years that he's currently serving. and that is for a ford case that dates back to 2014 and also for him violating parole with
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regards to a probation order that ended in december. following that, he only came back to russia in february, and he was immediately detained, and he was flying back from berlin, where he had been in a hospital for several months recovering from a poisoned attack. he says that the criminal was behind at the kremlin consistently denies that. in fact, the van, he says that all of these charges are trumped, and all of them are politically motivated. when the verdict was, was laid out in court, he seemed almost as if he expected it. he showed little reaction. he seemed unfazed and he exchanged a few words with his lawyer before being taken away and he did appear quite court. there has been some speculation over to him as regards his health. now back in january, russia added him and his associates to the federal registry for extremism and terrorism. they also banned his organization, saying that
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a convex terrorist activities moscow has found out and has argued that he and his team under the cover of so called liberal values, of creating the terms for some kind of destabilization of the social and political situation. here, the real goal underneath that has been, we writes the constitution to change the constitution. and also to do it for many means, one of which has potentially a color revolution. they've also found him guilty of appealing or targeting minors . and at the same time being guided from from an think tanks, we haven't as of yet had any reaction from his legal team. but we certainly do expect that they will appeal this decision. many thanks for joining us here in our t international will be back in just a couple of minutes. stay with us. ah
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ah, ah ah, ah, not another while you. while div easy while furnace us. ah . and young boy, you know, it's a one slide yet. if south. yeah. thrashing south. there was angela glee, teeth flipping a duck. awesome boys. now watch done up all mutable up. i picked on the is emily up full of video from sheila kim's room? she thought video to watch the ela, a bill on the desk, my thought,
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in the world corrupted, you need to descend a join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. ah ah, i think intensifies for the k ukrainian city of mario paul as the russian military press is on with his drive to clear out to nationalists forces who are using civilian buildings for cover. i'm being told that every day move such trophy weapons fall in the hands of the russian troops. but of all correspondence and you can get hands on with the western weapons which are pouring into the country to wage what's being called a proxy war against russia. despite us lead cold, the p plus the western politicians and the media continue to criticize
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