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tv   News  RT  March 23, 2022 12:00pm-12:26pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] ah, president putin sayings russia gas exposed to europe should now be paid for in roubles aiming to stabilize the currency of ditching the us dollar international trading company. the dc of site decided to implement the sets of measures in the shortest possible time to transfer payment from natural gas lights on friendly countries into russian roubles. ukraine. russian lead don, yes, republic forces say they've taken control of more than half of the embattled pity of mario. and they did 10 fighting that's included grades of civilian building to 3 pass ukrainian troops hiding inside. and washington steps are pressure on china to
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join the us lead condemnation of russia with paging, standing firm on its neutral scarf, despite the threat of american sanctions against china's economy. ah, a warm welcome you're watching aussie international with the latest news update. thanks for joining us. as good the latest on ukraine, fast russian lead forces pushing deeper into the key port city of mario pole, which has been seeing some of the heaviest battles of the conflict in ukraine. camps troops including the notorious, neo nazi as of battalion or refusing to give up even a single building without to fight. the onslaughts has already led to was being told to humanitarian disaster in the city. where you might find some of the following images upsetting. thousands of civilians remain trapped inside mario poll without access to clean water,
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fresh food or electricity. the russian military has been. is he trying to get more humanitarian supplies handed out to the locals? from yes, republic troops on the front lines clearing out civilian buildings used by ukrainian forces as basis. some locals are still hiding in basements to escape the violence. as many had been blocked from fleeing the city for humanitarian corridors opened by russia. some residents who have managed to escape speak of atrocities, allegedly committed by ukrainian troops. i can view will be here to purify. she will do that, but i did hear this delay, nation. national solemnity grindsley g or difficult really little minimize the route. what did of a well, what, what is it put new fear with a show up thought you feel more about walker through up. although mom, my mom was go to you,
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let's perform who's could soon put from to this group. not really who is not working. number 2, maria video via ftp $230.00 with 3 will video usually vide yahoo. you fear to work with us here naturally for like, for you with him with him to it will be the view your own, you know, who them or do you do you bob with me more. 8 russia continues to target ukraine's military infrastructure throughout the country as part of a stated goal to demilitarize. the state where she defense ministry has released fresh footage of some of its high precision weapons being fired away, including caliber cruise missiles launch with a russian navy ship by snail undisclosed location. plus, they've shown pictures of bassi and coastal defense massage being fired, also said to be targeting ukrainian military size or gas prices in europe. have such more than 25 percent on wednesday following
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vladimir putin denouncement that european payments for russian gas will now be accepted only in roubles. loopy as it is senior. so i have decided to implement the sets of measures in the shortest possible time to transfer payment for a natural gas supplied on friendly countries into russian roubles. that is to abandon the use of all compromise currencies. at the same time, i would like to emphasize separately, the russia will continue to supply guess in accordance with the volumes and pricing principles indicated in the previously concluded contracts. unlike some colleagues, we value a business reputation as a reliable partner and supplier russian president vladimir putin has essentially ordered all payments for russian natural gas being shipped to what he called unfriendly countries to be made in the russian rouble in the past. payments for russia, natural gas have overwhelmingly been made in us dollars, but with the recent unprecedented level of sanctions that russia had to contend with,
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this can really be considered part of moscow's response to all that putin specifically mentioned that overall trust in foreign currencies had fallen specifically, after a number of countries had illegitimately frozen rushes overseas assets as it was the musical if needed, over the past few weeks, the number of western countries have taken illegitimate decisions on the so called freezing of russian assets. the collective west is essentially ended, the reliability of its currencies crossed out the trust in these currencies. now everyone in the world knows as they suspected, and now everyone knows for sure that obligations in dollars and euro may not be fulfilled. to be honest, in comparison to what russia could have done, basically turning off the natural gas taps in europe. the decision that decided to take is actually quite reserved. and it's also having the double effect of actually strengthening the russian rubel, which significantly depreciated and in value of course, in relation to the dollar and the euro. and the pound after the sanctions that i
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mentioned earlier were taken and leveled against russia. but immediately after the moscow stock exchange opened up to day, the price of the dollar fell to under $100.00 rubles, that for the 1st time since march, 3rd, after all of this, this, these sanctions were leveled against russia and the russian military offensive. so this is just actually the beginning, really, i mean, president putin just made those statements a couple hours ago and we still have yet to see what is actually going to come in the future. maybe even today and over the next week or more countries are now moving to d dollar ice. the international trade in both the gas and oil sector, sparking to global revision at the so called petro dollars system as a result of western sanctions against russia. a ticking time bomb and a u. s. dollar reserve currency status and to russia sanctions seem to backfire prompting the entire will to reconsider the financial policies ban on dollar bank notes export to russia,
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freezing its foreign exchange reserves. the u. s. is witnessing its currency and many a wondering if they might be targeted next. but what makes a dollar so special? why does nearly every central bank in the world stockpile the u. s. currency and invest in american bonds? the dollar has been preserving at status for decades, and the secret ingredient is oil. a quick dive into history. back in 1974. saudi arabia was the world's biggest oil producer. and it just shaken the western world with a major oil embargo, a punishment for supporting israel in the yom kippur wolf, the u. s. was an important 70 percent of its oil and embargo hit it hard to got themselves against the possible oil shocks of the future. the nixon administration off at the saudis a deal the u. s. agree to supply the saudis with military aid and equipment in
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exchange, saudi arabia agreed to accept the dollar as a de facto means of exchange in the oil market. from that moment, every oil contract with saudi arabia had to be priced in the u. s. currency. the rest of the opec countries followed suit. the patriot on his system was born. imagine a chocolate pie in a room full of hungry people. if one wants to grab a bite that you may only use a plastic spoon, no steel or wood, and allowed convertible spoons in exchange office pilot more for the future. sounds unreasonable. let's kind of want a picture. dollar is like for 1974, the i a world has been paying for oil in the u. s. dollars. no gold saudi real or any other national currency allowed to buy an oil important country must 1st convert its national currency into
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u. s. dollars. ties to the world's most sought after commodity immediately booster demand for the u. s. currency. oil importing countries began piling up dollar reserves to minimize currency volatility risks in the future. oil purchases, oil exporters, started investing their dollar surplus back into the american economy. purchasing bonds and treasury balls. this enormous interest in the u. s. currency raised it to a unique position. the demand is so high that the u. s. can print as many dollars and dollar denominated bonds as it needs to finance its external debt. if any other country tries to do the same, it will immediately face rising inflation. in the case of the us, people were by dollars anyway. for decades, the dollar enjoyed its unique status. with the tacit consent of the world, its value remained relatively stable because the u. s. economy has been growing
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steadily unaffected by the turmoil in other parts of the world. oil prices denominated in a stable currency for their part to creased fluctuations in the market. the rising powers, like china and anti american governments like venezuela urged to review the petro dollars system. but the de dollarization was limited to a number of symbolic moves up until now and parallel and to russia. sanctions shocked the government officials way beyond russia's borders. india, china, and even saudi arabia are now giving a 2nd thought to d. dollarization initiatives. you on jumps after report on saudi's wing it's use in oil deals, india rapport. we explores you on in oil trade with russia as frustration grows over us sanctions. does this mean the end of the u. s. dollar? not yet. over the years, the central banks all over the world have accumulated to many dollars and dollar
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denominated bonds. but trust in the dallas stabilizing all in the economy has been severely undermined. or it's a competition from un is now tougher than ever unless the us find something else to offer. it may end up with solving inflation and trillions of dollars that nobody wants. ah, let us continue the conversation now and cross live to karen, can i so former austrian minister of foreign affairs? thank you so much for joining us on. the program is lovely to see you. now, austria as big as the energy corporation, so they will continue to pay for existing contracts with russia in euro's or kind of response. do expect to go from moscow on that. oh, i'm following it also, minute by minute. oh, but i have no inside and this, oh well it so it's it's,
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it's all about an acceleration or something that they're already beforehand moving in, commodity trading out of the dollar for the last 15 years. and you also are harshly criticized a did the role of 2009 in without referring to us dollar explicit g at is leading reserve currency that's, that's not there responsible way and, and there was criticism, so ever since the global financial private us to dance both massive volumes of oil, the company in charge of the sites these repairs could take weeks with oil out was expected to drop significantly. authority say none of the oil is leaked into the black st. the pipeline consortium. c, as says, the repair process is being hampered by the refusal of some western companies to provide assistance lower than the spoof, though from the sewage to do. the flawed in of boil,
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of the marine terminal has been completely stopped. what are treatment plans have been de commissioned as we have identified the damage? we have to conduct a full examination, but our diverse are unable to do this. due to the weather conditions from the repairs are a labor intensive and high tech process. we need a tanker to flush the lines without which we cannot start repairs because there is no confirmation from our foreign partners. about the shipment of tankers with the repairs will take at least 3 weeks. if we had continued to operate the terminal, the threat of ecology of the black sea would have been critical of us. but since we identified the problem in time, the damage has not been done with it. if we have faced an unfair attitude from our foreign partners, the supply of the necessary spare parts has been denied. foreign companies have officially informed us that they refuse to cooperate orders in europe. well, russian deputy prime minister alexander no vaccines. moscow is closely monitoring the repairs,
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but the incident does mean that oil exports will be drastically reduced for weeks. vincent because it isn't good to instruct its own little. this is a serious negative situation for the global markets as a whole, because a large volume of oil was transported to wild markets through this terminal. from our site, we're monitoring the situation and along with federal and regional authorities and the energy ministry doing everything to repair the damage as soon as possible. for some time perhaps for 6 weeks. supplies through this pipeline will either be reduced 4 or 5 fold or completely stopped it again. for me, you k prime minister gordon brown is calling for the creation of a new international tribunal to investigate the russian president and those who helped plant the military operation in ukraine. clearly one of the options is for ukraine to say that if there is peace, then they withdraw this demand that present put and be brought on trial. but until
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that happens, and if that happens, of course, we would have to look at it. i think we should persist in our demand that he be brought to trial. innocent people, children, mothers, are being terrorized bodies lying on the street. in mariposa, people not getting medical treatment. these are international crimes and they are crimes against humanity. but in this case, they are also the crime of aggression $140.00 people in total, including former prime ministers as well as scientists, lawyers, and other politicians have signed the petition to create a judicial both a model on the nuremberg charles, the german need is after world war 2 and almost one and a half 1000000 people out of a targeted to 1000000 have already signed a public petition saying the russian president has committed b, quote, supreme international crime, and also called for a special tribunal for putin. however, some critics have points down double standards in the british politicians down say
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the britain's own track record in the 2003 invasion of iraq and official u. k. inquiry known as the chill coach report found that british interests were not under threats when london moved on the us leadership to launch a devastating attack on iraq, former indian foreign secretary, commas to bounce. it isn't clear what exactly they were tied, which is politicians are expecting to achieve with their petition. i can still frozen in the 19th century. they think they are still fighting. so i was usually amused when the russian, when the british should defend secretary, spoke to a group of british military officers, reminding them how their best is russia in the crimea war. how they had a nicholas one and they're gonna do it again. this. they still think is a great game going on in century. i mean, why,
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why should one take such comments or why gordon brown or any british politician seriously, they don't longer the british empire, no longer even in the you in order to muster the support within the you and i think for such a folly, even if there were again signatures, you're going to get those kind of signatures. if you republic street passions on, on any i think is astonishing at the level at which diplomatic discourse and diplomatic positions have descended to with the president biden calling, who was criminal on one of the if the issue is that he had invaded you again than those who invaded iraq and libya and syria, and i got his son, and they also walked in washington has stepped up, is pressure on china to condemn and sanction russia. however, beijing is arguments,
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it will maintain neutrality with finger pause, foreign minister, i think the u. s. cannot stop the new mostly polar world. china is already on the wrong side of history when it comes to ukraine and the aggression being committed by russia. contrasting views between china and the u. s. threatened to inadvertently complicate all ready for ties. america's different approach to the war in ukraine is the latest complication. the old cold war strategy of containment will not be viable in this emerging multi polar world. or just might those comments from singapore, the u. s. isn't backing down in trying to influence china stones on russia can so far as to through i can the sanctions against paging high tech economy, his pul, asleep with more, washington is added again. this time pressuring basing to play by it's rules and condemn russia's actions in ukraine. if china's semiconductor manufacturing international corp sells its chips to russia, we could essentially shut s,
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m i c down because we prevent them from using our equipment and our software facing will have none of it and refuses to give into intimidation. china will never accept any external coercion or pressure and opposes any unfounded accusations and suspicions against china don't be naive condemnation. it sounds naive to say that's not as a vision and that doesn't solve the problem, but is really all about ukraine unlikely. the bigger goal seems to be washington's desire to break up the strong relationship between moscow and beijing. one example, last year the russian and chinese foreign ministers agreed there was more than one model of democracy. and that interfering in the internal affairs of a sovereign state under the pretext of, quote, promoting democracy is simply unacceptable mineral. the united states forces other countries to accept american democratic standards shall draw lines based on democratic values in cobbled together small groups. this is a complete betrayal of democracy,
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local min to lever the rule of law is not something monopolized by a small number of countries or global international legislation should involve all countries with equal participation. you, the rules of individual countries should not be regarded as international rules, nor the standards of individual countries be taken as international standards and finding its not winning china over with the ukraine issue. the u. s. needs to find another excuse for sanctions. how convenient the state department is now targeting chinese officials for cracking down on religious minorities. beijing's response is or to clear move on the show me the u. s. statement is full of ideological bias and political lies, lines and smears china and wantonly imposed restrictions on chinese officials off of what the as actions contravene the international law and basic norms governing international relations and grossly interferes in china's internal affairs strong and as the chinese foreign ministry point south, the u. s. itself is no champion of human rights. do you show you on the ball or
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throughout history from the u. s. slaughter expelled and assimilated native americans physically or geographically and culturally uncle committing systemic human rights abuses in every aspect. huge. these abhorrent crimes are more than enough to constitute de facto genocide. i shall acute in its effort to drive a wedge between china and russia. the u. s. that seems will go to any lengths just so long as it doesn't have a strong enough opponent in the east. well, i think the u. s. is completely ignoring the fact it is human rights problems are arguably more severe than the countries that the u. s. has been sensually her look at at death rates of the black people, q by the u. s. bullets and the u. s. has engaged in huge this formation campaign to demonize is adversary's if china sanctioned russia, the results are catastrophic. not only dead to peoples of both russia and china suffer from higher prices and to lack of goose and put it is cornering russia as
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shown nuclear power. i don't think anyone want to see things even more dramatic to happen. increasingly, many analysts realize that any security solutions in the region we've got the evolvement, all russia will be a disaster. china is on the side of humanity in general. i think it is what the right side of his tree and tails and washington's traditional middle east allies are also unhappy with us attempts to control global oil supply. some of the world's biggest crude exporters are increasingly with this thing, america, and looking to bypass the use of the dollar in their trade ortiz. rachel blevins explains after years of involvement in the middle east, the u as now appears to be losing a graph on some of this closest allies in the region on one major area. energy. the by and ministration has been much calling on the opec was alliance. you increase
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production by more than land in order to tackle storing energy prices. but they have repeatedly said no. now, the king of the credit card sal, and one of the top oil producers in the world. saudi arabia is responding to the latest tensions by strengthening its ties with china while it is currently beijing, the largest oil suppliers. saudi arabia is reportedly considering accepting the chinese you on for oil self instead of the us dollar. now that idea has been around for years, but it could soon become a reality, and it stands just threaten the u. s. dollars dominance as the world reserve currency. so why would saudi arabia consider a move like this right now? well, they're not too happy with the u. s. and western allies for improving unprecedented things against russia, which just happens to be one of their most important opec plus allies. they're also watching countries like china and india actively looking for ways to work around those things and which means moving away from the us dollar. but while the us
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inside of ravia have maintained in alliance on the surface, there are also competitors when it comes to oil production and the saudi. they're finding out just how much power they have right now. unlike the government of nearly every other major oil producing country, including saudi arabia and the other opec states, the u. s. government cannot open and close its own oil taps. it cannot compel oil companies to drill more. so when the war sent oil prices soaring, the government was powerless to bring them down. if they think us all occasions are not too happy about saudi arabia having the upper hand on this one would be an understatement. i hate the fact that we have to ask the saudis to produce more oil . i hate that the bite and administration has to figure out how to leverage our relationship with saudi arabia to get them to do that so that my constituents aren't being squeezed at the pump. however, the white house denies that the bodies have turned their back on washington after reports that the kingdom was denied,
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calls for president bite it. the president spoke with king solomon on february 9th, in that call. they set forth in affirmative bilateral agenda from climate to security. to energy cooperation. since that important call, our teams have been engaged at every level. there have been no discussions of subsequent calls at the presidents level given this regular and ongoing engagement . but it's not just saudi arabia that the u. s. appears to be losing its influence over the u. a has also reportedly declined biden's call and it's been of turning to the u. s. for support. well, they're turning to a leader that the u. s. has been years trying to overthrow that threat this week. officials hosted syrian president bashar assad and his 1st visit to the country since 2011. and that's, i would say the us hasn't tried to use the current tension or the rewards even noting that the bi ministrations that a new batch of weapons. it's aw, you're ravia, after denying them last year for pottery b, i continue increases dominance as it moves away from the us. they are showing that
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they can live without america, but can the current american economy live without them? in washington, rachel bobbin archie moscow say it says it's a shame that the international chess federation has suspended russian. grandma so sick, a cardiac came from competing in their events. also his support were most goes operation in ukraine. the 6 months suspension was announced off the cardiac consent, an open letter to president putin voicing his support for russia's actions. but the international chess federation claims that such rhetoric is damaging for the reputation of the sport nicknamed the minister of defense county. i can became the youngest of grandma said age of 12, as went on to when the chess will come in 2015. he's also become the champion of several key international competitions. over the years. kelly, i can says he remains committed to his support of rushes moves in ukraine despite


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