tv Interview RT March 26, 2022 7:30pm-8:01pm EDT
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has been greatly affected and we'll get assistance, but i won't ask you about our athletes. what's happening to them as unprecedented. they're not allowed to compete till they're forced to do so under initial flag. they're pressured into signing petitions in macon statements. well now it's in some sports and acids coriso the thing, but this kid won't trash. and that from beside lines of international politics, competition is very important. it's crucial for athletes to go up against talented opponents. i now it seems that the delton scandal was just a trial run it 1st. let me say that of course it's tough on athletes. same as i t specialist, but for the latin, the challenges started fairly recently when our friends started trying to restrict us in every way and erect an iron curtain. when it comes to finances and law of athletes. the situation has been di since 2014. you're right, i face train hard and they're not allowed to compete. if they are, they have to basically compete anonymously. no russian flag, no russian anthem. they forced to distance themselves from their country, saying that they only represent themselves. this is cynical and immoral. and don't even get me started on the i see decision regarding our paralympic team. it's
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simply incomprehensible. it's monstrous and disgraceful. so our main goal is to support paraphrase, to make sure they feel involved in social life on par with every one else. but they get told no, your government is awful. and so we don't care about your ditches that goes against any moral code. i think that the i o c behaved in the worst way possible here. what don't complete. yes. it all started 8 years ago with the doping scandals. we admitted that we had a doping problem in our country. we are at fault here, but saying that russia, i mean, russian coaches and athletes were the only ones to use doping is outrageous and cynical. other countries did it too, but it's russia that every one turned on. the objective that our friends from the anglo saxon, well predominantly sat, was to push russia out of international competitive sports. what for, again, that was to stir resentment within russia and incite people do something about it. so athletes have been suffering since 2014 who continues to support them in every way and to organize as many competitions domestically as we can. we will seek to
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defend their rights in all organizations, even though that's a huge challenge these days blow these decisions were made by specific people in the io say the e u, the u. s. and the u. k, which is not part of the you any more. it's clear that certain people are behind these decisions and those deprived of competitive scores will channel that bitterness in their direct. this is without president, putin as often insisted that russia only acts to defend itself against the hostile actions of the west. and the recent interviews you said that our country has enough might hurt our enemies in that place, which implies that russia has considered some kind of retaliation in the event of aggression. what exactly did you mean by that mister medford? i've obviously moved long was wanting to cross the penny monthly. we both know exactly what i meant. russia is not your average country is a permanent member of the un security council. and as a side note, let me say that all the ill conceived plans to try and remove us from the security council. a completely groundless book, this would go against the un charter and the entirety of international law. for
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that matter, we're talking about the whims of individual states. this is my 1st point. my 2nd point is russia is a nuclear power, with the largest stock pot of strategic nuclear weapons on the planet. naturally, no one is threatening anyone, but you mentioned the remarks made by president polluted a few weeks ago. our country's nuclear deterrence forces were put on high alert. it was a simple message that any country that tries to interfere with russia's foreign policy would know what to expect. they heard us and said they wouldn't try anything like i suddenly hope this is help cooled down. some of the halter heads in poland and other u. s. satellites. still, they do occasionally come up with ridiculous ideas like closing the airspace over ukraine. luckily, they are cool headed and reasonable analysts at the pentagon and elsewhere who say this is absolutely out of the question. as it would lead to a direct military confrontation with russia. i think this will be enough for now, although we do have special document on nuclear deterrents which states explicitly the circumstances under which the russian federation has the right to use nuclear
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weapons. there are several such conditions. let me remind you of what they are. first is the launch of ballistic nuclear missiles to attack russian territory. second is the use of nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction by an adversary against russian territory or its allies. 3rd has to do with an attack on critical infrastructure resulting in the crippling of our nuclear deterrence forces . and finally, the fault is when an act of aggression is committed against the russian federation or his allies. whether the nuclear or conventional weapons which threatens the very existence of the state, all these conditions are listed in the document which was approved by the presence executive order. this testifies to our determination to uphold the independence and sovereignty of russia. let no one have even a slightest reason to doubt that we're capable of giving a proper response to any attack or encroachment on our country, his independence or his policies. but keep in mind that i'm saying all this because you asked the question. obviously opposition is that however complicated any situation must be approach using deborah magic tools. and in the case of ukraine,
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negotiations remain the most constructive and reasonable course of action. we realized that diplomacy did not always result in success, but this is still the right way to go. it was a discussion that have were what you just mentioned, something that terrifies every one of the planets, the prospect of a nuclear war and novice terry prostate is military confrontation between russia native in many ways these 2 scenarios are similar. in fact, than a one of the same, do you believe there is a race of such a war breaking out? would you compare the current situation to the cuban missile crisis when the well, it also seemed like it was t to an edge back than would refer to the standoff as the cold war. what would you call the current state of relations between russia and the collective westlaw lashania? i see clinton was of the ledger. nobody once wore a nuclear war, is a threat to the very existence of human civilization. in this sense. those analysts who say perhaps, somewhat cynically, that the invention of nuclear weapons has prevented a huge number of conflicts in the 20th and 21st century a right? this is true. so obviously there is always a threat as
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a former commander in chief on when aware of its scale. i'll people know that nate as nuclear weapons target facilities in this country. and i'll warheads aimed at targets in europe and the u. s. but that is life. we must always keep this in mind and act in a responsible manner as simple as that. as for the cuban missile crisis, obvious reasons, i don't have any personal memories. i know about it from history books, but i had a chance to talk to one of the witnesses, fidel castro, to day. we live in another reality in a different world. there is no soviet union, no warsaw pact, many illusions a gone lot of things and not in place anymore, but the lessons of the cuban missile crisis sank him pretty well back then. it had a sobering effect on everyone, including the leadership of the u. s. nato, the soviet union, and the warsaw pact. the world was living through a cold war then. but right now, the situation is somewhat worse in my view back than our opponents did not try to bring the situation, the soviet union to a boiling point. so aggressively true, the actions may have been disguised, but no sanctions were imposed on in ty,
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industries or agriculture, let alone personal sanctions. it never occurred to anybody to impose sanctions. they understood, of course, that it made no sense just they do now. but at least they had their brains not to do it then. now every one is in an awkward position. they've imposed sanctions, but it's still necessary to communicate if any, to prevent all sorts of undesirable consequences. including such terrible ones as say, a conflict between russia and nato is like every one is under sanctions. every one is on some kind of list. i signed the well known start 3 or start treaty with president obama. that treaty was extended by president putin and president biden. why make it so embarrassing? the treaties was signed, but it was done by individuals who are on the sanctions list. if the russian leadership were a responsible in this regard, you could probably say, if that's the way you treat us all, then that say good bye. there is a legal doc train which means that internal trait is a valid as long as the circumstances that give rise to them exists. those circumstances have disappeared. you're not treating us as counterparts anymore. the
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persons who signed the treaty are on your sanctions list. maybe it's time to pull out of it. i'm just trying to point out that these sanctions did not make any sense . they are absurd. this was not the case during the cold war. and it's a reality now that the relationship between the russian federation and the west u. s. lead anglo saxon civilize nation in the broad sense of the word, his probably in a worse state than in the 19 sixties and seventies. there is no doubt about that of the of chicago, so he's to go ahead if you could have now about the talks with ukraine, how would you assess the progress in to t? as in tom arrangements are still possible? how will these arrangements be guaranteed? it will, the west needs there, some kind of responsibility in this regard. once the special alteration is elva, given all the factors that we need to yell to conference to formalize, then you will. tilda, which is you say has ceased to be any paula? no, bingo is an unrewarding tossed comment on negotiations and it's wrong or talks needs silence. and it's not without reason that the sides in negotiating via video
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conference, almost daily. not in the face to face format that requires more time. this is why won't come until the talks on. i don't want to create problems for the negotiators or give ground to excessive hopes or emotional responses as such. comments on my part could generate if the goal of these talks is clear to solidify the results which the russian special operation pursues. in particular, the neutral status of a crane. it stay militarization and the repeal of the laws driven by nazi ideology which were introduced by the ukranian government by whatever they say about these laws. they effectively divide the people by the national identity theft, some occult people of the right nationality. others are practically excluded. and they also a number other goals. russia is seeking to achieve. ukraine is pursuing his own goals, of course, and hopes to achieve them in the course of the talks. thank clear, primarily retaining its sovereignty and securing for the development of the country . because as of the guarantees, the negotiated attains we implemented there are 2 types. first, there are guarantees provided by the signatories of the agreements in the long run,
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those who will sign the documents have the authority and responsibility to see the implementation. and secondly, there, it guarantees related to various international mechanisms. i will not overstate their importance here, of course, because there are a lot of agreements which was signed but not implemented. but in any case, this is better than legal uncertainty or repeated attempts by ukraine to read this way into nasa. no didn't create a direct threat at russia's borders in that respect, an agreement and the legal guarantees it provides a way better than no agreement. and this is the way to resolve the conflict. you mentioned the alta, i can any say that we'll be happy to welcome foreign delegations in the russian city of y'all's. if a talks, the palace that was used in the past for this purpose is not in ideal state, but it can still be used to accommodate guests. awesome dumpster will bring him. augustine. mr. met with f. one does not need to be fidel castro to fidel castro can't be replaced. he was unique to talk about the events of 1998. let me share my observations,
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review even people who were born after 1990. i keep asking me as a journalist, they seem to think that i am competent to answer this question. for you are competent journalists, know everything they know more than politicians. worship politi. thank you. so they keep asking me for going back to 1998 and they mentioned the default. we have avoided the default scenario for now as we were allowed to my payments of our sovereign debt. but still was that, do you remember 1998 personally it will. i remember that the rubel depreciated 4 times against us dollar though she okay was for a minute. i say yes, it's a memory that is not easily forgotten. you cannot step into the same river twice. i was not related to state governments back in 1998. and so everything through the lens of a common citizen, a businessman, if you like. but the russian state and society were much less protected back then more but i remember 2000 nights in 2009 very well when i personally had to tackle the financial crisis. oh, so have an excellent recollection of 2014 and all the years that followed when i
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had to address the issues that the chairman of the russian government, every crisis is unique in its way. in 2008, we created the g 20. they want to remove russia from the g 20 now, but i remember how it was born right in front of me. the decision to create the g. 20 was collab sauce. president bush participated then barack obama. everyone was delighted that representatives from so many different countries was sitting at the same table. russia at the us, china india. the g 20 was a format that was born from consensus based on your anonymity and now they suggest removing asked from gee 20 no guys, you can't do that. you asked us to join the g 7 to be the 8th member state. that's right, but it's different g 7 is your private club and if you don't want us to be part of it, we will go and we did. we were ushered out. but this club is not important any longer . the g 20 is a different story. it was the g 20 that helped us out of the 2009 financial crisis
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. why am i talking about this right now? because the situation we're in is different. back then, all of us were trying to overcome the global financial crisis caused by the financial bubble in the united states of america. a common goal was to stand against it. and we achieve that goal by the way, with varying degrees of success. but we pulled the russian and global economy out of that crisis in a relatively short period of time, was happening now, however, is an economic war that the west declared against russia to quote, a french minister, they declared an economic war against russia. and they're trying to waste this war without rules. why did you ask boss? i didn't get a chance to answer. what's written on the banners of any capitalist society, any market economy ought to respect for private property rights. this is sacred, the world may perish, but justice will prevail. everything my parish, but private property will remain. and what are they doing there? blocking the assets of our financial institutions, even the central bank, they even talk about confiscating these assets. i. e, nationalizing them, listen,
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this is a real war without rules. what will be the consequences of this wall destruction of the whole global economic order? this is an attack on the economic values of our planet. ironically, these values were 1st formed in europe and the united states of america in our country. and later, at the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century in asian countries as well. now we see how the founding principles of the market economy. it being rejected. what can we say then? if i don't value these principles, let them do whatever they plan to do. but naturally, this will force russia to respond with symmetric measures. but on the other hand, this new challenge and our reaction that must follow could be very effective. i've said it many times before and this is true. had sanctions not been imposed on brush in 2014, we would have had a worse situation in the agriculture right now. everybody understands it. well, we stop that imports and our food security is at a very high level. i hope that even in this situation,
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our colleagues in the government will be able to find adequate solutions that would foster the development of our industry, including aircraft engineering, automotive industry. and the key sectors, like micro electronics and i t will have to deal with these issues anyway with yes, it will be hard to now. but on the other hand, there is no one else we can count on this time. we will have to do everything ourselves. use them, wasn't that which he version and let's move to their input this year around a clean the west. cessna will cut us off everything that they can't cut themselves off from al gas and oil, simply because it will backfire, they would freeze. they will now try to use less energy and come up with new proposals. nevertheless, they have so far refrained from sanctions against our oil and gas, but going forward, they say they would like to stop using gas in oil from russia. how realistic is it? should we just sit and wait for that to happen? rather, take some action from you. the russian president announced to move to the russian rouble as the settlement currency. how will it work out? what will it looks like in practice with it is over them?
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no. well, let them buy it as long as they want. no one wants to lose money, right? this is all bravado and chest beating. well, it could work for the u. s. since they have an array of suppliers, they are isolated from europe. they are not so dependent on our deliveries. the u. s. is panda oil, though it hasn't gone that well, americans will keep reminding president biden about the price of the gallon. crane is very far away in gasoline prices. somewhere in the middle east. i had a record high right now, inflation is 10 percent, is a mind blowing number for the u. s. l. so this decision will hold the u. s. administration. it's consumers will say a big thank you for what their government is doing in their domestic economy. as a side effect of attempts to sway the russians. a rural, i'm philosophical about it. it's unnatural wealth. it's our gas and oil. we have to trade it with europeans, with asia. generally, there has been a global energy shift every 5070 years, but i do not know what will be the main energy source in 2015 hydrogen or any other technology. i simply do not know. so we have to prepare for that as well,
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both. but right now this is a significant part of our income and we have to get the full compensation for it. suddenly we're looking at asian markets in the current environment and figuring out ways to diversify our supplies. sure. of our european friends appeared to be in a big hurry to give up oil and gas supplies, russia. but in reality, it's a very challenging task. 40 percent that gas applies come from russia. russian oil accounts for about one 3rd of their impulse, but in any case is up to them. if they want to get rid of it, they will. the only question is when that's something that we also need to respond to, okay. as for present proteins, decision to switch to rubel settlements, i think is a pretty obvious move. they shut down the corresponding accounts for off commercial banks made settlement in dollars and euro's impossible and disconnected the banks on the sanctions less from swift valley. some of them. what did they think we were going to do with the only legal tend to in the russian federation is the rubel. so it's a simple offer. since there's no other way you have to pay in rubles, i let them find a way to pay what anyway, consultations are underway. we'll see how it works out. fact, but it was
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a very intuitive decision. as though nickname, while logan struck us as one magnolia team, americans are russian to bury it. and they are rushing the though it. but i was interested in a really cool to hank of metal using some peculiar words to describe that to think this project still has some patel. so if we talk about the infrastructure, how long will it change shape without been used to service without pumping gas near with the vehicle? that absolutely changed code is that those can well in if so if i'm not an expert on the subject, i can't assess that your ability of the node stream infrastructure, i'm sure it's durable, but i don't know the degree we're not talking about months obviously if as far as large scale economic projects go, i tend to be optimistic despite our current circumstances and the emotionally charged context that we're dealing with when passions run high, the thing is there certain laws that can't be ignored, even if our friends are trying to violate them, right? now, there have been significant financial investments this very important and beneficial project. profitable for all partners, get conflicts come and go,
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but the economy and money stays. i think the nurturing to project has a good future. it will happen if our partners decide to start using their heads at some point and remember that they have taxpayers and voters to answer to that there are certain social obligations they have to fulfill. their responsibility is not simply to russia him, but esl of key problem is in their economy. they need to think about helping their own people, making sure that their tax payers utility bills and not through the roof. and i have to say this shit though, what happened right after they made their decision concerning your stream to what we said would happen. utility bills went up to unprecedented levels as high as 2000 euros in some instances. yes. let me remind you just recently, a few years ago we talked about pipeline gas up. we're not the spot market. however, anything over $400.00 to $500.00 or euros seemed like an outrageous prices. and now we see these numbers. is it a good situation? of course not. that's why i tend to be cautiously optimistic of when we talk about this. what the mobile is, his vision of. he wished it does up digital currency. western companies returning
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to rush had some plans, muscles, a leduvo hood shuttles. but of course we will, it's only a question of when they'll return and what it'll cost in terms of losses. you see russia is a fairly large market, some say a premium market. so if they're willing to lose a share of their income, it's up to them we can do without. and but the thing is they don't want to lose it because they keep telling us that they're waiting and hoping for a peaceful resolution. the conflict and ukraine, and they keep asking us not to take over or appoint external management or nationalize their operations because they want to return. i think one of the press secretaries either the united states or another country said that the administration had nothing to do with this decision made by major businesses. that it was saudi, their own decision, their civic position that they put their heads and their news of their own will. they wanted to keep up this market more. my say they need to recall marks. marks explains very well that capital will never forego a chance to increase profit. this means that unless they were under tremendous pressure from their own government,
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i mean the governments of the west of none of these companies would ever think of giving up russia as a market. this was a political decision. when political decisions haven't expiry, date economy is on the other hand, perpetual lawmaker williams muslim, most recently hooked with got a couple of philosophical questions left please. thanks is it. so the sanctions have been applied to put pressure on every sector alchemy. it feels as if now in contrast to the situation when the soviet union put out the iron curtain to shut itself off from the west of its own whale rush has been forced to put that could not and become so to the new north. korea is like people don't want it. no one wants it, but the big powerful machine is already working and someone is pushing the badness . i'm saying is like north korea because north korea was buried under the sanctions, almost like uber, where people still drive cars made in the 196 says, so maybe someone wants russians to start going through scrap metal in the fair in olds approach. it's hard to drive them g. look here. what a shame that i sold mine. i used to ownership julie car from the 1980s. i guess i
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could use it now. but get yours. think of a letter yesterday. that was probably the idea. so what do you think has a worst case scenario? could this kind of thing happen in russia booked? it was a slightly like nobleman. i think everyone understands that it can't. even though in the course of this interview, i did question the intellectual abilities of the people who come up with all these sang against russia. i must say there are different people that and some realize very well what's going on here. you see, all of them understand that with all june utmost respect to our friends in cuba and the democratic people's republic of korea. russia is no. cuba and no north korea. russia is russia, the world's largest country, a permanent member of the un security council, a huge economy, and a nuclear power, which is why all these ideas that russia can't be curbs, like cube, or north korea once were. and that it could just be kept that way. don't have a leg to stand on it. it's impossible. it's just utterly impossible. even if some in the political circles and a leads of the west would want it that way. yes,
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there are obviously challenges and we'll have to overcome them. unfortunate. they exist, both are the governments and every day level. still it's nothing new for us and it's not catastrophic. it pales in comparison to the hardships that our country had to go through in the 20th century. i tell you what is not even in the same league with the problems we face during the corona virus pandemic back them. we rarely felt uneasy from time to time because we had no idea how this virus would behave regardless of where it came from. could it kill off most of humanity? like in some sy, fi books back then things were much more tense. i'd say the tragedy of course, is that the virus caused so many deaths. the other one, but this is a different story and there can be no illusions here. they trying to put us into the rogue nation or rogue country catch a great. as for it said to margie, i think it was reagan who came up with that term. the russian translation for it is outcast. but rogue is actually crisis in meaning to outlaw. in fact, as the u. s. as the rogue nation here is not because we don't like americans his
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because the u. s. is constantly launching, was a conquest across the world. they are the outcast and the outlaws. that was way there sort of when he is going with the south of thinking that was vicious. let's go back to the very 1st question that he asked at heels like we divided loyalty divided into asian europe, boise, call it to the collective west. what's russia's place? in this, a coin is pretty much the with russia has its own place. this place is preordained by history. and god, if you see it that way, you, russia, is russia. russia has its own future, its own position, its own pride, its own strength, its own capabilities, its own issues were not simply next to someone with separate and unique were a big, important, and amazing country. i got a scholarly issue ah ah, ah,
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that you for that reason yet, did you buy the walks and yet this ah, ah crazy joe biden says those are w m d f dot m a not in the ukraine. well, he would know, of course, because post flags are an american speciality, one of the last remaining american specialities all the way from the go for don't came in vietnam through the iraq war all the way to syria. the stars and stripes are lucky force flag. and then the week where mr and mrs. julie and i said,
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ah l look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except where said shorter is it conflict with the 1st law? show your identification. we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. at the point obviously is to grapes trust, or rather than fear lighting on various jobs with artificial intelligence. real summoning with
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