tv News RT March 28, 2022 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT
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ah ah, washington scrambles for a damage control after another immediate bomb shell by president biden to suggest the us is seeking to topple law them here. also add on the program concerns mileage over alleged war crimes by clear. after on verified video, emerges on line, claiming to show ukrainian forces shooting and beating russian prisoners of war. russian foreign minister, a surrogate love. ralph says western countries are preaching from an orthor, a tarion position while lecturing others but equality. this community of democracy in the form of the united states ne, 2 and the european union is in relation to other representatives of the world
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community, an open autocracy, if not a dictatorship ah, mid day in toronto, midnight in shanghai, and 7 in the evening. here in moscow, welcome to the news updates on our t. let's start by recapping the main events in the ukraine conflict. the nets republic forces have raised their flag over the administration building in the embattled city of mario both. while the russian defense ministry say's its offensive is going according to plan with the 1st phase of objectives completed. the m o t also say's almost the entire republic of luke guns, guns over half of that done yet for repub, are now under control of russia or proved russian forces. also this week we'll see a new round of talks between russia and ukraine hosted by turkey.
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he didn't really mean it. thus the latest message from washington after president joe biden answer the reporter's question by stating, loving putin cannot remain in power. biden's administration is not trying to clean up his media golf, saying the u. s. president is not actually calling for regime change in russia. i think president the white house made the point last night that quite simply present prudent cannot be empowered to wage war or engage in aggression against ukraine or anyone else. as you know. and as you've heard of say, repeatedly, we do not have a strategy of regime change in russia or anywhere else for that matter. let the president had spent the day visiting with ukrainian refugees. and the moment i think that was a principal human reaction to the stories that he has had that day. blessed i will
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deeper into the story of ortiz, kill up my pen, either killer. it does appear, joe biden, us for the white house to go into damage control mode. again. yes, they seem to be backtracking as joe biden seems to be repeating this claim that he wants to overthrow the russian government and topple the russian leader on their back tracking once again, quite a lack of clarity on a rather serious matter. and it's not the 1st time biden has made such comments. this is biden's speaking earlier for god's sake. this man cannot remain power. so it appears biden who's calling for the ouster of the russian president. but then now we have the white house once again, back tracking said that is not the u. s. policy. ready states is not pursuing a policy of regime trains in russia, and it appears that joe biden is often quite unclear what he needs and is saying,
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not exactly what represents us policy when it comes to dealing with russia. here's another instance where his words are not clear. you know, let him report you think he's a killer. who do so, what price must he pay? the price is going to pay. well, you'll see shortly. present by regret calling, bottom recruitment mckellar. know that the president gave a direct answer to a direct question. so that's the, you know, the year's work. now, these kinds of words are not a joking matter. i mean, this is a very serious issue with the united states is indeed pursuing the overthrow of the russian government, or if it's simply disapproves of the action, the russian leader. why did difference when it comes to those words?
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and joe biden is the head of state of the united states. he is the president, and his words are supposed to reflect the actual policy and intentions of the united states. now the reaction of european leaders, including the leaders of nato countries, to jo biden's workers, which now the white house is backtracking and says, he doesn't mean their reaction has been rather strong as the implications are quite big years. some of the international reaction bottle of wood you can, i wouldn't use this kind of words. if we want to do this, we mustn't escalate neither with words nor with action needed. how help for otherwise was the us president joe button, seeming to call, seeming over raging change in russia on saturday, but then rowing back in washington yesterday, 2nd one, by the way, things come not helpful to say something to ro back fixing to say probus reasons. now at home, jo biden's approval ratings are sinking with the rising price of gasoline and the
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rising price of food academic difficulties there is rising opposition to joe biden . at home, he has a very, very low approval rating among the us public and internationally. the reaction to his words is quite negative. many in the international community really want the conflict in ukraine to be resolved. they want to see the situation where you have refugees leaving the country and you have, you know, people suffering and ongoing fighting. they want to see it brought to an end, they want to see these fire and into hostilities. but joe biden seems to be pouring gasoline onto the fire, basically indicating that he believes us policy should be to topple the russian government. that's not going to bring peace or cooperation or understanding between countries. so many are looking at the biden administration and saying needs to be clear about what its intentions are. it needs to not say one thing and then backtrack on it the next day. and on top of that, maybe it should be focusing on solving some of the big problems at home rather than
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trying to stoke up international tension with unwise and on diplomatic language such as the president's been using, taking us through that story, our t. corresponding kil, above been authorities from the done yet people's republic camp released footage allegedly showing ukrainian forces shooting and beating russian prisoners of war. we won't show the disturbing video just some heavily redacted slides, as it betrays bone soldiers lying on the ground with multiple bullet wounds to their legs. one others have broken bones. the head of rushes, investigative committee has ordered. unimed vested ation into the instant ukrainian officials gave this comment to her to be sure to know about it soon. i remind everyone that abusing prisoners of war is a war crime that does not carry amnesty on their international law and does not have an institute of limitations. we are a european army over european country. we treat prisoners according to the geneva convention,
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no matter what your personal emotional motives may be. but earlier policy or told me more about the contents of the disturbing footage as well as the reaction to the video. it's very gruesome footage, it's almost 6 minutes. i had a look at it earlier and it really is very upsetting. now you can hear in the background ukrainian soldiers saying that they have captured a russian recognizance group. it seems to have happened around 20 miles from the russian border in the region of hoc. if you see in the video, russian prisoners of war who are lying on the ground, their hands are tied. they have multiple looks like stab wounds on their bodies at the same time. they've been heavily beaten and they are being interrogated by men with blue on bands, which obviously shows you that they belong to the ukrainian military, but possibly also to some of the nazi groups. if we've been highlighting, you also then see 3 prisoners of war being ordered out of a van, and then at close range, they are shot in the legs. now we are receiving reports that some of those in the
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video did die during this whole interrogation. in terms of the reaction, we've had a different reaction from 2 different apartments in ukraine. the ukranian government itself has expressed alarm, saying it's going to launch an investigation and that as a european country, it knows its army doesn't behave like this. but there was a request that was also sent to the ukrainian defense ministry, and they did not specifically refer to this incident. but they did say that there were instances in the past where they blamed essentially russia for staging. things like this way, you see russian soldiers on the ground and ukrainians, mistreating those soldiers. now a number of channels, not any owls, have chosen not to show the footage because it is so crucial. but of course, this had to stop journalists from having a conversation that really needs to happen. ukrainian soldiers shoot to russian prisoners of war in the legs and film themselves doing it. video below shows about 6 other russian soldiers with similar wounds without question. it's
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a war crime and nothing to justify it. even if it is not what we would like to report, it still has to be reported. if war crimes don't disturb you, because they're against russians, think about how the soldiers who are willing to shoot an arm prisoners might be willing to treat ukrainian civilians. the videos appear to be true. brushing prisoners of war are being shot in the leg by ukrainian soldiers, and some might die post shot. now obviously we've received a lot of reaction from users as well. just looking at the extensive chinese online reaction. you've had people saying things like the ukranian forces really need to be destroyed, that they haven't seen any video. lexus with russians mocking ukrainian prisoners of war. the ukrainians are behaving that project. denise did in changing. and ukrainian army is nothing sort of behaving the way isis behaved. a lot of reaction that one of the kremlin one of these and almost immediately muslim stated, was launching a poke to what it described as extreme cruelty. we have heard from
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a criminal spokesperson, who has said that they will be starting all the fax off to which they would want to know that the people who participated in these tortures are persecution and are punished. we'll pull it brings up and the point of international law. hi, mike. this alleged treatment of the capture soldiers be seen in terms of that will certainly violation of international law. you already have human rights watch that in the past has, has still questions and expressed alarm to the creating government in terms of the hundreds of thousands of videos that are being uploaded that seem to intimidate russian soldiers. of course, as a breach of the geneva convention, we're talks about cheating. so treating prisoners of war with dignity and not putting them at risk of being able to identify them or they families. you have videos in the past, not just like this, but you have, we, individuals are being named with their families will be named where the identities are being given. where you, you see the soldiers being humiliated. you see the soldiers being punished back on
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march the 10th human rights watch fainter quest to the ukrainian government because of it was so concerned about these videos. and on march the 16th, if it's still not received a response, but we can take a look at that. such treatment of prisoners of war violates protections under the geneva conventions intended to ensure dignified treatment of captured competence on all sides. they make clear that prisoners of war must be treated humanely in all circumstances and protected against any act of violence as well as against intimidation, insults, and public curiosity. all international committee for the where cross as also come out to an expressed concern over what it says is particularly the identification of individual prisoners in such videos. paula slayer will let's welcome on to the program now done, collect dom teachers to international human rights at the university of pittsburgh and is very welcome to the program done. human rights watch had previously warned ukraine on the torture of russian soldiers. yet it appears to have continued. why
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do you think such actions haven't received more international coverage and condemnation? well, i think we know i, because certainly in the west the media is trying very hard to maintain the narrative of the russians bad ukrainians. good. we have to send arms to the ukrainians in this conflict, maybe even set up a no fly zone. and to the extent ukrainian soldiers are violating the geneva conventions, obviously that undermined this narrative. so they're basically ignoring it. the ukranian presidents, advisor has said the alleged incident may have been a war crime, but then you had ukraine's top military commander claiming in a video that's the video that people are watching was in fact staged. why such mixed messages then from here? well again, i mean, 1st of all, i think that the government in kiev or the leadership in kiev is probably divided.
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you do have these altro right groups, neo nazi groups that have a significant influence in the military and government. and they may have a different agenda than zalinski and others around him. so you're gonna hear different messages certainly. um, but in any case the goals going to be to try to sweep this under the rug. i'm sure from the ukrainians perspective, it's with been watched by a lot of people to be interesting say how that would work though. and you mentioned the geneva conventions done your thoughts and how this case may relate to those conventions on war. it because they were adopted back in the forty's, higher. relevant, are they to today's realities other tremendous, irrelevant. i mean, the truth is in war, they tend to be honored mostly in the breach, as a practical matter. but they are still very much in an in force. and in fact,
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you can even go back to the hague convention of 19 o 7, you know, for so for over a century the community of nations is agreed on many things, including that civilians need to be protected during war. and also the prisoners of war have to be treated with respect and decency. so, you know, there's been very few countries in the world if any, that disagree with this. and i think, you know, it, it is still has as the power of law and moral suasion as well, a ukrainian prisoners. and they're known to have been treated quite differently by the russian military. you had the president of the country, president putin, specifically ordering prisoners to be treated with dignity on respect. it's just interesting done that you have a situation where people in the west who, who preached democracy and equality and all that. this seemingly is not an issue that they want to, to talk about that it's just doesn't fit the normative,
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but you can only do that so many times before people are going to say, well, hold on a minute. torture is torture? no. well, i'd like to say that that's correct, that people would take their consistent position, but sadly we see it over and over again that when it comes to human rights, there is definitely an opportunistic use of the human rights doctrine to try to punish the enemies of of the west and the u. s. while basically ignoring the human rights abuses of our friends, like for example, saudi arabia ah, how it treats its own people and how it's treating horribly the people in yemen is just one example. those things tend to be ignored while we highlight the abuses of, of our adversaries and sadly, i don't see that changing any time soon, but we have to fight for that type of. 2 consistency and now human rights is treated down many thanks for your time today. as all was done, conflict international human rights specialist. thank you. no, danielle,
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scott military troops have raised their flag over the local administration headquarters in the city of morrow. you pulled intense fighting continues thereafter, a month of relentless efforts by russian led forces against ukrainian troops to secure the key port city once more. insight that done yet people's republic. modern people was occupied in 2014 by ukrainian forces during their crack done on separatists and don bass. at least half of the city has no reportedly been cleared . while in the ukrainian capital locals have been covering some of their st. monuments with some bikes to protect them from shelling p as on high alerts with heavy fighting, reportedly ongoing, just kilometers away. in western ukraine, meanwhile, near the city of loose, an oil storage facility has gone off in flames. after a reported russian or strike, firefighters were seen battling the flames, there's been no statements on any casualties as yet. russian officials previously
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said they would target science used by the ukrainian military for its operations, including fuel temples. and of course, something which we have been talking about, civilian infrastructure, bearing the brunt of the war here again, people from this village inside that the netscape people's republic. among those caught in the crossfire russian lead troops south taken control of the area which remains heavily contested. by retreating, ukrainian forces civilians have been provided with food and shelter with the new military focuses on removing ukrainian landmines from nearby roads. some of the locals told us it's been a daily battle just trying to survive till 4 of us old women were sitting there and then the sharing began. we heard explosions inside the house and all around us. we didn't know where to hide, my gosh. it's also horrible. another news line to update you on turkey has stepped in to try and mediate
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a cease fire in ukraine delegations from moscow cable sit down for talks in this stumble at this week. ahead of the latest round of what sure to be difficult negotiations. president lensky, maintain that he is not prepared to give up any ukraine's territory or sovereignty . while adding that he wants peace on the restoration of normal life as soon as possible. well as fighting continues inside ukraine or correspondence from the front lines, bringing new exclusive footage, including these pictures of wounded russian troops being transported back to field hospitals, where medics are working around the clock to treat an influx of casualties. ortiz eager should've sent the following back to us. moscow and keys are pulling no punches in the ukraine conflict. all weapons shoot of the nuclear options seem to be on the table, and it is taking a human tool. russia's latest official statistics on manpower losses standard more than $1300.00 dead, and almost 3 times as many wounded. so right now we are at
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a russian field hospital. it's in the back of the cave in front. it's very large installation out in the field and a well right now the several surgeries going on this soldier. well, he was wounded by a mine. so his right arm is right now being operated on by this doctor. he can see they are talking to each other, consulting about something he's out, or he has received anesthesia. and basically there are several more patients in here right now. so after this man receives the 1st treatment, he will be evacuated back to russia. overthrow fill of the victim has an injury caused by a mind, blast, shrapnel in his shoulder, causing vascular damage to muscles and soft tissue. we will try to stabilize him and send him to the next stage of evacuation from an extra machine to a mobile lab. this facility is no proper hospital but is equipped just enough to
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save people's lives and limbs, silica. we have all medications we need to. we have been provided with everything and our patients receive all the necessary help. here patients are safe, but many things can go of roy as they are evacuated across hostile territory. so this vehicle it was created here. it's sort of a makeshift armored while vehicle armored car that is used to well evacuate those wounded are on the battlefield. so you can see that of all the markings that it bears. it only has a letter re no red cross because multiple will evac drivers and medics have told us that anything marked with a red cross. well, assess, slade becomes the 1st target. you can sneak a peak inside. this is what it looks like. and basically it can transport up to 12 people at the same time, if you will have called before with my help with the transportation of personnel, of patients and with their evacuation. when i spend many hours driving, as soon as
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a car comes in, i drive, i feel responsible, a person's life depends on me. and sometimes i have to drive really fast. for those who pass through this hospital, the fighting's over, they will go home to recover. those who remain on the front line will continue their fight as battles in the country until their 2nd month august dawn of ot see in an interview to serbian media circle of roles has expressed shock at the level of risk of phobia in the west and mid events in ukraine, the russian foreign minister also reiterated that russia's priorities for the new run of peace talks, are securing the safety of don bos, residents on the demilitarization of ukraine. we are busily, we must make sure that the people have done boss will never again suffer the hands of the key for gene. we must make sure that the west and native stop trying to acquire ukraine as
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a physical and military threat against russia. so the ukraine says us to be a country that is constantly militarized, and where the rad temps to place a fess of weapons to threaten russia. we need to stop efforts in ukraine to encourage new knots, ideology and practices. both the demilitarization and d notification of ukraine are essential elements of the agreements that we are seeking use the stored but as you are, the thing that struck me at the current stage was an unprecedented surge. i would even say an explosion of a cargurus, a phobia which awoke in almost all western states and which the leaders of the states are actively encouraging and fueling such an obsession which has swept almost all european countries in relation to everything. russian beat, culture, art, education, or just towards russian citizens, of course, struck me because it opened up the essence of this archaic rose, a phobia, which it turns out has been around for a very long time. because it is impossible to awaken such feelings in just one day
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. so it means they were being carefully hidden. was most german energy companies averaging. it rushes request to pay for gas in ports in roubles, chancellor, olaf schultz has said the remarks come after moscow demanded unfriendly state switch payments to the russian currency. differently, most german buyers of russian gas will continue to pay for it. in euro's, in accordance with the currency fixed in their contracts are done in bad. well, as of now, russian gas accounts for about 40 percent of the used gas imports in response to moscow's military action in ukraine. the block announced its intention to slash its dependence on russian energy. it's already signed a deal on liquefied natural gas with the us. the russian request for rouble payments has been dismissed by most european states, as quote blackmail, or a breach of contract. russia though, looks pretty adamant to get its way as it stands. you see,
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if your app refuses to pay in rebels, what actions will russia taking william, we will be dealing with the issues as they arise. i me under these circumstances. how real is this scenario that we will whole gas supplies for sure, we will not be delivering the fuel for free. it's absolutely certain right now it's hardly feasible to engage in charity towards europe. when europe has been struggling to find substitute suppliers with some countries holding talks with gulf states in an attempt to diversify their energy sources. those seen as an alternative, the region hasn't risen to the occasion, at least for the u. e. z energy minister in this latest statements question, the prospect of squeezing ard, russian supplies, stressing their essential role on the energy market. let's pick through some of that with the borg resides on political analyst and associate professor moscow's financial university. welcome to you. so there you have a keyboard,
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european gas importers, and g 7 countries rejecting russia's request, while mosque was obviously not going to export the fuel for free. where does that leave things as you see it? well, that leaves us scenarios. first of all, a europe might stop buying crash and guess you see europe in countries during the last several weeks, they were talking, we are going to stop by and crush and gas. we don't need trash and gas. so let's check out. how's it going to it is it goes to know. the 2nd one is made big morelli stick. europe continue to buy rush from gas, but not with rivals. i mean, if europe will start buying it because it means that europe will cancel it own sanctions against fashion uniforms, wides through mediators. so companies from other states may be turkey and maybe
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someone else who will be a body of good cho, buyer of ash and gas. and then they're just 8 ah, 2 european countries again, be a good jo procedure make on their own paper. very interesting. yeah. a concise brit on there for us. those though who resist a new method of payment sites, the terms of existing contracts, the deal that they did is the refusal justified in that regard? well, you see is, are maybe i thing because most of the contracts are closed. i think that lot of contrast because the point that all the payments must be in euro's, but the 1st mature issue in all of the context. and this is a situation of course, mature when the ration money frozen, when any operations with euros and door to
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russia, ah, may be, is that danger of being frozen? and in this situation, the rock ration company, i mean, got bronchitis. all right? not to take euro payments for it's guess as i think so, and i things as a lawyers of gus promising. so also, and again, if you are old doesn't agree to this change of contract according to post march or issue, it can just show away the contract and find got some wealth. what did you make all the rushes, the man, the overall picture for gas payments and rubles when you heard it? and as an aside about how unprecedented is this move if it's unprecedented move, it means that russia, it's part of our shows, new foreign policy. you see russia is trying to do every think according to
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international long, but in the meantime, russia done don't feel obliged to a consent with international ruth. i mean, for example, international rule is that all, almost all payments for gas and oil must be in dollars or euro. but it's just a rule. it's not a law. and russia doesn't feel so obliged to do according to this law. it's some kind it's, it's an answer on international western sanctions. and so, and that's the answer like this. for example, when they're asked to wait inaudible slates, wheat or call or something else. this is function is a game when in which to come play and people are just finally then gave for g. i know you don't have a crystal ball,
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but how long do you think this will take to sort out several months? maybe until my and i'm sure that after this to show appreciation ukraine will be over. one of the sanctions, not all, but most of the sanctions will be put away, including the oil and gas if you include in quite issues with that. because all of the sanctions olds is huge amount of sanctions that have just one meaning one goal to force. but as i'm going to stop this operation without reaching to the end and then mr. mr. port, and we'll continue this. if you continue this direction, if he'll make an end of it for you also goals, we crash and disappear ration well. and then you have a minimization of production says west or right. we wait and see what happens in the next.
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